Up Ladybug - Tenebrae_Vesper - Miraculous Ladybug [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: The Butterfly

Chapter Text

Entry 0

The Butterfly

''Up ladybug, never doubt, 'til we find one way, forever. Up ladybug, got a goal, we'll be fine some day, together.''

Up Ladybug by Noam Kaniel (Miraculous Ladybug PV)


Dark clouds passed over the night sky, swirling ominously as the wind blew across the City of Lights. The residents of Paris, stunned by this strange phenomenon, either stood on the streets, mesmerized, or had already taken cover in their homes, observing the sky in fear and anticipation.

A magnificent butterfly had formed on the sky, shimmering in the colours of the rainbow and illuminating the city, sparks of light tracing across its outlines. Still, despite the breathtaking sight, this butterfly was the sign of something sinister, an omen looming over the city and its residents.

While many sought shelter, one person was undeterred by the butterfly omen. She was standing on the rooftop of a building, right in front of the butterfly, her long red hair ribbons billowing in the wind. Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the mission at hand. She knew that this would be the final confrontation, that her enemy would go all out this time. The safety of her loved ones fell on her shoulders.

Her heart started to race when she heard footsteps behind her and smiled. She relaxed a little, aware that it was just her partner, letting her know that she wouldn't be alone in this fight.

''It seems like Papillon had decided to finally show himself,'' Chat Noir said in a concerned tone, his hands on his hips and his tail belt billowing behind him, observing the butterfly omen. ''This will be a rough fight, Ladybug.''

Suddenly, sparks of fire started to fly from below them as a strong wind blew at them. The two looked down as a giant airship flew up, bearing the same butterfly symbol that had haunted them since the very start of their journey. It wasn't the only one, as several other airships took off in the distance. Pillars of blueish-green and purple light energy exploded from the ground and into the air, damaging the surrounding structures and buildings.

The duo knew that the man behind haunting sight was in one of those airships, waiting patiently for them and observing the destruction he had caused. They knew that Papillon would make sure that they got the message – they would either surrender, or perish alongside everyone else who dared to oppose him.

It was a daunting task, but they weren't afraid. They had their ups and downs, their own challenges and demons they had confronted and managed to overcome. They haven't chosen to become superheroes, but in the end, they embraced their new lives. Despite the issues they had, despite the mistakes they made, they knew that they could trust each other.

They were in this together.

''Papillon may be a formidable opponent, Chat Noir, but I know that we will defeat him,'' Ladybug said, smiling as she glanced at her partner. Chat Noir nodded confidently and the two looked back at the airship. ''We will find a way to end this battle, together.''

Chapter 2: A Miraculous Tale


Thank you for the support folks!

Now, before I move on with the story, I need to lay down some information regarding the recurring civilian characters. During the 2D era, the concept of a superhero team, known as the Quantic Kids, was brought up, but eventually scrapped. Aside from Ladybug and Chat Noir, the other teammates would've been Melodie, Kid Mime, Mercury, Sparrow (who was replaced by Kid Mime) and Gavroche. So far, the only ones who appeared in canon were Sparrow and Mercury (cameo), while the rest of the Quantic Kids are more or less fanon characters.

For this story, I decided to make their civilian identities Bridgette's friends, those being Allegra (Melodie), Claude (Kid Mime) and Allan (Mercury). Another recurring civilian and friend of Bridgette's would be my OC Sophie Renard, who is based on the concept version of Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge, and Amber Bourgeois, who is not only the concept version of Chloé Bourgeois/Queen Bee, but also a hoax character created during the time when people speculated who would be the Bee Miraculous holder. Now, I don't think I will give the Quantic Kids their super powers, as this story focuses on the PV!Concept, which appeared pre-Quantic Kids era, but I might leave some references to their powers here and there.

Another thing to note is that, in this story, the only Miraculous that exist are the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous, meaning that other Miraculous, such as the Butterfly Miraculous, won't appear. Furthermore, Tikki and Plagg are the Kwamis of Fortune and Misfortune rather than Creation and Destruction. This also means that Ladybug and Chat Noir don't have access to Lucky Charm/Miraculous Ladybug and Cataclysm, also leading to a different combat style. As for Papillon, you will have to wait for another chapter to get an explanation on how the Akuma would work in this universe. In addition, the transformation described in this chapter, it is a mix of the PV!Ladybug transformation and the early 3D!Ladybug prototype transformation, the one where she ends looking down from the rooftop during night.

This entry is mostly an introduction that focuses on Bridgette and her origin story as Ladybug (with more PV!Trailer scenes), as well as her encounter with the person I'd describe as the main antagonist, as he affects her on a much personal level that any other villain character in this story. On the other hand, what can one expect from someone that his own creator described as ''...mysterious and evil... I couldn't imagine why she'd love someone like him,...''

Well, I can imagine why and I'm here to tell his story.

Enjoy the chapter! ;3

Chapter Text

Entry 1

A Miraculous Tale

''Trapped me in your lies...''

Never Lose by Ace Attorney


''Where is it?''

Bridgette Cheng muttered under her breath as she looked around on her table for the letter she had written the evening before. She made sure she would leave it on the table, in plain sight, but somehow, the latter had vanished and she had to hurry up and find it or she would be late for school. She dove under the table, wondering if it had possibly fallen under it when she prepared herself for school. To her luck, it did and she managed to grab it. Unfortunately, as she attempted to got up, she hit her head on the table, letting out a cry of pain.

''Oww…'' Bridgette rubbed the back of her head, but quickly composed herself, smiling in excitement. Even a little mishap like this couldn't stop her from feeling glad that she managed to find the letter. She grabbed her dark red backpack, which had two orange flower prints on it, and stuffed the letter into it. Then, she took a brief look at herself in the mirror, just to make sure once again that she was ready for the day.

Her long dark blue hair, which included an ahoge, was tied back into two pigtails. She was wearing a white blouse with a button-up top, a black three-quarter-length blazer, blue jean shorts with folded ends and brown shoes. She felt quite content with her outfit of choice, her bluebell eyes lighting up in excitement. She then hurried to the trapdoor that led to her room and down the stairs, flinching briefly when she heard it slam down.

She then passed the kitchen and living room area, rushing down two flights of stairs before finally reaching a hallway that led to the tea shop, below the apartment. The tea shop, called Dynastie du Lóng, was managed by elderly woman, around the same height as Bridgette, with short black hair and dark eyes, and dressed in a blue blouse, black pants and flats.

''Hi, Gran Mei!'' Bridgette greeted her grandmother, leaning over the counter and almost knocking over the cup that was on it. She managed to catch it before it fell over, breathing a sigh of relief and placing it back on the counter. Mei Cheng, on the other hand, just sighed in exasperation over her granddaughter's antics. Bridgette gave her a sheepish smile. ''Don't worry, I'm fine.''

''I hope that the reason for your rush is because you're dealing with some kind of life-or-death situation,'' Mei told her.

''I think it depends on what either of us think is a life-or-death situation,'' Bridgette replied vaguely, shrugging. Mei rose an eyebrow, but decided not to comment further, having already a feeling that it was something she probably didn't want to be involved into.

''Anyways, I wanted to tell you that I had planned to clean out the closet in my room and I wondered whether you would like to take a look at the stuff that is there. Frankly, I wanted to get rid off everything, but I thought you might find something of interest in that mess,'' she said.

''Sure,'' Bridgette replied, walking over to the door and checking the time on her smartphone. ''I'll take a look at it after school. Bye!''

''Bridgette, wait-'' Mei called after her granddaughter, but Bridgette already left, rushing towards the school. She sighed, adding in a flat tone, ''You forgot your umbrella.''

She had seen the weather report this morning announcing that there would be a rainstorm around noon and hoped to remind her granddaughter to bring an umbrella to school before she left, but it was obvious that Bridgette's head was already in the clouds, with her, as usual, not paying attention. She could only hope that Bridgette would have the foresight to ask a friend of hers who had an umbrella or a ride home to come with them.


Bridgette ran through the streets towards her school, having to briefly skid to a halt when the traffic lights turned red for her in order to avoid not only colliding with the pedestrians in front of her, but also running into the oncoming traffic. She was swaying slightly on her feet as she waited for the lights to turn green, being in a really good mood.

This is it! This is what I worked on the entire night!

She thought about the letter in her backpack, remembering how she spent ages on perfecting it, making sure her handwriting wasn't only readable, but also top-notch. She wanted the confession to be romantic, but non-invasive. She wanted it to reveal her feelings, yet let the boy of her dreams know that there was no need to give her an immediate answer.

A letter might be old fashioned, but it feels more personal. Hopefully, it'll work.

The moment the traffic lights turned green, she rushed across the street, barely paying attention to her surroundings. Her mind was still on what she had written in the letter and her plan on how to deliver it. She was rather nervous about it, but she already made her mind up and nothing would stop her from carrying out her plan.

''Hey, Bri- watch out!''

Bridgette was still walking when she turned her head, only to have someone pull her back by her arm, preventing the inevitable collision with a lamppost. Bridgette breathed a sigh of relief and turned to her savior, Claude Savard, a classmate she was friends with since they were children. He was a tall boy, with dark brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a V-neck white and blue striped T-shirt that was solid white on the top and solid blue on the bottom, with a blue shirt underneath, as well as dark blue jeans. He was also carrying a dark blue backpack with basketball-themed and a mime-themed pin on the front.

''Thanks,'' she smiled.

''No problem,'' he replied. ''Although, I suggest you to daydream during classes, not on your way to school. At least you won't run into anything.''

''I wasn't daydreaming,'' Bridgette replied, noticing Claude raising an eyebrow. ''I was just busy making plans for today.''

''Do you want to tell me what kind of plans made you almost slam into a lamppost?'' Claude asked as the two started walking towards the school building.

''I had planned to deliver this letter…'' Bridgette gave him a shy smile, the ahoge on the top of her head curving into a heart shape. Claude had quickly caught on what she meant, giving her a look that was a mix of concern and irritation.

''This is about Agreste, isn't it?'' he asked. ''I'm afraid that you're setting yourself up for disappointment.''

''I understand that you are worried about me, but I know how to take care of myself,'' Bridgette replied. Claude didn't look convinced. He knew that Bridgette could be quite stubborn and determined to make things work, even when the odds were against her. It may have been an admirable trait, but it would also get her into unnecessary trouble.

''I know, but I don't want you to suffer because of your choices,'' Claude replied. ''Especially in the case of someone like the Ice Prince.''


''Hey, Bri! Claude!'' Bridgette and Claude turned around, seeing the rest of their friend squad approach them. The one who called out for them was Sophie Renard, a a dark-skinned girl with wavy dark-brown hair and hazel eyes, wearing a dark purple beanie on her head, a dark purple off shoulder short-sleeved top with a black sleeveless shirt underneath it, black jeans and a pair of golden and silver bangles on her right arm. Across her shoulder was a purple and black messenger bag. ''We just overheard you mentioning the Ice Prince.''

''Hey, Soph,'' Bridgette greeted her friend. ''Yeah, I and Claude were having a conversation about Félix.''

''Did something happen?'' Allan Durand tilted his head, his hands being in his pockets. He was a dark-skinned boy with short dark-brown hair and golden-brown eyes, wearing a green flat cap with a white horizontal stripe towards the top and a white bill and a green jacket that had a white collar and dark-gray pants. Around his neck, he had yellow-orange headphones and over his shoulder was a green and orange camo print backpack.

''No,'' Bridgette replied. ''At least not yet.''

''I have a bad feeling about this,'' Allegra Baudelaire said, shaking her head lightly. She was a girl with blonde hair, which she wore in a single braid, and blue eyes, and was wearing a white shirt with a purple vest and dark-purple jeans. On her shoulders was a black and white backpack with a huge music note across it and she was carrying a black flute case. ''Whatever you're up to, I don't believe that Félix is worth it.''

''All I want is to just deliver a letter I wrote,'' Bridgette explained, her tone a little defensive. ''I don't believe that would hurt anyone.''

''Right, but what are the chances that Agreste ever reads what you wrote? He'll probably just chuck it into the trash bin without even looking at it,'' Claude replied.

''Hopefully, he will have the decency to not do it right in front of you,'' Sophie added, her response causing Bridgette's ahoge to droop. The teen took a deep breath, reaching for the letter in her backpack and taking it out.

''I know that you guys aren't particularly fond of Félix, but he isn't really as bad as he appears to be,'' Bridgette told them. Claude, Sophie, Allan and Allegra exchanged glances, their expressions showcasing their doubt.

''Maybe, but the way he carries himself just screams cold and snobbish guy who is disdainful and condescending of everyone who dares to talk to him,'' Sophie replied.

''Not to mention, he is hardly approachable,'' Allan added. ''I've never seen him talk or hang out with anyone. I guess books are just more important than interacting with other human beings.''

''You can add being unpleasant and rude to the list as well,'' Allegra said. ''I talked to him about showing him around the school since he was still new, being the class representative and all, but he just told me that he wasn't interested in the tour and to leave him alone.'' She frowned. ''Honestly, if he didn't need any help, he could've just said it in a politer way instead of being so blunt. To make things worse, my backpack then suddenly burst apart and all of my books spilled on the floor. All Félix did was to just give me a look and walk away instead of, y'know, helping me out.''

''To sum it up, the point is that this guy spells trouble and we are just looking out for you since we don't want to see you get hurt,'' Claude said. ''No offense, but, what do you even see in that guy?''

Bridgette bit her lip, holding up her letter and looking at it, her ahoge curving into a heart-shape.

''It is kind of complicated,'' Bridgette admitted, feeling butterflies fluttering in her stomach. ''However, I'm seeing this through.''

''Don't say that we didn't warn you,'' Sophie told her. Bridgette nodded and took a deep breath as they walked into the school building, clutching the letter tightly and pressing it against her chest. She had to admit to herself that her friends had a point.

Félix Agreste was serious and reserved, always keeping to himself and not being openly friendly. He kept conversations short and, if he deemed them pointless, he would just shut them down immediately. Considering how he barely interacted anyone, people had a hard time forming an opinion of him. He gave off the air of someone arrogant, someone with a superiority complex, making people assume that he was pretentious.

However, Bridgette was aware that there was a lot more to him than just his aloof attitude. The first time she met him, she had been wandering around the school, trying to remember her schedule, which she accidentally left at home, and not paying attention to her surroundings, as usual. She had accidentally bumped into someone and as she looked up, she saw a boy her age staring back at her.

He was tall, wearing a light-gray button-up shirt underneath a gray vest, with the sleeves covering his hands, black slacks, black dress shoes and a black tie; he was also keeping one hand on the strap of his brown leather briefcase backpack that was over his shoulder. His blond hair was combed back neatly, giving him a rather sophisticated appearance, even though the back wasn't quite tamed. His eyes were a desaturated green-grey and he had a piercing gaze, locking eyes with Bridgette.

Bridgette stared back in curiosity, crossing her arms on her back and feeling a little unsure what to make of it, as she had never seen a guy like him before. Neither of them had said anything about the accident, with Bridgette suddenly realizing that she was probably standing in his way and his silence was probably his way of telling her to move away.

She stepped to his left, walking around him and glanced back, still curious about who he was. She had noticed that his eyes briefly flicked to the side and that, despite her standing behind him, he was aware that she was staring at him, but remained silent. Bridgette then quickly stepped to his right, blinking a few times, her mouth slightly open as she wondered whether he would respond. Instead, he just looked up and walked away from her.

Bridgette was left standing in the half-empty hallway, still stunned by the encounter, not even registering that the bell rung for classes to start and that the students were going to their classrooms. She felt her heart skip a beat as she remembered his piercing gaze, the ahoge on the top of her head springing to life and taking the shape of a heart. Her cheeks flushed and she smiled.

Somehow, she had found herself drawn to him.

She had later learned that his name was Félix Agreste and that he was a new student that transferred to her class, even sitting in the row in front of her. She wanted to talk to him, but he would always walk away right after classes ended, giving her no chance to approach him. At the same time, she also had her own problems to deal with.

When she went to her locker to pick up her sketchbook, she found it missing. Disheartened and frustrated, she searched her locker and backpack again, but couldn't find it. Sighing, she closed the locker, hearing someone whispering and chuckling. As she turned around, she saw Amber Bourgeois and Jeanne Bourret talking something in hushed tones and Amber smiling as she looked at Bridgette.

Of course… Bridgette frowned, her ahoge frizzling up.

Amber Bourgeois was a girl with wavy honey blonde hair tied into a high ponytail, adorned by a bee hair-clip, and blue eyes. She was wearing a short-sleeved yellow dress with black stripes, a black jacket, black tights and black boots, and around her neck was a golden necklace with a heart-shaped locket, and a pair of yellow-rimmed sunglasses was hanging from the collar. She was also wearing a white messenger bag with yellow accents and a bee patch stitched on it over her shoulder. Despite being fairly gorgeous on the outside, she was quite prickly on the inside, always loving to find new victims.

Before Bridgette could accuse Amber of stealing her sketchbook, the teen waved, a smirk of satisfaction on her lips, and left, followed by her friend Jeanne. Bridgette felt her blood boil, but she knew that she couldn't do anything about this. She had no idea what Amber had done to her sketchbook, but it was clear that she wanted to use it to provoke her. Frankly, this wasn't their first encounter and Bridgette had hoped that Amber would grow out of being a petty bully, but it seemed that this wouldn't be the case.

Realizing that there was no way of salvaging the situation, Bridgette sighed in resignation, figuring that she would buy another sketchbook. As for the sketches, she tried to remember what she had been working on and re-draw it, but she couldn't recall anything.

This day can't get worse, can it?

As she walked outside the locker room, feeling quite downcast, she was startled by Félix, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Looking at his hand, she saw him holding a black book with a rose print across it – her sketchbook!

''I believe that this is yours,'' Félix said as he gave Bridgette the sketchbook. The teen didn't reply, opting to stare at Félix in stunned silence, her ahoge curving into a heart-shape. ''I saw Bourgeois taking it out and throwing it into the trash bin.'' His eyes narrowed, his gaze cold. ''You really need to take better care of your belongings. It's a waste to see hard work being treated like that.''

He then walked away, leaving a stunned Bridgette, who didn't even register the irritated tone in his voice. She was both surprised and confused by the fact that Félix had brought her sketchbook back, as she hadn't expected him to bother helping her. As it turned out, this wouldn't be the only time he would assist her.
A couple of days later, Bridgette had been tasked by a teacher to bring a bunch of books to the library and decided that the most efficient solution would be to stack them on top of each other and try to navigate through the hallways while having her vision partially obstructed. The end result was her tripping and causing the stack of books fall over the person she had ran into.

As she recovered, Bridgette discovered that this person was, to her horror, Félix himself. Both fell on the ground, with Bridgette flushing with embarrassment as Félix gave her a rather irritated glare.

''You should watch out where you're going,'' Félix had told her coldly. ''You're a real klutz.''

''I'm sorry…'' Bridgette replied meekly, quickly picking up the books that were strewn across the floor. As she looked up, she saw Félix carrying several books as well.

''Those were supposed to be taken to the library, right?'' he asked.

Bridgette nodded quietly, her ahoge curving into a heart-shape. She felt a little weird about the fact that Félix decided to help her once more, especially after she made a fool of herself in front of him. She remained silent during their walk to the library, focused on finding the right words to thank him and ask him whether they could hang out. However, once they dropped the books off, Félix was already gone.

Honestly, I just don't get him.

Before she even knew, she had found himself staring at Félix and even following him on occasion, being curious about his interests and where he spent his free time. The mixed feelings she had for him developed into an actual crush, but with that crush also came several issues. She saw the looks of concern on her friends' expressions and she was aware that crushing on someone whose usual response to being an interrupted was an icy glare wouldn't have the best outcome for her.

Nevertheless, there was something about Félix that intrigued Bridgette. Despite what one may think, she didn't fall for him because of his looks or aloof attitude, even though the former may have played a part in it. Félix's abrassivness was actually a part of why she was so interested in him, as she wanted to understand the odd mix between the out-of-the-blue kind gestures and the clashing coldness in his gaze.

She knew that her friends believed that she had the utterly wrong perception of Félix and that she probably had no idea what she was getting herself into by deciding that she was in love with him. She didn't blame them for thinking like this, as Félix didn't really leave a good impression on them, but she felt that she actually knew better than them.

If I could just get through this icy barrier he built around himself, maybe I could prove that he isn't the Ice Prince everyone considers him to be.

She found herself thinking about Félix more and more, feeling her heart race each time she looked at him. Eventually, she decided to finally confront him directly, wanting a clear answer. She had managed to intercept him during lunch while he was on his way to the library, where he would, as she learned, spend most of his free time.

''H-Hey, Félix!'' Félix appeared to be startled when Bridgette emerged from a side-corridor, approaching him. He gave her a questioning look, while Bridgette blushed, her ahoge curving into a heart-shape. She took a sharp breath, trying to calm herself down. ''I-I wanted to ask you whether you'd want to go out for a coffee with me.''

''No.'' Félix's eyes narrowed as he gripped the strap of his backpack tightly. Bridgette was a little disappointed, but not discouraged.

''If not a coffee, how about tea? My family owns a tea shop and I-''

''I'm not interested,'' Félix cut her off, walking right past her.

Bridgette's ahoge drooped and she turned around, observing Félix until he left her sight. She felt downcast by his rejection, but figured that he was probably busy. She decided that she could ask him out some other time.

Not that it worked, as he rejected each and every of my invitations. Bridgette looked down at the letter she was holding. She had figured that, if Félix didn't want to talk to her, then at least he could read how she felt about him. I really hope that this is going to work. He doesn't even have to respond to it, as I just want to let him know how things are on my side.

Nevertheless, she would be lying to herself if she claimed that she didn't want him to actually acknowledge her feelings for him.


Heavy dark clouds passed across the sky, accompanied by the occasional sound of thunder. It was obvious that there would be a thunderstorm, but Bridgette was too busy planning how she would give Félix her letter instead of realizing that she still had no way to return home without getting drenched. During lunchtime, she had figured that she could give the letter to him at the library, where they would have some privacy. Feeling quite satisfied with her decision, she went to the library, hoping to find Félix there. However, she had absolutely no idea about the disaster that awaited her.

Once she had arrived at the library, she was left wandering between the bookshelves, trying to locate Félix. She managed to find him in the English Literature section, peeking her head around the bookshelf.

''Hey, Félix-'' Before Bridgette get another word in, the books Félix was reaching for suddenly fell over him, causing quite a ruckus. Bridgette winced, giving the dazed Félix a worried look. ''Are you okay?''

''I am,'' Félix replied, rubbing his head and giving Bridgette an icy glare, as if she was to blame for the accident. ''Although, I would've felt better if you hadn't sneaked up on me.''

''I'm sorry about that,'' Bridgette replied in a quiet tone, then added, slightly bitter, ''I wasn't sneaking around.''

Félix gave her an annoyed look and crouched down to pick up the books. Bridgette helped him, figuring that, while this wasn't the best moment for a conversation, she at least managed to get Félix's attention.

''Anyways, Félix,'' she said, her cheeks having a slight pink tint to them and her ahoge curving into a heart-shape, ''I wanted to talk to you…''

''I am not in the mood for a conversation, especially not in a library,'' Félix cut her off, placing the books back on the shelf, grabbing his backpack and another book, and walking away.

''Wait a second,'' Bridgette called out for him, still holding a tight grip on her letter. She found him at the front desk, waiting for the librarian to arrive so he could borrow the book he was holding. She walked up to him with a determined look on her expression, placing the letter on the desk and pushing it towards Félix. ''I wanted you to have this.''

Félix was puzzled for a moment, staring at the letter. He reached for it, failing to notice the odd shimmer coming from the ring on his right hand; the ring being entirely black with a cat face, the cat having green jewels as eyes and a red diamond-shaped jewel on its forehead. Suddenly, the vase with flowers that was on the table next to the letter toppled over, spraying the flowers and water over the letter and soaking it, then fell on the floor, shattering into tiny pieces.

Both Bridgette and Félix were stunned, their eyes widened as they stared at the ruined letter and broken vase in horror. Before they could say or do anything, the librarian arrived, looking quite alarmed.

''What happened?''

''I'm sorry, it was an accident…'' Bridgette started, only for Félix to interrupt.

''It's my fault, I knocked the vase over,'' he said, with Bridgette giving him an incredulous look. The librarian shook her head.

''Don't worry, I understand that it was an accident,'' she said, reaching for the book Félix was holding. ''I'll call someone to clean this mess up, but make sure that you don't step on the shards.''

While Félix waited for the librarian to scan the book, Bridgette took the ruined letter, feeling rather disheartened when she realized that it wasn't salvageable. Her ahoge drooped as she left quietly, ripping the letter in half and crumpling it up, then tossing it into the trash bin she passed by.

Things really can't get worse, can they?


I just had to jinx myself.

Bridgette groaned as she stood in front of the school building, with the overhang being the only thing that shielded her from the rain. She wanted to ask her friends whether they had an umbrella and whether she could accompany them, but the whole event with Félix and the letter kept lingering in her mind, causing her to forget about the thunderstorm until it was too late. Her friends had already left and she didn't want to bother them by calling them and asking for a ride or to bring her an umbrella, as it was her fault for not thinking ahead.

How am I supposed to get home now?

Bridgette sighed, leaning against the wall and staring at the dark sky, listening to the raindrops hitting the overhang and wondering whether she should wait it out. She hoped that she wouldn't be stuck here for the rest of the day, but after a few minutes passed, it was clear that the sky wouldn't be clearing any time soon. She lowered her head, her ahoge jumping slightly when she heard the entrance door next to her opening and someone walking outside, but didn't bother to look who it was.


Bridgette was startled by the familiar cold tone and quickly looked up, surprised to see Félix handing her a red umbrella over, while clutching a black one in his other hand. His gaze was steady and hard, the kind that would make any other person back away. However, when he locked eyes with Bridgette, she didn't appear to be intimidated or bothered in any way.

''I had a spare one with me, so you can take this one,'' he added. Bridgette was still staring at him, her soft gaze making him feel a little irked. He simply couldn't understand why she behaved like this in his presence, but at this point, he just wanted to get over with this. He looked away, breaking the eye-contact. ''Take it.''

He could feel Bridgette's fingers brushing against his as she took the umbrella, both wincing slightly when they heard a thunder right above them. He then opened his own umbrella, his eyes briefly flicking at Bridgette, only to see a warm smile on her lips. He rose an eyebrow, a little puzzled, and turned away.

''You don't have to return it,'' he added, walking away.

''Thank you!''

Félix briefly stopped walking, seemingly wanting to reply, but then continued, ignoring Bridgette. The teen wasn't bothered by this, keeping a tight grip on the umbrella. While her grandmother would probably tell her that the umbrella was a bad omen, as it was a symbol for a relationship breaking apart, she felt that she should hold onto it.

After all, life is full of surprises, and you never know what is going to happen next.


After greeting her grandmother, who appeared to be relieved that she didn't return home soaked to her bones, even though she did rise an eyebrow when Bridgette told her that the umbrella was a gift, Bridgette went upstairs, her emotions swirling inside her like a vortex. She was quite happy that Félix gave her the umbrella, but she felt disappointed that she couldn't give him the letter.

Maybe I should try something else.

She sighed as she left her backpack and the umbrella in her room, then went back down to her grandmother's room, feeling glad that she at least hadn't forgotten about what the closet clean-up. Frankly, she was curious about some of the stuff her grandmother had stored, as she had a penchant for finding or buying unusual items. She had probably spent an hour or so combing through the mess and placing whatever caught her interest into an empty box, then picked it up and walked back upstairs.

Bridgette huffed as she carried the heavy box into her room, already regretting taking so much stuff along. There were some things inside it that had piqued her interest and she wanted to go through them in her room. She sat down and started rummaging through the box, taking out a few old books, ornaments and jewelry boxes, disappointed to find out that some of them were empty.

She tilted her head when she found a small red and black lacquered jewelry box and opened it. She was amazed to find a pair of red earrings with black spots that had golden outlines on the edges, reminding her of ladybug wings.

''Those are so cute!'' Bridgette smiled, quickly getting up and walking over to the mirror, wanting to put them on. As she took the earrings out of the box, they briefly shimmered, startling Bridgette. She figured that it was just a trick of light and put the earrings on. She then titled her head, brushing away her hair to take a better look at the earrings, which suddenly started to glow, with an orb of red light emerging from them.

Bridgette cried out in surprise, stumbling and falling over on the floor. The source of the red light appeared to be a small red-orange creature, with light orange cheeks, a dark brown four-leaf clover marking on its forehead, and a dark brown spot on its back. Its eyes were black and it had two antennae with round yellow tips, as well as a short three-tipped tail. The creature then looked around and flew over to Bridgette, who stared at it in shock.

''Hello, my name is Tikki,'' Tikki introduced herself. ''Who are you?''

''I-I'm Bridgette Cheng,'' Bridgette replied, two seconds away from completely freaking out, her ahoge being frizzled. ''Wh-What are you?''

''I'm a kwami, specifically, the Kwami of Fortune,'' Tikki explained. ''You freed me from my dormant state when you put the Ladybug Earrings on.''

''I… did?'' Bridgette touched her earrings, wondering if she should take them off. ''I'm sorry, I had no idea-''

''No, no, that's a good thing!'' Tikki assured her, flying up to Bridgette. ''As long as you keep wearing the Ladybug Earrings, you will have good luck in your life.''

''That's good to know,'' Bridgette said, giving Tikki a resigned smile. ''I could really use some good luck in my life, since I'm something of a klutz. I mean, just a week ago, I had agreed to help out my friend Sophie to decorate her room, only to manage to knock over the can of paint and get drenched. It took me ages to wash it off.''

''Unfortunately, I'm not sure how much the good luck charm will help you with your clumsiness, but if you need guidance or advice, I will be right by your side,'' Tikki told her, her tone warm and soothing. Her expression then changed and she gave Bridgette a serious look. ''However, I have to warn you. If you use your good luck for selfish reasons, great misfortune will befall you. You need to be careful with how you use them.''

''I see,'' Bridgette muttered, her eyes narrowing. ''I guess that it shouldn't be surprising that this kind of power wouldn't come without any consequences. Nevertheless, I promise that I will use it responsibly.''

''There is one more thing you need to know,'' Tikki added, with Bridgette giving her a curious look, her ahoge curving into a question mark. ''You can use the Ladybug Earrings to transform into the superheroine Ladybug.''

''A superheroine?'' Bridgette stared at Tikki, completely stunned.

''That's right,'' Tikki continued. ''These earrings are a special type of jewelry known as the Miraculous and, once you're transformed, will give you additional abilities that will be helpful when you find yourself in a pinch. Of course, it is up to you whether you want to use them or not, but if you do, I recommend you to make sure that your true identity and source of powers remains a secret. One can only imagine the horrors that could happen if the Miraculous falls into the wrong hands.''

''I understand,'' Bridgette said, nodding. She lowered her head, her ahoge drooping as a look of doubt formed on her expression. ''Although, I'm not sure whether I'm cut out to be a superheroine. I'll probably mess things up.''

''No one is perfect. You might make mistakes, but you should take them as a learning experience,'' Tikki comforted her, patting her shoulder. Bridgette rose her head, seeing the kwami smiling. ''All you need is to be confident in your abilities. I'm sure you'll make a great Ladybug.''

''I guess you're right,'' Bridgette said in a quiet tone. She was still unsure about this whole situation, since it was quite sudden to learn that she had been gifted super powers, but she was intrigued by the idea of becoming a superheroine who would be able to help those who are in need. She took a sharp breath and got up, giving Tikki a determined look. ''Okay, I'm in!''

''That's great!'' Tikki gave her an excited look. ''In order to transform, all you have to say is 'Tikki, transform me!'.''

Bridgette nodded, brushing away her hair with her hand to reveal the Ladybug Earrings.

''Tikki, transform me!''

She tilted her head slightly to the side, with Tikki getting absorbed into the Ladybug Earrings. Sparkly orbs of red light were emitted from the earrings, completely enveloping Bridgette. She stretched out her arm out, with a red suit materializing across it, and spreading over her body, the suit having black spots on the torso and a black collar. Her hair grew longer, with long red hair ribbons, that were tied to her pigtails, popping out and trailing behind her. A string covered in golden beads appeared around her waist, with a red compact that had black spots on it being attached to the string. She took a step forward, with a red mask appearing on her face, and she opened her eyes, which turned a darker shade of blue. She turned on her heel, striking a pose, her arms outstretched and bent slightly back and her hair ribbons billowing behind her.

Ladybug blinked a few times, stunned and walked over to the mirror, staring at her new suit. She tilted her head quizzically, turning around to take a better look at the hair ribbons and the back of her suit.

''I have to admit, I didn't expect to look like this,'' she said.

''The suit that materializes on your body is the product of your own vision.'' Ladybug was surprised to hear Tikki's voice coming from her earrings.

''I guess that makes sense,'' Ladybug said. ''When you told me that I'd become a superheroine named Ladybug, I imagined a red outfit with black spots.'' She tilted her head, placing her hands on her hips. ''The ribbons and beads are a nice touch, though. They make the suit look less bland.''

''You know, if you don't like it, you can change the suit's appearance upon your next transformation,'' Tikki informed her.

''Actually, I'm fine with it, although, I feel more like a magical girl than a superheroine. Maybe I should call myself Mahou Shoujo Coccinelle,'' Ladybug mused, a look of satisfaction on her expression. She tilted her head slightly, snorting. ''Or, maybe not, Ladybug is also fine.'' She then reached for the compact that was attached to the string and took it off. ''So, what is this for?''

''Well, as I stated earlier, with the transformation come also additional abilities, like boosted speed, endurance, agility, and strength. The suit is quite durable and will protect you from major hazards, like a fire. As for the compact, it can turn into various weapons of your own choice. Try trailing with your finger across the edge of the compact.''

Ladybug did as Tikki instructed her, surprised to see the edge opening and revealing a black string, essentially turning the compact into a yo-yo. Ladybug played with it, amazed and curious about whether she could do anything else with the compact.

''This is awesome!'' she said as the yo-yo returned back to her hand.

''In addition, you can turn the compact into a staff, a shield, and even wings for flight. Try it out!''

Ladybug clasped her hands around the compact, which suddenly separated into two pieces. When she attempted to put the pieces together, a pale red and purple beam of energy appeared between them, with Ladybug extending the pieces, revealing a staff. She grabbed it by the beam and twirled it.

Smirking, she gripped the beam tightly, causing it to break and reached for the two pieces, turning it back into a compact. She then placed the compact on the back of her hand, with the middle of the compact opening and revealing a pair of insect wings, which started flapping at rapid speeds, forming a circular shield in front of her.

Curious, she let the shield disappear and placed the compact on her back. It suddenly grew bigger, the red frame, basically an elytra, opening up and revealing a pair of blueish insect wings beneath it. Amazed, Ladybug wondered how to activate them, only to cry out in surprise when the wings started flapping, causing her fly up and hover at least a meter above the floor.

''This is not what I had in mind!'' She flailed her arms in panic, having no idea how to control her wings, and shouting the only thing that came to her mind, ''Tikki, de-transform me!''

The moment her costume vanished, Bridgette fell on her back, crying out in pain. Tikki, who emerged out of the earrings flew up to her, worried.

''Bridgette, are you okay?''

''Yeah, I am,'' Bridgette replied as she sat up, rubbing her back. ''I just had a hard landing, that's all. I'll be fine.'' She glanced at Tikki. ''Although, I think I'll practice flying somewhere in the open rather than in my room.'' She glanced at the window, noticing that it had stopped raining and that the sky had cleared. ''Not to mention, I don't think this is the only thing I'll have to practice.''

''What do you have in mind?'' Tikki asked her.

Bridgette looked back at the kwami, smiling mischievously and doing a fist pump.

''How about doing some rooftop parkour?''


Okay, maybe this wasn't the best idea I had.

Bridgette took a deep breath and looked over the wall of the building she was standing on, feeling dizzy when she saw just how high up she was and quickly crouched down, her back turned to the wall and her ahoge frizzled. Her heart was racing as she leaned back, her fingers grasping for the cold wall and making sure that she wouldn't fall over.

It was late in the evening and she had figured that she could get on the top of a building that had a lot of rooftop space for her to practice moving across Paris while jumping from rooftop to rooftop. The only issue was that, after seeing how high the building was, she suddenly started getting cold feet. She was worried that she might mess up, that something might go wrong, causing her to fall down and hit the ground. She knew that a fall from this height would result in either her breaking all of her bones or certain death.

''Bridgette, are you completely sure about this?'' Tikki, who was hovering next to her, asked. Admittedly, she had complete faith in Bridgette's abilities, but seeing the fear in Bridgette's eyes made her question her holder's decision. Bridgette took a deep breath, taking a moment to calm herself down and nodded.

''If I want to act as a superheroine or magical girl warrior or whatever, I will be dealing with all kinds of situations, won't I? I need to learn how to overcome my fears for the sake of the people I want to help,'' she told the kwami, who nodded.

''That's correct, but you need to keep in mind to not push yourself,'' Tikki replied. ''This is a new experience for you and you have shown that you're determined to follow through with your plan. All you need is to be confident in your abilities and believe in yourself.''

''Right.'' Bridgette took a sharp breath and stood up. ''Ready?'' Tikki nodded, with Bridgette brushing away her hair with her hand to reveal the Ladybug Earrings. ''Tikki, transform me!''

As the kwami got absorbed into her earrings, Bridgette was enveloped in red light and, a moment later, she was standing on the rooftop as Ladybug. She looked down and then at the building on the other side. She turned around, distancing herself from the edge and then took another sharp breath and started running towards the edge. However, before she could jump off, she skidded to a halt, freaking out again.

Oh, com'n! You can do better than this!

She shook her head, a sheepish look on her expression, turning on her heel and walking back to the other side of the rooftop. Frankly, gymnastics wasn't her forte, but she knew that she didn't only have enhanced abilities, but also good luck super powers, so she should be fine.

''Alright, let's go, but this time, for real,'' Ladybug said calmly, her voice giving her the confidence she needed.

She ran towards the edge, leaping across to the other building and even doing a somersault mid-air before landing back on her feet. Her heart was racing as she looked back, a wide smile forming on her lips.

''That was awesome!'' she exclaimed, still having difficulty to believe that she managed to pull off the jump. ''Let's see what else I can do!''

''That's the spirit!'' Tikki cheered. Ladybug grinned and then started to run across the rooftop, leaping off it and landing on another building. She didn't stop though, continuing with her rooftop run and covering bigger and bigger distances between the buildings. She felt like she was on a roller-coaster doing jumps and mid-air somersaults with ease. It was incredible, giving her a sense of freedom unlike anything she ever felt.

Unknown to her, she wasn't the only one doing a rooftop parkour, as another figure had landed on a rooftop on his hands and feet just as she was passing by. He was wearing a form-fitting black leather-like suit, the collar around his neck being unzipped, showing a bit of his chest, and had a large golden bell attached to the zipper. His belt tail wrapped around his waist twice, criss-crossing in an ''x'' in the front and had a large silver belt buckle in the shape of a cat's head. In addition, he was wearing mid-thigh high boots, had claws on his fingers, fangs, as well as toe beans on his feet and hands. His blond hair was messy and untamed, with black cat ears on the top. His face was covered in a black mask, only revealing a pair of green eyes, including the sclerae.

He was known as Chat Noir, a superhero with an unfortunate penchant for trouble and a bad luck magnet. As he looked up, he saw Ladybug soaring across the sky under the full moon. She had a wide smile on her face, clearly enjoying herself; and once she landed on the roof, she did another somersault, effortlessly jumping over another chimney stack and disappearing from Chat Noir's sight.

Chat Noir was stunned for a moment, but then his eyes widened, glittering in the moonlight and a wide grin spread across his face.


Excited, he quickly followed her.

Meanwhile, Ladybug had managed to land on another rooftop, finally slowing down and being slightly out of breath. Nevertheless, she was quite satisfied with her accomplishment. She clasped her hands and stretched her arms above her head, trying to figure out what she was going to do next. So far, she felt like she was just in the tutorial phase and wanted to do something more challenging.

''Huh?'' Ladybug looked up at the chimney stack above her, seeing a dark figure with green eyes sitting on the top, his tail curling up. Puzzled, she stepped back, only for the figure to jump down, revealing himself to be a guy in a black suit with cat ears and a belt tail. ''Uh, good evening?''

''Good evening to you too, M'Lady.'' To Ladybug's surprise, the cat boy took her hand and kissed the top. She blushed slightly, being startled by his straightforwardness. She stared at him as he gave her a knowing smile, only to snap out of her daze.

''Excuse me, but who are you?'' Ladybug asked as she pulled her hand back.

''The name is Chat Noir.'' Chat Noir bowed down with flourish, one hand on his back and the other on his chest, and looked up at Ladybug, winking at her. ''Your loyal partner-in-crime.''

''Partner?'' Ladybug rose an eyebrow, crossing her arms on her chest. ''I had no idea I needed one.''

She observed in satisfaction as he faltered for a brief moment, his cat ears flattening against his head. He obviously didn't expect such response, but he managed to quickly pick himself up.

''While one might argue that you indeed don't need a partner to protect you, I believe that it would be far more exciting to have me by your side than work alone,'' Chat Noir replied, extending his hand and smirking, a fang popping out of the corner of his mouth. ''A beautiful lady like you deserves only the best and I'm fairly confident that I'm meeting those expectations.''

''I wouldn't be so sure,'' Ladybug replied. ''After all, I haven't even seen you in action.''

She was startled when Chat Noir suddenly stepped closer to her, causing her to back away, only to hit a wall. Chat Noir took another step, leaning with one hand against the wall and blocked her way with his body.

''It depends,'' he said, his tone enticing. ''I could show you my skills while fighting off criminals, but in return, we could spend some time together… Maybe in a more romantic setting.''

Ladybug blinked, gawking at Chat Noir and trying to process what he just insinuated. Was he flirting with her?

''I don't think so, Kitty,'' she replied in a stern tone, seeing the puzzled look on Chat Noir's expression. ''I may still be new to this, but I'm not interested in being involved into any kind of romance while I'm working as a superheroine. It would be too much of a distraction.''

''So, I'm now a distraction?'' Chat Noir didn't falter this time, his tone charming and confident. ''Thank you for the compliment, M'lady.''

Ladybug rolled her eyes, feeling quite irked and realizing that Chat Noir wasn't giving up so easily.

''Seriously, I'm not interested,'' she told him, pressing her hand gently against his chest and pushing him away, with Chat Noir stepping to the side. ''If all what you want to do is to flirt with me, then I'm better off by myself.''

''Then, how about a good-bye kiss? I don't even know whether I might see you again,'' Chat Noir leaned closer, only to be stopped by Ladybug placing her hand right in front of his face.

''That's not going to happen, Chat Noir,'' she said, giving him a pointed look. ''Ever.''

She then turned on her heel and ran off to the edge of the rooftop and leapt off it, landing on the rooftop of another building. Chat Noir just leaned against the wall, his tail flicking as he crossed his arms and observed Ladybug vanishing from his sight.

He smirked sinisterly.

I don't mind a challenge, M'lady. Trust me, one day, your heart will belong to me.

Chapter 3: The Black Cat


Welcome back to another chapter!

This one will focus a little more on Félix Agreste/Chat Noir, as well as mark the first appearance of one of our recurring villains.

Now, last time I mentioned that I would explain how Akuma work in this universe. Well, to keep things short - Akuma don't exist in the PV Universe. Instead, the villains we saw in the PV Trailer, the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon, are permanent enemies that will frequently clash with Ladybug and Chat Noir for various reasons.

Also, keep in mind that this is still the beginning and that I'm working on setting up the universe properly, so if you feeling that something is off, it's me just adding and scrapping stuff to make the plot make sense from a story and character perspective, as well as preparing the characters for later plot points. In time, everything will get explained.

I hope you'll enjoy the chapter! X3

Chapter Text

Entry 2

The Black Cat

''Amidst a world tainted by fake news and falsehood I keep calling for your name. After escaping through the city, I stop for a moment to look up at the blue sky.''

Never Lose by Ace Attorney


Bridgette yawned, stretching her arms as she slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was a little blurry due to the daylight, but after blinking a few times, it quickly cleared. While she was still in a state of daze, she was in a good mood. She had a nice dream about being a superheroine, parkouring across the rooftops of Paris and enjoying her newfound powers as Ladybug.

But, that was just a dream… Bridgette glanced to the side and saw, to her surprise, a red creature with antennae sleeping next to her. ''Tikki?!''

Tikki stirred in her sleep, slowly opening her eyes and seeing Bridgette, who sat up. She smiled, stretching her tiny arms, and flew up to the teen. ''Good morning, Bridgette!''

''W-Wait, if you're here, then this means…'' Bridgette's eyes widened as it dawned on her. ''What happened last night… It wasn't a dream, right? Everything that happened was real; I am Ladybug!''

''Exactly!'' Tikki nodded. ''I guess you need some time to process what happened.''

''Actually, I already have,'' Bridgette replied, reaching for her smartphone. ''I just needed a reminder that what had happened was actually re- aagh! I'm late!'' Panicking, she got out of her bed and stumbled, almost falling over. ''I forgot to set the alarm and now I'll be late for school!''

Tikki observed her holder with a sympathetic look on her expression as Bridgette dressed herself in record time and darted downstairs, with the kwami managing to hide in her backpack. Bridgette skipped two stairs at once, still scolding herself for oversleeping and hoping that she wouldn't get into trouble with her teacher.

''Good morning, Bri-!''

''Sorry, Gran, I'm late!''

Mei was a stunned when Bridgette darted right past her, almost colliding with a woman who was about to enter the store. She then sighed, being already used to her granddaughter's antics.

Meanwhile, Bridgette was running down the street towards the school, trying to remember whether she had packed all the right books and necessities for the school day. She figured that she would get her answer once she had settled down in the classroom, if she managed to get there in time. However, as it turned out, she wasn't the only one on her way to school.


Bridgette was stunned to see her friend standing on the street, typing something on her smartphone. Allegra rose her head and smiled, waving Bridgette over, who ran towards her.

''Hey, Bri, what's the rush?'' Allegra asked as Bridgette skidded to a halt in front of her.

''I could ask you the same, we're late to school,'' Bridgette told her briskly, panting. Allegra gave her a puzzled look, but then shook her head.

''Haven't you read the group message? We don't have first period due to the teacher calling in sick and being unable to find a substitute,'' she explained. Bridgette gave her a look of disbelief.

''I panicked for absolutely no reason,'' she said in exasperation, her ahoge drooping. Allegra simply shrugged.

''You're lucky you ran into me, so at least now you know,'' she said. Bridgette perked up, giving Allegra a curious look, then smiled.

''Lucky, right,'' she said. ''How about getting breakfast? I didn't have the time to eat anything this morning.''

''Sure,'' Allegra replied, with the two girls starting to walk towards a bakery. ''So, how did it go?'' She tilted her head when she saw Bridgette giving her a confused look. ''I'm talking about your letter. Did you give it to Félix?''

''Oh,'' Bridgette muttered and looked ahead, thinking about yesterday's accident. ''I did, but it didn't go well. It accidentally got drenched in water and I had to throw it away before Félix had the chance to read it.''

''I'm sorry about that,'' Allegra said, giving Bridgette a sympathetic look. Even though she didn't particularly like Félix, she did acknowledge the effort Bridgette put into trying to confess to him. She had seen how happy and proud her friend was when she held that letter and it was quite a pity that she couldn't deliver it to her crush.

However, instead of looking downcast or heartbroken, Bridgette just smiled.

''Don't worry about that,'' she replied in a carefree tone. ''I'll figure out another way to let Félix know how I feel about him.''

''That is, if he decides to acknowledge your feelings,'' Allegra said, giving Bridgette a thoughtful look. ''I understand that you like him, but what will happen if he rejects you?''

''Even if he does, I wouldn't mind. All I want is to talk to him, maybe befriend him.'' Bridgette fell silent for a moment. ''Am I really asking for too much?''

''Honestly, I don't think that you're asking for too much,'' Allegra replied. ''However, from Félix's perspective, it seems that you do. I wouldn't be surprised if he refused to socialize even if his life depended on it.''

''I believe that he has a reason for the way he behaves,'' Bridgette told Allegra as she entered the bakery. Allegra just shrugged, opting to wait outside for her friend, as she wasn't hungry.

Her thoughts still being focused on Félix, Bridgette walked up to the counter, looking at the pastries. There was another customer being served, so she had a few minutes to decide what she would buy, even though she had already decided on the brioche filled with strawberry jam, as well as a few macarons for Tikki, since she figured that the kwami was just as hungry as she was.

''What would you like to order?''

''I would like one pain au chocolat, please,'' Bridgette said, registering her words only a second later. It appeared that the girl behind the counter didn't notice the look of surprise on Bridgette's expression, but went ahead with putting the pastry into a paper bag.

''Anything else?''

''Uh, I'd also like a strawberry-filled brioche and three macarons,'' Bridgette quickly added, pointing at the pastries. Why did I ask for the pain au chocolat?!

Bridgette felt a little dazed as she payed for the pastries, still wondering what possessed her to buy something she didn't plan to eat and not change her order. All she knew was that she had a strange feeling that this was the right decision, even though she didn't know why. Bridgette shook her head as she exited the bakery, figuring that she should enjoy her breakfast.

''Bri, are you okay?'' Allegra asked, noticing the weird look on Bridgette's expression.

''Yeah, I am,'' Bridgette told her. ''I was thinking how I bought some extra food, just in case.''

''In case of what?'' Allegra rose an eyebrow. Bridgette was silent for a moment, with Allegra being a little worried, wondering whether something was wrong. Bridgette than looked up at her, her airheaded answer catching Allegra off guard.

''I don't know,'' she said in a chipper tone, causing Allegra to give her a baffled look. Bridgette then winked. ''However, I do have a good feeling about this.''


Félix was no stranger to disasters. After all, he had been followed by the very incarnation of a disaster over the past two and half weeks and he was well aware that there was no way to escape it, as it would stick with him through the rest of his life. The fact that he also had to deal with the unwanted advances from a certain pigtailed classmate didn't help either.

Nevertheless, that didn't mean that he had no idea how to handle himself in these kinds of situations. As a matter of fact, he had thought of every scenario possible, making meticulous preparations and taking control over his every move and word. Everything had to be perfect if he wanted to have a normal life.

Unfortunately, he knew that his life wasn't normal and will never be, all thanks to a certain noisy creature who loved to make him miserable. Still, there was hope, as the one who would break his curse had finally entered his life. The only issue was that he had to figure out how to convince her to help him.

He furrowed a brow as the ringing of the school bell signaled the end of the class and got up. He felt the hair on the back of his neck standing up as he heard Bridgette's voice from behind him, the teen discussing her lunch plans with her friend Sophie.

''I'm not sure whether I'm going to join you today, Soph,'' Bridgette explained. ''I actually…''

Félix didn't stick around to hear the rest of the conversation. With one swift movement, he grabbed his briefcase backpack and left the room, wanting to get away from his admirer as far as possible. For all he knew, waiting longer would turn into an opportunity for Bridgette to ask him whether he wanted to have lunch with her, a scenario he wanted to avoid.

Instead, he decided that he would get out of the school and go to the nearby bakery to buy himself lunch, then find an isolated spot where he could eat his lunch and read his book in peace. Satisfied with his plan, he reached for the inside of his backpack to take out his wallet, only to realize a moment later that he couldn't find it.

He took a sharp breath, trying to stop the surge of panic from spreading through his body. He opened his backpack, checking the pocket where he usually kept his wallet, but it wasn't there. Instead, he found a small black creature with cat ears, a cat tail, a pair of whiskers on his cheeks and one on his head. It blinked, his green eyes having black cat-like slits as pupils, and smirked, a fang popping out of the corner of its mouth.

''You can keep searching, Kid, but you left your wallet at home,'' Plagg told him. Félix frowned, glaring at his kwami.

''Why didn't you tell me anything?''

''You didn't ask,'' Plagg replied dryly.

Félix sighed, but he wasn't going to give up so easily, as he had a back-up plan. He made sure to always keep spare money in a pocket on the inside of his backpack, but when he pulled it out, it turned out that he only had a few cents, not enough to buy himself anything. It seemed that he'd have to go through the rest of his school day on an empty stomach.

Great, just my luck… Feeling bitter, he glanced at the cat ring adorning his finger, the actual source of his misery. Ever since he put it on, he had nothing but bad luck. He would dread every day, being already used to the idea of something bad happening to him, from getting accidentally hit by a stray frisbee to having his teacher accidentally pour hot coffee over his homework, ruining it completely. Whenever he thought that it couldn't get worse, it would get much worse.

Having resigned himself to his fate, he closed his backpack and put it over his shoulder, clutching the strap tightly. However, before he could walk away, he was startled by a familiar voice.

''Hey, Félix!''

Not her again. He turned around, feeling annoyed when he saw Bridgette approaching him. It appeared that she wasn't bothered by the irritated look he gave her, smiling happily when she realized that he actually had acknowledged her presence.

''What do you want?'' he asked her. Considering how he wouldn't be going anywhere, he figured that he could allow himself to spend a few minutes talking to Bridgette and letting her know that he wouldn't be accepting any of her invitations, period.

''I was wondering whether we could maybe have lunch together,'' Bridgette said hopefully.

Surprisingly, instead of rejecting her, Félix quietly observed her. It was obvious that he had already expected her to ask him that, but unknown to Bridgette, he actually found himself considering her invitation, only because he realized that he didn't want to spend the rest of his day hungry.

However, before he could respond, Bridgette quickly added, ''If you don't want to come along, I did buy myself pain au chocolat this morning, but decided against eating it.'' She reached for her backpack, taking out the paper bag with the pastry. ''If you want, you can have it.''

Félix was surprised, having not expected that Bridgette would bring him lunch. At first, he thought about refusing, but he then took the paper bag, figuring that it was better than nothing. As he glanced back at Bridgette, he realized that she had that dreamy and giddy look on her expression, her ahoge having curved into a heart shape.

''Thank you,'' he said curtly. Frankly, he would've left without a word if it weren't for the fact that common decency had been hammered into his psyche.

''You're welcome.''

A wide smile spread across Bridgette's lips, her chipper voice irking Félix. It annoyed him that she made a big deal out of him accepting the pastry and, after thanking her for the treat, he turned around and left. He remained alert, figuring that she would attempt to follow him, but was surprised when he realized that she left him alone.

Maybe she had finally got the hint to stop following me around the school.

He scoffed at the thought. Even though he didn't know Bridgette well, he was aware that she could be quite persistent, often showing up out of nowhere in order to talk to him. Admittedly, she didn't ask him for his phone number, e-mail or any social media, nor did she try to follow him to his home, as far as he knew. The only time they would interact was at school and even then, she would keep her distance whenever he told her to leave him alone. That didn't stop her from trying to talk to him the next day, though.

As if I already don't have enough problems to deal with.


The rest of the school day passed without any other accidents, although Félix did notice Bridgette occasionally glancing at him. He would just keep ignoring her, feeling mildly irritated. Fortunately, she left school in the company of her friends, meaning he didn't have to worry about her trying to approach him while he was on his way home.

Not that he was eager to return home, or rather, that sterile fortress of a mansion he had been forced to call his home for the past few years. As much as he disliked the idea of attending public school and being forced to socialize with other people, it was still better than spending his days being homeschooled and interacting with the man he detested – his uncle, Gabriel Agreste.

Félix's eyes narrowed as he was reminded of his uncle's cold gaze. There was no doubt that Gabriel was a successful businessman and fashion designer, but in private he was absolutely ruthless. He was quite observant and didn't tolerate anything out of the ordinary. Even if everything was perfect, he still wouldn't be happy, always finding something to complain about and, unfortunately, Félix appeared to be his favorite target.

While, admittedly, his uncle's criticism did affect him at first, he had eventually learned how to ignore it, especially after realizing that Gabriel was repeating himself. He would talk about how Félix's grades weren't good enough, despite the fact that Félix's grades were top-notch and all of his tutors had praised him. He would constantly remind Félix to keep his bedroom in order, but would never enter it and see for himself that it was meticulously clean. He would complain about Félix's choice of outfits and hairstyle, despite the fact that Félix was always dressed in a suit, just like Gabriel.

However, unlike his uncle, who would dress in white or tan, Félix preferred black and grey clothes. As for his hairstyle, he had to admit that he did like that it wasn't perfectly tamed on the back, refusing to cut it or comb it so it wouldn't stick out, a decision that drew his uncle's ire.

You need to be perfect.

Félix frowned as he heard a cold voice echo in his mind and tried to ignore it. He didn't need to be reminded of his uncle's expectations of his own achievements or appearance. All his uncle desired was for him to be the perfect representation of the Agreste family, not caring whether Félix was interested in it or not. Aside from his complaints, he even tried to take control over Félix's schedule, attempting to force him to take piano lessons and modeling, but Félix put a veto to it. He knew that his uncle didn't think highly of him nor his interests, but he wasn't some spineless idiot who would do anything to please him.

Fortunately for him, it seemed that Gabriel had given up on trying to take full control of his free time, maintaining a cold and distant relationship with his nephew. He would occasionally gift Félix books he bought from his business trips as a sign of good will, but that was the bare minimum of their interaction as a family. Félix knew that, if he faltered even for a moment, his uncle would make sure to do everything to break him down further.

Rest assured, every day at the Agreste mansion had been a battle for him and he was quite proud of his victories. Anything Félix was allowed to do that Gabriel disapproved off counted as a win, including the fact that, rather than being driven home by his uncle's bodyguard, he was walking back to the mansion. Still, he wished that he could just walk right past it.

After he had arrived, he was relieved to see that his uncle's assistant wasn't waiting for him at the entrance. He figured that she was busy and walked quickly towards his room, the only place in this building where he could unwind in peace. At least, that's what he hoped for when he placed his backpack on the desk, right next to the missing wallet.

The moment it was safe for him to do so, Plagg flew out of Félix's backpack and started darting around his room and checking the cupboard for the stash of camembert cheese Félix was forced to buy for him. Félix just ignored him, walking instead over to his private library and trying to decide which book he would read in order to calm his nerves.

''So, what's the plan for tonight, Kid?'' Plagg asked him, holding a piece of cheese. When Félix didn't reply, Plagg grinned mischievously, adding in a teasing tone, ''After all, Ladybug had finally shown up. You must be over the moon!''

Félix's eyes merely flicked towards Plagg, before turning back to the bookshelf.

''You know well why I'm interested in her,'' he replied. ''Once I get that kiss, nothing else matters.''

Plagg snorted, giving Félix a knowing look as he hovered above him, leaning slightly against the bookshelf.

''Admit it, she does look cute, doesn't she?'' he said. Suddenly, the books on the top of the shelf fell all over a startled Félix, knocking him over. Plagg winced, floating over to Félix and giving him a worried look. He then grinned. ''Ha, did I hit a nerve?''

''You have no idea what you're talking about,'' Félix replied in an irritated tone, rubbing his head and picking up the books that were on the floor. He was already used to things falling on him. ''If it weren't for this curse, I wouldn't even be interested in her.''

As he got up and put the books back on his shelf, his gaze fell on the ring on his finger. He stared at it intently, remembering how he found it and wondering what the hell possessed him to put it on. In hindsight, he had no idea how much trouble this little trinket would cause him.

Félix sighed, finally deciding on his favorite book, a mystery novel about a detective who had an intense rivalry with a sly phantom thief, whom he attempted to hunt down, but she would always slip away. He then walked over to the couch and sat down, leaning against the pillows and trying to focus on the book's story. However, he couldn't, as his eyes would occasionally flick towards the ring, reminding him how his hobby caused his downfall.

It had been more than two weeks ago, just after he finally convinced his uncle to let him attend lycée. He was quite satisfied with his claimed victory over the old man and things seemed to get better when his uncle's assistant delivered a box filled with books to his room, souvenirs from his uncle's latest business trip.

Unfortunately for Félix, as he skimmed through the books, he realized that many of them were tattered and dirty, meaning that he couldn't add them to his private library. He felt quite irked, aware that Gabriel bought those on purpose, as he was well aware of his nephew's love for books and would make sure to make him feel miserable one way or another.

Still, Félix decided to make the best out of the situation. He started to pile the books into those which were readable and those which were unsalvageable, eventually coming across a decent-looking book that was hollow on the inside, as the pages in the middle had been cut out. Félix's eyes narrowed, feeling rather annoyed to see a perfectly good book being destroyed like this, but what caught his attention was the ring hidden inside the book.

Interesting, but not too surprising, given how old this book appears to be. Someone might've decided to hide their family heirloom inside it and forgot about it.

He picked the ring up, examining it. It was black and resembled a cat's head, with a pair of green gems that represented the eyes and a red gem on the forehead. Félix figured that it was quite old and probably made out of expensive materials, but there were no carvings indicating to who the previous owner of the ring was. As he held it in his hand, the ring briefly shimmered, startling Félix. He tilted his head, staring at it for a moment, but then figured that it was probably just a trick of light.

Eventually, he found himself debating whether he should put it on or not, having a strange feeling about it, wondering if there was more to the ring than he thought. He did read enough books about mysterious artifacts and how they affected the protagonists, but he didn't really believe that it would apply to his situation. Finally, he slipped the ring on the middle finger of his right hand, realizing that it fitted him perfectly. He brushed with his his fingers across it, observing it.

Suddenly, the book he had been holding earlier fell apart, dissolving into ashes. Shocked, Félix quickly got up, hitting the bookshelf behind him and causing a bunch of books to drop on him.

''Oww…'' He rubbed the back of his head, being completely baffled. ''What happened?''

His eyes flicked down towards the ring, and he realized that he made a mistake by putting it on. He attempted to remove it from his finger, but no matter how much he pulled, it wouldn't come off.

Suddenly, a black light emerged from the ring, revealing itself to be a small black creature with cat ears, a cat tail, a pair of whiskers on his cheeks and one on his head. Félix stared at the creature, completely stunned. The creature then yawned, stretching its tiny arms and glanced at Félix with its big green eyes which had black cat-like slits as pupils, seemingly surprised to see him. It then smirked, a fang popping out of the corner of its mouth.

''Hello, my name is Plagg,'' Plagg introduced himself, then started to fly around Félix. ''Do you have anything to eat? I haven't eaten a proper meal in ages and I could use some cheese.''

''Wait, what are you?'' Félix asked, still stunned.

''I had already told you, Kid, I'm Plagg, the Kwami of Misfortune, and you freed me from my dormant state when you put the Ring of the Black Cat on,'' Plagg replied, then flew around, searching for anything edible. He was quite disappointed that the only thing he found were more books. Félix, on the other hand, wasn't fond of the kwami snooping around his room.

''First of all, don't call me Kid. I have a name, you know,'' Félix replied angrily, only to get startled when Plagg flew up to him, giving him a mischievous grin.

''Then, what should I call you, Kid?'' he asked.

''My name is Félix Agreste,'' Félix told him, then rose an eyebrow. ''Also, what was that talk about 'misfortune'?''

''To keep it short, the moment you put the ring on, you've been cursed with bad luck,'' Plagg explained.

''You have got to be kidding me,'' Félix muttered, his eyes widening as he remembered the earlier accident with the bookshelf. He once again tried to remove the ring, but it just wouldn't come off.

''That won't work, Kid,'' Plagg said, drawing Félix's ire. ''In order to remove the Ring of the Black Cat, you will have to get a kiss from the owner of the Ladybug Earrings.''

''What?'' Félix stared at Plagg, completely perplexed. Plagg sighed, crossing his tiny arms and legs as he assumed a sitting position mid-air.

''Look, Kid, you're now the proud owner of a piece of jewelry that is known as the Miraculous, the other being the Ladybug Earrings,'' he explained. ''While the Ring of the Black Cat is affected by a bad luck curse, the Ladybug Earrings are affected by a good luck charm, and in order to neutralize the bad luck curse and remove the ring, you will have to receive a kiss from whoever is the current owner of the Ladybug Earrings. Do you get it now?''

''…Fine.'' Félix glared at Plagg, having realized just what kind of life was awaiting him thanks to the Ring of the Black Cat. He then added irritatedly, ''Do you at least know who the current owner of the Ladybug Earrings is?''

''Nope,'' Plagg replied nonchalantly. Félix gave Plagg a look of disbelief, cursing himself for putting the ring on. Plagg just shrugged innocently, adding, ''There is one more thing I need to tell you.''

''What is it? Something that would make me even more miserable?'' Félix asked angrily.

''Actually, Monsieur 'Lucky' Agreste, I wanted to tell you about the benefits of the ring,'' Plagg replied calmly, still having that mischievous look on his expression. Félix rose an eyebrow, giving him a doubtful look. ''The reason this Miraculous is known as the Ring of the Black Cat is because it also allows you to transform into the superhero Chat Noir.''

''You can't be serious,'' Félix muttered, getting slowly more and more agitated. ''Even if that's true, why would I even want to be a superhero? I have already enough responsibilities and problems to deal with and I don't need one more added to the pile.''

''Well, it's not like you're forced to be a superhero,'' Plagg replied dryly, with Félix giving him a pointed look and tapping the ring. Plagg ignored the implications. ''You own the ring now, meaning that you are the one who decides what to do with it. If you don't want to be Chat Noir, fine by me, but if you do get tempted, the magic words are 'Plagg, transform me!'.''

Félix scoffed, his glare and posture telling Plagg that this wasn't going to happen. The kwami just shrugged, figuring that he'd better get used to living with his new grumpy holder. Nevertheless, there was a strange glint in his eyes, one that Félix had noticed. He had a bad feeling about this.

I hate to admit it, but Plagg was right; I did get tempted.

Félix sighed as he flipped a page and glanced aside, noticing that Plagg had eaten his cheese and was now napping on the pillow next to him. During the past couple days, he realized that the black cat kwami was a lazy glutton who loved to prank him and cause trouble. Nevertheless, he couldn't say that Plagg didn't care about him, as he told him about the curse and how to get rid off it. Not to mention, he even encouraged him to use the Miraculous for his own gain.

Not that I needed much convincing to use it. My uncle already made that decision for me.

It had been later that same night that he decided to use the ring. He had hoped that the dinner with his uncle would pass without any issues, but the old man just had to agitate him by questioning him about his decision to attend lycée.

''I hope that you do understand that, if your grades slip or I get complaints about your behavior, you will be taken out of lycée and spend the rest of the year locked up in your room studying.''

Félix lowered his fork, but didn't look up. He knew that his uncle was waiting for him to show some kind of reaction that he could criticize. Félix didn't want to give him that opportunity, well aware that he would get trapped into another conversation he wouldn't be able to fight through. He had to retreat.

''I'm going to my room. Good night,'' he said as he stood up. When Gabriel didn't reply, Félix took it as a sign that he had the permission to leave. He quickly walked out of the dining room and to his bedroom, having a strange feeling in his chest, as if he was going to suffocate if he didn't get away from his uncle. Once in his room, he closed the door and locked it, then leaned against the door, taking a deep breath as he felt his heart race.

''You look more grumpy than usual.''

Félix rose his head, having almost forgotten about Plagg. The black cat kwami gave him a curious look, although there appeared to be something else as well – concern, perhaps?

Félix was silent for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at the ring on his hand, stepping away from the door and pacing across his room. He knew that he needed to get out of this place, maybe take a walk and sort his thoughts out. Anything was better than staying at a place where he felt like a prisoner.

''This is your ticket to freedom, Kid.'' Félix looked up at Plagg, noting the mischievous grin on his expression, then glanced back at the ring. He nodded, a look of pure determination on his expression.

He lifted his hand, brushing with his fingers across the ring in a swift motion.

''Plagg, transform me!''

The red gem on the top of the cat's head started to glow in a purple light, as he held up his hand, clenching into into a fist. Plagg then got absorbed into the ring, with Félix rising his hand above his head as the ring released dark energy in the form of black orbs. The dark light completely enveloped him, trailing down his arm, torso and legs. He crossed his arms on his chest and turned around, then uncrossed his arms as the black light dispersed and revealed a form-fitting black leather-like suit, accompanied by a belt tail that was wrapped around his waist twice, criss-crossing in an ''x'' in the front and had a large silver belt buckle in the shape of a cat's head, and mid-thigh high boots. There was another burst of black light, with the dark orbs dispersing around him as his hair grew longer and messier, with black cat ears popping up on his head. He turned on his heel, revealing the black mask on his face and the large golden bell tied to his unzipped collar, and opened his eyes, which were now green, including the sclerae, and grinned, a fang popping out the corner of his mouth. He then slashed across the air with his claws and struck a pose.

Chat Noir stepped back, feeling baffled when he saw his new outfit. While the material felt quite comfortable and warm, he did have questions about the appearance of the suit itself.

''This… looks ridiculous,'' he said dryly, flicking the bell that was hanging from the zipper and hearing a soft ringing. ''Was the bell really necessary?''

''Well, the appearance of the suit depends on your inner most thoughts and needs.'' Chat Noir was a little surprised to hear Plagg's voice coming from the ring. ''You probably thought that this whole thing was ridiculous, so you got something ridiculous in return.''

''Right,'' Chat Noir muttered, frowning as he walked over to the full-length mirror next to his closet. His attention then wandered to the cat ears and belt tail and he curiously reached for them, wondering whether the ears were real. He winced once he pulled them, realizing that they were firmly attached to his head. ''Yeah, they are real.''

He observed himself in the mirror, noticing that the ears and belt tail would twitch and move according to his mood. When he attempted to look downcast, the belt tail lowered and the cat ears flattened against his head. When he tried to look alert, the cat ears sprung up and the belt tail curved up. Admittedly, while he still felt that he looked completely ridiculous in this outfit, as it was something he would never wear, he figured that he could get used to it.

''Is there anything else I should know about being Chat Noir?'' he asked, glancing at the ring. ''Do I get any additional powers?''

''As a matter of fact, you do,'' Plagg replied nonchalantly. ''Aside from the standard additional abilities, like boosted speed, endurance, strength, agility and a durable suit that protects you from most damage, you also get night vision and enhanced senses. You also get access to the moves Black Storm and Black Hole.''


''Black Storm allows you to create a orbs or discs of dark energy that allows you to blast your opponent, while Black Hole let's you create black holes that allow you trap people,'' Plagg explained. ''In combination with your bad luck curse, those powers are also affected by your emotional state.''

''I see,'' Chat Noir muttered, then clenched his fist as he grinned. ''That's interesting.''

He glanced at the upper level of his room, where his private library was, but instead of taking the stairs towards it, he jumped, doing a somersault and landing right on the walkway. Satisfied, he walked over to the door that led to the balcony outside and closed it behind him, breathing in the fresh air.

His eyes glinted as he looked around, realizing just how easy it would be for him to sneak out and spend the night without worrying about his uncle or his private life in general. Now, he was Chat Noir, an unrestrained, free-spirited cat-themed superhero to whom any of the strict rules he had been used to didn't apply. There was nothing that could stop him from doing whatever he desired.

Nothing except for the bad luck curse.

Félix realized that he had been reading the same paragraph over and over again. He sighed, closing the book and stared at the cover, memories flooding his mind. Being Chat Noir had provided him with an outlet he could use to escape this mansion and just roam through Paris whenever he wanted. He never really bothered to do any superhero-type of work, preferring to instead sit on the rooftops and gaze at the city or tests his abilities, as he wanted to be prepared for any kind of emergency. However, as the nights passed, he found himself slowly growing more and more restless. As much as he enjoyed the freedom he had, the only reason he kept going out as Chat Noir was because he hoped for Ladybug to appear, as his bad luck had started to affect him in noticeable ways.

Now that she finally did, all I need to do was to get her to kiss me and my curse will vanish. As for what will happen afterwards… Félix's eyes closed and he took a deep breath, unsure how to finish that thought. He glanced at the window, noting that it was late evening. He sat up, placing the book on the nearby coffee table and got up.

''We're going, Plagg,'' he said. The black cat kwami stirred, yawning and rubbing his eyes as he stretched.

''Already? I was having an amazing cat nap,'' he asked lazily, flying up to Félix, who crossed his arms. ''You know, Kid, maybe you too should take a nap. You might feel less grumpy afterwards.''

''Trust me, I'll feel less grumpy once I find Ladybug,'' Félix said as he brushed with his fingers across the ring. ''Plagg, transform me!''

The ring started to glow in a purple light as he held up his hand, with Plagg getting absorbed into it. Félix rose his hand above his head, with a dark light enveloping him. Once it dispersed, Chat Noir stood in the room, grinning sinisterly. He jumped to the walkway on the upper level and exited through the balcony, landing on a nearby rooftop and looked at the night sky.

Just be patient, M'lady. Your knight in black armour is coming.


After having overcome her fears and doubts the previous night about being a superhero, Bridgette felt more daring, deciding that tonight would be her first patrol. Having already transformed into Ladybug, she was currently parkouring across the rooftops, searching for any signs of trouble, but so far, she couldn't find anything out of the ordinary.

''It's not like this is an anime,'' Ladybug muttered to herself as she landed on the top of a building.

''What do you mean, Ladybug?'' Tikki asked.

''Well, in an anime, after the protagonist gets their magical powers, the mascot that accompanies them usually warns them about whatever threat they need to fight against,'' Ladybug explained as she jumped on a chimney stack.

''As far as I know, there aren't any threats,'' Tikki replied. ''Besides, as the current Ladybug, you're the one who decides what to do with your powers. I'm just here to give you advice.''

''In other words, I will have to find out on my own whether there any threats I should fight against,'' Ladybug said, somersaulting and landing on a narrow walkway and ran across it. ''I'm fine with that.''

She continued with her patrol, not noticing a dark figure observing her from a nearby rooftop.

''There she is.'' There was a glint in Chat Noir's eyes as he smirked. He jumped from the rooftop and landed on the railing of the balcony below it, keeping an eye on Ladybug. ''Now I just have to-''

He was startled when he suddenly heard something growling at him. He turned his head, realizing that there was a Yorkshire terrier on the balcony, barking at him. His ears moved back and his tail curled up as let out a cat-like hiss at the dog, baring his fangs. The poor Yorkie suddenly whimpered and ran back into the apartment through the open balcony door, with Chat Noir chuckling in satisfaction. He then turned around, his expression faltering when he realized that the dog distracted him long enough to lose Ladybug out of his sight.

''Oh, com'n!'' he whined.

Meanwhile, Ladybug was making her way across the rooftops, eventually making a brief stop at one building to assess her surroundings. ''Let's see, I'm currently at-''


''Oh, no…''

Ladybug groaned as she heard a familiar voice. Due to other things being on her mind, she had completely forgotten about Chat Noir. However, considering how he expressed interest in her the previous night, was it really that surprising that he would attempt to follow her?

Chat Noir, on the other hand, was relieved that he had managed to catch up to her, even though he did notice that Ladybug wasn't really happy to see him. He figured that it wasn't that much of a deal, especially once he went through with his plan. One little peck on the lips and Ladybug wouldn't have to see him ever again.

''I'm so happy to see you, M'lady!'' Chat Noir said, looking elated as he walked up to Ladybug. ''It appears that, no matter how big Paris is, our paths will eventually cross. Maybe it is just coincidence, but it could be destiny.''

''Or, maybe I should check my suit for any tracker devices,'' Ladybug replied dryly, crossing her arms. ''Chat Noir, I had already told you that I'm not interested in you nor do I want to hang around with you while I'm doing my work as a superheroine.''

''Technically, you aren't doing anything at the moment,'' Chat Noir pointed out, a sly grin on his lips. ''Unless you want to tell me that the enemy is invisible.''

Ladybug rolled her eyes.

''I'm currently patrolling the city,'' she replied. ''While yes, I haven't found anything yet, I might-''

''Then, why don't you take a little break,'' Chat Noir approached her, leaning towards her and tilting his head. ''Maybe we could go out for some coffee or something like that. It's not like anything significant is going to happen.''

Suddenly, the two heard an explosion not too far from where they were standing. Their eyes widened and they turned to the source of the explosion.

''Wh-What happened?'' Chat Noir stammered, while Ladybug ran towards the explosion.

''I think you managed to somehow jinx us!'' she shouted back.

''What?'' Chat Noir was stunned, but followed her nonetheless. While he wasn't sure whether he wanted to get involved, he figured that he might as well see what had happened.

Meanwhile, Ladybug had managed to reach the building that had been affected by the explosion, surprised to see that it was a bank.

''Someone must've broken in,'' she muttered to herself as she observed the entrance to the bank from the building on the opposite side. Despite the fact that the bank was closed, the door was open and the glass was shattered.

''You don't say, M'lady.'' Ladybug turned her head and saw Chat Noir joining her. ''What I would like to know is who would use explosives in a bank robbery? That's a sure way to draw attention.''

''Maybe the intruder doesn't care about the attention he would get,'' Ladybug replied, looking back at the building. She and Chat Noir saw someone exiting the bank, carrying a black duffel bag. ''There he is.''

''I guess we should leave this one to the police, they will be here soon,'' Chat Noir said, only to be surprised when Ladybug had already jumped of the building. ''Ladybug!''

Ladybug ignored Chat Noir, instead focusing on the bank robber, as she wanted to make sure that he would stay on at the crime scene until the police arrived. However, just as she landed behind a car, the bank robber turned towards her, miming something with his arms. Listening to her gut feeling, Ladybug crouched down, only to hear the breaking of glass. As she looked up, she realized that the car she had been hiding behind was riddled with bullet holes.

''What the-''

Ladybug sneaked a glance, being quite stunned by the intruder's appearance. He appeared to be a tall man with short blond hair and periwinkle-coloured skin. He had a black derby hat on his head and was dressed in a dark gray and white striped shirt underneath a bluish-gray dress jacket, high white pants with black lining on the pockets and black and white boots. Surprisingly, while he didn't carry anything in his hands, aside from the already mentioned duffel bag, the way one of his hands was positioned made him look like he was holding a gun.

''Is he some kind of mime?'' Ladybug muttered as she crouched behind the car.

''Please, be careful,'' Tikki warned her. Ladybug glanced at the wall in front of her, noticing a long shadow of the Mime thanks to the way how the street was lit. Even though she didn't see anything in his hands, his shadow was holding a gun.

''Seems like we're not dealing with an ordinary bank robber,'' Ladybug muttered. While she had questions, she knew that this wasn't the right time to ask anything. She sneaked a glance once again, noticing that the Mime was still standing on the same spot, looking at her and pointing his hand at her. Ladybug quickly retreated behind the car, only to hear more glass shattering, as well as recoil sounds when the invisible bullets hit the car and the wall next to her. She grabbed her compact, knowing that she would somehow have to get closer to him.

''Black Storm!''

Ladybug's head snapped upwards as she saw a disc of dark energy flying at the Mime, knocking him back. She quickly ran out of her hideout, turning her compact into a yo-yo and threw it at the Mime, with the yo-yo wrapping around the hand in which he was holding the gun. She pulled hard, causing him to stumble and let go of the duffel bag, then ran towards him, recalling the yo-yo and turning it into a staff.

The Mime managed to regain his balance and pointed the gun at Ladybug, but before he could fire it, a swift kick from Ladybug knocked it out of his hand and a swing from her staff connecting to his stomach knocked him back. However, as she attempted to attack him again, the Mime put his hands in front of himself. When Ladybug took another swing at him, she hit something solid instead, some kind of barrier. The Mime smirked at her, while Ladybug gritted her teeth, trying to figure out a way through the invisible wall the Mime had put up between them.

However, before any of them could make a move, they heard police sirens in the distance, with the sound growing louder. The Mime suddenly extended his hands, doing some kind of wave motion, then quickly booked it into another street. Ladybug wanted to follow him, but as she lifted her staff, she realized that there wasn't only a wall in front of her, but also on both sides, blocking her way out. Turning her staff back into a compact which she put back on the beaded string around her waist, she glanced down at the shadows, realizing that she could easily jump over the wall.

Unfortunately, the moment she had escaped her temporary prison, the police had arrived, their cars screeching to a halt. Ladybug was, to an extent, relieved to see them, but that relief completely vanished when she saw them pulling out their guns and pointing them at her.

''W-Wait, I can explain!'' Ladybug shouted at the officers, slowly panicking when she realized that they probably thought that she was responsible for this mess.

''Hold your hands up and turn around!'' one of the officers yelled at her. Ladybug gulped, realizing that the Mime would be long gone if she didn't do something.

''You got it all wrong, I wanted-''

Before she could finish her sentence, she got startled by Chat Noir, who had jumped down from the building, standing right in front of her and facing the police.

''Chat-'' Ladybug stared at Chat Noir, who smirked mischievously as he held up his hand, the ring on his finger shimmering.

''It appears that you still have a lot to learn, M'lady, but for now, I'd suggest we leave,'' he said, placing his hand, which was glowing in a black light, on the car next to him.

The moment he did that, the car's alarm blared loudly, with the doors popping up open, startling everyone. This move set off a chain reaction, as suddenly all of the cars in the street had their alarms set off, blaring loudly and distracting the police. Chat Noir then grabbed Ladybug's hand and the two ran into a nearby street from which they could get back on the rooftops.

Even though they were no longer on the street, they kept running across the rooftops until they were at a safe distance from the crime area, making sure they weren't being followed. Ladybug did try to keep an eye out for the Mime, as she and Chat Noir used the same street to escape, but it appeared that he got away. The only thought that comforted her was the fact that he had left the duffel bag, which she assumed contained the stolen money, at the crime scene.

''That was really stupid of you.''

Ladybug glanced at Chat Noir, noticing that he was glaring at her, a far cry from the seductive gaze he gave her earlier.

''Well, someone had to stop him,'' Ladybug huffed, her eyes flicking to the side as she sighed. ''Although, he still got away.''

''The issue I have is not that you let that guy get away,'' Chat Noir replied, his response confusing Ladybug, with her ahoge turning into a question mark. ''Answer me this – why do you even bother with acting like a superheroine?''

''Maybe because I genuinely want to help people, especially after being granted superpowers,'' Ladybug replied in a snarky tone, still puzzled by Chat Noir's sudden change in attitude.

''So, you would help people even if they don't care about you?'' he asked. Ladybug frowned.

''What are you talking about?'' she asked. Chat Noir suddenly fell silent and shook his head.

''Forget it,'' he replied, turning towards Ladybug, with a soft smile on his lips. ''Or rather, don't. All I want to say is that I'm afraid that people might not appreciate your effort; that they might shower you with gratitude one moment, then turn against you the next one and scold you whenever you make a genuine mistake. '' He took her hand, kissing the top of it. ''After all, you are still an amateur, if your appearance yesterday was your first night as Ladybug.''

''So, what?'' Ladybug pulled her hand away, frowning, her ahoge frizzled. ''How long have you been active?''

''Over two weeks,'' Chat Noir replied, smirking. ''In comparison to you, I'm a veteran.''

''Yet you haven't done anything notable to let me even know you even exist,'' Ladybug replied, Chat Noir's ears flattening against his head as he gave her a downcast look. ''I may be an amateur, but I'm fairly certain I'm capable of performing under pressure, as well as dealing with people who might attempt to hurt me in some way.''

''I understand, you want to help others,'' Chat Noir told her, turning his charm on, his tail flicking. ''Don't worry, I'm not here to stop you.'' He leaned closer to her, causing Ladybug to shudder when he placed his claw under her chin. ''I'm simply here to look out for you, M'lady.''

Blushing slightly, Ladybug simply swatted his hand away, stepping back as she took a sharp breath.

''While I appreciate your assistance, I'd be happier if you kept your distance,'' she replied.

''Unfortunately, I'm afraid that this isn't possible,'' Chat Noir told her. ''It is hard to stay away from a beauty such as you.''

Ladybug rolled her eyes, not at all flattered by his compliment.

''Then, I'm going to stay away from you,'' she replied.

''Is that a challenge?'' Chat Noir winked, causing Ladybug to groan in annoyance.

She had realized that this was going to be a long night.

Chapter 4: The Mini Menace


Hi folks! Again, thank you for your support, with special thanks going to Dovahkiin795 for helping me out so much with this story.

Now, given how this story is based on the PV Trailer, which was an anime, this story will have a lot of descriptions and character reactions which are based on what one would see in an anime (like Bridgette's ahoge). Going further, if this story were an actual anime, I had figured that the opening song would be ''Never Lose'' from the anime Ace Attorney, while the ending song would be ''Kuyashisa wa Tane'' from the anime Digimon Adventure: (2020).

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy the chapter!

Chapter Text

Entry 3

The Mini Menace

''I know to forcefully believe in freedom; This dark illusion is over. My evidence is that I'm never by myself.''

Never Lose by Ace Attorney


''What a night…''

Bridgette was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling, still feeling sleepy. While it was Saturday morning, she luckily didn't have any morning classes, meaning that she managed to at least get some sleep after returning late from her patrol.

''How do you feel?'' Tikki flew up to her, hovering over her.

''Exhausted,'' Bridgette replied as she sat up. Tikki landed on her head. ''I also hate the fact that I let that guy escape instead of apprehending him.''

''I'm sure you're going to catch him next time,'' Tikki said, patting her head. Bridgette smiled tiredly.

''Hopefully,'' she said as she stood up, yawning and stretching her arms, then took a deep breath. ''Although, I'm more curious about the fact that this guy was a mime with superpowers. I mean, that's not something you see every day.'' She snorted, scratching her cheek with her finger sheepishly. ''Although, being a Ladybug and having a good luck charm as a superpower isn't normal either. I should better get used to seeing weird things from now on.''

''Would you consider Chat Noir weird?'' Tikki asked her, flying away from Bridgette's head as the teen got herself dressed and prepared for the day.

''I'd say that he's more annoying than weird,'' Bridgette replied. Having dressed up, she combed her hair, binding them into her signature pigtails, her ahoge drooping as she realized something. ''Although, I completely forgot to thank him for helping me out with the Mime.''

''I'm sure you're going to see him tonight again, so you can thank him then,'' Tikki replied, with Bridgette giving her a bitter smile.

''Yeah, and afterwards I can deal with him chasing me all around Paris,'' she replied. She then smiled, holding both her arms up and fist-pumping. ''Nevertheless, this won't stop me from carrying on with my duties.''

''That's the spirit!'' Tikki cheered, following Bridgette, who had grabbed a white frilly waist apron from the dresser, down the trapdoor to the connected kitchen and living room area. Luckily for them, Mei was at the tea shop, so Tikki was able to fly around without the fear of being seen. Both she and Bridgette had agreed that it was probably for the best to keep the Miraculous and her existence a secret from Bridgette's grandmother. Bridgette made toast for both of them, the two enjoying their breakfast in peace. ''So, what do you plan to do today, aside from going after the Mime during your patrol? You told me that you don't have school today and I'm curious about your hobbies.''

''I usually help out my grandmother in the tea shop, that is, as long as I'm not busy with other stuff,'' Bridgette told Tikki, who was done with her breakfast. ''While she primarily sells tea leaves, there is also a café setting for those who don't just want to sample tea.''

''I assume that your grandmother taught you a lot about brewing tea,'' Tikki said, landing on Bridgette's head.

''That's right and if you want, I could brew something for you,'' Bridgette replied, placing the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

''Thank you!'' Tikki chirped. Bridgette simply smiled as she walked downstairs, tying the apron around her waist. She went down the stairs, entering the back room of the shop, where Tikki hid, and walking over to the entrance to the shop, where she found her grandmother chatting with one of their regulars.

''Good morning!'' Bridgette greeted the two.

''Good morning to you too, Bridgette! You just came here at the right time,'' Mei replied. ''Estelle has been quite picky today with the samples and we'd need a third opinion here.''

''What's the matter, Mme. Boleyn?'' Bridgette asked.

''I've been drinking only sweet hibiscus tea for the past weeks and I figured I should try something new today,'' Mme. Boleyn replied, pointing at the cups. ''I've already tried the Blood Orange sample, but it feels as if it's missing something. I want something with a more juicy flavour.''

''Well, a good way to bring out the flavour would be to brew the tea with less water and add fresh or candied fruit to it,'' Bridgette said, briefly glancing at Mei, who nodded in approval. She looked back at Mme. Boleyn. ''As for the tea, Blood Orange is a classic blend that pairs well with other fruits, as well as chocolate, and it always tastes delicious, no matter how brewed.''

''I see,'' Mme. Boleyn said, smiling. ''I can't really say no to a tea that goes with chocolate, especially if I'm going to make it for my grandchildren. They love sweets and they love fruit, so I guess I'll go with it.''

Just then, the bell rung and a young woman entered the shop, with Bridgette leaving the counter to help her out. Her share of the workload usually consisted of helping the customers finding the right tea samples, as well as brewing tea and acting as a waitress for those who decided to have cup of tea in the shop. While her presence wasn't necessary, as Mei could handle the shop on her own, Bridgette liked helping her grandmother and learning from her.

However, despite her work, her mind would constantly wander back to the previous night, to her experience as Ladybug, her having to deal with Chat Noir and the fact that she still had no idea how to approach Félix. While she had figured that she could deal with being Ladybug once she transformed, Félix was still on her mind.

While the letter didn't work, the pain au chocolat did, even though I may have been just lucky there. Bridgette smiled softly as she reminded herself of the Ladybug Earrings and her good luck charm. I haven't experienced anything I could consider a misfortune, so it seems that I'm safe, for now. I don't want to really use them to talk to Félix, but if the good luck charm helps me get him to notice me…

''Hey, Bri!'' Bridgette turned around, having cleaned a table after a previous customer left, and saw Claude, who was holding a basketball under his arm. ''I see that you're busy.''

''I just have to clean this up,'' Bridgette replied, wiping down the table and picking up the tea cup and saucer. ''What are you doing here?''

''I wanted to ask you whether you wanted to go for a walk near the Seine,'' Claude said. ''I have also planned to visit the basketball court there. Do you want to come along?''

''Sure,'' Bridgette replied, glancing at her grandmother, who nodded, having overheard their conversation. Claude sheepishly waved at her, while Bridgette left the tea cup in the sink behind the counter and took off her apron. ''I'll be back soon.''

She went upstairs to grab her purse, which had the same dark red and orange flower pattern as her backpack and stuffed her wallet, notepad, pen and keys into it.

''Are we going somewhere?'' Tikki, who had followed her, asked her.

''Yeah, we'll go on a walk with Claude,'' Bridgette explained, unzipping her purse. ''Do you think you could hide inside it?''

Tikki nodded, flying into the purse, which Bridgette then slung over her shoulder. She then went downstairs, joining Claude.

''Don't come back too late,'' Mei shouted after her as they exited the shop. Bridgette just waved back, then followed Claude.

''So, how have you been doing?'' he asked.

''Fine, I guess,'' Bridgette replied.

''Allegra had told me about the letter,'' Claude said, giving her a sour smile. ''I'm sorry that it didn't work out.''

''Yeah, right,'' Bridgette said sarcastically, giving him a knowing look. ''Claude, we both know you don't like Félix, you don't have to act as if you feel sorry for me failing to tell him anything.''

''Fine,'' Claude sighed in defeat. ''However, that's only because I'm worried about you. You know that I don't want to see you get hurt.''

''I have already told you that there's no need to worry about me. I'm not hurt and I'm already working on my next attempt to approach him,'' Bridgette replied confidently, fist-pumping. ''I can handle this.''

''Still, even if you manage to get him to talk to you, what will happen if you discover that he isn't what you think he was?'' Claude asked her. Bridgette's ahoge drooped.

''I guess I would be disappointed,'' she said thoughtfully. ''But, I'm still willing to take the risk.''

''Seems like I just can't change your mind,'' Claude sighed. Bridgette elbowed him playfully, winking, with Claude smiling, aware that it was her way of telling him to have a little faith in her.

''You always look out for me, but I need to take a stand once in a while,'' Bridgette told him.

''Okay, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to suddenly start liking Agreste,'' Claude replied.

''That's fine with me,'' Bridgette told him.

''Anyways, have you heard about what happened last night?'' Claude asked. Bridgette felt a knot in her stomach, but shook her head. Claude reached for his smartphone and searched for something on it, coming across a video. He and Bridgette stopped walking, with Claude showing her a video titled The Mini Menace & The Alley Cat. ''There had been a bank robbery, but… Well, here, someone took a video of it and it went viral…''

Bridgette's eyes widened in surprise as she watched the video, her ahoge standing up like an exclamation mark. The video itself was shaky, obviously taken via a smartphone camera and a little dark, with the owner, who kept quiet during the whole video, using the zoom feature to get a better look of the action. Said action was the fight between her and the Mime, right up to the point when the police had arrived and the Mime escaped, capturing also the part where Chat Noir had caused all the cars in the street to malfunction, which let them get away.

''Uh, wow…'' Bridgette muttered, hoping that Claude mistook the terror in her eyes for genuine shock. She completely forgot about the possibility of having bystanders take a video of her.

''Check the comment section.'' Claude handed her the smartphone over. Bridgette took it, scrolling through the comments. There were some questioning it, even calling it fake or staged, but there were some who were intrigued by what they had seen, wondering if they were some kind of superheroes, with others calling them dangerous or a menace. However, all of them called Ladybug and Chat Noir with the nicknames the poster of the video did – The Mini Menace and The Alley Cat. Bridgette's eyes were wide and blank, her jaw dropped.

Not only did I manage to let a criminal escape, I'm also being labeled as a menace. My career as a superheroine is over before it even began.

''Bri, are you okay?''

Bridgette snapped out of her thoughts and gave Claude a nervous smile.

''Yeah, I'm fine!'' she replied, giving him the smartphone back, her ahoge frizzled. Claude rose an eyebrow, clearly having his doubts, with Bridgette quickly brainstorming on how to salvage her reaction. ''It's just… Do you think this video is real?''

''It seems so,'' Claude replied. ''I checked the news and sure, there had been a bank robbery reported, but unfortunately, there isn't anything about the Mini Menace or the Alley Cat.''

''I see…'' Bridgette knew that she would have to stay out of the spotlight. The last thing she needed was having reporters swarm her and question her about her identity. ''Still, why are people calling that girl the Mini Menace? I mean, with that costume on, she looks like a ladybug to me.''

''Honestly, I think Mini Menace sounds much better than Coccinelle,'' Claude replied.

''How about Ladybug?'' Bridgette asked, her eyes narrowing. Claude shrugged.

''I guess it works,'' he said, then chuckled. ''It's still better than Alley Cat.''

''I agree with that,'' Bridgette said, grinning deviously as she thought about her partner. Poor Chat Noir… I wonder what he has to say about this.


''The Alley Cat…'' Félix glared furiously at his smartphone, gritting his teeth. ''I'm being treated like a joke.''

''You should better get used to it,'' Plagg said, popping out of Félix's backpack, a wide smile on his face. Unable to hold it back anymore, he burst out laughing. ''The Alley Cat- Hey, how about you changed your name from Chat Noir to Alley Cat? Com'n, it'll be fun!''

''Shut up,'' Félix growled, glancing back at the video, his eyes narrowing. ''This is humiliating.''

''Well, if you go through with your plan, the Alley Cat would vanish and only the Mini Menace would remain,'' Plagg replied, still grinning. ''So, why are you so upset?''

Félix didn't reply, but instead pocketed his smartphone, getting up from the bench he was sitting on. Plagg frowned, not really satisfied with Félix's silence, but he was aware that he probably managed to hit a nerve with his question. For all his talk about not wanting to be Chat Noir, Félix still wanted some respect while he was Chat Noir, but refused to admit it.

Nevertheless, his holder had at least learned how to blow off steam. Plagg had often seen Félix keeping his opinions to himself and bottling up his emotions, with the only thing showing his distaste being his body language, and he was glad to see him get annoyed over something petty like a nickname the public gave his alter ego rather than just scoff at it or ignore it. He had a feeling that Félix's uncle may have had a hand in this kind of behavior.

Félix, on the other hand, didn't appear to be bothered to pursue the subject. He had managed to get out of the mansion today and planned to take a walk along the Seine to calm his nerves and think about his next move concerning Ladybug, replaying the conversation they had in his head.

''Answer me this – why do you even bother with acting like a superheroine?''

''Maybe because I genuinely want to help people, especially after being granted superpowers.''

''So, you would help people even if they don't care about you?''

She never answered my question, although, to be fair, I never gave her the chance to answer it. Félix's eyes narrowed. How should I approach her?

''You know, you could tell her about your curse,'' Plagg said, popping his head out of Félix's backpack.

''Forget it,'' Félix replied sharply. ''I don't want her to know anything about it.''

''Why?'' Plagg persisted.

He frowned when Félix didn't reply, then smirked. He flew out of the backpack just as Félix was passing a tree and then tapped it. A few bigger twigs with leaves and seeds fell off and hit Félix in the head. The teen rubbed his head, trying to clean out the leaves and comb his hair back and looked up, glaring at Plagg, who waved back mischievously.

Feeling annoyed, Félix figured it would be the best to just walk away, but unfortunately, his bad luck only worsened.

''Hey, Félix!''

Why me?!

Félix tightened his grip around the strap of his backpack and pretended he didn't hear Bridgette calling out for him. Unfortunately for him, Bridgette had set her mind on making him notice her and ran over to him, stepping right in front of him and blocking his path.

''Hey, Félix!'' she said again, this time louder. She wasn't fazed at all by Félix's glare, smiling back instead, her ahoge curved into a heart shape. ''How are you doing?''

''Fine, I guess,'' Félix grumbled, his tone making it obvious that he wasn't in the mood for having a conversation. Bridgette completely ignored it.

''Great,'' she said. ''So, where are you going? If it's the same direction, we could walk together if you want?''

Félix noticed her gesturing behind him and turned his head, seeing Claude approaching them. Unlike Bridgette, Claude wasn't happy to see Félix and, frankly, Félix shared the sentiment.

''Hey, Agreste,'' Claude greeted him apprehensively, his eyes narrowed.

''Savard,'' Félix muttered curtly, with the two teens glaring at each other for a moment. Meanwhile, Bridgette was left standing awkwardly between the two, having a bad feeling about how this meeting would turn out.

''I haven't expected to see you here,'' Claude told Félix in a slightly teasing tone. ''I thought you'd be locked inside your room and reading a book, or something like that.''

''What I'm doing is none of your business,'' Félix replied, then glared at Bridgette. ''Neither do I want to accompany you. Leave me alone.''

''But, I…'' Bridgette trailed off as Félix turned around, walking away in the opposite direction. She faltered, her ahoge drooping.

''What's wrong with him?'' Claude muttered. He was aware that he may have drawn Félix's ire with his comment, but he didn't believe that it was something the latter would get upset about.

''Something's bothering him,'' Bridgette replied in a quiet tone. I wish I knew what it was. Maybe, I could help him somehow.


It was late evening and Ladybug was once again doing her patrols on the rooftops of Paris. However, this time, it wasn't just her searching for any potential troublemakers and criminals; she was focused on finding the Mime and apprehending him in order to make up for her mistake from the previous night.

''Hopefully we'll manage to locate the Mime tonight,'' Ladybug said. ''I mean, my power is a good luck charm, so I'm bound to run into him again, especially since I want to find him to make sure that he doesn't hurt anyone.''

''I'm sure things are going to turn out fine,'' Tikki replied confidently as Ladybug vaulted over a chimney stack. ''After all, you've put a lot of effort into this investigation, even going so far to make a map of the places you wanted to visit.''

''Right, but it's not going to be easy,'' Ladybug replied, rushing across a narrow rooftop and landing on another apartment complex, then taking a leap and landing on another building, then leaping towards another building, her hair ribbons trailing behind her. ''Still, I think I might be able to cover the distance like this.''

''So, which place is our first destination, then?'' Tikki asked.

''I'll have to check which one is the closest,'' Ladybug replied, somersaulting over to another building and landing in a crouch, then getting up and briefly turning her head back, before turning back and sighing. The past few streets she had passed had a bunch of people walking through and she sincerely hoped that no one had seen her.

''Lovely to see you again, M'lady.''

Ladybug's pigtails and ahoge rose up and she quickly turned around, seeing Chat Noir standing right behind her. He appeared to be quite amused by her shocked reaction.

''When did you get here?'' she said, feeling a little angry that he had sneaked up on her.

''I've been following you for a while,'' Chat Noir admitted, smirking, his tail flicking. ''As for my surprise entrance, did you really expect for a cat not to be sneaky?''

''Remind me to put a…'' Ladybug trailed off when Chat Noir flicked his bell, beaming. Ladybug's expression fell flat. ''Oh, right, you already have one.''

''I guess you could say that Stealth is my middle name,'' Chat Noir replied smugly.

''What's your first name? Alley Cat?'' Ladybug crossed her arms, watching Chat Noir as his ears flattened against his head. He frowned.

''So, you saw that video?'' he asked, with Ladybug nodding. Chat Noir huffed, crossing his arms. ''I can't believe they called me Alley Cat! Who came up with that?! At least they could've called me Black Cat based on my suit!''

''At least your nickname makes sense,'' Ladybug replied, feeling amused by Chat Noir's complaints. ''I have no idea why they call me Mini Menace.''

Chat Noir tilted his head, his tail flicking as he observed her carefully. He then held up his palm above Ladybug's head, moving it up and down, then between her and himself, as if measuring something. Ladybug stared at him with a puzzled look on her expression.

''You're short,'' he concluded. Ladybug stared at him baffled, only to get flustered when Chat Noir placed his claw under her chin, giving her a seductive look. ''And, you're incredibly cute.''

Ladybug was speechless, her cheeks turning a visible shade of red. She quickly took a step back and tried to focus on being angry rather than being flustered. ''Who are you calling short?! I'm at a perfectly average height for my age!''

Chat Noir didn't appear to be rattled by her outburst, smiling instead at her, a fang popping out the corner of his mouth. ''I thought you'd be more upset about me calling you cute.''

Ladybug pouted and crossed her arms, turning away, trying to show that she wasn't affected by his comment. ''Frankly, I have better things to do than to banter with you.''

''What are you up to?'' Chat Noir asked, a little disappointed that Ladybug refused to respond to his comment. Ladybug briefly turned her head towards him, her eyes narrowed, then turned away. Chat Noir's ears lowered as he realized that she was relentless and that she wasn't going to let him get close to her unless he put more effort into it. ''Maybe I could help you?''

Ladybug remained silent for a few seconds, obviously contemplating his offer. Eventually, she sighed and turned towards him. ''As long as you stop flirting with me…''

''I'm sorry, I can't promise that,'' Chat Noir cut her off, only to be met with Ladybug's glare.

''At least prove to me that you can focus on a mission, you Casanova wannabe!'' she yelled back, startling Chat Noir.

''…I guess this is where the 'menace' part comes from,'' Chat Noir muttered, with Ladybug still glaring at him, her ahoge frizzled.

''Trust me, I can get much worse,'' she told him in a threatening tone. Chat Noir's ears flattened against his head and his belt tail lowered, a nervous look on his expression. However, he managed to quickly bounce back.

''I assure you, M'lady, I won't disappoint you,'' Chat Noir replied. ''You can trust me with this case.''

''Fine,'' Ladybug told him after a moment of silence. ''I had planned to search for the Mime.''

''The Mime?'' Chat Noir rose an eyebrow.

''That's what I'm calling that guy from last night, at least until I get his actual name'' Ladybug replied. ''I know it's not particularly creative name, but I don't know how else to refer to him.''

''Okay, I get it,'' Chat Noir said, watching Ladybug as she reached for her compact and held it up, trailing with her finger across the middle. The mid-section of the compact opened like ladybug wings, revealing a bright red hammerspace from which she took out a folded piece of paper. She then closed the compact, putting it back on the beaded string around her waist and unfolded the piece of paper, which turned out to be a map. Ladybug pointed at the red circles she made.

''I did some investigation and it turns out that there had been two more bank robberies reported in the past two weeks,'' she explained, with Chat Noir realized that the marked spots were the banks that had been targeted by the Mime. ''The pattern was the same – he would enter the building, disable the cameras and then blow up the vault. That was the explosion we had heard last night.''

''This guy really doesn't care about being subtle, does he?'' Chat Noir said.

''Apparently,'' Ladybug replied. ''That's why I figured that I should try and check on every bank in the city in case he decides to target another one.''

''Wait, every bank?'' Chat Noir gave Ladybug a questioning look. ''That's going to take us all night! I haven't signed up for this!''

''I didn't ask you to come along either,'' Ladybug pointed out, folding the map back and storing it into her compact. ''If you want to be whiny and complain, you can stay here. I'll do this patrol by myself.''

She then ran across the rooftop and leaped onto another building.

''W-Wait!'' Chat Noir shouted after her, following her. ''Ladybug!''

''What is it?'' Ladybug stopped, turning towards Chat Noir, who landed on all fours on the chimney stack above her.

''I'm curious about something,'' Chat Noir replied. ''Are you completely sure that the Mime would attempt to rob a bank again? He might as well go after a jewelry store or something similar. Not to mention, we don't even know whether he would strike again tonight.''

''I did think about the possibility of him changing targets, but I don't think that he would do that,'' Ladybug replied. ''Also, I know that I there's no way of knowing when he might appear, but I want to do something and this is the best I could come up with.''

''You're really determined to apprehend him, huh?'' Chat Noir mutterd, then smiled mischievously. ''How about this? If I help you find the Mime and take him down, I get a kiss from you as a reward.''

''Forget it,'' Ladybug replied, shaking her head and leaving. Chat Noir looked annoyed for a moment, then quickly followed her.

''Please, M'lady!''

''I had told you already, if you don't want to be part of this, then don't. I'm perfectly fine handling the Mime by myself,'' Ladybug replied, feeling slightly irritated by Chat Noir's persistence. ''Besides, apprehending a criminal should be reward enough.''

Chat Noir pouted, his eyes narrowing.

''Enough for you,'' he muttered bitterly. Nevertheless, he followed her, as he knew that he had no other choice. He needed Ladybug's help and the only way to get it was to figure out how to convince her to help him.

''You still haven't told her anything,'' Plagg said, with Chat Noir glancing at the ring.

''For the last time, I'm not going to tell her about the curse,'' he replied, gritting his teeth.

''Fine, your call,'' Plagg replied.

Chat Noir took a sharp breath and shook his head, calming down a little, and and continued with the patrol, hoping that he would get the opportunity to prove his worth to Ladybug.


We are not getting anywhere with this.

Chat Noir had managed to keep his mouth shut for the most part of their patrol, hoping that, if he played along with Ladybug's plan, that she would be more open to reward him with a kiss. However, he did notice that Ladybug was getting slowly more and more frustrated. Sure, she was glad that nothing had happened, but it seemed that she really wanted for the Mime to appear so she could apprehend him.

I sincerely doubt that he is going to appear at our convenience.

If he had to be honest, he too had hoped that they might encounter the Mime, even imagining himself catching the Mime and Ladybug kissing him out of gratefulness. Unfortunately for both of them, it seemed that neither of their expectations would be fulfilled tonight.

''I hate to say, M'lady, but it seems like we're out of luck,'' Chat Noir said once they stopped on a building, with Ladybug consulting her map. There were several 'X' marks on the places where they had been previously.

Hearing his comment, Ladybug glanced at him, giving him a weird look. Chat Noir rose an eyebrow, as it seemed that, for a moment, it looked like she was offended by what he told her. She then shook her head.

''There are still a few places I want to check on,'' she told him. ''I'm sure that we will find him eventually.''

She gave Chat Noir a determined look, with Chat Noir noticing a brief glow coming from her earrings. She then turned around, giving Chat Noir a moment to look at his ring, which also started to glow. A moment later, the light that was coming from both of their Miraculous was extinguished. Chat Noir's eyes widened in surprise, but he then frowned, understanding what was going on.

I doubt that it would be a good idea to use your power when I'm so close to you, Ladybug. He glanced at her as she placed the map back into her compact. But, you don't know that, right?

He continued following her, figuring that she would eventually find out on her own. She was still learning how to use her powers properly and he was sure that it wouldn't take long until she learned the truth about his powers.

I'm not looking forward to this conversation.

Chat Noir took a look at his surroundings as he landed on another building, realizing that he was familiar with the area. If the map in his head was correct, they were going towards Jardin des Tuileries. He grinned as a plan started forming in his head.

Maybe I could ask Ladybug to go with me for a walk there after the patrol. It would be just the two of us, relaxing and talking, and perhaps, if I convince her, the inevitable might happen.

Satisfied with his idea, he caught up to Ladybug, who appeared to take another stop on a building right across the park. He walked up to her, noticing that she was lost in her thoughts.

''M'lady?'' Ladybug turned towards him, with Chat Noir tilting his head slightly. ''What's on your mind?''

''Nothing,'' Ladybug replied, turning her head away.

However, Chat Noir didn't miss the troubled look on her expression. He wanted to ask her about it, but his ears twitched as he heard a whistling sound.

''Watch out!'' He grabbed Ladybugs arm and pulled her down, shielding her as whatever passed above them suddenly exploded. The two looked up, both shocked.

''What was what?'' Ladybug asked, still stunned.

''No idea,'' Chat Noir replied, him and Ladybug slowly getting up and looking around. They both turned towards where the this explosive came, seeing a person standing on the street. Chat Noir's eyes narrowed as he stepped closer, his night vision giving him a better look at the person who had attacked him.

''It's the Mime,'' he said, tilting his head slightly, feeling puzzled. ''I think he's holding some kind of… rocket launcher.''

''That explains the explosion,'' Ladybug said, her eyes narrowing as she glared at the Mime. ''Let's go.''

While she leaped off the building, Chat Noir hesitated, having crouched down on all fours. He knew that he probably should keep his distance, as Ladybug, despite her inexperience, would fare better in a fight thanks to her good luck charm. On the other hand, he couldn't miss a chance to make a good impression on his Lady. He grinned, leaping off the building and following Ladybug, who was already chasing the Mime towards Jardin des Tuileries.

Ladybug was hot on the Mime's heels, wanting to catch him before they drew more attention. Heaven knows who else had heard that explosion and she was lucky enough that there wasn't anyone in this part of the park. She grabbed her compact, turning it into a yo-yo and threw it at the Mime, the yo-yo wrapping around his wrist. She pulled it back, stopping him in his tracks.

''You're not getting anywhere!'' she growled when the Mime turned towards her.

He smirked sinisterly, holding up his other hand and pointing it at Ladybug. Ladybug was forced to release him in order to dodge the bullets, jumping away and turning her yo-yo into a shield mid-air, with the bullets bouncing off it. The Mime stopped firing and mimed something else, a short sledgehammer going by the shadow it cast on the ground, and charged at Ladybug. Ladybug lifted her shield up, with the sledgehammer connecting and causing her to back down. She realized that the Mime was far stronger than she had initially assumed.

The moment the Mime lifted his sledgehammer to strike her down again, she jumped back, converting the shield into her staff and charged back at him, landing a hit in the gut. He managed to recover, however, and swung the sledgehammer at her. She dodged it again, finding herself leaning against a tree. She crouched down when the Mime swung again, hitting the tree behind her, and slammed the staff into his chest, causing him to stagger backwards.

Ladybug managed to slip back onto the path and turned towards the Mime, who had recovered from her attack, turning towards her and twirling the sledgehammer in his hand.

''Black Storm!''

However, before he could lunge at her, a disc of black energy hit him, causing a minor explosion, with smoke covering his surroundings. Ladybug glanced at a nearby tree, seeing Chat Noir leap off it and land on the other side, across her, with the Mime standing between the two. However, before she could say anything, something came flying out of the smoke, hitting her square in the chest and causing her to stumble back, her staff falling out of her hands, and knocking the wind out of her.

''Ladybug!'' Chat Noir called out for her just as the Mime stepped out of the smoke and turned his attention towards him, miming the sledgehammer again and charging at him. Chat Noir assumed a battle stance, dodging the attack and striking back with his claws, barely missing clawing across the Mime's chest. However, he managed to land a kick in the chest, only for the Mime to respond with a punch to the face, finishing off with a sledgehammer to the gut that sent him flying.

Ladybug, who felt as if a car had hit her, got into a crouch just as the Mime turned towards her and did a backsault, grabbing the staff that was lying on the ground behind her and charged again at the Mime, hoping for a lucky hit. She knew that she needed to finish this fight as soon as possible.

Unfortunately for her, Chat Noir had the same idea.

''Black Hole!''

He pressed his hand against the ground, his ring sparking with dark energy, just as the Mime charged at Ladybug. The issue was, Ladybug was much faster, and she found herself stepping into a black hole that appeared right below her, causing her to sink into it.

''What the hell?!'' She glared at Chat Noir, who gave her a shocked look, clearly having not expected this to happen. The Mime, on the other hand, appeared to be perfectly fine with it, grinning as he slammed the sledgehammer downwards at Ladybug.

She managed to block it by using her staff, gritting her teeth as she felt sinking deeper into the black hole.

''Black Storm!'' Chat Noir yelled, with Ladybug realizing what he was up to.

The moment he sent a disc of dark energy flying, Ladybug pulled her staff back, turning it into a shield. However, the Mime managed to dodge Chat Noir's attack and stepped away from the two, the disc hitting Ladybug's shield. Ladybug then turned the shield into a yo-yo, glaring at Chat Noir, who got up, as she threw it at a nearby tree, wrapping the string around it and pulling herself out of the black hole. They turned towards the Mime, who reached for something behind his back, some kind of cylindrical canister. He ripped the top off with his teeth and threw it at the two, smoke exploding all around them.

Ladybug and Chat Noir started coughing, unable to see anything. However, Chat Noir's ears twitched as he picked up the sound of steps, realizing that the Mime was getting away. Not only that, but he could hear someone running towards them and, the moment the smoke cleared a little, he lunged at Ladybug, picking her up bridal-style and jumping onto a nearby tree, hiding in the foliage.

''Chat, what are you-?!'' Ladybug cut herself off when she saw people approaching the spot she and Chat Noir were at a moment earlier. She was breathing heavily, her heart racing, and, given how tightly he was holding her, with his arm wrapped around her waist, Chat Noir didn't seem to be in any better condition. She waited for a bit to recover, giving Chat Noir a side-eye when she realized that he still had his arm wrapped around her waist. Chat Noir caught on, letting go of her. Ladybug took a deep breath, sighing. ''We should better leave before we get caught on video again.''

''I wholeheartedly agree,'' Chat Noir replied, adding in a sheepish tone, ''I apologize for the mess, M'lady. I guess it was just bad timing on my part.''

''Next time, be more careful with what you're doing,'' Ladybug replied in a frustrated tone, glaring at him. Her expression made it clear to Chat Noir that his fighting skills certainly did not impress her as he hoped they would.

Once the two made sure that the coast was clear, they used the trees as a way to get back on the street, leaping onto a nearby street lamp and landing on the building closest to them. Ladybug turned back towards the park, her brow furrowed as she stared at it thoughtfully.

''Honestly, it kind of felt as if he was testing us,'' she said.

''Why would he do that?'' Chat Noir asked, with Ladybug frowning.

''Unfortunately, I don't know, but I have a bad feeling that we eventually might find out.''

Chapter 5: The Curse


I'm back and I would like to thank everyone for your support!

Honestly, I had to make some changes in this chapter, setting up some things for the future and leaving it on a cliffhanger. Rest assured, this Ladybug and Chat Noir still have a long way to go when it comes to learning how to work as a team.

Nevertheless, I still hope you're going to enjoy it.

Chapter Text

Entry 4

The Curse

''There's no room for excuses in a reality that's been shaped by lies, where miracles are twisted and turned about; Let's never ever lose! Whether it be 'right or left', whether it be 'real or false', to make judgements and determine the facts, we need nothing but the truth.''

Never Lose by Ace Attorney


Bridgette stared at the screen of her tablet, sighing. She had gotten a message from Allan earlier, who commissioned her to draw him a new avatar image for his gamer profile, which she happily accepted, as it gave her something to do, distracting her from the sense of failure that had been creeping up her spine and whispering into her ear.

That battle didn't really go as I wanted it to. Bridgette leaned her chin against her hand as she worked on the background for the avatar. It was a complete disaster and to make things worse, the Mime had escaped once again.

''Bri, are you okay?'' Tikki asked, noticing the troubled look on Bridgette's expression. Bridgette took a deep breath, glancing at Tikki.

''I've just been thinking about what had happened last night and trying to figure out at what point I made a mistake that let the Mime get away,'' she replied.

''I don't think you made any mistakes,'' Tikki replied. ''As a matter of fact, I think you handled yourself quite well during the fight.''

''It's not just the fight Tikki, but everything that had led up to it,'' Bridgette replied. ''I had thought that I would be able to find the Mime on my own, but as it turned out, he was the one who had found me. I agree with what Chat Noir had said, that there was no way for us to know whether the Mime would show up or not, yet he did and he deliberately attacked us, even thought he didn't have to. There was absolutely no reason for him to do that.''

''You did say that you felt as if he was testing you,'' Tikki said.

''That's the only explanation I could come up with that actually made sense,'' Bridgette replied. ''It is quite possible that, after learning that there were other people with superpowers in Paris, he wanted to test us to see whether we are a legitimate threat. The only question that remains is whether we have proven ourselves to be worthy opponents or not.''

''Well, he did retreat, so maybe he felt intimidated,'' Tikki suggested. Bridgette rose an eyebrow.

''After the amateurish performance we gave?'' she asked in a snarky tone. ''I doubt that. At best, he may be considering us a nuisance.'' Her eyes narrowed as a determined look formed on her expression. ''Rest assured, I will prove to him that I can be a very formidable opponent.''

''I'm sure that you will be able to show him that he shouldn't take you so lightly,'' Tikki said in an encouraging tone. Bridgette nodded, focusing back on the drawing on her tablet.

''Not to mention, there is also the fact that it felt as if my good luck charm stopped working mid-fight, maybe even before that,'' she muttered. Tikki gave her a weird look, but didn't say anything. ''I mean, I didn't expect it to work immediately, but still, I had hoped it would give me the edge necessary to defeat the Mime.'' She glanced at Tikki with a downcast look on her expression, her ahoge drooped. ''Tell me, Tikki, am I doing something wrong? I really want to get this right and prove myself as Ladybug, and one of the ways to do that is for me to own up to my mistakes.''

''Bri, you aren't doing anything wrong,'' Tikki responded, trying to cheer Bridgette up.

''Then, why did I fail? Is it because I'm inexperienced?'' Bridgette asked.

''While it is true that you still have room to grow and work on your skills, I don't think that this is the case here,'' Tikki replied, giving Bridgette a sympathetic look. ''While the good luck charm is very powerful, it isn't infallible, especially when activated in certain situations.''

''Then, how do I avoid those situations?'' Bridgette asked.

''Well…'' Tikki fell silent, reluctant to give Bridgette an explanation. Bridgette's ahoge curved into a question mark as she stared at Tikki curiously, wondering what the kwami was hiding from her. ''It's… I…''

''I assume it's something you don't want to talk about,'' Bridgette interrupted her.

''It's not that I don't want to talk about it, but…'' Tikki paused, wondering how she should explain things.

''You know, if it makes things easier for you, we can talk about this later,'' Bridgette told her as she put the finishing touches on Allan's avatar image, staring at it for a few moments. Her eyes then widened as she realized something and she smiled. ''Of course! How didn't I think about this earlier?''

''What are you talking about?'' Tikki asked. Bridgette quickly saved the drawing she was working on and put her tablet to the side, pushing herself away from the desk and starting to rummage through the drawers, searching for something.

''You'll see…'' Bridgette replied, eventually pulling out a plastic folder, a pencil and several markers. She opened the folder, revealing a set of collage paper in different colours and started flipping through them, eventually settling on a dark grey and cream variant and reaching for the scissors. ''Last time, I tried to give Félix a letter that expressed how I felt about him, but that didn't go well. This time, I'm going to make a card, but instead of a confession, it'll be a bit simpler.''

Tikki observed Bridgette as she cut out two rectangles, the dark grey one being smaller, and glued them together, then grabbed her notebook and started to draw in it with her pencil, erasing and re-drawing a chibified version of herself until she was satisfied with how it turned out, then copying the drawing on the card. Once done, she started to colour it in with the markers. Tikki flew closer, tilting her head in curiosity and attempting to read what Bridgette wrote next to the drawing in her favorite rose gold marker.

'''I understand that there is something troubling you and that you need your space. Still, I will be there for you if you need someone who'd listen to you. Love, Bri.','' Tikki read as Bridgette finished the card by drawing a rose gold heart in the corner and started to colour it in, leaving a dark grey flower pattern inside it, which she then coloured in with a black marker. ''It looks really cute.''

''Thanks,'' Bridgette replied, reaching for the drawer again and pulling out a clear plastic cover and measuring it against the card. She had planned to use it for safe-keeping until she could give the card to Félix the next day at school. ''Hopefully, Félix will be able to read it. I don't want it to get ruined again.''

''If you want, I could keep it safe for you,'' Tikki suggested.

''Thanks, Tikki,'' Bridgette replied, leaning the card against a shelf on her desk. ''Also, make sure to remind me tomorrow to not forget to bring this card.''

''Don't worry, you can count on me!'' Tikki replied, saluting. Bridgette nodded, grabbing her tablet and opening the file with Allan's commission and e-mailing it to him. She then glanced at her smartphone, checking the time.

''We'll be going on a patrol soon,'' she said. ''Although, this one will be short, that is, unless something happens.''

''Why?'' Tikki asked her.

''Well, aside from the fact that I have school tomorrow, there is something I need to get done before I leave,'' Bridgette replied, with Tikki just tilting her head quizzically. Bridgette just smiled. ''You'll see.''


I'm supposed to be the luckiest person in the world, thanks to the Ladybug Earrings… Then, why don't I feel lucky? Why do I feel as if I'm missing something? Ladybug mused as she hopped down from a taller building to a lower one and jumped across onto an apartment complex.

Even though she was once again patrolling the city, she gave up on her plan to ambush the Mime. After what happened last night, she realized that she wasn't dealing with an ordinary criminal and that she needed to change her approach.

Considering what had happened last night, it is more likely that the Mime will find me than vice versa. Ladybug frowned, landing on a building that had a rooftop garden and walking over to the edge, leaning against the railing that surrounded it. A soft breeze blew, ruffling her hair and letting her ribbons flutter. I cannot predict his movement, meaning that the only thing left is to remain alert, especially if my good luck charm fails again.

She sighed, crossing her arms and leaning her head against the railing and gazing into the distance at the twinkling lights that decorated the streets. She felt quite downcast, sensing the self-doubt bubbling up inside her.

What should I do?

Ladybug closed her eyes, trying to relax a little and calm down. Her mind was buzzing with memories and ideas on what her next move should be, but at the moment, she couldn't focus on any of them. She knew that she needed to talk to Tikki about her good luck charm. She knew that she had to prepare herself for school and her meeting with Félix. She knew that she also had to deal with the issue that was the Mime.

Still, despite being aware of what she needed to focus on, she still felt overwhelmed, wondering whether she made a mistake. Ladybug groaned, opening her eyes and squinting as something red obscured her vision. Surprised, she stepped back and looked up, her eyes widening when she saw Chat Noir holding a rose.

''I had figured that this might cheer you up, M'lady,'' he said, smiling. ''You seem to be quite distraught tonight.''

Still stunned, Ladybug glanced around, noticing a potted rose bush nearby. She rose an eyebrow, placing her hands on her hips as she confronted Chat Noir.

''Did you pluck it from that rose bush over there?'' she asked. Chat Noir's ears twitched and his tail flicked as he gave her a sheepish look.

''To be honest, I don't think anyone's going to notice if one goes missing,'' he replied, turning on his charm. ''Besides, even a simple rose like this one cannot compare to your beauty.'' He leaned closer to her, not noticing his ring shimmer. ''Nevertheless, I want you to-''


Before Chat Noir could finish his sentence, Ladybug stepped back in order to get away for him, only to accidentally trip over an empty pot and fall backwards, landing on her butt. Chat Noir just stared at her in stunned silence and briefly glanced at his ring, confirming his suspicion. Frustrated, he extended his arm to help Ladybug up, but she swatted it away, getting up on her own and looking rather upset.


''Chat, I really can't deal with you tonight,'' Ladybug replied in an irritated tone. Chat Noir's ears flattened against his head.

''Why not?'' he asked, sounding quite disappointed. ''Is it because you're still searching for the Mime? Because if so, I…''

''Chat, listen,'' Ladybug interrupted him, with Chat Noir being a little stunned by the seriousness in her tone. ''I'm not planning on searching for the Mime tonight, as I'm already busy with some other stuff. All I want is to get over with this patrol as soon as possible and go home.''

''Don't tell me you already got tired of being a superheroine,'' Chat Noir replied, only to realize a moment later that that was the wrong thing to say. Ladybug huffed, glaring at him for a moment before leaping off the building, leaving him behind. Chat Noir frowned, throwing away the rose. ''Great, now I've done it.''

He followed Ladybug, well aware that she was in a bad mood and that he probably should stop pestering her. Still, he hoped that he would find a way to get back into her good graces. Every moment he didn't interact with her felt like a moment wasted. He couldn't afford any missed opportunities.

Eventually, he caught up with her, finding her standing on a balcony and looking at her reflection in a darkened window. Ladybug lifted her hand, touching her earrings, which shimmered, only for the shimmer to fade when Chat Noir landed gracefully on the railing next to her. She frowned, glaring at Chat Noir, who had a puzzled look on his expression.

''Would you stop following me?!'' she growled, her outburst startling Chat Noir. A moment later, her angry expression changed and she lowered her head, seemingly regretful about yelling at him.

''Ladybug, what's wrong?'' Chat Noir asked, his ears twitching and his tail lowered. Ladybug took a deep breath, clenching her fist and looked up, a firm look on her expression, her ahoge frizzled.

''I had already told you, I'm not going to deal with your antics tonight,'' she told him. ''Besides, you have already done enough damage last night. Do you really want to try your luck tonight as well?''

Chat Noir's eyes widened in shock and he stared at Ladybug, speechless. Ladybug turned around and leaped off the balcony, vanishing from his line of sight.

''Someone's moody,'' Plagg commented, chuckling. ''If you ask me, going after for her will probably result in you getting punched.''

''Thanks for the support, Plagg,'' Chat Noir replied sarcastically.

''You're welcome,'' Plagg replied cheekily. Chat Noir rolled his eyes and leaped off the balcony, making his way onto another building. He had already enough on his plate and he didn't want to deal with Plagg teasing him.

''Do you think she knows?'' Chat Noir asked as he landed on the rooftop, glancing at his ring. Ladybug's words still echoed in his head, making him feel restless.

''I'm not sure, but I do believe that she is aware that something is amiss,'' Plagg replied. ''I guess it was just a matter of time before she figures it out.''

''I'd rather have her figure it out after she takes the curse off me,'' Chat Noir replied.

''Unfortunately, Kid, I can't help you with that. If she decides to kiss you, that's entirely up to her, and only up to her, since a stolen kiss doesn't count,'' Plagg replied. ''Who knows, maybe she'll give you one out of pity.''

''I doubt that,'' Chat Noir said, vaulting over a chimney stack and landing on another rooftop. ''I haven't exactly made a great first impression on her.''

''Then, how about a change of approach?'' Plagg suggested as Chat Noir sat down, leaning against the chimney stack and staring at the ring, having leaned his elbow against his knee, while his other leg was outstretched. ''Instead of trying to impress her with words, you could let your actions speak for you.''

''May I remind you that that's what I did the last night and the result was a complete disaster?'' Chat Noir replied, his tail flicking. He closed his eyes, adding in a dismissive tone, ''Besides, she made it clear that she doesn't want to have a partner.''

''So, you're just going to give up?'' Plagg asked in a flat tone.

''Of course not,'' Chat Noir replied in an irritated tone, then took a moment to calm down. ''I may not be lucky, but that doesn't mean that I cannot come up with a good plan on how to approach her.'' He looked up, gazing into the distance. ''I need to figure out what makes her tick and start from there. I already know that she is fine with being a superheroine and protecting Paris on her own, but she isn't used to it yet.'' The corners of his mouth curved up slightly as a memory of Ladybug blushing entered his mind. ''Not to mention, she seems to have quite a temper, but can get flustered when the right buttons are pushed. I should use that knowledge to my advantage.'' He fell silent for a moment, musing. ''In the end, I need to gain her trust first, as I won't be able to do anything else if she isn't willing to lower her guard around me.''

''It won't be easy, though,'' Plagg told him.

''I don't mind a challenge,'' Chat Noir said confidently, his green eyes gleaming in anticipation.


''Huh? Good morning, Bridgette,'' Mei said as she walked into the kitchen the next morning, greeted by the scent of baked goods and seeing her granddaughter pouring tea into a thermos bottle. ''You're up early.''

''I had to get up early,'' Bridgette replied, pointing out the two plastic bags filled with cookies, one of which was tied up with a fancy red ribbon. Mei rose an eyebrow, giving Bridgette a curious look. ''Don't worry, I cleaned up everything once I was done.''

''Is there a reason you baked cookies?'' Mei asked Bridgette, who walked over to her backpack, placing the thermos bottle and the bags with the cookies in her backpack. She yawned, stretching her arms.

''Well… I considered sharing them with my friends,'' Bridgette replied sheepishly, grabbing her backpack.

''Really?'' Mei asked suspiciously. ''So, you have no other reason for going through the trouble of getting up early in the morning and baking cookies?''

''…No?'' Bridgette replied, despite knowing that she couldn't fool her grandmother. Mei sighed, crossing her arms.

''Bridgette, I wasn't born yesterday,'' she replied, with Bridgette giving her a look of guilt. ''You may say that you made it for your friends, but I'm fairly certain that one of those bags is for that boy you told me about.''

''Fine, you got me,'' Bridgette replied in a resigned tone. ''I met Félix when I and Claude were walking along the Seine and he seemed to be really upset. I figured that I could surprise him with cookies today.''

''You want to give him a gift that is a sign of closeness, yet you don't even interact as friends,'' Mei mused, shaking her head. ''I told you that umbrella was a bad omen. Your relationship will break apart before it even had time to form.''

''Gran Mei, I know that things don't look well, but I am certain that this will work,'' Bridgette replied, slinging the backpack over her shoulder. ''Félix isn't the type of person who'd want to be close friends with anyone and I'm not expecting him to open up easily.''

''Fine, but I don't want you to lose sleep over something that troubles you, especially if it could've been easily avoided,'' Mei replied. ''Not good starter, not good end.''

''I know, but I'd rather live by the proverb one step, one footprint,'' Bridgette replied, waving as she left. ''Bye!''

Mei sighed, shaking her head as she opened the fridge. To be fair, she did trust her granddaughter to be independent and think for herself, but at times, she sensed that she'd have to intervene just to guide Bridgette back on the right path. Still, she had to admire Bridgette's determination. Despite all the bad luck she had, she refused to give up.


''So, when do you plan to give Félix your card and the cookies?'' Tikki asked as she popped her head out of Bridgette's backpack. She was holding the card Bridgette made, making sure that it wouldn't get bent or damaged in any way.

''I had hoped that I would find him before classes start,'' Bridgette replied. ''Hopefully, there won't be any mishaps that would ruin everything.''

Tikki rose an eyebrow, glancing at Bridgette's earrings. They weren't glowing, which Tikki took as a good sign. While Bridgette did promise her to not use the good luck charm for selfish purposes, Tikki did remind her to not rely on it when giving Félix her gift.

''There is no way of telling what might happen if they get misused, even if you have the best intentions on your mind.''

''I understand.''

Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that your powers won't leak into your daily life. Tikki smiled when she saw Bridgette stopping at the school entrance, her ahoge curving up into a heart shape when she saw Félix walking up to her. He didn't appear to have noticed her.

''Here you go,'' Tikki whispered as she held up the card for Bridgette to take, then diving back into the backpack and emerging with the bag of cookies.

''Thanks, Tikki,'' Bridgette whispered back and turned towards Félix, who had finally noticed her presence. He didn't look happy. ''Hi, Félix! How are doing?''

Bridgette approached him, with Félix giving her a dubious look.

''I'm doing fine,'' he replied curtly, his eyes narrowing. Or rather, I was doing fine until you arrived.

''That's good to hear,'' Bridgette replied, completely ignoring the cold look Félix gave her. She then held out both of her hands, revealing the bag of cookies and card she made for him, and smiled. ''I have noticed that you looked quite upset when we met at the Seine, so I thought I could do something to cheer you up.

''I don't-''

''Please, I insist,'' Bridgette cut Félix off, holding her hands up and lowering her head, avoiding eye-contact with Félix, her cheeks turning a slight shade of red. ''You don't have to say or do anything in return. I just want you to accept my gift.''

''If you promise to leave me alone for the rest of the day.'' Bridgette looked up, a little hurt by his gruff tone, but then nodded.

''Okay,'' she said as Félix took the bag and the card. She then tilted her head, adding in a hopeful tone. ''Do you at least want to walk with me to class?''


''Oh,'' Bridgette muttered, feeling discouraged, her ahoge drooping. However, she still cracked a smile. ''Then, see you at class.''

She then left, with Félix waiting until she had entered the building. He looked down at the bag of cookies, noticing that they were of the homemade kind, with a neat red ribbon wrapped on the top. The card Bridgette gave him appeared to be handmade as well, with a little drawing of a chibi version of her and a heart in the corners.

'''I understand that there is something troubling you and that you need your space. Still, I will be there for you if you need someone who'd listen to you. Love, Bri.','' he read it, rising an eyebrow. ''Why is she so persistent? I just don't understand.''

''Maybe it's because she likes you,'' Plagg said in a snarky tone, popping his head out of Félix's backpack.

''Shockingly, I already know that,'' Félix replied in a deadpan tone, with Plagg giving him a weird look. He then reached for his backpack, taking out one of his books and placing the card inside it.

''I'm surprised that you didn't throw it away,'' Plagg said.

''I may not like Bridgette's advances, but that doesn't mean that I cannot appreciate her hard work,'' Félix replied. ''Besides, I needed a bookmark.''

''Riiiight…'' Plagg replied, noticing Félix glaring at him. He gave the teen a wide cheeky grin, which earned him an eye-roll. Félix then turned his attention to the cookies, unwrapping the bag and taking one out, eating it. The cookie was still warm, the chocolate melting on his tongue. He had to admit that it was quite tasty. He smiled slightly, only for the smile to turn into a frown when he saw Plagg staring at him with a knowing grin.

''Don't say anything,'' he said in a threatening tone, but unfortunately for him, the kwami was more amused than scared.

Meanwhile, Bridgette was on her way towards her classroom, still feeling a little dispirited. She had hoped that Félix would actually talk to her a bit longer, but she was still glad that he had accepted her gift.

''I'm sorry that it didn't go the way you had planned it,'' Tikki said, loud enough for only Bridgette to hear her as she stayed hidden in the backpack.

''It's fine,'' Bridgette replied. ''I just hope that it will make him feel better.'' She had entered the locker room and opened her locker, looking around in order to make sure that no one was close to her or looking in her direction. She placed her backpack in the locker and opened it further in order to let Tikki poke her head out. ''If anything, I had at least managed to deliver the card and cookies, so I can tick that off my list.''

''So, what's your next plan?'' Tikki asked. Bridgette's eyes narrowed as she picked up the books for her next class, stuffing them into her backpack.

''I still have to confront Chat Noir,'' she said grimly, with Tikki giving her a nervous look. ''After all, bad things happen whenever he's around.''


Maybe I could make a meal for Ladybug, some kind of romantic dinner. After all, if the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, then the same might be true for a woman, right? Chat Noir mused, taking a bite out of the cookie he had brought along. He was sitting on the rooftop of a building, his feet dangling over the edge, and thought about how he could approach Ladybug in a way that would make her trust him. Although, I believe I should start with something smaller, maybe gifiting her a chocolate bar. Does she even like sweets?

Even though he did accept Bridgette's gift, he drew a line at talking to her more than necessary. He wasn't interested in socializing with her, or anyone for that matter. Still, he would be lying if he said that her gift didn't give him a few ideas for his future interactions with Ladybug.

''Although, I first have to convince her to talk to me without scolding me,'' Chat Noir muttered, eating the rest of the cookie. His ears twitched as he heard someone landing right behind him and quickly turned around, getting up. To his surprise, the intruder was Ladybug. ''M'lady?''

''I guess you didn't expect me to search for you,'' Ladybug said, crossing her arms.

''Admittedly, I didn't, but I'm really happy to see you, Ladybug,'' Chat Noir replied in a relieved tone, only to notice Ladybug glaring at him. His ears lowered and he gave her a nervous look. ''What's wrong?''

''I have a few questions for you,'' Ladybug said in a firm tone, with Chat Noir having a bad feeling about this. ''For starters, in case you didn't know, my powers manifest as a good luck charm. However, I have noticed that, last night and especially the night before, whenever I had activated my powers, it stopped working the moment you appeared. That was particularly evident during the fight with the Mime, because I had managed to stand my ground, at least until you appeared. Then, everything went downhill.''

''Uh, well…'' Chat Noir took a step back when Ladybug suddenly stepped forward, giving her a nervous look and holding up his hands in defense.

''Not to mention the mishap last night, where I just so tripped over a random pot for no reason,'' Ladybug added, taking another step forward, with Chat Noir taking a step backwards, with a sense of dread pulsing through his chest. ''I may have my moments of clumsiness, but that one felt deliberate.''

''Uh, I- agh!'' Chat Noir hadn't noticed his ring shimmering for a brief moment, suddenly causing him to lose balance and almost fall off the building, forcing Ladybug to grab his arm and pull him back, leaning close to him.

''Then, there is the fact that I am aware that a black cat is usually a sign of bad luck,'' she added, glaring at him. Chat Noir froze up, staring at Ladybug in terror. Despite trying to keep a calm demeanor, inwardly, he was freaking out.

There's no way she knows about the curse, right?! This has to be some kind of bad dream!

''So, what do you have to say for yourself?'' Ladybug let go of his arm and stepped back, giving him some breathing space.

Chat Noir stared at her, trying to figure out what he should say. Should he lie and hope that Ladybug would buy it or should he tell her the entire truth and watch his only chance to be freed from his curse crumble into dust? Fortunately, there was some middle ground for him to work on, without having to reveal anything.

''Fine,'' he said, sighing in defeat. ''I admit, unlike you, my powers manifest as a bad luck curse. Essentially, I cause misfortune wherever I go and sometimes my bad luck activates whether I want it or not.'' He crossed his arms, his tail flicking. ''It also seems to be powerful enough to cancel out your good luck.''

''I see,'' Ladybug muttered, glaring at Chat Noir. ''Why didn't you tell me about it before?''

''I figured that there was no need for telling you anything,'' Chat Noir replied, frowning.

''Seriously? Because I believe that there was indeed a need for you telling me about your bad luck curse,'' Ladybug replied, feeling quite annoyed. ''I thought that the reason for why I made all those mistakes was my own incompetence, but as it turned out, it was because of you.'' She huffed. ''Instead of a Maneki Neko, I get a cursed cat.''

''I figured that it would be obvious- Wait, Maneki Neko?'' Chat Noir gave her a puzzled look.

''You know, the Beckoning Cat?'' Ladybug held up her hand next to her head and did a beckoning motion. ''While they're commonly a symbol of good fortune, the individual variants have their own meanings, with the black Maneki Neko being known to ward off evil spirits.'' She placed her hand on her hip. ''Unfortunately, the only thing you are going to ward off is my good luck.''

''As you said, it is unfortunate, but this is my power and an ability I got used to in the past weeks,'' Chat Noir replied, pointing with his thumb at himself, his other hand placed on his hip. ''This black cat has the whole package – the black suit, the attractive appearance and the bad luck.''

''Right, but this ladybug will have to refuse the offered package,'' Ladybug replied. Chat Noir's ears flattened against his head as he gave her a disheartened look. ''Look, I told you from the very start that I'd rather work alone and I'm not going to change my mind. I can already imagine how things would turn out, where I try to patrol the city, only for you to appear out of nowhere and, due to your bad luck, wreck whatever task I wanted to get done.'' She turned around and walked away, briefly turning her head back. ''I think it would be for the best if we go our separate ways. Goodbye, Chat Noir!''

She then left, leaping off the building. Chat Noir gazed at Ladybug, lowering his head once she was out of his sight. He frowned, clenching his clawed hand into a fist, shaking. He knew that the situation wasn't as bad as he feared it would be, but still, all of his effort was undone in one single confession and he doubted that Ladybug would be willing to give him an opportunity to prove himself – all thanks to his curse.

''Damn it!'' he hissed, feeling quite desperate. What should I do now?


''I'm sorry that you had to find out about Chat Noir's bad luck powers this way,'' Tikki said regretfully. ''I should've said something.''

''Honestly, at this point, it doesn't matter,'' Ladybug said, feeling rather frustrated. ''I had already made it clear that I don't want to work with Chat Noir. If anything, this reveal just cemented my decision.''

''I guess that's for the better,'' Tikki replied. ''Chat Noir's powers are too unpredictable and you are still learning how to use yours.''

''Exactly,'' Ladybug replied, landing on another building and looking around. Fortunately, Chat Noir seemed to have given up on following her.

Unknown to her, someone else had been hiding in the shadows, observing her. Someone who had more sinister intentions.

The Mime stepped out, holding up his arm as an invisible sledgehammer appeared in his hand and looked at Ladybug, confident that, this time, he would eliminate her.

Chapter 6: Never Lose


Hi, I'm back with another chapter!

So, all I have to say about this one is that it's the last chapter of the Introduction Arc, which was supposed to give you insight about the PV reality and how it differs from the actual show. This chapter also has the infamous battle between the Mime and Ladybug from the PV Trailer.

I hope you'll enjoy it and thank you for your support!

EDIT 26.2: I will be on a break next week as I need to recharge due to feeling symptoms of a burnout, so I won't be posting any chapters next Thursday/Friday. Instead, I will make an update post on my Profile, where you can check what story/chapter I will be working on the week after. See ya!

Chapter Text

Entry 5

Never Lose

''Because I feel false-seeming stories on my skin, I will be the one to rewrite destiny and never ever lose. 'Make the impossible possible'. 'Fall down and stand up again'. My heart is surely burning blue, my passion won't fade away.''

Never Lose by Ace Attorney


''The way things are now, this night will only get worse.''

''I hate to say it, but I agree with you,'' Chat Noir muttered, landing on all fours on the top of a chimney stack, his tail flicking, and added in a bitter tone, ''There is no reason for her to even consider me as a partner, now that she knows about my bad luck.''

''So, now what?'' Plagg asked. ''What are you going to do?''

''I'm not sure,'' Chat Noir replied, his eyes narrowing and his ears lowering. He sighed, lowering his head. ''Nevertheless, I'm not someone who gives up so easily.'' He lifted his head, his ears pointing up, his eyes gleaming. ''The night is still young, isn't it?''

''Let me guess – you're up to some mischief, aren't you?'' Plagg asked.

''I wouldn't call it mischief,'' Chat Noir replied nonchalantly, his tail flicking. A small grin formed on his lips, a fang poking out of the corner of his mouth.

''Call it whatever you want, Kid, but I know you better than you think,'' Plagg replied in a mischievous tone. ''Let's go!''

Chat Noir snorted, not missing the eager tone in Plagg's voice. Despite his reservations, he had to admit that being Chat Noir had its perks and that Plagg's carefree and troublemaker attitude did rub off him. Wearing a mask made it only easier for him to act differently, to explore what he could do without being judged.

Félix was the prim and proper one, the one who followed rules without a question; the one who kept to himself, a bookworm who refused to socialize and was seen as a jerk, even earning himself the nickname Ice Prince. Chat Noir, on the other hand, was the rebellious one, the one who didn't care about following rules; a wild stray black cat who brought bad luck to those he encountered, having the freedom to go wherever he wanted and do whatever he wanted; always hidden in the cover of the night.

''I'm certainly not done yet,'' Chat Noir said, leaping off the building.


Ladybug clenched her fists, carefully observing her surroundings. She felt the hair on the back of her neck standing up, even though she didn't know why. Despite the fact that everything was rather calm and quiet, she sensed that she may not have been alone after all.

I swear, if Chat Noir decided to follow me again…

Ladybug heard someone land behind her and, without thinking, turned around and jumped back, somersaulting over her opponent and nearly missing being crushed with an invisible sledgehammer. While still in mid-air, she kicked at her opponent, the Mime, but he turned around, blocking the attack with his sledgehammer. After landing on the rooftop, Ladybug turned around and jumped again, trying to land another kick, but the Mime blocked it.

Laybug stepped back, seeing the Mime charge at her, lifting his sledgehammer up, the weapon's shadow being visible on the wall next to them. Ladybug took a few steps back in order to avoid the sledgehammer, holding up her hands in a battle stance, only for her blood to run cold when she realized that her back was touching a wall.

Oh, no…

She took a brief glance, confirming the fact that she was cornered against a chimney stack and looked back, her eyes widening in surprise and her back and arms pressed against the wall.


The Mime slammed the sledgehammer into the chimney stack, but Ladybug managed to duck, causing the chimney stack to be destroyed, with dust and debris flying around. Ladybug leaped out of the smoke with a look of panic on her expression.

That was close!

She managed to land next to another chimney stack, turning back and seeing the Mime charging at her. She leaped backwards, somersaulting and landing on the chimney stack, then jumped over the Mime.

''Take this!''

She somersaulted mid-air, attempting to land a hard kick on the Mime, but unfortunately for her, he defended himself with his sledgehammer again, holding it up with both hands, with rainbow sparks flying everywhere, outlining the weapon. Ladybug gritted her teeth.

Let's see who'll last longer!

She used the sledgehammer as a stepping stone, trying to land a kick with her other foot, but the Mime backed away and swung again with his other hand, with Ladybug jumping off the sledgehammer, somersaulting and landing on the roof yet again. She then lunged at him, her next kick being blocked by the sledgehammer once more. The Mime swung upwards with his other hand, only for Ladybug to use the sledgehammer as a stepping stone again, gaining height and kicking at him. The Mime dodged, stepping to the side, with Ladybug attempting to land another kick, only to miss when her opponent dodged again.


She kicked again, but her attack was blocked. The Mime went into the offensive, holding now two sledgehammers in each of his hands and charging at her. Ladybug leaped back, dodging his attacks and landing on another chimney stack, which the Mime destroyed.

Damn it! So close!

Ladybug jumped off, creating some distance between herself and the Mime. Her eyes narrowed as she observed her opponent, who turned around, seemingly planning his next move. Rest assured, this battle was far from over.


Chat Noir's ears twitched as he heard a strange sound.

''What was that?'' he muttered, frowning and figuring that he should investigate it. If Ladybug is somehow involved… While he knew that Ladybug would be angry at him for appearing, he still figured that he should at least check on her, making sure that nothing happened to her. If she somehow encountered the Mime again… Even though his primary focus was gaining Ladybug's trust, he did take note of their opponent, realizing that the Mime was someone who shouldn't be underestimated. She might need my help!

His ears twitched again as he heard an explosion-like sound and his eyes widened as he ran faster, making his way across another rooftop and landing on a chimney, staring at the furious battle below him. His instincts were correct – Ladybug had ran into the Mime again.

He observed the Mime and Ladybug suddenly charging at each other, the Mime clutching tightly the dual sledgehammers in his hands. The collision was inevitable, but Chat Noir had a bad feeling that it wouldn't be the Mime who'd take the brunt of it.

''Ladybug!'' he cried out in fear and panic.

However, instead of serving as a warning, his cry startled Ladybug, who glanced at him mid-charge, getting distracted. The Mime, who was solely focused on his opponent, swung at her with one of his sledgehammers. Fortunately, Ladybug managed to look back just in time, feeling her arm getting scraped just as she dodged the attack.

She retaliated by delivering another kick, which was blocked by the other sledgehammer. She then quickly crouched, swinging her leg, with the Mime jumping to dodge it. This was a mistake, as Ladybug dropped into a two-handed handstand position, using her arms as a spring and delivering a devastating kick to the Mime's exposed stomach, causing him to stumble back. She then jumped back on her feet, turning towards Chat Noir, glaring at him.

''Don't interfere!'' she yelled angrily.

Chat Noir remained speechless, not moving from where he was standing at. He stared in shock as Ladybug turned towards the Mime, who had recovered from the kick and attempted to land a hit on his own. Ladybug dodged it, reaching for the compact around her waist, and went for another kick, which was again blocked. The Mime gave her a confident look, as if telling her that this wouldn't work again, only for Ladybug to attempt to land another kick, which was blocked again.

As Ladybug somersaulted over the Mime, he noticed a black string tied around the sledgehammers, which were forcibly yanked out of his hands. As he turned around, he saw Ladybug swinging the yo-yo, the sledgehammers still attached to it and slammed it right into him, knocking him over. The string around the sledgehammers loosened as they disappeared, with Ladybug returning the yo-yo to its compact form and waiting intently for Mime's next move, taking a battle stance.

The Mime stared at her, a calculating look on his expression, then glanced briefly at Chat Noir, as if daring him to join the battle, despite Ladybug's earlier warning. However, he didn't move. Ladybug, on the other hand, did. She charged at the Mime, who pulled out another sledgehammer in order to defend himself.

He then stepped forward and swung the sledgehammer at Ladybug, who dodged it by leaping backwards, then charged right back. The Mime attempted to land a hit, but Ladybug dodged in the last second, rising her knee in the next and landing a blow on the Mime's chin. This stunned him long enough for Ladybug to land a punch to the gut, followed by a blow of Ladybug's staff to the chest that sent him flying.

Ladybug turned the staff back into a compact and took a battle stance, waiting for the Mime's next move. The latter was on his knees, rubbing his jaw, with a tiny trail of blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth. He glared at Ladybug, slowly getting up and holding something in his hand. Ladybug glanced at the shadows, realizing that it was a familiar cylindrical object. She charged at the Mime, but had already dropped it, causing smoke to erupt from the spot he was standing at.

Ladybug turned the compact into a yo-yo, throwing it at him in hopes of hitting him, but the yo-yo went right through the smoke, dissipating it. As she pulled it back, the Mime was already gone.

Ladybug was breathing deeply, feeling her heart race as she recovered from the battle. Frankly, while she wasn't happy that the Mime had escaped, she counted it as a win, as she managed to make him retreat.

Her eyes then narrowed as she looked up, noticing that Chat Noir was still observing her, a stunned look on his expression. They were both silent, staring at each other, waiting for some kind of response. When there wasn't any, Ladybug turned around and leaped off the rooftop. Chat Noir didn't follow her, opting to observe her as she left.

Once she vanished from his sight, he jumped on the rooftop on which the fight took place and looked around. Admittedly, there was some collateral damage, but given what the Mime was capable of, it could've been much worse.

''That was… something,'' Chat Noir muttered, remembering the look Ladybug gave him. She made it more than clear that was quite competent on her own. Whether it was her good luck charm or her own skills, she didn't need his help.

''Don't interfere!''

Chat Noir clenched his fists as he heard Ladybug's voice echo in his head. He had hoped that he'd be able to prove himself through this battle, that he would show Ladybug that he could be a reliable partner, but instead, Ladybug had shown him that she had no need for a partner and that she was capable to fighting her battles on her own.

She wasn't just showing the Mime that she was indeed a threat, but telling me that she could stand on her own just fine. Chat Noir's eyes narrowed as he felt a sense of emptiness spreading through his body.

''Don't tell me that you're giving up.'' Chat Noir's ears twitched as he heard Plagg, picking up the hint of worry in his teasing tone. He snorted.

''No, of course not,'' Chat Noir replied. ''It's just… I need a moment to think this through.''

''Not that there is much to think about,'' Plagg interrupted him, drawing Chat Noir's ire.

''I know, but nevertheless, maybe things don't have to end on such note,'' he replied, crossing his arms and tilting his head, smiling. ''The fact that she managed to figure things out in such a short time is quite impressive. If anything, this situation only got more interesting.''


''I'm just glad that classes are finally over.'' Bridgette stretched her arms, her and Sophie walking down the hallway towards the locker room. Fortunately, today, she had managed to get enough sleep, even though she still protested against getting out of her bed. Despite being successful in her battle against the Mime, the fight did wear her out.

''I wouldn't be so relieved if I were you,'' Sophie replied. ''Have you already forgotten about that essay we have to write?''

''No, I didn't,'' Bridgette replied, giving her a sheepish look. ''Although, telling us that we are free to choose any book written by a French author and give a commentary on the themes in it does sound like a loophole waiting to happen, especially since we didn't get any list. Have you even decided which one you're going to pick?''

''Maybe, but that's left up to the teacher and you know that Mme. Cartier wants us to do independent research,'' Sophie replied. ''As for the book, I had already decided on Le Père Goriot by Honoré de Balzac. It is pretty depressing, but that's realism for you. Besides, the criticism on society practically writes itself. What about you?''

''Honestly, I'm not sure,'' Bridgette replied as they entered the locker room, with both walking over to Sophie's locker. ''I did think about several novels, but I can't really make up my mind. I'll be probably spending the whole day at the library picking one.''

''Really?'' Sophie rose an eyebrow, giving Bridgette a mischievous look. ''Are you sure you're not going to stay at the library because of a certain blond bookworm?''

''Unfortunately, I won't,'' Bridgette replied, clasping her hands on her back. ''Besides, I don't even know whether he'll be there.''

''I wouldn't be so doubtful,'' Sophie replied, opening her locker and rummaging through her messenger bag, taking out a fashion magazine. ''Could you hold this for me?''

''Sure,'' Bridgette replied, taking the magazine and looked at it. ''Is it this month's issue?''

''Yeah,'' Sophie replied, taking out a book from her locker. ''I've been looking through it for some information about the upcoming Autumn Fashion Collection. Going by the interview, people seem to be most looking forward to is Monsieur Agreste's part of the show, as there hadn't been any information on what to expect from him.''

''I'm not surprised, especially considering what Amber had told us about him,'' Bridgette replied. ''It is a bit shocking to know that one of the most famous fashion designers is related to Félix.''

''I'm more shocked that Amber was the one who gave us the intel,'' Sophie replied in a deadpan tone.

''I wouldn't be as shocked as you are, Renard.'' Bridgette and Sophie turned their heads, seeing Amber approaching them. ''You know well that my mother is also a fashion designer, meaning it wouldn't be too surprising if she did a collaboration with Monsieur Agreste, despite the fact that he was a complete nightmare to work with.''

''What happened?'' Sophie asked curiously. Amber smirked, obviously delighted about dragging the two into a conversation peppered with gossip.

''Let's just say that Monsieur Agreste is a cold, ruthless man who only cares about his reputation,'' she said. ''One has to always be alert in the cut-throat world of fashion, not that you would know it, and this man is the type of person who can intimidate anyone and take control of anything in any type of situation.''

''If that's what he is like in public, one has to wonder what he is like in private,'' Bridgette mused.

''Probably just as unpleasant, if not worse,'' Amber replied, folding her arms and taking a look at her nails, then gave Bridgette a devious grin. ''At least we know why the Ice Prince behaves the way he does.''

''Only because Félix prefers to keep to himself doesn't mean that he's just like his uncle,'' Bridgette replied in a defensive tone.

''Keep telling yourself that, Cheng,'' Amber replied, with Bridgette glaring at her. ''You know, I don't mind you assuming the best in people, as it makes things much funnier when you get hit by the hard, cold truth. The face you make when your hope gets shattered into tiny pieces is just hilarious.''

Bridgette didn't respond, glaring daggers at Amber instead. The latter seemed to be quite amused, waving as she left the locker room.

''You know, I kind of hate to say it, but Amber isn't exactly wrong about the whole Félix situation,'' Sophie told Bridgette once Amber was out of earshot, closing her locker. ''He isn't doing himself much of a favour by acting so cold towards others.''

''I'm sure that he has his reasons for that,'' Bridgette replied. Sophie shrugged, taking the fashion magazine back from Bridgette.

''Who knows,'' she said. ''Anyways, I wish you luck with your book search.''

''Thanks,'' Bridgette replied, with her earrings giving off a barely noticeable shimmer. ''Also, I wish you luck with that dress you're working on. You said you had a bit of a block.''

''I did, but now, I do feel that I can come up with a good design,'' Sophie replied, waving as she left. ''I will send you a screenshot once I'm done. Bye, Bri!''

''Bye, Soph!'' Bridgette replied, walking over to her own locker as Sophie left the room. As she lowered her backpack, Tikki's head popped out of it.

''I have to admit, that was a nice thing to do for your friend,'' Tikki said.

''What do you mean?'' Bridgette asked, with Tikki giving her a curious look. ''Wait, you want to say- Honestly, I wasn't even aware-''

''As I had said, the good luck charm of the Ladybug Earrings will leak into your daily life,'' Tikki replied, smiling. ''Even if you didn't say it, you wanted to help your friend in some way and the Miraculous responded.''

''That's great, but I guess that the Miraculous won't help me with my assignment,'' Bridgette replied.

''Unfortunately, it won't,'' Tikki replied. Bridgette shrugged, closing her locker once she took the books she needed and made her way towards the library. However, instead of thinking about the assignment, her mind was occupied with the conversation she had with Sophie and Amber.

Admittedly, she had absolutely no intention to pry into Félix's life, but she did notice that he had never talked about his family situation and was surprised to learn that he lived with his uncle instead with his parents. She did overhear a few people ask him about Gabriel Agreste, mostly due to the latter's fame, but he quickly shut down any conversation about him, refusing to acknowledge their relationship.

Nevertheless, it did make her wonder whether Félix behaved like that because of his uncle's influence or if he was always like that. She was aware that he was also homeschooled, having asked him out of pure curiosity to which school he went before, only to be greeted by a snappy reply. She didn't mind it, figuring that he was just overwhelmed by the sudden change, but that didn't mean that she didn't want to help him, at least in some way.

He didn't even approach me about my card. Maybe there really isn't anything he wants to talk about or he feels that I'm not trustworthy enough. Bridgette's ahoge drooped at the thought. She sighed, having entered the library and strolling between the shelves on the search for a book.

''I guess it became a habit of yours to just follow me around.''

Bridgette suddenly turned around, only to see Félix staring at her coldly. It was quite obvious that he wasn't happy to see her, unlike Bridgette, who gave him a warm smile, her ahoge curving into a heart shape.

''Actually, I'm here to pick up a book for that essay Mme. Cartier gave us,'' Bridgette replied.

Félix stared at her for a moment, his cold gaze unreadable. Bridgette gave him a curious look, wondering what was going through his head.

''Do you at least know what you're going to be writing about?'' he said. Bridgette was a little surprised that he continued the conversation, even noticing a tone of reluctance and regret in his voice.

''To be honest, I don't really know,'' Bridgette admitted innocently. Félix frowned.

''You're hopeless,'' he replied in a deadpan tone. Frankly, Bridgette wanted to puff up her cheeks and pout, retorting how she would find the right book, but then she realized that Félix was indeed right – she had no idea what she was looking for.

''Could you at least help me?'' she asked, earning a stern gaze from Félix. ''I always see you reading some kind of book, so I figured you'd be an expert when it comes to literature.''

''Flattery will get you nowhere,'' Félix replied calmly, walking away and vanishing behind the bookshelf.

''Wait, I wasn't-'' Bridgette followed him around the bookshelf, only to get cut off.

''It all depends on what kind of topic you want to cover,'' Félix added in an informative tone, focusing on the books on the shelf. ''Each book carries its own message, leaving it to the reader to find it and interpret it. If you want to write a proper essay, you should find a novel that resonates with your interests.''

''Which book did you choose?'' Bridgette asked.

''The Stranger by Albert Camus,'' Félix replied, picking a book of the shelf and giving it to Bridgette. ''To quote the author: 'I only meant that the hero of my book is condemned because he does not play the game'.''

Bridgette glanced at the book Félix gave her, her ahoge curving into a question mark. ''Huh? Candide, ou l'Optimisme by Voltaire.''

''If I were to pick a book for you, I'd take one that criticizes perpetual optimism,'' Félix added in a sharp tone. Bridgette's eyes narrowed, with her feeling a little irked. She may have been infatuated with him, but she still recognized his criticism of her.

''I already know what Candide is about and it certainly isn't my cup of tea,'' Bridgette replied in a dry tone, giving Félix the book back. He appeared to be a little surprised by her response, giving her a curious look.

''Then, what are you going to pick?'' Félix asked as Bridgette walked past him, observing the books.

''I'm not sure, but when it comes to making choices, I do trust…'' Bridgette trailed off, her eyes widening in excitement as she found a book with a rather interesting title.

''La Bête humaine by Émile Zola,'' Félix muttered as he read the cover. He was familiar with the book and, admittedly, a little surprised to see it in the school library. ''I must warn you, that book covers quite dark topics of the mind of a criminal, a murderer, and it is everything but subtle about its message; that message being how there is a beast lurking within every human.''

''Don't worry, I can handle such dark themes,'' Bridgette replied confidently. ''Besides, I do like stories that delve into the psychology of a character and show that there is more to them than it initially seems.''

Félix rose an eyebrow, not being used to seeing Bridgette so determined, unless it was about her own crush on him. I may be wrong, but did she believe I was challenging her? He gave her a questioning look. It feels as if something changed inside her after my initial recommendation.

The look of confidence was soon replaced by a familiar warm smile, with Félix realizing that Bridgette would be back to her usual antics. Without a word, he walked over to his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

''Félix?'' Félix turned his head, frowning and wondering what she wanted from him now. ''Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.''

''Like said, you are a hopeless case,'' Félix replied curtly and was about to leave, only for Bridgette to respond again.

''You know, my favorite book is Journey to the West,'' she said, walking up to him. ''If you have read it, maybe we could meet up and talk about it-''

''I didn't,'' Félix cut her off, finally leaving. To his relief, Bridgette didn't say anything nor did she follow him. He did sneak a glance back, seeing that she looked quite happy and content, despite his rejection, leaving him puzzled.


Félix's eyes narrowed as he focused on his opponent, who went on the offensive. He held up his arms crossed above his head, catching his opponents strike. His opponent then attempted to punch him with his free hand, only for Félix to grab it and pull his opponent towards him, then kick his opponent in the gut, causing the latter to fall over. He then stepped back, observing his opponent, who got quickly checked on by their sensei. Once he made sure that Félix's opponent was fine, he turned to Félix and the rest of the class.

''This should be enough for today,'' he said. Félix turned to his opponent, with the two quickly bowing to each other and joining the rest of their classmates, who all turned their attention towards their sensei. ''You have all made significant progress in the past months and I believe that some of you are ready to aquire the next rank.''

Félix glanced down at the brown belt that adorned his karategi. He had already been discussing his progress with his sensei, who was quite confident that Félix was ready for the black belt rank. Not only did he show significant control and focus during his sparring matches, but his reaction time was on another level. It also helped that during the past weeks, he spent his time as Chat Noir.

The class bowed one last time and their sensei dismissed them. Walking out of the dojo, Félix went to the lockers room, his mind still focused on the today's lesson. Despite his performance, he knew that there was still room for improvement. His senses weren't as enhanced as he wanted them to be and his punches were still weaker than he desired. While his stance was good enough, he was worried that he might get caught off-balance and lose the match thanks to a lack of foresight on his part.

You need to be perfect.

Félix shuddered as he heard his uncle's voice echo in his head. No matter what he did, every time he was aware that his performance was less than satisfactory, he could see the image of the old man observing him and criticizing him. He hated it.

Shaking his head, he changed back into his regular clothes, taking his time until he eventually remained the only person in the room. He tried to focus instead on the events from the previous night, only for the image of a disappointed Ladybug to pop into his mind. It didn't make him feel better.

''Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.''

He sighed as Bridgette's words haunted him, wondering why he couldn't get the same kind of reaction from Ladybug. He understood that she was angry at him for hiding his bad luck curse, but he didn't feel like he had much of a choice in the matter. He needed to get ring of and he planned to do it without making Ladybug aware of the curse. However, instead of succeeding, his silence and reluctance to tell her anything made the situation only more complicated.

There has to be a way to get her to trust me. Félix closed his eyes, trying to calm down. If I want that kiss, then I'll have to up the ante, which means…

''I know that expression,'' Plagg said, flying out of his backpack, holding up a piece of camembert. ''What are you up to now, Kid?''

''If I have to act as a hero to get Ladybug to kiss me, then I will,'' Félix told him firmly, finishing his thought.

''Whaaaat?!'' Plagg's eyes widened in shock, his jaw dropping and accidentally letting the camembert fall out of his hands.

''You heard me,'' Félix responded calmly. ''Ladybug is focused on being a superheroine and she currently regards me as someone who will get into her way, which isn't incorrect. Therefore, the only way for me to earn her trust is to prove myself as Chat Noir by taking things seriously and taking on the duty as a superhero.''

''You really have some crazy ideas,'' Plagg said, flying down and picking up the camembert, looking quite disappointed when he saw that it was dirty. ''Why do you think that this will even work? You are no hero and you know that.''

''True, but I believe that I can pretend to be one,'' Félix replied. ''I don't mind being Chat Noir for just a little bit longer.''


The man was standing in front of a window, staring at the city below him, his arms folded on his back. He had white hair and white eyes, wearing a white dress suit with a pale tan vest and bow, with a pale silver and purple oval brooch being attached to the bow. He heard someone entering the room, his eyes narrowing, but he didn't address the visitor.

The man who entered the room was the Mime, placing a file on the desk that was in the room. He then stepped back, waiting for the man to respond. Eventually, the man turned around, glancing at the file, his eyes narrowing. He then sat down, opening the file and reading the reports, which also featured photos of two people in red and black suits.

''Ladybug…'' he muttered. ''And Chat Noir…''

He propped his arms against the table and leaned his chin against his entwined hands, observing the reports. The Mime stared at him silently, waiting for a response. The man closed his eyes.

''Do I need to repeat myself?'' he whispered, his voice calm and deep, yet there was a hint of threat in it. ''You know what to do with pests.''

The Mime nodded, leaving the room. The man opened his eyes as he heard the door close, frowning. He stood up, folding his hands on his back and turned towards the window, thinking about the reports he had read. It seemed that these two, Ladybug and Chat Noir, might be a nuisance. Still, as long as they didn't cause any major setbacks to his plans, he didn't care about them.

The man, Gabriel Agreste, reached for the oval brooch on his bowtie, his fingers brushing across it.

I won't let anyone stand in my way.

Chapter 7: Turnabout Fortune


Well, this one took a while. I had actually something else in mind, but given how Miraculous Ladybug Season 4 started to air, I had figured I should go back to Bridgette and Félix's misadventures. Given how this is the start of a brand new arc, I added a new song to it, that being ''Gyakuten Winner'' from the anime ''Ace Attorney'', as well as ''Brand New Map'' from the anime ''Blood+''.

I hope you'll enjoy it, as it features the return of a familiar PV villain, as well as a scene from the PV itself at the very end.

Chapter Text

Entry 6

Turnabout Fortune

''The whole world has its eyes on you, even though you can't tell that for certain. At this point, who can say what the true answer is? The goddess has been flipping her coin, it's a sign that something's going to change. It may take a long way to reach your goal, but now's the time to take the first step. Such things as 'fate' aren't set in stone. Believing in your inspiration is all you can do.''

Gyakuten Winner by Ace Attorney


''Things seem to be rather quiet,'' Ladybug muttered as she jumped across the rooftops of Paris, only to get startled when she heard loud honking from below her. She looked at the street, noticing the traffic jam that had formed and one of the drivers giving into their road rage.

''I wouldn't really call this quiet,'' Tikki commented. Ladybug snorted.

''This is not what I meant,'' she said. ''So far, there is no sign of the Mime nor Chat Noir, so I really hope that this patrol will be stress-free.''

''Well, you are in a far better mood than you were the previous night.''

''I guess it helps that I had managed to actually have a normal conversation with Félix, even if it was just about school work,'' Ladybug replied, her ahoge curving into a heart-shape. ''It would be amazing if I could keep up like this and we start discussing other topics.''

''I'm sure that you two will find some common ground.''

''Right…'' Ladybug fell silent as she heard suddenly Amber's words echo in her head.

''You know, I don't mind you assuming the best in people, as it makes things much funnier when you get hit by the hard, cold truth.''

She landed on a rooftop, sighing. ''I'm sure that there is a lot more to Félix than it appears, but I cannot really force my own narrative on him. If he wants to remain aloof and avoid socializing with people, that's his right.'' She shook her head. ''In any case, I can worry about that later. I have a city to look after.''

With that said, she continued her patrol, unaware of the dark figure with glowing green eyes who was observing her from a nearby building.

''So, are you going to just follow her around all night or actually do something?'' Plagg asked.

''Don't be so impatient,'' Chat Noir replied. ''I'm just waiting for a good opportunity to talk to her.''

''I doubt you'll ever get one, Kid. She doesn't like you, she doesn't want to interact with you and the moment you make a move on her, she'll shut you down harder than a critic who comes across a story with a Mary Sue character.''

''Right… Wait, what was that last part about?'' Chat Noir did a double take, looking down at his ring.

''Look, only because I'm not actively asking you anything doesn't mean that I don't take a look at your interests, especially if I'm going to stay with you for much longer than expected,'' Plagg replied. ''I have to admit that your rant about Evan's character being shafted because the OC in the story is somehow better despite not doing anything and getting everything handed to her was amusing to read.''

''The only reason I even left a comment was because they asked for criticism, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything, since the story and characters weren't well written,'' Chat Noir replied, getting off the building and following Ladybug. ''As a matter of fact, the whole story was painful to read.''

''So, you think that you could write a better story?'' Plagg asked curiously.

''I have read the entire The Firefly series and I'm fairly certain that I would know how not to ruin Detective Evan Hunter and Phantom Thief Kaori Williams character traits. Rest assured, Kaitou Hotaru wouldn't be intimidated by someone's teenager self-insert just because she's a popular detective prodigy who has the power of precognition and is recognized by Interpol. Not to mention that stupid plot twist that I had already predicted since the first chapter, as well as the awful resolution,'' Chat Noir explained, vaulting over a chimney stack and landing on a roof. ''Speaking of which, why are you even asking me that?''

''I just like hearing you rant over something you're passionate about,'' Plagg replied mischievously.

Chat Noir remained silent, but his lips did curve into a tiny smile. Admittedly, the kwami really liked to see him being expressive and showing emotional investment into something rather than just being his usual reclusive self, even if he wasn't particularly interested in his hobby. It amazed Chat Noir that he actually put an effort into getting to know him better, despite knowing that their partnership wouldn't last long.


''So far, nothing,'' Ladybug said, landing on an apartment complex overlooking an open space where several teenagers gathered, having a conversation. ''I guess I should call it quits for tonight.''

''Already? But the night is still young.''

Ladybug turned around quickly, startled by a familiar voice. She saw Chat Noir crouching on all fours on the chimney stack above her.

''Chat! Don't sneak up on me like that!'' she growled.

''My apologies, M'lady,'' Chat Noir replied, giving her a sheepish look.

''Have you been following me around this whole time?'' Ladybug asked, crossing her arms and glaring at the black cat superhero. ''I told you I don't want to see you anymore.''

''I know,'' Chat Noir said, his tone surprisingly serious. ''Still, I wanted to see you.''

While she was caught off guard by his sincere tone, Ladybug still cast him a suspicious look. She had planned to just leave and not engage at all with Chat Noir, but she did feel a little curious. As far as she was concerned, there was no reason for them to interact, but it seemed that Chat Noir had found one.

''Really?'' she replied, tilting her head slightly.

''Well, I- Agh!'' Chat Noir attempted to lean forward, only for his hands to slip, the ring on his finger shimmering, and him lose his balance and fall over, landing on the rooftop. He groaned in pain, but luckily, nothing was broken.

''Chat, are you okay?'' Ladybug asked worriedly. She walked over to him as he slowly got up, rubbing his head.

''I've been in worse situations,'' Chat Noir replied, dusting himself off. Ladybug gave him a weird look, with Chat Noir wondering whether she was judging him or actually willing to hear him out. He decided to risk it. ''Listen, I understand that I didn't make a good first impression and that you don't want me as your partner. That's completely fine.'' He lowered his head. ''Still, I had been wondering if there was something I could do to prove myself.''

Ladybug was silent for a moment, then shook her head.

''There is no reason for me to even want a partner,'' she replied, with Chat Noir giving her a disheartened look. ''Look, I had already told you several times that I want to work alone, not only because your bad luck interferes with my good luck, but also because being a superhero is something that needs to be taken seriously.'' Her eyes narrowed. ''You're right, you didn't make a good first impression and given how you decided not to tell me anything about your bad luck makes me question whether I can even trust you.''

Chat Noir bit the inside of his mouth, his ears pointing up and his tail flicking. He knew that he needed Ladybug's trust and he was getting a little desperate, wanting to find a way to earn it. However, he was aware that he needed to remain calm and not be pushy. Patience was the key.

''I know, and I've been thinking about what you had told me. I had realized that I really messed up and that I want to start over. I want to help you protect Paris as a fellow superhero,'' Chat Noir said, with Ladybug giving him a surprised look. ''It'll be a lot of work, obviously, but I believe that I can improve; that we both can improve as a team. After all, I did my best to help you during our second confrontation with the Mime and I helped you get away when the police had showed up.''

''Maybe, but still, that doesn't mean that I have to accept your proposal,'' Ladybug replied, with the two suddenly hearing a burst of laughter. Ladybug looked down, seeing the teens laughing over some kind of joke and leaving. She smiled, but her smiled vanished when she turned back to Chat Noir. ''Nevertheless, I will think about it.''

''Really?!'' Chat Noir was genuinely shocked that she decided to reconsider this whole situation.

''I said that I would think about it, not that I will accept,'' Ladybug replied, waving at him. ''Good night, Chat Noir!''

With that said, she left, while Chat Noir remained standing, still stunned by what had happened.

''This… was unexpected.'' Plagg's voice broke the silence.

''I guess…'' Chat Noir muttered. He wasn't celebrating yet, as he was aware that his fortune could still turn around. He couldn't allow himself to mess up now, especially since he had managed to actually talk to Ladybug and get her to actually reconsider accepting him as her partner. ''I still have a long way to go.''


Bridgette sighed, pulling the blanket over herself. She and Tikki were already half-way asleep, the kwami resting on the pillow next to her. Despite being exhausted, Bridgette couldn't really fall asleep, thinking about her exchange with Chat Noir. Frankly, she was still against having a partner, as she wanted to work on her own, especially if her partner wasn't going to take things seriously. Nevertheless, despite her reservations, she was willing to try it out and see whether they could even work together.

''You know, I don't mind you assuming the best in people, as it makes things much funnier when you get hit by the hard, cold truth.''

She groaned as Amber's words echoed in her head, aware that in this case, she was worried that at some point, things would go wrong and that she would have no one else to blame but herself for making the wrong choice.

Should I agree? I could tell him that this would be some kind of trial phase where I would see how well we'd work together. She sighed. This actually sounds like the best option. If he is serious about being my partner, then he would put some effort into it.

''Hey, Tikki…''

''Yes, Bri…'' Tikki moaned lazily, lifting her head up and giving Bridgette a tired look.

''Do you think that Chat Noir can be trusted?'' Bridgette asked.

''I don't think that it is my place to tell you whether you can trust him or not,'' Tikki replied.

''I'd still like to know your opinion on him,'' Bridgette said, adding in a slightly bitter tone. ''After all, you were aware of his bad luck powers.''

''I'm really sorry for keeping it a secret from you,'' Tikki said, giving Bridgette a look of guilt. Bridgette sighed.

''Frankly, you did look uncomfortable when we were discussing my skills as Ladybug, so I guess that was what you didn't want to tell me,'' she said.

''I believed that it wouldn't be necessary to tell you that since you were so adamant that you didn't want to work with Chat Noir,'' Tikki admitted. ''By yourself, you can be an amazing hero, but with Chat Noir, well…''

''I understand,'' Bridgette said as Tikki fell silent. ''It depends on whether I want to take the risk, right?''

The kwami nodded. Bridgette sighed, leaning back. At this point, she just wanted to go to sleep and forget about her worries.


Despite having made her decision, Bridgette still had to wonder whether it would be a good idea to go ahead with it. She was doodling in her notebook, not really paying attention to class, at least until she felt something poking her in the arm. She glanced at Sophie, who pointed at a heart she had drawn in her notebook and then at Félix, who appeared blissfully unaware of the silent conversation behind him. Bridgette shook her head, with Sophie giving her a questioning look, wondering what was occupying her mind. Bridgette glanced at the clock, then pointed at it and held up her hand, signaling to wait for five more minutes, with Sophie nodding.

I guess I could talk to my friends about it. Maybe they could give me some advice on it.

Bridgette knew that she couldn't really tell her friends about being Ladybug, but she figured that she could explain the situation in general.

''So, what's wrong?'' Sophie asked her once the bell rung and the teacher left.

''It's a lot to explain,'' Bridgette replied, then quickly added. ''Or not. I mean, I came up with this riddle and I'm not sure how to solve it. I mean, I do have a solution, but I think that it might not be it.''

''Well, let me hear it,'' Sophie told her. ''Maybe I can come up with something.''

''Okay, so, imagine you're doing a project. There is no deadline or anything, it's something you're working on bit by bit while also working on your own skills related to that project and you know that the tools you use and skills you have are good enough for you to do this project by yourself. However-''

''Bri, Soph, are you coming with us?'' Allan asked as he, Claude and Allegra approached the two.

''Sure, but Bri was just telling me about this riddle she wanted to solve,'' Sophie replied.

''What kind of riddle?'' Allegra asked.

''To keep it short, imagine you're doing a project on your own and you know that you can finish it relying only on your own tools and on your own skills,'' Bridgette explained. ''However, you get suddenly approached by another person who doesn't really leave a good impression on you. Not only do they not seem to care about the project, at least not enough to stop messing around, but when do show interest, they lie about their tools and skills, revealing that they could cause the project to collapse. Then they ask you whether they could help you with your project, promising they'll take it seriously. Would you accept their offer or not?''

''I wouldn't,'' Allegra said immediately. ''Why risk the project's success if the other person is going to mess up?''

''Honestly, that's what I also thought, but if I would give that person a chance…'' Bridgette trailed off.

''Basically, you want to say that this person cannot be trusted with the project, even if you agreed to let them help,'' Claude said. Bridgette shrugged. ''Wouldn't it be best to establish first whether that person can even be trusted?''

''How would you want to establish that? Wouldn't that mean that you should let that person work on the project?'' Allan asked, rising an eyebrow. Claude shrugged.

''Hm…'' Sophie placed her hand under her chin as she thought about it. ''Honestly, I'd have to agree with Allegra on this. If I were to work on a really beautiful dress using expensive materials, I wouldn't let someone who lied about their skills help me, especially if there's a risk of them ruining the dress.''

''Now that you mention it, I wouldn't want anyone help me setting a record in a video game, especially if there's a huge chance that they would ruin my score,'' Allan added.

''Does this project even require teamwork?'' Claude asked Bridgette, who shook her head. ''Well, then it's settled. Just tell them to back off.''

''Fine, but what if I actually agreed that the person helps me with the project? How would you handle that?'' Bridgette asked.

''Maybe tell them to stay away while you do all of the work?'' Allan shrugged. ''I know it's not the best solution, but if you want them to be there and not risk it…''

''I believe that the most practical solution would be to let that person work on a side-project related to the main project, so you can assess their skills and decide for yourself whether that person would be worth your time.''

Bridgette, Claude, Allegra, Sophie and Allan turned towards the source of the voice, all of them surprised to see that Félix had turned around.

''Were you eavesdropping on us?'' Claude asked.

''You guys aren't exactly quiet,'' Félix replied, picking up his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder as he got up. He looked at Bridgette. ''If you want to trust that person, you need to be aware of their motivations and what exactly made them change their mind to suddenly take things seriously. Stay wary of them and don't let your own doubts cloud your judgement. Maybe there are sincere in their request, but maybe they have some ulterior motive. However, you won't know unless you take the risk.''

He then left, leaving Bridgette and her friends stunned.

''I guess that isn't bad advice…'' Allan muttered, with the rest being unsure what to think of it.

''To be honest, that's what I also had in mind,'' Bridgette said, with her friends giving her surprised looks. She smiled a little. Who would've thought we'd have the same idea?


Félix was eating dinner in silence, trying to avoid his uncle's gaze, who didn't appear to be interested in an conversation either. The teen had to wonder why they even had dinners together if neither of them was comfortable with each other's presence. His only guess was that his uncle wanted to maintain the image of a normal relationship between them. He had hoped that he would be done with this as soon as possible and get out of the mansion in order to meet up with Ladybug.

''I have taken a look at your current schoolwork,'' Gabriel suddenly said. Félix looked up, his eyes narrowing as he glared at the old man, but didn't respond.

Annoyance, thy name is Gabriel Agreste.

''I'm surprised that you have managed to keep up high results, especially considering how you're surrounded by distractions,'' Gabriel continued, entwining his fingers and placing his chin on the top of his hands, his stare intense. Félix knew that his uncle was rather infamous for being able to intimidate anyone without ever uttering a word.

''I know how to focus on what's important,'' Félix told his uncle.

''I wouldn't expect anything less from you,'' Gabriel replied and stood up, leaving the table. Félix lowered his head, trying to not show his uncle how displeased and irritated he was. Once he heard the door of the dining room close, he too stood up and left.

As said, I know how to focus on what's important, and the most important thing for me is to meet up with Ladybug.

He returned to his room, finding Plagg on the couch eating the camembert cheese he had left for the kwami.

''Hey, Kid,'' Plagg waved, flying up to him. ''You look slightly more irritated than usual.''

''I just had dinner with my uncle, I think I have the right to be irritated,'' Félix replied. Plagg nodded, patting him on the head.

''There, there, it'll be fine,'' he said, holding up the piece of cheese. ''Want some? It'll make you feel better.''

''No, thanks,'' Félix replied, with Plagg shrugging.

''Fine, your loss,'' he said, eating the cheese. Félix sighed, not really wanting to admit that he did feel a little better thanks to Plagg's support. He walked over to the desk where a bunch of books was and started to go through them, having planned to sort them out by which ones he wanted to read.

''Anyways, we'll be leaving soon,'' he said, taking a stack of books and walking over to the stairs that led to his private library. Suddenly, his ring shimmered, causing the books to slip out of his arms and falling all over the floor. Félix groaned in annoyance and crouched down to pick them up, only to get startled when the door suddenly opened.


The teen got up, looking at his uncle's assistant, Adeline Arsenault, a woman dressed in a short white turtleneck dress with black dots, short sleeves and a zipper that went up from her chest to her neck. She was also wearing white stockings with black dots and white stilettos. Her platinum blonde hair was styled into a bun, with one long strand of hair wrapping behind her neck and her eyes being yellow and hawk-like.

''Yes?'' Félix looked at her, wondering what she wanted from him. Adeline stared at him coldly, her head slightly lifted, with Félix feeling as if she was looking down at him. He didn't like it.

''I wanted to inform you that your uncle will be absent the next few days due to work, meaning that you'll be eating dinner alone,'' Adeline told him.

''Is that all?'' Félix asked. Adeline looked down at the spilled books on the floor.

''Clean this mess up,'' she said, then turned around and exited the room. Félix frowned, but kept quiet, turning instead to the books on the floor.

''Man, did she ever heard anything about knocking?'' Plagg flew out of his hiding spot. ''You'd think that as your uncle's assistant, she would have better manners.''

''Unfortunately, people in this household don't really care about how their actions affect me,'' Félix replied, picking up a book. ''Honestly, I'll be happy once all of this is over.''

''You mean, not being Chat Noir anymore or moving out of this place?'' Plagg asked.

''Both.'' Félix grabbed another book, seeing a card fall out of it. He picked it up, realizing that it was the card Bridgette made for him.

I understand that there is something troubling you and that you need your space. Still, I will be there for you if you need someone who'd listen to you. Love, Bri.

''So, are you going to accept her offer?'' Plagg, who was peeking over Félix's shoulder, asked. ''Unlike your uncle, she does care about you.''

Instead of answering, Félix placed the card back into the book and put it on the desk.

''I'll have to refuse,'' he said, with Plagg giving him a questioning look. ''The most important thing I have to focus on now is Ladybug's decision about whether we're going to work as a team or not. If she rejects the idea, I need to come up with a new plan.''


''Let's see…'' Ladybug muttered as she stepped on a roof, looking around and sighed. ''I guess I should've told Chat Noir where to meet up. On the other hand, he does always somehow manage to find me.''

''Of course, I do, M'lady.''

Ladybug felt chills flowing down her spine, her ahoge and pigtails standing up as she heard a familiar voice behind her and turned around, finding Chat Noir sitting on the chimney stack above her.

''Would you stop creeping up on me like that?!'' she yelled at him, startling Chat Noir enough for him to almost fall over, but he managed to land on his feet this time.

''Unfortunately for you, M'lady, I'm a cat and cats have a tendency to be sneaky little bastards,'' Chat Noir replied.

''I see,'' Ladybug muttered. I need to buy a laser pointer then. She then took a sharp breath before adding, ''Anyways, I had decided that I would put our partnership on a trial.''

Chat Noir blinked.

''A trial?'' he asked, feeling puzzled.

''Right,'' Ladybug replied. ''Basically, we'll work as a team for a limited period of time and depending on how it turns out, we could become a permanent team.''

''I see,'' Chat Noir muttered, looking a bit lost.

''What is it? Don't tell me you have gotten your hopes too high,'' Ladybug asked, tilting her head.

''N-No, I was just reminded of a conversation I had,'' Chat Noir replied. Ladybug gave him a questioning look, but Chat Noir didn't elaborate on it. ''In any case, I'm fine with this decision, M'lady.''

''I'm glad to hear that, but could you stop calling me 'M'lady'? Ladybug is completely fine. It's not as if I'm calling you 'Kitty' all the time,'' Ladybug said. Chat Noir grinned.

''Actually, you can call me 'Kitty' all you want, M'lady,'' he replied, leaning towards her. Ladybug's eyes narrowed, only for her to smile mischievously.

''You know what, I prefer 'Alley Cat' as your nickname,'' she said, watching Chat Noir's expression turning into an annoyed look.

''Then you won't mind if I call you 'Mini Menace','' Chat Noir replied with a sly grin on his lips, only for his ears to lower when he realized that Ladybug didn't appear to be offended by this suggestion.

''It's still better than 'M'lady','' Ladybug replied, looking rather amused. She turned around. ''I know that you can come up with a better nickname for me, you're smart enough for that.''

With that said, she jumped off the building, forcing an exasperated Chat Noir to follow her. Admittedly, he dared to hope that he'd be able to charm Ladybug into kissing him at this point, but it was painfully obvious that this wasn't going to be an easy task. He knew that he'll be stuck with the ring for quite a while. Still, he wasn't giving up easily.

''I've been wondering something,'' Chat Noir said as he followed Ladybug across the rooftops of Paris. ''If we are supposed to work as a team, wouldn't that also mean that we should get to know each other better. I mean, I certainly wouldn't mind to get to know you on a personal level.''

''Well, I would,'' Ladybug replied. ''Even if I did agree to be partners with you, I'm still not okay with sharing my private life with you.''

''I'm sure that your private life is fascinating,'' Chat Noir said, smirking.

''You're missing the point here,'' Ladybug replied dryly. ''I don't want to talk about my private life because I want to keep my life as Ladybug separated from it. Besides, who says that revealing something about myself wouldn't lead to you find out who I really am?''

''I doubt that,'' Chat Noir replied. ''It might come as a surprise to you, but I'm not exactly social in my private life.''

''Really?'' Ladybug was stunned, landing on the rooftop. Chat Noir, who landed next to her, nodded.

''This also means that there is a very low chance that we even know each other in private life,'' he said, looking at her.

''I see,'' Ladybug muttered.

''Besides, you could just tell me something general about yourself, like what your favorite colour is,'' Chat Noir suggested.

''You know that I could easily lie about that,'' Ladybug noted.

''You don't strike me as a person who'd just lie for the sake of lying,'' Chat Noir told her. ''Besides, you had told me that you're not sure whether to trust me, yet you tell me that I shouldn't be trusting you either.''

''I didn't mean-'' Ladybug cut herself off, taking a deep breath. She shook her head lightly, her arms crossed, then looked up, giving him a curious look, leaving Chat Noir wondering what was going through her head. ''You're really not making this easy for me.''

''I'd take that as a compliment,'' Chat Noir replied mischievously, tilting his head. ''Look, I understand you don't like this idea, even if you agreed with it. This should be the time where you learn how to rely on your own abilities without having someone distracting you.''

''Exactly my point,'' Ladybug replied. Chat Noir nodded.

''I promise, I won't get into your way,'' he added, walking up to her. ''Nevertheless, I want to let you know that I know how to deal with my bad luck curse and that I hadn't spent the last couple weeks doing nothing. It might not be much, but I am determined to prove myself to you, no matter what it takes.''

To his delight, Ladybug looked rather stunned. He had hoped that his speech would convince her to trust him, at least a little bit. He needed to get as close to her as possible and every little sign of her getting fond of him was a win.

''I-'' Ladybug paused, looking a little unsure about how to respond to this. Eventually, she nodded, giving him a determined look. ''I guess we both still have a lot to learn, not only about each other, but about ourselves as well. Also, for the record, my favorite colour rose gold.''

''That's an interesting choice.'' Chat Noir smiled, a fang poking out of his mouth. ''I prefer emerald green.''

''I would've thought that you'd pick black,'' Ladybug said.

''Why? Is it because I look good in black?'' Chat Noir asked in a flirty tone. Ladybug rolled her eyes, but Chat Noir didn't miss the smile on her face.

''How about we just continue with the patrol?'' Ladybug suggested. ''We can talk afterwards.''

''As you wish, Ladybug,'' Chat Noir replied. Ladybug looked at him for a moment, as if wanting to tell him something, but then she just nodded and leapt off the building, with a confident Chat Noir following her.


Pigeons had been gathering around the Eiffel Tower, with one flock being gathered tightly enough to carry a man. This man was muscular, wearing a full body skin-tight suit with black forearms, waist and thighs, dark grey belly, light grey chest, shoulder and biceps, and pink shins and head. The suit also had a vertically stretched dark gray hexagon with a light gray outline on his behind and upper legs, as well as two oval-shaped light blue spots below his collarbone. His arms were crossed as he stared ahead stoically, only to suddenly feel a rush of excitement, his blue, bulging eyes only widening as he waved his arms, putting his hand above his eyes and taking a look at what was ahead. He could see two figures running across the rooftops, neither having noticed him.

''What do we have here?'' he muttered to himself, a wide grin on his lips. ''Seems like I finally found the misfits that are terrorizing my city. Well, I, Moniseur Pigeon, won't let them get away with it! Ro-roooo!'' He pointed dramatically at the building where he saw the two figures. ''Let's get them!''

Chapter 8: The Thief Among Us


I'm sorry for taking so long, I was busy IRL.

Anyways, I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter, as well as the introduction of a new villain who'll be a mainstay in this story. Please, leave a review and let me know what you think! X3

Chapter Text

Entry 7

The Thief Among Us

''Let's make striking accusations, running from the future will only lead to regret. As you're facing forward, as you're starting to sweat, let your tears out with a shout – Objection! Let's make a turnabout on justice, when you're driven into a corner, that's your chance. Any kind of love, any kind of dream, you can fulfill them, surely – Surely, you can emerge victorious!''

Gyakuten Winner by Ace Attorney


Ladybug landed on a rooftop, with Chat Noir landing right next to her, giving her a mischievous grin, his tail flicking.

''So, is this it? Are we done with the patrol?'' he asked. Ladybug sighed, taking another look at her surroundings.

''I guess it is,'' she replied. Chat Noir's ears perked up as he smiled happily.

''Do you want to hang out for a little longer?'' he asked.

Admittedly, Ladybug wanted to leave, as she had school tomorrow and she needed to get some sleep, but looking at Chat Noir, at the eager gaze he was giving her, she figured that it wouldn't hurt if she stayed just a little longer. After all, she did tell him that she wanted to evaluate their partnership and, as Chat Noir put it, this also meant that they would have to get to know each other better. Still, while Chat Noir wanted to learn more about her on a personal level, Ladybug was more focused on learning about him on a professional level.

''Fine,'' Ladybug said, with Chat Noir doing a fist-pump. ''I did agree to this, after all. However, I won't be answering any questions that I'm too uncomfortable with.''

''That's completely okay,'' Chat Noir told her, placing his hand on his chest. ''I'm just glad that we get to hang out with each other. We do have a lot to talk about.''

''Yeah,'' Ladybug muttered, falling silent for a moment and closing her eyes. She hadn't been upset or anything like that, but tried to calm down her mind and find the right words to express herself. She opened her eyes and looked at Chat Noir, who had his head slightly tilted, giving her a look that appeared to be a mix of curiosity and concern. He reminded her of a lost kitten. ''You're right, we do have a lot to talk about.'' Chat Noir's ears twitched as she turned towards him. ''It's probably annoying that I'm bringing it up again, but I still have some questions about your bad luck powers.''

''Oh,'' Chat Noir mumbled, a little surprised, then gave Ladybug an assuring look. ''I don't mind it. What do you want to know?''

''You told me that you know how to deal with your bad luck,'' Ladybug stated, with Chat Noir nodding.

''Yes, but I'm not claiming that I have complete control over it,'' Chat Noir replied, crossing his arms. ''There will be times when something unpredictable will happen, and I will take full responsibility for it. As I had told you, I don't want to get in your way and I'm willing to improve myself as a superhero.'' He gave her a soft smile. ''I have to admit, your determination did really inspire me to work on myself.''

''I did…'' Ladybug was stunned, feeling a strange warmth surging through her body. Chat Noir's words were incredibly sincere, making her feel flustered. She lowered her head shyly. ''I-I'm glad that I could help you.'' She then took a sharp breath, trying to ignore the strange feeling of fluttering butterflies in her stomach and continued in a more assertive tone, ''However, I'm still far from perfect. You're not the only one who has to work on improving yourself.''

''That's understandable,'' Chat Noir replied. There was a strange twinkle in his green eyes, especially after seeing Ladybug getting flustered. He placed his hand on his hip, ruffling his already messy hair with the other. ''Honestly, I kind of wish our partnership had started under different circ*mstances. I know that I left a bad impression, especially after getting rather bold and flirting with you, as well as not telling you about my bad luck curse.''

''If you ask me, I'm glad that you actually did leave a bad impression on me,'' Ladybug told him, with Chat Noir giving her a perplexed look. ''Nevertheless, I'm glad that you're owning up to it.''

''So, am I forgiven?'' Chat Noir asked sheepishly. Ladybug crossed her arms, tilting her head and giving him a pointed look.

''The trial is still ongoing,'' she added. ''But, so far, you don't have to worry. Trust me, if I get annoyed by your antics, I will make that loud and clear.''

''That is something I really love about you, Ladybug,'' Chat Noir replied. Ladybug was stunned for a moment, partially due to Chat Noir's boldness, partially due to the fact that he didn't call her 'M'lady' as he usually would. ''You don't play around and you make your point clear. The more time I spend with you, the more I'm fascinated and pleased that I had met an amazing person like you.''

''I- Thanks,'' Ladybug said, a little flustered by his compliment. However, she managed to quickly focus again on the matter at hand. ''In any case, about our partnership, the main point is that we still have a lot to work on. We have conflicting powers, which won't make this easy for either of us.''

''True, but we won't know for certain whether things are going to work out unless we try,'' Chat Noir replied. ''However, I'm sure that with you in charge-''

''No,'' Ladybug cut him off. When Chat Noir gave her a questioning look, she elaborated, ''If either of us is in charge, we might create an imbalance. It doesn't matter whether it's too much luck or too much bad luck, if we're going to work together, we both have to put effort into our teamwork. This would obviously include knowing each other's strengths and weaknesses, as well being able to trust each other and be able to act on our own in case the other party is incapacitated.''

''Essentially, we're acting together, not against each other and we will have to learn to anticipate a situation where one's power would be more useful than the other's,'' Chat Noir said, with Ladybug nodding enthusiastically.

''Exactly!'' she said, feeling rather happy that he was genuinely listening to her. Maybe this partnership won't be as bad as I thought. He did try to help me in the battle against the Mime, even if his bad luck caused him to mess up. Not to mention, he did leave me alone during my last fight against the latter, so perhaps we can work things out.

''I do have one request,'' Chat Noir said, holding his clawed finger up. Ladybug stared back at him, confused. ''May I continue flirting with you?''

''Eh?'' Ladybug blinked, stunned. It took her a moment to process his words. ''What?!''

Chat Noir just gave her a mischievous grin. ''I promise I won't keep you distracted. You said yourself that being Ladybug is your priority. Still, that doesn't mean that we can't have fun during our free time, right?''

''You're hopeless, Chat,'' Ladybug groaned, feeling completely exasperated.

''Yeah, I'm a hopeless fool who has a crush on a beautiful and mesmerizing lady,'' Chat Noir replied, shrugging. He then winked at her. ''You look absolutely adorable when you're flustered.''

''Well, I guess the reason for that is because I'm not used to have someone flirt with me like this,'' Ladybug replied in a firm tone, crossing her arms on her chest. Admittedly, she was still flustered, but she managed to remain calm enough to retain a neutral expression.

''Really?'' As Ladybug looked up, she saw a baffled Chat Noir. ''I'm surprised that someone as lovely as you isn't getting the attention you deserve.''

''That's how it is,'' Ladybug replied, shrugging. Her ahoge lowered as she thought about Félix, but quickly pushed him out of her head. ''I mean, you said that you aren't exactly the social type, yet you're shamelessly flirting with me.''

''It might be because of the mask,'' Chat Noir replied, lowering his head a little. A few pigeons flew above them. ''After all, I don't have to act like my usual self when I'm wearing it. That's the perk of anonymity.''

''Don't let it get to your head,'' Ladybug replied. ''Only because you wear a mask doesn't mean that you can escape the consequences of your actions.''

''I know,'' Chat Noir replied, his ears twitching as he heard wings flapping. He and Ladybug looked around. ''Why are there so many pigeons?''

''No idea,'' Ladybug replied, her ahoge taking the shape of a question mark. The pigeons were twitching, turning their heads towards them, making Ladybug feel nervous. ''It's kinda creepy.''

''Are they… judging us?'' Chat Noir said, rising an eyebrow. More and more pigeons landed on the rooftop, all of them staring at the two.

''Maybe it's because of you,'' Ladybug suggested in a deadpan tone. Chat Noir's ears lowered and he gave her an annoyed look, even though he had to admit that the birds probably didn't like the idea of being around a cat superhero. He suddenly shook his head.

''Wait, what are we even talking about? Those are pigeons! They're just-'' Chat Noir tried to make sense of the situation, but quickly cut himself off when a huge flock of pigeons flew over them and surrounded the two. ''What is going on?''

''I have taken you as my captives! Ro-roooo!''

Ladybug and Chat Noir stared with completely dumbfounded looks on their expressions and dropped jaws at the flock of pigeons flying up to them, revealing a man in a grey, pink and black bodysuit standing atop of the birds, his arms crossed on his chest.

''This has to be some kind of dream,'' Ladybug said dryly, stunned by the reveal.

''To be honest, I can understand the Mime, he has interesting powers, but a Pigeon Man?'' Chat Noir said, not looking particularly impressed.

''The name is Monsieur Pigeon, you simpleton!'' Monsieur Pigeon yelled indignantly.

''Great, he also talks,'' Chat Noir added in a deadpan tone. Monsieur Pigeon lifted his head up high, glaring at the two.

''Don't you dare to mock me!'' he yelled at Chat Noir. ''I will teach you a lesson, you insolent cat!''

''What about her?'' Chat Noir pointed with his thumb at Ladybug, who rose an eyebrow, giving him an incredulous look, her ahoge frizzled.

''Don't worry, I will deal with her later, but my top priority is to eliminate any strays,'' Monsieur Pigeon replied, lifting his hand up, with the pigeons that were sitting on the roof suddenly flying up and surrounding the two.

''Hey, wait a second!'' Ladybug interrupted him. ''Why are you even attacking us? We don't even know who you are.''

''Don't worry about that,'' Monsieur Pigeon replied, holding up his hands in a theatrical manner. ''All I need to know is who you are. Take them down!'' he commanded, with the pigeons suddenly flying towards the two.

''Black Storm!'' Chat Noir formed a disc of dark energy on his palm and fired it at the pigeons, causing them to scatter and create an opening. He and Ladybug ran through it, leaping off the building and landing on another, with the pigeons following them. Chat Noir sent another dark energy disc at them, causing them to scatter, before glancing at Ladybug and asking, ''Now what?''

''I'm not sure,'' Ladybug replied, with the two running towards the edge of the building and leaping off, landing on another one. ''What do we even know about this guy?''

''Aside from the fact that he's calling himself Monsieur Pigeon, that he controls pigeons and that he's after us for some reason, nothing,'' Chat Noir replied, his ears picking up the flapping of numerous pigeon wings from behind and above them. ''Well, we could also add persistent to the list.''

He and Ladybug jumped away to the side as a flock of pigeons charged at them and hit the rooftop. Ladybug looked up, seeing another flock charging at her and quickly turned her compact into a shield. The pigeons pecked and scratched it madly, trying to get through it, only to scatter away when Chat Noir threw another energy disc at them.

''Thanks!'' Ladybug said as he joined her. Chat Noir smiled at her.

''I guess that this is where we try to figure out how to work together,'' he said, only for Ladybug to suddenly turn her shield back into a yo-yo and throw it behind him, scattering another flock of pigeons that attempted to fly into them.

''I absolutely agree,'' Ladybug replied. ''For now, we need to find a shelter, then we can discuss our battle plan.''

''That won't be easy,'' Chat Noir told her as they continued with their run on the rooftops. ''We're surrounded by pigeons.''

''Then let's go underground,'' Ladybug told him, looking down. Chat Noir followed her gaze, his tail flicking in excitement when he saw the entrance to the Paris metro at Varenne. He then glanced at Ladybug. ''I need you to cover us.''

''Got it!'' Chat Noir was a little startled when Ladybug suddenly grabbed his other hand and threw the yo-yo at the trees that surrounded the entrance to the metro, securing it around a branch. Chat Noir then turned back to the flock that had been following them and sent an energy disc at them, causing them to scatter again. The two then jumped off, with Ladybug letting the yo-yo pull them towards the entrance.

Once inside, they quickly walked down the staircase, both hoping that the pigeons wouldn't follow them. They sighed in relief when, fortunately, they couldn't hear the birds anymore.

''That was close,'' Ladybug said.

''I do agree that we are quite close,'' Chat Noir told her, smirking as he gave her a pointed look. Ladybug looked down, only to realize that she was still holding Chat Noir's hand and quickly let go of him.

''In any case, we now have to figure out how to take Monsieur Pigeon down,'' Ladybug added.

''That won't be easy, especially if he keeps staying airborne,'' Chat Noir commented. ''I doubt I'll be able to engage in a fight with him, since cats can't fly.''

''True, but ladybugs can,'' Ladybug replied, with Chat Noir giving her a confused look. ''My compact allows me to create bug wings, but unfortunately, I still have issues with it. Not to mention, even if I figure this out, I cannot get close to him with all of those pigeons flying around.''

''That's true,'' Chat Noir muttered, placing his hand under his chin. ''Still, if your good luck kicks in, then you wouldn't have to worry about that.'' His ears lowered. ''However, this means that I'd have to stay out of this fight.''

''Not necessarily,'' Ladybug replied, with Chat Noir staring at her curiously. ''You said that you're capable of controlling your bad luck power and I believe you. So, let's work together. If we do this right, I'm confident that we can win the battle.''

''Thank you, Ladybug,'' Chat Noir replied, giving her a determined look. Both of them looked up as they suddenly heard someone yelling and exchanged glances. ''This is our cue.''

Ladybug nodded, with the two walking back up to the entrance. As they poked their heads outside, they saw people running, being freaked out by the pigeons who were flying too low for their comfort and randomly attacking them.

''First of all, we need to get Monsieur Pigeon's attention, so he'd focus on us rather than attack random people,'' Ladybug said, her eyes narrowing.

''How about luring him to the Eiffel Tower?'' Chat Noir suggested. ''We're not too far from it and there's enough space for us to fight without letting our powers influence each other. I'll distract the pigeons, while you deal with Pigeon Man.''

''We could try that,'' Ladybug nodded. ''Let's go!''


''Where are they?'' Monsieur Pigeon looked around, ignoring the people below him, who were confused and freaked out by the strange behavior the pigeons exhibited. He was simply here to take care of business as he was instructed by the man he considered his boss. Given how his co-worker hadn't have any luck with taking down the self-proclaimed protectors of Paris, he decided to give it a go.

''Black Storm!''

The pigeons that carried Monsieur Pigeon moved suddenly, dodging Chat Noir's attack. Monsieur Pigeon looked down, finding the black cat superhero giving him a cheeky grin.

''What's up, Pigeon Man?'' Chat Noir asked, his tail flicking. ''I thought you wanted to teach me a lesson. However, I guess that you're too much of a chicken to confront a bird's natural predator.''

''You will pay for that! Get him!'' Monsieur Pigeon growled, pointing at Chat Noir, with the flock of pigeons that surrounded him flying straight towards the black cat superhero. Chat Noir somersaulted backwards, disappearing behind another building, with Monsieur Pigeon following him. ''Don't let him get away! Ro-rooo!''

Meanwhile, Chat Noir smirked as everything went according to plan. He made sure to hide in the shadows and between the buildings and balconies, popping out from time to time to make sure that Monsieur Pigeon and his flock of birds hellbent on probably killing him would know where he was. Whenever they would get too close, he'd send another dark energy disc flying at them, often missing them unfortunately. However, he didn't mind that, as his main goal was to lure them to the Eiffel Tower, where Ladybug was awaiting them.

Hopefully, nothing will go wrong. Chat Noir frowned as he landed on another building, crouching down, his ears twitching at the sound of hundreds of birds getting closer and closer to him. He could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up as he glanced at the ring on his finger. At least, let us win this battle.

While Chat Noir was busy acting as the bait, Ladybug was standing on the ledge on the Eiffel Tower, biting her lip as she felt nervous about her plan. She took a deep breath, calming down, her fingers wrapped tightly around her compact.

It will work. It has to.

Ladybug could see from afar the flock of birds flying towards her, with Chat Noir keeping them at a distance with another well-placed attack. There was also another, smaller flock carrying Monsieur Pigeon, and she knew that once he got close enough, she'd have to enter the battle.

The Mime was already a difficult opponent, but this guy is a different story, having advantage over us in the air. I'll have to clip his wings if I want to win this.

She inhaled sharply and placed the compact on her back. It grew bigger, the red elytra opening up and revealing a pair of blueish insect wings beneath it.

''I wish you luck,'' Tikki told her, sounding a little concerned about her plan.

Ladybug focused on her wings, which started to flap at rapid speeds, causing her to start hovering. She let out a cry of surprise as she looked down, feeling a little dizzy when she realized that, if she fell from this height, she'd be nothing but a red splatter on the ground. Leaping from building to building is nothing compared to this. She tried to remain stable, leaning forward a little, her earrings shimmering. Okay, Ladybug, you can do this. She leaned forward a little further, using her body and mind to take a position that let her fly towards the oncoming flock of pigeons. It works! She smiled in relief and her eyes narrowed as she flew towards the ongoing battle.

Chat Noir had meanwhile landed close to the Eiffel Tower, turning around and seeing Monsieur Pigeon still following him.

''Now I have you cornered! Roo-roooo!'' Monsieur Pigeon exclaimed, hovering above Chat Noir. ''Any last words, you mangy cat?''

''Yeah,'' Chat Noir smirked, ''Look up, dumbass!''

''Huh, wha-?''

''Take this!''

Monsieur Pigeon was startled when he suddenly heard someone screaming at him and turned around, only to see Ladybug flying towards him at rapid speed, landing a punch on his face and flying away. Monsieur Pigeon stumbled, almost falling off the flock that was holding him up and turned around, seeing Ladybug do a loop as she still hadn't figured out how to break and flying back towards him. She managed to almost knock him over again.

''Hey, pea brain!''

Before Monsieur Pigeon could recover, a blast of dark energy was sent flying at him and he dodged it at the last possible second. As he looked up, he realized that Chat Noir used the moment of distraction Ladybug had caused to climb the Eiffel Tower so he'd be at a similar height as the former two were.

''Why you-?!'' he growled, with a flock of pigeons flying towards Chat Noir, while another flock gathered above him into a huge ball, which he sent flying towards Ladybug.

''Black Storm!'' Chat Noir sent a disc of energy flying at the flock that attacked him, while Ladybug dodged the ball of pigeons sent after her. Since her compact had been turned into wings, she had no other weapons other than her fists.

''Woa, that was close!'' she muttered to herself, realizing that her and Chat Noir's plan was falling apart. Admittedly, they had no idea whether it would work in the first place. Another disc of dark energy was sent flying at the pigeons, causing them to scatter, while Ladybug turned to Monsieur Pigeon, hovering around his height. ''I bet you can't knock me down!''

''I'll get you! Go, my lovelies!'' Monsieur Pigeon yelled, with Ladybug flying towards the Eiffel Tower. She briefly glanced back, realizing that Monsieur Pigeon was following her.

That's it! Now, we just have to knock him off! Ladybug looked back, focused on the task at hand, hoping that she wouldn't collide with anything. ''Chat Noir, your turn!''

''Black Hole!'' Chat Noir held up his hand, the ring on his finger glowing as a huge black hole appeared behind Ladybug like a shield. It caused the pigeons that were following her to scatter, with Monsieur Pigeon panicking.

''Stop! Stop! No!'' As the pigeons that carried him tried to dodge the black hole, Monsieur Pigeon was suddenly flung off, landing on a steel ledge on the Eiffel Tower, feeling the wind knocked out of his lungs as he held onto it.

Chat Noir grinned victoriously, only for his eyes to widen when he saw the pigeons suddenly flying at him, causing him to take several steps back, covering his head with his arms as the pigeons attempted to pluck out his eyes and scratch him till he bleeded. Suddenly, he lost footing, falling over the ledge.


Desperate, Ladybug flew towards Chat Noir, extending one hand to grab him and reaching with her other for the wings on her back. The wings vanished, turning back into a compact and causing her to fall alongside Chat Noir. ''Hold on!'' Once Chat Noir wrapped his hands around her waist, she threw the compact which she turned into a yo-yo upwards, the yo-yo wrapping around a steel beam, with her and Chat Noir, who kept one hand wrapped around her waist and the other on the string of the yo-yo, safely swinging down on the street below them. Both breathed a sigh of relief as Ladybug's yo-yo returned to her. ''That was close.''

''Yeah,'' Chat Noir exchanged glances with her and the two looked up, only to realize that Monsieur Pigeon was gone. They could still see several pigeons flying around, but their master was nowhere to be found. ''I guess it's over.''

''I wouldn't be so sure,'' Ladybug replied, taking a deep breath as she felt her heart racing. She wasn't sure whether it was because of the rush of adrenaline… or the fact that Chat Noir still had his hand wrapped around her waist. Her eyes narrowed. ''You know, you can let go of me now.''

''Sorry-'' Chat Noir pulled his hand away, giving her a sheepish grin. ''Still, you saved my life,'' he added, a seductive smile forming on his lips as he leaned close to her. ''You earned a kiss for that.''

''A simple 'thank you' is enough,'' Ladybug replied as she did a quick side-step, with Chat Noir tripping and falling over. Ladybug winced, giving him a look of concern. ''Are you okay?''

''Well, I am, but I'd feel better if I got a little peck from you,'' Chat Noir replied, with Ladybug's ahoge lowering as she gave him an exasperated look.

''You're fine, just walk it off,'' she told him as he got up. The two suddenly turned around, with Chat Noir's ears twitching as he heard someone yelling, as well as a police siren.

''We should leave before someone finds us,'' he told Ladybug, who nodded. Both took off, as people started arriving, either curious about or shaken by the events, eventually stopping on the rooftop of a nearby building.

''That was… unexpected,'' Ladybug muttered, catching her breath.

''You mean the fact that we ran into another villain… or the fact that said villain is capable of controlling pigeons?'' Chat Noir asked.

''Both, I guess?'' Ladybug shrugged, then shook her head. ''In any case, I'm too tired to deal with this now. I guess we can talk about what happened tomorrow.''

''Really? So, have I finally passed your trial?'' Chat Noir asked excitedly.

''Hey, I'm still thinking about it,'' Ladybug told him, with Chat Noir's ears lowering in disappointment. She smiled sympathetically. ''Nevertheless, I do look forward to meeting up with you.'' Chat Noir perked up, with Ladybug waving at him. ''Bye!''

Chat Noir waved back as she left, doing a fist-pump once she was out of his sight. ''Yes! Seems like I managed to convince her to let me stay.''

''Didn't Ladybug say that she was still thinking about it?'' Plagg asked him.

''I'm not worried about that,'' Chat Noir replied. He knew that he had managed to redeem himself, feeling certain that it was just a matter of time before Ladybug finally falls for him.


''Plagg, de-transform me!'' Chat Noir said after landing on the balcony on the upper level of his room. A bright dark light engulfed him, revealing a moment later his civilian self, with Plagg hovering next to him.

''What a night,'' Plagg sighed as he and Félix went inside, with Félix closing the door behind them. ''It seems like you could've done a lot more progress hadn't Pigeon Man decided to interrupt you so rudely.''

''Right,'' Félix muttered, walking over to his private library and searching for something. ''I guess I could chalk this up to my bad luck as well. Nevertheless, I still got what I wanted.''

Plagg observed him as he pulled out a black leather-bound journal from the shelf and walked down the stairs to his desk. He then rummaged through the drawer, taking out an expensive-looking ink pen.

''What are you doing, Kid?'' Plagg asked. ''Don't you want to go to bed? I mean, you have school tomorrow.''

''Not yet,'' Félix replied, opening the journal and started writing something in it. Plagg shrugged and flew over to his cheese stash, grabbing a piece before returning back to Félix. He looked over the teen's shoulder, curious about what his holder was writing. Sure, Félix loved to write, but what was so important to be written down at this hour?

''…'Ladybug's favorite colour is rose gold'…'' Plagg muttered as he read the entry. ''You're writing notes about Ladybug? Why?''

''These notes should help me win her over,'' Félix replied, briefly glancing at the kwami. ''The more I know about Ladybug, the better my chances are with her, even if it's something trivial like her favorite colour.''

''Still, one would think that you would've just used a notepad and a normal pen for keeping notes, not this.'' Plagg nodded towards the journal.

''I had planned to use this journal for important notes and trust me, this is important,'' Félix replied, then continued to write down notes. He tried to remember every single detail about Ladybug's personality, about her likes and dislikes, like the fact that she preferred to be called 'Ladybug' and even 'Mini Menace' over 'M'lady'. Félix stopped writing for a moment, tilting his head as he stared at his notes. ''She's quite headstrong, isn't she?''

''I'd rather call her 'stubborn','' Plagg hummed, taking a bite out of the cheese. Félix ignored the comment, furrowing his brows.

''She also tends to get quite flustered when complimented or flirted with,'' he added. ''Sure, I could use that to my advantage, but what are the chances that she'll get angry at me for cornering her. I should keep the flirting at a moderate level.''

''You're really putting a lot of thought into this,'' Plagg commented, sitting on a stack of books, only for the book on the top to suddenly slip and fall over. Félix shot him an annoyed look, with Plagg giving him a sheepish smile. ''Sorry?''

Luckily, it was only one book, which Félix picked up, realizing that it was the one with Bridgette's note. He stared at it for a moment, reading it again and again.

I understand that there is something troubling you and that you need your space. Still, I will be there for you if you need someone who'd listen to you. Love, Bri.

The letters were written in a rose gold marker, with a little heart in the same colour being drawn next to it. Félix's eyes narrowed for a moment as he fell silent, before shaking his head.

It is just an aesthetic choice, nothing else.

Nevertheless, he placed the note into his journal.


''Tikki, de-transform me!''

Bridgette sighed in relief as she flopped on her bed, feeling exhausted, but also pleased with how things had turned out. She and Chat Noir were obviously still far from being the dream team, but the had a lot less issues this time than in their battle against the Mime.

''Maybe I did make the right choice,'' she muttered to herself as she placed her hands behind her head, with Tikki hovering next to her.

''While this is indeed your choice, I think that you should remain careful around Chat Noir,'' the kwami told her. ''You never know what can go wrong.''

''True, but maybe I should have a bit more faith in him… In both of us,'' Bridgette replied. Tikki gave her a thoughtful look, but didn't reply. Different than Bridgette, she was still at unease about this team up, but she still wanted to support her holder.

I have a really bad feeling about this.


''Say, Bri, have you even slept last night?'' Claude asked Bridgette as she yawned, with the two walking up to the school. She ignored the slightly amused look on his expression. ''What kept you up?''

''Pigeons,'' Bridgette replied, yawning again. Claude rose an eyebrow, only to remember something.

''Now that you mention it, there was a news report about pigeons acting strange last night,'' he said. ''I heard that they were attacking people and that the Mini Menace and Alley Cat from that video appeared again.''

''They're calling themselves Ladybug and Chat Noir,'' Bridgette replied tiredly, with Claude giving her a confused look.

''How do you know?'' he asked.

''I was on the roof last night when Ladybug passed by. She introduced herself to me and told me she was on a patrol,'' Bridgette explained.

''That's cool!'' Claude looked impressed. ''I don't think anyone got to even meet either of these two.''

''I guess I just got lucky,'' Bridgette replied, smiling. Admittedly, she didn't want to lie to her childhood friend, but she figured that people should finally learn her and Chat Noir's names rather than call them Mini Menace and Alley Cat.

''So, how was she like?'' Claude asked her.

''Well, she's-''

''How was who like?'' Both turned around, seeing Sophie and Allan approaching them.

''Hi, Sophie, hi, Allan,'' Claude greeted them. ''I assume you guys know about what happened last night.''

''Yeah, there were all those pigeons who were acting strange,'' Allan replied. ''Some even tried to get into my room after I left the window open.''

''Well, it turns out that the person responsible for that mess was a man with the ability to control the pigeons,'' Bridgette told him. ''I had also met the Mini Menace, or rather, Ladybug; Claude and I were just talking about her.''

''Really? That's awesome!'' Sophie said, only to raise an eyebrow. ''Wait, there's a villain running around the city and his ability is to control pigeons?''

''Yeah, it is a weird power,'' Bridgette said, shrugging. ''Honestly, I don't know much about it.''

''At least we have someone who'll defend us against people like this Pigeon Guy,'' Claude said, with Bridgette nodding.

''Hey, guys!''

Bridgette and her friends looked up, seeing Allegra approaching them accompanied by another teenage girl. Her companion was slender, with long black hair and dark green eyes, dressed in a form-fitting red flannel shirt, dark blue skinny jeans and black ankle boots, with a black backpack with golden flower prints hanging from her shoulder.

''Who is your friend?'' Sophie asked Allegra when the two approached them.

''This is Carmilla Brigante. She had recently transferred to our school and is in the the neighboring class. I met her when she had auditioned for the school band.'' She then turned to Carmilla. ''Carmilla, these are my friends: Sophie Renard, Allan Durand, Claude Savard and Bridgette Cheng.''

''Nice to meet you,'' Carmilla said, smiling. ''Any friend of Allegra's is my friend.''

''Same here, Carmilla,'' Bridgette replied. ''You said you auditioned for the school band. What kind of instrument are you playing?''

''The flute, but I'm not in the school band,'' Carmilla replied, noticing the questioning look Allegra's friends gave her. ''I had realized that I wouldn't have time for my hobby, so I decided to drop it.''

''I guess your hobby takes priority,'' Allan commented, with Carmilla nodding.

''It's kind of unfortunate, since she's really good at it,'' Allegra said.

''Oh, please, I'm average,'' Carmilla said, gently nudging Allegra with her elbow in an attempt of showing faux humility.

''Nevertheless, you're welcome to join us whenever you want,'' Allegra told her.

''Ugh! Out of my way! You're blocking my path!''

''Watch where you're going!''

The group winced when they heard a familiar shrill tone, followed by a splashing sound, Carmilla being the only one with a look of confusion on her expression. They turned towards the source of the commotion, which turned out to be Amber who had rammed into Félix, causing him to drop the cup he was holding and spill the coffee all over the ground.

''Who's that?'' Carmilla asked.

''That's Amber Bourgeois,'' Sophie answered. ''She's in our class. The guy with the spilled coffee is Félix Agreste; he's also in our class.''

''I see, it seems that-'' Carmilla cut herself off when Bridgette suddenly walked past her, approaching Félix, who was checking his suit for any coffee spots and glaring at Amber, who was yelling at him.

''If my bracelet got dirty from that stupid coffee of yours, you'll be paying for the cleaning!'' she told him angrily. Félix scoffed, feeling relieved that his clothes were still spotless and cranky that he'd have to buy another coffee to keep himself awake through the school day.

''If you had a sense of awareness, you wouldn't have ran into me,'' he replied in an irritated tone, annoyed that his day had to start out like this.


Why am not surprised that this day would get only worse? Félix sighed as he saw Bridgette approaching him.

''Are you okay?'' Bridgette asked him, her ahoge taking the shape of a heart. She completely ignored Amber, who was suddenly flicking her wrist at her. ''I saw what happened and thought that maybe I could bring you another coffee. I mean, there is a vending machine in the hallway and-''

''I'll go get it myself,'' Félix cut her off, walking past Bridgette, who looked a little disappointed.

''W-Wait, I was going to get myself a drink too,'' she said, following the latter. Bridgette's friends observed the situation with bemused looks on their expressions, while Carmilla was more puzzled by her behavior.

''What's up with Bridgette and the Office Boy?'' she asked. Sophie snorted.

''She has a crush on him,'' she explained. ''However, Félix… Well, you saw him how he acts around her.''

''Frankly, he's not the kind of person I'd hang out with,'' Carmilla said. ''I wonder what Bridgette even sees in him.''

''Who cares?'' The group turned to Amber as she approached them, holding up her hand. ''Feast your eyes on this peasants!'' Around her wrist was a silver bracelet with diamond pieces on the chain. ''My parents bought me this yesterday.''

''Why are you showing this to us?'' Allegra asked her in a deadpan tone.

''To brag, obviously,'' Amber replied haughtily. ''That's what gifts are for.''

''I thought that gifts are there to make people happy,'' Claude commented dryly.

''Exactly,'' Amber replied, completely missing his point. ''I get to brag about my gift, which makes me happy.'' She turned her head, seeing best friend heading into the building. ''Oh, Jeanne, you'll never guess what my parents got me!''

''Man, she's insufferable,'' Carmilla commented as Amber left.

''Tell us something new,'' Sophie replied, sighing. ''She just loves to flaunt whatever expensive gift she gets from her parents and she will shove it into your face.''

''I see,'' Carmilla muttered, smirking sinisterly. I guess she needs to be taught a little lesson.


Most of the school day passed rather quietly, at least for Bridgette, as Félix was giving her the silent treatment after refusing her offer to treat him to a coffee. She figured that she probably shouldn't have insisted on buying him anything, as he looked quite embarrassed when he left for the classroom.

I just had to mess up. Bridgette lowered her head, her ahoge drooping.

''Oh, no!'' Everyone in the classroom looked up suddenly when the heard Amber crying out loudly, almost tearing through her white and yellow messenger bag, searching for something. ''It's gone, someone stole it!''

''Amber, what is going on?'' Mme. Cartier, their teacher, asked.

''M-My bracelet! I left in in a box in my bag and now it's gone!'' Amber cried in frustration. Her classmates started whispering and looking around, as if trying to figure out whether it fell out somewhere or if someone had taken it. ''Someone stole it, I'm sure! Someone stole my precious diamond bracelet!''

''Amber, please calm down,'' Mme. Cartier told her in a firm tone, only for the conversations in he classroom to get louder. The only exception to this was Félix, who wanted nothing to do with this drama.

''Do you really think someone stole Amber's bracelet?'' Claude asked Allegra.

''She was shoving that stupid bracelet under everyone's nose. I wouldn't be surprised if someone took it,'' Allegra replied, feeling annoyed.

''I demand that this theft gets investigated!'' Amber yelled.

''Everyone, quiet!'' Mme. Cartier rose her voice, successfully silencing the classroom. She then turned to Amber. ''Amber, are you completely sure that you hadn't lost your bracelet or misplaced it?''

''Of course I am! I had my bracelet on me for most of the day and I put in a box at the locker room, which I then put in my bag, which I then left at this classroom,'' Amber replied furiously. ''Someone probably took it while I was outside!''

''Is it also possible that you had accidentally left it at your locker?'' Mme. Cartier asked her. Amber stared at her teacher for a moment, dumbfounded.

''Well, yes, but that's not the point! I'm 100% sure that it was stolen!'' Amber protested. Mme. Cartier sighed, turning to Allegra.

''Allegra, could you please accompany Amber to the locker room so she can check whether the bracelet is there?'' she asked, with Allegra begrudgingly nodding.

Considering how she was the class president, it wasn't surprising that she'd be the one to investigate this case and while she didn't mind fulfilling her duty, she was annoyed that she had to deal with Amber, who still maintained that she hadn't misplaced her bracelet and that someone stole it after she left it in her bag in the classroom.

''I swear, I hadn't left it in my locker,'' Amber muttered furiously as she and Allegra made their way to the locker room, annoyed that no one was taking her seriously.

''We're just checking whether it's there. If not, we're taking this to the headmaster and probably the police,'' Allegra told her. Amber scoffed, but thankfully remained quiet.

Once they arrived at the locker room, they found Carmilla exiting it, holding a book under her arm.

''Carmilla, what are you doing here?'' Allegra asked her.

''I forgot my book and I asked the teacher to let me out so I can get it,'' Carmilla told her. ''What about you two?''

''Someone stole my bracelet, but everyone thinks I have left it in my locker,'' Amber told her. ''Can you believe it?!''

''Actually, I can,'' Carmilla replied dryly, earning Amber's ire. She stepped away, letting the two enter the room and followed them. ''You should take better care of your stuff.''

''Oh, shut up!'' Amber snapped at her, then walked over to her locker, muttering under her breath as she opened it. ''Huh?'' Her eyes widened in shock. ''Impossible!''

''So, you indeed left it inside your locker,'' Allegra said in a deadpan tone as she peeked into the locker, seeing a small red box on the top of Amber's books and then glared at Amber.

''No, I swear I didn't!'' Amber protested. ''It was in my bag the whole time!''

''Then, how did it end up here?'' Carmilla asked, humming.

''I-I don't know, but I didn't leave it here,'' Amber replied. She was furious and bewildered about the discovery and the fact that no one believed her.

''Maybe you should get your head checked out, just to make sure that you're not suffering from memory loss,'' Carmilla suggested, leaving an exasperated Allegra and an irate Amber.

Neither of them saw the mischievous smirk on her lips.


''Sometimes, things are just too easy.''

The slender teenage girl who was dressed as a stage magician chuckled. Her outfit consisted of a black jacket over a white button up shirt, with a black cape, that was crimson on the inside, hanging from her shoulders. She was also wearing a short black skirt with a black leather belt and white tights, as well as black knee-high lace boots. On her head was a black top hat with a crimson ribbon around it and her black hair was tied up in a high ponytail, and on her hands were white gloves. To complete the look, she also had a crimson bowtie tied around her neck, which was decorated with a lavender rosebud brooch, and her face was covered in a black domino mask with gold rims, only revealing her lavender eyes. She extended her hand, revealing a lavender orb of light, which turned into a black magic wand that was a bit smaller than a twirling baton and had golden tips on each end.

''They could've made this a little more challenging,'' she muttered to herself, her voice having a slight Italian accent, as she walked through the jewelry store she had broken into. It was quite simple, as all she had to do was to disable the alarm system and unlock the front door. The fact that she also had genuine magical powers helped her case.

She was known as Phantom Thief Belladonna, a phantom thief who found thrill in breaking into facilities and stealing whatever valuables she could find. However, half of the fun was in having someone find her and try to hunt her down, only to be baffled by the magic spells she'd use to escape them. Unfortunately, there wasn't any security at this building, so she knew that she'd get away without anyone ever knowing who stole the jewelry.

''I guess I should congratulate myself on my success,'' she added in a dry tone, groaning, ''This is so boring!''

Nevertheless, she knew that the night was still young. There was always the possibility of her running into someone who'd be an actual challenge.

Chapter 9: Welcome To The Show


I had planned to post this much earlier, but in my defense, my keyboard would stop working at random, so it was really difficult to write this out.

Nevertheless, I'm back with another chapter that will give you a little bit more insight into the villain you have read about by the end of the last chapter - Carmilla Brigante/Phantom Thief Belladonna.

Just a little tidbit info about her - she was based on Lila Rossi/Volpina, but has her own unique spin, as I had also added elements from Kaitou Jeanne (from the anime Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) and Kaitou Kid (from the anime Kaitou Kid and Detective Conan). I consider her something of a rival to Ladybug, who also has an interest in Chat Noir, as you'll find out in this chapter.

I hope you'll enjoy it!

Chapter Text

Entry 8

Welcome To The Show

''Hands high like a roller coaster, this love is taking over! Take us higher here we go, oh, oh, oh – Welcome to the show! Gravity we're defying, 'cause we were made for flying! We're about to lose control – Welcome to the show!''

Welcome To The Show by Britt Nicole


''Have you heard about what happened last night?'' Allan asked Claude as they walked towards their classroom. Claude shook his head. ''One of the high-end jewelry stores had been completely cleared out and no one knows who did it.''

''Seriously?'' Claude's eyes widened in surprise. Allan nodded, taking out his smartphone with the news report and showing it to him as they walked into the classroom. Allegra and Sophie were standing next to Bridgette and having a conversation, while Bridgette had her head leaned against the desk, looking grumpy.

''Hey, guys,'' Allan greeted them, glancing at Bridgette. ''What's wrong, Bri?''

''Nothing,'' Bridgette replied in a dismissive tone, with Allan rising an eyebrow. It was rare for Bridgette to be this annoyed, but he figured that he shouldn't press the issue, as he knew that Bridgette would tell them whenever something bothered her. Claude, on the other hand, gave her a questioning look, but seeing how irritated Bridgette was, he decided against asking her why she was so grumpy.

''Say, have you guys heard about what happened last night?'' Claude turned to Allegra and Sophie. ''Allan was just telling me about the robbery at the jewelry store.''

''We were also talking about it,'' Allegra replied. ''Honestly, I'm surprised that the surveillance system hadn't caught the thief on camera or that none of the security alarms had be activated.''

''Maybe it was an inside job,'' Sophie suggested. ''An employee would've had access to the security system. They could easily turn it off.''

''I kind of doubt that,'' Allan replied. ''I mean, it is also possible that an outsider planned this out, right?''

His friends shrugged, with Claude turning towards Bridgette.

''What do you think, Bri?'' he asked. Bridgette gazed at him, only half-listening to their conversation.

''I have no idea,'' she replied in an irritable tone. Claude frowned.

''What is it with you today? Did something happen?'' he asked. Bridgette, who had been in a bad mood for most of the morning didn't want to tell her friends the true reason why she acted like this. However, she knew that she had to come up with something believable so they wouldn't question her further.

''I… I accidentally deleted a project I've been working on for a while,'' she explained. ''It's been bothering me the entire morning.''

''I see,'' Claude muttered, still retaining that questioning look on his expression. However, he appeared to believe her.

''Can't you retrieve it somehow?'' Allan asked. ''You know, I could help you with that.''

''Thanks, but no,'' Bridgette replied, trying to sound like her usual cheerful self. ''Sure, a lot of work had been wasted, but I had already made peace with it.''

''I wouldn't be so sure about that,'' Allegra responded in a snarky tone, with Bridgette being aware that she was referring to her sour mood. It didn't bother her, though, as she knew her friend was right.

''I'll be fine,'' Bridgette replied. She was just glad that they believed her, as she hardly could tell them that the real reason for being so grumpy was the fact that someone managed to steal all that jewelry right under her nose. So much about Ladybug being the protector of Paris.

Admittedly, during her patrol she hadn't noticed anything unusual, having actually passed the area where the robbery took place, so it had probably happened after she passed through. After all, Paris was a large city and unlike the case with the Mime, who exploded the vault in order to steal the money, this thief appeared to rely on stealth rather than brute force.

Well, at least I know what I'll be doing tonight.

Bridgette sighed as she remembered the previous night. As she had noted earlier, nothing really happened and she could finish the patrol without any additional stress. She wanted to return home and go to sleep, but Chat Noir had managed to convince her to stay a little longer, with the two sitting on a rooftop and just talking about random stuff.

''What is your favorite ice-cream flavour?'' Chat Noir suddenly asked. Ladybug gave him a confused look.

''Why are you asking me that?'' she asked. Chat Noir smiled.

''I simply was wondering whether we could go out for an ice-cream,'' he replied in a casual tone. Ladybug's eyes narrowed when she realized that he was fishing for her again. Unfortunately for Chat Noir, she wasn't biting this hook.

''I assume that 'going out for an ice-cream' is code for 'asking for a date','' she replied, crossing her arms.

''N-No,'' Chat Noir held up his hands, waving in slight panic, ''I just figured that I could treat you to an ice-cream after a night of hard work.'' His ears lowered when he realized that Ladybug didn't buy his explanation. ''Well, it doesn't have to be a date…''

''No, it doesn't,'' Ladybug replied in a calm tone and then gazed ahead, staring at the street below them. She could hear Chat Noir sigh, obviously feeling crestfallen. While Ladybug knew that he was just disappointed that she rejected his invitation, she didn't feel that they were close enough for him to invite her out even to something innocent like an ice-cream. At best, they were partners-in-crime and that wasn't changing anytime soon. Still, she did feel comfortable around him. ''Besides, I thought that cats cannot eat anything with milk in it,'' she added, glancing at him as she reached for her compact.

''I'm a cat superhero, not an actual cat,'' Chat Noir replied, his tail flicking. He sounded a little irritated. Ladybug smiled mischievously, taking out a laser pointer from her compact.

''Oh, really?'' She pointed the laser pointer on the roof space next to them, the red dot dancing and flickering wildly.

''Seriously?'' Chat Noir frowned, not at all amused by this.

''I had to try,'' Ladybug replied, still grinning and playing with the laser pointer.

Chat Noir remained stoic, even crossing his arms in firm defiance. However, as he looked down at the red dot, he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up, his tail swishing and his ears raised. He stared at the red dot, feeling as if it was taunting him.

Suddenly, he jumped towards the dot, trying to catch it and growling when it escaped, appearing next to him. He pawed at it again, only to hear Ladybug behind him burst out laughing. He turned around, with Ladybug placing a hand over her mouth in order to stifle her giggles.

''You were saying?''

''Really funny, Ladybug'' Chat Noir grumbled as he glared at her. He felt completely embarrassed.

''I'm sorry,'' Ladybug replied, still smiling in amusem*nt, and returned the laser pointer back into the compact. ''Although, that was kind of cute.''

''Really?'' Chat Noir suddenly perked up and sat next to a startled Ladybug, this time much closer.

''Uh, yeah,'' she replied, still surprised by his sudden change in mood. ''Speaking of which, I'm curious whether you're gonna exhibit other kinds of cat-like behaviors.''

''Like what?'' Chat Noir asked suspiciously.

''Oh, I don't know,'' Ladybug started innocently, before giving him a mischievous look as she leaned closer, ''Maybe you'll purr if scratch you behind the ear.''

Chat Noir's eyes widened and he quickly got up, feeling that Ladybug was getting too close for comfort. ''Uh, well, it was nice talking to you, but I need to go now, Ladybug! I'll see you tomorrow!''

With that said, he quickly left, noting to himself that he'll have a long talk with Plagg after he returned home. Ladybug, who stood up, wasn't exactly bothered by him suddenly leaving, as she was aware that he'd be back the following night. It was obvious that he was caught off guard when she decided to mess with him instead of acting serious like she usually would.

I guess I got a bit too unpredictable for him. Bridgette smirked smugly.

''Speaking of which, I wonder where Ladybug and Chat Noir were during the robbery?''

Allegra's question caused Bridgette to snap out of her daydream and suddenly look at her friend. She wasn't the only one whose attention was caught, as Félix, who was busy with reading a book and trying to ignore the conversation that was held behind him, suddenly turned towards Allegra.

''What are you talking about Allegra?'' Sophie asked. Allegra shrugged.

''I'm not suggesting that they had something with the robbery, but they did miss out on apprehending the thief,'' Allegra replied. Bridgette felt a sting of guilt, aware that she should've been more vigilant. Had she returned to that area, maybe she could've apprehended the thief and prevented the robbery.

''Your assumptions make no sense whatsoever,'' Félix suddenly rose his voice, much to everyone's surprise. Sure, he had joined in on their conversations before, but they didn't expect him to make a habit out of it.

''What do you mean, Agreste?'' Claude asked him, crossing his arms. Félix took a sharp breath, well aware that he would regret this and that he should've kept quiet. However, this matter struck a personal chord with him and he wasn't going to let them make false assumptions.

''I'm saying that what you're saying doesn't make sense,'' Félix said, turning around and staring at Claude and then shooting a glare at Allegra. Instead of turning back to his book, he added, ''Given how you just told everyone that the thief had managed to evade detection, wouldn't it be also possible that they had figured out how to avoid Ladybug and Chat Noir? After all, it doesn't appear that either of them is omniscient, so how would they know anything unless they get alerted?''

Allegra frowned, feeling mildly annoyed, but she had to admit that Félix was right. She had no idea what exactly the new superheroes of Paris were capable of, so she couldn't judge them for their oversights.

''I guess…'' Suddenly, the bell rung, forcing Claude, Allan and Allegra to return to their seats, while Sophie sat next to Bridgette, who was staring at Félix.

She was quite perplexed, having not expected that Félix would come to her and Chat Noir's defense, even if he was just trying to make sense of the situation in his own way. She wished that she could thank him in some way, but she knew that this would most likely come at the cost of revealing her own identity as Ladybug. Still, she smiled, feeling glad to have him on her side.

However, as she opened her book, her mind wandered back to the mysterious thief, imagining their shadow looming over her. She wasn't the only one, as Félix, who'd usually diligently pay attention to their teacher, was also occupied with the robbery, aware that this wouldn't be the last conversation he'd hear about it.

Both Bridgette and Félix knew that tonight, they would be hunting down the elusive thief.


Félix sighed as he open his locker, picking his books up. Admittedly, he was looking forward to the weekend, especially since his uncle, at least according to his assistant Adeline, wouldn't return until Monday from his business trip. As long as he avoided Adeline, who would look after him as usual, he would have a headache-free weekend, not having to listen to Gabriel's complaints about how he lived his own life.

While he had planned to spend most of the day reading, he would also work on gathering more information about Ladybug, especially given the strange feeling he had ever since he started writing his journal. While the fact that Ladybug's favorite colour was rose gold and Bridgette gave him a card with the same aesthetic was probably pure coincidence, Félix had caught himself glancing at his fellow classmate more often than he usually would. That is, whenever Bridgette wouldn't be staring at him.

During his observation, he had noticed that Bridgette and Ladybug had a similar stature and hairstyle, with their long hair being tied into pigtails. Admittedly, Ladybug's hair was longer and slightly darker than Bridgette's, but Félix was aware that the transformation itself probably played a part in it, evident by his own physical changes whenever he became Chat Noir.

As for her focused and independent personality, he himself told Ladybug how he was aware that one could easily change their behavior while wearing a mask. Therefore, it was quite possible for Ladybug to do the same, meaning that the obnoxious, air-headed and love-struck Bridgette…

Félix suddenly closed his eyes and shook his head, not wanting to finish that thought. Admittedly, while it was a logical conclusion to his assumptions, he wasn't sure whether he could handle the idea of his classmate who had a crush on him being his partner. Not to mention, there was always the possibility that Ladybug may have been an entirely different person with a similar appearance to Bridgette. Paris was a big city, after all.

I have to keep an open mind. He sighed. I cannot rush into conclusions, especially since I barely have any solid evidence. Besides, things are working out well for me.

His main plan was to convince Ladybug to kiss him and he knew he'd be able to do that as Chat Noir. There was absolutely no need for him to learn Ladybug's civilian identity. Nevertheless, he did consider that idea.

I guess I could keep it as my back-up plan. Although, if I'm right and it is Bridgette…

''Hey, Félix!''

''Agh!'' Startled by her sudden appearance, Félix lost grip on his briefcase backpack, causing it to fall and the books that were inside it scatter across the floor.

Speak of the Devil…

''Oh, no, I'm so sorry!'' Bridgette crouched down, picking up his books. ''I didn't mean to scare you.''

''I believe that 'startle' is the more appropriate word,'' Félix grumbled irritably, ignoring the look of regret on Bridgette's expression as he picked up his backpack and started to put the books inside it. ''What do you want now?!''

He noticed that she was a little embarassed by what had happened, as well as taken aback by him suddenly snapping at her, but he decided to stand his ground. She couldn't just approach him from behind like that and think that he would be fine with it.

''Would you stop creeping up on me like that?!''

Félix's eyes widened as he heard Ladybug's voice echo in his head and looked down regretfully. He realized that he didn't exactly have the ground to stand on as he did pretty much the same to Ladybug, always surprising her by appearing out of nowhere. Was it really a surprise that she had shown signs of discomfort around him or still kept him on that trial?

''Uh, I…''

''I'm sorry for getting angry and yelling at you,'' Félix suddenly said, surprising Bridgette. She appeared to be genuinely stunned that he actually apologized to her.

''It-It's fine,'' she replied, giving Félix the books she had gathered. ''I mean, I'm also at fault here since I shouldn't have approached you like that. You couldn't have known that I was behind you.''

''I believe that I should've expected that since you're usually never too far,'' Félix told her in a snarky tone. Bridgette gave him an embarrassed look, unsure how to reply to that.

''Uh, well…'' She shook her head and smiled. ''In any case, apology accepted.''

Félix had to note that she had a rather kind and friendly smile, the type that would warm a person's heart and… What am I thinking?! He placed the strap over his shoulder and walked past Bridgette.

''I have to go…'' he muttered as he passed by her, only to feel something tugging his arm as he was about to exit his room.

''Félix, wait!'' Panicking at the thought of Félix leaving before she could ask him something, the actual reason why she was even here, Bridgette had grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the room.

However, before Félix could even get angry at her for doing that or Bridgette having the chance to explain herself, both suddenly heard a loud crash in the hallway right in front of them. Looking up, the stunned duo realized that the source of a crash was a huge canvas that fell right over the spot where Félix was a second earlier. The teen looked down at his ring, noticing that it was shimmering again. Unknown to him, Bridgette's earrings were shimmering as well.

''That was close,'' Bridgette muttered as she and Félix watched the two students who were carrying the canvas that was destined for the art room panic over the possible damage. Félix looked at her incredulously. ''I guess you're lucky that I had pulled you back.''

''Yeah, lucky…'' Félix muttered, unsure what to make out of it.

''Say, Félix, are you free this weekend?'' Bridgette suddenly asked, her ahoge curling into a heart shape, and prompting an internal sigh from Félix. However, before he could refuse, Bridgette quickly added, ''I wanted to tell you before that my family owns a tea shop, Dynastie du Lóng, and if you like tea, you can stop by anytime you want. There is a small café section where you can drink tea in peace.''

''I see,'' Félix muttered. Admittedly, he never heard her out and was surprised that Bridgette's family owned a tea shop. While coffee was his go-to drink during the day, he liked drinking tea while reading a good book. ''However, I doubt that I'll have any peace with you around.''

''Don't worry, I know how to keep my distance,'' Bridgette replied cheerfully, completely ignoring Félix's exasperated look.

The fact that she was still holding his arm didn't help her case.


Bridgette tapped impatiently with her foot as she tried to focus on her newest commission, that being an anime character someone on the blog she had been running requested. However, she couldn't focus on drawing, as her head was filled with thoughts about the mysterious thief that had eluded her. Frustrated, she suddenly got up, saving the image.

''Bri, are you okay?'' Tikki asked her worriedly.

''No, not really,'' Bridgette replied as she started pacing through her room, the kwami following her. ''At this point, I just want to finally go out and apprehend that thief.''

''Bridgette, you know that there was no way you could've known what would happen,'' Tikki told her.

''Sure, but I'm a superhero, aren't I? I'm supposed to prevent things like this from happening,'' Bridgette replied, feeling rather stressed out. ''It is my responsibility to keep people and their property safe by fighting off troublemakers. This is what I had signed up for when I became Ladybug.'' She lowered her head, feeling a little disheartened as she remembered the conversation with her friends and what Félix had told her. ''Although, it is true that I couldn't have predicted this.'' She then shook her head and did a fist-pump with both of her hands. ''In any case, I will find the culprit! I know that I will!''

''Let's hope that this will be the case,'' Tikki said as she landed on the top of Bridgette's head. The girl then turned to the ladder at the bottom of her bed and climbed up to the hatch above her bed, entering the balcony. There, she crouched down, with Tikki hovering next to her.

''Tikki, transform me!''

One flash of bright red light later, Ladybug took a look at her surroundings and quickly leaped off her balcony, landing on a nearby building and continuing her parkour through the city, aware that Chat Noir would join her eventually. He seemed to have an uncanny ability to track her down, no matter where she was. While it was unnerving, she figured that it may have been part of his powers.

Maybe I should have a conversation with Chat Noir about us having a meeting spot, Ladybug thought as she landed on the roof.

''You appear to be quite restless, LB.''

''Chat Noir!'' Ladybug looked up, seeing Chat Noir leaping off the chimney stack above her and landing next to her. ''I see that you still like to sneak up on me.''

''I'm sorry,'' Chat Noir told her, a look of guilt on his expression. Ladybug was a little surprised that Chat Noir wasn't his usual suave self, but she nodded, only to raise an eyebrow.


''LB, short for Ladybug,'' Chat Noir told her, giving her an awkward smile. ''I tried to come up with a good nickname for you, but I wanted it to be something you'd like. No luck so far, therefore I figured I should just shorten your name, just like how you're calling me Chat.''

''I'm fine with that,'' Ladybug told him, smiling as she saw Chat Noir grinning in satisfaction. ''I do like it better than 'M'lady' or 'Mini Menace'.''

''I'm glad to hear that,'' Chat Noir told her. ''So, I guess you have heard the news.''

Ladybug's eyes narrowed. ''I did, and I don't like the idea that this thief had managed to steal all that jewelry right under our noses.''

''So, we'll be hunting down this mystery thief,'' Chat Noir replied casually. ''I have already expected that. Where should we start?''

''Honestly,… I don't know,'' Ladybug admitted, much to Chat Noir's surprise.

''What?'' he asked, not really believing what he was hearing. He knew that Ladybug was the type of person who wanted to be prepared, who wanted to do everything in her power to take down the perpetrator, even trying to predict their moves.

''Listen, I'm not saying that I don't have some kind of plan, or at least a vague idea of what to do,'' Ladybug added after seeing the look he gave her. ''I want to find this thief, I really do, but this is the same situation as with the Mime. We don't know whether they're going to strike again tonight or some other time. Not to mention, we don't even know whether they're going to rob a jewelry store again.''

''There is a 'but' to it, right?'' Chat Noir asked as Ladybug reached for her compact and opened the top by sliding her finger across it.

''Well, I did print out a map with all of the jewelry stores I could find,'' she said as she took out a map of Paris out of the compact and unfolded it. Chat Noir snorted in amusem*nt.

''That's the Ladybug I know,'' he said as they both looked at the map. Ladybug smiled and looked down at the map.

''Anyways, we're close to the Arc de Triomphe and there are a bunch of stores cluttered not too far from Jardin des Tuileries, so I suggest we go there first,'' she said.

Chat Noir nodded, following her.


''Something that's been on my mind for a while…'' Chat Noir said as the two landed on the rooftop of a building across the Louvre Museum, with Ladybug looking at him. The two had already checked each and every store they came across, with Ladybug even backtracking at one point in case she missed anything, and were now on their way to their next destination. ''So, am I still on that trial or have I passed?''


Ladybug paused for a moment to think about it. It had only been a couple of days since the trial started and she wanted to take a bit more time to think through everything. Sure, Chat Noir had, for the most part, been on his best behavior and she was surprisingly comfortable around him, but that still didn't mean that she was completely convinced that he wouldn't do something stupid. Not to mention, Chat Noir was giving her that hopeful, kitten-like look that would make anyone's heart melt. She knew that she needed to remain strong.

''We will talk about this once we're done with the patrol,'' she finally said. Chat Noir perked up.

''I can work with that,'' he said, with the two making their way towards Les Halles. ''I do hope that you decided to leave the laser pointer at home, though.''

''What are you talking about?'' Ladybug asked innocently, trying to keep a straight face. It appeared that she wasn't the only one who decided to be wary of her partner tonight. Chat Noir narrowed his eyes, giving her a suspicious look and then sighed as he remembered his conversation with Plagg.

''What was that all about?!''

''That's how the Miraculous works, Kid,'' Plagg replied nonchalantly. ''Sure, you'll get awesome powers like enhanced hearing, night vision and agility, but from time to time, you might also experience cat-like urges as a side-effect.'' He grinned. ''Besides, didn't Ladybug call you cute?''

''It doesn't make things less embarrassing!'' Félix growled.

Chat Noir groaned at the memory, only to hear a chuckle coming from his ring. Rest assured, he wasn't planning on being a superhero for much longer.

Eventually, the two landed on the rooftop of a mall, the stores inside it illuminated by the moonlight that was coming through the skylight. Ladybug walked across it, taking a few moments to rest before they continued with their patrol. As she was about to take out the map again, she had noticed a strange flash of light coming from one of the stores. She crouched down and tried to get a better look at what was going on, only to spot a figure walking towards a closed store.

''LB, what's wrong?'' Chat Noir asked her as he approached her.

''I think that someone's inside the mall despite it being way past closing time,'' Ladybug told him, only for both to get alerted by another flash of light. ''It is possible that it's a security guard, but I have my doubts. I can't really see anything.''

''Then, allow me to take care of that,'' Chat Noir replied as he looked through the skylight. Thanks to his night vision, he saw that the figure below them wasn't in uniform, so the security guard theory was dismissed. Instead, the person appeared to be a woman wearing a costume that made her look like a magician. She held up some kind of stick, pointing it at the store in front of her, with the stick, or rather, wand emitting another flash of light and the woman then entering the store. Chat Noir was stunned when the realization suddenly hit him. ''I believe that we've just found our troublemaker.''

''Really?'' Ladybug was surprised by the revelation, wondering if her good luck charm was partially responsible for this. Nevertheless, she welcomed the opportunity. As Chat Noir nodded in confirmation, she smirked. ''Let's go!''

The duo made their way into the mall, staying hidden in the shadows so they wouldn't alert the intruder. Once they got close to the store, which, unsurprisingly, was a jewelry store, they realized that the woman was actually a teenager around their age and dressed as a stage magician, with a black domino mask covering her face. Her black baton-like wand was tucked inside her belt and she was holding a small, dark blue satin pouch in one hand while grabbing the jewelry with the other.

''Hey, you!'' The thief looked up after hearing a female voice calling her out, seeing an angry girl dressed in a red suit with black polka dots and a rather handsome boy dressed as a cat approaching her.''Put that jewelry back where it belongs!''

''Why should I? I put a lot of hard work into getting here, signorina Polka Dots,'' the thief replied in a mocking tone, which was accompanied by an Italian accent. She then stepped out of the store, tying the pouch to the belt and reaching for her wand. ''What is even up with those costumes? It's not Halloween.''

''For your information, the name is Ladybug and I am the new hero that protects Paris,'' Ladybug replied aggressively.

''And I'm just the charming Chat Noir, here to protect M'lady,'' Chat Noir replied, earning an exasperated look from Ladybug and realizing a moment later his slip up. In his defense, 'LB' didn't sound as poetical as 'M'lady'.

''I see, la Coccinella e il Gatto Nero; not really impressive names,'' the thief said in a dismissive tone, with both Ladybug and Chat Noir glaring at her. ''It is quite unfortunate that you don't know me, but I guess I haven't made a name for myself yet – I'm known as Phantom Thief Belladonna.''

''You won't have time to even make a name for yourself, Belladonna, since we'll be handing you over to the police,'' Ladybug told her. Belladonna smirked confidently.

''Oh, really? I don't think so,'' she replied.

Ladybug charged at her, but Belladonna held up her wand with a flick of her wrist. The tip of the wand started to glow, causing a strong gust of wind to be blasted in Ladybug's direction and throwing her backwards. She landed hard on the floor, gritting her teeth as she tried to get up.

''Ladybug!'' Chat Noir glanced at her to make sure that she was okay. He then infused his claws with dark energy, charging at Belladonna.

She held up her wand diagonally, creating a shimmering barrier that blocked Chat Noir's attack. Sparks flew between his claws and the barrier as he pushed back, only for Belladonna to snap her fingers. A lavender tile appeared below Chat Noir and he found himself flying back, as if he had stepped on a springboard. However, instead of hitting the floor, he managed to do a backwards handstand followed by a somersault, and landing on his feet.

''Nice, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve, Gattino!'' Belladonna swung her wand towards them, with flames erupting from the tip. Luckily for Chat Noir, Ladybug blocked them with her compact-turned-shield.

''Hey, are you trying to burn down the building or what?!'' she yelled at Belladonna angrily.

''No, I was hoping I'd be able to burn tu piccolo insetto!'' Belladonna replied. ''Although, I admit that you two were the first ones to ever make this a challenge.''

''This battle is far from over!'' Ladybug replied. She was well aware that they needed to be careful around Belladonna, as they had no idea what else she was capable of. We cannot get too close to her unless we want to get caught in one of her attacks. We need to restrain her. She glanced at Chat Noir as she turned her shield back into a yo-yo. He caught her gaze and paused for a moment before nodding, making it clear that he understood her non-verbal message.

''Black Hole!'' Chat Noir pressed his hands against the floor, creating a black hole beneath Belladonna, catching her off guard and trapping her.

''What is this?'' she cried out in surprise as she almost lost her balance. Growling, she turned towards the duo and pointed her wand at them.

''No, you won't!'' Ladybug threw her yo-yo at her, wrapping it around Belladonna and preventing her from moving her arms. The Phantom Thief glared at both.

''It seems like we have finally apprehended her, LB,'' Chat Noir said, a tone of satisfaction in his voice. He leaned over to Ladybug, smirking. ''That sort of triumph does merit a kiss, doesn't it?''

However, just as he leaned forward, he was stopped by Ladybug pushing her hand against his face.

''Not a chance, Chat,'' Ladybug replied, feeling a little annoyed by her partner's advances. Chat Noir's ears lowered in disappointment, with the duo suddenly looking up after hearing a snort of amusem*nt.

''Tsk, is that how you treat your partner, signorina Polka Dots?'' Belladonna asked her, with Ladybug frowning. ''Poor Gattino is just seeking validation, but you just had to shut him down in such a cold-hearted manner. You're so insensibile.''

''Oh, shut up,'' Ladybug grumbled. ''You have no leg to stand on, you criminal.''

''Ah, thanks for the compliment,'' Belladonna replied, grinning. ''It is too bad that we cannot continue this game any longer.''

''What?'' Ladybug's eyes widened as she saw a flash of lavender light coming from the wand Belladonna was still holding. She suddenly cried out in pain as she felt an electric shock charge from her fingertips through her entire body, forcing her to let go of her yo-yo.

''Ladybug!'' Chat Noir's eyes widened, but before he could help Ladybug, who had fallen on her knees, he was suddenly hit by a lavender energy ring that restrained his arms. ''What the-'' He turned his head towards Belladonna, who had managed to untangle herself from the yo-yo and used her wand to hover above the black hole, which then disappeared.

''Now, this is much better,'' Belladonna said as another lavender energy ring formed on the tip of her wand. With a flick of her wrist, she sent it flying at Ladybug, restraining her just as she attempted feebly to get up, her body still half-paralyzed from the electric shock. ''Let's see; what should I do with you, signorina Polka Dots?''

''You could stop calling me 'signorina Polka Dots' for starters,'' Ladybug replied through her gritted teeth. Her whole body ached and she was barely able to move.

''Hmm… I don't think so,'' Belladonna replied mischievously and pointed her wand at Ladybug's yo-yo. It suddenly flew up, wrapping around the energy ring that restrained Ladybug and hoisting her up in the air, with a small energy orb holding the other end of the string.

Ladybug felt her heart racing and her cheeks turning red as a sense of humiliation washed over her.

''Let me go!'' she attempted to free herself, but all she did was to swing in random directions. Belladonna simply laughed at her.

''Incredibile, semplicemente fantastico!'' she said between a fit of giggles. Ladybug shot her a glare. If looks could kill, Belladonna would've been dead on the spot. ''I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Coccinella.''

Ladybug remained silent, with Belladonna shrugging and turning towards Chat Noir, whom she pushed back, causing him to trip and fall down. The black cat superhero stared nervously at the Phantom Thief as she leaned closer to him.

''You, on the other hand, Gattino, don't have to deal with signorina Polka Dots,'' she told him.

''Wh-what?'' Chat Noir felt the anxiety inside him skyrocketing due to Belladonna being not only uncomfortably close to him, but also having a rather sinister smile spread on her lips.

''You're such un bel gattino nero, I'm sure we could work this out,'' Belladonna said, winking at him.

Both Ladybug and Chat Noir stared at her in stunned silence, their jaws dropped. Was Belladonna flirting with him?!

''Of course, you might need some time to realize just how bad signorina Polka Dots is for you,'' Belladonna added, glaring at Ladybug. ''If you start abusing him again, I'll get you!'' She then blew a kiss at Chat Noir, who blushed. ''Ciao!''

With that said, she walked away, leaving the shocked Ladybug and Chat Noir as they tried to comprehend what just had happened. Eventually, Ladybug broke the silence once she came back to her senses.

''What the hell was that?! Who does she think she is?!'' Feeling a sudden burst of adrenaline, she started to trash around furiously.

''I don't think there's much we can do, Ladybug,'' Chat Noir said, shuddering at the memory of Belladonna flirting with him and asking him to join her. Their defeat was already humiliating enough, but it seemed that Belladonna had to lay down an extra layer just to make them feel even worse.

''She is going to pay for this, mark my words!'' Ladybug told him.

''Of course she will,'' Chat Noir replied half-heartedly.

He had to admit that, unlike Ladybug, who was literally screaming for vengeance, he wasn't looking forward to meeting Belladonna again.

Chapter 10: Leap Of Confidence


First of all, thank you for your support! Next, I have some important news for the next update.

You see, I've been a fanfiction writer for about a decade (I started as a writer on FanFiction. net and started posting here a couple of years ago) and my 10-year anniversary as a writer will be on July 31st. I wanted to do something to celebrate the anniversary, so I had decided to take the next few weeks off to work on one chapter for each of my currently active stories (Up Ladybug, Digimon Tamers: Cyber Battles, Five Nights at Freddy's: Obsolete), which I will all publish on the day of the anniversary.

So, if you're wondering why I'm inactive for so long, this is the reason why. I might post something, but all in all, there won't be any updates until July 31st. For more details on the chapters, you can check my Profile.

Enjoy the show!

Chapter Text

Entry 9

Leap Of Confidence

''It's time for me to take it, I'm the boss right now. Not gonna fake it, not when you go down. 'Cause this is my game, and you better come to play. I used to hold my freak back, now I'm letting go. I make my own choice, bitch, I run this show. So leave the lights on, no, you can't make me behave.''

Confident by Demi Lovato


It took a while for Ladybug and Chat Noir to free themselves from their restraints, as they had to wait for the energy rings to disappear, meaning that Belladonna was already gone and that there was no way for them to track her down. It also didn't help that, once the energy ring disappeared, Ladybug fell straight on Chat Noir, who cushioned her fall, with her yo-yo hitting her head. All in all, the patrol was a complete disaster.

As if the night couldn't get any worse.

Chat Noir remained silent as he and Ladybug finally left the building. He knew that she was still furious about the loss against Belladonna and he didn't want to provoke her in any way. It was quite obvious that they were done for tonight, but he had to wonder what Ladybug's plans were. He was fairly certain that she would go after Belladonna.

''LB?'' he rose his voice as they took a short stop on the rooftop of a building. Ladybug stared ahead with a blank look on her expression, causing Chat Noir to wonder whether she heard him. ''Ladybug?''

''What is it, Chat?'' Ladybug suddenly turned her head towards him, her voice just barely louder than a whisper. Chat Noir stared at her, noticing a strange gleam in her eyes and noting how exhausted she looked.

''Ladybug, are you okay?'' Chat asked, even though he already knew the answer. Still, he wanted to hear it from her.

''I'm fine,'' Ladybug replied tiredly, her voice slightly hoarse. She looked away and lowered her head, shaking as she clenched her fists. ''I'll… I'm sorry…''

''Sorry, for what?'' Chat Noir was genuinely surprised when he heard her apology.

''What happened with Belladonna… I feel that…'' Ladybug gulped, feeling as if she had a lump in her throat, ''It's my fault she got away… I-I…''

Chat Noir gave her a sympathetic look as Ladybug's voice suddenly broke and all she do was to stare at him, looking disappointed with herself and regretful about her failure. His ears lowered as he realized that she was on the verge of crying.

''Ladybug, this isn't your fault,'' he told her, stepping towards her. ''None of us knew what Belladonna was capable of and she caught us off guard.'' He smiled warmly, trying to comfort her. ''I'm sure that, next time, we'll catch her.''

He took another step, figuring that he could just hug her, but Ladybug suddenly stepped away, rubbing her arm nervously, her hand still clenched.

''I guess so…'' she said quietly, looking up. Chat Noir noticed the glistening in her eyes, aware that she was suppressing her tears. ''Good night, Chat.''

She quickly turned around and leaped off the building, seemingly trying to get as far away as possible from him. Chat Noir's ears and tail lowered as he clenched his clawed hands into fists. He took a deep breath, feeling rather worried about Ladybug's reaction. It was clear that she was quite affected by this defeat and he wished he knew a way to comfort her. His eyes narrowed as he thought about everything that happened, feeling something bothering him.

Something doesn't feel right, though. She did lose before, in the battle against the Mime, but why did this loss affect her so much? Was it the humiliation that Belladonna inflicted upon her or maybe something else – something I'm not aware of?


''Tikki… de-transform me…'' Bridgette plopped down on her bed as she de-transformed. Tikki tiredly lied down on her head, feeling exhausted and hungry. She knew that there were a few cookies in the box on the table, but she couldn't bother flying over to it. ''This night was awful.''

''I want to be more optimistic, but I agree…'' Tikki muttered, taking a deep breath. She tilted her head when Bridgette didn't answer. ''Bri?''

Bridgette remained silent, her face pressed against the pillow, and the only move she made was to clench her fist. Tikki noticed her body getting tense and flew over to the pillow to at least see Bridgette's expression, but the teen refused look up. All Tikki could gather from this was that Bridgette was in pain.

''Bri? Bri, what's wrong?'' Tikki asked worriedly. Bridgette suddenly pushed herself up, with Tikki realizing that tears were forming in the corners of her eyes. She was gritting her teeth, staring blankly at her pillow. ''Bri…''

Bridgette didn't answer, closing her eyes instead and taking a deep breath, shaking. The feeling of frustration and despair was overwhelming, with Bridgette suddenly hearing a distant, cold laughter. She felt chills flowing down her spine as the laughter grew louder, mocking her for her failures, for her uselessness.

''Damn it!'' Bridgette hissed in anger, punching the pillow. She wanted to scream, but had to hold it in, as she feared that her grandmother would hear her. She could hear the cold and teasing laughter grow louder and louder, until it was filling her ears, forcing her to place her hands over them in hopes it would stop. ''Please, shut up…''

''Bridgette!'' Tikki called out to her, but Bridgette couldn't hear her over the laughter echoing in her head as the haunting memories of her past finally overwhelmed her.

''What are you even trying to do? You're so stupid.''

''You can't do anything to us!''

''What a crybaby!''

Shaking like crazy, Bridgette grabbed her pillow and started screaming into it, hoping the pillow would muffle her cries of anguish. She couldn't hold it in anymore, she had to break down crying.

''L-Leave me alone, p-please!''

''Why should we, we're having so much fun!''

''Oh, are you going to cry again? Ha, ha!''

Bridgette felt a cold sense of emptiness spreading through her body as her cries and sobs slowly got quieter. The feeling of helplessness numbed her mind as more and more memories of her past filled her head. It was a miracle she could hold out so long before reaching her breaking point. She didn't want Chat Noir to see her like this, broken and despairing.

''S-Stop being so m-mean!''

''Or what? What are you going to do?''

''She can't do anything right! She's absolutely useless!''

''Leave her alone!''

Bridgette blinked, gritting her teeth. Her vision was blurry due to her tears, but what she saw wasn't her room, but the classroom she had been trapped in when she was younger, as well as the three guys who had prevented her from leaving and getting away from them. All she knew about them was that they were troublemakers from a class above her and that she was their victim, being someone who would get easily upset over whatever they would tell her.

No matter what I did or said, nothing could make them leave me alone. I told the teachers, but they were no help, telling me to ignore them. I talked to Mum, but she didn't have the presence of mind to help me. The only one who supported me was Claude, but even he couldn't always be there for me.

Bridgette sighed as she remembered how Claude got between her and her bullies, yelling at them for making her cry and threatening to tell the teachers about what they were doing. Unfortunately for him, Bridgette's bullies didn't care, as they knew that the teachers wouldn't do a damn to stop them, but they left regardless, since they couldn't intimidate Claude as easily as they could Bridgette.

''Don't listen to them, Bri,'' Claude told her after they left. ''They have no idea what they're talking about. They're just being jerks.''

''I know…''

''If you want, we could hang out tomorrow; maybe that'll prevent them from going after you again.''

''Thank you, Claude.''

She was quite grateful for Claude's support, but even having her childhood friend by her side, she still couldn't escape dealing with her bullies. Every time she saw them, she would either freeze, paralyzed by fear and panic, or run into the opposite direction, often locking herself in the girl's bathroom in order to avoid them, completely frightened by the thought of what they might do to her this time.

There were times where they would not only tease her, but also take her books and pencil case and hide them somewhere. There was also an incident where she had drawn something and they spilled water all over her drawing and her backpack for good measure. They even tossed her favorite marker out of the window while claiming that they were just playing a game and that it was an accident.

Bridgette would often find herself crying and screaming at them, but they refused to stop tormenting her. She had no idea why they treated her like this, as she had never done anything to provoke them, but it seemed that they just enjoyed getting all kinds of reactions out of her. Every breakdown she had would result in them laughing at her, despite there being nothing remotely funny about her situation.

However, the feeling of dread she had whenever she had to deal with them was nothing in comparison to the sense of helplessness she felt every time she thought about their encounters. Despite being aware that she was the victim, she couldn't help but feel angry at herself for falling for their bait, often blaming herself for not being stronger and fighting back. She wanted to show them that she wasn't a victim and that they couldn't pick on her without experiencing consequences, but that wasn't easy, as it was one girl against three boys and she was a year younger than them. If she tried to stand up to them, they would just laugh at her and nothing would change.

''You're not alone, Bri. I will be there for you.''

Bridgette took a deep breath after hearing Claude's assuring words, eventually calming down. She hugged her pillow, still trembling a little due to how intense her memories were. All she wanted was to put her past behind her, trying to forget the torment she had been put through, but her humiliating defeat at Belladonna's hands and the way she carried herself, completely dominating the battlefield and mocking her affected her enough to trigger those memories.

''You know Tikki, I want to be strong,'' she whispered, drawing the kwami's attention. Tikki was relieved that Bridgette didn't completely shut down, but she was still worried about her, as her holder was clearly upset.

''But, you are strong!'' Tikki said, attempting to encourage her. ''You're the best Ladybug I've seen in a long time.''

Bridgette shook her head. ''You might think that, Tikki, but this is all just an act.''

''An act?'' Tikki gave her a confused look. Bridgette sighed, her eyes glistening with tears.

''You know, when I was younger, I had often been bullied by those who were, one way or another, stronger than I was. I couldn't do anything against my bullies, no matter how hard I tried,'' Bridgette explained, with Tikki looking horrified. ''I always looked up to Claude, whom I was friends with at that time, as he was able to stand up to my bullies. He was, and still is, like a brother to me and to this day, he protects me whenever he can.'' Bridgette's grip around her pillow tightened. ''However, I didn't want to be protected all my life. I hated feeling helpless and useless and I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to help myself and other people who were suffering in some way, but I just wasn't strong enough.'' She looked up in frustration, touching the Ladybug earrings. ''However, now I have the power to make a difference and fulfill my desires, as well as save those who need help, yet I still managed to mess up. Can I really be Ladybug if I cannot confront and win over my own inner demons?''

''Yes, you can!'' Tikki told her firmly, clenching her hands into tiny fists. ''You aren't weak at all. You just experienced a setback and I'm sure that you will find a way to bounce back from this defeat, as you always do.''

''But, what if I fail again?'' Bridgette asked, shaking her head. ''Maybe I'm not suited to be Ladybug. Maybe I was an idiot for thinking that I was capable of handling this. I mean, all I do is mess things up.''

''Bridgette, please, listen to me. No one is more suited to be Ladybug than you, believe me,'' Tikki pleaded. ''You are stronger than you think. I mean, you went after the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon even though you had trouble fighting the former and never confronted the latter until now, and you still managed to pull through.''

''Still, they escaped,'' Bridgette noted, adding in a hushed tone, ''Not to mention, I had also blamed Chat Noir for our defeats against the Mime, even though he tried to help me in his own way.'' She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, groaning in frustration as she clutched her head, ruffling her hair. ''Agh, I hate this! I don't want to feel like a failure, yet I do. I feel like everything is my fault and that I need to own up to my mistakes, even if I hadn't done anything wrong. I want to get stronger and get over my issues, but nothing works. I don't want to feel weak and helpless anymore!''

''I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Coccinella.''

Bridgette opened her eyes as she remembered what Belladonna told her, feeling the rage and frustration surge through her body as the image of the smug look her opponent gave her surfaced. She wanted to prove herself and show that Belladonna couldn't get to her, but it felt like the stage magician already won the mental war against her.

''Please, don't give up on yourself, Bridgette,'' Tikki said, giving her holder a pleading gaze. Bridgette sighed, lowering her head.

''If I want to be honest with myself, Tikki, I don't want to give up on myself, but I'm losing my mind here,'' she told the kwami dejectedly, curling up on her bed. ''As Ladybug, I can put up a brave face and act as if those loses don't affect me, but as Bridgette, I have to think about my choices and decisions and wonder whether I made a mistake. I know what I have to do, but at the same time, I fear that I made the wrong decision and then the guilt starts eating me inside out.''

Tikki gave her a solemn look, wishing she could say something to cheer Bridgette up, but she had to admit to herself that she was out of ideas. Instead, she flew over to the box and took two cookies out, then flew back and gave one to Bridgette.

''I'm sure that we'll figure something out,'' Tikki told her. Bridgette smiled feebly as she got on her knees, accepting the cookie. ''I know it's hard, but I'm sure that you will be able to find a solution. I believe in you, Bri.''

''Thanks, Tikki,'' Bridgette replied half-heartedly, with Tikki flying up to her and hugging her. Bridgette hugged her back, aware that she was on a rocky road. She didn't want to give up, but was there really anything she could do to improve her situation?


''Plagg, de-transform me,'' Félix sighed as he closed the balcony door behind him. He rubbed his temple, feeling exhausted, while Plagg flew up and sat on his shoulder, not in the mood to float after his holder.

''This night was a catastrophe,'' Plagg said tiredly, glancing at Félix, who looked like he was half-way asleep. ''Kid?'' Félix seemingly ignored him, his eyes narrowed and focused as he walked down the stairs. Plagg rose an eyebrow at the lack of response, adding, ''Not to mention, Ladybug didn't even tell you whether you had passed your trial.''

''Forget about the trial, the more important thing is how we should fix this blunder,'' Félix replied, taking off his tie and placing it down neatly on a chair, before unbuttoning his vest and shirt.

''What?'' Plagg gave him a questioning look.

''Belladonna had shown that she is quite powerful and her magical abilities are giving her an advantage over us,'' Félix continued, with Plagg floating in front of him, still looking puzzled. ''Still, I'm certain that we will be able to find a way to turn her powers against her.''

''Uh, Kid? I thought you'd be more upset about what happened,'' Plagg said. ''Neither you nor Ladybug looked very heroic tonight.''

''I am aware that Belladonna played us for fools,'' Félix replied, briefly shuddering at the memory of Belladonna flirting with him. He quickly shook it off, changing into his pyjamas. ''However, that only steeled my resolve to not let it happen again.''

He then lied down on his bed, with Plagg landing on the pillow next to him, curling up. Félix sighed, placing his arms behind his head and staring at the ceiling. Despite being exhausted, he couldn't fall asleep.

''I wonder whether Ladybug believes the same,'' Plagg muttered, yawning.

''Something is telling me that this defeat hit her much harder than what she experienced with the Mime,'' Félix explained. ''It isn't too surprising, as she got completely humiliated by Belladonna, but she might have some self-esteem issues.''

''Why would Ladybug have self-esteem issues?'' Plagg asked.

''Do you remember how she lashed out at me when she found out that my power is that of bad luck? She told me that she believed that she wasn't good enough,'' Félix replied. ''I thought that she had just been venting her frustrations, but seeing her like this, maybe she isn't as confident as she presents herself. She might be having some issues as a civilian and trying to hide them as a superhero.''

''So, she's doing the same thing you do,'' Plagg remarked.

''I disagree,'' Félix replied, narrowing his eyes and taking a deep breath. ''Unlike me, she actually wants to be a superhero.''

''I guess we can talk about that in the morning…'' Plagg replied, falling silent. Eventually, Félix heard only his deep breaths as the kwami fell asleep. He knew that he too should go to sleep, as he had the entire next day to contemplate his next move.

Still, he couldn't shake off the feeling that, while he wasn't really bothered by their defeat, it probably weighted a lot on Ladybug, as she wanted to be someone who can protect people, even if he doesn't.

I will have to talk to her about it. Hopefully, she'll be able to recover from this.


Bridgette yawned, stretching her arms and staring at the frying pan, having decided to make crêpes for lunch, as she wasn't in the mood to eat anything that wasn't sweet or couldn't be turned sweet in some way.

''This smells great,'' Tikki, who was sitting on the top of Bridgette's head, said. The reason why she wasn't hiding was because Bridgette's grandmother was down at the tea shop, so she could fly around freely, without having to worry about being seen.

''I'll be done soon,'' Bridgette told her. She knew that the kwami was quite excited about tasting the food she made. ''I guess you never tasted crêpes before, right?''

''No, I didn't,'' Tikki replied, lowering her head a little. ''Honestly, I never really had access to so much food.''

''Don't tell me that your previous holder didn't feed you at all,'' Bridgette said, frowning.

''No, no, the previous Ladybug did feed me, but…'' Tikki paused for a moment, ''She just kept giving me the same food. I mean, I don't eat a lot, so it was fine… and besides I didn't ask for more variety in my diet. I didn't want to trouble her in any way.''

''I see,'' Bridgette said as she placed the last crêpe on the top and turned the stove off. ''Well, if there's any kind of food you want to taste, you can just tell me and I'll get it for you.''

''Thank you,'' Tikki replied, with Bridgette nodding and opening the fridge to take out a bottle of whipped cream and a plastic box with strawberries. She then cleaned and washed one strawberry and gave it to Tikki.

''I hope you'll still have enough place in your stomach for the main course,'' she told the kwami as she took a huge bite out of the strawberry.

''Don't worry, I'll eat anything you put in front of me,'' Tikki replied, watching as Bridgette decorated the stack of crêpes. ''The food you make is too delicious to be rejected.''

''Aww, your compliments warm my heart,'' Bridgette replied, cleaning up the kitchen after she was done with the crêpes stack. She then grabbed a saucer from the cupboard and cut a slice of the stack for Tikki, placing it on the saucer. ''If you want more, just tell me. We'll be eating in my room.''

''Got it,'' Tikki said, munching down the last of the strawberry and picking up the saucer. She then followed Bridgette upstairs into her bedroom. ''Say, Bri?''

''What is it, Tikki?'' Bridgette asked as she sat down on the chair, placing her plate on the table.

''Are you still upset about what happened last night?'' Tikki asked timidly. Bridgette fell silent, a shadow crossing her expression.

''Honestly, I am,'' she admitted, then gave Tikki a soft, but bitter smile. ''Although, I do feel better now that I slept it off. However, at the same time, I feel like a dumbass for how I acted. It felt like I've been crying over nothing. I mean, what happened is in the past, and I have to think about the present-''

''But, Bridgette, you yourself noted how the past is still haunting you,'' Tikki remarked, with Bridgette avoiding her gaze, her ahoge drooping. ''I-I didn't mean to hurt you…''

''No, you didn't,'' Bridgette shook her head, taking a deep breath as she jabbed her fork into the crêpes stack. ''I need to get over myself.''

''Bridgette…'' Tikki murmured, but Bridgette ignored her.

''I want to be Ladybug, I really do, but I need to get stronger, for my sake and the sake of others,'' she said, her eyes narrowing.

''You know that you're not alone in this, right?'' Tikki rose her voice, flying up right to her. Bridgette blinked at the sudden assertiveness the kwami had shown. ''I will always be there for you, no matter what happens. Even if you fall, I will help you to stand up again.''

Bridgette cracked a smile at the sudden image of her tripping and the tiny kwami pulling her arm to help her get up. ''Thank you, Tikki. I'm so glad to have you around.''

''And I'm glad to see you smile for once,'' Tikki replied, hugging Bridgette. Bridgette embraced the kwami, taking another deep breath. She felt as if a little of the burden she felt was lifted from her shoulders. Tikki then added, ''Not to mention, you also have the support of your friends. You already said that Claude is protective of you, and I'm sure that Sophie, Allan and Allegra are also going to help you.''

''Unfortunately, I cannot tell them about my life as Ladybug,'' Bridgette replied. ''I mean, there is a reason why I'm keeping my identity a secret. Imagine if someone like the Mime or Belladonna went after them; I would never forgive myself if something happened to them.''

''Still, you could talk to them about what's bothering you in general, right?'' Tikki asked. Bridgette nodded, only for her eyes to widen.

''There is one person I could talk to,'' she said, adding with a sigh, ''Although, I'm not sure how Chat Noir is going to react to it.''

''Do you think he's going to tease you or something like that?'' Tikki asked as Bridgette let her go, hovering next to her holder.

''I… I don't think so,'' Bridgette shook her head. ''While we had a rough start, he was always genuine and would show that he cares about me. Besides, I owe him a conversation since we didn't get to talk due to what had happened.''

''Still, if he tries something, I'll deal with him,'' Tikki said, causing Bridgette to chuckle, even though she didn't mean to. That only roused the kwami. ''You need support and if no one is going to support you, I will.''

''Thank you again, Tikki,'' Bridgette said, being now in a much better mood than she was before.

In all honesty, she wanted to start healing from her past experiences and let the present wash them away, without fearing that she would be pulled back into the nothingness.


''Allegra, that weird guy is still following us,'' Carmilla told Allegra as they walked down the street.

It was late evening and Carmilla had been waiting for Allegra to finish with the school band rehearsal, so she could accompany her home. Unfortunately for them, they came across some shady guy who had been following them for solid 20 minutes, always keeping the same distance, even when they stopped at the traffic lights or crossed the street.

Allegra briefly glanced back, but Carmilla stepped behind her, blocking her sight.

''Watch out, he might realize that we know he's following us,'' she hissed.

''Are you sure that's the case? Maybe he's going in the same direction we are?'' Allegra suggested, even though her gut feeling was telling her that this situation was one big red flag.

''He's been following us for 20 minutes and keeping the same distance between us, even though we slowed down several times and even made a stop at the grocery store so you could buy yourself a soda,'' Carmilla reminded her. ''I'm sure that he's after us.''

''How about taking the metro? I'm sure he won't try anything with other people around,'' Allegra said, but Carmilla remained unsure. They had no idea whether the creep would actually leave them alone. ''Although, I don't want him to figure out where we live.''

''Neither do I…'' Carmilla muttered. Admittedly, had she been on her own, she would have no problem vanishing into the night and returning as Belladonna to beat the creep up. However, with Allegra around, there was no way for her to transform. Even if she was her friend, Carmilla didn't want to make things more difficult for herself.

''What should we do?'' Allegra muttered under her breath, briefly glancing behind. She froze when she realized that the man was getting closer to them, one hand in his jacket pocket. ''Damn it, we need to-''

However, before she could finish her sentence, something red and black attached to a string shot from above at the man, the string wrapping around his arms.

''H-Hey-!'' The man wiggled in panic, unable to free himself. Suddenly, a figure leaped down from the building, kicking him away. The man hit the ground, hard, feeling the wind getting knocked out of his lungs. He groaned in pain, squinting his eyes as he saw a teenage girl dressed in a red jumpsuit with black polka dots and a red domino mask.

''Don't think I haven't seen you!'' Ladybug growled, pulling her yo-yo back.

''Why you-?!'' The man roared as he got up and charged at Ladybug, but the superheroine easily dodged his attack and kicked him in the ribs, sending him flying back. Something metallic fell out of his pocket and Ladybug quickly picked it up. It was a small pocket knife.

''I'm fairly certain that the police would like to learn more about why you were carrying this while following two young women this late,'' Ladybug added. The man cursed under his breath, only to suddenly get up and run away. Ladybug frowned, but didn't follow him. It was more important to her to make sure no one got hurt and she still held the pocket knife, the evidence, in her hand. She was sure that she could drop it off at the police station for fingerprint search.

''Ladybug!'' Ladybug turned to Allegra and Carmilla, who were awestruck by the superheroine's actions. Ladybug smiled, albeit aware that she needed to remain professional. Even though she was close friends with Allegra and knew Carmilla as a civilian, she had to act as if she hadn't met them before.

''Are you two okay? I was on patrol and I saw this guy following you, so I figured that I should keep an eye on him,'' she told the two.

''Yeah, we're fine,'' Allegra told her. ''A little shaken up, but we're fine. Thank you so much for saving us.''

''Well, that's my duty as a hero,'' Ladybug replied casually. Allegra and Carmilla smiled at her, although Carmilla was more intrigued than awed. She thought that, after the humiliating defeat Ladybug had experienced the previous night, she wouldn't be back on the streets so soon. It appeared that she underestimated the latter.

''Well, I'm glad that I have finally met you,'' Allegra continued. ''We heard about you from my friend, Bridgette.''

Ladybug knew that she needed to act as if she and Bridgette were different people, so she gave Allegra a confused look, acting as if she was trying to connect the name to a face.

''Bridgette?'' she muttered, then perked up. ''Oh, you mean the girl who lives above the tea shop.''

''Exactly,'' Allegra nodded. ''By the way, I'm Allegra Baudelaire and this is Carmilla Brigante.''

''Hi,'' Carmilla said, giving her a small wave. ''Once again, thank you for helping us. It is great to know that there's a superheroine that roams the city while protecting those who are in danger.''

''As I said, this is my duty as a superheroine. All I want is to protect others,'' Ladybug replied, reaching for her compact and taking out a white handkerchief from the hammerspace, which she wrapped the pocket knife into so no one else's fingerprints would get on it. ''Also, you should report this incident to the police.''

''I'll take care of it,'' Carmilla said, grabbing the wrapped pocket knife. There was a moment of silence between the three, with Allegra breaking it.

''Ladybug, may I ask you something?'' she asked. Ladybug tilted her head, a little puzzled.

''Sure,'' she said. Allegra looked a little nervous, surprising Ladybug, as her friend was usually the blunt and confident type of person.

''I wasn't really sure what to make of you, to be honest,'' Allegra said. ''I mean, Bridgette told me about you and I assumed stuff… I kind of thought that you… well… that you would be busy with more important criminals rather than saving us from a creep… or tracking down that thief…''

Ladybug's eyes widened as she realized that Allegra was referring to the conversation they had the day before, where he had expressed doubt in her abilities to solve who had been stealing jewelry. She had to wonder whether Allegra really thought of her as someone who only cared more about her image as a superheroine rather than the her own competence in solving criminal cases.

''What are you talking about?'' Ladybug decided to play dumb.

''Well, my friends and I have been talking about the recent robberies and I had my doubts about you solving the case. I don't really know what came over me; I guess that, after hearing that there's a superheroine in this city, I thought that you would be able to solve any problem instantly. After all, you dealt with that mime guy on the video and then there was also that accident with the pigeons,'' Allegra admitted guiltily. ''However, now that I met you, I realized that I was too quick to judge you. I mean, you are a human, are you?''

''Yeah, I am,'' Ladybug smiled warmly. ''Unless you wanted me to be an alien.''

Allegra giggled nervously, but relaxed a little when she realized that Ladybug wasn't angry or disappointed at her for her lack of faith.

''I'm sorry,'' she said. Ladybug shook her head.

''No, it's fine,'' Ladybug replied, wondering whether she should tell Allegra how she felt. While she knew that she had to keep things professional, as Allegra put it, she was still human. She still had doubts. ''I have to admit, I also suffered from a lack of self-confidence and faith in myself. I had tried to apprehend the thief behind the jewelry robberies, but I failed and that failure made me question my own competence as Ladybug.''

Both Allegra and Carmilla were stunned to see Ladybug being so honest with them and not afraid to show her vulnerability. Admittedly, Carmilla was more disappointed about the fact that Ladybug wasn't as tough as she appeared to be. Frankly, she had expected more from her, rather than have her curl up and cry like a baby after one defeat, no matter how humiliating it was.

''Nevertheless, I realized that I need to become stronger if I want to protect those I care about,'' Ladybug continued, giving the two a determined look. ''There will be times I'll fail in the future, but I don't want to give up. If I had decided to not be Ladybug anymore and stayed at home, you two may have gotten hurt or even worse. This is why I'm here – I've been given a chance to make a difference, if not for myself, then for others.''

''You aren't the only one who is making a difference, Ladybug.'' Ladybug, Allegra and Carmilla looked up, seeing Chat Noir sitting on all fours on the nearby street lamp. He jumped down, turning to Allegra and Carmilla and bowing, one hand on his back and the other on his chest. ''Ladies, may I introduce myself? I'm Chat Noir, Ladybug's trusted partner.''

''My, my, what a charmer,'' Carmilla said, looking quite interested in him.

''It comes with being myself,'' Chat Noir replied smoothly, with Ladybug rising an eyebrow. She had to wonder whether he seriously was about to flirt with Allegra and Carmilla.

Not that I'm jealous or anything. The most important thing now is that we focus on the patrol and I can't let him get distracted, she quickly added in her mind.

''I see,'' Carmilla smirked. Her smile caused Ladybug to frown. ''Honestly, I'd be interested in a conversation with you-''

''My apologies, but I'm not,'' Chat Noir quickly cut her off. Carmilla frowned, while Ladybug perked up. ''I just wanted to add my thoughts to the conversation you guys were having and pick Ladybug up for the patrol.''

''I'm sorry for holding you back,'' Allegra apologized to Ladybug.

''It's fine,'' Ladybug said in a comforting tone. ''Besides, the talk we had did help me. I promise I won't disappoint you and that I'll keep you protected.''

''Don't push yourself to hard,'' Allegra replied, giving Ladybug an assuring look. ''I believe that you'll be able to deal with those criminals in your own way. Don't let your confidence falter, no matter what happens. Bridgette, Carmilla and I already have your back.''

''Thank you,'' Ladybug replied and winked, giving them a determined look. ''Rest assured, I'm looking forward to my next encounter with Belladonna.''

''Belladonna?'' Allegra tilted her head in confusion, while Carmilla rose an eyebrow.

''Let's just say that I have some intel on our mysterious phantom thief,'' Ladybug replied confidently. ''Trust me, I'm not letting her get away with her victory so easily.''

With that said, she and Chat Noir exchanged glanced and leaped onto the nearby street lamp, disappearing into the night. Allegra grinned, still feeling excited about the conversation she had with Ladybug and confident that the superheroine was someone that could be trusted with the city's safety.

Carmilla, on the other hand, was pleasantly surprised by Ladybug's sudden change in attitude. She had not expected that the latter would actually challenge her, even if she didn't know what kind of reaction her words sparked inside Carmilla. The fact that the superheroine refused to give up only steeled her resolve.

Belladonna may have found herself an actual rival in Ladybug.

Chapter 11: Dance With The Devil



You read that right, today, 31st of July, I'm celebrating my 10-year anniversary as a writer. I've been on a writer on FanFiction.net for about a decade, entertaining people with my stories, making friends and trying to come up with new story ideas. I still remember how I started out as a writer, my first story being Digimon Rumble Arena Championship, with my former name being Tamer Arisa (then changed to Da-Tenshi Setsuna, before I settled on Tenebrae Vesper, due to a personal history with that name) and I would also like to thank my old friend, Tamer of the Zero Unit, for being the very first reviewer. Since then, I wrote a lot more stories, improving my writing skills and making a profile here. Unfortunately, some of my older stories were deleted due to past me thinking they weren't good enough or not wanting to continue writing them coz I came up with a better story, and now I'm regretting my decisions. X3 Don't do stuff you'll regret later, kids.

I have a few ideas for new stories from different franchises, but if I write them, it'll probably be when my other stories come close to an end (I had specifically Rockman. EXE and Hataraku Maou-sama! on mind).

I'm thankful for everyone's support, with a special shout-out to Dovahkiin795 & Comedy Monarchy (You guys are awesome!), from the very start until the very end and I hope I can stay here for another decade, having fun.

Now, the reason I hadn't been really active for the past months was because I wanted to come up with a way to celebrate the anniversary, and I had figured that the best way to do that would be to write a chapter for each of my currently active stories: Digimon Tamers: Cyber Battles, Five Nights at Freddy's: Obsolete & Up Ladybug. I hope you are going to enjoy them.

Next week, I'll be back to my usual weekly update schedule, with one minor change - updates are now every Friday. Also, if you want to know which story is going to be updated, check my Profile. Right on the top will be the words Next Update: Name of Story, Entry ?: Name of Chapter. If the chapter has a Date set, you can be assured it'll be updated on that date... unless something happens that causes me to postpone it.

Please, leave a review and enjoy the story! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via the comments. X3

Chapter Text

Entry 10

Dance With The Devil

''Here I stand, helpless and left for dead. Close your eyes, so many days go by, easy to find what's wrong, harder to find what's right. I believe in you, I can show you that I can see right through all your empty lies. I won't stay long, in this world so wrong. Say goodbye, as we dance with the Devil tonight! Don't you dare look at him in the eye, as we dance with the Devil tonight!''

Dance With The Devil by Breaking Benjamin


''Hey, Ladybug…''

''What is it, Chat Noir?'' Ladybug turned towards her partner with a questioning look on her expression. Admittedly, she herself had been quite silent after they took off, focusing on the patrol, but it took her a while to realize that Chat Noir wasn't teasing her as he usually would. The two took a break on a rooftop, facing each other.

''I was just thinking about what happened the previous night… and how upset you were,'' Chat Noir added the last part carefully. He wasn't sure how Ladybug would react to him bringing up her humiliating defeat at Belladonna's hands, but he was certainly ready to deal with whatever emotional breakdown she would have. After all, being her partner meant that he would have to also act as an emotional support and show her that he would be by her side even if she'd push him away. He had to earn her trust.

''Oh, that,'' Ladybug muttered, her voice faltering as she lowered her head. Despite the bold and confident attitude she had put up in front of Allegra and Carmilla, she still had some lingering self-doubt. Those issues weren't something that could be deal with in a day. ''Don't worry, next time we run into Belladonna, I'll be able to handle her. It's just a matter of-''

''This is not about Belladonna,'' Chat Noir cut her off, forcing Ladybug to look at him. Her lips parted in surprise when she saw just how serious he was. It felt as if his piercing green eyes were reading her mind. ''This is about you, Ladybug.''

Admittedly, Ladybug was a little startled when Chat Noir took a step towards her, close enough to touch her, with a look of concern on his expression.

''Wh-What are you talking about?'' Ladybug mumbled, unsure how to react to Chat Noir's sudden change of attitude, only to raise an eyebrow when he cupped her hands in his.

''I understand that this is probably a topic you don't want to talk about, but I had noticed that you have self-confidence issues,'' Chat Noir told her, causing Ladybug's eyes to widen, leaving her staring at him in stunned silence. ''You have told me that you believed that your own incompetence was the reason for why those battles went south.''

''Yeah, I did…'' Ladybug replied in a low tone, only to look back at him, narrowing her eyes. ''It doesn't really help that you were the one responsible for my misery.''

''That might be true, but the point is that you shouldn't beat yourself over the head for every little mistake you make,'' Chat Noir told her, a fang poking out of his mouth as he grinned. ''I saw you fighting the Mime all on your own and you were amazing. Sure, mistakes happen, but you need to think of your victories as well. The Ladybug I know is someone who doesn't give up, someone who works hard to protect others and is great at her job, no matter the curveballs destiny throws at her.''

''I…'' Ladybug wasn't sure how to respond to all that praise. She didn't really see herself as some noteworthy hero, wanting to just help people. ''It is true that I wondered why I wasn't strong enough to stand on my own, and I know that I could do better…''

''Ladybug, you are much better than you think.'' Chat Noir's intense tone startled Ladybug, even more when he let go of her hand to place his arm around her waist and pulling her into a tight embrace. ''Trust me, if someone tells you that you're a failure, I will be on their case faster than their pathetic mind can process. No one should insult you and believe they can get away with it so easily.''

''I… Thank you, Chat,'' Ladybug smiled. Admittedly, while she could do without his flirty attitude, his devotion to her was certainly charming, especially when he was being supportive like this, telling her exactly what she needed to hear.

''Everything's going to be fine, I promise,'' Chat added in a calm, confident whisper, placing his other hand under Ladybug's chin and lifting it up, her dark blue eyes meeting his piercing green. They were almost hypnotic and his voice was so gentle and soothing, with Ladybug finding herself enjoying the warm embrace he had pulled her into. Her mind was a mess and she felt herself forgetting about her surroundings, focusing solely on Chat Noir and the fact that he was so close, leaning even closer, as if to kiss her…

''You know, we really should move on with this patrol!'' Ladybug suddenly blurted out in panic when her mind registered what Chat Noir was up to and quickly took a step back while pushing Chat Noir away from her. Unfortunately for the latter, this sudden movement caused him to trip and fall on his back, with Ladybug giving him a slightly worried look. ''Chat, are you okay?''

''Yeah, but I guess I deserve this,'' Chat Noir replied, propping himself up. ''Things got rather intense.''

''You don't say,'' Ladybug said sarcastically and sighed, rubbing her temple. What the hell was I even thinking?! Was I really about to kiss Chat Noir?! She shook her head, shuddering at the thought. Focus Ladybug! Your relationship needs to stay professional!

Meanwhile, Chat Noir got up, dusting himself off and looking rather nonchalant about what had happened. Sure, he may not have been able to kiss Ladybug, but the fact that she let him get this far was a good sign in his mind. It was clear that she was growing more and more comfortable around him, which he took as a win. I believe that our relationship might take an interesting turn from this point on. His eyes narrowed as he thought of something for a moment, carefully thinking about his next sentence. After all, I did already go over the possibilities and maybe, just maybe, I might get my answer. Still, should I try my luck? Do I even want an answer?

He took a sharp breath and glanced at Ladybug, who was still slightly freaked out over the possibility of them kissing and trying to get back to her senses.

''I understand that there is something troubling you and that you need your space. Still, I will be there for you if you need someone who'd listen to you,'' Chat Noir said. Ladybug froze, her eyes widening as she stared at Chat Noir in pure shock.

That's… That's the same I wrote in my note to Félix… But, it can't be… Not Félix…

Ladybug was at a complete loss for how to respond. She just stared at Chat Noir, noticing a slight gleam in his eyes, the softness in his expression having been replaced with a calculating look. He was still smiling, but Ladybug was unable to read him.

It is as if he's trying to show me glimpses of a completely different side of him, but acts as if he's an open book. It was obvious that, despite his earlier honesty, he was still hiding a lot more from her, not just his identity. He may have introduced himself as a flirt who didn't care much about being a superhero, but it was clear that there was a lot more to him than it first appeared. Ladybug's eyes narrowed as she stared at him for a moment, then took a deep breath. Right, two can play this game. I'm curious to see what else he's hiding from me.

To Chat Noir's surprise, Ladybug smiled innocently. ''Well, thank you for your encouragement. I'll keep it in mind. Also, I forgot to tell you earlier that your trial is over.''

''It is?'' Chat Noir was puzzled.

''Yeah, and you passed,'' Ladybug added.

''Really?!'' Chat Noir's eyes sparked as he heard Ladybug telling him that. He looked positively elated.

''Of course,'' Ladybug extended her hand, with Chat Noir enthusiastically accepting it. ''From now on, we're partners.''

''You can rely on me,'' Chat Noir told her confidently. Also, thank you for allowing me to see your reaction… Ladybug.


Unknown to either Ladybug nor Chat Noir, Carmilla had managed to track them down and was currently standing on a rooftop across them, hiding behind a chimney stack. It took her a while to find them, but she got lucky. Or perhaps, they got unlucky. Either way, Carmilla didn't care, since she wanted to put both of them to a test, especially Ladybug.

''Well, I guess it's time for me to finally join this party,'' Carmilla muttered as she took out a lavender rosebud brooch. The rosebud brooch suddenly started to glow in a lavender light, levitating above her hands. ''Let the Phantom Thief awaken!''

She extended her arms into a T-pose, letting the light envelop her in the form of a flower bud. Her outfit was ripped away, with lavender petals enveloping her as a black jacket over a white button up shirt and a short black skirt with a black leather belt and white tights, as well as black knee-high lace boots appeared on her body. Her long black hair was lifted up and tied into a high ponytail, and a black top hat with a crimson ribbon appeared above her. She reached for it, pulling out a wand out of it, then pulled the top hat on her head. To complete the look, a black cape that was crimson on the inside, white gloves, a black domino mask with golden rims and a crimson bowtie with the lavender rosebud brooch appeared and her eyes changed from dark green to lavender. She used the wand to slice through the petals of the flower bud, twirling it as she revealed herself and struck a pose.

''It's time to have some fun!'' Belladonna smirked.


''So, what are we going to do about our elusive Phantom Thief?'' Chat Noir asked as he and Ladybug continued with their patrol, leaping from rooftop to rooftop.

''We'll engage her in combat once she appears,'' Ladybug replied, frowning. ''Belladonna seems to be someone who is quite confident in her skills, meaning that we'll have to find a way around her magic. Not to mention, she also thinks rather highly of herself, so we should keep that in mind when he approach her. There is a possibility for her to drop her guard once she thinks that we cannot harm her in any way.''

''That's an interesting observation, Ladybug,'' Chat Noir replied. ''Admittedly, you weren't the only one who thought about how we should fight her.''

''Really?'' Ladybug briefly glanced at him.

''I had actually other plans for to day, but instead ended up spending the entire afternoon trying to find any news reports about Belladonna,'' Chat Noir replied. ''You have noticed her Italian accent, haven't you?''

''I did,'' Ladybug replied, with an intrigued look on her expression. ''I trust that you had actually managed to dig up some information about her?''

''Of course. It turns out, Belladonna has quite a reputation in the city of Florence, Italy,'' Chat Noir revealed. ''There had been various reports of Phantom Thief Belladonna not only stealing valuables from museums and jewelry stores, but also leaving calling cards at her next victim's place to make sure that the security would be at maximum, only to rob them blind and disappear without a trace.''

''I wonder why she decided to leave Florence and come to Paris,'' Ladybug said. ''It certainly wasn't because of us.''

''Maybe she got bored or ran out of targets,'' Chat Noir suggested, with Ladybug shrugging. ''In any case, I found another interesting thing about our Phantom Thief. It appears that there are cases connected to her that are decades old.''

''Seriously?'' Ladybug was stunned. Chat Noir nodded.

''Yeah. However, last time I checked, Belladonna appeared to be no older than us. So, unless she's way older than she looks, this makes no sense,'' he added.

''It is possible that the Belladonna we know is a copycat or perhaps she knows the previous Belladonna and is carrying on the tradition,'' Ladybug suggested. ''After all, she might have some kind of magical item that allowed her to use those powers, meaning she took it or it was handed over to her.''

''Right,'' Chat Noir said, flashing a grin, with a fang poking out of the corner of his mouth. ''Whatever it is, it feels quite exciting having to hunt down an elusive Phantom Thief. It is almost as if we are part of a mystery novel.''

''You seem to be really enjoying this,'' Ladybug noted, drawing Chat Noir's attention. ''Your detective skills are absolutely terrific.''

''Thank you,'' Chat Noir replied, blushing slightly at the compliment.

Sure, he was expecting her to thank him for sharing the information he dug up, but he didn't see the compliment coming. Not to mention, there were other things going through his head, especially after seeing her reaction earlier. However, currently, none of that was important as he needed to focus on the task at hand. After all, he had just thrown away a quiet afternoon reading a book for learning more about Belladonna and trying to figure out how to support Ladybug and he decided to stick with his plan instead of getting distracted with the thought of comfort.

''You know, for someone who claims not to be particularly social, you genuinely care a lot about me,'' Ladybug added as both of them landed on chimney stack. Chat Noir gave her a genuinely stunned look, as he didn't expect her to tell him that, nor did he expect her to suddenly lean closer to him; too close for his comfort. ''It is almost as if you don't have any ulterior motives…''

''Eh, what- I- Agh!'' Chat Noir stumbled back, loosing his footing on the chimney stack and almost falling over hadn't Ladybug pulled him back. ''Wh-What was that about?''

''Honestly, you're not the only one here who can play mind games,'' Ladybug told him, with Chat Noir realizing what she was talking about. However, before he could respond, both of them heard a familiar voice.

''It is nice seeing you again, signorina Polka Dots, and you too amato Chat Noir.''

''Belladonna!'' Ladybug turned around, seeing the Phantom Thief standing behind them.

''So, you decided to finally show yourself,'' Chat Noir said, glaring at her, his arms crossed.

''I had figured I should have some fun tonight,'' Belladonna replied, twirling her wand animatedly. ''I'm always up for a spettacolo fantastico.'' She pointed her wand at the two. ''I will bring you to your knees!'' She then winked at Chat Noir. ''Perhaps, even a date.''

Chat Noir groaned. ''I'm not interested. Seriously, you aren't even my type.''

''You aren't my type either,'' Ladybug added, a mischievous smile on her lips. Belladonna frowned.

''What are you talking about?! I thought you were the serious one, signorina Polka Dots!'' she yelled at Ladybug.

''I had figured that I should take it easy this time,'' Ladybug replied, drawing Chat Noir's attention. Admittedly, he didn't expect her to have a sudden change of attitude like this, especially not in Belladonna's presence.

What are you up to, M'lady?

''Fine, I guess this is how it's going to be,'' Belladonna muttered and grinned, pointing her wand at the two. ''Then, you can burn!''

Flames erupted from her wand, swirling into an inferno which almost enveloped Ladybug and Chat Noir. Fortunately, both managed to get out of harm's way by jumping into different directions. Ladybug then threw her compact-turned-yo-yo at Belladonna, managing to wrap it around her arm. Her priority was to remove the wand out of Belladonna's hands. However, before she could do that, Belladonna sent a gust of wind at her, so powerful that it blew her away from the building, forcing Ladybug to withdraw the yo-yo to save herself from falling off the building.

''Black Storm!''

Belladonna stepped back, being forced into a defensive position by Chat Noir's attack by using her wand to block the black energy disc. She then turned towards him, pointing her wand at Chat Noir, only to be caught off guard when the latter used the surrounding chimney stacks and walls to run across the rooftop in a zig-zag pattern.

''Hold still, Gattino!'' Belladonna yelled, but before she could attack, Ladybug suddenly came from the side, kicking her into the gut and knocking her away. Ladybug and Chat Noir both leaped back, Chat Noir having landed on a chimney stack on all fours, staring at Belladonna as she tried to catch her breath.

''How naive,'' Chat Noir said, a fang poking out of his mouth as he grinned, his tail flicking. ''You need to pay more attention to your surroundings.''

''If you think that we're the same we were the previous night, you're wrong,'' Ladybug added, turning her yo-yo into a staff. Belladonna snorted as she got up.

''I see,'' she said, holding up her wand. ''This is how the game will be. It'll certainly be a pleasure to crush you both!''

Both Ladybug and Chat Noir tensed, preparing for Belladonna's next move. The tips of her wand started to glow and she fired energy rings at both of them. Ladybug and Chat Noir quickly dodged them and charged at Belladonna, Chat Noir being the more nimble one.

''I'll stop you right there!'' Belladonna quickly fired another one at Chat Noir, but he managed to destroy it with his claws infused with dark energy and swiped at Belladonna. Belladonna dodged, only to face Ladybug, who had used Chat Noir as a distraction and swung her staff at Belladonna, knocking her away. As Belladonna recovered, both Ladybug and Chat Noir charged once again at her, knocking her over. Belladonna cried out in pain, the wand almost falling out of her hand.

Ladybug and Chat Noir stepped back, both now more confident in their victory over the Phantom Thief. Their attacks were a lot more coordinated and their teamwork had improved, as they had faith in each other, believing that their partner would cover them in the case of a counterattack.

''So far, we know she's capable of fire and wind magic, along with those energy restraints and telekinesis,'' Ladybug said, holding up her staff. ''However, she might be capable of more, so we need to keep an open mind.''

''Got it,'' Chat Noir said, his claws glowing with dark energy. ''No matter what she says, don't let it distract you. Any opponent has a weak spot and can be defeated.''

''Such confidence…'' Belladonna muttered as she got up, grinning. ''Eccellente! This is what I've been waiting for for ages! This is the challenge I desired for so long!'' She held up her wand above her head, twirling it like a spinning top. ''This battle isn't over yet!''

Ladybug and Chat Noir charged at her, but the wind Belladonna released was entwined with lavender flower petals, covering her and making her barely visible. Ladybug and Chat Noir attacked the spot where the petals came from, only to realize that Belladonna used her attack to create an illusion of herself, the petals disappearing in a burst of sparks. Ladybug and Chat Noir stepped back to back, looking around for the elusive Phantom Thief.

''Take this!''

Both looked up, seeing Belladonna above them as she pointed her wand below, firing an inferno from it. Ladybug quickly changed her staff to its shield form, protecting her and Chat Noir. Belladonna frowned, landing on the rooftop above them, with Ladybug turning her shield into a yo-yo and using it to swing at Belladonna.

''Useless!'' Belladonna fired a fire blast at Ladybug, forcing her to withdraw the yo-yo and land on the rooftop below Belladonna. However, before she could do that, Belladonna changed her attack to that of a gust of wind, the blast hitting Ladybug and knocking her over, causing her to plummet towards the street.

''Black Storm!'' Chat Noir quickly fired another blast of dark energy at Belladonna, seemingly unconcerned about Ladybug's fate. Belladonna blocked it with her wand, a little shocked that Chat Noir actually went for the attack instead of checking on his partner, the one person he swore to protect.

''So, all that talk about caring about Ladybug… You were lying, weren't you?'' Belladonna smirked. She then blinked in surprise when she saw Chat Noir grinning.

''No,'' he replied, pointing at Belladonna, his palm open. ''It is because I believe in Ladybug's strength!''

Belladonna's eyes widened when she sensed a rush of wind coming from behind her and turned around, seeing Ladybug hovering in the air, her compact having turned into wings.

''Why you-?!'' Belladonna pointed her wand at Ladybug, unleashing an inferno. ''Brucia, Coccinella!

''Black Hole!''

To Belladonna's shock, a black void appeared right in front of Ladybug, absorbing the inferno and protecting her from the flames. No way!

Behind her, Chat Noir stood, his hands outstretched and his ring glowing as he made sure that the dark void nullified Belladonna's attack. ''Your turn, Ladybug!''

As the void vanished, Ladybug flew at Belladonna with a war cry, punching her straight in the face and then slamming her in the gut with a mighty kick, resulting in Belladonna being knocked off the building. The wings quickly vanished as Ladybug turned them back into a yo-yo, throwing it at Belladonna and wrapping it around her legs, leaving her dangling from the building.

''That was amazing, LB!'' Chat Noir praised Ladybug gleefully, having landed next to her.

''Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without you, Chat!'' Ladybug replied, relieved that they had managed to beat Belladonna. Both of them looked over the building, observing the struggling Phantom Thief. Eventually, she stopped wriggling like a fish caught in a net and sighed.

''I see,'' she said in a calm tone, drawing Ladybug and Chat Noir's attention. ''I will admit defeat here, Coccinella, Gattino.''

''Belladonna, what are you-'' Ladybug's eyes narrowed, realizing that, despite what Belladonna said, the battle wasn't over.

''This is why I can't just give up yet,'' Belladonna said, reaching for her cape. ''I'm looking forward to our next fight, Coccinella, as well as our next date, Gattino.'' She took the cape off and wrapped it around her. ''Alla prossima, Ladybug e Chat Noir!''

''Belladonna!'' Ladybug yelled, while Chat Noir gasped, but it was too late. Belladonna used the cape to cover herself, lavender petals whirling around her as she disappeared.

Ladybug and Chat Noir stared in shock at the falling petals, Ladybug withdrawing her yo-yo and turning it back into a compact. She then sighed, plopping down on the rooftop.

''M'lady!'' Chat Noir knelt down next to her in concern, noticing Ladybug shaking.

''Ch-Chat…'' Ladybug rose her head, gazing at Chat Noir in annoyance. ''Haven't I told you not to call me that?''

''I-I thought…'' Chat Noir didn't expect this kind of answer. ''Are you okay?''

''Don't worry, I'm more than okay,'' Ladybug replied, smirking confidently and taking a deep breath, standing up and clenching her fists in a fighting stance as she gazed into the distance. ''I'll be ready for our next clash, Belladonna! Just wait for it!''

''What a relief,'' Chat Noir placed a hand on his chest, sighing. He then crossed his arms, his tail swishing. ''Although we were victorious tonight, we still have a lot to learn. We can become much stronger as long as we work together.''

''I agree,'' Ladybug nodded. ''Together, we can take on the world.''


''This… was something,'' Tikki said in a slightly deadpan tone as she exited the Ladybug Earrings after Ladybug had de-transformed in her room. She tiredly floated over to the drawer with the cookies, taking one out of the box. ''You and Chat Noir had really proven yourselves against Belladonna… Huh?''

To her surprise, Bridgette looked rather content and cheerful, stretching her arms and taking a deep breath as she grinned and gave Tikki a relaxed gaze. The kwami flew up to her, giving her a questioning look.

''Aren't you tired? I mean, especially after a battle like that…'' she asked. Bridgette sighed, placing her hand on her hips.

''To be honest, I'm completely exhausted and barely standing on my feet,'' she said, smiling. ''But, I just can't sit down, not after what I had experienced tonight.'' She gazed at the hatch above her bed. ''There is so much to think about, so much to talk about…'' Despite trying to keep standing, she felt the adrenaline falter and the exhaustion catch up to her, allowing herself to fall over on her bed, arms outstretched. ''To explore myself, my relationship with Chat Noir and my rivalry with Belladonna…'' She closed her eyes, with Tikki flying over to her. ''I want to sleep, but I can't… Not yet.''

''You know that I'm always here to hear you out and give you advice,'' Tikki told her, sitting on the pillow next to Bridgette's head. Bridgette nodded, with Tikki adding, ''So, what thoughts are fogging your mind?''

''I guess I should start with the fact that I'm overjoyed about getting my revenge on Belladonna, even though she escaped,'' Bridgette replied in a chipper tone, lowering her gaze. ''I admit, there are still issues I need to deal with, but this battle was what I needed to take a huge step forward and overcome my fears. Little by little, step by step, I'm working on becoming stronger. I need to learn to take a hit and fall if I want to get up again. Not to mention, I know that I have you, my friends and Chat Noir by my side, with all of them believing in me. With support like that, how can I lose?''

''Exactly!'' Tikki said cheerfully, nuzzling Bridgette. ''I will support you until the bitter end!''

Bridgette smiled and continued, ''Still, I can't get too confident in my abilities. There will always be opponents stronger or smarter than me. I need to remain careful too. No one knows what will happen next and if I don't watch out, I'll be caught off-guard, like tonight.''

''You mean-?'' Tikki blinked, giving Bridgette a curious look.

''Yeah,'' Bridgette smiled, shaking her head. ''Honestly, Chat Noir is driving me crazy.''

''Do you really think it was a good idea to accept him as your partner?'' Tikki asked her, her voice filled with doubt. ''Especially after the conversation you two had. Seriously, he sounded like he had some other, ulterior motive there with his request to be your partner.''

''I know,'' Bridgette said firmly, sitting up and looking at the kwami. ''This is why I agreed to him becoming my partner.''

''Really?'' Tikki was stunned. ''Despite knowing the risk of him sabotaging you or betraying you, you still went ahead with accepting his request?''

''Yeah,'' Bridgette nodded. ''I am aware that I'm dancing with the Devil, but I decided that it would be worth it.''

''I'm still not sure about that,'' Tikki said worriedly. Bridgette gave her a confident look.

''Both Chat Noir and I are hiding something from each other, yet we agreed to fully trust each other, despite our secrets. I don't believe he is going to betray me, but I do feel that there is more to him than he wants to admit,'' she said, lying back down and placing her arms behind her head. ''After what he had told me… I had realized that I need to keep an eye on him. It is not about Chat Noir, but about the person who hides behind the mask.''

''It might be because of the mask. After all, I don't have to act like my usual self when I'm wearing it. That's the perk of anonymity.''

She turned her head towards the window, towards the night sky, as she remembered what Chat Noir told her.

Chat Noir, what kind of person are you under the mask?

She frowned.

And how do you know about my promise to Félix?


Ladybug… Are you really the one I suspect?

Félix was lying in his bed, still wide awake. Plagg was fast asleep on the pillow next to him. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the ceiling.

I took a risk with telling her something only Bridgette would be familiar with and she gave me a quite peculiar reaction, showing that she was at least somewhat familiar with those words. Yet… I don't want to believe it. Félix sat up, rubbing his temple and gritting his teeth. Would I really be able to deal with this reveal?

He sighed.

Do I really want to take more risks? If I continue to press on, she might find out who I really am and why I'm doing this before I can get rid off my curse. If that happens… She will never forgive me for the lies I had told her. However, I can't stay as Chat Noir for too long. She will have to walk this path alone.

He gazed down at the Ring of the Black Cat, which glinted, illuminated in the moonlight.

Then, there's the fact that she accepted me as her partner, despite her reaction to what I had told her. Perhaps, I underestimated her. I was the one playing this chess game, treating her as a pawn, but it might be possible that in truth, she was my equal all along?

He closed his eyes, slowly nodding, with a determined look forming on his expression as he opened his eyes again, which gleamed in a green tint in the moonlight.

My next move… It will decide my and Ladybug's future!

Chapter 12: The Desperate Confession


Welcome back to another chapter!

This one features two scenes from the PV Trailer and while I have no idea what Bribug and Félinoir are telling each other, I hope that I had managed to capture the moments depicted in the trailer.

Also, you will notice that I had changed the title (Under The Moonlight), as the planned song was Moonlight Densetsu from the anime Sailor Moon. The reason for that was because the PV Trailer's song got stuck in my head and I wanted to focus on that very scene.

Enjoy and please, leave a comment! X3

Chapter Text

Entry 11

The Desperate Confession

''Tell me now, pretty baby, you could never stop unaware. Too gone, for don't you get it now? Do you know that I'm feeling down?''

– Up Ladybug by Noam Kaniel (Miraculous Ladybug PV)


''Here you go, today's lunch is waffles,'' Bridgette said as she presented Tikki with a plate filled with a huge stack of waffles, strawberries and whipped cream. The kwami dropped her jaw at the sight of the food, flying around it and glancing at Bridgette curiously.

''Is this really all for me?'' Tikki asked. Bridgette nodded.

''Of course,'' Bridgette told her, then tilted her head. ''Is it too much?''

''No, no, it isn't!'' Tikki flew around the plate, replying in a thankful tone. ''I know that you told me that you would make me any kind of food I want, but still… I didn't expect it to be this much.''

''Basically, this is my way of telling you to eat to your heart's content,'' Bridgette replied as she sat down at the desk, smiling at the kwami. Tikki flew up to her, nuzzling her cheek and then flew back to the waffles, breaking a piece of it and giving it to Bridgette.

''If I'm already going to eat this, I want to share it with you,'' Tikki told her.

''That's nice of you,'' Bridgette replied, eating the piece, while Tikki broke another piece for herself and started munching on it. Bridgette observed at the kwami in silence, before daring to ask her a question. She knew that this was a sensitive topic for Tikki, but she hoped that the kwami would able to satiate her curiosity. ''Tikki, I wanted to ask you about your previous holder…''

Bridgette trailed off when she saw Tikki dropping the food, looking incredibly nervous. She knew she struck a nerve, but admittedly, she wanted to learn more about the kwami's past and find out what happened to the previous Ladybug.

''I-I… I can't…'' Tikki shook her head frightfully. Bridgette picked her up gently, holding her in her hands.

''I know that you don't like to talk about your previous holder, but you can trust me,'' Bridgette told her softly. ''All I want to know is where you came from. I want to learn more about you. I mean, I don't even know whether there are any other kwamis. I assume that Chat Noir has a kwami of his own – your counterpart, right?''

Tikki fell silent, with a troubled look forming on her expression. She flew up, turning her back to Bridgette, crossing her tiny arms as if hugging herself.

''The Kwami of Misfortune is Plagg and you're right, he is my counterpart. We're the only kwami's in existence,'' Tikki told Bridgette, her back still turned towards the teenager. ''As for my previous owner, or rather, my Mistress, I don't want to talk about her because she's not a part of my life anymore. Every time I find a new owner, it feels like I reset my life. I don't want to dwell in the past and I'd rather focus on the present.''

''Still, you have more experience than I do,'' Bridgette pointed out, causing Tikki to turn around. ''If anything, you could give me some advice on how to be a better Ladybug by telling me about the mistakes the previous Ladybugs made or their discoveries.''

''Trust me, Bridgette, so far, you're doing great as Ladybug,'' Tikki replied. ''As a matter of fact, you're doing much better than your predecessor and I'm a lot happier being with you.''

''Thanks, Tikki,'' Bridgette replied half-heartedly. Something told her that the conversation about the previous Ladybugs was over.

''Bridgette!'' Bridgette's head shoot up when she heard a familiar voice calling for her and someone knocking on the trapdoor. She exchanged panicked glances with Tikki. ''Bridgette! May I come in?''

''Allan?'' Bridgette's ahoge curved into a question mark, motioning for Tikki to hide and walking over to the trapdoor. The trapdoor opened and Allan's head popped up, grinning.

''Hey, Bri, I'm sorry for the intrusion; Your grandmother let me in,'' he explained, entering the room.

''It's great to see you, Allan. Do you want anything to drink?'' Bridgette asked her friend. Allan shook his head.

''I'm actually in a hurry, so I won't be staying for long,'' Allan told her, taking out a pair of pink and white concert tickets from his backpack and giving them to Bridgette, whose jaw dropped. ''You're lucky I had been walking past your house as I forgot to give you these.''

''Allan, thank you, but I-'' She was about to tell him about how she would pay him for those, but Allan shook his head.

''Don't worry, these are on me,'' Allan smiled, then added in a playful tone when Bridgette gave him a puzzled look, ''Don't tell me that you forgot about Cori.''

''No, no, no, I didn't!'' Bridgette quickly replied, waving her hands, then added in a sheepish tone, ''To be honest, I've been thinking about something else, so it took me a moment to register what you were talking about.'' She then smiled excitedly. ''Also, thank you so much for the tickets.''

''You should thank Cori for those. She and her band have returned from their tour and are going to have a concert tomorrow evening at Jardin des Tuileries and she gave me a few free tickets to give them to my friend group,'' Allan added, giving a thumbs up. ''We also have VIP access.''

''That's really cool!'' Bridgette beamed, but her smile faltered as she looked back at the tickets. She rose an eyebrow. ''Uh, Allan, why did you give me two tickets?''

''You see, Cori gave me a spare ticket and I had already asked Claude, Sophie and Allegra whether they wanted to invite anyone else. While Claude and Sophie had no one in mind, Allegra asked Carmilla, but the latter told her how she doesn't feel well and is staying at home, so I had figured that you might know someone who would want to go to the concert,'' Allan replied.

''I admit I do… However, I don't think you guys are going to be happy, especially Claude.'' Bridgette didn't trust the innocent shrug Allan gave her.

''Like I said, Cori was the one who gave me the tickets and even told me to invite as much people as possible,'' Allan replied, giving her an assuring smile. ''If you want to invite Félix, that's fine by me.''

''Allan, I have no idea how to thank you,'' Bridgette said, shaking her head in disbelief. However, she still felt reluctant about the whole offer. ''Still, is it really fine?''

''Admittedly, I had figured that I might as well help you with getting along with Félix,'' Allan said casually, adding in a more serious tone, ''While I do have my own opinion about that guy, I know that you have your own reasons for liking him and I hope that this will help you two with finding some kind of common interest. Frankly, I'm more worried about your reaction to the possibility of you getting rejected… again.''

''Thank you for your concern, but you don't have to worry about that,'' Bridgette replied. ''When it comes to Félix and I, it is something I need to deal with on my own. I'm grateful for the support everyone is giving me, even if they do think I could've chosen better, but ultimately I'm the one who has the final say.''

''True. I hope things go well for you,'' Allan said, walking over to the trapdoor, then turning back and quickly adding, ''Before I forget, have you heard from Allegra?''

''Yeah, I did,'' Bridgette replied excitedly. ''She called me this morning to tell me about her and Carmilla's encounter with Ladybug and Chat Noir.''

''I think it's really cool that they got to meet the two new superheroes personally, not to mention being saved by Ladybug from a potential assault,'' Allan told her. ''They were really lucky Ladybug and Chat Noir were out there patrolling.''

''That I agree with,'' Bridgette replied, placing the tickets on the table and walking over to Allan. ''I even told Allegra that I was happy for her to have the opportunity to meet Ladybug and Chat Noir, especially since they seem to be the kind of superheroes who'd rather stay away from all the attention they might get. It is kind of hard to find out anything about them.''

''Do you plan to do an investigation on them?'' Allan asked in an intrigued tone. Bridgette waved her hands defensively.

''No, no, I had actually promised Ladybug not to inquire anything about her civilian life, and the same obviously goes for Chat Noir,'' she replied.

''I see,'' Allan replied, glancing at the watch on his wrist. ''Unfortunately, I have to go now.''

Allan opened the trapdoor, with Bridgette following him to the entrance.

''So, how's Corinne?'' she asked him, leaning against the wall as he took off the slippers and put on his sneakers.

''She's fine,'' Allan replied. ''I've been talking to her the past few days and she was really excited about returning home.''

''She isn't the only one who is excited about it,'' Bridgette pointed out, with Allan grinning as he got up and opened the door. ''Bye!''

''See you at the concert!'' Allan responded as he walked down the stairs and towards the tea shop. Bridgette closed the door behind him and sighed, with Tikki flying up to her, having followed the two.

''Looks like you're going to have a lot of fun with our friends,'' she said, then gave Bridgette a mildly confused look. ''Um, who is Cori?''

''Corinne Durand is Allan's older sister and the founder of the rock band Fléchette Stars, as well as lead guitarist and vocalist, and has been touring for about a year around the region,'' Bridgette explained. ''Allan had told us that she was supposed to return in a few weeks. I guess that their schedule had changed for some reason.''

''I assume that Allan missed his sister during her tour,'' Tikki said, giving Bridgette a knowing look.

''Yeah, he did…'' Bridgette trailed off as she realized something. ''No way! Don't tell me that the Good Luck Charm had something to do with this.''

''I cannot say for sure, but think about the situation like this – you both got something you wanted, that being Allan getting to see his older sister again, your friends getting free concert tickets and you getting an opportunity to talk to Félix,'' Tikki explained. ''The luck you spread doesn't only affect other people, but will also affect you in a roundabout way.''

''This is so exciting,'' Bridgette grinned, fist-pumping with both of her hands, her ahoge forming into a heart shape. ''I hope that I will have the same luck while asking Félix out. It's now or never.''

Tikki observed her holder as she cheerfully darted back into her room to get the tickets, having decided that now would be a good time to try and find Félix. What Bridgette didn't know was that the Ladybug Earrings were glowing, albeit much stronger than usual. While this was supposed to be a good sign, Tikki couldn't help but worry a little.

I just hope that she won't be using the Ladybug Earrings to fulfill her own selfish desires.


Félix took a sip of water as he placed his book down, flipping it over to the next page. So far, he had been really enjoying his quiet lunch, not having to worry about Gabriel's constant snide remarks and negative comments about every single thing he did, always sounding as if he was offended that Félix was for once happy and content.

Unfortunately for him, while his uncle wasn't here, his uncle's assistant kept a watchful eye over him, even now while he was having lunch. He ignored her for the most part, trying not to show that he was bothered by her presence, but Adeline had that uncanny ability to make anyone feel as if they were being judged.

No wonder uncle Gabriel had hired her. She could easily replace him if she wanted.

Félix decided to focus on his book again, but got distracted by Adeline clearing her throat. He rose an eyebrow and looked up, the woman gazing at him with such an intense look that made him wonder what he did do now.

''I apologize for disrupting your lunch, Félix,'' she said, completely unapologetic, ''but I need to inform you that you have a meeting today.''

''What are you talking about? As far as I know, my schedule had been cleared for today,'' Félix replied, glaring at her. He didn't have a good feeling about this.

''Actually, your uncle had arranged this meeting,'' Adeline informed him, looking down at her tablet with the schedule. ''You'll be doing a photo shoot, as well as a business meeting involving your possible modeling career…''

''Cancel it,'' Félix replied sharply, getting up and closing his book. ''I did not agree with any of this and I won't let Uncle arrange photo shoots behind my back.''

''Your uncle will be disappointed by this response,'' Adeline told him coldly, observing Félix walking past her.

''I don't care. This is between me and him. If he wants to talk about how much of a disappointment I am because I'm not following in his footsteps, he should do it in person,'' Félix retorted in an angry tone, exiting the dining room and walking straight into his room, adding ''I'll be going out. Don't expect me back until late evening.''

He then entered his room, finding Plagg standing on a ball of yarn and balancing a piece of cheese on his nose.

''Hey, Kid, look at this!'' Plagg happily called out when he heard Félix entering the room. He then threw the piece of cheese up and swallowed it, then glanced at his holder, noticing the furious look on Félix's expression. It was clear that the teenager was in a bad mood. ''Eh, Kid? What happened?''

''Uncle Gabriel had arranged a photo shoot and a business meeting without my knowledge,'' Félix replied, stuffing the book he was reading into his briefcase backpack and grabbing the metallic box he used for keeping Plagg's cheese. ''We're going outside.''

''Nice! There's nothing better than getting some fresh air after a good meal,'' Plagg said, grinning as he flew after Félix and sat on his shoulder. ''Also, if you want to complain about your uncle, I will lend you an ear.''

''Thank you, but for now, I need to get out of this place,'' Félix replied, with Plagg noticing the slightest hint of a smile on his lips. Satisfied, he hid inside the backpack until it was safe for him to come out.

Félix quickly left the mansion, happy that he didn't run into Adeline again and aware that she would inform Gabriel about what had happened. He didn't care. He wouldn't let Gabriel control him, especially since they already made a deal that Gabriel wouldn't interfere with Félix's life as long as he keeps up with his perfect grades and perfect behavior. However, he was aware that the old man wouldn't waste a moment to make him miserable.

As if things couldn't get worse…


Admittedly, being outside wasn't a bad thing. Félix preferred to read his book in the comfort of his room and private library, but considering how Gabriel managed to chase him out of the house while not even being at home, he knew that he had to find a different spot to immerse himself into the adventure he desired. He was once again re-reading his favorite series, The Firefly book series, as he heard that a new book would be coming out and he wanted to prepare himself for the release. There had also been some unanswered plot threads, which he hoped that he would be answered in the next book.

Taking another deep breath, he began looking around for a good spot to sit down and continue reading. However, all he saw was a busy street, with people walking and cars passing. It wasn't what he had in mind and the benches he did see were too close to the main street.

While Félix was busy with finding a quiet place to unwind and have some peace, Bridgette was walking through the city, clutching a letter in one hand and her purse in the other. The tickets were inside the letter, while Tikki was hiding in the purse.

If there is a possibility, I want to meet Félix and invite him to the concert. Please, let me meet him.

She pressed the letter against her chest, against her beating heart and closed her eyes as she stood at the intersection, waiting for the lights to change. Unknown to Bridgette, her earrings gleamed and once the lights turned to green, she ran across the street, looking around in hopes to have a chance encounter with Félix.

''Huh? Someone dropped their money…'' Being too busy looking around for the familiar blonde teenager, Bridgette didn't even register the person in front of her, a girl who bent over to pick up a 2 Euro coin she found on the ground. ''Lucky me- agh!''

Not watching where she was going, Bridgette crashed into the girl, with both falling over, the letter and purse falling out of Bridgette's hands.

''I'm sorry, I was looking for someone,'' Bridgette apologized to the girl, who just shook her head, picking up the coin.

''It's fine,'' she replied, pointing at the letter and the purse. ''Is this yours?''

''Yeah,'' Bridgette replied breathlessly, quickly grabbing the letter and her purse, and checking both. The tickets were undamaged, but Tikki was slightly shaken, giving her a questioning look. Bridgette mouthed a quick apology for the chaos and looked around. The girl had already gotten up and walked away, leaving the dazed Bridgette, who had been trying to figure out where she was supposed to go next.

She then turned around, looking back at the intersection, and her eyes widened when she saw Félix walking past her on the other side of the street. Excited, her ahoge curled into a heart shape and she ran back down the street where she came from, realizing that, if she hadn't crashed into the girl, she probably would've missed him.

Félix, on the other hand, had finally managed to get off the main street and enter a quieter one which led to what appeared to be a small park, with grass patches between the path and apple trees growing at the entrance. He took a look around, noting that this was the kind of place he had been searching for. Sure, there were a few other people walking, including a couple walking their dog, but so far, it was much more peaceful than the other parts of the city he had been at.

That is, until he heard a painfully familiar voice.


Félix didn't even have to turn around to know that it was Bridgette he heard running after him. Narrowing his eyes, he sighed and placed his hand with the ring on the tree next to him, with the ring glowing and emitting dark waves and orbs of black light that spread across the entire tree. He then heard a rough 'thump' sound and a cry of surprise, aware that an apple had hit the lovestruck Bridgette on the head.

Despite his actions, he did feel a tinge of regret, since he didn't really want to hurt her. He just wanted to make her leave him alone, as he was in no mood to talk with her and using his Bad Luck Curse on her was the only way to do that. While he was cursed with perpetual bad luck, if he used it for selfish gain, he would have some good luck for a change. He quickly left, hoping that she wouldn't follow him.

Meanwhile, Bridgette was once again sitting on the ground, feeling dazed as she rubbed the sore spot where she felt the apple hitting her.

''Ow… That hurt…'' she muttered to herself and squinted at the letter, her purse and red apple lying on the ground. Suddenly, she felt a breeze picking up, blowing the letter with the tickets away. Her eyes widening in panic, she grabbed her purse and got up.

''No, wait!'' she exclaimed, running after the letter, which was practically dancing in the wind. ''Get back!'' She jumped up as the letter flew up, trying to grab it, but it was just out of her reach. ''Com'n!'' The breeze then dropped, ending the chase and Bridgette almost stumbled over the bench in front of her as she grabbed the letter out of the air. ''Yes!''

Despite the bruises she had sustained, she was chipper as usual, turning around. Her ahoge drooped when she realized that she lost Félix out of his sight. ''Now what?''

''Maybe you guys aren't meant to meet today?'' Tikki said, popping her head out of the purse. Bridgette tightened the grip around the letter and the strap of her purse.

''No, I don't think so…'' she said in a serious tone, glancing down at Tikki. ''I mean, if that were the case, I wouldn't have seen him at all, right?''

''If you say so,'' Tikki muttered, unsure what kind of advice should she offer to Bridgette. Should she discourage her from pursuing Félix or tell her to go ahead? She had no idea. ''Just be careful.''

''I will,'' Bridgette responded and walked back to the path, having a general idea where Félix went. She hoped that she would be able to find him, her sole desire being the chance to talk to him personally.

Please, let me have this chance…


While Bridgette was on the search for him, Félix had managed to find a quiet, gated park between several apartment complexes. There were a few people at this park, but it didn't appear that any of them would bother him. He sat down on the empty bench, basking in the warm sunlight and took out his book and opened it, holding it in one hand and propping his arm with the elbow of his other arm. He crossed his legs and leaned slightly back, taking a deep breath of relief and continued reading the book.

Unfortunately for him, while Félix was losing himself in the book's story, Bridgette had managed to catch up to him. She was standing behind a nearby tree, hidden in its shade. She placed her purse down on the ground and took the tickets out of the letter, shoving the letter into the purse.

''Let's hope that things will work out for you,'' Tikki whispered to Bridgette, who nodded in response.

She leaned against the tree, holding up the tickets between her hands at chest-level and glanced at Félix, feeling her heartbeat rapidly increasing. She smiled nervously, her cheeks flushed and her ahoge taking a heart shape once again. She knew that this was it. This was her chance to ask Félix out on a date.

She averted her gaze and looked up, her eyes narrowing as a look of determination formed on her expression, her cheeks still rosy.

You can do it Bridgette! Go for it!

Feeling confident, Bridgette walked out of her hiding spot and went towards Félix. Unfortunately for her, Félix had noticed her movement in the corner of his eye and quickly closed the book he was reading, stuffing it back into his briefcase backpack and getting up, trying to leave before Bridgette could reach him. Fortunately for Bridgette, she was faster.

''Félix, wait!'' she called out, stepping in front of him. Félix clutched the strap of his backpack tightly, staring coldly at her.

''What do you want from me?'' he asked, realizing that there was no way for him to get rid off her unless he confronted her. Bridgette smiled, ignoring his icy gaze.

''I wanted to ask you whether you'd go with me to the Fléchette Stars concert tomorrow evening,'' Bridgette told him, holding up the tickets hopefully.

Félix stared at her for a moment, before quickly turning his head away and closing his eyes, his answer clear. ''No.''

''Oh…'' Bridgette was stunned for a moment, the ahoge on her head frazzled before drooping as she looked down at the ground in disappointment. She could feel tears forming in her eyes, unsure whether they were due to her disappointment, embarrassment, frustration, or a mix of all three. She was so sure that Félix would accept her invitation, but then she realized that she was living in a dream. I'm such an idiot…

While Bridgette was staring at the ground in silence, Félix dared to cast a gaze at her, being curious about her lack of response. He believed that she would do everything she could to persuade him to go with her to the concert, but she didn't. Instead, she lowered her hands and took a step back to give him some space, looking absolutely miserable. Félix couldn't help but feel guilty for not accepting her invitation, despite knowing that he didn't owe her anything.

He then sighed, leaving. He knew that he couldn't stay anymore there, not because Bridgette interrupted him, but because he felt that he would either say or do something stupid just to cheer her up, and then suffer the consequences.

Bridgette, on the other hand, returned back to her hiding spot, where she left her purse and Tikki. The kwami gave her a sympathetic look.

''I'm sorry, Bri,'' she said. Bridgette shook her head, wiping away her tears.

''No, I was…'' She bit her lip. ''I was an idiot for thinking he would accept the invitation. I grew too overconfident and pushed my luck, and now I'm dealing with the consequences.'' She crouched down, placing her hands on her knees. ''Allan was right… Everyone was right… I haven't thought this through at all…''

''Bridgette, I know that you aren't someone who'd give up so easily,'' Tikki told her in a comforting tone. ''I'm sure that next time, you'll be fine.''

Bridgette fell silent for a moment, eventually groaning, ''I think I need a break.''

''Huh?'' Tikki stared at her in surprise. Bridgette lifted her head, looking at the kwami.

''I meant that I need a break from my crush on Félix,'' she said. ''I'm not saying I'm giving up or anything, but I guess I should focus on something else, for now.''

''Perhaps that is for the best,'' Tikki said, flying out of the purse and nuzzling Bridgette. ''You could hang out with your friends instead.''

''Or focus more on my duties as Ladybug,'' Bridgette added. ''While Chat Noir and I did beat Belladonna, she's still out there, along with the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon, so I need to stay alert.'' She got up, trying to psych herself up, fist-pumping. ''Right, let's do that. Today, I'll only focus on my Ladybug duties.''


Chat Noir grinned, a fang popping out of the corner of his mouth as he climbed down the steel beams of the Eiffel Tower, pausing for a moment to take a look at Ladybug, who was sitting on a beam while observing the streets below her, hands placed behind her and swinging her legs, being in a good mood.

He knew that this was his opportunity to convince Ladybug to finally grant him the kiss that would free him from his curse. He had managed to gain her trust and it was clear that she was comfortable in his presence, thanks to their previous interactions. He needed to use this to his advantage, having planned to confess his love to her and hope that he would convince her to kiss him. It was an incredibly bold move on his part, but he was encouraged by the fact that Ladybug accepted him as her partner.

It's all or nothing now.

Chat Noir climbed down, landing on the steel beam Ladybug was sitting on, and hiding the rose behind his back, being quite confident in his acting skills and that tonight he would be freed from his curse.

Ladybug got up, being genuinely happy to see Chat Noir, having agreed with him the previous night after their battle with Belladonna that they would use the Eiffel Tower as their meeting spot, since it was a quite prominent landmark. All she wanted for tonight was to go on a patrol and, if there weren't any attacks, relax a little without having to deal with her own feelings towards Félix. Despite being in a good mood, she was still a crushed by the rejection, even though she knew that she should've seen it coming.

''Good evening, Chat,'' Ladybug greeted him, only to rise an eyebrow when she noticed the eager look on Chat Noir's expression.

''Good evening to you too, Ladybug,'' Chat Noir responded, keeping one hand on his back. He smiled seductively as he stepped in front of her. ''I'm apologize for getting this close to you, but I couldn't help noticing the constellations in your eyes. I'm absolutely lost in them.''

Ladybug's eyes widened, being caught off guard by Chat Noir suddenly flirting with her. Admittedly, she did feel flattered by his comment, but this was not what she had in mind for tonight. She did not want to deal with romantic feelings of any kind.

Unfortunately for her, Chat Noir didn't falter when she crossed his arms, showing that she wasn't in mood for his attempts at flirting. Instead, he got on one knee, presenting her the rose he was holding with flourish, placing his other hand on his chest.

''Please, Ladybug, accept this rose as a token of my eternal love for you!'' he added, completely mesmerized.

Ladybug stared at him for a moment, looking completely unimpressed, before looking away, her answer clear. ''No.''

Chat Noir lowered his head in shock, his tail swishing, and then quickly got up, giving her a look of despair.

''Ladybug, I love you, I really do!'' he said earnestly, his ears flattening against his head as he clenched his fists in a pitiful attempt to convince Ladybug to accept his confession, appearing to be hurt and confused by her lack of response.

However, Ladybug kept looking back, her eye-lids lowered, with the same uninterested gaze on her expression. Frankly, she was quite exasperated by Chat Noir's attempts at flirting with her.

''Ladybug, please reconsider!'' Chat Noir added, slowly losing hope, only to be taken aback by Ladybug's glare.

''Chat Noir, I'm not in the mood to deal with your antics tonight,'' she told him in a serious tone.

''But, I wasn't-'' Chat Noir said, only to be cut off by Ladybug.

''Only because I told you that you can be my partner doesn't mean that you also have the permission to flirt with me,'' she replied in a stern tone, reaching for her compact. ''If you want to go with me on a patrol, that's fine, but stop pursuing me. I already had a really bad day and the last thing I need is you messing with my feelings.''

She turned her compact into a yo-yo and used it to swing down from the Eiffel Tower and onto another building. Chat Noir was left standing on the ledge, completely disheartened. He lowered his arms, still clutching the rose in his hand, shaking. He lowered his head, his green eyes obstructed by his long hair.

''Plagg…'' he started, his tone heavy, ''What happened to the previous Chat Noir? Did he ever manage to find a way to be freed from this curse?''

There was silence for a moment, before Plagg answered in a dispirited tone.

''No,'' he said, before quickly adding, ''I mean, I had already told you that the Ladybug Earrings had been lost for ages, at least until now. There was no Ladybug to save the previous victim of the curse.''

''So, what happened to him?'' Chat Noir asked, feeling his heart race in anticipation. There was silence once more, with Plagg being obviously hesitant to tell him the truth.

''He…'' Plagg gulped, before confessing dejectedly, ''He hung himself, being driven into despair and depression due to the curse destroying his life. He believed this was his only way out… and it was…''

Chat Noir closed his eyes, feeling a heavy weight on his chest. His hands were shaking as he tightened his grip around the rose, his palm being protected from the thorns thanks to his suit. However, he wanted to bleed.

''Kid…'' Plagg called out for his holder. ''Hey, Félix… Please, promise me you won't do anything like that, okay? I don't want to lose you to the curse!''

Chat Noir didn't answer. Instead, he took a deep breath and opened his eyes, looking down at the rose he was holding.

''I won't,'' he said, hearing Plagg sigh in relief. ''Giving into despair would be the easy way out.''

He looked up at the horizon, staring at the street lights illuminating the city as a determined look formed on his expression.

I know that, one day, Ladybug will fall in love with me. I will find a way to end my suffering.

Chapter 13: Soothe Your Pains


Welcome back to another chapter!

The reason why I posted this today (16.08) and not on Friday is because today is my birthday and I have a habit of posting chapters on my birthday.

There isn't much to say about it, except that there is a huge section of pure Brichat. Admittedly, it was supposed to be longer, but I decided to cut out some stuff for later.

I hope you'll enjoy it!

Chapter Text

Entry 12

Soothe Your Pains

''Every love went through your head, giving love turned bad. Maybe love can soothe your pains, making up, make it better…''

– Up Ladybug by Noam Kaniel (Miraculous Ladybug PV)


The patrol, for the most part, was completed without incidents. However, both Ladybug and Chat Noir felt quite tense, keeping the conversation at minimum and not acknowledging what had happened earlier. Chat Noir knew well that, for the huge step he took forward in his relationship with Ladybug, his recent actions caused him to take at least five steps back.

While he was determined not to give up, he knew that he had to re-think his actions and figure out a new plan. He was glad that Ladybug didn't change her mind about keeping him as her partner, but he was still nervous about that actually happening.

I should dial it down, for now, and observe and wait. Chat Noir frowned, gazing into the distance while sitting on all fours, like a cat, on a chimney stack. His tail flicked, his ears lowered as he felt the soft breeze ruffling his hair. I was too impatient.

''Chat… Chat!''

''Huh?'' Chat Noir looked down, seeing Ladybug staring at him.

''We're done with the patrol,'' she told him. ''I'm leaving.''

''Oh, okay…'' Chat Noir replied quietly. Ladybug held his gaze, both waiting for the other to add something to this conversation to make it less awkward. Once it was clear that there was really nothing to be said, Ladybug turned around and left, while Chat Noir remained on the rooftop.

Once she was out of his sight, Chat Noir took out the rose he had tucked into his belt earlier and turned it between his fingers. The stem was almost broken and some of the petals had wilted and fallen out during the patrol. If that isn't a reflection of how I feel now…

He shook his head and tucked the rose back into the belt, returning back to the mansion.

''Hey, Kid, are you okay?'' Plagg asked him.

''I'll be fine,'' Chat Noir replied, landing on a rooftop close to the mansion and observing his surroundings carefully. ''I just need to get some sleep and think through this.'' His eyes narrowed as he saw that the lights were on, with the car inside the front yard. ''Huh, I thought he'd be back in the morning.''

''You mean, your uncle?'' Plagg asked.

''Yeah,'' Chat Noir frowned. ''I hope that he didn't decide to check on me.''

''I don't think he cares enough to check on you,'' Plagg replied, with Chat Noir agreeing with him. He got closer to the mansion, making sure that one of his uncle's bodyguards, a burly bald man dressed in a white suit, shoes and gloves, with two black dots on the suit and a black bowtie, didn't see him and landed quietly on the balcony that led to his room, quickly opening it and entering it.

''Plagg, detransform me,'' Chat Noir said, taking the wilted rose off his belt and returning back to his civilian identity in a flash of dark light, then throwing said rose on a nearby shelf. While Plagg flew over to the cupboard with his cheese stash, Félix quickly dashed to the front door, opening it slightly and listening in, hearing faint voices.

He knew that he'd be in trouble if Gabriel or Adeline decided to call for him and he didn't answer, even more if they actually walked into his room and couldn't find him. Taking a deep breath, he walked into the hallway and went towards the entrance hall, where he saw the lights being still on. He hoped that none of that had happened, having already come up with an excuse for why he was awake so late in the night.

He had found Adeline working on her tablet while walking up the stairs and cleared his throat to get her attention. Adeline looked up, narrowing her eyes when she saw him.

''Félix, why are you still awake? You should be sleeping,'' she told him sharply. Félix didn't react, but he felt relieved when he realized that no one checked on him during the past few hours.

''I've been studying when I realized that someone had come,'' he lied. ''Has uncle Gabriel returned?''

''Yes, he has, but he had to leave immediately to take care of an urgent business,'' Adeline replied.

''What kind of business?'' Félix asked curiously.

''It is nothing you should be worrying about,'' Adeline said, furrowing a brow. ''Now go back to your room. I don't have to remind you that you have school tomorrow, do I?''

''No, you don't,'' Félix replied, returning back to his room, where a worried Plagg was waiting for him.

''Is everything alright? I hope you didn't get into trouble,'' Plagg asked in a concerned tone. Félix shook his head.

''No, they didn't bother to make sure I was still inside the mansion,'' he replied. ''However, uncle Gabriel had left again. Adeline said that it was urgent.''

''Maybe he was called by the fashion police for banning every other colour aside from white,'' Plagg suggested, chuckling.

''I wouldn't be surprised if that happened,'' Félix replied, snorting in amusem*nt.


Despite the fact that it was way past midnight, the man known as Gabriel Agreste was sitting in his office, poring over the paperwork that Adeline had sent him. Most of them were labeled as reports related to his daily work as a fashion designer, including messages from his clients. He shoved those reports aside, being far more interested in a research paper Adeline personally gave him earlier at the mansion.

The research paper was focused on the impact of emotions on the human psyche, especially the control of emotions as well as how the lack of emotions can influence a human. It was quite important to his side-project, the reason he was away during the weekend. He rubbed his temple, feeling a headache, and reached for the oval brooch being attached to the bowtie, calming down.

Hearing knocking on the door on the other side of the office, he placed the research paper on the desk. The door then opened, with two men walking inside the office, one dressed as a mime and the other dressed in a grey, black and pink suit with a pigeon perched on his shoulder. Despite the two being seemingly out of place, they were working for Gabriel, aiding him in his side-project.

''I hope for your sake that you are returning with good news, gentlemen,'' Gabriel told the two. While the Mime was completely expressionless, Monsieur Pigeon gave Gabriel a nervous look.

''Uh, well, Papillon, sir… We tried to keep a close eye on Ladybug and Chat Noir…'' he said, feeling his anxiety skyrocket when he saw the frown on Gabriel's expression. ''Unfortunately, a new issue appeared…''

He gazed at the Mime, hoping that his partner-in-crime would take the heat off him. The Mime simply put the tablet he was holding on the table, showing Gabriel a report, which also included the image of the latest newcomer to Paris, Phantom Thief Belladonna. The image was a photo of Belladonna fighting Ladybug and Chat Noir on a rooftop.

''Edgar and his friends made sure not to be spotted by the two while spying on them,'' Monsieur Pigeon added proudly, petting the pigeon on his shoulder. Gabriel completely ignored him while reading the report. ''We don't think that any of them are going to be much of a problem.''

He glanced at the Mime, who glared at him, as if telling him ''We? There is no 'we', dumbass. This was your own conclusion.''. Monsieur Pigeon merely glanced away, pouting as he awaited Gabriel's answer.

''Then why is it that you haven't eliminated them yet, if they aren't a problem for either of you?'' Gabriel asked in a calm tone. Monsieur Pigeon gulped nervously, both him and the Mime feeling chills flowing down their spine, despite the latter not showing little to no emotion, if only because he was better at masking his own feelings.

''Don't worry, Papillon, sir, we are going to take care of them,'' Monsieur Pigeon quickly replied, with the Mime nodding. ''We've just been gathering information.''

Gabriel stood up, walking up to the window and looking outside, his arms crossed on his back. He could see the reflection of his two henchmen on the window.

''Your main focus should be to eliminate any pests that might interfere with my project and tarnish my vision of the new reality,'' Gabriel told the two, both the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon feeling tense. ''If you slip up, I might reconsider your own positions in the grand scheme of things.''

''N-No, please, Papillon, sir, we will make sure that Ladybug, Chat Noir nor Belladonna are going to disrupt your project,'' Monsieur Pigeon quickly replied, stuttering. Neither he nor the Mime wanted to think about how their boss was going to punish them if they failed. They had a contract to uphold, after all.

''Then, what are you waiting for,'' Gabriel said, looking up at them furiously.

''Eh, right, we'll be leaving… Good night, sir,'' Monsieur Pigeon stuttered, taking a step backward. He and the Mime were waiting for a response, but when none came, they quickly left the room.

Gabriel turned back to the window, feeling a wave of anger washing over him and tried to push it out of his mind. Any emotions, whether they were positive or negative, were not welcome and he wasn't going to show any weakness by accepting that part of himself. They would only get in his way, as they were a distraction.

Gabriel Agreste, or rather, Papillon, was a man of perfection. His ambitions were beyond the understanding of simple-minded commoners. While he was only at the beginning stages of his grand plan, so far, every step was done flawlessly. While there was still much that he needed to get done, he was certain that the perfect reality he desired would eventually take shape and that his hard work would pay off. He wouldn't allow anyone to throw a wrench in his plans.

No one, not even amateur so-called superheroes are going to stop me from achieving my goals.


Despite the exhaustion he experienced the previous night, Félix felt surprisingly re-energized when he woke up. Interestingly, he spent the morning eating breakfast alone, with Adeline telling him that Gabriel was tired from his trip and was still asleep. That was certainly news to him, since his uncle would usually be awake and working regardless of when he went to sleep, always following a strict schedule. Félix didn't mind it, as the last thing he needed was to talk to Gabriel, especially since he was busy with his own issues.

He knew that his relationship with Ladybug was damaged, although he wasn't completely sure how bad the damage was, and that he needed to find a way to fix it. He feared that Ladybug might be too uncomfortable to be around him and that their relationship would only sour further if she kept being reminded of his pathetic attempts to confess his love to her.

I'm in a tough spot, Félix thought as he walked through the school's hallway. He had arrived without any incidents, but a quick glance at the faintly shimmering Ring of the Black Cat told him to remain alert. He narrowed his eyes, but before he could react to it, he almost got knocked over by a fellow student, who had ran into him.

''Hey,'' Félix looked down, glaring at the troublemaker. ''Watch out where- Bridgette?''

Bridgette looked stunned to see him, her backpack lowered as she rummaged through it while walking through the hallway, not paying attention to her surroundings.

''Um, h-hi, Félix…'' Bridgette greeted him timidly, her head low and blushing as she added, ''I'm sorry for troubling you… I-I need to go.''

Félix was surprised to see her walk away quickly, as if running away from him. He could've sworn that she almost looked as if she was afraid of him, even going so far to avoid any eye-contact. Normally, she would be the personification of the words ''genki'', following him all over the school completely lovestruck, but today, she did her best to avoid him, only to accidentally fall victim to Félix's bad luck curse by running into him.

While Félix would usually be glad that she was actively avoiding him, he had to admit to himself that her sudden change of attitude did bother him a little. She had dealt with several rejections before and would always bounce back, ready to face him again, but this time, it seemed that yesterday's rejection had a lasting impact on her. Sure, he had every right to decline her invitation and he shouldn't feel sorry for refusing to do something that he was uncomfortable with, but Bridgette never meant any harm to him and he did feel bad for her.

Still, I'm already dealing with Ladybug. I'm not sure whether I even have time for Bridgette… He shook his head, feeling dazed. Wait, why am I even thinking about her?!

He tried to ignore the strange sensation he felt in his chest and move on with the school day instead. He had noticed that Bridgette kept avoiding him during classes as much as she could. There were actually several opportunities for her to pester him about going out with her as, for some reason, they kept running into each other in the hallways and even ended up encountering each other at the locker room while grabbing their books, but Bridgette made sure to get away from him as far as possible, always appearing to be very anxious and flustered.

''I-I'm sorry!'' Bridgette told him after another encounter at the hallway, this one causing her to drop the sketchbook she was holding. ''I didn't mean to… I'll leave…''

Before Félix could reply, she grabbed the sketchbook and left. Félix could just sigh in response, feeling that this was getting ridiculous. He looked up after hearing someone giggle and saw Amber and her friend Jeanne, who had seen their interaction and were laughing at Bridgette's misery. He just shot the two a glare and was about to leave when Amber rose her voice.

''Wow, she is avoiding you as if you had been infected with the plague,'' she told him in a mocking tone.

''It isn't my fault that you've been spreading the infection around the school,'' Félix replied smoothly, giving Amber a pointed look. Her jaw dropped in astonishment and disbelief, her face reddening, while Jeanne was cracking up next to her.

Félix quickly left before Amber could respond to the insult, having better things to do than argue with a petty bully. Instead, he focused again on Bridgette's behavior. Admittedly, he too experienced rejection from Ladybug, but he felt that avoiding him this much was a bit over the top. Sure, he did tell her that he wasn't interested in her company, but that didn't mean that he wanted her to avoid him for the rest of her life. He wanted his own breathing space, but he didn't mean to upset her like this. If he wanted her gone from his life, he would've served her a restraining order.

It also didn't help that the rejection made him get on Sophie, Allan, Allegra and especially Claude's bad side, the four glaring at him for the most part of the school day because made their friend upset. He did overhear Bridgette telling her friends that it wasn't a big deal and that she could handle it, but it was obvious that she too was stressed and confused about how exactly she was supposed to act in this situation.

What should I do about her? Félix found himself thinking. Sure, he still needed to address the issue with Ladybug, but the more the day went on, the more he found himself thinking about Bridgette.

She was more worried about his comfort than her own, something he had rarely experienced around the people he knew. His uncle would always tell him how he shouldn't care about those who showed him small acts of kindness, calling them leeches who just wanted a favour in return, and while Félix did meet a few people who fawned over him for being related to a famous fashion designer, Bridgette was never part of that group.

He remembered how she would always greet him with a bright, warm smile on her lips and handmade sweets in her hands, being happy to just have a short conversation with him about random stuff. He was surprised that something simple like that brought her joy, wondering what would've happened if their conversation had continued. Of course, there was also his theory about the connection between Ladybug and Bridgette, but he decided to drop it, at least for now.

Should I even talk to her?

Félix spent the rest of the class alternating between paying attention to class and thinking about Bridgette, not noticing the odd shimmering on his ring when Mme. Cartier told Allegra and Claude to return the graded essays they had handed in the last week to their classmates. Interestingly, he was the only one who didn't get his essay back. Furrowing a brow, he waited for Mme. Cartier to tell him what had happened to it, but she didn't call him until after the bell rung.

''Mme. Cartier, my essay…'' he started, trailing off when his teacher gave him a look of guilt.

''Félix, I'm so sorry, but you will have to send me your essay again,'' Mme. Cartier said. Félix stared at her, his eyes narrowing.

''Why? Is something wrong with it?'' he asked.

''Unfortunately, I had accidentally spilled coffee over it this morning,'' Mme. Cartier explained. ''It was unsalvageable.''

''I see,'' Félix sighed. ''Fortunately, I have a copy of it saved on my computer. I will send you an e-mail.''

''Thank you,'' Mme. Cartier nodded. ''I will tell you this, however; your essay was given the top grade.''

Félix nodded curtly and left the classroom, being the only student remaining. Even Bridgette, who would usually wait for him, was already gone. Admittedly, even if he wanted her to accompany him, he was in a hurry to get to his karate lessons.

''Seems like today wasn't a bad day, huh?'' Plagg popped his head out of the briefcase backpack as Félix walked out of the school and towards the dojo where his karate lessons would be held. ''Sure, your essay was ruined, but you did get a good grade and Bridgette was avoiding you the whole day.''

''Honestly, I'm not sure whether I should call myself fortunate,'' Félix replied, quickly adding, ''And I'm not talking about the essay mishap.''

''So, wait, you want Bridgette to follow you around?'' Plagg asked.

''No, of course not-'' Félix replied sharply, only to fall silent. ''I just… I don't know. I don't think this is behavior is normal for her, but again, I shouldn't be the one to tell her how to behave… or should I?''

''Unfortunately, I can't help you with that,'' Plagg replied, shaking his head. ''Love isn't exactly my area of expertise.''

Félix mused about his words, only to smirk. ''Actually, you can help me.''

''How?'' Plagg blinked in surprise.

''Maybe I cannot confront Bridgette without being put in an uncomfortable situation, but Chat Noir can,'' Félix replied.


Bridgette sighed tiredly as she saw that it was close to the time she had her friends agreed to meet up before the concert started. She had forced herself to avoid any contact with Félix in hopes to avoid any awkwardness between them today. She wanted to give him his space, show him that she respected his rejection, but it didn't help that they constantly kept running into each other. She felt embarrassed and was relieved when the school day came to an end. She was looking forward to hanging out with her friends and excited about the Fléchette Stars concert, hoping to just forget about the whole day.

''Bridgette, what are you going to do about Ladybug?'' Tikki, who was hiding inside the purse she brought along, asked after the teenager walked out on the street, going towards the meeting spot at the Seine river.

''Don't worry, I still have enough time until the patrol starts,'' Bridgette replied. ''In the case of an emergency, I can make an excuse and leave.''

''Okay,'' Tikki nodded and vanished back into the purse, while Bridgette took out both her and the spare ticket for the concert. She stared at them with a half-hearted look on her expression and shook her head, figuring she could give her ticket to whatever random person she encountered close where the concert took place.

It didn't take her too long to meet up with her friends, who were quite excited about the concert, especially Allan, since the lead vocalist was his older sister.

''I'm glad that you could make it,'' he told Bridgette, who just smiled in response.

''I told you I would come,'' she replied. Sophie meanwhile took out several plastic sticks out of her bag.

''Check out what I brought – glowsticks,'' she said as she gave those to her friends.

''Nice!'' Claude grinned as he took his glowstick.

''I had figured that this would make our experience more enjoyable,'' Sophie added, taking out a few plastic pieces and bending the glowstick, causing it to start glowing in a bright orange and then using the plastic pieces to make a bracelet. ''Do you guys want one?''

''I think I'll wait for the concert,'' Allegra told her. While Allan and Claude refused, Bridgette nodded. However, just as she was fashioning herself a glowstick bracelet, the wind picked up and the tickets she was still holding were blown away.

''No, wait!'' Bridgette dropped the glowstick bracelet and ran after the tickets who were swirling in the wind, flying over to the edge of the river bank before suddenly dropping into the water. Bridgette found herself stopping right at the edge of the Seine, losing her balance and almost falling inside hadn't Claude grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

''Bri, are you okay?'' Claude asked her, a look of concern on his expression.

''Yeah, I am, but the tickets-!'' Bridgette replied in panic, staring at the river. Unless she wanted to go diving in the murky waters of the Seine, there was no way for her to get the tickets back. ''I… I lost them… What should I do?'' Bridgette muttered, feeling her eyes watering. She looked at Allan, feeling bad for losing the tickets he had gifted her. ''I'm so sorry, Allan.''

''Hey, it's okay,'' Allan tried to comfort her, but it didn't make Bridgette feel better.

''What should we do now? Bridgette can't come to the concert with us without the tickets,'' Sophie said.

''Maybe you could ask your sister to let her in,'' Claude suggested, looking at his friend, but Allan shook his head.

''I'd love to, but no dice. I had talked to Cori about the concert and she told me there would be security to prevent people from getting inside with a ticket. Even if someone knew her, they wouldn't be allowed inside without a ticket,'' he explained.

''So, what do we do now?'' Allegra asked, with everyone falling silent.

''I won't be going.'' Claude, Sophie, Allegra and Allan looked up, staring at Bridgette, who was shaking. She felt the guilt eating her inside out, feeling like a dumbass for losing the tickets. ''You shouldn't stay behind because of a stupid mistake I had made.''

''But, it was an accident…'' Allegra noted. Bridgette shook her head.

''No, I should've kept the tickets in my purse until we got there. It's solely my fault for losing those tickets and you don't deserve to have your fun ruined because of me,'' she told them. ''Just go on, you can always take a video of the concert and show me tomorrow at school.'' She looked at them, noticing the reluctance written across their expressions. ''I'll be fine, you don't have to worry about me.''

There was a long pause before Claude said, ''Okay, but we will send you the videos we've taken of the concert.''

''Promise me to have fun,'' Bridgette replied, with everyone nodding.

''We will make sure to tell you everything in detail,'' Sophie replied, waving as she and the rest of the group walked away. Bridgette then sighed in disappointment, walking back to her home.


''Today was a complete disaster,'' Bridgette muttered. Tikki was sitting on her head, feeling bad for her holder. The two were on the balcony of Bridgette's home, with Bridgette leaning against the railing that surrounded the balcony.

''I'm sorry for what had happened…'' she said, unsure how she was supposed to comfort her. ''I should've stopped you from using the Ladybug Earrings before it was too late.''

Bridgette shook her head.

''No, what happened was still my fault. I was using the good luck charm to find Félix and while I did find him, I lost the opportunity to go out with my friends, the people that support me no matter how stupid my decisions are,'' she replied, lowering her head. ''This is just karma blowing up in my face.''

Tikki fell silent, thinking for a moment, then flew up to Bridgette, hovering in front of her.

''I think I know what is going to cheer you up,'' she told her holder. ''How about eating some cookies? We could also talk about random topics.''

''Sounds like a good idea to me,'' Bridgette told the kwami, who nodded and flew into Bridgette's room. Bridgette then turned her attention back to the street below her, trying not to think too much about her bad luck. She knew that she was smarter than this, that she shouldn't have used the Miraculous for selfish reasons, but her desire to see Félix was stronger and she didn't even care to think about the consequences. Why did I have to be so stupid?!

''What's up with the long face?''

Bridgette suddenly looked up, surprised to see Chat Noir balancing on all fours on the railing that surrounded the rooftop balcony, his tail flicking as he gave her a curious look. She didn't even hear him get here, but this might've been because of his toe beans, making him quite stealthy. She was relieved that Tikki had decided to go get cookies for both of them just before Chat Noir had arrived, as this would've been a rather awkward identity revelation.

''Chat Noir?!'' Bridgette exclaimed, being half-stunned by his appearance, half-frantic because she tried to remember whether she ever mentioned anything about herself as Ladybug. Chat Noir grinned, his ears standing up in alert.

''I see that you know my name,'' he said. Bridgette tried to act as nonchalant as possible.

''I've heard it from Ladybug,'' she explained, hoping that he would buy the story, and added, ''She sometimes passes through this area and whenever I'm on the balcony, we have a short conversation.''

''Really?'' Chat Noir was intrigued. ''I didn't expect for me to be important enough for Ladybug to mention my name in a conversation with a civilian.''

''Why would you think that? I thought that you and Ladybug are partners,'' Bridgette asked him, feeling a strange sensation in her stomach. She had realized that this would be a good opportunity to talk to Chat Noir and learn more about him without having to deal with his constant flirting whenever she was Ladybug.

''While it is true that we are partners, our relationship is more complicated than you think,'' Chat Noir told her, jumping off the railing and standing next to her. Bridgette decided to play dumb.

''What you mean? Don't tell me that you two also have something romantic going on,'' she said, giving him an intrigued look.

''N-No, we don't!'' Chat Noir quickly denied while waving his hands defensively and looking genuinely distressed. Bridgette was quite surprised, having not expected that he would actually tell her the truth. The way he had approached her as Ladybug, she thought that he would brag about his crush on her. His ears then lowered and he sighed, gazing solemnly into the distance as he leaned against the railing. ''Although, I would lie if I said that I didn't wish we had something more going on.''

Aaaaand there it is… Bridgette deadpanned. She fell silent for a moment, before saying, ''Do you want to talk?''

Chat Noir was surprised by her question and after a moment of reconsideration, he nodded.

''Well, I guess I have some spare time before the patrol, so sure,'' he said.

''Great! Could you please wait for a few minutes?'' Bridgette told him and before Chat Noir could answer, dashed back to the hatch and climbed down into her room. She saw Tikki fly up to her, looking concerned.

''Bridgette, are you sure about this?'' she whispered, fearing that Chat Noir would hear her. Having realized that he dropped by, she made the wise decision to not show herself.

''Don't worry, it's fine,'' Bridgette replied, walking towards the trapdoor and opening it. ''I actually had a few questions I wanted to ask him and this seems like a good opportunity to finally learn more about him.''

Meanwhile, Chat Noir had his own conversation with Plagg.

''Do you really think that this would work?'' Plagg asked him.

''Bridgette gave me a card that said I could talk to her about anything I want and I had decided to finally accept her offer,'' Chat Noir replied. ''I think this would be a good opportunity to finally learn why Bridgette is so obsessed with me.''

''I wish you luck, Kid,'' Plagg replied. ''You will need it.''

Chat Noir's lips curved up and he snorted at the irony. Still, Plagg was right, he'd really need some luck for this conversation.

''Hey, Chat!''

Chat Noir turned around when he heard Bridgette calling out for him, surprised to see a tray with two cups of steaming hot chocolate poking through the hatch opening. He walked over to it, stunned to see Bridgette balancing the tray with one hand while holding onto the ladder with the other and quickly took it from her.

''Thanks, but you didn't have to…'' Chat Noir started, only for Bridgette to shake her head.

''I had figured it would be better to treat you to my go-to beverage whenever I'm upset over something,'' she replied as she got on the balcony and closed the hatch behind her, taking the tray back from Chat Noir and placing it on the nearby wall before offering him a cup. ''Here you go.''

''Thank you,'' Chat Noir said as he took the cup, while Bridgette grabbed the other, sitting down and leaning against the wall, with Chat Noir sitting down next to her. ''I'm impressed by your balancing skills. If it were me, the cups would've been on the ground before I even started climbing up.''

''Thanks, but I think it's only because I'm working as a waitress in the family tea shop,'' Bridgette replied as Chat Noir took a sip of hot chocolate, feeling the warmth spreading through his body. ''Usually, I'm quite clumsy.''

''That's going to be quite difficult to prove after what I've seen,'' Chat Noir told her, with Bridgette smiling back. The two fell silent for a moment, sipping the hot chocolate, with Chat Noir wondering how to formulate his next question. Fact was, he knew that Bridgette was supposed to be at a concert with her friends tonight. ''So, why were you so upset earlier?''

''I lost the tickets a friend of mine gave me,'' Bridgette explained.

''Is there anything I could do to help you get those tickets back?'' Chat Noir asked, giving her a confident look. ''After all, I am a superhero and you obviously need help.''

''No,'' Bridgette replied quickly, then added, ''Unless you're considering diving into the Seine to pick them up.''

''Oh,'' Chat Noir stared at her in surprise, wondering how the hell Bridgette managed to drop the tickets into the Seine. Perhaps his bad luck influenced her a lot more than he thought. ''I'm sorry about that.''

''It's fine, I'm used to stuff like that happening to me,'' Bridgette replied, perking up. ''Anyways, we were talking about you earlier, weren't we?''

''Maybe, but it sounds like you're the one in need of a talk,'' Chat Noir told her.

''How about this? We can both talk about our respective issues,'' Bridgette suggested.

''Sure,'' Chat Noir replied. ''Ladies first.''

''Then, go on,'' Bridgette replied, with Chat Noir rising an eyebrow, giving her an annoyed look. Bridgette giggled mischievously. She felt quite relaxed and was in a good mood; well, good enough to mess with Chat Noir. ''Okay, okay… Anyways, the problem I have concerns a boy from my class.''

''Did he do something to you?'' Chat Noir asked worriedly, well aware that Bridgette was talking about him.

''N-No, he didn't,'' Bridgette added quickly, lowering her head. ''It's just… Well, I asked him whether he wanted to go to the concert and he rejected me.''

''I see…'' Chat Noir muttered, not missing the hurt look on Bridgette's expression. He felt a sting of guilt piercing his chest, but he kept his act up. ''Did he maybe have other plans or…?''

''No…'' Bridgette shook her head. ''At least, he didn't tell me whether he was busy or not.'' She sighed. ''However, this isn't really the first time he rejected me. I actually asked him out several times, but was always met with a stern 'No'.''

''Do you have a crush on him?'' Chat Noir asked curiously, his tail flicking. Sure, he already knew that, but he wanted to hear it from Bridgette. The girl, on the other hand, blushed furiously at the question.

''I-I do,'' she confessed. She had figured that it was quite obvious from what she had told Chat Noir. ''I mean, I kind of had a crush on him ever since I met him, but he doesn't seem to care. While Félix never insulted or hurt me in any way, he barely acknowledged me whenever I tried to talk to him and would always cut any conversation we did have short. Honestly, at this point, I'm wondering whether he hates me.'' Bridgette sighed, adding in a heavy tone. ''After what happened yesterday, I had figured that I should just leave him alone and respect his space and privacy. I tried to avoid him today, but somehow, we kept running into each other. It was really embarrassing.''

The guilt Chat Noir felt earlier only grew stronger as he observed the saddened Bridgette.

''Why do you even have crush on him? He sounds like a jerk,'' Chat Noir said, well aware that he was criticizing his civilian self. Admittedly, he also knew that he indeed behaved like a jerk, but that wasn't the point.

''I think there's more to Félix than he is willing to show,'' Bridgette replied, staring at her cup before looking up at a surprised Chat Noir. ''I was told by a classmate of mine, Amber, that his uncle is ruthless and since he's living with him, I had figured that he might need some time to open up to someone.'' She then blushed, her ahoge taking the shape of a heart. ''Admittedly, I wanted to be that person.'' She then shook her head, getting serious. ''However, that's beside the point.'' She looked up at the stunned Chat Noir. ''I don't care whether he is going to accept my feelings or not, I just want to be his friend. I want to be someone he can talk to about his problems and someone he can rely on without fearing of being judged.''

Chat Noir's ears lowered. Admittedly, he never really thought about the possibility of Bridgette being genuinely interested in becoming his friend. As a matter of fact, he never thought about actually having friends, as he was raised in an environment where he barely trusted anyone except for his own mother. He never saw a need for having friends, at least until recently, but even then, he believed that he could function without any social and emotional support. Believed being the keyword.

''Still, that's his choice,'' Bridgette continued. ''I don't want to push him into a situation he might feel uncomfortable in.''

''You really care about him, don't you,'' Chat Noir muttered in a quiet tone, with Bridgette looking up at him and nodding firmly. Chat Noir sighed, not really knowing how to reply to this.

''I think you're right,'' he eventually said. ''If he was raised in an abusive household, maybe he never considered the idea of being friends with someone and doesn't know how to act in a situation like this.'' His eyes then narrowed. ''He still sounds like a jerk to me.''

Bridgette snorted, smiling at Chat Noir. Frankly, she felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Talking to Chat Noir about Félix, even if it was a weird topic, certainly helped her.

''What about you and Ladybug?'' Bridgette then asked, with Chat Noir giving her an anxious look.

''To be honest…'' Chat Noir wasn't really sure how to express himself, finally deciding to just tell her the truth. ''I had confessed my feelings to Ladybug, but she rejected me.''

''Really?'' Bridgette acted surprised. ''Did you say something weird or…?''

''Well, I kind of approached her with a rose in my hand and just told her that I loved her,'' Chat Noir admitted, his tail flicking and his ears lowering. ''I guess that wasn't the best idea I had.''

''I guess that must've been quite a shock for her,'' Bridgette said, placing her cup on the ground.

''Frankly, she did say she had a bad day, so it probably added up to her rejection,'' Chat Noir continued, giving Bridgette a thoughtful look. ''Although, I have a feeling that Ladybug doesn't believe that I'm completely serious about my feelings for her.''

''How so?'' Bridgette asked curiously. While she was already aware of the answer, she had figured that it would be better to hear it from Chat Noir.

''You see, I haven't really left a good impression on her when we first met,'' Chat Noir admitted. ''I've been constantly flirting with her and lied about my powers, and I believe that she thought I was just messing with her again.''

''I see,'' Bridgette muttered, thinking about his words. However, before she could say anything, Chat Noir spoke up again.

''I do want to prove myself to her,'' he said. This time, he wasn't putting up an act. ''I want her to trust me and to know that my feeling for her are genuine.'' He sighed, his ears lowered. ''However, I don't think I know how to express myself in a proper way.''

''It seems like we are both dealing with a similar problem,'' Bridgette noted. Chat Noir nodded, feeling rather crestfallen, only to stir when Bridgette placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled. ''Although, maybe things aren't as bad as they seem to be.''

''Do you really think so?'' Chat Noir asked her hopefully, giving her a curious look. Bridgette nodded.

''I think that the issue with our approach is that we both tried to get to the end result as fast as possible without considering the other person's feelings, Félix in my case and Ladybug in yours,'' she explained. ''We were both rushing into a relationship that was already on thin ice and instead of making them happy, we made them really uncomfortable.''

''That's true,'' Chat Noir said. ''I guess that means that we should either give up on the other or wait for them to make the first move. However, it doesn't sound like Félix is going to make a move, ever.''

''Nor does it seem that Ladybug will make a move either,'' Bridgette responded. Both stared at each other, hoping for an answer, a solution to this problem.

Bridgette knew that she could easily tell Chat Noir that she was Ladybug and that he was right about her not taking him serious when he confessed his feelings to her, as well as being heartbroken due to Félix's rejection. However, she had to keep her identity a secret.

Chat Noir knew that he could simply reveal himself as Félix to Bridgette and admit that the true reason why he was after Ladybug was the curse he was stuck with, hoping for some help from her. However, he had to keep the curse a secret, not wanting to hurt her more than he already did.

He then stood up, placing the empty cup on the tray.

''I have to go now,'' he said. Bridgette also stood up, placing her empty cup on the tray. ''Thank you for the conversation, and the hot chocolate. It really helped me out a lot.''

''You know, if you ever need someone to talk to again, I'll be here,'' Bridgette told him. Chat Noir smiled, nodding.

''It's a promise,'' he told her. Bridgette watched him jump off the rooftop, vanishing into the night. She turned back to the hatch, seeing Tikki flying up to her and just smiled in response.

Meanwhile, Chat Noir was on his way to the Eiffel Tower, the meeting spot he and Ladybug agreed on. He had to admit, he felt like a huge burden was lifted off his shoulders and while he didn't have an answer to how to repair his relationship with Ladybug, he was confident that things would work out. He landed on a rooftop, gazing back at Bridgette's house, with a cunning look on his expression.

Maybe I should visit Dynastie du Lóng sometime.

Chapter 14: Reflection


I apologize for the delays, I got really busy with some real life stuff and then my keyboard broke. It seems like I have as much luck as Félix does. -.-''

In any case, I hope you'll enjoy the chapter!

Chapter Text

Entry 13


''The silent city is filled with swaying; even the signposts seem like illusions. The sky that cannot be reached even if one yearns or calls out for it; embraces everything and becomes stained. If one strains one's ear toward the sky that divides the world in half, (Brave New World) an inviting voice will resound. When you look up at the sky that divides the world, (Brave New World) the dramatic play begins.''

– Subarashiki Shin Sekai (Wonderful New World) by Namco x Capcom


''Bridgette, how do you feel? Are you okay?'' Tikki asked, flying out of her hiding spot once she was sure that Chat Noir was gone. She was worried that the black cat superhero might try something, perhaps attempt to manipulate Bridgette while she was emotionally at her lowest, but it appeared that Bridgette had everything under control.

''Yeah, I am. As a matter of fact, I feel great!'' Bridgette gave the kwami a smile of satisfaction. She then fist-pumped with both of her hands. ''Anyways, it's time for me to go on a patrol, isn't it?''

''Whether you go on a patrol or not is your decision,'' Tikki reminded her. Bridgette merely gave her a pointed look, her answer clear. Tikki shrugged. ''Speaking of which, what are you planning to do with Chat Noir?''

''You'll see,'' Bridgette replied casually, looking around to make sure she was completely alone. Once done, she brushed over the earrings with her hand. ''Tikki, transform me!''

She tilted her head slightly to the side, with Tikki getting absorbed into the Ladybug Earrings. Sparkly orbs of red light were emitted from the earrings, completely enveloping Bridgette. The red suit materialized across her body and she stepped out of the bright red light as Ladybug.

''Duty calls,'' she said, jumping over her balcony and onto the nearest building, curious about how this night is going to turn out.


Chat Noir was sitting on one of the metallic beams on the Eiffel Tower, waiting patiently for Ladybug's arrival. He was a little surprised that Ladybug wasn't waiting for him, as she was the one more committed to her work as a superhero and would usually arrive at their meeting spot earlier. He was left wondering whether he was too late and she had already left or whether she had been distracted by something or someone.

Maybe something happened and I'm missing out on the action.

Despite that possibility, Chat Noir shook his head, deciding to remain until Ladybug had arrived. He wanted to show that he was taking their agreement seriously. Still, he also thought about them finding a way to communicate over long distances. He couldn't exactly give her his phone number, but having a chat app that allows them to remain anonymous while communicating might work.

Deciding to leave these kinds of thoughts for later, he focused on his conversation with Bridgette instead. Admittedly, all he wanted was to learn why Bridgette liked him so much, but to his surprise, he found himself learning more about her and about himself. While he didn't have all the answers he needed, it was still more that he had hoped for.

The conversation helped him understand that Bridgette certainly wasn't the crazy fangirl he had imagined her to be, one who'd have shallow reasons to be attracted to him. Instead, all she desired was his friendship, even correctly guessing that there was indeed more to him than he had shown. He noted that she appeared to be quite perceptive, her suggestions and assumptions intriguing him. He even had to admit that he found himself wishing he could talk to her like that as a civilian, without the constant anxiety, worry and paranoia that she might suddenly turn into a full-blown stalker.

''I think I've read too many mystery novels,'' Chat Noir muttered to himself, shaking his head.

''Still, it doesn't mean that your own life will end up like a mystery novel,'' Plagg's voice came from the Ring of the Black Cat. He knew well what was troubling his holder and he was going to support him no matter what. In a way, he felt obligated to protect Félix in return for him having to deal with the bad luck curse.

''I hope it won't,'' Chat Noir said, pausing for a moment, then snorted. ''Well, in a way, it is.'' A look of determination formed on his expression. ''Nevertheless, I'm not going to let it haunt me.'' Then, he sighed, his eye-lids lowering. ''Although, I guess I still have more to learn, don't I? I thought I was close to the end of my quest, but I'm not even at the half-way point.''

''You mean, your relationship with Ladybug, right?'' Plagg asked.

''It's not just Ladybug,'' Chat Noir replied, his tail swishing. ''There's also Bridgette,'' he frowned, ''…and Uncle Gabriel.''

''Ah, yeah… The old man who expect you to be his perfect little heir, even at the cost of your own sanity,'' Plagg said sarcastically. Chat Noir could imagine the kwami smirking as he continued, ''You were really in need for some chaos in your life.''

''I hate to admit it, but you're right,'' Chat Noir said, grinning mischievously. ''So, how about spreading a little chaos?''

''I'm all for it!'' Plagg replied excitedly.

''I hope the chaos you're talking about isn't something you're going to regret later.''

Chat Noir turned around, his ears turned upwards and his tail flicking due to him being startled by a familiar voice. He realized that he was lost too deep in his own thoughts to even sense Ladybug's presence. She was standing behind him, her arms crossed, giving her partner a sceptic look. Chat Noir quickly got up, grinning nervously.

''I actually meant getting into some harmless mischief,'' he explained sheepishly. ''Still, if it bothers you, I won't do anything.''

Ladybug stared at him for a moment, then sighed. ''Do whatever you want, but don't make a mess I will have to clean up later,'' she told Chat Noir, facing away from him. ''Let's go now; we still have a patrol to complete.''

Chat Noir followed her, albeit feeling a bit reluctant. He wasn't sure whether she was still angry at him for his sudden confession and he didn't want to test her temper. Nevertheless, he wanted to ask her if she was okay. She appeared to be fine with his presence, but he wanted to know whether he still had a chance with her, whether he could fix their relationship. Any kind of answer was better than no answer.

''Ladybug…'' he rose his voice as they landed on a building, but Ladybug didn't react, observing the streets below her instead. Chat Noir took a deep breath, feeling his heartbeat slowly go up. ''Hey, Ladybug,'' he said, this time louder.

This time, Ladybug turned her head to him, her gaze blank for a moment as she focused on him. Chat Noir wondered whether she was spacing out. ''I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something. What did you want to tell me?''

''I…'' Chat Noir started, biting his lip, ''I wanted to apologize for my behavior from last night and for making things awkward between us.''

Ladybug crossed her arms, her eyes narrowed, making Chat Noir only feel more nervous. What he didn't know was that Ladybug, or rather, Bridgette, has already gotten over his confession from the previous night due to being too focused on her own attempts of avoiding Félix and, to an extension, her own emotions. Still, that didn't mean that she wouldn't make him sweat a little, even if it was mostly because she had to make sure he wouldn't figure out that she knew that he was completely honest in his apology.

''It's fine,'' she said after an agonizingly long moment of silence. Chat Noir perked up, his eyes glistening with hope. ''I just want to move on without being reminded much of what had happened.''

''Oh, I understand… I'm sorry,'' Chat Noir muttered, his ears lowering as he gave her a look of guilt. There was another pause, with Ladybug figuring that this was the end of their conversation, only for Chat Noir to speak up again. ''You had told me that you had a bad day. Do you want to talk about it?''

Ladybug gave him a look of genuine surprise, having not expected him to suddenly ask her about what was bothering her. She wasn't sure how to answer, being worried that she might accidentally say something that would reveal her identity. Not to mention, they had already talked about her issues, even if Chat Noir didn't know that. While she knew that Chat Noir wanted her to trust him, it was still something she couldn't talk about.

''I, well…'' Ladybug said slowly, only to shake her head. ''I don't really want to talk about it. It's something I've been dealing with as a civilian.''

''I see… I'm sorry for prying into private matters,'' Chat Noir muttered, unsure how to continue the conversation. To his surprise, Ladybug smiled warmly.

''It's fine,'' she told him in a comforting tone, with Chat Noir sighing inwardly in relief, since it was clear that Ladybug wasn't angry anymore at him. ''I know it sounds weird, but I'm glad that you worry about me.''

''Well, why shouldn't I?'' While Chat Noir was a little confused by her statement, he quickly turned up the charm. ''I'm your partner, after all. Putting your comfort above mine should be my top priority.'' He gave her a sheepish look. ''Although, I guess I really should put more effort into upholding that promise.''

''Yeah, you should,'' Ladybug added in a sarcastic tone, then added, ''Still, we all make mistakes. No one is perfect.''

''True and therefore, we should focus on our work,'' Chat Noir said enthusiastically. Ladybug rose an eyebrow, pleasantly surprised when the black cat superhero took the initiative.

She followed him across the rooftops, finding herself more and more thinking about her relationship with Chat Noir. Despite their rocky start, she found herself growing more and more fond of him. Sure, she did dislike his flirty nature, but at the same time, she had a soft spot for him. He was hopelessly devoted to her and nothing she said or did was going to change that.

As much as I wanted to be a hero on my own, I can't imagine working without Chat Noir by my side. Ladybug smiled as she easily leaped over a chimney stack. After everything, I just can't stay mad at him.

''It seems like we both spent our time reflecting on the recent events,'' Ladybug said as they landed on another rooftop.

''Admittedly, I had some help with that,'' Chat Noir replied, with Ladybug giving him a curious look, already having an idea what he was talking about. Still, with a nod, she encouraged him to continue talking. ''I came across that girl, Bridgette. I heard that you would pass by her house before meeting up with me.''

''Yeah, I do,'' Ladybug replied casually, being quite happy that she managed to come up with that lie in order to cover her identity. ''I assume that you two had a conversation.''

''We did, and honestly, I wish I had talked to her earlier,'' Chat Noir said, noting to himself that this wasn't a lie. ''It really helped me out a lot. I had even figured I could visit her some time again.''

''If you don't mind telling me, what were you two talking about?'' Ladybug asked curiously. Chat Noir paused for a moment, then tilted his head, gazing at her. It appeared that he was unsure whether to tell her everything, but he then relented.

''We've been talking about the people who…'' he paused, wondering how to formulate the sentence, ''…who mean a lot to us.''

''Really?'' Ladybug rose an eyebrow. She had been wondering where this conversation would go.

''Yeah…'' Chat Noir replied, sighing. ''I don't really know how much I can tell you, but Bridgette got her heart broken by a jerk she had a crush on.''

''Why are you even calling him a jerk?'' Ladybug asked, earning a confused look from Chat Noir. ''Maybe she was bothering him in some way and he turned her down because she was really annoying.''

''I think it was more because he didn't understand her nor her true intentions. It's not like she wanted to hurt him,'' Chat Noir said thoughtfully. Ladybug sighed.

''Well, whatever it was, we can't really help her,'' she said, shrugging. ''I mean, my superpowers are tied to good luck, not Cupid's arrow.''

''You're right,'' Chat Noir replied, then smirked slyly. You can't do anything, but I can.

''What's up with the smile?'' Ladybug asked, rising an eyebrow. Chat Noir gave her a panicked look, holding his hands up in a defensive manner and waving with them.

''N-Nothing…'' he said quickly, then added in a calmer, regretful tone, ''Aside from that, even though you told me that you're fine earlier, I understand why you dislike me so much.''

''What do you mean?'' Ladybug asked, even though she already knew what he was talking about. A part of her wanted to keep the conversation going; she wanted to hear what Chat Noir had to tell her.

''Basically, I behaved like a complete jerkass,'' Chat Noir replied, sighing and rubbing his temple. ''I should've been more mindful of your own feelings instead of focusing on my own selfish desires.''

''I see,'' Ladybug muttered, adding awkwardly, ''To be honest, I was kind of wondering whether I was too harsh towards you. After all, I should know how to separate my civilian self from Ladybug.''

''I don't really think that we can completely separate ourselves from our civilian identities, no matter how hard we try,'' Chat Noir said in a sympathetic tone.

''I guess you're right,'' Ladybug replied, then added in a more relaxed tone, ''Also, you're off the hook for what happened last night, so don't worry about having to walk on eggshells around me.''

''Thank you, Ladybug!'' Chat Noir said in an excited tone, even extending his arms to go for a hug, only to suddenly step back, clearing his throat. ''I guess we should continue with the patrol.''

''Nice catch, Chat,'' Ladybug responded, with her partner giving her a sheepish look.

The two then continued with their nightly patrol, eventually hearing faint music that grew louder as they got closer to Jardin des Tuileries. They saw a crowd standing in front of the stage, dancing and singing to the music.

''Oh, right, the concert,'' Ladybug said, sounding a little disappointed. Her sour mood didn't go unnoticed.

''Don't tell me that you were supposed to go to the concert,'' Chat Noir said, sounding a bit suspicious. Ladybug just shrugged, trying to give him a nonchalant look.

''I actually wanted to go there with my friends, but I couldn't get the tickets,'' she lied. Admittedly, it was more a lie based on the truth. ''However, I guess it's better this way. After all, I would have to sneak out in the middle of the concert to go on the patrol.''

''You know, you have me,'' Chat Noir said, with Ladybug giving him a questioning look. ''I mean, if you want to relax once in a while, just tell me and I'll take over the patrol.''

''That really sweet of you Chat,'' Ladybug said, smiling warmly. Her smile made Chat Noir's heart flutter.

''Actually, we could go to the concert,'' Chat Noir suddenly suggested.

''What?'' Ladybug stared at him incredulously.

''Just to make things clear, I didn't mean it us going on a date or something,'' Chat Noir quickly added, hoping to save himself from Ladybug's wrath. He sweatdropped when she gave him a look that made it obvious that she didn't believe him. ''I simply thought that you might want to attend it now that you're here. It would be easy for us to find good spots if we use our powers.''

''Maybe, but that would be a selfish use of our powers and I can't do that.'' Ladybug shook her head, only to see Chat Noir giving her a pointed look. ''Listen, I didn't mean for it to sound like I'm not allowing myself to have some fun when nothing is going on. The issue is that the moment I use my good luck charm for selfish purposes, I end up getting punished with misfortune.''

''Really?'' Chat Noir was surprised, with Ladybug nodding. ''To be honest, it is the opposite for me. I can use my bad luck curse for selfish purposes and I will get good fortune in return. However, the people around me will experience bad luck in return.'' He then turned towards the edge of the building, sitting down on the rooftop observing the crowd in the distance below. ''Although, I usually use it only when I feel that I have no other choice. I don't want other people to experience what I have to go through every day.'' His ears lowered as he felt a sting of guilt, remembering Bridgette's look of disappointment. ''Still, I'm pretty sure someone got hurt because of me.''

''Chat…'' Chat Noir turned to Ladybug, who sat next to him, giving him a sympathetic look. She was a lot closer to him than he had expected. ''You know, despite acting chaotic at times, you really are a kind person and I wish I could help you somehow.''

''I, well…'' Chat Noir had to bite his tongue in order not to tell her that she could help him by kissing him. He simply didn't want to use her compassion to his advantage, aware that it would be a rather scummy thing to do, especially after earning her compassion. ''It's something I have to deal with by myself.''

''Okay. If there's something you want to talk about, I'll be there for you,'' Ladybug added. Instead of standing up and telling him that they needed to leave and continue with the patrol, she turned her attention to the crowd. ''It is quite nice isn't it?''

''Yeah…'' Chat Noir was rather tempted to put his arm around Ladybug's shoulders or waist and just pull her closer to him. However, while romantic, it would've been the wrong thing to do. At this point, while he saw all the cards he had and all the moves he could do, he knew that using the most obvious move would cost him dearly. If he wanted to succeed, he needed to play the long game. The correct thing to do here was to leave Ladybug blissfully unaware of his agony.

Then, Ladybug leaned her head against his shoulder.

Chat Noir's heartbeat skyrocket, leaving him completely stunned. His mind was blank, having no idea what to do or how to react. He tried to appear calm on the outside, but inside, he was completely freaking out. While he expected her to forgive him and move on, he didn't expect her to suddenly get this close to him. Was this some kind of test? He knew that there was no way that Ladybug was this ignorant about the implications and his reaction. He didn't move a muscle.

''Honestly, I do like the idea of us just hanging out together when there aren't any villains to fight against,'' Ladybug added, looking up at him and smiling innocently. Chat Noir smiled back, but he was still panicking.

What should I do?! How could she be this comfortable being so close to me?!

''Chat, are you okay?'' Ladybug asked worriedly.

''Y-Yeah, I'm fine,'' Chat Noir responded quickly, with Ladybug giving him a knowing look. The former just sighed, feeling that Ladybug was just messing with his head. Admittedly, he had it coming. Not that he didn't deserve it and the fact that she was happy and content made him relax a little. He also had to admit that he was stunned by Ladybug's cheekiness, especially since she was usually the no-nonsense superhero. In the end, he just decided to resign himself to his fate.

On the other hand, Ladybug was secretly enjoying herself. Sure, making Chat Noir uncomfortable for her own amusem*nt was quite a jerkass move, but she wanted to show him that two can play this game, especially since he was the one who started it by making her feel uncomfortable. Not to mention, Ladybug had to admit that he could be quite adorable when he got flustered.

Maybe this evening didn't start out well, but I'm not complaining about its development.


Allan, Allegra, Claude and Sophie were standing close to the front of the stage, having the time of their life. Sophie had also her smartphone out, having decided to record the entire evening for Bridgette so she could show her friend what she had missed.

''It's really a shame that Bri couldn't join us,'' Sophie said as loudly as possible to her friends through the roaring music. Allan and Allegra just shrugged, while Claude adopted a thoughtful look.

''I had actually thought about staying with her,'' he admitted. ''Honestly, it's just so stupid that her tickets fell into the Seine and that's why she couldn't come along.''

''I don't really think that there is anything that could be done,'' Allan noted. ''Besides, she did say that we shouldn't worry about her.''

''The only issue I have is that that sentence is precisely the reason why I worry so much about her,'' Claude replied. Being Bridgette's oldest friend, it was only natural for him to pick up on things Allan, Allegra and Sophie might not notice. Still, all four of them cared equally about her.

''Huh? Hey, what's going on there?'' Allegra suddenly said, pointing at the night sky. Claude, Allan and Sophie looked up, stunned to see more and more pigeons gathering above the crowd. Even the people around them started to look up, paying more attention to the phenomenon than to the concert, all of them wondering what was going on. Eventually, Corinne and her bandmates stopped playing, being captivated by the weirdness of it.

Then, the pigeons attacked.


Someone screamed, with the crowd dispersing as they tried to avoid the oncoming assault. Unfortunately for them, the flock of pigeons just kept attacking. Allan had split off from his friends during the chaos, searching for his sister, while Allegra, Sophie and Claude hid behind the stage, shielding their heads from the birds.

''What the hell is going on?!'' Allegra screamed in frustration, alerting several of the pigeons to her and her friends' hiding spot. Sophie and Claude shot her a glare and the three quickly got up and ran for their lives, trying to find a spot under the trees to hide from the pigeons. Unfortunately for Allegra, she had tripped over, hitting the ground hard.

''Allegra!'' Sophie yelled, her and Claude looking back at their fallen friend, both frozen on the spot as they saw a massive flock flying towards them. Allegra turned her head back, gasping in panic as she saw the flock closing in.

''Black Storm!''

Allegra saw a blast of dark energy being sent towards the flock of pigeons, who quickly scattered around in panic. She got up, facing her saviour, and smiled.

''Thank you, Chat Noir!'' she said breathlessly.

''It's all part of a hero's work,'' Chat Noir replied, gesturing behind him. ''However, you should better leave and find a safe place until we're done with this.''

Allegra nodded, but just as she was about to join Sophie and Claude, another flock of pigeons came flying towards her. Fortunately for her, Chat Noir took care of them by firing a disc of dark energy at them. Allegra took the opportunity to rejoin Sophie and Claude. While most of the visitors had ran away to a safe place, these three were still a bit reluctant to completely leave the park, as they needed to find Allan and Corinne.

''That was close,'' Sophie commented when they took shelter behind some trees and looked around, Claude having his smartphone out. ''Where the hell is Allan?''

''He says he and Corinne are hiding behind some bushes on the other side,'' Claude replied. ''He doesn't believe they'll be able to get out without getting attacked.''

''Just great…'' Sophie muttered sarcastically.

The three turned their attention towards Chat Noir, who was defending himself from the pigeons by launching dark energy discs at them, as well as skillfully dodging any oncoming attacks. However, several of them attacked him from behind, only to swerve quickly when a red and black yo-yo flew through the formation. As Ladybug arrived, she started spinning her yo-yo at ridiculous speeds, creating a shield between herself and the pigeons, quickly switching between hitting the birds and keeping her defense up as she joined Chat Noir.

''Any trace of Pigeon Guy?'' Chat Noir asked. The moment he and Ladybug saw the pigeons flocking above the concert, they knew who was behind it and instantly jumped into action. While Ladybug was helping people getting out of the park, Chat Noir made himself a target for the pigeons.

''No,'' Ladybug replied, using her yo-yo to swat away another pigeon. ''However, I have no doubt he'll show himself. Fortunately, everyone made it out of the park.''

''Well, almost everyone,'' Chat Noir replied, glancing at where Sophie, Claude and Allegra were hiding. Ladybug's jaw dropped when she saw her friends staring back at her, but she quickly focused back on the fight, switching from her yo-yo to her shield and hitting the pigeons with it.

Are they crazy?! They need to get out of here!... And where is Allan?!

''We need to get done with this battle as soon as possible,'' Ladybug said. ''The last thing we need is innocent people getting injured.''

''I completely agree with you,'' Chat Noir smirked, his ring being charged up with dark power. ''Black Hole!''

He held his hands up, forming a black hole above himself and Ladybug, which the pigeons avoided. Ladybug took the opportunity to turn her shield into bug wings and ran out of the shelter Chat Noir had formed, jumping into the air and flying away, with the pigeons following her. Meanwhile, Chat Noir ran over to Sophie, Claude and Allegra, who were still hiding beneath the tree.

''You need to get out of here!'' he told them firmly.

''We can't!'' Claude replied. ''Our friend and his sister are still somewhere here. They said they were hiding behind some bushes.''

''I'll take care of the-'' Before Chat Noir could finish his sentence, his senses kicked into overdrive as he realized something was behind him and quickly turned around, holding up his claws infused with dark energy just as Monsieur Pigeon hit him with a ball of pigeons that had gathered around his arm like some kind of weight. Chat Noir flew backwards, hitting the ground hard.

''Ah, sweet revenge!'' Monsieur Pigeon laughed mirthfully, while Chat Noir glared at him, trying to get up. ''Do you really think a cat like you can overpower an army of pigeons?''

''Actually, I don't have to overpower them,'' Chat Noir said, smirking. ''I just need to be smarter than you.''

''What?!'' Monsieur Pigeon was confused, only to suddenly hear the flapping of countless wings and turning around, his buggy eyes widening when he saw Ladybug flying towards him, followed by the pigeons that had targeted her earlier.

''Chat, now!'' Ladybug yelled, her and Chat Noir locking eyes.

''Black Storm!'' He fired a disc of dark energy at the flock of pigeons that were carrying Monsieur Pigeon. In an attempt to avoid it, the pigeons flew up, only to be met with Ladybug, who dodged them, flying under them. Monsieur Pigeon turned around, freaking out when he saw the imminent collision with the second flock.

''N-No no no no no!'' He waved his arms in panic. The pigeons that had followed Ladybug flew right into the flock that was carrying him, some of the birds colliding and falling down. Monsieur Pigeon lost footing too, only to feel someone grab his arms and looked up, gulping at the sight of a furious Ladybug.

''What the hell was this all about?!'' she yelled at him as he flailed some 10 meters above ground, with Ladybug slowly flying higher and higher. The pigeons that had managed to recover didn't dare to attack her, while on the ground level, Allan and Corinne had managed to get away from their hiding spot and join Sophie, Claude and Allegra, with Chat Noir standing in front of them protectively. However, he knew that Ladybug had everything under control.

''I-I was just trying to get out on the open!'' Monsieur Pigeon replied in panic, staring at the ground, which was growing more distant. Sure, he had no fear of heights, but only when he was the one in control. Currently, he was at Ladybug's mercy.

''That is still no excuse for what you've done!'' Ladybug replied angrily. Admittedly, she had no idea that she'd be strong enough to carry a grown man and she felt quite satisfied seeing the troublemaker getting his comeuppance. It felt kind of ironic.

''Well, it was Papillon's order… Or at least how I interpreted it…'' Monsieur Pigeon suddenly shut his mouth close, realizing he said too much. Ladybug was shocked.

''Papillon?'' she repeated, completely stunned. Her eyes narrowed. ''Wait, you work for someone?!''

''Ah, I'm not saying anything!''

Monsieur Pigeon yelled and started flailing again, with Ladybug barely holding onto him, letting go of one of his arms. Monsieur Pigeon grabbed a bird whistle out of his pocket and blew it, emitting a high-pitched noise that caused the pigeons to get erratic. They started to fly at Ladybug, who attempted to dodge them while still holding onto Monsieur Pigeon. However, the pigeons surrounded her, starting to peck and scratch her, forcing her to let go of the villain in order to protect herself. A huge flock formed below Monsieur Pigeon, catching him before he could hit the ground and flew up at Ladybug's level, who tried to swat them away.

''Now, I'm the one who has the upper hand!'' Monsieur Pigeon laughed, only to hear a faint whistle noise and lose his balance when the flock suddenly moved upwards due to Chat Noir sending another disc of dark energy flying towards them. Ladybug, who had managed to free herself from the birds that had been attacking her, landed on the ground. After regaining his balance, Monsieur Pigeon looked over, growling. ''Not fair! You aren't supposed to attack me while I'm gloating!''

''I don't care!'' Chat Noir yelled back, earning a glare and an annoyed groan from the villain. He then glanced at Ladybug. ''Are you okay?''

''Yeah,'' she nodded. ''Let's take care of him!''

''I'm right behind you,'' Chat Noir replied.

A pair of black energy discs formed in his hands and he fired them at Monsieur Pigeon, who managed to dodge them and turned towards them, wondering what they were up to, only to be suddenly sucker punched by Ladybug, who flew up right in front of him. She managed to land another kick in his gut, while Chat Noir almost caused the flock to scatter again by firing another dark energy disc. Monsieur Pigeon realized that he was in trouble.

''This is not the last time you're going to see me!'' he yelled, holding his hands up and pointing them at Ladybug and Chat Noir in a half-circle motion, while blowing his bird whistle. The pigeons started to fly up and towards Ladybug, who backed away barely able to see anything due to the mess of feathers, beaks and talons. She quickly landed on the ground, joined by Chat Noir, but as they looked up, Monsieur Pigeon was already gone.

''Damn it,'' Chat Noir cursed. Ladybug just sighed, taking off her wings and turning them back into a compact.

''We'll deal with him another time,'' she said.

''Ladybug! Chat Noir!'' The two turned around, only to be joined by Sophie, Allegra, Claude, Allan and Corinne.

''I'm sorry about the concert,'' Ladybug told Corinne, who shook her head.

''It's fine,'' she said. ''I should be thanking you two for saving us,'' she replied.

''Yeah, thanks a lot you two,'' Allan added, grinning.

''Honestly, that was amazing! You two were absolutely fearless!'' Sophie said excitedly. ''Hell, I wouldn't want ever have to be involved in a fight against so many birds.''

''I absolutely agree,'' Claude added. ''That was awesome.''

''It was nothing,'' Chat Noir told the two. Admittedly, he felt a little weirded out being praised by Bridgette's friends – the same people who didn't really have a high opinion of his civilian self and would call him the Ice Prince.

''I wouldn't say it was nothing,'' Allegra replied, looking at Chat Noir and Ladybug. ''Thanks again for saving me and my friends.''

''As Chat said, it was nothing. Saving people is a part of our job and we wanted to let you know that you're safe as long as we're around,'' Ladybug told her. Allegra nodded, with Ladybug turning her attention to Chat Noir. ''We should go now.''

''Yeah,'' Chat Noir nodded and followed her, glancing briefly back to see Bridgette's friends waving at them and saying their goodbyes, with sirens being heard in the distance. However, before the authorities could arrive on the crime scene, he and Ladybug were already on the rooftops. Ladybug leaned against a wall, sighing tiredly.

''Man, this guy is such a nuisance,'' she said, glancing at Chat Noir. ''Although, he did reveal something important. He said someone called Papillon had ordered him to attack us.''

''You mean a butterfly?'' Chat Noir rose an eyebrow. Ladybug shook her head.

''No, I mean that Papillon is how his boss calls himself, something like a codename,'' she replied.

''I see…'' Chat Noir's eyes narrowed as he paused for a moment. ''It is possible that this Papillon is also the boss of the Mime. After all, you did mention how he seemed to be testing us in our past battles.''

''What about Belladonna?'' Ladybug asked. Chat Noir shook his head.

''I don't recall any mention about Papillon in my research about her, so she's probably an independent villain,'' he said.

''I'm not sure whether that's good news or bad news,'' Ladybug said dryly. ''In any case, I don't understand why Papillon would want to get rid of us.''

''Well, if he's indeed the boss of Monsieur Pigeon and the Mime, then heroes like us are probably standing in his way,'' Chat Noir suggested, quickly adding in a serious tone, ''Even though we have no idea what he is planning to do.''

''I guess we'll have to remain vigilant,'' Ladybug said, with Chat Noir nodding.

Just when it seemed like they knew what was going on, they found themselves surrounded by questions.

Chapter 15: Step By Step


This chapter is a bit of a breather, but has a few Brilix and Brichat moments. The Ladynoir stuff is coming in the next chapter and I also assure you that at some point of the story, there will be a Félibug moment.

Also, I totally consider Rock N Roll by Avril Lavigne to be the definitive song that describes Bridgette/Ladybug and Félix/Chat Noir's relationship, especially the chorus part. Although when it comes to the characters individually, I'd say Bridgette's theme song is Confident by Demi Lovato, while Félix's is On My Own by Ashes Remain. If you have an opinion on that, share it with me.

Enjoy! ;3

Chapter Text

Entry 14

Step By Step

''Let 'em know that we're still rock 'n' roll! I don't care about my make-up, I like it better with my jeans all ripped up. Don't know how to keep my mouth shut, you say, ''So what (what)?''. I don't care if I'm a misfit, I like it better than the hipster bullsh*t. I am the mother f*cking princess, you still love it (yeah)! Some some how, it's a little different when I'm with you. You know what I really am all about, you know how it really goes – Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah! Some some way, we'll be getting out of this town one day. You're the only one that I want with me, you know how the story goes – Oh, oh, oh!''

– Rock N Roll by Avril Lavigne


''…have been saved by two supposed superheroes named Ladybug and Chat Noir. According to the sources, these two may have been responsible for stopping the bank robbery by a different perpetrator, whose identity has yet to be uncovered. The police is warning the public to not engage with any of them and to notify the authorities in case they spot any weird activities…''

''This is the worst…'' Bridgette muttered as she walked towards her school, staring at the news broadcast on her smartphone. ''I told myself I would stay away from the spotlight and now something like this happens.''

''I guess you becoming more known as a superhero would happen eventually,'' Tikki noted, popping her head out of Bridgette's backpack. ''Your friends are happy that you saved them, though. That's a good thing, isn't it?''

''I guess it is,'' Bridgette said, shrugging and glanced back at the video, where Corinne was being interviewed about what happened. Considering how Monsieur Pigeon attacked the Fléchette Stars concert, there was no way that this would go unnoticed, even after she and Chat Noir escaped the place. She really disliked the spotlight, but she was glad that Corinne and Allan, who was part of the interview, praised her and Chat Noir. ''Well, now that the public knows about the existence of Ladybug and Chat Noir, I just hope they won't start to demonize us for acting like vigilantes.''

''Even if they do, do you think that the police would really be able to deal with people like the Mime, Monsieur Pigeon, and Belladonna?'' Tikki asked.

''I doubt that,'' Bridgette replied, pocketing her smartphone. She sighed. ''Besides, I have other things to worry about.''

''You mean Félix?'' Tikki asked.

''Yeah,'' Bridgette said, biting her lip. ''I… I just want to apologize to him, but I don't really want to talk to him. I mean, he'll probably think that I'm being obsessive again. To be honest, at this point, I'd rather take on Monsieur Pigeon again rather than deal with Félix.''

''I think that you should trust your intuition and do what you believe is best for both of you,'' Tikki told her in a warm tone. Bridgette smiled, gazing at the kwami for a moment and stopped walking, observing her surroundings. She then spotted a coffee shop. She hit her palm with her fist as she realized what she could do. ''My lucky star shines again!''

''Are you sure it isn't just the Miraculous?'' Tikki asked her in a concerned tone, but Bridgette ignored her, running over to the coffee shop. She did glance at the Ladybug Earrings, noticing a faint gleam coming from them and sighed in exasperation.


Félix yawned as he walked into the classroom, covering his mouth and taking a deep breath. He was too occupied with watching the news broadcast about the attack caused by Monsieur Pigeon to even think about buying his daily dose of coffee. He felt a bit tired and cranky, but what happened last night kept him in a surprisingly good mood. Not only did he have a heart-to-heart conversation with Bridgette, but Ladybug was trusting him again.

So far, so good. Although, I should talk to Ladybug about the news.

Félix spotted Allegra, Allan, Claude, Sophie and Bridgette talking to each other animatedly, assuming the topic was about last night's events. They weren't the only ones, as across the room, Amber was telling Jeanne and everyone who was unfortunately in her vicinity about how she'll be the one to determine whether Ladybug and Chat Noir were good superheroes or not.

''No one is going to be declared a superhero as long as my father is the major of Paris,'' Amber told Jeanne, while everyone else was ignoring her. ''They need to prove themselves first.''

''I think Amber is just jealous that she wasn't yesterday with us,'' Allegra said.

''While it was awesome to have Chat Noir protect us and Ladybug fight Pigeon Man, I still think it's not something we should be proud off. What if we accidentally get in their way and someone gets hurt?'' Claude said, with the rest of the group exchanging glances.

Félix's lips curved into a tiny smile as he overheard them praising him. Admittedly, he didn't care about whether people would consider him a superhero or not, but it was interesting to hear the opinions of others about his alter ego.

''Huh?'' As he was about to sit down, Félix was stunned to see a plastic cup of coffee on his table, with the word ''Sorry'' written neatly across it. He glanced back at Bridgette, caught his eye, her cheeks turning into a deep shade of red, and quickly turned towards Sophie, asking her about more details of what happened last night.

''It's really unfortunate you couldn't come,'' Sophie told her. ''Seeing Ladybug and Chat Noir in action was amazing!''

''I can imagine,'' Bridgette replied, still avoiding Félix's gaze.

Félix was aware that she did not want to see his reaction to the gift, but he was actually really happy about it, even smiling a little when he took a sip of the coffee. To his surprise, it was the bitter taste of black coffee, something he would usually drink every morning to keep himself awake. He wondered whether she knew what he liked to drink or had just guessed.

I assume it was the latter, he thought as he set the cup down and stared at the word ''Sorry''. He knew that he'd have to confront Bridgette today and he wasn't really looking forward to it. Sure, Bridgette may have been comfortable when talking to him while he was Chat Noir, but this was different. She had a crush on his civilian self and was now doing everything in her power, even removing herself to give him some privacy and apologizing in her own way for her seemingly obsessive behavior. He knew that she meant well and that she was a kind person, so the least he could do was to talk to her and figure out the best solution for both of them before things got too awkward.

How am I going to convince her to talk to me? He then glanced down at the Ring of the Black Cat, with a mischievous, Chat Noir-like smirk forming on his lips as the ring. Of course…


It was lunch time and Bridgette was at the locker room, having planned to leave some of her books there. Unfortunately for her, the books somehow slipped through her hands and fell on the floor, scattering across it.

''Why me?'' Bridgette groaned as she started to pick up the books. ''This day can't get worse…'' She then got up, placing the books back into her locker and closed it, only to get startled by the person who was standing right next to it.

''Hey, Bridgette,'' Félix greeted her, leaned against the locker next to Bridgette's, his arms crossed.

''Ehh, F-Félix!'' Bridgette cried out, her ahoge frizzled. ''Wh-What are you… I-I mean, I'm s-sorry for being in your way! I'll leave now!''

''Bridgette, wait.'' Félix stepped in front of her, with Bridgette taking a step back, staring at him anxiously. However, she didn't take in account the backpack she had left on the floor, tripping over it. Fortunately for Bridgette, Félix managed to grab her arm and pull her back before she fell over. Unfortunately for Félix, she fell right into his arm. Félix glanced at the ring, noticing the familiar gleam. This is not what I had in mind!

Meanwhile, Bridgette had her head leaned against his chest, slowly looking up and completely freaking out when she realized what exactly was happening. ''I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean- I'm such a klutz!'' She quickly stepped back, grabbing her backpack and tried to walk past Félix.

''Bridgette, listen, I wanted to talk to you,'' Félix said in hopes of stopping her from leaving. He didn't want to grab her by her arm, as he feared that she might see it as an act of aggression. Bridgette did stop, but she didn't turn around. Félix noticed that she was shaking, her hands clenched into fists so tightly they turned white.

''Félix, I'm so sorry for bothering you, for acting like some obsessive stalker… I didn't mean it. I was so stupid to think that I could… That we…'' she trailed off, feeling as if she was choking. She then turned on her heel and forced a smile. ''But, it's fine. You won't have to worry about me getting into your way anymore, I promise.''

She then quickly turned around, leaving the room. Félix stared at her, his eyes wide, unsure how to even react. He felt something heavy on lying on his chest as he saw Bridgette turning towards him and smiling. Despite the smile, he knew that she was deeply hurt and that she wanted him to be happy regardless of her own feelings.

''Now you made her cry, Kid,'' Plagg said as he popped out of Félix's backpack. Félix groaned.

''You know that I didn't mean to do that,'' he grumbled. ''Also, get back into the backpack before someone sees you.''

''Don't worry, you can just pretend you were talking to yourself,'' Plagg said, smiling mischievously. ''So, what are you going to do about Bridgette?''

''Obviously, I'll find another way to talk to her,'' Félix replied in a matter-of-fact tone. ''Although, I need to first figure out how to approach her without her freaking out. She probably thinks that I'm angry at her or something along those lines.''

''Considering how you always look so grumpy, I'm not surprised,'' Plagg chuckled, while Félix just glared at him.

He then walked away, with the kwami following him, hiding inside his backpack. Fortunately, he knew that there was another way for him to talk to Bridgette. After all, she did invite him to her family's tea shop, didn't she?


''Is it just me or is the Ice Prince staring at you?'' Sophie whispered to Bridgette. She quickly glanced behind her, locking eyes with Félix, who was sitting at the empty table behind them. Her cheeks turned a light shade of red and her ahoge was frizzled as she looked back at her friends, feeling rather stiff and uncomfortable.

''He is,'' Claude muttered as he glanced at Félix, who stared back at the former, his eyes narrowed, then focused on his meal. Claude then turned to Bridgette, with a worried look on his expression. ''Bri, is everything okay?''

''I'm fine,'' Bridgette replied, noticing Claude rising an eyebrow. ''For the most part,'' she quickly added and took a deep breath. ''I have decided I wouldn't pursue him anymore.''

''Really?'' Allegra said, her and the rest of the group giving her a surprised look.

''Yeah, I told him I wouldn't bother him anymore,'' Bridgette said, staring at her plate. ''However, he did approach me earlier. I had figured that he wanted an explanation or something like that. I apologized and left quickly, though.''

''If he keeps bothering you, I'll talk to him,'' Claude offered. Bridgette shook her head.

''It's okay, you don't have to do that,'' Bridgette replied.

''If you say so,'' Claude muttered, still concerned.

''Hello, everyone! How are my favorite people?'' The group looked up, seeing Carmilla approaching their table and grabbing a chair to sit down with them. ''Any interesting gossip?''

''Not really… Say, have you seen the news?'' Sophie asked.

''Oh, you mean Ladybug and Chat Noir battling that pigeon guy?'' Carmilla said, sighing dreamily. ''Too bad I couldn't be part of the experience. I wish I could've met Chat Noir again.''

The group heard loud coughing behind them due to Félix having choked on his drink. He didn't like what he heard. Carmilla just frowned, glaring at him, before turning back to the group with an innocent smile.

''So, anything you guys want to do today after school?'' she asked.

''Well, I'm busy with my project today,'' Sophie told her.

''I promised my grandma to decorate tea shop for the Mid-Autumn Festival,'' Bridgette said.

''Mid-Autumn Festival?'' Carmilla rose an eyebrow.

''It's a big day in my culture,'' Bridgette explained. ''It's all about celebrating family and love. Honestly, I'm excited for it, as my mum is going finally return home.''

''I see,'' Carmilla muttered.

''Not to mention, Bri always brings us mooncakes. They're the best pastries we've ever tasted,'' Claude added. ''Anyways, I'll be also busy today.''

''I was going to hang out with my sister today before she leaves,'' Allan said. Carmilla then glanced at Allegra, who shrugged.

''I have band practice in the afternoon,'' she said.

''I see,'' Carmilla muttered, looking a little disappointed.

''What's wrong? Don't you have some kind of hobby?'' Sophie asked her.

''I do, but that hobby requires me to be in the right mindset and right now everything is off,'' Carmilla replied, leaning against the table. ''I just feel sooooo bored.''

''I'm sure you'll get back into the right mindset eventually,'' Allegra cheered her up. Carmilla simply smiled back.


After lunch, Bridgette and her friends walked over to the gym, with the class showing varying reactions when they found a balance beam in the middle of the gym and the teacher standing next to a climbing rope in the corner.

''Girls, you'll be trying the balance beam today, while the boys are going to climb up the rope and ring the bell on the top,'' the teacher said, holding a notebook.

The class separated into two groups, with the boys being a bit more eager to try out whether they'll be able to climb up the rope, while the girls surrounded the balance beam. For the most of part, the class was just messing around, with some of the guys having a laugh when one just grabbed the rope and pretended to be too tired to climb up. On the girl's end of the, they would just climb up the balance beam and walk across it while trying to maintain their balance, with varying results.

Eventually, it was Bridgette's turn and she climbed on the balance beam. While she was a good runner, she wasn't particularly athletic. Still, she felt quite confident about doing a front somersault on the balance beam. After all, he had been doing stuff like that the whole time as Ladybug and she was sure it would work out.

On the other side of the room, Claude was high-fiving Allan after climbing down as he was one of the few boys who had managed to ring the bell. He was still holding the rope as he spotted Félix, who was leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, probably hoping he wouldn't have to take part in the exercise.

''Hey, Agreste, it's your turn,'' he said, throwing the end of the rope at Félix, who caught it. There was a moment of tension between the two, with Félix eyeing Claude for a moment, before going up the rope and starting to climb.

Admittedly, Félix didn't really care about gym class and he figured that his classmates didn't believe that he was athletic, as none of them knew that he was also taking karate classes, but he still went along with it, feeling that he had to prove himself for some reason. He couldn't explain it, but he felt that, when Claude offered him the rope, it seemed like he was challenging him. So he accepted.

Félix smirked when he reached the top and rung the bell, hanging onto the rope as he looked down. Aside from building some muscle thanks to his karate lessons, there were also the climbing skills he had developed as Chat Noir. However, he knew that he would have to climb down the normal way instead of just jumping and landing like a cat. There were limits to his body when it was out of the suit and he wasn't going to risk any injuries. As he was about to climb down, he glanced at the girls, realizing that it was Bridgette's turn and that she wasn't going to take the safe way by just walking across the balance beam.

What is she up to?

Meanwhile, Bridgette took a deep breath as she stood on the balance beam, with Allegra and Sophie giving her a suspicious look.

''Bri, what are you up to?'' Allegra asked, rising an eyebrow.

''I want to do a front somersault,'' Bridgette said. Before Allegra or Sophie could say anything about this being a bad idea, Amber laughed.

''Oh, please! You are going to do a front somersault?'' Amber said mockingly, with Bridgette glaring at her. ''Cheng, you're someone who trips over her own feet on solid ground. There's no way you'll be able to do a cartwheel, yet alone a somersault.''

Bridgette was annoyed, turning back to the balance beam and deciding to prove Amber wrong. After all, she was Ladybug. She could do anything she wanted as she had luck on her side. Bridgette took another deep breath and leaned forward, managing to place her hands on the beam. However, just as she was about to land on her feet, her legs missed the balance beam and she landed on the heavy gym mats with a solid 'thump'.

''Ow…'' Bridgette felt her whole back hurting her, but not as much as it hurt her hearing Amber laughing at her, with her friend Jeanne laughing alongside her. Sophie and Allegra quickly went over to Bridgette, helping her up.

''Bri, are you okay?'' Sophie asked worriedly. Bridgette just smiled, feeling sore.

''Yeah, yeah, I'm fine,'' she said, managing to stand up. However, she had to wonder why she messed up. What happened? I should've been able to do this without any problem. She glanced at the boys, noticing Félix on the rope staring at her. She felt a sudden rush of warmth in her cheeks.

''How pathetic,'' Amber said as she climbed on the balance beam, drawing everyone's attention. ''I'll show you what an actual somersault looks like!''

She stepped forward and did a somersault, landing on her feet with zero issue. She then turned around and did another front somersault, jumping off the balance beam. The girls stared at her slack-jawed, with the Jeanne being the only exception, as she was grinning.

''That was amazing, Amber! You were great!'' Jeanne praised her friend. Amber grinned.

''Of course I was,'' Amber replied haughtily, pointing at herself. ''Only someone as exceptional as I can do a good performance.''

''Why do I have a feeling that we're missing out on some important information,'' Allegra said in a dry tone, crossing her arms.

''If you must know, Amber was doing gymnastics since young age and has even won a gold medal at a competition,'' Jeanne told Allegra, with Amber looking at Bridgette smugly.

''That's an achievement you can only dream of, Cheng,'' Amber told Bridgette. Bridgette frowned, but didn't reply. She gazed back at Félix, catching his eye, but was unable to read his expression. She lowered her head. Frankly, her day was already bad enough and she didn't need any more humiliation and embarrassment.


''Here we are,'' Félix muttered as he walked up to Dynastie du Lóng, with Plagg hovering beside his shoulder, making sure he was hidden from the passerby. ''I know I messed up at school, but I'm not going to make the same mistake again.''

''Using your bad luck curse on Bridgette to increase your good luck wasn't a bad idea, but I don't think it really helped you much in the long run,'' Plagg commented. ''She was quite anxious today.''

''I know… But this is a confrontation that needs to happen,'' Félix said in a calm tone. ''We can keep avoiding each other, or talk things out.''

''You surprise me, Kid,'' Plagg replied, giving him a teasing look. ''I had no idea you were so desperate to have a conversation with Bridgette.''

''Don't get the wrong idea,'' Félix replied, feeling a little annoyed. Plagg just grinned and flew back into his backpack, with Félix entering the tea shop.

Bridgette was inside the tea shop, hanging up red and golden lanterns with the Chinese character for good fortune written on it. Her grandmother was in the back of the tea shop, sorting out the bags with the tea leaves, leaving her granddaughter in the front. Meanwhile, Tikki was hovering at the stairs leading up to the apartment, waiting for Bridgette to be done.

Why did I fail at the somersault? Bridgette wondered as she placed the lantern and then stepped off the stool. I know I didn't use my good luck charm to nail the landing, but I still messed up. What's going on? Am I cursed or something? She sighed, hearing a ringing and someone entering the tea shop. Maybe it was for the better. After all, my classmates know that I'm clumsy, so suddenly performing tricks like that would be suspicious. Perhaps my good luck charm caused me to fail in order to protect my identity as Ladybug.

''Good afternoon, Bridgette.'' Bridgette froze for a moment and quickly turned around, shocked to see Félix standing in front of her. He took a look at the tea shop, noticing the tables at the corner, then glanced at Bridgette. ''May I take a seat? I was wondering whether I could order something and stay for a bit here. You're open, right?''

''Uh… Y-Yeah, sure!'' Bridgette said, pointing at a table. ''J-Just, go ahead, I-I'll be right back.''

Bridgette then walked behind the counter, grabbing her apron and a notepad, even though she knew she probably didn't need it. She took a deep breath. Focus! Félix is just a customer. There's no reason for you to freak out. She then glanced at Félix, who already took out a book. It was clear that he was going to stay for a while. Gathering her courage, she walked up to him and forced a smile.

''So, what do you want to order?'' she asked, glad that she wasn't a stuttering mess anymore. Still, she couldn't help but wonder why he was here. I thought that he was angry at me. If he wanted to avoid me, why would he come here?

''Do you perhaps have Earl Grey?'' Félix asked, looking up at Bridgette. The latter was a bit stunned by his intense gaze, still being unable to read him.

''Sure,'' Bridgette replied. ''Do you want plain tea or tea with additives in it?''

''I'll take the plain variant,'' Félix replied. Bridgette just nodded and walked back behind the counter, starting to prepare a pot of Earl Grey. Félix turned back to the book he was reading, Journey to the West, well aware that it was only a matter of time before Bridgette noticed it. He may have acted like he didn't care, but he never forgot important details. He then added in a casual tone, ''I hope you don't mind me staying here for a while.''

Bridgette looked up, raising an eyebrow. Admittedly, she had never seen Félix act like that and she was curious about his change in attitude.

''Well, I will have to kick you out if you try staying after closing time,'' she replied in a deadpan tone. To her surprise, Félix just smirked and turned back to his book. When was the last time I saw you smile? After she was done, she placed the cup with piping hot tea on the table in front of Félix. ''Don't burn your tongue.''

''Thank you,'' Félix replied. ''I assume that you were the one who decorated this place. It looks quite nice.''

''Yeah, I did,'' Bridgette replied, noticing the title of the book he was reading as he held it up and rose an eyebrow. Fine! I need the truth right now or else I'll go insane. Her eyes narrowed and she moved the chair, sitting down. ''Félix, why are you here?''

''You asked me to visit your family's tea shop,'' Félix told her, placing down the book. He then took a card out of it, showing it to Bridgette. She realized it was the same card she made for him. ''Besides, you gave me this. I had thought about it and figured that I should talk to you.''

''Seriously?'' Bridgette asked. Whatever anxiety she felt was slowly fading away. ''So, what do you want to talk about?''

''I wanted to apologize for acting like a jerk towards you,'' Félix told her bluntly, taking a sip of tea. Bridgette was stunned. She did not expect this kind of conversation to happen, even though she did welcome it.

''I…'' she paused for a moment, before continuing. ''It's fine. I know you well enough to understand that you're not someone who likes to interact with others, so you can act quite standoffish.''

''I guess that the title Ice Prince was well deserved,'' Félix replied in a dry tone, with Bridgette lowering her gaze. ''Although, I never heard you calling me that.''

''Well, I…'' Bridgette trailed off, with Félix observing her carefully, taking a sip of tea.

''I don't mind the nickname, though,'' he added, lowering the cup back. ''Aside from the apology, there was something else I wanted to talk about.''

''What is it?'' Bridgette asked curiously.

''Bridgette, I know that you have a crush on me,'' Félix said calmly, only to watch, completely baffled, when Bridgette turned red as a tomato, her expression blank and looking like her soul just abandoned her body. ''Uh, Bridgette?''

''Ehh, I-I… How long did you know?!'' Bridgette blurted out in panic, her ahoge standing up, frizzled.

''Since the very beginning,'' Félix replied casually, not understanding why Bridgette reacted like this. He thought that she wanted to confess her crush to him. ''It wasn't that hard to figure it out considering how you behaved around me.''

''This is so embarrassing,'' Bridgette said, her ahoge lowering. She was completely flustered. Félix tilted his head slightly, wanting to ask her why she felt embarrassed when the two suddenly heard Bridgette's grandmother approaching them.

''I see that you have finished decorating the shop,'' Mei said, with Bridgette and Félix turning towards her. Mei eyed Félix. ''I assume that this is the boy you had told me about.''

''Yeah,'' Bridgette said. ''Gran Mei, this is my classmate, Félix Agreste.''

''Good afternoon, Mme. Cheng.'' Félix got up, extending his hand. Mei didn't accept it though, staring at him intensely. Félix sat down, wondering whether he said something wrong. While the stare Mei gave him wasn't on the same level as Gabriel's, he still felt a little unnerved.

''You were the one who gifted my granddaughter an umbrella, right?'' Mei said, surprising both Félix and Bridgette. Félix narrowed his eyes, nodding in acknowledgement.

''I did. I had a spare one with me,'' he replied. Due to his bad luck, he had figured that it would've been better to have two umbrellas on him, just in case one broke. When he saw Bridgette standing in the rain, he took pity on her and decided to just give her the spare one.

''I wouldn't have minded if Bridgette had borrowed it, but giving such a gift is just rude,'' Mei said. Félix turned to Bridgette, looking completely perplexed. Bridgette chuckled as she realized what this was about.

''Gran, please, leave him alone. I told you that he just let me keep the umbrella and besides, he doesn't know the meaning of his action,'' Bridgette replied in an amused tone. ''It's not like it was a birthday or a New Year's gift.''

''Could someone explain to me what I did wrong?'' Félix asked, feeling a little frustrated.

''In Chinese culture, gifting someone an umbrella means that you want to break up with them. You're basically saying that this relationship won't work out and that you want to dissolve it,'' Bridgette explained.

Félix was flustered, not responding to the explanation. Admittedly, they didn't even have a real relationship beyond being acquaintances and even though he was aware of her crush on him, he wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship. He even had slight reservations about being friends with Bridgette, wanting to first see her reaction to his apology before he made his next step. However, as the conversation went on, he realized that he wasn't sure what his next step should be.

If I was Chat Noir, this wouldn't be a problem…

Félix exhaled and stood up, reaching for his wallet and leaving the money on the table to pay for his order. ''I'll be leaving then. I don't want to cause any trouble. Thank you for the tea.''

He then grabbed his backpack and walked towards the door. Bridgette got up, staring at him for a moment, then quickly grabbed the money and walked over to the counter with a determined look on her expression. Félix was already a few buildings away when she ran out of the tea shop, holding a thermos bottle.

''Félix! Félix!''

Félix stopped walking when he heard Bridgette yelling for him and turned around just as Bridgette approached him, gasping for air. She then lifted the red thermos bottle with the black cap.

''You forgot the tea you had payed for,'' she said as she gave him the thermos bottle.

''You didn't have to…'' Félix started, but Bridgette showed both the thermos bottle into his hands.

''It's my personal thermos bottle, so you can return it to me tomorrow at school. I didn't want the tea go to waste,'' she added.

''I… Thank you,'' Félix said in a resigned tone. He knew that there was no way to convince Bridgette that she didn't have to do that.

''I hope that you liked it,'' Bridgette said.

''I did,'' Félix replied, his tone genuine. ''Also, about the conversation…''

''Apology accepted,'' Bridgette told him in a chipper tone, smiling. She then crossed her arms behind her back, adding in a shy tone, ''Does this mean that we could be friends?'' She looked flustered when Félix gave her a pointed look. ''I-I know that our earlier conversation implied something else, but…'' She gave him a determined look. ''I want to be your friend.''

Félix stared at her for a moment in silence, then slowly nodded.

''I'll think about it,'' he said. ''I'll see you tomorrow at school, then.''

''Bye!'' Bridgette waved as Félix left. She felt her heart racing as she turned on her heel, skipping merrily back to the tea shop. However, her walk was interrupted by a red blur who flew bumped right at her, falling into her hands. ''Tikki?''

''I had overheard the conversation between you and Félix at the tea shop and I decided to follow you outside,'' Tikki explained, sitting in Bridgette's cupped hands. ''Is everything okay?''

''Everything couldn't be better!'' Bridgette replied joyfully, then scratched the back of her head. ''Well, it could, but things are going well. Not only is Félix not angry at me, but he actually considers being my friend. Can you believe it?''

''I wonder what has caused that change of attitude,'' Tikki said, sounding a bit suspicious of Félix's intentions. ''He doesn't strike me as the guy who'd just go apologize to people.''

''I know, but I'm sure that his apology was genuine. Besides, if he wanted something from me, he probably would've told me right then and there,'' Bridgette replied, only to place her hands on her cheeks and squeal in glee. ''This is the best outcome I could imagine!''

Tikki smiled, feeling glad for her holder. Still, she couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something odd about Félix.


''Seems like someone is finally starting to develop an emotional attachment to another person,'' Plagg told Félix, holding up the piece of cheese he was eating and floating right next to his holder. ''That is, to a person who isn't Ladybug.''

''Why are you making such a big deal out of this?'' Félix asked, sitting at his desk and consulting the notebook he filled with information about Ladybug. The thermos bottle Bridgette gave him was right next to it, empty. ''I simply misunderstood Bridgette's intentions and apologized to her for my behavior. Even if this leads to us becoming friends, it doesn't mean that I'll suddenly become a social butterfly.''

''Don't take it the wrong way,'' Plagg replied, still having a wide grin on his expression, then added in a more emotional, choked up tone, ''I'm just proud that my lonely grumpy kitty is willing to make new friends.''

''Plagg…'' Félix groaned in a threatening tone, while Plagg just chuckled and ate the rest of the cheese. Félix then sighed. ''Even though I still have my doubts.''

''Trust me, Kid, you're doing fine,'' Plagg cheered him up. ''I think you just need a bit more time to adjust.'' He then grinned mockingly. ''Besides, it's not like making friends with someone is going to make you lose your title of the Ice Prince.''

Despite glaring at the kwami, Félix's lips curved into a small, knowing smile. He then shook his head and stood up. ''We're leaving.''

''Already? Isn't a bit too early for the patrol?'' Plagg asked.

''I still have something to do as Chat Noir,'' Félix explained, closing his notebook and walking upstairs to his private library, hiding it behind the other books. While he knew that Gabriel nor Adeline would comb through his room, he still didn't like the idea of leaving the notebook exposed. He then turned to Plagg. ''Ready?''

''Always!'' Plagg replied excitedly.

Félix lifted his hand, brushing with his fingers across the ring in a swift motion.

''Plagg, transform me!''

Félix got enveloped in a dark light, exiting the mansion as Chat Noir and took a little detour to a familiar tea shop.


''Today was a complete rollercoaster,'' Bridgette said, staring at the cleared floor and taking a step forward, only to withdraw, as if she was testing the ground. While she did fail that front somersault at school, she still wanted to prove to herself that she could do it as a civilian. ''Sure, I embarrassed myself in front of Amber and the rest of my class, but on the other hand, Félix wants to be my friend. That alone makes up for all the bad luck I experienced today.'' She then gazed at Tikki. ''Speaking of which, I don't recall using the good luck charm.''

''I can confirm that you didn't use it,'' Tikki said, crossing her arms. ''Still, it is possible that the Miraculous acted on its own.''

''It is possible,'' Bridgette muttered as she focused again on the floor and her attempt to make a somersault, only to be startled when she heard knocking coming from the hatch and flopping over on the floor. ''Oww… Okay, that hurt.'' While Tikki quickly flew away upon hearing the knocking, Bridgette looked up at the hatch, seeing a familiar face grinning at her. ''Chat Noir?'' She quickly stood up and climbed up the ladder, opening the hatch. ''Chat Noir, what are you doing here?''

''I wanted to take you up on your offer to talk to you whenever I need a another opinion,'' Chat Noir told Bridgette as she walked onto the balcony.

''Sure! What is it?'' she asked curiously.

Chat Noir shuffled for a moment as he tried to figure out how to best formulate the question, then said, ''You see, I used to call Ladybug M'lady, but since she doesn't like that nickname, I had figured out that I should come up with something else.'' His tail swished. ''I asked her whether she would mind if I call her LB, and she agreed to it.'' He crossed his arms and shook his head. ''However, I still feel that I could do better, but the only thing I could come up with is Bug.'' He then gave Bridgette a troubled look. ''Do you think that Ladybug would be okay with me calling her Bug? After all, she tends to call me Chat.''

''Uh, um…'' Bridgette was stunned that Chat Noir was actually asking her something like that. At the same time, she felt flattered that Chat Noir considered her opinion important and was pleased that Chat Noir was putting a lot of thought into respecting her feelings as Ladybug. She placed a hand under her chin, supporting it with her other hand as she thought about it. ''I guess that sounds okay. After all, it is just the shorter version of Ladybug's name.'' She then smiled. ''However, you should ask Ladybug what she thinks about it. After all, this is something between you and her, and I don't even know how she might react to it.''

''Still, I didn't want to risk making a mistake, which is why I asked for your opinion,'' Chat Noir told her.

''I appreciate that,'' Bridgette replied, placing her hands on her hips. ''Now, if I were Ladybug, I don't think I would mind being called Bug. If anything, it sounds like a cuter nickname than M'lady.''

''I see,'' Chat Noir replied, his eyes twinkling as he grinned. ''Thank you for your help, Bridgette.''

''Speaking of nicknames, just call me Bri,'' Bridgette told him, winking at him. ''That's how my friends and family call me.''

''I'll keep it in mind, Bri,'' Chat Noir said, jumping onto the railing and waving at her. ''Have a nice evening!''

''You too!'' Bridgette replied, watching him vanish into the night. She then crossed her arms, feeling quite satisfied. Tikki flew up to her as soon as Chat Noir disappeared, with Bridgette turning to her. ''Things are just getting better and better.''

''It's great that you get to enjoy yourself, but I still think that you should remain careful,'' Tikki told her. ''You never know what fate might throw at you.''

''True, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't take advantage of the situation,'' Bridgette told her, brushing with her hand across her earrings, with Tikki nodding. ''Let's go! Tikki, transform me!''

After being briefly enveloped by a bright red light, Ladybug followed Chat Noir with a wide smile on her expression, excited for what the night had to offered to her.

Chapter 16: Youth Of Today


After a breather chapter, we came across a more fast-paced chapter with a lot of character moments that are setting up many future events.

Also, if you want more information about the characters, you can check my Tumblr account (the link is on the Profile, the username is tenebraevesper).

I hope you'll enjoy it!

Chapter Text

Entry 15

Youth Of Today

''Maybe if you were some spearheaded guy, I would listen to what you have to say. But you're just some incapable figure, thinking you're bigger than me, but you're not. Yet you don't know a thing about the youth of today, stating your opinion making it ring in my head all day. And you say, 'My children weren't the same. My children's children they're the ones to blame'. And you say, 'In my day we were better behaved'. But it's not your day, no more. And we are the youth of today, change our hair in every way. And we are the youth of today, we'll say what we wanna say. And we are the youth of today, don't care what you have to say at all.''

– Youth Of Today by Amy Macdonald


Ladybug was soaring, both in a literal and metaphorical sense, as she leaped from building to building, her path leading her to the Eiffel Tower. Chat Noir was already there, waiting for her. Ladybug knew that she needed to pretend that she had no idea what Chat Noir was up to, but she felt quite excited about her new nickname. It was something so simple, but it meant a lot to her.

''Good evening, Chat Noir,'' she said as she approached him.

''Good evening, Ladybug,'' Chat Noir replied, his ears twitching as he realized that she was in a really good mood. ''How was your day? You seem to be really cheerful tonight.''

''My day was a bit of a rollercoaster, but otherwise, I had a nice experience,'' Ladybug replied. Chat Noir's eyes gleamed.

''That's great to hear,'' he said, scratching the back of his head as he thought about how to formulate his next question. It may have sounded odd for him, but he put a lot of faith in Bridgette's judgement. She had been right about his relationship with Ladybug and he felt that he should trust her, at least a little bit. Let's hope that this works.

''How was your day?'' Ladybug suddenly asked, catching him off guard. Chat Noir shrugged.

''It was normal,'' he replied nonchalantly, his tail swishing as he grinned, a fang poking out of the corner of his mouth. ''I had been thinking about giving you a new nickname.''

''Oh, really?'' Ladybug said, rising an eyebrow and placing her hands on her hips. She knew she had to pretend that she was suspicious of him, but in truth, she was looking forward to the conversation. ''What did you come up with?''

''Would you mind being called Bug?'' Chat Noir asked, smiling sheepishly, his tail swishing as he waited for the answer in anticipation. Ladybug tilted her head, crossing her arms as she thought about it. Chat Noir felt a little anxious as he waited for her answer, his ears drooping. Maybe this was a stupid idea. Maybe I shouldn't have asked her. Maybe…

''I like it,'' Ladybug said suddenly, smiling. Chat Noir immediately perked up.


''Yeah, it's short, to the point and sounds cute,'' Ladybug replied happily, gazing at Chat Noir, who looked quite proud of himself, still grinning like an idiot. ''Anyways, we need to leave. We still have a patrol to complete.''

''I'm right behind you, Bug,'' Chat Noir said, following her across the city.


The patrol was for the most part uneventful and Ladybug realized that it was going to be a slow night. Still, there was a topic she needed to address. As she and Chat Noir leaped on the Louvre Museum building, she turned to her partner.

''Say, Chat, have you seen the news cover for Monsieur Pigeon's attack?'' she asked. Chat Noir nodded, not looking pleased.

''I guess this would've happened at some point,'' he said, crossing his arms. ''We're lucky that we aren't being followed by a bunch of reporters chasing after the big scoop. I'm not going to let a bunch of vultures pry into our superhero and civilian lives.''

''Then we're on the same page,'' Ladybug replied. ''The only other issue I have is someone trying to paint us as dangerous vigilantes. It would only cause unnecessary panic and I don't want to deal with that.''

''You mean, just like a certain comic book character,'' Chat Noir said, smirking. Ladybug managed to only catch the glint in his eyes before he launched into a tirade, '''Who are Ladybug and Chat Noir? They're criminals, I say! A menace to the city! We'll put them on the front page, make them infamous! Wait, what do you mean 'we don't have pictures of Ladybug and Chat Noir'?! You're fired! No, wait, you're un-fired. Put an add on the front page: 'Cash money for a picture of Ladybug and Chat Noir!'. What are you waiting for? A raise?! Get out!'''

By the end of his monologue, Ladybug was laughing out loud. ''That was amazing! You really should consider acting.''

''No, thanks, I don't like the spotlight, but I like making you laugh,'' Chat Noir said, bowing. ''I'm glad that you enjoyed my skit, Bug.''

''You're welcome,'' Ladybug replied, waving him over to follow her as she leaped off the Louvre Museum and onto another building. ''It's a surprisingly peaceful night.''

''Let's hope it'll last…'' Chat Noir said, giving her a playful look. ''Maybe we could spend some alone time together.''

''Aren't we spending a lot of alone time already?'' Ladybug asked sarcastically. Still, the gaze she gave him was one of amusem*nt rather than annoyance. Chat Noir knew that she wasn't angry at him, but he wasn't going to test her patience. She had made it clear how she felt about his flirtatious nature and she would fight back if necessary.

Still, he had to try. He needed to remove his curse. Fortunately, he had the whole night for that.


Claude stared at the ceiling of his room, lying on his bed and holding a basketball. His eyes narrowed as he remembered Bridgette's somber gaze when she had told him that she wouldn't be pursuing Félix anymore. While he was glad that she gave up on him, as he didn't understand why she would crush on someone who would never return her feelings, he still felt sorry for her.

It also irked him that after Bridgette had started to avoid Félix, he had suddenly decided to talk to her. If he really wanted to avoid Bridgette, why would he put an effort into approaching her? What was his deal anyways? Was he still angry at her and decided to stalk her? Admittedly, Claude couldn't imagine Félix acting like that, but on the other hand, he didn't even know the guy well enough to know how he'd act.

If there is one person who'd know Agreste, it's Bridgette. Claude closed his eyes, seeing an image of Bridgette smiling. She was the only one who put effort into getting to know him, despite his refusal to engage. Even Allegra, who was the class president and kept tabs on everyone, nor Sophie, who had been interested in the Agreste brand due to her hobby as a fashion designer, had any luck with him.

Claude sighed, opening his eyes and threw the basketball up, catching it. He frowned.

I know that Bri told me she had everything under control and not to worry, but I can't bear seeing her like this any longer. If I don't interfere, things might get only worse for her. Claude felt something something constricting his chest as he remembered the times Bridgette was trying to smile and tell him that she was fine, only to break down crying because she couldn't handle being bullied anymore. He hated himself for not being able to help her at the time and had promised to himself to never let Bridgette get hurt.

I'll have to talk to Agreste tomorrow for Bri's sake.


Claude was walking towards school, having spent a good chunk of the night preparing his speech for his confrontation with Félix. He had hoped that this would prevent Félix from bothering Bridgette. To his surprise, instead of encountering a dejected Bridgette at the school gate, she was happily talking to Allan, acting as if yesterday's events had never happened.

''Hey, Bri! Hi, Allan!'' Claude greeted them. ''How are you two doing?''

''I feel great today,'' Bridgette replied in a chipper tone. Claude observed her carefully, searching for the familiar shadow that would cover her face whenever she pretended she was fine. Curiously, there was nothing.

''I'm fine,'' Allan replied. ''I was just telling Bridgette how Cori and her bandmates left today for Lyon.''

''I hope that you two got to hang out for a bit,'' Claude told Allan, who nodded. ''Speaking of which, thanks once again for the tickets.''

''No problem,'' Allan replied.

''Hey, guys!'' Allan, Bridgette and Claude turned around, only to see Allegra and Sophie approaching them. ''Has any of you seen Carmilla? She told me she'd meet me up here.''

''No, we haven't,'' Allan replied, taking a quick glance around as more and more students started to walk into the school building. ''Maybe she is already inside?''

''It is possible,'' Allegra muttered with a huff. ''Although, I thought she'd be here…''

''We should also go. The classes are going to start soon and I don't want Mme. Cartier get on our case for being late,'' Sophie reminded them.

The group agreed and made their way over to the entrance when they suddenly heard a loud clatter behind them, as if someone had kicked a can. They turned around, only to see Félix picking up a thermos bottle that had fallen out of his backpack. He looked up, realizing he drew their attention and, without showing any reaction, walked up to Bridgette and gave her the thermos bottle.

''Thank you for the tea,'' he quickly added, walking past them and into the school. Bridgette blinked, but then smiled.

''You're welcome!'' she yelled after him, with Félix wincing and quickening his pace. Bridgette kept grinning as she placed the thermos bottle back into her backpack and glanced her her friends. Her ahoge stood up in confusion when she saw all of them glaring at her. ''Uh, guys? What's wrong?''

''Girl, didn't you tell us yesterday that Félix hates you? What was this all about?'' Sophie burst out. Bridgette gave them a sheepish look, scratching the back of her head.

''Well, I guess I forgot to tell you that it was all a misunderstanding on my part,'' she explained. ''Félix appeared yesterday at the tea shop and told me that he just wanted to apologize for acting like a jerk.''

''Really? Félix?'' Allegra rose an eyebrow, staring at Bridgette in disbelief. ''The Ice Prince?''

''Who would've thought,'' Allan said, just as surprised as everyone else.

''Are you sure that he didn't have some ulterior motive?'' Claude asked, not really believing that Félix would sincerely apologize to Bridgette. Bridgette stared at him for a moment.

''He was genuine in his apology,'' she replied. Claude fell silent, contemplating his decision, only for Allegra to draw their attention.

''Guys, we need to go,'' she told them, holding open the door.

''Right,'' Claude said as they all walked towards their classroom. It hadn't rung yet, but most of the students were already there. Claude sat next to Allan, briefly glancing at Félix, who was sitting alone at the row across him, right after Bridgette and Sophie. He busied himself with reading a book until the teacher arrived. Claude then gazed at Bridgette and Sophie, who were excitedly chatting about something, feeling the worry rising inside him.

She is not going to give up on him, is she?


''Gran Mei said that the mooncakes are going to be especially delicious this year. She even made one for display at the tea shop,'' Bridgette told Sophie excitedly. They had a break, and Bridgette decided to continue her conversation from earlier. ''However, what I'm most excited about is the family reunion. Mum had stayed in London the entire summer due to work, but she finally got some time off to visit us. She had also promised to bring candied fruit. Also, I can't wait for us to work on our traditional family lantern.''

''I'm really happy for you,'' Sophie said, smiling at her friend's excitement. ''I just hope you'll have clear weather for the celebration. You did tell me that the Mid-Autumn Festival involves dinner under moonlight.''

''Yeah, and then Gran Mei tells us the story about Chang'e and her husband Hou Yi, and we try to find Chang'e's shape on the sky,'' Bridgette added. ''I always loved the story part and how my grandmother tells it, especially considering how, despite drinking the immortality elixir, Chang'e still choose to live on the moon to be closer to Hou Yi.''

''You know, the story does sound a bit tragic to me,'' Sophie said. ''In a situation where you can choose to be murdered or drink an elixir of immortality and give up the life you loved so your murdered won't take it, it must've been a tough choice. Not that she really had a choice under those circ*mstances.''

''Maybe her story is tragic, but I pray that mine won't end the same,'' Bridgette said, winking at Sophie. Her friend just sighed in exasperation, well aware of what Bridgette meant.

Unknown to them, Amber and Jeanne had overheard the conversation, but Amber was too busy showing something to Jeanne on her smartphone.

''The restaurant my parents had chosen is the best of the best, top class!'' she said loudly, hoping to be overheard by her fellow classmates, especially Bridgette. ''The chef my mother hired had actually worked in high-class restaurants in France, Italy, Spain and Great Britain. I had actually checked some of his specialties and the dishes he makes are to die for.'' She smirked, glancing at Bridgette and sneered, ''Certainly better than stupid mooncakes.''

''Oh, I wish I could join you for dinner,'' Jeanne told Amber in awe, but the latter didn't respond. Instead, she frowned when she realized that Bridgette wasn't paying any attention to her and was completely focused on her conversation with Sophie. She huffed, crossing her arms and turned to Jeanne, only to be startled by a notification on her smartphone.

She read the message, her eyes widening in shock. Jeanne gave her a worried look.

''Amber, are you okay?'' she asked, while Amber felt her blood boil.

''No, I'm not!'' Amber snapped, growing more frustrated when she suddenly heard Bridgette laugh at something. She stomped over to her desk, taking out a piece of paper and folding it into a plane, writing the words ''SHUT UP!'' on it, then pointed it right at Bridgette and threw it when she nor Sophie were looking.

Smirking, she observed as the plane flew across towards Bridgette, hoping that it would hit her right in her head and stay stuck in her hair. Unfortunately for Amber, her paper plane suddenly veered off its intended direction, doing a loop and hitting Amber straight in the head, getting tangled in the strands of her ponytail. Jeanne, who saw the whole thing, tried to say something, but Amber held up her hand.

''Don't say anything!'' she growled through her gritted teeth and left her desk, grabbing the paper plane and throwing it in the bin as she left the classroom. Even though most of her shanenigans went unnoticed, she still felt humiliated and she needed to get away from Bridgette's presence. She stopped in the corridor, taking out her smartphone and re-read the message again.

''Dear Ashley, I have another appointment today and I'll be having dinner with my client instead with you and your father. I hope you don't mind that I'll be using the family reservation for this, as this meeting is really important to me. I told your father to buy you something nice instead. For example, you could finally replace that cheap-looking necklace with something nicer. Mother knows best!''

Feeling enraged, Amber wanted to throw her smartphone away, but decided against, aware that damaging it wouldn't fix the situation. She was looking forward to this family dinner, as both of her parents barely had any time for her, this being the first time they did something together in the past two months, and now it was ruined. The fact that Bridgette kept on bragging about her own family dinner didn't help.

''Who does she think she is? Cheng thinks she's so much better just because her mother is going to visit her,'' Amber grumbled, fuming, only to hear a snort from behind her. She turned around, surprised to see the same girl she encountered when she had lost- correction, someone stole her bracelet and placed it in her locker.

''What are you smiling for?'' Amber confront her.

''Nothing,'' Carmilla replied, leaned against the wall, her arms crossed on her chest. ''I was just enjoying the show.'' She smirked. ''Although, maybe I should be worried. People say that talking to oneself might be a sign of a mental illness.''

Amber glared at her, wanting to respond, but she didn't have a good comeback aside from 'I'm not crazy!'. Instead, she huffed, pretending that Carmilla was beneath her. Still, it didn't appear that Carmilla was going to give up so easily.

''I heard you mentioned Bridgette. Do you have any beef with her?'' Carmilla asked.

''That's none of your business,'' Amber snapped.

''I'm friend with Bridgette and if someone has a problem with my friends, they have a problem with me, capisci?'' Carmilla told Amber, who just glared at the latter. ''I don't really like people like you, people who think they're above everyone and everything. Your kind needs to get knocked down a peg.''

''Like I could give a damn about what someone like you thinks about me,'' Amber replied angrily.

''Of course you don't, but that's the beauty in it.'' Carmilla gave her a sinister grin. ''You become unaware of whatever threat looms over you, unaware of who your real friends are… if have any.''

Something in Carmilla's tone sent chills down Amber's spine. She had already suspected that the girl was up to no good when she saw her just appearing out of nowhere when she and Allegra searched her locker for her bracelet, but now, she was sure that Carmilla had it out for her. Still, she had no evidence that she was threatening her. It wasn't a crime to dislike someone and so far she hadn't said anything that would be considered alarming. Even though Amber's father was the mayor of Paris and she liked to use his position to get whatever she wanted, she understood that this wasn't something her father could help her with. It was quite frustrating.

''Carmilla!'' Both Carmilla and Amber turned around, seeing Allegra approaching them breathlessly. Amber noticed Carmilla's expression changing from contempt to joy. ''I was searching for you.''

''I'm so sorry! I actually wanted to meet up with you, but I came today late to school,'' Carmilla replied in such a sweet and apologetic tone that made Amber gag.

''What did you want to talk about?'' Allegra asked, with Carmilla grabbing her hand and pulling her away from Amber.

''Oh, I was just thinking about how to deal with my boredom and I came up with something interesting,'' Carmilla replied, glancing at Amber over her shoulder. She smirked, her eyes narrowing. ''You know, something to keep myself and others on our toes.''

Despite the fact that Carmilla was still talking to Allegra, Amber had the uncanny feeling that her speech was also partially directed towards her. She shuddered.


Félix was at the locker room, picking up the books he needed for to bring home. So far, the day passed without any incident. Even Bridgette, who would smile at him whenever they locked eyes, kept her distance. Félix wasn't really sure what to make of it, as he expected her to start approaching and following him around, but from what he had heard, Bridgette was too excited about the arrival of her mother to pay any attention to him.

I suppose that's a good sign.

He placed the last book into his briefcase backpack, having spotted Plagg being soundly asleep in a pocket inside it, and put it around his shoulder. However, before he could even make a step further, he was blocked, not by Bridgette, but by Claude out of all people. Félix rose an eyebrow as he saw his fellow classmate, wondering silently what Claude wanted from him. He knew that Claude didn't like him and that it had to do with Bridgette's crush on him, but he still wasn't sure what reasons Claude would have for confronting him out of blue.

''Hey, Agreste,'' Claude greeted him.

''What do you want from me Savard?'' Félix asked. If he was going to waste time talking with Claude, he didn't want the latter to dance around the issue and tell him outright what was bothering him. Claude stared at him for a moment, seemingly contemplating his next move and, with a sharp exhale, stepped up.

''I wanted to talk to you about Bridgette,'' he told Félix. The latter crossed his arms, not showing much of a reaction. He had already anticipated that Bridgette might get mentioned in this conversation. ''I don't really know what's going on between you two, besides what Bri had told me…''

''What did Bridgette tell you?'' Félix asked. His expression or voice didn't betray any emotion, but he had to admit that he was curious. Sure, it wasn't that hard to overhear Bridgette's conversations with her friends, since he was sitting right in front of her, but he figured that he didn't hear everything.

''She had told me that you two had a misunderstanding and that you apologized for acting like a jerk,'' Claude replied, giving Félix a scrutinizing look. Félix recognized it, being the same type of gaze Gabriel would give him whenever he suspected that Félix was up to something or thought he was lying. He didn't say anything, though, with Claude continuing, ''I'm not sure what you're up to, or whether you're being honest, but there's one thing you should know – if you ever hurt Bridgette, you'll have to deal with me.''

''Is that supposed to be a threat?'' Félix remarked, completely unperturbed by Claude's statement.

''No, it's a warning,'' Claude told him. ''If you cause trouble…''

''…you'll be there to stop me?'' Félix cut him off. Not leaving room for Claude to reply, he added, ''Since when do you decide what is best for Bridgette? Have you even told her that you want to confront me?''

''N-No, I didn't,'' Claude stuttered, his tone resigned. However, it lasted for a moment, as he gave Félix a determined look. ''I'm not the one who decides what is best for Bridgette, but I will not hesitate to protect her if necessary.''

''You sound like an overprotective boyfriend,'' Félix said bluntly, carefully observing Claude's reaction. Claude's eyes widened at the accusation, but then he frowned, clenching his fists.

''Try overprotective brother.''

Félix stared at Claude for a moment, his gaze intense. He never really thought of Claude as someone who'd go out of his way to confront him. Sure, the looks he gave him were a sign of hostility, but he ignored him. He didn't know why Claude was so protective of Bridgette, but he assumed that it had to do with some past event that forced him into action. Frankly, he didn't even plan on getting involved in Bridgette's life and only recently had he started considering her offer of friendship. He still wasn't sure how to approach the situation, but he wasn't going to let anyone tell him what he should do.

''What happens between me and Bridgette is our problem, not yours,'' Félix told Claude coldly, leaving the room. Surprisingly, Claude didn't bother to stop him. Despite a lack of reaction, Félix knew that Claude would keep an eye on him.


''I was informed by Adeline that your teachers have issues with your homework,'' Gabriel said his eyes narrowing as he observed his nephew. Much to Félix's annoyance, his uncle had managed to find time for them having dinner. ''What is going on?''

''I don't know,'' Félix replied, trying sound as indifferent and emotionless as possible.

''Perhaps, it would be better if I returned you back to homeschooling,'' Gabriel said. ''At least your tutors were professionals and reliable.''

''I'm sure that those issues will be sorted out,'' Félix replied, standing up. He did not want to spend another second around Gabriel. ''I'll be in my room.''

He walked up towards the door, only to freeze when Gabriel rose his voice.

''Adeline had also mentioned that your teachers observed your lack of social interaction.'' Gabriel's voice was like icy water washing over Félix. The teenager turned around, facing his uncle. Gabriel stood up, walking over to his nephew, his hands on his back. ''You do remember what I had told you about making social connections, don't you?''

Félix nodded, but didn't answer. Instead, his eyes flicked down as he tried to avoid his uncle's intense stare. Somehow, Gabriel always managed to make him feel like he was nothing, like he didn't deserve to be here. He was unwelcome and the only reason Gabriel even considered letting him stay was because Félix was his late sister's son. Gabriel kept staring at Félix in silence, before turning around and taking a few steps forward, then stopped.

''Creating connections with someone else on an emotional level will only hinder you,'' Gabriel said, his eyes flickering briefly towards Félix. ''Keep that in mind when you seek support. Unless the other person has something to offer, they're otherwise useless.''

''Understood, sir,'' Félix muttered in defeat, observing his Gabriel leaving the room. Once he was gone, he felt like he could breathe again. The whole room was ice-cold and he hated every second he had to spend inside it.

Quickly returning to his room, he was met by a familiar black cat followed by a strong scent of cheese bumping into his chest and flying up, pressing his tiny paws against his cheeks. ''You took so long, Kid!''

''Uncle Gabriel wanted me to attend dinner with him,'' Félix replied, feeling slightly irked. He really didn't like to be touched, especially in the face, but he let it slide. Plagg flew over to his shoulder, sitting on it and grinning.

''Then we should just leave,'' he said. ''Trust me, Kid, the fresh air will do you good and help you clear your head.''

''I know,'' Félix replied, holding up his hand with the ring as Plagg flew up to him. ''Plagg, transform me!''


''Perhaps, this will do,'' the jewelry store manager said, pointing at a beautiful necklace with tiny diamonds encrusted into it. Amber scoffed, crossing her arms as her exasperated father gave her a defeated look.

''Amber, my sweet child, we've been searching for the perfect necklace for hours. We looked at most jewelry stores and even online and you rejected every single one. Please, tell me what exactly you want,'' André Bourgeouis pleaded tiredly. He was fairly certain that his daughter inherited her stubbornness and taste for fine jewelry and clothes from her mother, Audrey, making it quite difficult to satisfy her whenever he was out buying gifts for her. Amber groaned, turning to her father.

''None of these necklaces are what I want!'' she replied. ''They all look tacky!''

André stiffened, giving the manager an apologetic look. The manager, who was also exhausted, just shrugged tiredly. Amber glanced down at the necklace she was already wearing, a golden necklace with a heart-shaped locket, and frowned, her hand clasping around the locket. Despite what her mother had told her and despite visiting numerous jewelry stores, she didn't want to replace her favorite necklace with an another one. She didn't want another shiny gift that had zero meaning to her.

''I'm leaving!'' she said in a haughty tone, walking out of the jewelry store and into the dark street. It was late in the night, with street lamps illuminating the front of the store. She took out her smartphone, wanting to vent her frustrations out by sending Jeanne a message, not knowing that someone was observing her.

She cried out when someone grabbed her suddenly from behind, placing their hand over her mouth in order to prevent her from screaming. Her smartphone fell out of her hands as she wiggled, trying to escape the person's grip, the screen shattering on the floor.

''Da-, hel-ugh m-!'' Amber tried to scream, seeing her father's bodyguard running out of the car. Her father, who had been apologizing to the manager, had also noticed what was going on, gasped in shock. The person who was holding her suddenly removed their hand from Amber's mouth and pointed it at the bodyguard, with Amber seeing the shadow of a gun on the nearby wall. The person fired at the bodyguard, hitting his right arm and causing him to collapse on the ground, bleeding. Amber froze as the person, a man dressed as a mime, slung her over his shoulder and ran. A moment later, she realized that she was being kidnapped and screamed as loud as she could, ''HELP ME!''

Amber could hear her father yelling for her, but at this point, the Mime ran into another alley, one that was devoid of people and continued running. After he entered another street, he placed Amber on the ground and started wrapping an invisible rope around her, tying her up. After the initial shock passed, Amber looked up at the Mime, still processing her situation.

''What do you want from me?! If it's money, Dad will pay anything! He's the mayor of Paris, after all!'' she told the man, but the Mime ignored her. Instead, he looked up at the sky, as if waiting for something. Amber wondered if he assumed that they were being followed. Either way, the situation didn't look good for her. She noticed him miming something again and glanced at the shadow beside her, realizing that it was a crossbow. What is he doing?!

Suddenly, something leaped out of the darkness, with the Mime firing at them. To his shock, it was a shield made out of bug wings that were flapping at high speeds.

''Chat, now!''

The Mime gritted his teeth as Chat Noir leaped from the building above him. At the same time, Ladybug emerged from a corner, picking up her shield and running towards him. The Mime made a snap decision and turned to Ladybug, forming a hammer in his hands and swinging at her.

''Black Storm!'' Chat Noir fired at the same moment Ladybug dodged Mime's attack and grabbed Amber, turning her shield back into a yo-yo and using it to swing up at the building.

''Ladybug!'' Amber gasped as the superheroine placed her on the ground, trying to undo the rope. ''I- How did you-?''

''A superhero is always on alert,'' Ladybug told her as the two were approached by Chat Noir, who infused his claws with dark energy and cut cleanly through the rope.

''You're lucky we were on patrol nearby,'' Chat Noir told her, giving Amber a cheeky grin. ''Although, that scream probably awoke half of Paris.''

''Well, that was the idea!'' Amber snapped back, overcoming her initial shock. ''I was hoping that you would hear me.''

Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged knowing grins, with Amber giving them a suspicious look. Still, despite her aggressive attitude earlier, she was thankful that they saved her. Unfortunately for the three, the battle was far from over. Chat Noir's ears twitched as he heard a metallic sound, him and Ladybug stepping in front of Amber protectively. They realized that the Mime used a grappling hook to climb the building and once he was on the roof, he formed another hammer. Ladybug grabbed her compact and turned to Amber.

''Stay behind us and don't engage. We'll deal with the Mime,'' she said. Amber stared at Ladybug, but then nodded and quickly got as far away from the two superheroes as possible, finding a hiding spot behind a ventilator. Ladybug then turned to Chat Noir. ''Let's take him down as quick as possible.''

''I agree,'' Chat Noir replied, infusing his claws with energy, while Ladybug turned her compact into a staff.

Both of them charged at the Mime, with Chat Noir going first, attempting to slash at the Mime, only to be met with a swing of the villains hammer. However, before it could connect, Ladybug appeared, blocking the hammer with her staff and allowing an opening for Chat Noir. He gathered energy in his palm, punching straight into the Mime's chest and knocking him away.

Amber peeked out of her hiding spot at the action that was going on, awed by Ladybug and Chat Noir's teamwork against the Mime. The villain managed to get up, throwing the hammer at the two, only to reveal that it was attached to a chain and swung it. Chat Noir, who was standing next to Ladybug, got hit, while Ladybug evaded the attack.

''Chat!'' She knelt beside him, with Chat Noir getting up.

''I'm fine, Bug,'' he replied and turned his attention towards the Mime, who was spinning the hammer attached to the chain, grinning. He then threw the hammer once again at them, but Chat Noir was quicker.

''Black Hole!'' He extended his arm, forming a black hole in front of him, the hammer disappearing right into it, much to the Mime's shock. Chat Noir closed his palm, which also closed the black hole, allowing Ladybug an opening as she swung her yo-yo and wrapped it around the Mime's legs and pulling back in order to cause him to fall. However, he managed to quickly form another crossbow, firing at her. Ladybug easily avoided the arrows, but a stray one almost hit Chat Noir hadn't it been for his cat-like senses.

Meanwhile, Amber realized that the battle was slowly escalating and, considering she had no superpowers, she was the one who'd most likely get injured. She crawled out of her hiding spot and went towards the entrance to the rooftop, but as she turned around to make sure nobody was following her, she caught a brief glimpse of the shadow of an arrow flying straight towards her.

''Watch out!'' Before she could even scream, Ladybug was right in front of her, with her shield open and protecting her from the arrow. She glanced back at her. ''Are you okay?''

''Yeah!'' Amber breathed, feeling a little dazed due to all of the adrenaline pumping through her body. ''Does this happen often?''

''You have no idea,'' Ladybug replied, focusing back on the Mime, who was fighting Chat Noir in hand-to-hand combat.

Despite the fear of his bad luck acting like a hindrance, he managed to stand his ground, dodging Mime's attacks nimbly and landing another kick in the gut. The Mime stumbled, and formed another hammer, swinging at Chat Noir. He somersaulted backwards, avoiding the attack, with Ladybug leaping at the Mime and swinging her staff at him, knocking him over the building. The Mime managed to hold onto the edge of the building, though, glaring back at both Ladybug and Chat Noir. They all suddenly heared sirens, with the Mime letting go of the edge. However, he stayed afloat in mid-air, with a jet pack-like device attached to his back and left.

Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged glances, both of their expressions revealing that they wouldn't be following the Mime. They were both exhausted from the battle and they weren't going to deal with more than necessary.

''You're safe now,'' Ladybug told Amber as she approached them. ''I hope the Mime didn't harm you.''

''Well, none of my nails are broken and my hair is just a little messed up, so call it mission accomplished,'' Amber told her in a haughty tone, with Ladybug and Chat Noir giving her a pointed look. They did not believe that she would be this nonchalant after such an attack. It appeared that Amber had caught on what they were thinking, as she added, ''Thank you for saving me!''

''You're we-'' Ladybug was about to reply when Amber smiled, grabbing her hand, her eyes wide in awe.

''I want to also say that that was absolutely amazing! You totally showed that villain who the boss is without breaking sweat!'' Amber said in awe. ''You're really exceptional!''

''Uh, I… It's not that of a big deal… I was fulfilling my duty as a superhero, and besides, Chat Noir also deserves credit,'' Ladybug replied. Amber turned to Chat Noir, giving him a brief gaze and nodded.

''You did also well,'' she said. Chat Noir's ears and tail lowered as he realized who was Amber's favorite out of the two. Still, he didn't care that Amber was fangirling over Ladybug, as he didn't want the attention.

''I wonder why the Mime has targeted you, though,'' Chat Noir said. He exchanged glances with Amber and Ladybug, who also realized that they were left with some unanswered questions.

''It's probably the same thing as with Monsieur Pigeon,'' Ladybug said, glancing at Amber. ''These people want to fight us and in order to draw us out, they attack crowded places, like the concert or kidnap a high-profile person, like the daughter of the mayor of Paris.''

''Well, I'm glad that I'm at least important for something,'' Amber grumbled in a snarky tone, only to raise an eyebrow as she thought about something. Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged glances, both aware that this was something that they would have to discuss at some point, but now, they just wanted to bring Amber back to her father safely.


''You heard that right! I was kidnapped by this villain, the Mime, but luckily, Ladybug and Chat Noir saved me,'' Amber told the group of people who had gathered around her. It was the morning after the fight with the Mime and Amber was telling Jeanne what had happened to her. Word had spread and more people gathered around Amber, wanting to hear her story. The only exceptions were Bridgette and Félix, who remained in their seats as they could hear Amber's story from afar due to how loud she was. Instead, Bridgette was focused on distributing the mooncakes among her friends, while Félix was reading a book.

I guess I should add Amber to my list of topics I need to discuss with Ladybug, Félix thought as he flipped the page. Last night, he and Ladybug departed quickly, without having their usual conversation, so Félix hoped he would make up for it today. He also had other issues he needed to deal with, like Bridgette's offer to be his friend, Claude's warning and what Gabriel had told him.


Félix looked up, seeing Bridgette holding a small plastic bag with mooncakes inside them, the top wrapped neatly with a red bow. She smiled as she placed it on his desk, not even waiting for a 'Thank you!' from Félix. The teenager looked down at the mooncakes, noting how this was the first time he ever tasted a pastry like that. However, before he could even take a bite, he heard a smartphone ring behind him, realizing that it was Bridgette's. He turned his head towards her as she took her smartphone out, reading the message.

She looked like she was in shock at first, her eyes wide as she re-read the message. Her ahoge then drooped and she lowered her head, her bangs hiding her eyes, placing the mooncakes on her table quietly and leaving the classroom. Félix looked around, realizing that his classmates were too distracted by Amber to even notice that Bridgette was gone. Well aware that he might regret it, he followed Bridgette, wondering what kind of message she would get to make her so upset. He found her in the locker room, hearing her talking to someone on the phone. He leaned against the lockers that separated them, making sure that Bridgette didn't see him.

''Mum, you promised…'' Bridgette pleaded. Félix realized that she was probably talking to her mother. ''It's Mid-Autumn Festival, you know that today is the day when the family gathers. Why couldn't you-'' She fell silent, listening to her mother. ''I-I see… There is nothing that can be done…'' She bit her lip, her eyes tearing. ''N-No… I understand that it's an emergency, but I-I had hoped to see you again…'' She was silent once again. ''O-Okay… I-I'm not crying… No, I'll be fine, I promise… Bye.''

Bridgette cancelled the call, leaning against the locker. Tears started trailing down her cheeks as she sobbed. Her knees weakened, forcing her to sit down as she cried in frustration. She had no idea that Félix was standing on the other side, behind the lockers, listening to her crying. Even though he heard only one side of the conversation, he realized Bridgette's mother was probably unable to return home for the holiday, causing Bridgette to break down crying. While he had no idea about Bridgette's family situation, he understood well how it felt when a loved one wasn't able to return home.

In spite of his better judgement, he remained standing in the locker room, listening to Bridgette sobbing. He didn't want to reveal himself, but he didn't want to leave her alone either. A part of him, the more nonsensical side, had hoped that his unseen presence might bring her comfort, as it was his own way of telling her that she wasn't alone. He knew that it was stupid.

Neither of them were aware of the dark clouds gathering outside.

Chapter 17: The Storm


I gotta admit, this chapter could've been much longer, so I had to cut out some stuff.

Still, I hope you'll enjoy it. Note that this is a more emotion-heavy chapter, with some difficult topics that will be explored later on.


Chapter Text

Entry 16

The Storm

From behind the blue mist that makes one lost within, echoing voices sing a requiem for the living. They were seeking the faraway spirit that dwells within words for salvation from the meaning of 'blurry visions' and 'flowing tears'. The half moon illuminates the darkness; with its light that streamed in through me, it melts my heart that has been closed tight by the bewitching fear. If it comes near and embraces me, whispering a red-dyed prayer as if telling me to give in, then I would feel it instantly. The noise stopped the time, the feeling of its touch disappeared from me, I bid farewell to my future that was frightened in the shadows. Now, the spirit that dwells within words, seemingly giving in, was trembling...''

– Confutatis no Inori (Prayer of Silence) by Corpse Party Blood Covered: ...Repeated Fear


Bridgette was in her room, leaned against the pillow, head resting on her knees. She was exhausted, having just finished dinner with her grandmother and told her she would go to sleep early. However, she couldn't sleep, as she had to go on a patrol. But, the issue were the big droplets of rain pounding against her window and hatch above her bed, and the wind howling like crazy.

''I need to go…'' Bridgette muttered, despite the storm outside. She felt hollow, wanting to simply focus on the next thing she needed to do. Tikki flew up to her, preventing her from getting up.

''Wait, you can't go outside during such weather!'' Tikki told her. Bridgette gave her a tired look, her eyes red and puffy. She was still shaking. Tikki gave her a sad look. ''Bri…''

''I'm fine, Tikki, I can do this…'' Bridgette replied feebly, getting up, but Tikki interrupted her.

''Bri, I know you're sad because your mother couldn't make it, but you don't have to bottle up your feelings. Even your grandmother saw that you weren't in mood to celebrate anything or even talk,'' Tikki said. She nuzzled Bridgette. ''I understand that you miss your mother, you don't have to hide it…''

Bridgette closed her eyes, lowering her head. She felt like something was choking her, like a heavy stone was placed on her chest and she couldn't breathe. She hated that her mother, Aletta Cheng, couldn't return from London after spending months at work. She had promised her that she would return for the family gathering, but her company had denied her a free day by giving her a deadline for an important project. She told her she would be stuck there for at least another month.

As if she wasn't buried enough into her work… Bridgette didn't blame her mother for the company's actions, but she felt bitter for being unable to spend time with her.

It also didn't help that her mother had changed since the incident that occurred in their family when Bridgette was still a child; that being the main reason why Aletta had moved to London, leaving Bridgette in the care of Mei. Bridgette missed her and she would call her at times to talk to her, but it was not the same as Aletta being actually present in her daughter's life. Still, Aletta did love her daughter, but Bridgette wished that there was a way for them to spend some quality time together without any interruptions.

''Mum had promised me…'' Bridgette said, tears flowing down her cheeks. ''She promised… Especially after Dad…'' She choked up, unable to finish the sentence. She fell down on her knees, too weak to move.

''Bri… I'm so sorry…'' Tikki said, gazing compassionately at her holder. She wished that she could help her somehow, but there was nothing she could do.

Bridgette took a few sharp breaths, wiping her tears with the back of her hand and forced herself to get up. A determined look formed on her expression, with Tikki looking stunned. Bridgette looked up at the hatch, clenching her fists.

''I… I don't want to think about this anymore. I want to leave…'' she said, glancing at Tikki.

''In this weather?!'' Tikki protested, but Bridgette had already made up her mind.

''I need to get out or else I'll go crazy if I stay confined here much longer,'' she told the kwami. ''I just feel like I cannot breathe.''

''I understand,'' Tikki replied reluctantly. She then offered her a weak smile. ''Even though I disagree about going outside under these conditions, I want to make sure that you'll feel better.''

''Thanks,'' Bridgette replied, then closed her eyes, brushing with her finger across the earring. ''Tikki, transform me!''

After the bright flash of red dimmed, Ladybug climbed up to the hatch, opening it. Her balcony was completely soaked, but luckily, she had a canopy placed over the hatch so it wouldn't rain into her room. She quickly got out and closed the hatch, turning towards the storm. For a moment, she felt quite reluctant, not wanting to step into the rain and darkness, but she didn't feel like she could return back to the warmth of her room. If she wanted peace, she needed to leave.

Ladybug took a deep breath and ran into the cold darkness.


''There is no way you're going to convince me to go outside during such weather!'' Plagg told Félix as the two stood on the upper level of Félix's room in front of the balcony, staring at the storm outside. Félix crossed his arms.

''I don't want to go outside either, but if Ladybug's there…'' he trailed off, lowering his head.

''I don't think Ladybug would be so crazy to go out on a patrol during a storm like this,'' Plagg said.

''For all we know, she may have done that,'' Félix replied, looking through the balcony door. ''After all, Ladybug is dedicated to her role as a hero and she wouldn't want to miss out on a patrol.'' He then glanced at Plagg, a look of concern on his expression. ''Besides, she might've thought that I'm already on patrol and went to get me.''

''That's a problem,'' Plagg muttered. There was a moment of silence between the two, with Félix sighing.

''We'll wait until the storm wanes, then we'll leave,'' he said. ''With my luck, I might slip off a building and break my neck.'' He fell silent for a moment. ''I want to help Ladybug, but I don't know whether I can take any risks under these conditions.''

''Always the careful one…'' Plagg muttered, humming as he settled on Félix's shoulder. ''I hope things will go well for both of you.''


''This was an awful idea. I hate my life!'' Ladybug cried as she fought through the storm. She barely saw anything, being forced to rely on her good luck charm to make sure she didn't fall off a buildings. She jumped onto a roof, the wind blowing at her and the rain droplets hitting hard, almost causing her to slide of a rooftop. Her ahoge was frizzled and she waved with her hands wildly, jumping back on the top of the sloped roof.

''Aaagh, this was so close!'' she cried, falling on her knees in relief. She was shielded by a chimney stack, but the weather was still awful. ''I can't see anything.''

''Ladybug, please, go back home!'' Tikki pleaded with her. ''You cannot complete your patrol in this weather.''

''I know…'' Ladybug closed her eyes, shivering when the wind picked up. She was glad that it wasn't hailing, as the rain was already bad enough. ''No wonder Chat Noir didn't show up. He would hate it out here.''

''I know that this isn't the right time to ask you, but did being outside help you in any way?'' Tikki asked.

''Well, it forces me to focus on the matter at hand, so I guess you could call it a success,'' Ladybug replied, smiling bitterly. ''I'll try to find shelter and then, after the rain stops, return home.''

''Sounds like a good plan,'' Tikki replied. Ladybug squinted as she tried to figure out where a good shelter would be. She could see a huge white building not too far from her, spotting a balcony sticking out on the side. She ran across the rooftop, managing to leap across and land on the balcony.

''Now, to wait out the storm,'' Ladybug murmured, hugging herself as she tried to warm herself up. She closed her eyes. She was soaked, she was tired and she was miserable. This can't get worse…


Ladybug froze when she heard the balcony door behind her open, her eyes widening in shock when she saw Félix staring at her. For a moment, it felt like her brain just melted, but then the alarms started blaring. Out of all places, I just had to end up here!

''I-I'm sorry, I didn't want to intrude!'' Ladybug quickly apologized, panicking. ''I was just taking shelter from the storm!''

Félix blinked, still stunned to see her. Ladybug felt her anxiety growing, realizing that she looked completely pathetic. What she didn't know was that Félix was actually having the same type of brain meltdown as she had a moment earlier, having no idea how to respond to this. Despite his relatively calm expression, he was freaking out inside.

What is she doing here?!

''Uh, um… I guess I should leave…'' Ladybug muttered, facing the storm.

''Don't!'' Félix was just as surprised as Ladybug when he heard himself blurting this out. Both stared at each other for a moment, before Félix quickly collected himself. ''I-I mean, come inside. I'll get you something to dry yourself with.''

''Okay,'' Ladybug mumbled, nodding, and stepped inside. Water was dripping from the tips of her pigtails and she didn't dare to go further inside the room as she didn't want to soak anything else.

Meanwhile, Félix went down to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and trying to figure out how to proceed with this situation. The last thing he had expected was for Ladybug to take shelter at the Agreste mansion, more specifically, his balcony. Still, it confirmed his theory that she would go out even during a storm like this. He had to wonder whether she was searching for him, that is, Chat Noir. Fortunately, these questions were easy to answer.

''Here, you can dry yourself with his,'' Félix said as he returned back to the top floor and threw the towel towards Ladybug. Ladybug caught it.

''Thank you,'' she said, placing it over her shoulders and dried her hair as much as she could. As she dried herself, she tried to quickly process all the information she as Ladybug should know. I, as Ladybug, shouldn't know Félix's name. To Ladybug, he is just another civilian. Keep it cool. She gazed at Félix, trying to keep a calm expression. ''I… I don't think we met each other before.''

''Right, I didn't introduce myself,'' Félix said as he quickly caught on. ''The name is Félix Agreste.''

''And I'm Ladybug, although you already knew that,'' Ladybug replied, smiling a little as she rubbed the back of her head. ''I don't really consider myself that famous, though.''

''It appears that the news reporters are trying to make you famous,'' Félix noted, deciding to go for the attack. ''Speaking of which, don't you have a partner?''

''Yeah, I do,'' Ladybug replied, glancing back at the storm. ''Although, I guess Chat Noir had figured it would be way better to wait out the storm than go on a patrol when the weather is this awful.'' She tilted her head as she gave Félix a sheepish look. ''I don't blame him, though. I regret getting out during a storm like this.''

''I see…'' Félix muttered. He was secretly relieved that Ladybug wasn't angry at him for not showing up. ''So, why were you outside? You appear to be quite dedicated to your job.''

''I am, but that's not the whole story,'' Ladybug replied, sighing tiredly. Félix gazed at her curiously, wondering how he should proceed. She was currently stuck at his place and technically, they were strangers, which meant that things would be a little awkward between them.

Perhaps, I should try to get to know her as a civilian. Although, I doubt she would tell me much. Félix's eyes narrowed as he observed Ladybug, who was still busy drying herself. There is absolutely no way I could get her to remove the curse, but I could try to learn more about her. However, I need to be careful of what I'm telling her, or she might connect the dots. Then, there's the possibility that we actually know each other as civilians. He paused for a moment, quickly shaking off that thought and and stepped back, gesturing at his room. ''You can stay here for a while. Make yourself comfortable.''

''Thank you,'' Ladybug replied, stepping inside. Her hair was still wet, but the suit itself seemed to be water-repellant. That's good to know for the future.

As she walked through the top floor, placing the towel back around her shoulders, raising an eyebrow when she realized that Félix's room was huge, or at least, bigger than her room. It had two floors, with a staircase leading to the upper level that was Félix's private library. Meanwhile, the lower level had a bed, a desk with a computer, access to a bathroom and another door which she assumed to be a closet next to a full-length mirror, a couch and a TV, as well as a few shelves filled with books, notebooks and miscellaneous stuff like figurines. There were also a few photo frames on the desk.

Curious, Ladybug walked up to one of the photos and took a closer look at it, realizing that it was of Félix and a woman who looked a lot like him, both smiling at the camera. She had blonde hair and green eyes just like her son, albeit her hair was a bit lighter and her eyes were less saturated than Félix's. She also looked vaguely familiar.

''That woman…''

''That's my mother,'' Félix said, looking away for a moment. He appeared to be quite uncomfortable, which Ladybug quickly caught on.

''I-I didn't mean to…'' she stuttered, but Félix shook his head.

''It's fine,'' he said, gazing at the photo. ''Her name is Michelle Agreste. You might know her.''

''Michelle Agreste, let's see…'' Ladybug muttered as she tried to remember why this woman was so familiar. Then, it hit her. ''Ah, you mean the actress?''

''You're correct,'' Félix said, leaning against the table. ''My mother and I used to live in London, where she worked as an actress.''

He observed Ladybug's expression, noticing the look of interest she gave him.

''I actually watched a few of her movies. My favorite was Agent of the Night. If I recall correctly, she usually starred in mystery and thriller movies in the lead role. Her acting skills are just superb,'' Ladybug said. Félix smiled, feeling warmth spreading inside his chest after hearing that Ladybug out of all people was praising his mother. But then, Ladybug's expression changed and she lowered her head. ''Although, I haven't heard from her lately.''

''That's because…'' Félix lowered his head, clenching his fist as old memories started to resurface. He shivered, sighing. ''That's because she died two years ago due to a terminal illness.''

''I'm so sorry for your loss,'' Ladybug said, feeling bad for Félix. She understood well what it meant to lose a loved one. ''That's just awful.''

''It is also the reason why I moved in with my uncle,'' Félix added, crossing his arms. He frowned. ''I didn't really have any other choice. It was always just me and my mother, so after she was gone, my uncle took me in.''

''You don't like your uncle, do you?'' Ladybug said. Félix glanced at her.

''I don't,'' he said, lowering his gaze. ''Although, I have my reasons for hating him.''

Both of them fell silent, with Ladybug wishing that she didn't bring up Félix's family situation. She felt awful for having him remember something so horrible. She feebly reached out for him, but then remembered that Félix wasn't the kind of person who liked physical contact, so she lowered her arm. She wanted to comfort him, yet she couldn't. Why did I have to snoop around?! I'm such an idiot!

On the other hand, Félix, who would usually welcome the silence, wanted to continue their conversation, no matter the topic. He wanted to keep talking to Ladybug, just to hear her thoughts. A moment later, he realized that this desire was something Chat Noir would want, not Félix. That's ridiculous! I am Chat Noir! Still, he knew that he couldn't really act like Chat Noir in front of Ladybug. What should I do?

Unknown to them, Plagg was floating on the top floor, realizing that this situation was going nowhere and decided to cause some mischief to get them to interact again. Grinning, he flew up to the bookshelves and started to pull the books out, letting them land on the floor with a hard thud. Both Ladybug and Félix looked up as they heard the noise.

''What was that?'' Ladybug said, while Félix already ran up the stairs. His eyes narrowed as he saw Plagg waving at him and then quickly flying between the bookshelves and hiding as Ladybug arrived. Félix turned to Ladybug with an exasperated look.

''It seems like some of the books fell out. I guess I didn't place them properly,'' he told her, then walked over to the books, picking one up.

''Wait, I'll help you,'' Ladybug said as she picked another book up. ''I have to say, you really have an impressive library.''

''Thanks,'' Félix replied, smiling briefly, only to notice Ladybug gazing warmly at him. He stared at her for a moment, realizing that the look she gave him was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't really put a finger on it. ''Is something wrong?''

''Ah, uh, no!'' Ladybug quickly shook her head, then smiled. ''It's just… It's nice to see you smile.''

''Really?'' Félix stared at her, a bit stunned. Then it hit him when he realized why the look she gave him was so familiar. No, not now!

''Are you okay?'' Ladybug asked, noticing Félix tightening his grip on the book he was holding.

''Yeah, albeit I'm a bit exhausted,'' Félix replied, placing the book back on its shelf. Ladybug's ahoge drooped and she lowered her head. ''Also, don't beat yourself over the earlier conversation. It's in the past now and there's nothing that can be changed about what happened. I'm already used to it.''

''Oh, I-I see,'' Ladybug said, still looking nervous. Félix rose an eyebrow. Admittedly, he didn't really see Ladybug acting like this. Sure, she had her moments of self-doubt and paranoia, but being so anxious around him was different. Was she really that afraid of offending him or hurting him? Why? Félix furrowed a brow when he picked up a copy of his favorite book.

''Say, have you ever read The Firefly series?'' he asked, turning to Ladybug. She shook her head. Félix smirked as he realized that he actually got some fuel for a normal conversation. He gave the copy to Ladybug. ''You really should, the book is quite interesting.''

''Really?'' Ladybug, feeling quite relieved about the new topic, asked, ''What is it about?''

''It's a mystery novel about Detective Evan Hunter and Phantom Thief Kaori Williams, also known as Phantom Thief Hotaru or Kaitou Hotaru,'' Félix said. ''The basic plot is that of Detective Hunter seeking out Kaitou Hotaru and trying to stop her from stealing valuable or magical items, while at the same time not knowing that his assistant Kaori Williams is the elusive Phantom Thief. They also work together at times, facing all kinds of opponents. While the narrative might feel repetitive at times, as Detective Hunter tends to often get close to solving the mystery behind Kaitou Hotaru's identity, it is actually well-written and quite suspenseful.''

''To be honest, it kind of sounds like a situation I'm dealing with currently,'' Ladybug admitted, giving Félix a sheepish look. ''Chat Noir and I are also on the hunt for a Phantom Thief named Belladonna.''

''That's interesting,'' Félix said, tilting his head slightly. ''Perhaps your case could give me some fuel for my stories.''

''You write?'' Ladybug was surprised. Félix nodded.

''I've written a few stories,'' he said. ''I could show them to you, if you don't mind.''

''Sure,'' Ladybug replied excitedly. The two walked downstairs, both feeling content. It seemed that, even though their meeting had an awkward start, things were improving.


''Huh?'' Ladybug looked up at the window, realizing that the storm had stopped. She stood up, with Félix following her gaze. She then looked back to him. ''I have to go now.''

''Okay,'' Félix replied, glancing at the clock on his smartphone.

He and Ladybug had spent nearly an hour talking about The Dragonfly books, as well as Félix's stories, with Ladybug praising each and every of them, despite Félix commenting how some were rather weakly written. She also kept him asking about the characters and the many plot points, noting just how passionate Félix was about his favorite book series. It warmed her heart to see him this happy. The two walked up to the upper floor, with Ladybug turning one last time back to him.

''Thank you for letting me stay here,'' she said.

''Please, it is no big deal,'' Félix replied, feeling completely relaxed. He wished that she would stay longer with him, but he knew that that wasn't possible. Still, it seemed that Ladybug was indeed a bit reluctant about leaving. He gave her a questioning look as she walked up to him. ''Is something wrong?''

''You know, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be there for you,'' Ladybug told him, smiling warmly. Félix's eyes widened and a part of him wanted to thank her, but he then suddenly got reminded of someone else.

Still, I will be there for you if you need someone who'd listen to you.

''Good night,'' Ladybug said as she waved and exited onto the balcony, leaping into the night. Félix shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, feeling weird for some reason. A strange warmth was flowing through his body.

''Well, it seems like you missed your opportunity to get that kiss,'' Plagg said as he flew up to him. Félix gave him an annoyed look.

''I wasn't going to ask her to kiss me,'' he told the kwami, then glanced back at the balcony. ''Still, seeing her like this…'' He looked down, clenching his fists. A strange sense of doubt lingered in his chest, but he let his next decision wash over it. ''Never mind, we should leave to.''

''Why? Didn't Ladybug make it clear that she thinks that you wouldn't be outside during a storm?'' Plagg asked.

''It's not just Ladybug,'' Félix told him. ''I still need to visit Bridgette.''

''Wait, Bridgette? Why?'' Plagg asked, a little baffled by Félix's decision.

''I just want to check on her, especially after what happened today,'' Félix replied. Plagg cast him a doubtful look. Félix's eyes narrowed. ''You know, I can feel sympathy for people. I'm not made out of stone.''

''Okay, you convinced me,'' Plagg said in a chipper tone. Félix rolled his eyes, feeling that the kwami was just messing with him.

''Right.'' Félix held up his hand, brushing with his fingers across the ring. ''Plagg, transform me!''


''Tikki, detransform me,'' Ladybug said, a bright flash of red light enveloping her as she jumped through the hatch onto her bed. Her hair was thankfully completely dry and it didn't appear that she would suffer from a cold… At least, that's what she hoped for.

Bridgette stretched her arms, with Tikki hovering next to her. ''Won't you meet up with Chat Noir?''

''No, I don't think so,'' Bridgette replied. ''Today's patrol was a bust, but still, it wasn't that bad. I mean, I got to spend some time with Félix, even if it was by total coincidence.''

''Who knows, maybe your good luck charm was what allowed you to end up at his place,'' Tikki suggested.

''It is possible,'' Bridgette said, crossing her arms as her expression changed to a look of concern. ''However, I'm worried that I may have overused it and that I might end up with more bad luck.''

Tikki stared at Bridgette worriedly, only for both of them to suddenly hear a knock on the hatch. While Tikki quickly hid away, Bridgette climbed up, surprised to see Chat Noir staring through the hatch at her, smiling widely.

''Hey, Bri, do you have a moment?'' he asked. Bridgette opened the hatch, noticing that Chat Noir was crouching on the balcony.

''Sure, do you want to come inside?'' Bridgette asked him, with Chat Noir nodding. She then climbed down, with Chat Noir following her, closing the hatch behind him.

He then looked curiously around, as he had never before been in Bridgette's room. It was rather small in comparison to his own bedroom, but Bridgette made sure to use all of the space. Her bed was right below the hatch, with the ladder on the bottom, fixed to the ceiling and floor, and there was a bookshelf and posters hanging next to it, as well as a bunch of huge pillows on the bed, with a lamp fixed to the window next to the bed. Beside the bed was a small coffee table with a pink cushion on the floor and next to the window was a drawer. Across the bed was a small area with a work desk, where Bridgette's laptop and tablet were, along with a huge pinboard with drawings on it. On the other end of the room was a mirror, a trunk and a trapdoor, with Chat Noir assuming that it led downstairs. The room certainly had a cozy feeling to it.

''What did you want to talk about?'' Bridgette asked. Chat Noir turned to her, observing her carefully. She appeared to be fine, if rather tired.

''I just wanted to check on you,'' he said. Bridgette tilted her head, placing her hands on her hips, puzzled.

''That's nice of you, but I'm fine,'' she said.

''Are you completely sure?'' Chat Noir asked, only for Bridgette to raise an eyebrow. He panicked a little, but quickly collected himself. Bridgette didn't know that neither Félix nor Chat Noir were aware of what happened that day, so he needed to come up with a good excuse. ''I meant, I just had this weird feeling and I wanted to make sure that you're fine.''

''That's really sweet of you Chat, but…'' Bridgette trailed off, lowering her gaze. It felt like something was gripping her heart and lungs, not allowing her to breathe. Sure, while spending time with Félix was a nice distraction, she never really got around to sort her feelings out.

''You know, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.''

Bridgette looked up suddenly, her eyes wide in surprise. It didn't help that what Chat Noir told her sounded eerily similar to what she had told Félix. She thought about it for a moment, aware that she needed to talk to someone. She needed to follow her own advice.

''It's… It's a lot to process…'' she said in a quiet tone.

''I have the whole night for this,'' Chat Noir told her warmly. Bridgette nodded and sat down on her bed, leaning against the pillows, while Chat Noir sat across her, giving her some breathing space. Still, before she began, she gave him a curious look.

''What about Ladybug?'' she asked. ''I thought you two would be on a patrol tonight?''

''I…'' Chat Noir was caught off guard. ''I doubt the patrol is going to happen, especially after the storm we had.''

''I see,'' Bridgette muttered, having already figured out that this was the reason why Chat Noir was nowhere to be found.

''So, what is bothering you?'' Chat Noir asked.

''Well…'' Bridgette lowered her head, reaching for a pillow and placing it into her lap. ''Today is Mid-Autumn Festival, and it's a big deal in my culture. It's the day when families gather and celebrate, but I got yesterday a call from my mother, who told me that she wouldn't be able to attend because she was too busy with her work. It was quite a shocker, especially since she had promised that she would be here.''

''Where does she work?'' Chat Noir asked.

''She's works at a fashion company in London,'' Bridgette replied. ''I haven't seen her in ages.''

''Is her job really that demanding?'' Chat Noir asked, feeling sorry for Bridgette. He understood well what she was going through.

''I guess so… But, it's something I got used to,'' Bridgette said, pausing for a moment and contemplating whether she should tell Chat Noir the whole truth. She looked up at him, noticing the kind and patient look in his eyes. Finally, she broke. ''It's… It's because of my Dad…'' She felt her eyes tearing up as old memories started to resurface, memories she wished would remain forgotten. ''He died in a car crash when I was 8 years old.''

Chat Noir's eyes widened in pure shock as Bridgette started to cry, but he remained silent. He knew that she needed to vent and he would be there for her if she needed someone to comfort her. As for Bridgette, she took a deep breath, trying to continue.

''Y-You see, this place wasn't always a tea shop. It actually used to be a bakery managed by my parents,'' she said. She could still sense it, the scent of baked pastries as she would admire the various products her parents would bring to the front counter. It felt like magic to her. ''It was amazing, and my Dad was the best baker ever. He even taught me how to make some of the more simple pastries.'' Bridgette smiled at the memory of her and her father, Lucas, being covered in flour as they tried to complete the strawberry brioche, both laughing. Then, a cold feeling washed over her and she clutched the pillow like her life depended on it. ''When the car crash happened, we were invited to a wedding of my Dad's friend, and my parents promised they would make a wedding cake for them as a gift. That day, Dad drove ahead with the wedding cake in the back of his truck, and Mum and I were supposed to arrive later…''

No matter how much she tried to forget it, Bridgette still remembered every detail of that dreadful day, shivering as her mind flashed back to the memory. She remembered swaying on her feet, waiting for Aletta to finish tying the ribbons in her pigtails. Lucas went already ahead to deliver the wedding cake and she and her mother would meet up with him at the wedding. Bridgette herself was particularly excited to show off her new dress to her father and the fact that there would be a lot of children she could play with at the wedding.

''Maman, when are we leaving?'' Bridgette asked her mother impatiently after the latter was done with her daughter's hair and was combing her own.

''Soon, mon chou,'' Aletta replied, taking a look at the mirror as she continued combing her hair. ''Papa said that he would call us when he arrives.''

''I can't wait!'' Bridgette replied excitedly. Suddenly, the telephone rang and Aletta went to answer it, while Bridgette sat on the couch, waiting for her mother to be done with the call.

''Hello? Dupain-Cheng residence, Aletta speaking,'' Aletta said, listening to the caller. Bridgette stood up on the couch, gazing over it and looking curiously at her mother. She wondered whether it was her father who had called. Aletta just nodded, as if answering a question from the caller. ''Yes, I am. Did something happen to Lucas?''

Suddenly, all colour drained from her face, her eyes widening in pure shock as she listened to the caller. Sensing that something was wrong, Bridgette walked up to her mother, pulling at her dress pants.

''Maman, what's wrong?'' Bridgette asked, but it seemed that Aletta didn't hear her. ''Did something happen? What's wrong? Was that Papa?''

Aletta seemingly didn't hear her, as she kept answering the caller's questions, her eyes tearing. She then placed the telephone back and fell on her knees, crying. Panicking, Bridgette grabbed Aletta's arm, tears flowing down her cheeks.

''Maman, what happened?! Maman, was that Papa? Maman!''

Aletta only cried harder, hugging her daughter.

''P-Papa… He won't return home. Never,'' she whispered, crying as she stroke Bridgette's head, hugging her tightly. Bridgette froze, feeling a sudden sense of dread growing inside her. Something broke inside her as her young mind realized what that meant.

Something shattered.

''Bridgette…'' Chat Noir's voice was weak, wishing he could offer words of comfort, but Bridgette shook her head, continuing her tale.

''That day, we found out that a drunk driver rammed into Dad's vehicle and completely crushed him. He was dead on the spot,'' Bridgette said. ''Mum was never the same again. She closed the bakery, feeling that it reminded her too much of Dad, and even changed our surname from Dupain-Cheng back to Cheng. She got herself several jobs over the time until she moved to London, and even then she would always work long hours, barely spending time with me. That's also why I'm living now with my grandmother.'' She swallowed, feeling a lump in her throat. ''I know that this was her way of grieving, but as time moved on, we drifted apart.'' She dug her nails into the pillow. ''Don't get me wrong, she still loves me and I love her and I want to spend time with her, but nothing has been the same anymore. Both our lives have been destroyed that day and it feels like we would never be able to recover from it.''

''Is this why you keep smiling despite the pain you feel?''

Bridgette looked up, stunned when she heard Chat Noir's question. His expression was a mix of sympathy and concern. It felt as if he understood exactly what she was going through. Bridgette fell silent, simply nodding in acknowledgment.

''The only one who knows the entire story is Claude,'' Bridgette added, wiping her tears. ''I never told Sophie, Allegra or Allan all the details.'' She looked up to Chat Noir. ''And now, you know.''

''I'm so sorry for your loss,'' Chat Noir said, feeling bad for Bridgette. ''It must've been awful for you to go through all of that.''

''It's okay… I can handle it,'' Bridgette replied, taking a deep breath. ''I didn't want to bother you with that stuff.''

''Bridgette, you know that you are allowed to grieve, right?'' Chat Noir said, his eyes narrowing, with Bridgette staring at him in silence. ''You are allowed to feel these kinds of emotions rather than hide them. Trust me, you aren't bothering me with this. This is the reason why I'm here.''

''Chat, thank you…'' Bridgette said, her voice still weak. ''I… I think I just need more time.''

''Well, I'm not going anywhere,'' Chat Noir replied, sitting down closer to her. ''I want to help you, so if it takes being here until you feel better, I'm fine with it.''

To his surprise, Bridgette hugged him, burying her head into his chest. She was still shaking, tears flowing down her pale cheeks. Chat Noir wasn't sure how react at first, but then he hugged her tightly. While he wasn't a fan of physical contact, he knew that Bridgette needed it. He wanted her to feel better and damned if he didn't keep his word.

After a few minutes of silence, Bridgette stopped shaking and calmed down. She still refused to let go of Chat Noir, staying leaned against him. Chat Noir didn't mind, focusing instead on comforting her. He couldn't help but think about his earlier interaction with Ladybug and how she looked at him when he told her about the death of his mother. For a brief moment, it seemed like Ladybug wanted to embrace him and comfort him, but didn't. He understood why she acted like that, probably fearing that she would make things worse. He was quite thankful for her restraint.

Eventually, Bridgette let go of him and smiled, her smile genuine.

''Thank you,'' she said, getting up and walking over to the desk. Chat Noir stood up as well, tilting his head as he wondered what she was up to. Bridgette then walked back while holding a plastic bag filled with mooncakes. ''I kept these for you in case you'd show up. You know, you're not the only one with that weird feeling.''

''Uh, I.. Thanks,'' Chat Noir replied, taking the bag. Admittedly, he couldn't tell her that he had already eaten the mooncakes she brought him earlier at school. Still, there was something he missed out on. He took a mooncake out and took a bite out of it. ''This is amazing! Did you bake those?''

''I actually helped my grandmother out,'' Bridgette said.

''You know, I think your father would be proud of you,'' Chat Noir told her. Bridgette was taken aback by his comment, but then nodded.

''I'm sure he would.''


After saying goodbye to Bridgette, Chat Noir found himself roaming across the rooftops of Paris, his tail firmly tied around the bag of mooncakes. It turned out that it was quite useful for other things, aside from balancing. He contemplated whether he would return to the mansion, but then decided against, finding instead a dry spot on a building and sitting down. He placed the bag with the mooncakes in his lap and took one out, taking a bite out of it and stared at the clear night sky and the bright moon above him.

For a while, he just enjoyed the silence, feeling quite exhausted. He was surprised that Plagg didn't comment on anything, but he figured that the kwami understood that he needed a moment for himself. The conversations he had today were more tiring than any of the battles he fought before. Still, he persisted, feeling a little hollow, yet sensing that he gained a lot today. However, he wasn't really sure what to make of it. He knew that he was just too tired to think through everything properly.

It is strange, though… Before, I really disliked the idea of being around Bridgette and now, I just want to see her smile.

Chapter 18: The Trigger


I'm sorry guys for taking so long, I wrote a different kind of chapter initially, but felt it was too bland, so I decided to rewrite it. I hope it's not too rushed, as it's more of a set-up chapter for the action that follows in the next one.

I hope you'll enjoy it and thank you for the support!

Chapter Text

Entry 17

The Trigger

''Take it! We are dreamers, so it's the trigger. It's up to you, beyond that, it's dawn, dawn, dawn. It's like a shooting star, it's like a field of grass. It's an inevitable force, it's an unprecedented encounter. Gentle gems touched, even to the deepest part of my eyes. Our tomorrow is an unseen light. Sometimes we get discouraged, but let's get out from the labyrinth. We won't stop! My heartbeats has reached, whoa, whoa! I want to protect you and the future, whoa, whoa (take it)! Fighter, go beyond now! Try, if I am with you, yes! Higher, I can fly away! Before I lose it from my sight. Before I lose you from my sight. We are dreamers, so it's the trigger. It's up to you, beyond that, it's dawn, dawn, dawn. We are believers, so it's the trigger. Let's go, beyond that, it's dawn, dawn, dawn.''

– Force by World Trigger


Despite the fact that it was heavily raining the past night, the next day was bright and sunny. Félix sighed as he walked towards the school, holding a cup with his usual morning coffee and a cup of hot tea. Admittedly, he wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to walk around with hot coffee and tea with the kind of luck he had, but he was confident in his ability to deal with it. As a matter of fact, he was more concerned about an entirely different matter.

''Was this really a good idea?'' he muttered, loud enough to be heard only by Plagg, who popped his head out of Félix's backpack.

''Why would you think that buying Bridgette tea would be offensive to her?'' Plagg rose an eyebrow.

''Considering how her family owns a tea shop and Bridgette is capable of brewing high quality tea, maybe store-bought tea isn't enough,'' Félix replied.

''Kid, you're really overthinking this,'' Plagg replied in a deadpan tone, then quickly hid back inside the backpack as they reached the school. Félix stopped walking for a moment, seeing Bridgette talking to her friends. She appeared to be quite relaxed for the most part, if tired. While Allegra, Allan and Sophie didn't appear to be worried, Claude did have a look of slight concern on his expression whenever he would address Bridgette. Still, Bridgette would wave him off, pretending she was fine.

Félix inhaled sharply as he looked at them, wondering how he should approach Bridgette without having to deal with her friends, Claude especially. He knew that they were quite wary of him, despite Bridgette's fondness of him and he didn't want to really talk to any of them. What should I do?

Félix's expression changed to a determined one and he walked towards Bridgette, figuring that he could just hand her the cup of tea over and be on his way to the classroom. However, before he could do any of that, he heard someone yelling.

''Watch out!''

Félix only had enough time to glance to her left and see a football flying towards him. He quickly took a step back, but the football hit his hands, causing Félix to cry out in pain, the hot liquid splashing and the cups falling out of his hands. He looked down at his hands, which turned red, searing pain spreading across his arms and towards his body. He managed to avoid having his clothes ruined, but the hot liquid burnt him. He realized that he needed to get to the bathroom and put his hands under cold running water so the injuries wouldn't get worse.

''Félix!'' Félix looked up and saw Bridgette running up towards him. She seemed to want to add something, but one gaze at Félix's hands told her everything she needed to know. She quickly placed her backpack down on the ground and took out a bottle of water, telling Félix in a demanding tone, ''Extend your hands.''

Startled by her voice, Félix did as she said, wincing as Bridgette poured the cool water over his hands. He eased up as the pain lessened and while his hands were still a little red, he knew that the worst was behind him.

''We need to bring you to the nurse's office, right now,'' Bridgette quickly added. Félix could only nod, but felt his anxiety rising when Bridgette's friends and the guy who kicked the football at Félix approached them. He did not want to deal with them as well!

''I told you to watch out!'' the guy said, picking up his football. He was well-built, with short black hair and brown eyes. ''Are you deaf or something?''

Félix just cast him a glare. Bridgette, on the other hand, was more confrontational. ''How about you don't kick the football at other people?!''

''Tsk, I'm…'' the guy trailed off, raising an eyebrow when Bridgette quickly turned to Félix.

''We should go,'' she told him. Félix just nodded, following Bridgette towards the nurse's office, who gazed at her friends, quickly adding, ''Could you guys please just throw the cups away?''

''Sure,'' Claude replied, grabbing the cups that were still on the floor. The guy frowned, only to notice Bridgette's friends casting a glare at him.

''What's the hold up, Léon?'' The guy, Léon, scoffed and turned around, returning back to his friends.

Meanwhile, Claude threw the cups into the nearby trash bin, exchanging silent, exasperated glances with Allegra, Allan and Sophie. Why did they have a feeling that this would be a long day?


''This doesn't look so bad,'' the nurse said, placing a cool wet compress on the red spots. ''Just keep this on your hands and you'll be fine. I'll be right back.''

She then got up, returning to her office and leaving Bridgette and Félix sitting on the bed. Félix felt anxious, gazing at the clock above the door. It had already rung for classes and he knew that, while he wouldn't get in trouble with his teacher for having to be treated for a burn, his uncle would lecture him about this mistake.

''Are you okay?'' Bridgette asked him, carrying both his and her own backpack.

''I'll be fine, but I can't exactly write like this,'' Félix replied, flexing his hands and wincing slightly. His hands still hurt.

''I'll take notes for you,'' Bridgette told him, causing Félix to look at her, giving her a questioning look. ''At least until you feel better.''

''Thanks…'' Félix mumbled. He had to admit, he was both surprised and amazed when Bridgette suddenly took charge after seeing him injured. There was no stuttering, she didn't act like a nervous wreck nor was she blushing due to being so close to him. However, he didn't understand why he suddenly felt so anxious around her. He shook that weird feeling off, suddenly saying, ''The tea I brought was for you.''

''What?'' Bridgette gave him a look of surprise. Félix immediately regretted his words, wishing he didn't bring it up. Before he could respond, the nurse returned, handing both of them a note, which was an excuse for why they were late to class.

''Off you go,'' she told the two. Bridgette grabbed their backpacks and the notes, and she and Félix left the nurse's office.

''Why did you buy me tea?'' Bridgette asked Félix as they made their way towards their classroom.

''I wanted to repay you for the coffee,'' Félix quickly answered, wishing he never brought up the subject. Admittedly, he had a different reason for bringing Bridgette the tea, having spent the night thinking about how to cheer her up without letting her know that he was aware of what happened. He felt that repaying her for the coffee was a good excuse.

''Thank you,'' Bridgette smiled, much to Félix's relief. ''Even though I couldn't taste it, I'm still happy about it.''

''Maybe it was better that way,'' Félix replied. ''After all, it was just store-bought tea rather than anything you would find at a professional tea shop…''

''I don't mind,'' Bridgette replied in a chipper tone. Félix observed her for a moment, realizing that her smile was genuine. It appeared that she indeed felt much better after last night's events, which he felt glad about. ''Besides, it's the gesture that counts.''

''Right…'' Félix muttered as they reached the classroom.

Their entrance did draw attention from their classmates, with Bridgette quickly explaining to their teacher what had happened, while Félix went to his seat, sighing. He did not like the fact that everyone was staring at him, feeling quite anxious. He was never fond of the idea of standing in the spotlight.

After clearing things up with the teacher, Bridgette joined him, smiling brightly as she sat next to him instead with Sophie, sending the later a message of why she did that. To Félix's surprise, she didn't exchange a word with him during the entire class, even though she was obviously tempted. He was thankful for her silence, as the last thing he needed was a conversation that would make him more uncomfortable.


Claude sighed, grabbing the drink out of the vending machine that was placed at the school entrance. He had tried to find time to talk to Bridgette in private about her strange behavior yesterday, but his friend told him that nothing was wrong and then spent the whole day glued to Félix's side, even though the later had recovered from the accident that occured that morning. Despite her cheerful attitude, Claude was still worried.

He knew Bridgette well and he could sense whenever she pretended to be happy. However, her behavior today confused him. He knew that she got some bad news the day before, even if she didn't tell him what kind of news she got, so it surprised him that she acted as if nothing had happened.

Maybe we could talk after school, Claude thought as she opened the can of soda and took a sip.

''Hey, Claude!'' Claude turned to the person who called for him, Carmilla. She approached him, adding, ''You look pissed off. What happened?''

''I'm not angry,'' Claude replied. ''I'm just a little frustrated because I wanted to talk to Bridgette, but I hadn't had the chance to do so.''

''Is that because she's constantly hanging out with Office Boy?'' Carmilla asked, with Claude giving her a surprised look.

''How do you know?'' he asked, not even rising an eyebrow at Carmilla's ''Office Boy'' comment.

''I saw hanging out at the library,'' Carmilla replied, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms, smirking. ''I'm surprised Office Boy even let her get so close to him. Did something happen between the two?''

''Honestly, I have no idea,'' Claude replied. ''I know that Agreste apologized to her, but I thought that was it. I didn't expect Agreste to be fine with having Bridgette hanging out with him.''

''Don't tell me that you're jealous,'' Carmilla said, the glinting in her eyes going unnoticed by Claude.

''Why should I be jealous?'' Claude replied. Despite sounding confused, Carmilla did note the hint of discomfort in his tone.

''Well, I don't want to suddenly get to the worst-case scenario, but considering how Bridgette adores Office Boy, even though I can't see why, she might replace her close friends with the snobby rich blond guy,'' Carmilla suggested. To her surprise, Claude snorted.

''There is no way she would do that,'' Claude told a baffled Carmilla. ''Bridgette may be smitten by Agreste, but she wouldn't forget about us.''

''Oh, I see…'' Carmilla said, giving Claude a sheepish look. ''Like said, that was just the worst-case scenario. I actually saw it happening in my previous school and I hoped that Bridgette wouldn't go down the same path.''

''Don't worry, she won't,'' Claude replied, shaking his head. ''Bridgette and I were friends since we were kids and I know her well enough. She's the kind of person who just tends to get too focused on one thing and remain oblivious of other stuff until she snaps out of it.''

''Ah, okay,'' Carmilla said in an apologetic tone. ''I'm sorry for assuming things. I didn't mean to be rude.''

''It's fine,'' Claude replied. ''You're still new here, so there's no way you'd know that.''

''Right,'' Carmilla replied, turning on her heel and walking away. ''I hope you will get to talk to Bridgette.''

''Thanks.'' Claude nodded in acknowledgment, sighing as and taking another sip of the soda. While he too hoped to talk to Bridgette, he knew that it wouldn't be easy.

Carmilla, on the other hand, smirked. Despite Claude's assurances that things were fine, she knew that the seed of doubt was already planted. She was looking forward to the chaos that would unfold.


It was evening and Bridgette was in her room, having her sketchbook out and drawing a very familiar red and black circular pattern. She was currently in a good mood, her interactions with Félix having cheered her up. She actually didn't expect him to allow her to hang out with him even after he recovered from being burnt, as she figured he had only tolerated her so she could help him out. Still, the fact that he was fine with her sitting across him in the library while he read his favorite book was astounding. She enjoyed every moment of it, even if their interactions were mostly silent.

Still, there were some things she needed to do. She had agreed to meet up with Claude over the weekend to discuss what happened the previous day. She wanted to assure him that she was fine and that there was no need to worry. Besides, she had other things on mind…

''I need to figure out how to communicate with Chat Noir without using a smartphone or anything that can be traced back to me,'' she said, focusing on the pattern before her. Drawing always helped her relax and think clearly through the matter at hand.

''I'm sure you'll find a solution,'' Tikki, who was sitting on the desk next to her, said. ''You always do, no matter how difficult the situation is.''

Bridgette smiled in response and kept pondering. ''I could try turning the compact into a communication device and give one part to Chat Noir, couldn't I?'' She grimaced. ''However, that might not be such a good idea. How am I supposed to fight without it? Not to mention, it would vanish once I de-transform.'' She fell silent once again, focusing harder on the issue. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide as she realized something. ''What about the Miraculous?''

''What about it?'' Tikki asked. Bridgette turned to her.

''You told me once that when I transform, the suit that appears is the result of my desires,'' Bridgette said. Tikki nodded. ''So, what if I imagine the same suit, but it also has a communicating device that cannot be traced and allows me to communicate with Chat Noir? Will it appear?''

''I think both of us know that there is only one way for us to find out?'' Tikki smiled as she flew up.

''Right!'' Bridgette said as she focused. ''Tikki, transform me!''

A bright flash of red light later and Ladybug stood in the room. She placed her hand over her ear, sensing something tiny inside it, something like an ear bud. She smirked.

''It worked! It really worked!'' she said excitedly. However, her excitement wavered when she realized that no one was answering. ''Oh, right… Chat Noir needs to have his own communication device for this to work.''

Still, she was glad that she had found a solution to this particular problem.


''Ladybug, I'm so sorry for being late and for not showing up yesterday!''

Ladybug was stunned when she heard Chat Noir as he approached her so suddenly. Both were at their usual meeting spot, the Eiffel Tower, with Ladybug noting how Chat Noir was unusually late. Since it was a clear sky, she had figured that he had a different reason for not appearing. Once he finally did appear, he looked panicked, showering her with apologies and excuses.

''I'm sorry, but I simply couldn't go out during a rainstorm like the one we had the previous day. I hope you understand-''

''Chat, it's okay,'' Ladybug said in a calm and soothing voice. ''I regretted stepping outside yesterday.'' Chat Noir stared at her for a moment, then sighed in relief. Ladybug crossed her arms. ''So, why are you late today?''

''Let's just say that I had an argument with a family member…'' Chat Noir replied, falling silent. Ladybug gave him a look of concern. It was clear he didn't want to elaborate on it. ''It took me a while to get out unnoticed.''

''I see,'' Ladybug muttered, nodding. ''I just hope things are okay at your place.''

''Don't worry, it's nothing I can't handle,'' Chat Noir replied confidently, perking up. ''So, what's the plan for today?''

''I had figured out how to get us a proper communication device so we can remain in contact,'' Ladybug told him.

''Really?'' Chat Noir's eyes widened. ''How?''

''Basically, since the suit can be modified depending on your preferences, you can also focus on having a suit with a communication device,'' Ladybug explained, brushing away her bangs and showing him the ear bud.

''Wait, we can change our suits?!'' Chat Noir stared at her in surprise. Ladybug gave him a confused look.

''Of course we can,'' she replied. ''Hasn't your kwami told you that?''

Chat Noir glared at the ring, hearing Plagg chuckle mischievously. He then crossed his arms, looking back at Ladybug.

''Apparently, he hasn't. If I knew that, I would've gotten rid off this ridiculous bell,'' Chat Noir said, flicking the bell attached to his unzipped collar, causing it to ring softly.

''I think that it looks great on you. It's actually kind of cute,'' Ladybug said, smiling as she crossed her arms on her back. Chat Noir gave her a surprised look.

''Y-You really think so?''


''Well, then I'll keep it,'' Chat Noir replied, only to grimace. ''I guess I'll have to de-transform for this…''

''Actually, you just have to say 'Plagg, transform me!' once again and focus on whatever you want to change on the suit,'' Plagg replied.

''It can't be that easy,'' Chat Noir said, staring at the ring in exasperation. He gazed at Ladybug, who gave him an encouraging look and focused. The suit would remain the same, but he'd get the same communication device Ladybug had. ''Plagg, transform me!''

Chat Noir was engulfed for a brief moment in a black light, which then vanished. His suit remained unchanged.

''So, did it work?'' Ladybug asked. Chat Noir pressed his hand against the cat ear, feeling something inside it, but it didn't appear to bother him.

''Yeah. I think we should try it out,'' he said.

''Okay, let's separate and we'll see just what the range is,'' Ladybug said. She and Chat Noir then jumped off the Eiffel Tower, going towards the nearest buildings, but taking opposite directions.

''Chat Noir, do you hear me?'' Ladybug asked, pressing her hand against her ear as she raced across the rooftops. She was relieved when she heard her partner's voice in her head.

''Loud and clear, Bug,'' Chat Noir replied. He was already at a different part of Paris, trying to measure in his head just how far they were. ''Where are you?''

''I'm going towards the Statue d'Émile Fayolle; I have passed Rue de Grenelle,'' Ladybug replied, smiling as she focused on the rooftops below her, jumping over the street. ''You?''

''You're fast,'' Chat Noir commented as he easily covered a distance between two buildings. ''I'm taking the rooftop way to Montparnasse. Do you wan to meet up there?''

''Why not?'' Ladybug said, somersaulting over to another building. ''Let's make it a race.''

''Roger,'' Chat Noir said, landing on a lamppost, his tail swishing. ''Do you want to talk?''

''What should we talk about?'' Ladybug asked, taking a moment to assess her surroundings. So far, she didn't see anyone in trouble. Her eyes moved to the side as she pressed her hand against her ear.

''I think we should keep the line of communication going. After all, we don't know whether those devices can be disturbed or jammed in any way, like with phones. For example, certain frequencies might damage them.''

''I see,'' Ladybug said as she continued with the patrol. ''We should make sure to check that, although I slightly doubt they would function in the same manner as normal devices.''

''Hey, Bug…''

''What is it, Chat?'' Ladybug asked.

''Have you thought of trying to do more with the Miraculous?'' Chat Noir asked as he used another lamppost to propel himself onto a building. ''We should try to figure out just how far we can go with our powers.''

''As a matter of fact, I did.''

''Really?'' Chat Noir smirked as he landed on another building. ''What did you come up with?''

''I had figured that, if we go on an undercover mission, we could change the suits to something more fitting,'' Ladybug replied as she cleared more distance. ''The suits we have now are the default mode, but if we go, for example, to a black tie event, I could easily change the suit to a dress.''

''That would leave me with a dinner jacket,'' Chat Noir said, feeling a bit amused.

''I'm sure you would look quite handsome wearing a formal suit with a tie and all that.''

''I appreciate the compliment,'' Chat Noir replied. If you only knew, Bug… He landed on another rooftop and continued. ''Aside from that, have you tried to create more weapons? So far, I saw you with a staff, a yo-yo, a shield, wings and a compact with hammerspace.''

''I might try to make something new,'' Ladybug replied, looking up. She was getting closer to their meeting spot. ''What about you, Chat?''

''I might not have a possibly limitless access to any kinds of weapons, as my powers consists of Black Storm and Black Hole, but I can work on developing those specific attacks,'' Chat Noir replied. ''Although, I'll need a good target for practice, something I can unleash my full power on.''

''Say, Chat…'' Chat Noir's ears twitched when he sensed a hint of concern in Ladybug's voice. ''Do you think that we might face even stronger opponents than the Mime, Monsieur Pigeon or Belladonna?''

''Well, there is this Papillon person…'' Chat Noir said. On the other end, Ladybug fell silent. Both knew that they had no idea what Papillon was capable of and that they needed to be prepared for everything. Eventually, both reached Montparnasse Tower around the same time, meeting up on a building close to it.

''So, what do you think?'' Ladybug asked.

''The communication devices work well, but there is an issue with them,'' Chat Noir said. ''We cannot use them when we're not transformed. Even then, we need to be both transformed to establish proper communication.''

''I wonder whether there is a possibility to connect the communication devices to our Miraculous,'' Ladybug placed her hand under her chin. Her eyes shifted to the side. ''Tikki?''

''I'm not really sure whether that's possible,'' Tikki replied. ''The previous Ladybug never did anything like that.''

''I see,'' Ladybug said. ''I will try to tinker with the Miraculous, so we can communicate even when untransformed. I hope that won't be a problem.''

''Not at all!''

''Why do you think that that would be possible to achieve?'' Chat Noir asked.

''If I can use my good luck charm when untransformed, maybe I could extend that to other things,'' Ladybug said, her eyes widening for a moment. ''I know!'' Ladybug said suddenly, banging her fist against her palm. ''We could also add an eye-piece to our masks that allows us to pull a map of Paris. Maybe we could use it to track down each other or our opponents in case we get separated.''

''That's a good idea,'' Chat Noir replied, crossing his arms. ''In a battle, information is the key to victory. I will try to figure out what else I can do with my Miraculous.''

Both exchanged glances, with a weirdly warm feeling spreading across their bodies and settling in their chest area. They've come this far and they were both willing to continue pushing their limits.


Amber stared at the canopy covering her bed, feeling rather bothered. Her parents, as usual, were too busy to spend the evening with her and her dinner was still lying on the table as she didn't feel hungry at all. She was completely alone with her own thoughts, remembering the night Ladybug and Chat Noir had saved her.

After the battle against the Mime, her father had insisted that she would be accompanied by a bodyguard at all times, but Amber dismissed his concerns, noting how the Mime was someone with superpowers and how only Ladybug and Chat Noir, both heroes with superpowers, would be able to stop him. Her father didn't question her logic, as usual, but Amber did think about it.

Would someone without superpowers really be able to stop someone who has superpowers?

She did a little bit of investigation on her own, noting how there were a lot of fictional superheroes with no superpowers of their own, but they did have all kinds of devices and gadgets that helped them fight the bad guys. She knew that her initial thoughts were wrong, but she still felt that a bodyguard wouldn't do much against someone who could create all kinds of things out of thin air.

It also didn't help that she was impressed by Ladybug and Chat Noir, the two superheroes being the sole topic of her and Jeanne's conversations in the past two days, peppered with all kinds of theories and assumptions. Amber even admitted to Jeanne that she wished that she had superpowers like them, only for Jeanne to remind her that that wasn't possible unless she had access to whatever gave them superpowers.

That may be true, but…

Amber suddenly sat up. Even if she didn't have her own superpowers, she had figured that she could still be an amazing superhero on her own. She got up, walking over to her table and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil, her eyes narrowing as she focused and started drawing,

When her gymnastics skills nor the medal she won didn't impress her mother, she tried to take up fashion as a hobby, learning how to draw and even showed Audrey her creations. However, her mother looked outright insulted by her designs, calling them mediocre at best. Admittedly, Amber had just started to draw and a 12-year-old probably couldn't even compare to a professional.

Still, it hurt when Audrey ripped her designs into pieces.

Stop thinking about that! You're here to impress Ladybug, not your mother!

Amber continued drawing, but realized that she was stuck. She had a vague idea what the suit would look like, but she still needed a good pattern for it. She tapped her head with the pencil, only to feel the bee comb on her head. She took it off, staring at it, her eyes glinting.

''Of course!'' She grabbed a bunch of black and yellow pencils, working on the bee-like pattern of the suit. After half an hour or so drawing and colouring-in the suit, she leaned back and admired the result. She smirked. ''It's my time to shine now. The one who will be taking the spotlight alongside Ladybug and Chat Noir from now on is Queen Bee!''


''Achoo!'' Both Ladybug and Chat Noir suddenly sneezed at the same time, both shivering and exchanging glances.

''What was that?'' Chat Noir asked, startled by what happened. He certainly didn't feel cold or anything, but just had the sudden urge to sneeze.

''I don't know, but it is said that if you sneeze, someone is talking about you,'' Ladybug explained, with Chat Noir's ears lowering.

''I don't like the sound of that,'' he said dryly.

''Well, the number of times you sneeze is a sign as to what they're talking about. For example, one sneeze means something good has been said, two means something bad has been said, three is a sign that someone is in love with them, and four is a sign that tragedy will befall their family,'' Ladybug told him. ''We both sneezed only once, so something good had been said about us.''

''I see…'' Chat Noir muttered, only to sneeze once again. Just as he recovered, he sneezed again.

''Uh, that's not a good sign,'' Ladybug noted in a deadpan tone. ''Someone's saying bad stuff about you.''

''Why only me?'' Chat Noir whined, gazing at Ladybug, who showed no reaction. Then, she suddenly blinked, staring past Chat Noir. He too turned around, wondering what this was about, only for his ears to pick up a strange flapping noise. ''What the- Pigeons?!''

He and Ladybug took a battle stance, facing the flock of pigeons that formed in front of them.

''I guess we should've figured we'd end up running into Monsieur Pigeon again,'' Ladybug said as Monsieur Pigeon was flown up by the pigeons. He glared at the two.

''You stupid cat! You ruined my dramatic entrance!'' he yelled at Chat Noir. Chat Noir smirked.

''As if we care about your dramatic entrances,'' he told Monsieur Pigeon, was seething. His ears suddenly twitched as he heard a whistling sound and he quickly tackled Ladybug, both of them landing on the rooftop. Whatever made the whistling sound passed by them, exploding in the sky.

''What the-?!'' Ladybug and Chat Noir looked down at the street, seeing the Mime standing while holding something that resembled a rocket launcher. ''The Mime… Just great…''

''Well, at least this confirms our theory that the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon might be working together under Papillon,'' Chat Noir told her nonchalantly. Ladybug glanced at Chat Noir, noticing that he was grinning.

''I guess this is our moment to figure out how to expand our powers,'' she said.

''Right!'' Chat Noir nodded.

Both got up, Ladybug turning towards the Mime and Chat Noir turning towards Monsieur Pigeon.

Chapter 19: Credens Justitiam


Thank you all for the support and I hope you will enjoy this chapter. It is very action heavy and I wanted to add more, but I realized it was already good as it was (well, in my opinion).

Also, leave a review, as I'm always open for a discussion. ;3

Chapter Text

Entry 18

Credens Justitiam

''solti ola i amaliche cantia masa estia; e sonti tolda i emalita cantia mia distia; a litia dista somelite esta dia; a ditto i della filioche mio, solti tola; solti ola i, amaliche cantia masa estia; e sonti tolda i, emalita cantia mia distia; alita della, maliche sonta dia; mia sonta della, i testa mia, testi ola, solti ola; solti ola i amaliche cantia mia, dia, dia''

– Credens Justitiam by Yuki Kajiura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)


''You know, you could just give up now and we might spare you,'' Monsieur Pigeon told Ladybug and Chat Noir. The two just gazed back with a look of confidence on their expressions.

''Unfortunately, 'giving up' isn't part of our vocabulary,'' Chat Noir replied.

The Mime suddenly readied himself, drawing a hammer and charging at them. Ladybug reached for her compact, turning it into a staff and rushed towards him. The staff and the hammer clashed, causing rainbow sparks to fly. While Ladybug was busy with the Mime, Chat Noir leapt on a nearby street lamp.

''Black Storm!'' He sent a disc of dark energy flying towards Monsieur Pigeon. The pigeons the villain was standing on flew up, dodging Chat Noir's attack easily, leaving the Black Cat superhero wondering how he was supposed to reach the latter. After all, Ladybug was the one with the ability to fly, meaning she would have an easier time fighting Monsieur Pigeon. Not to mention all the things that could go wrong if he made the wrong move or if his bad luck decided to act up.

Chat Noir clenched his fist, glaring at Monsieur Pigeon when he noticed the smug look on the latter's face, seemingly having come to the same conclusion. Tch, only because I can't reach him doesn't mean that I can't fight him.

''Hey, I thought you were a pigeon, not a chicken! Why are you so afraid of fighting back?'' Chat Noir taunted the villain.

''How dare you call me a chicken?!'' Monsieur Pigeon shouted indignantly, waving his hands comically. ''If you want a fight, I'll give you one!'' He rose his arm, pointing it at Chat Noir. ''Go get him, my lovelies!''

''Man, this just too easy,'' Chat Noir murmured as he elegantly leapt backwards, landing on a building and causing the pigeons' sharp beaks to miss him. This action infuriated Monsieur Pigeon, who commanded the flock that was holding him to fly him towards Chat Noir – exactly what the latter wanted.

''Black Hole!'' The moment Monsieur Pigeon was as close as necessary, a huge black hole opened right in front of him. His bulging eyes widened and he attempted to force his pigeons to stop, only to suddenly fly right into the black hole due to the built-up momentum, getting stuck with only his lower end sticking out.

Chat Noir rose an eyebrow, observing Monsieur Pigeon as his pigeons attempted to get him out of the black hole. ''I didn't expect it to be this easy.''

Meanwhile, Ladybug was in the middle of a heated battle against the Mime, dodging his attacks and striking back whenever she could. At one moment, she was cornered near a building and the Mime swung the hammer downwards, with Ladybug using her staff to block it. Both pushed against each other, with Ladybug being aware that she couldn't stay long in this stalemate. Despite her super strength, the Mime was still an adult, and a muscular one at that. However, that didn't mean that she couldn't combat him.

She suddenly crouched, breaking contact and rolled to the side, evading the Mime's strike, which cracked up the asphalt ground she just stood on a moment ago. He then turned towards Ladybug, but before he could prepare himself for another attack, he was hit right in the gut, causing him to drop his hammer, holding his stomach. He looked up, glaring at the teenage superhero and then glanced upwards, frustrated to see his co-worker trapped inside the black hole. Forming a grappling hook-like device, he fired it at Monsieur Pigeon, the rope wrapping around the latter's torso and pulling him out. There was a loud groan from Chat Noir when Monsieur Pigeon was freed.

The Mime then turned towards Ladybug, forming another hammer in one hand and a bunch of daggers in the other. He threw them at Ladybug, forcing her to switch over to her shield to defend herself, with the only indication of the daggers being their being their shadow visible in the street light. Using this moment of distraction, the Mime charged at her, with Ladybug standing her ground as the hammer hit her shield. He smirked, believing that he finally had her on the defense, but his smile faltered when Ladybug smirked back.

She leapt backwards, turning her shield into a yo-yo and wrapped it around the Mime's arms. He grunted in response, attempting to free his hands, but Ladybug kept it wrapped tight. The Mime glared at Ladybug, pointing his fingers at her in an imitation of a gun, forcing Ladybug to dodge the bullets, retracting her yo-yo. Just as she was about to go for another attack, she observed the Mime forming a hammer again, but this time attached to a chain, swinging it and throwing it at her. Ladybug did a backflip, dodging the hammer and taking a glance back, noticing the huge dent in the wall the hammer had left. She turned her gaze back to the Mime, clenching the compact in her hand.

Okay, Ladybug… It's time to see what else you can do with your powers.

While Ladybug was busy forming another plan, Chat Noir meanwhile entered a semi-close combat with Monsieur Pigeon. The bird villain was standing on the building, using the pigeons as projectiles and forcing Chat Noir to dodge each and every of them.

''These pigeons don't obey the laws of physics nor biology at all!'' he said, dodging another pigeon and slowly getting towards the edge of the building.

''Ha, my pigeons are special! There is absolutely nothing that can stop them!'' Monsieur Pigeon bragged, sending another swarm at Chat Noir.

Gritting his teeth, Chat Noir activated the black hole once again, using it as a shield against the pigeons. Some of them swerved around, attacking him from behind and forcing Chat Noir to summon another black hole, dual wielding both as he shielded himself from the attacks. He took a moment to gaze at the street below them, noticing some of the pedestrians looking up, having realized that something unusual was going on. He turned his attention back to Monsieur Pigeon, who made another hand signal, the pigeons starting to flock above him.

Okay, Chat Noir… It's time to see what else you can do with your powers.

''Prepare for your end!'' Monsieur Pigeon, holding his hand up dramatically as a crossbow made of pigeons formed above him. ''Ready the crossbow!''

Chat Noir extended his arms in front of his chest, the two black holes merging into one. He then waited for Monsieur Pigeon's move.


''Black Storm!''

Using the black hole as a cover, Chat Noir charged up an attack and fired straight at the arrow formed by pigeons. The attacks collided, scattering the pigeons all around. Chat Noir smirked confidently as he heard a cry of frustration, but the pigeons reformed, flying right past him and towards the people on the street.


Chat Noir's eyes widened as he saw what was going on. While most of the people realized the danger the birds posed and ran off, there was a little child, having been separated from her mother by accident, walking down the street. She was startled by the screams around her and froze, watching the birds coming closer.

''Watch out!'' Chat Noir had managed to get off the building and grab the little girl just in time, getting her away from the danger. Chat Noir breathed a sigh of relief as he held the little girl tightly, feeling something touching his ears. He glanced at the girl.

''Kitty!'' the little girl exclaimed, reaching playfully for Chat Noir's cat ears. Chat Noir couldn't help but smile, only to hear a desperate cry.



Chat Noir let go off the little girl, Madeline, who ran into her mother's arms. The woman hugged her daughter, who then gazed at Chat Noir, looking grateful.

''Thank you!'' she told him.

Chat Noir nodded. ''Madame, you need to leave. This is a battle field.''

The woman didn't need to be told twice. Some of the people who had gathered to watch the fight followed her example, but some observed them from afar. Chat Noir turned back to Monsieur Pigeon, who was flying above him, held up by a flock of pigeons. He knew that he had to figure out something to catch the latter off guard and launch a surprise attack. He looked down at this hand, at the sphere of dark energy forming in it, preparing for another Black Storm attack, but then he realized that, perhaps, there was a way to modify it.

Maybe… Chat Noir's eyes narrowed in concentration. It is worth a shot. He held out his palm, which was facing downwards, but then crushed the sphere of dark energy into several smaller spheres, which started floating behind him. He then ran up towards Monsieur Pigeon, digging his claws into the nearby wall and leaping into the air.

''Bad idea, you stray!'' Monsieur Pigeon clenched his fist and then commanded the pigeons. ''Grab him!''

Chat Noir's eyes widened when the pigeons suddenly surrounded him, grabbing his arms and legs, keeping him airborne and unable to move. ''Damn it!''

Ladybug, who did a backflip in order to dodge Mime's chain hammer gasped when she saw Chat Noir being held up in air by the pigeons. ''Chat!'' she cried out, but before she could help him, the Mime swung the hammer once again, forcing Ladybug into the defensive and shattering the window of the building behind her. Shards flew all around, with Ladybug rolling forward, only to escape another swing of the hammer in the last moment.

She was breathing heavily, aware that she needed a different plan. She needed to get closer to the Mime, but that would be hard considering how she was on the defensive.

''Bug, do you hear me?''

The communication device crackled when she heard Chat Noir's voice.

''Yeah, I do,'' Ladybug quickly replied, dodging another of Mime's attacks, which left cracks on the street.

''You need to lure the Mime over here. I have a plan, but we need your good luck to succeed,'' Chat Noir told her in a hushed tone.

''Got it!'' Ladybug leapt into the air, landing on a lamppost, only to jump off it when the Mime swung his hammer once more, shattering the lamp. He then pulled the hammer back, swinging it again as he waited for Ladybug's move.

Ladybug frowned as she landed on the street, reaching for her compact. She needed to get past the Mime to reach Chat Noir, but he was quite good at blocking her path. She quickly weighted her options, noting that the Mime knew all of her tricks at this point and would be able to counter her staff, shield, yo-yo and wings. She needed something else.

Suddenly, the memory of smoke and explosion emerged in her mind, her eyes widening as she found the solution. Her eyes narrowed as she focused, splitting her compact in two pieces, and placing one half on the back of her palm. She then threw the other half of the compact at the Mime. The villain used his hammer in order to swat away the compact half, grinning as he stared at Ladybug, as if to taunt her.

Is this all you got?

His eyes narrowed in confusion as he saw Ladybug smiling back, only to hear a beeping noise. He looked down at the hammer, shocked to see the other half of the compact sticking to his weapon, the black dots on it flashing. Then, the compact exploded like a flash grenade, releasing a bright that blinded him momentarily.

The Mime closed his eyes, completely disoriented as he saw nothing but stars flashing before him. He could hear Ladybug running up to him and then felt a kick in the gut, which sent him into a wall. Groaning in pain, he slowly opened his eyes and saw a red light flying towards Ladybug, turning back into the compact half that had exploded. She ignored him, running towards Monsieur Pigeon and placing the two halves back together.

Meanwhile, Monsieur Pigeon was blissfully unaware of what happened below him, focusing instead on gleefully tormenting Chat Noir.

''Let's see what I should do with you,'' he mused. ''Maybe I should peck out your eyes? Or tear up your skin? Oooh, how about stuffing feathers down your throat? Rooo-rooo!''

''How about dropping me form this height? See if I really have 9 lives,'' Chat Noir suggested in a half-teasing, half-serious tone. Monsieur Pigeon's jaw dropped for a moment as he thought about it. He then grinned, realizing that Chat Noir would indeed get seriously injured if he dropped him from this height.

''Why not!'' he exclaimed, signaling the pigeons to drop the the superhero. Suddenly, Chat Noir found himself in a free fall, unable to do anything to save himself.

Monsieur Pigeon was grinning as he saw the latter falling, only to gasp in surprise when Ladybug appeared, leaping and catching Chat Noir bridal-style, then landing safely on the ground. Chat Noir glanced at Ladybug, smiling.

''Nice catch, Bug,'' he told her.

''You're welcome, Chat,'' she replied, letting go off him. Both turned towards Monsieur Pigeon, who was joined by the Mime. ''So, what's your plan?''

''I thought about creating a trap for them, but I'll need time to set it up,'' Chat Noir replied, glancing back at the street behind him, which the onlookers had cleared. Relieved to see that no one would get hurt, he turned back to the villains. ''Something that'll take them off-guard…''

''Leave that to me!'' Ladybug reached for her compact, turning into a yo-yo and then threw it at the lampposts, her and Chat Noir leaping backwards, with Ladybug wrapping the string around the balconies, lampposts and buildings. Chat Noir, who had landed on a lamppost himself, was amazed by her efficiency, with the whole street being soon covered in a web of thin wires. Ladybug then landed on a wire that was tied to the lamppost Chat Noir was standing on. It sunk a little, but it held. ''I have to admit, I got this idea after watching the anime World Trigger.''

Chat Noir rose an eyebrow, but then nodded, smiling. ''This should increase our movement and speed and decrease theirs. Keep them busy!''

He then leapt off the lamppost, spheres of black energy crackling in his palm and grabbed onto the wire, propelling himself backwards, leaving a trail of dark orbs of energy behind him. Meanwhile, Ladybug used the wire to propel herself forwards, her earrings shimmering. If they wanted to win this battle, they needed to make this strategy work and a little bit of luck wouldn't hurt.

Fortunately for her, Monsieur Pigeon ignored her, going after Chat Noir, while the Mime charged right at her. However, just as he swung his chain hammer again, Ladybug used the wire to quickly change directions, with the chain hammer getting caught in the wires and the Mime being unable to pull it back. Ladybug then leapt back, grabbing onto another wire and swung towards the Mime, managing to land a kick in the chest. The Mime stumbled back, with Ladybug going for the offensive, forcing the latter to cross his arms to block a punch from her and dodge a kick. However, when he attempted to fight back, Ladybug leapt onto the wire, evading his attack.

Meanwhile, Chat Noir used the wires to evade Monsieur Pigeon's barrage of attacks, well aware that the latter couldn't use the flock to its full potential, as the birds would get caught up in the wires, being forced to fly around them. His own bad luck was also negated to some extent, due to Ladybug's proximity, meaning he could execute his trap without having to worry too much about the issues that would create the biggest problems.

''Stop jumping around, you stupid cat!'' Monsieur Pigeon yelled at Chat Noir as the latter easily evaded another of his pigeon, landing on a wire and facing the villain.

Chat Noir had to admit that he did find himself enjoying this little chase. He then leapt onto another wire, this time closer to Monsieur Pigeon and laughed, pulling an akanbe – a facial gesture where he pulled his eye-lid down and stuck out his tongue, taunting the villain. Ladybug wasn't the only one who watched anime.

''What's wrong? Are you having trouble getting me?'' Chat Noir mocked Monsieur Pigeon. The pigeon-themed villain growled, his blood boiling. He would make this cat pay for the insult!

''Get him!'' Monsieur Pigeon yelling, unleashing the flock at Chat Noir.

Unfortunately for Monsieur Pigeon, this was exactly what Chat Noir wanted. He used the wire to leap downwards, back on the street, pressing his finger against the communication device.

''Bug, remove the wires!''

Hearing this, Ladybug, who had managed to lure the Mime into the web of wires, launched herself towards where she left her yo-yo tied up, grabbing it and turning it into a compact. All of the wires suddenly vanished, leaving the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon confused. Ladybug landed next to Chat Noir, who held up his hand, a dark shimmer spreading over the ring.

''Black Storm!''

To Monsieur Pigeon and Mime's horror, they realized too late that they had been baited into a trap. They were surrounded by countless dark spheres of energy, which suddenly started to glow. The moment Chat Noir gave the command, he fired the energy spheres towards them like bullets, hitting the two villains. While Monsieur Pigeon was knocked down from the flock that carried him, the barrage of dark energy bullets causing the pigeons to scatter, the Mime attempted to defend himself by forming a shield. However, this didn't work as there had been dark energy bullets set up behind him, hitting him straight in the back. Despite being small, each bullet hit hard, knocking him over.

Once the assault had stopped, Ladybug and Chat Noir walked out on the street, amazed by the damage the attack had caused. Unfortunately, some of the energy bullets hit the nearby buildings, creating cracks and holes, but most of the damage had been focused on the villains, who were both lying on the ground, beaten and heavily bruised. Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged glances, still alert, as they didn't believe that the two villains were willing to give up yet.

They were right to trust their gut feeling, as the two men slowly stood up, the Mime clutching his shoulder and Monsieur Pigeon holding his arm, which hurt like hell after he landed on it. Ladybug locked eyes with the Mime, glaring at him, when suddenly, the latter formed a jet-pack like device, placing it on his back and grabbed his companion's other arm and dragged him off.

Ladybug and Chat Noir could only stare at the two as they left, both feeling tired, but glad that the battle ended without any causalities… except for some of the buildings surrounding them. Chat Noir took a deep breath and glanced at Ladybug, who held up her hand, her palm facing towards him. He smiled, high-fiving her, his tail flicking.

''We really left a mark on these two,'' Ladybug said.

''They aren't the only ones we left a mark on,'' Chat Noir noted, turning his head towards the end of the street. Ladybug followed his gaze, seeing a crowd of people waving at them, some amazed, some shocked, some horrified, some even cheering.

''Hey, Ladybug! Chat Noir!'' one guy yelled excitedly. Ladybug and Chat Noir waved back, with Chat Noir's ears twitching as he heard police sirens, with several police cars parking in front of the street.

''Let's go!'' Ladybug told Chat Noir, who nodded.

Neither of them wanted to explain to the police what had happened, let alone have to deal with the fact they'd be held responsible for the collateral damage the battle had caused.


''So, this is how it is…'' Gabriel muttered. The brooch attached to his bowtie was shimmering as he observed the holographic screen in front of him, showing him the defeat of his minions at the hand of Ladybug and Chat Noir. To say that he felt disappointed was an understatement, but his expression showed no emotion.

Despite the humiliating defeat the two had suffered and despite his own disdain for the two so-called superheroes, he had realized that there was actually something he could gain from this experience. After all, more and more people have started noticing Ladybug and Chat Noir, some cheering for them, some calling them vigilantes who should leave fighting crime to the authorities. Gabriel entwined his fingers, leaning his chin against the back of his hands, his brow furrowing.

Perhaps, he could use the presence of the superheroes to his own advantage.


''What a day…'' Ladybug sighed, observing the city below her. Despite being tired and wanting to go home, she and Chat Noir had decided to just unwind, sitting on a building far away from where the action took place, her legs swinging from the edge of the wall. ''There is no way that what happened tonight won't be tomorrow on the news.''

''You're worried that the news coverage might cause trouble for us, aren't you?'' Chat Noir asked, remembering how Ladybug was adamant about staying away from the public eye. However, it was obvious that that wouldn't work in long term, especially since the villains had no issues going after civilians.

''Yeah… I mean, you saw the property damage left from our battle. Maybe it was over-the-top,'' Ladybug replied, leaning her head against her hands and sighing. ''I can imagine that the authorities would demand that we quit being superheroes or people talking how it would've been better if we let the police deal with the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon.''

Chat Noir fell silent for a moment, contemplating Ladybug's words. He knew that she wanted to be a superheroine and help people, unlike him, but hearing her talk like this, it made him wonder whether she was having any doubts. His ears twitched and he gave her a comforting smile.

''Considering how the Mime is able to create stuff like a rocket launcher out of thin air, I believe that we are much better equipped to battle them. Unlike us, the police doesn't have any superpowers to protect them,'' Chat Noir told her, with Ladybug looking up at him, smiling. ''Not to mention, we were the ones who had figured out that the Mime was robbing those banks and confronted him, we saved those people at the concert when Monsieur Pigeon attacked and we had figured out that Belladonna was stealing jewelry. That's a good thing, right?''

''Not to mention, we also made ourselves their targets. As long as those supervillains focus on us, ordinary civilians should be safe… to some extent,'' Chat Noir added the last part after a short pause, remembering how the flock of pigeons targeted the crowd after missing him. He then quickly continued, ''Sure, there is the issue of property getting damaged, but I think that it is more important that we keep everyone safe.''

''You're right,'' Ladybug replied, her confidence returning. She then gave him a warm smile. ''You know, I'm really glad that I have you as my partner.''

''You are?'' Chat Noir was a little surprised by Ladybug's confession.

''We may have had a rocky start, but at this point, I'm actually really happy being with you,'' Ladybug told him. ''I think that we make a great team.''

''Me too,'' Chat Noir replied, sensing a warm feeling spreading through his chest. He couldn't help but note just how comfortable Ladybug was around him, as well as just how comfortable he was around her. He knew that this was what he was working towards – earning Ladybug's complete trust, and now he had it. This meant that he could move on to the next step of his plan. ''Although, it's not like we're a perfect team.''

''You're talking about your bad luck, right?'' Ladybug said, with Chat Noir nodding.

''I know that I said that I am able to control it, but that doesn't mean that I'm not affected by it,'' Chat Noir said, gazing at the city below him.

''I wish that I could help you somehow.''

Chat Noir turned his head towards Ladybug, who gave him a sympathetic look. He was stunned, feeling as if he was dreaming. Ladybug was actually offering to help him finally get rid off his bad luck curse. All he needed to do was to tell her that he needed her to kiss him and he would be able to take the Ring of the Black Cat off, free of his burden. This is your chance! Tell her!

''You…'' Chat Noir's mouth moved, but he couldn't get any more word out. Part of him, the more reasonable part was screaming at him to tell her the truth and finally end this curse, but something was preventing him for sharing it. He wanted to reveal how to remove the curse, but he couldn't. Why?!

Chat Noir shook his head, offering her a heavy-hearted smile, ''I think it would be better if we just worked towards finding new ways how to make use of our powers.'' He then gave her a confident look. ''Who knows, maybe my bad luck will turn out to be more useful than your good luck.''

''I'm fairly certain that we will be able to find a way to use both of our powers without them cancelling each other out. We're only at the start of our journey,'' Ladybug replied.

''Exactly,'' Chat Noir agreed, his confident smile changing to a look of surprise when Ladybug leaned against him.

Unknown to Ladybug, a shadow fell over his face as a wave of guilt washed over him.


''Plagg, de-transform me!''

Félix was surprised when the little black cat kwami floated up to him, staring at his holder in disbelief.

''Why hadn't you told her?'' Plagg asked him in an aggressive tone, with Félix closing the balcony door behind him.

''I don't believe that it was the right time,'' Félix replied, walking past Plagg, who flew after him.

''What do you mean? Ladybug had just offered you to help you with your bad luck curse and you turned her offer down! Don't you want to get rid off the Ring of the Black Cat?'' Plagg asked him. Félix sighed.

''Of course I do, but, like I said, it wasn't the right moment,'' Félix replied, walking down the stairs. Plagg rose an eyebrow, crossing his arms as he followed him. He could sense that there was something Félix was refusing to admit.

''Okay, when is this right moment going to happen then?'' Plagg asked, flying up in front of Félix. The teen stared at the kwami, his gaze lowering.

''I-I don't know,'' he replied, obviously not wanting to discuss this. Plagg tilted his head, with a mischievous grin spreading on his lips.

''Oh, really?'' he said, giving Félix a nonchalant look. ''Is it possible that you really don't know what the right moment will be… or is it because you actually like being Chat Noir?''

''No, I don't like being Chat Noir,'' Félix hissed, his tone defensive. Plagg smirked, flying after the teen as the latter grabbed his pyjamas.

''Oh, really? Then, what about Ladybug? You two are quite close.''

''Only because I need to be close to her. I may have earned her trust, but my work is still not done. I doubt that she would've kissed me even if I asked her,'' Félix replied, feeling a bit irritated by Plagg's questions. ''Removing my curse was the sole reason I accepted being Chat Noir. I don't want to be a superhero nor do I have to deal with my bad luck.''

''Yet you were the one who pointed out why Paris needs Ladybug and Chat Noir. When Ladybug had her doubts, you assured her that you two would work together to protect the city, and even work on expanding your powers and abilities,'' Plagg pointed out. Félix sighed, not replying.

His eyes narrowed as he thought about that evening, about the crowd that cheered for him and Ladybug, about that little girl he had saved. He may have acted like a superhero and gone out of his way to help people, but he wanted nothing to do with this superhero-life. This just wasn't him. He preferred to stay inside, reading books and writing stories, instead of going outside and put his life on the life for strangers.

As he lied down in his bed, his mind was still processing everything, especially the memory of the little girl he had saved. He rolled over to the side, taking a deep breath. As much as hated the idea of being a superhero, he couldn't deny that helping people felt nice. He may have been stuck with a curse, but he was improving the lives of others, even if only a little bit. However, he knew that, eventually, Chat Noir would completely disappear from his life.

If Chat Noir disappears, what will happen to Ladybug? I will regain the life I wanted and I won't have to deal with my curse anymore, but she… Félix closed his eyes, feeling a sting of guilt piercing his chest as she remembered Ladybug's gaze and the warmth and happiness in her eyes. Then, the memory of Ladybug yelling at him for hiding his bad luck from her surfaced, the look of betrayal she gave him making the guilt he felt only stronger. He knew that, if she ever learned why he was with her, her reaction will only be worse. If I do this, Chat Noir won't only disappear, but I will also abandon Ladybug when she is at her most vulnerable. If I want this curse to be removed, I will have to hurt her.

Félix then opened his eyes, staring at the ring on his hand, clenching his fist as he felt a weight on his chest.

Chat Noir will disappear, and Ladybug will remain… but at what cost?

Chapter 20: The Lingering Loneliness


Okay, this one got hella long, so I had to split it up into two parts. Still, it gets the point of the title across.

Thank you all for your support and I hope you're gonna enjoy the chapter! X3

Chapter Text

Entry 19

The Lingering Loneliness

''To protect someone, it is fake if someone says he's willing to sacrifice. I am swaying between good and bad, slightly towards bad. From the time I get used to loneliness, a devil is lingering around me, even in my dreams. Only the moonlight guides me to the way. Put a lid on your empty heart, the wound that straddled the left eye hurts. I can disappear like this. I hope that a ray of light shines in this darkness, and I'll be surrounded by warmth, so that I can laugh again someday.''

– Time Factor by World Trigger


Félix had to admit that he wasn't completely sure whether he even made the right decision.

It was weekend and, as usual, his uncle was too busy with his projects to care, leaving Adeline in charge. She was currently looking at Félix's schedule, questioning him about his free time and how to fill it up.

''Your sensei had praised your karate skills,'' Adeline said, her tone lacking any emotion. ''I believe that it would do you well to add more hours to your karate lessons.''

''My schedule is fine as it is,'' Félix told Adeline, his back turned towards her as he stuffed a book into his backpack, with Plagg already being inside it. ''I'll be away for the day.''

Adeline pursed her lips. ''I don't think wasting your time with unimportant activities is acceptable in Monsieur Agreste's eyes,'' she told him, her perfectly manicured fingers gripping the tablet with the schedule of the Agreste household tightly.

Félix just slung the backpack over his shoulder and walked up to her. ''What Uncle Gabriel thinks about my activities shouldn't be any of your concern, Mme. Arsenault. If he wants to express his disappointment, he can talk to me directly instead.''

Félix then walked past her, going outside and ignoring the twin bodyguards, Nathan and Simon Fortin, who had been patrolling the property. Both were burly bald men dressed in a white suit, shoes and gloves, with two black dots on the suit and a black bowtie, and a purplish circular mark on their left and right eye respectively. Félix never questioned them about it, though, as neither of them were particularly talkative. Not that they had anything to talk about. Fortunately, neither stopped him from leaving the Agreste property.

Once he made his way down the street, Plagg popped his head out of the backpack. ''So, where are we going, Kid?''

''Honestly, I don't know,'' Félix muttered, with Plagg tilting his head, giving him a questioning look. ''All I know is that I need some time to clear my head.''

''You mean, after your failed attempt at getting a kiss from Ladybug,'' Plagg replied, grinning mischievously.

''I haven't failed… I just didn't take initiative,'' Félix added after a pause, trying to ignore the eye roll from Plagg. He was aware that the latter was right about having messing up the perfect opportunity to walk away without dealing with his bad luck anymore. However, something prevented him from going along with it. He shook his head and continued walking. He knew that he needed some time to clear his head and was wondering where he should go. He then realized that he might as well visit Dynastie du Lóng and have a cup of tea. That wouldn't be a bad idea…

Unfortunately for Félix, Plagg also noticed where he was going. ''So, are you going to visit Bridgette?''

''My actual intent was to just have a cup of tea, but if Bridgette is there, I guess that we could talk,'' Félix replied. Plagg gave him a knowing grin.

''Oh, really? How am I supposed to know that you're not visiting the tea shop because of Bridgette?'' Plagg asked. Félix shoot him a glare, looking a little flustered. Plagg just grinned, knowing he hit a nerve. ''I know that you like her more than you want to admit.''

''…So what?'' Félix replied, feeling a restraining sensation in his chest. ''I admit, I am a bit closer to her than to other people, but that's because she's the only person I interact with...'' He trailed off, feeling his cheeks turn hot and redden with each passing word he said. ''We're just classmates… That's all,'' he quickly added in a sharp tone, continuing walking towards Dynastie du Lóng.

''Do you really think that you two are just classmates?'' Plagg asked him, a knowing grin spreading on his face. ''Or perhaps, you're actually considering her your friend?''

''I am not going to dignify that with a response,'' Félix replied, feeling irritated. However, no matter how much he tried to control his emotions and actions, he knew that this was a losing battle. In the short time Plagg spent with him, he learned well how Félix reacted to certain situations and read him like an open book. Félix didn't really like the idea of being so easily readable, but he was aware that this was the consequence of spending so much time with Plagg.

He had closed himself off to the rest of the world because he knew there were people who would try to hurt him. If he showed no reaction, they wouldn't be able to hurt him. The reason why he allowed Plagg to talk to him like this was because he knew that the kwami was direct, if a little mischievous, but never intentionally malicious. He could trust Plagg and even relied on him pointing stuff out that he had missed. However, being someone who disliked the idea of interacting with people and never having any kind of friend, this was a bit too much.

''I wanted to take time off thinking about what to do concerning Ladybug, but I'm not in the mood to think about Bridgette either…'' he muttered under his breath.

''Yet, we're here,'' Plagg noted as he and Félix arrived at Dynastie du Lóng. Félix stared at the entrance for a moment, then took a deep breath and entered it. His heart skipped a beat when he saw that Bridgette wasn't there, but he wasn't sure whether this was because he was relieved or disappointed.

''Oh, hello?'' Mei Cheng, Bridgette's grandmother, looked up from the counter and greeted him. She appeared to be a little surprised to see him. ''You're that classmate of Bridgette's who gave her the umbrella.''

''Yes... Félix Agreste,'' Félix replied, wondering if the old woman had forgotten his name. She furrowed a brow, shaking her head and shrugging, with Félix realizing that she indeed did remember him.

''Are you here because of Bridgette?'' she asked.

''N-No,'' Félix replied quickly, feeling his heart beat rapidly. Stop acting like this! This is embarrassing! Taking a second to calm himself down, he added, ''I was actually thinking about getting a cup of tea.'' He paused, then added in a tentative tone, ''Is Bridgette even at home?''

''No, she left about an hour ago,'' Mei replied in a dry tone, preparing the water. For some reason, a wave of disappointment washed over Félix. ''She went to Sophie's place. I'm not sure when she's going to come back.''

''Oh,'' Félix muttered, walking over to the table in the corner and sitting down. He wasn't sure how to feel about this. Usually, he would be happy that Bridgette wasn't around and that he was alone, but now, he just felt numb. It was as if something was missing. Félix opened his backpack, noticing Plagg staring back at him with a wide grin on his expression, as if reading his mind. Félix stared back for a moment, then sighed. ''Fine, I relent.''


''Honestly, I don't know what to do,'' Bridgette said. She was lying on Sophie's bed, holding a heart-shaped pillow and staring at the ceiling, while Sophie was busy pinning down the black cloth on the mannequin, placing it over on the red dress that was already on it. ''I mean, Félix and I get along just fine, but… I feel confused.''

''You feel confused about the Ice Prince?'' Sophie hummed, sticking her tongue out as she reached for another pin. ''That's new.''

''Soph, I don't think Félix would really appreciate being called Ice Prince,'' Bridgette told her friend, her eyes narrowing. ''Also, I know that my feelings regarding Félix have been all over the place, but now, I'm adamant about us just being friends.''

''Okay, but what's the problem then?'' Sophie asked, glancing at Bridgette and giving her a questioning look. ''You guys are friends, you guys hang out like friends, unicorns vomit rainbows and the Rock is gonna be the next president of the USA. Everything is normal in La-La-Land.''

''Sophie!'' Bridgette threw the pillow at her friend, sitting up and laughing. Sophie was also laughing in amusem*nt, picking up the pillow.

''Okay, but seriously, why are you so worried? You have reached your goal, right?'' Sophie asked. ''Or, do you still have a crush on him and that's why you're feeling like a mess?''

''Honestly, I'm not sure,'' Bridgette replied, shaking her head. ''I want to say that I indeed see him just as a friend, but I can't deny that I feel more for him. However, I don't want those feelings to ruin any kind of relationship I have with him, especially since I know that he's uncomfortable around people.''

''In other words, you're stressing over whether an impulsive decision might ruin any relationship you have,'' Sophie pointed out. Bridgette just nodded. ''That stuff is kind of difficult to process, especially, as you pointed out, Agreste doesn't like other people and is only fine being around you so far.'' She smiled. ''I think you should just treat him the way you see fit. It shouldn't be any different from the way you treat me, Claude, Allegra or Allan, right?''

''Well, it isn't… But it's a bit different with you guys,'' Bridgette said.

''You mean, none of us is are grumpy people who do everything to avoid social interactions,'' Sophie noted.

''Yeah, but…'' Bridgette sighed, then slapped her cheeks, psyching herself up. She got up, looking determined. ''Never mind, I will somehow figure this out.''

''I wish you a lot of luck with that,'' Sophie replied, turning back to the dress, which now had a black overskirt pinned to it. ''Anyways, what do you think of this? Is the black a bit too much?''

''Maybe you could do black mesh over the red skirt?'' Bridgette suggested. ''I mean, red and black usually look good together.''

''I had been thinking the same, but I wasn't completely sure whether I should mix it up or try keeping them separate,'' Sophie said, removing the black cloth from the mannequin and throwing it into Bridgette's arms. ''Hold this, I have the black mesh here somewhere.''

Bridgette just smiled in response, eagerly helping her fashion-lover friend out with her passion project. At some point, both heard their smartphones ringing, indicating a message had been sent to them. The messages were from Allegra, who was asking them to go to the group chat. Exchanging glances, Bridgette and Sophie turned to Sophie's computer and entered their friend group chat, with Claude, Allan and Allegra being already on it and talking.

''Hey, guys, Bridgette's with me,'' Sophie said, ending whatever conversation the group had in the chat room.

''What's up with the message?'' Bridgette asked. To their surprise, they heard Carmilla's voice coming from Allegra's profile.

''Allegra and I had been talking how the whole group could go do something together and I had found out that the Louvre is going to do a special Egyptian exhibition tomorrow,'' she told them. ''What do you say guys? Should we visit it?''

''I'm for it,'' Allegra quickly added. There was a moment of pause.

''Honestly, it actually sounds rather interesting,'' Allan said. ''I'm all for it.''

''Count me in,'' Claude said. Sophie and Bridgette exchanged brief glances and both nodded.

''We also want to visit the exhibition,'' Bridgette said.

''Awesome! I guess we'll all meet up tomorrow at the museum,'' Carmilla said.

''It's probably going to be even more crowded than usually if there is an exhibition,'' Sophie noted.

''We'll figure something out,'' Carmilla replied nonchalantly.


''I'm back!'' Bridgette announced her arrival as she entered the tea shop. Mei entered the shop from the back to greet her.

''Nice to see you,'' Mei replied. ''You had a visitor.''

''I did? Who?'' Bridgette asked curiously.

''Your classmate, Félix Agreste, had dropped by,'' Mei replied. Bridgette felt her cheeks reddening.

''H-He did?'' She quickly looked around, as if trying to spot him, but the tea shop was completely empty. ''Did he say anything?''

''Not really,'' Mei told her, with Bridgette looking visibly disappointed, her ahoge drooping. ''Admittedly, he did ask whether you were at home, but when I questioned him about it, he said that he was just here to get a cup of tea,'' Mei told her.

''I see,'' Bridgette muttered, sounding a bit thoughtful. She walked past her grandmother, who just smiled, well aware what was going through her granddaughter's head. After all, she had inherited her grandmother's perceptiveness.


This week's Sunday lunch felt incredibly odd. It wasn't the food Félix had an issue with, but the fact that he wasn't eating lunch alone like he'd usually do. To his surprise, Gabriel Agreste had decided to finally show up and eat lunch with him. Félix had to wonder whether the world was ending, because his uncle wouldn't be caught dead eating lunch at the same table as his nephew unless he had a specific reason for it. Therefore, Félix gave him a suspicious look, but didn't say anything. Gabriel also remained quiet, both of them eating their lunch in complete silence. There were no questions about school, work, hobbies, social life from either side.

Félix wasn't sure whether that kind of interaction was good or not. He felt a little conflicted, noting how he loved not having to talk to people, including Gabriel, but at the same time, he wouldn't mind if someone said something to break this awkward silence. Unfortunately, neither he nor Gabriel were good at that kind of small talk. Félix's mind then wandered over to Bridgette, wondering how she would treat this situation.

''Has Adeline told you about the dinner next week?'' Gabriel suddenly asked Félix, causing the latter to snap out of his thoughts.

''Dinner?'' Félix gave his uncle a curious look.

''Charles Guillebeau and his wife are going to visit us for dinner next week. It will be mostly work-related, but you are expected to be there as well,'' Gabriel told him in a soft, yet cold tone. It was as if he was whispering, but there was weight behind his words, as if they were stone. Félix knew that, the moment Gabriel used that kind of tone, he needed to take everything the former said seriously. Still, the rebellious and petty side of Félix wasn't going to let this go so easily.

''May I know why I'm obligated to attend this dinner?'' Félix asked him. After seeing a spark of rage in Gabriel's eyes for not complying silently, he quickly added, ''After all, I don't know M. and Mme. Guillebeau as well as you do, and you said this would be work-related, so what am I supposed to contribute?''

''You are here to keep up appearances,'' Gabriel replied in the same tone, although Félix could sense an edge in his voice, feeling chills flowing down his spine. ''Charles and Rosalie are going to ask you questions about school and private life and you will answer them. Once the dinner is over, you will be free to leave, but not sooner. Do you understand?''

''I do,'' Félix muttered.

Frankly, he wasn't surprised that this was Gabriel's response. When it came to his uncle, it was all about appearances, social status and high-society etiquette. Félix knew that his role in this was to play the grateful nephew who had been taken in by his gracious uncle after the tragical death of his mother, his uncle's younger sister. He was supposed to show that Gabriel treated him adequately and be the perfect obedient nephew his uncle wanted him to be. However, all of that just made Félix feel sick. He hated pretentious and snobby people, but he needed to be the perfect nephew unless he wanted to endure punishment.

Not feeling hungry anymore, Félix placed the fork down and got up, ''Please, excuse me. I'm going out and I won't be returning until late evening.''

Gabriel stared back at him, furrowing a brow. ''If you are going out, then tell Simon or Nathan to drive you to your destination.''

''Uncle, I know how to use public transport. There is no reason-''

''Simon or Nathan will drive you to your destination,'' Gabriel cut him off, his tone as cold as ice. Félix felt chills building up at the bottom of his spine as he sensed the thinly-veiled threat underneath it. ''We are done with this discussion. Have you understood?''

''Yes, I did,'' Félix replied, remaining stone-faced. Turning on his heel, he left the dining room and walked back to his room to pick up his backpack. He only allowed himself to breath once he left his Gabriel's line of sight, aware that he came close to being grounded for the rest of the year. Even if Gabriel showed no emotion, Félix knew his uncle well enough to be aware what triggered the latter, and not acting like an Agreste was one of those things. In a way, predicting Gabriel's mood and intentions was the only way to survive in this household.

As he entered his room, Plagg immediately floated up to him, noticing the grim look on Félix's expression. ''Hey, Kid, what happened?''

''It turns out that I will be stuck at a pointless dinner instead of going out and helping Ladybug next week,'' Félix responded. Plagg hummed.

''Sounds like a nightmare. Is there anything I can do for you?''

Félix shook his head. ''Unfortunately, not.''

''Okay, then… Where are we going today?'' Plagg asked as he sat on Félix's shoulder and smirked. ''Don't tell me that you are going to visit Bridgette again.''

Félix just sighed, giving the kwami an annoyed look. ''Honestly, I just want to leave this place. It doesn't matter where I go.''

''That's fine too,'' Plagg replied as Félix walked out.

After he missed out meeting Bridgette the previous day, Félix didn't really talk about her except mentioning that this was probably his bad luck acting up again and accepting that this was how things were. Plagg, however, was aware that behind this resignation was a feeling of frustration, as Félix attempted to do something that would make him happy for once, only to run into issues that were out of his control. Still, that didn't mean that he was going to give up so easily.

While inside the car, with Simon being the twin driving him aimlessly around Paris, Félix placed his finger across the ring, wishing that, for once, his bad luck would work to his advantage. He wasn't sure where he would go, but he wanted to get out of the car, not having to deal with one of Gabriel's bodyguards watching over him. It seemed that the Ring of the Black Cat answered his call, as it started to glow faintly, with there being a strange sound heard from the car, like a firecracker popping. Groaning, Simon parked the car at the side of the street, irritated that it may have broken down. He went outside to check on it, while Félix was left inside.

Okay, this wasn't what I had expected, but I can work with it.

It seemed that his selfish use of bad luck didn't end, as Félix had realized that not only was he close to the Louvre Museum, but he also saw Bridgette and his friends crossing the street and going towards it. He was a bit stunned, but at the same time relieved, deciding to follow them.

''If Uncle Gabriel asks, I'm at the Louvre,'' he quickly told Simon, then walked away, leaving the latter puzzling over the car.


''I knew that there would be a crowd,'' Sophie said as she, Bridgette, Allegra, Claude, Allan and Carmilla walked over where the Egyptian exhibition was supposed to be. Carmilla had been holding a brochure showing the image of a golden, black and red scarab beetle amulet that was the crown of the exhibition and the main reason she wanted them to visit the museum.

''Maybe we could wander around and just return later,'' Allan suggested. Carmilla frowned, glaring at the crowd.

''I could try to get through the crowd and at least take a photo,'' she said, visibly irritated that the people were blocking her view of the scarab beetle amulet. ''I should've brought that selfie stick with me.''

''I don't think you're allowed to use those. Besides, there isn't just that scarab beetle amulet,'' Allegra chimed in, pointing at the glass covers. ''What about the jewelry? I mean, look at the necklace.''

Carmilla, Allan and Sophie turned to her, taking a look at the jewelry Allegra was pointing at. Claude, however, was looking at Bridgette, who seemed to be quite alert, observing her surroundings as if searching for someone. ''Hey, Bri, are you okay?''

''Yeah, I am,'' Bridgette replied nonchalantly, but her gaze still remained on her surroundings. She wasn't sure why, but she had the uncanny feeling of being watched by someone. Trying to shake it off, she turned to her friends, who were currently discussing what the various hieroglyphs on the piece of papyrus meant, with Allan joking that it may have been a music sheet and Allegra arguing that it were probably important documents. ''Guys, how about going to the café and sitting down until this section clears? Like Allan had suggested, we could visit this part later.''

''Sounds like a good idea to me,'' Allegra replied. Sophie shrugged, while Carmilla was a bit reluctant.

''Honestly, I had thought of waiting a bit longer,'' she said, pausing for a moment as she thought about it, then smiled. ''You know what, why not? I could go for a coffee.''

''Then it's decided,'' Claude chimed in, with the group walking away.

Bridgette remained at the back of it, still battling with that nagging feeling of being watched. Admittedly, one of the reasons she suggested they go along with Allan's idea was because she wanted to see whether she'd be able to figure out who was following her. However, she first had to deal with being separated from her friends as a group of tourists walked right between them, shoving her back. The Ladybug Earrings started to glow faintly and another push from a random stranger caused Bridgette to trip and almost fall over the person behind her. Fortunately, the person who was standing behind her had managed to catch her, placing their arm around her waist.

''Ah, I'm so sorry, I-'' Bridgette started to apologize to the stranger as she regained her balance, only to stop when she saw just who had caught her.

Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red and her ahoge was frazzled when her bluebell eyes met Félix's desaturated green-grey eyes. Félix, in-turn, appeared to be just as stunned as she was, his cheeks too taking a faint shade of pink.

''F-Félix, what are you-?''

Bridgette stuttered, freaking out at the realization that not only was Félix the one who had probably observed her, but that he still had his arm around her waist. To Félix's credit, he managed to remain calm, despite being internally just as freaked out as Bridgette was. He had indeed followed her and her friends from a distance, not wanting to interact with them, but when saw her being pushed away by the crowd, he just ran over to help her without even thinking things through. Now, he was stuck in this incredibly awkward situation, with millions of thoughts racing through his mind.

''Are you okay?'' Félix asked, unsure what else to say. He knew that Bridgette and her friends would probably demand some answers and while he did have a good excuse for why he was in the museum, he still had no explanation for being so close to them.

''Uh, huh, yeah, I am…'' Bridgette replied, trying to snap out of La-La-Land and focus on the matter at hand, as well as pushing away that feeling of disappointment when Félix let go of her waist. ''A-Are you okay? Uh, I-I mean, thank you for helping me.''

Félix just nodded in response, wondering how he was supposed to continue this conversation. He was certain that she knew that he visited the tea shop the previous day and that she probably wanted to question him about it. However, before Bridgette could get a word out, both were approached by Claude, who had noticed that she went missing from their group. He opened his mouth to call out for her, but the worried look on his expression turned into a glare when he saw Félix. He could still hear Carmilla's voice in his head, remembering their previous conversation, but quickly pushed all of that away.

''What are you doing here Agreste?'' Claude asked Félix.

''I just came here to visit the exhibition, Savard, nothing else,'' Félix said, although his voice wavered a little by the end of the sentence. Bridgette noted that he sounded a bit uneasy. ''I'm allowed to do that, aren't I?''

It seemed that Claude, too, had realized just how stupid his question sounded, as he quickly added, ''I just wasn't expecting to meet you here.'' He then turned to Bridgette. ''Bri, are you coming?''

''Sure, but…'' Bridgette wasn't really keen on leaving Félix. After what had happened the previous day, she wanted to talk to Félix and help him feel more comfortable around her. However, at the same time, she felt that it would be just rude to abandon her friends for someone they didn't really like, especially since this was the first time they hung out together after the fiasco with the ticket she had lost. She glanced at Félix, then at Claude, who saw the uncertainty in her eyes, realizing that she indeed wanted to hang out with Félix.

''Well, I don't want to suddenly get to the worst-case scenario, but considering how Bridgette adores Office Boy, even though I can't see why, she might replace her close friends with the snobby rich blond guy.'' Carmilla's words came back to haunt him with full force. However, Claude once again pushed them out of his mind, only to be surprised by Bridgette's next move.

''I will join you guys later. I still have something to discuss with Félix,'' she said. Claude felt his heart skip a beat, but then smiled.

''Okay, I'll tell the others,'' he said, leaving. Bridgette turned to Félix, who gave her a blank look.

''You know, you didn't have to stay with me,'' he told her.

''Maybe, but I have a few questions for you. That is, if you don't mind answering them,'' Bridgette told him. Félix held his breath for a moment, feeling his heart racing. Sure, he may have thought about hanging out with Bridgette, but he still didn't feel prepared for engaging in a discussion with her. Sure, he may have had conversation with her as Chat Noir, but that was because he had a mask on. He knew that talking to her as a civilian would be completely different.

''I… I don't mind,'' Félix relented. If he really wanted to consider Bridgette his friend, then he had to go through the uncomfortable parts first. ''Although, could we sit down somewhere first?''

Bridgette nodded, with the two walking out of the room and finding a bunch of benches at the art gallery, which was thankfully less crowded. Bridgette then turned to Félix, who was just staring at the floor blankly, his fist clenched and placed on his knees, feeling tense and waiting for Bridgette to make the first move.

''I wanted to know whether you really wanted to meet up with me yesterday,'' Bridgette told him. ''I mean, Gran Mei told me you asked about me, but…''

''I was just curious whether you were at home,'' Félix muttered, forcing himself to relax despite the tension and anxiety he felt. However, he slowly started having doubts, wondering whether this was a good idea. While he knew that he had to accept the fact that he saw Bridgette as more than just an acquaintance, he still wasn't sure whether he could fully commit to treating her as his friend. What if he said or did something that hurt her? He was quite sure that her compassion and patience wasn't infinite. He looked up at her. ''Was there a problem?''

''No, absolutely not,'' Bridgette replied, smiling back warmly. After what her grandmother had told her, she was in a daze, worrying Tikki, only to explode in joy when she realized that Félix actually wanted to see her, even if he didn't want to admit it. ''I was at Sophie's at the time, though.'' Her eyes sparked up. ''You know, if you want to talk to me, I could give you my phone number and you could just call me whenever you want to set up a meeting.''

''Uh, sure,'' Félix replied.

It was a bit surprising. Even though he knew that Bridgette had a crush on him and even though she wanted to be friends with him, she never bothered to get his number. He assumed that she probably thought that he would be too uncomfortable to share his number; and while he was at it, did she even know where he lived? Well, probably, if she knew where Gabriel Agreste lived. The two then exchanged numbers, then remained quiet for a bit. Looking at Bridgette, Félix had the feeling that she wanted to continue the conversation, seeing the gears in her head turn as she tried to come up with the next question.

''Say, Bridgette…'' he started, pausing for a moment to formulate his next sentence, but his mind flashed back to the look of disappointment and sadness he saw on Bridgette's expression when he rejected her offer to go to a concert with her. Feeling a sting of guilt, he suddenly said, ''I'm sorry.''

''What are you sorry for?'' Bridgette asked, genuinely confused.

''For everything,'' Félix muttered, feeling the guilt inside him rising. He pushed it back, only for a voice in the back in his mind to tell him just how pointless this conversation was. There was no way for him to be friends with Bridgette. After all, he was the aloof and reclusive Ice Prince and he wore that title like a damn Medal of Honor. What did Bridgette even see in him?!

''Félix…'' Bridgette muttered, surprised when Félix suddenly got up, feeling restless.

''Maybe, this conversation was a bad idea…'' he said, turning to her. ''I apologize for wasting your time.''

''Félix, wait,'' Bridgette got up, extending her hand, but then deciding against. Félix turned to her, surprised by the determined look on her expression. ''I understand that you're really uncomfortable and that you don't want to talk. If you want, we can have our conversation at any other time. Hell, you can call me whenever you want if there is something that bothers you, I won't mind. All I want is for you to feel comfortable in my presence, so if there is anything that bothers you, you can tell me.''

Félix fell silent for a moment, staring at the ground, then looked up, deciding to ask her the one questioning that was burning in the back of his mind.

''Why do you insist so much on treating me as if I'm your friend?'' he asked. ''And I'm not talking about your crush on me. We've already talked about that.''

Bridgette seemed to be, for a moment, caught off-guard by his question, a soft reddish hue covering her cheeks, but then she smiled, giving him a confident look. ''Because I like you.''

Félix's eyes widened and before he could even think through his next question, he blurted out, ''Why?''

''It's kinda hard to explain, as I have a lot of reasons why I like you… Or rather, what I like about you,'' Bridgette replied, her ahoge taking the shape of a heart. She giggled, rubbing the back of her head. ''Although, I'd probably spend hours explaining those reasons.'' She then looked at him fondly. ''For now, I really like hanging out with you and just talking to you about whatever comes to my mind.''

''Even if it's not the same as it is when you're with your friends?'' Félix asked. ''After all, you seem to be the kind of person who likes to talk a lot, but you never do when I'm around.''

''Uh, that… Well, I don't mind it,'' Bridgette responded.

''I see…'' Félix replied, grabbing his backpack from the bench and slinging it over his shoulder. ''I guess I'll see you around, then. I don't want to keep your friends waiting.''

''Okay,'' Bridgette said, feeling a bit sad that Félix cut the conversation short. She watched him leaving, wondering whether she should've asked him to join her and her friends, but then she realized that this would be a bad idea on the account of both sides being against it.

Still, she had hope. As Bridgette left to join her friends, she felt that Félix might slowly, but surely, start opening up to her.


''…right, but- Oh!'' Carmilla suddenly stood up, giving Allegra, Allan, Sophie and Claude a sheepish look. ''I lost my pendant. I'll be back soon.''

''Wait, your pendant?'' Sophie rose an eyebrow.

''Yeah, I wanted to show all of you what my mother had sent over from Italy, but it seems that I had lost it when I took out my smartphone to take a picture at the exhibition. I'll go and check whether it's there,'' Carmilla told them.

''You know, we could help you,'' Allegra pointed out, getting up, but Carmilla shook her head.

''You don't have to. Losing this pendant was my fault, so I should deal with the consequences,'' she said. ''I'll be back soon.''

''But, what if someone picked it up?'' Allan asked.

''I'll ask security if someone handed it over,'' Carmilla replied.

''Okay, but I sure hope that you're not ditching us so we have to pay for your coffee,'' Claude said in a playful tone.

''Oh, I wouldn't even dream about leaving you with the bill,'' Carmilla replied, then left, half-walking, half-running. She passed by Bridgette, who just arrived to join her friends, greeting her and then going back to the exhibition.

Once she was out of their line of sight, she took a deep breath and started to stroll towards the exhibition while keeping a close attention to the cameras and security. She knew that it would be difficult for her to execute her plan, but there was a reason why she had the title of the Phantom Thief. Besides, she loved a challenge.

Returning to the Egyptian exhibition, she was relieved that there was less of a crowd in front of the scarab beetle amulet. Observing it carefully, she took out her smartphone and started recording the room, pretending that she was just taking a video of the artifacts. In truth, she was making sure that she took a detailed video of all the security measures that were in the room, including the entrances and skylight above. Once done, she made a few quick snapshots of the scarab beetle amulet and the glass that covered it, making mental notes on how she would proceed with her plan.

Once she was satisfied with what she had, she turned on her heel, about to leave the room, when she almost ran into Félix Agreste, or Office Boy, as she liked to call him. He didn't appear to notice her, being lost in his own thoughts as he observed a collection of rings in the display case. Carmilla knew that she could easily leave without being noticed, but where was the fun in that?

''Who would've thought that our Office Boy has an interest in ancient history.'' Félix's eyes widened and he turned his head towards Carmilla, who had her arms crossed, grinning back smugly. He frowned, but didn't respond. Carmilla huffed. ''You know, it is really rude to not reply.''

''Why should I? You are a stranger to me,'' Félix noted. While had met Carmilla before, his most memorable encounter was her fawning over him while he was Chat Noir.

''Unfortunately, you aren't a stranger to me,'' Carmilla replied, giving him a malicious smile, despite her relaxed posture. She knew that she could easily verbally corner Félix and she really wanted to mess with his head. ''I had heard what poor Bridgette went through and it is incredible that she's willing to put up with your attitude.''

''What are you talking about?'' Félix furrowed a brow, glaring at Carmilla. Normally, he would've left, but for some reason, she had grabbed his attention and wouldn't let go.

''Oh, please, don't act as if you don't know,'' Carmilla said, adding in a dramatic tone, ''It is so tragic that Bri is putting so much time and energy into being your friend, yet you treat her so coldly, acting like a complete jerkass.''

''What happens between me and Bridgette is none of your business,'' Félix told her coldly.

''Oh, really?''

Félix was about to walk away, but something in Carmilla's tone caused him to freeze. Her voice was so confident and calm, yet sent chills down his spine. It was as if she knew something he didn't or as if she was reading his mind. Félix couldn't help, but force himself to look back at her.

''What do you want to say?''

Carmilla snorted in amusem*nt, her smile now quite sinister.

''Bridgette is a person who is willing to be friends with anyone,'' Carmilla said, her voice dropping, ''What makes you think you are so special?''

Félix felt as if an icicle pierced his heart, with the coldness spreading through his body. He wanted to respond, to tell her to shut up and mind her own business, but he couldn't. As much as he hated it, he knew that Carmilla was literally saying what was on his mind. He could feel a sense of emptiness in his chest, clenching his fist, shaking as he tried to prevent it from spreading. However, it was slowly overwhelming him.

Carmilla just flipped her hair, walking past him, then stopped when she was right next to him, adding, ''This 'friendship' means absolutely nothing. The moment you make a mistake, it is over. Trust me, nobody cares about you.''

Carmilla then walked away, leaving Félix with his thoughts. Félix tried to push away the emptiness, but failed. He knew that Carmilla was right and that it was in Bridgette's nature to be kind and friendly towards others, despite the cold shoulder she would receive. He knew that he wasn't really special in regards to being Bridgette's friend. He accepted that he would have to deal with the feeling of loneliness if he failed at being Bridgette's friend, a feeling he resigned himself to a long time ago.

Then, why did this revelation hurt so much?

Chapter 21: Hotaru


Here's the second part. The title might be a bit random, though. There will also be a part three to conclude this mini-arc.

Thank you all for your support and I hope you're gonna enjoy the chapter! X3

Chapter Text

Entry 20


''In the midst of the wet season, today after the rain a lukewarm wind blows through the quiet night streets; Summer draws near. Shining with light, it steals my gaze. I want to hold it, I want to try touching it. You are just like this firefly. Are you ready? I still want to look; Are you ready? At that heart. I can't tell how you feel. The more I want the more it hurts. Even so I could never hate you…''

– Hotaru by Maiko Fujita (Nightcore)


Bridgette had joined her friends just as Carmilla was leaving, looking back briefly at her before asking them, ''Where is Carmilla going to?''

''She said she lost a pendant that her mother had sent her and wanted to search for it,'' Allan explained.

''We asked her whether she needs helps searching for it, but she declined,'' Sophie added quickly, intercepting Bridgette's next question.

''I see,'' Bridgette muttered as she sat down. ''I hope no one else had picked it up. It would suck for her to lose it.''

''Speaking of which, how did your conversation with Félix go?'' Allegra asked.

''We just asked each other a couple of questions and exchanged our phone numbers,'' Bridgette replied.

''I'm surprised that Agreste wants to talk to you in the first place,'' Claude said, then quickly added after realizing how it sounded, ''I mean, he doesn't really talk to anyone.''

''Well, he would talk to us a few times at school,'' Allan pointed out. Allegra snorted.

''That's just because we were having a conversation right behind him,'' she said.

''It's not like his advice wasn't reasonable,'' Bridgette said.

''So, what do you plan to do about it? Are you just going to call Félix and ask him to hang out with you or…?'' Sophie trailed off.

''I think I'll let him do the first step. If he wants to talk or hang out with me, he now has the means to communicate with me. If not, that's fine with me,'' Bridgette replied. While her friends seemed to be fine with the response, Claude cast a look of doubt at her. Bridgette caught on, giving him a question look in return.

''Bri, could we talk for a moment, in private?'' Claude finally asked her. Bridgette nodded.


Both got up, noting the curious looks Sophie, Allan and Allegra were giving them, but none of the three asked them anything. There was an unspoken rule in the group that they wouldn't pry into private matter unless either party was willing to talk. Bridgette and Claude were standing further away from the group, making sure they couldn't hear them, with Claude taking a moment to form the question in his head. He hated the fact that Carmilla's voice was still ringing in his ears. He quickly shook it off.

''What did you want to talk about?'' Bridgette asked.

''It is about Agreste,'' Claude said. He knew that there was no way for Carmilla to be correct about the possibility of Bridgette ditching her friends for Félix, but there was something else that was bothering him. ''I'm a little worried that he might start taking advantage of you.''

''I doubt that Félix would take advantage of me,'' Bridgette responded. She understood well that Claude was still worried that Félix would do or say something that would hurt her and he was adamant about protecting her from any harm. ''Trust me, I don't want anything like that happening either.''

Claude observed her calmly, noting that Bridgette carried herself with an air of serene confidence. He smiled, ''I know you wouldn't let that happen to you.''

''There is a 'but', though, isn't it?'' Bridgette said, giving him a knowing look.

''Unfortunately, yeah…'' Claude replied in an awkward tone. ''I just can't bring myself to trust Agreste.''

''Then, how would you approach him?'' Bridgette asked him curiously after a moment of contemplation. Claude blinked, a bit confused, only to catch on a second later. He crossed his arms, thinking about the possibilities.

''I guess I could try to talk to him alone and ask him about his intentions. Basically, trying to get a feel for him, maybe by reading his body language if I can't figure out his emotions. You know that I'm good at that.''

''Oh, I know that. You always won at charades.'' Bridgette smiled.

''Anyways, I just want to see for myself what kind of guy he is,'' Claude continued. ''I know I can trust your judgement, it wouldn't hurt to have an outside perspective, right?''

''Right, but I don't think Félix would like the idea of having to talk to you too,'' Bridgette replied, pausing for a moment. ''You know, the best course of action would be for me to be his friend first. I'm the closest to him and if he feels comfortable with it, I'll suggest to him to talk to you.''

''Sounds like a good idea,'' Claude agreed.

He had to admit that, for all his antagonistic attitude towards Félix, he never really thought of getting to know him better. All he wanted to do was to keep Bridgette safe from harm and give her advice on how to handle such situations. However, maybe he too could become more involved, trying to learn more about Félix. If Bridgette went out of her way to defend him and hang out with him, then she had a good reason for that.

Claude took a deep breath and then nodded, ''Okay, you can tell Agreste to talk to me when he is ready. Don't worry, it'll be a nice, long conversation; something just to clear things up.''

''Just don't mess with him,'' Bridgette said in a more serious tone, narrowing her eyes as she stared at Claude. He may have acted like an overprotective brother now, but she knew that, at heart, he was a quite mischievous individual. If he believed that Félix did something wrong, he wouldn't be above pranking him as a form of payback.

''I can't say that I'll be able to promise anything like that,'' Claude said as they returned to the table, with Bridgette rising an eyebrow when she saw the sly grin on his face.

Shaking her head, Bridgette just hummed in response, feeling a bit of annoyance, but also relief. She had to note just how different it was to talk to Claude in comparison to Félix. The two were complete polar opposites, with Félix being aloof and reclusive, thriving when he was on his own; while Claude was outgoing and friendly, mischievous, but well-meaning. Admittedly, she couldn't imagine interacting them without there being a lot of tension between the two, but she hoped that things would work out as long as they keep an open mind.

She also hoped that this wasn't just wishful thinking on her part.

As she sat down and ordered a cup of tea, Bridgette's mind wandered over to another individual who could be described as Félix's opposite – Chat Noir. Chat Noir was expressive, wild, a bit of a jokester and very direct with his feelings. She was aware that he probably still had a crush on her as Ladybug and that he considered her his friend as Bridgette. If he had issues, she was the first person he would talk to and seek advice from. They even improved as a team and Bridgette had to admit that she loved the quiet moments between them. She loved the idea of taking time to relax after a patrol and just talk to Chat Noir about random stuff.

Bridgette then joined in on the conversation with her friends, with Carmilla appearing a few minutes later. ''Hey, guys, I found it!''

''Really?'' Allegra looked happy as Carmilla sat down next to her, taking a pendant in the shape of a rose bouquet out. ''Wow, that looks amazing!''

''That looks so cute,'' Bridgette said as Carmilla passed the pendant around for the group to take a look at it.

''Cute and special,'' Carmilla replied, taking the pendant back from Sophie. ''So, what did I miss?''


Félix was walking aimlessly through the museum, not even paying attention to his surroundings. He was still shaken up a bit due to his conversation with Carmilla. His own feelings were a complete mess as he tried to regain control over them. He glanced down at his ring, noting the faint glow on it and feeling his heart skip a beat.

No, not now!

If he lost control of his bad luck, things would get only worse for sure. He covered his hand with the palm of the other hand and looked around, sensing the panic slowly rising inside him. He needed to get out before his own bad luck affected someone. He walked out of the room, trying to ignore the weird looks some of the visitors were giving him. At this point, what was important was for him to get out of this place.

Unfortunately, it appeared that this won't be so easy, as he found his way towards the very same café Bridgette and her friends were at. He froze as he saw them, only to breathe when he realized that they hadn't noticed him. Realizing that he really needed to take some time to calm down and recover, he figured that he would just sit down as far away as possible from them. However, bad luck once again would strike when he attempted to walk over to the table that was on the far side of the café, only to see two girls taking it. It didn't help that the other tables were also occupied, with the only free place being at Bridgette's table due to her friends having pushed two of them together so they could sit together, resulting in an empty spot. To make things worse, the empty spot was between Bridgette and Allan, meaning he would have to sit next to her.

As Félix contemplated whether he should leave or not, he saw Bridgette noticing him. Her eyes widened in surprise and, curiously, joy, her mouth opening slightly, as if to say something. However, instead of drawing attention to his presence, she just turned to Allegra, continuing the conversation with her. Félix felt relief for a moment, having figured that Bridgette wanted to give him the chance to leave if he was uncomfortable with the situation, but unfortunately for him, Claude spotted him.

''Hey, Agreste!''

Everyone followed Claude's gaze, Bridgette being the only one feeling pity for him. Félix, on the other hand, just wanted to disappear. He could handle being around Bridgette, but he didn't want to put up with her friends unless it was as Chat Noir. However, it seemed like he wouldn't be able to escape this situation. Instead, he approached the group, waiting for their questions.

''I thought you had left,'' Claude remarked. ''Do you want to join us?''

While Sophie, Allan, Allegra, Bridgette and even Carmilla were surprised by Claude's offer, Félix gave him a suspicious look. However, he then shrugged and sat between Bridgette and Allan, feeling rather uncomfortable, but then steeled himself. He had realized that, if he was going to hang out with Bridgette, he would also have to deal with his friends. Whether he wanted it or not, it was unavoidable. He needed to get through this. Looking up, he noticed Bridgette giving him a sympathetic look. He appreciated it, but remained stone-faced.

If I could survive lunch with Uncle Gabriel, then I can handle this.

''So, do you guys think that that Phantom Thief, Belladonna, might attempt to steal anything from the Louvre?'' Carmilla suddenly asked, surprising everyone, especially Bridgette and Félix. She smirked. ''I've heard that she had stolen jewelry, but what if she decides to try to steal something else. I mean, the Louvre features a lot of valuable artifacts, like the Mona Lisa.''

''Why would anyone want to steal anything from the Louvre?'' Sophie asked, perplexed.

''Why wouldn't she do that? Carmilla has a good point, the Louvre has a lot of valuable artifacts,'' Allan pointed out.

''I'd be more surprised if she manages to steal anything before getting caught,'' Allegra said. ''Don't forget, the Louvre has a lot of security measures.''

''Not to mention, there are also Ladybug and Chat Noir. I'm sure they would interfere once they find her lurking around,'' Bridgette said confidently. Félix glanced at her, feeling glad that she put so much trust in him and Ladybug. Admittedly, while Belladonna did escape them, they actually managed to defeat her in their last battle. He was also not surprised that Carmilla knew who Belladonna was, as he and Ladybug had told her and Allegra about the Phantom Thief, and they probably shared the information with the rest of the group.

''You're right, Bri.'' Claude nodded. ''If these guys can deal with a man who controls pigeons and a mime with superpowers, then the Phantom Thief shouldn't be much of a problem.

''I wouldn't be so sure,'' Carmilla said, drawing everyone's attention. She shrugged nonchalantly. ''Belladonna might learn from her mistakes and find a way to defeat them. No one except for her knows what she is capable of.''

''Belladonna doesn't know what Ladybug and Chat Noir are capable of either,'' Félix noted, glaring at Carmilla. He hadn't forgotten what she told him and he wasn't going to leave without fighting back. ''I'm sure they too have learned from their mistakes.''

Carmilla observed him carefully, but then huffed in a dismissive manner. ''I guess the only way to find out which one would win is to see them in action, but that's impossible.''

''Well, it's not completely impossible. If Belladonna goes after civilians, like the Pigeon-guy did at the concert, then Ladybug and Chat Noir would probably interfere,'' Claude pointed out.

''Unfortunately, the Phantom Thief doesn't strike me as someone who would go out in the public,'' Bridgette said. ''After all, we didn't even know who she was until Ladybug and Chat Noir confronted her.''

''Speaking of going out in the public, wouldn't it be great if Ladybug, or at least Chat Noir make more public appearances,'' Carmilla commented, a dreamy look forming on her expression upon mentioning Chat Noir. ''I think it would be really cool if they interacted with civilians more, maybe give out autographs or take pictures-''

''Forget it.''

To everyone's surprise, both Bridgette and Félix reacted at the same time, exclaiming in unison and startling Carmilla. Both saw everyone's stunned expressions and exchanged glances as they realized what they had just said. They quickly avoided eye-contact with everyone, their thoughts scrambled as they tried to figure out a good excuse for their sudden response.

''I-I meant…'' Bridgette took a deep breath. ''I met Ladybug a few times during her patrol, and she had told me that she dislikes being out in the public, preferring to protect Paris without having to appear in news.''

''I guess that makes sense,'' Allan commented. Claude, meanwhile, stared at Félix.

''Agreste, why do you think Ladybug and Chat Noir wouldn't appear in the public or interact with civilians?'' he asked, observing Félix with a scrutinizing gaze.

Félix was silent for a moment, just staring back at Claude. He knew that, unlike Bridgette, he had no excuse for knowing something like that. As Chat Noir, he too hated the idea of appearing in the news or being in the public longer than necessary. He knew from his experience with Gabriel's work that there existed many crazy people who'd probably do anything to get close to the superheroes, having all kinds of ideas and intentions. He did not want to deal with that. Still, he had an ace up his sleeve.

''I met Ladybug before,'' he said.

''Really?'' Sophie gave him a surprised look, her expression mirroring that of everyone else, save for Bridgette. She already knew what Félix was talking about. ''Did you guy talk or…?''

''I won't say more than necessary,'' Félix cut her off, his tone icy. ''From what I've gathered, I can say for sure that Ladybug isn't the type of superhero who would prioritize unnecessary interaction with other people over her work. Although, that still does depends on the situation.''

Bridgette observed Félix curiously. So far, he was telling the truth, even though there was a lot more to it. However, she figured the memory of their interaction may have been a bit unpleasant to think about considering one of the topics was his deceased mother. Not to mention, she indeed wanted to leave, but was stopped by the rainstorm.

''Fine, but you two have only confirmed that Ladybug wouldn't want to deal with such stuff. We don't even know what Chat Noir thinks of it…'' Carmilla noted, but Félix interrupted her.

''If he is as professional as Ladybug, he too would be against it,'' he pointed out. Carmilla pouted, glaring at him.

''Considering how so far, he was just as an effective hero as Ladybug, I'd give this point to Agreste,'' Claude said. Félix gave him a curious look, not really believing that Claude would be on his side in any kind of argument. Hell, he didn't even dare to hope that this conversation wouldn't go without something bad happening and he was still cautious, not only due to the fact that he was surrounded by people who disliked him, with Carmilla and Claude being more open about it, but also because of his bad luck.

Unfortunately for him, that was when the curse decided to take over. To make things worse, the victim was neither Carmilla nor Claude.

Just as a waitress walked past them, Félix's ring emitted a barely noticeable gleam, with the waitress suddenly tripping and spilling the glasses with water all over Bridgette, causing them to shatter. Everyone got up, with Bridgette staring in shock at her soaked clothes. The waitress started to apologize frantically, but Bridgette responded with a smile.

''I'm so, so sorry for this! I didn't mean-''

''Don't worry, I know it was an accident,'' she replied. The waitress apologized once again and quickly went to get a broom, while Bridgette's friends grabbed whatever tissues they had on them to clean up the mess. Unlike everyone, who assumed for this to be just an accident, Félix felt a sting of guilt. He knew that this happened because of him, because of his curse. Hell, even if he wanted to have friends, they would also have to deal with being affected by his bad luck. He took out a tissue from his pocket and gave it to Bridgette.

''I'm sorry about this,'' he said, not even thinking through his words. Bridgette gave him a confused look, then smiled warmly.

''Don't worry, it was just an accident,'' she told him. ''Besides, I've been used to having bad luck.''

''Really?'' Félix rose an eyebrow.

''Yeah… I've been dealing with stuff like that for a while, but I would always soldier through,'' Bridgette replied, winking at him confidently. Félix blinked in surprise, only to realize that she was just assuring him that she was fine.

However, that didn't stop him from feeling guilty about what happened to her… or what might happen to her in the future.


''I can't believe I got to hang out with Félix today,'' Bridgette said dreamily, working on her newest project on her tablet, which appeared to involve a lot of hearts in various colours. After the accident at the museum, she and her friends left. While everyone else continued talking about some random topic, Félix had remained silent, except telling them good-bye when he parted ways with them. Her friends didn't really make any comment about his presence, but parted ways as well. However, she had figured that they might talk at school about what had happened. Still, Bridgette felt optimistic.

''He didn't appear to look particularly happy though,'' Tikki noted, carrying a cookie as she floated next to Bridgette.

''That's not surprising,'' Bridgette said, a look of concern forming on her expression. ''My friends, Claude in particular, don't like him and he knows that. Who wouldn't be uncomfortable being around people who don't like you?''

''Do you think it will be possible for everyone to get alone?'' Tikki asked her.

''I really hope so. I mean, Claude did say he'll consider it and I'm sure everyone else will go along with it,'' Bridgette replied. ''However, it also depends on Félix. He might want to interact with other people, but he also might refuse.''

''Well, if he wants friends, wouldn't it be the best for him to make as many friends as possible?'' Tikki asked. Bridgette shook her head.

''Not necessarily. Some people are fine with having many friends, some are fine with just having two or three close friends, and someone are okay with having just one friend,'' she explained. ''If Félix wants to be friends just with me, that's completely fine.''

''But, wouldn't you feel hurt if he decides against being friends with you?'' Tikki asked. Bridgette lowered her head, sighing.

''I won't deny that I wouldn't be hurt, but still, I want him to be happy and therefore…''

Bridgette was startled when she suddenly heard knocking coming from the hatch above her bed. While Tikki hid away, Bridgette walked up to the hatch, looking up. She smiled when she saw Chat Noir waving at her and climbed up the ladder, opening the hatch.

''Chat Noir? What are you doing here?'' she asked.

''I just wanted to talk to you about something,'' Chat Noir replied. ''Do you have a moment?''

''Sure,'' Bridgette replied, getting on the balcony and closing the hatch behind her. She and Chat Noir sat across each other. ''So, what do you want to talk about?''

''It's… Well, it's a bit weird…'' Chat Noir said hesitantly, rubbing the back of his head. ''Please, promise me that you won't laugh at me.''

''Why should I laugh at you?'' Bridgette asked, puzzled.

''Just, promise,'' Chat Noir pleaded, staring at her with his piercing green eyes. Bridgette nodded, realizing that this would be a serious conversation.

''I promise,'' she said, tilting her head. ''So, what is bothering you?''

''Well, I had the impression that you are the kind of person who easily gets along with a lot of people,'' Chat Noir started, quickly adding when he saw Bridgette rising an eyebrow, ''I mean, you do have a lot of friends, don't you?''

''It depends what you mean by 'a lot of friends'. If we're talking about numbers, there are four people I'm really close to, another I consider my new friend and one more I really want to be close friends with,'' Bridgette explained. She could notice a strange gleam in Chat Noir's eyes, but wasn't sure what to make of it.

''That is certainly more than I thought of,'' he said, his tail flicking. He crossed his arms. ''So, if one were to approach you, how would they become your friend?''

''Hmm…'' Bridgette hummed, placing a finger under her chin. ''They would have to start talking to me first. Or, I'll just approach them. I mean, when I become friends with someone, I want them to feel as comfortable in my presence as possible, so I would do anything to make them feel welcome. If we have something in common, then it would make things even easier. However, even differences don't matter since…'' she trailed off when she saw Chat Noir's intense look. His gaze what the kind one would make while eagerly devouring every piece of information she gave out. Bridgette blinked as she gave him a curious look. ''Why are you even asking me about that stuff? I mean, aren't we friends?''

''Uh, yeah… I…'' Chat Noir stuttered, only to fall silent when Bridgette gave him a warm smile. He felt a strange fluttering in his stomach, spreading into his chest. ''I guess we are… I just didn't give it much thought, to be honest.''

''I'm not surprised. After all, you're a superhero, so hanging out with civilians like this is something you're not used to, right?'' Bridgette asked, with Chat Noir quickly grabbing onto that statement, feeling grateful to have an excuse for his behavior and questions.

In truth, the sole reason he was talking to Bridgette about this was because he was forming a plan on how to talk to her the next time they meet as civilians. He wanted to make sure that he wouldn't say or do anything that would offend her and drive her away from him. If he was already going to call her his friend, then he would put all of his effort into it.

''To be honest, I don't really have a tendency to hang out with people as a civilian either, so I'm kind of new to this whole friendship thing,'' Chat Noir told her in a sincere tone. Despite the fluttering he felt in his chest, he knew that he could tell Bridgette the truth. She wasn't going to judge him, so there was nothing to be afraid of. ''I'm really glad that you helped me out with my problems. Although, isn't it a bit selfish of me to ask you for advice without offering anything in return?''

He could hear Gabriel's cold voice echo in his head. ''Never assume people are doing things for altruistic reasons. Everyone is selfish, but some choose to show it more than others.'' Chat Noir shook it off, his ears perking up when he heard Bridgette snorting.

''Chat, it is not selfish of you to ask for advice like this. I had told you already, you can come to my place whenever you need help,'' Bridgette told him, her gaze softening. ''But, if you are really as new as you said to being friends with someone, then let me tell you – you are doing very well for a newbie.''

''Really?'' Chat Noir was surprised.

''Yeah!'' Bridgette nodded. ''Remember the conversations we had? You supported me when I was at my lowest. I mean, you had me convinced that I was your friend and I absolutely loved talking to you.''

''That's a relief to hear…'' Chat Noir paused for a moment, feeling a sense of temptation. Should I tell her? Taking a deep breath, he decided to finally throw all of the caution, all of the anxiety and denial he build up out of the window. Today, he would tell her the truth as Chat Noir. Tomorrow, he would tell her the truth as Félix Agreste. He gave Bridgette a resolute gaze, determined to finally make his first step forward. ''Bridgette, you are my first real friend.''

Bridgette's eyes widened as she stared at Chat Noir, her lips parted in shock. She did not expect this kind of confession coming from him. Chat Noir didn't say anything else as he patiently waited for some kind of response coming from her. He knew that this was quite a bold statement, something he probably should've kept to himself, but at this point, it didn't matter anymore. He made his decision and he would observe the chaos it would unleash.

''I… What about Ladybug?'' Bridgette finally asked. Chat Noir's eyes widened, but then he lowered his gaze, his ears drooping.

''I'm… I'm not really sure,'' he said in a heavy tone. ''Don't take it the wrong way, I consider Ladybug my partner and I trust her as much as she trusts me. Maybe we are friends, but at this point, I still feel that the term co-workers describes our relationship better. I hurt her before, and while we did talk about it, I believe that she's still being a bit cautious of me.'' He then gave Bridgette a bitter smile. ''I mean, I would be, especially after all the stupid things I had done and said.''

''I see,'' Bridgette muttered, then smiled. ''Thank you for telling me this. I really appreciate it and I'm happy to be your friend.''

She observed Chat Noir as he perked up, his tail waving. He appeared to be overjoyed with her reply, if not even relieved. ''That's good to hear.''

''Trust me, you are not alone here,'' Bridgette assured him. ''I may not be able to do much, being a civilian, but I will do anything to support you.''

''And I will do my best to support you,'' Chat Noir replied. ''If there's anyone bothering you, you can tell me and I'll deal with them.'' He gave her a confident look, his green eyes gleaming in the dark of the night. ''Sometimes, it's a good thing that I can use my bad luck for selfish purposes.''

''Yet, you call yourself a hero,'' Bridgette remarked.

''Honestly, I don't consider myself a hero in the same way Ladybug does,'' Chat Noir admitted as he got up. ''I'm still figuring things out.''

''Then I hope you will be able to find what kind of hero you want to be,'' Bridgette told him as she got up. Chat Noir grinned, giving her a mischievous gaze.

''For now, I think I just want to be the kind of hero who protects those he cares about,'' Chat Noir told her. ''Helping Paris may be my job, but I want to have more personal reasons for what I'm doing.''

''I think that's a good start,'' Bridgette said, with Chat Noir pausing for a moment and nodding.

''Thanks,'' he said, then leapt off the building. Bridgette observed Chat Noir as he left, with Tikki flying up to her and landing on her head.

''That was an interesting conversation. Who would've thought that Chat Noir would consider you more of a friend than Ladybug,'' Tikki commented.

''I believe that Chat is just being cautious around Ladybug. I agree with him that we are partners, but I think that he does want to have a stronger bond with me; be it as friends…'' Bridgette's eyes narrowed, ''…or in a more romantic sense.'' She shook her head, with Tikki flying up and hovering right next to her. ''In any case, we too should go now.''

''You know what you have to say,'' Tikki replied excitedly. Bridgette brushed away her side-bangs and across the earrings.

''Tikki, transform me!''


''Hey, Chat!''

Chat Noir was on his way to the Eiffel Tower as he suddenly heard someone calling out for him. His ears perked up when he saw Ladybug landing in front of him, looking happy that she managed to catch up to him.

''Hi, Bug,'' Chat Noir said as she approached him. ''How are you doing?''

''I'm fine,'' Ladybug replied. ''What about you? Anything interesting on your part?''

''Not really…'' Chat replied, rubbing the back of his head. ''I had simply figured I'd start a bit earlier with the patrol.''

''Then it's a good thing I had managed to catch up to you,'' Ladybug replied, brushing her side-bangs away. ''Although, I did transform while keeping the communication device, so I could've easily called you.''

''Same here,'' Chat Noir said as he tapped his ear. ''The communication device is too important to ignore. However, we still need to figure out how to talk when not transformed.''

''I'm sure we'll figure something out,'' Ladybug replied. ''In the meantime, we should see whether there are any problems in the city. Then afterwards, we could hang out with each other.''

''Really?'' Chat Noir was stunned to hear that. He did not expect Ladybug to be the one to suggest them just hang out after they're done with the patrol.

Ladybug nodded and gazed at the city lights. ''It may come as a surprise, but I do like to just observe the city at night time. Sometimes, it feels like we're surrounded with fireflies.''

''Why fireflies?'' Chat Noir asked her. Ladybug shrugged, the soft breeze lifting her pigtails and ribbons.

''I was told once that fireflies are symbolic of good fortune and prosperity. They also symbolize hope, inspiration, creativity, patience, guidance and attraction, and they are even associated with magic,'' she replied.

''I see,'' Chat Noir said, his ears twitching. ''So, if you weren't a ladybug hero, maybe you would've been a firefly hero. After all, you have good fortune, you inspire hope, you are magic and you're also attractive…'' he suddenly trailed off at the last part, with Ladybug turning her attention to him, rising an eyebrow. ''Uh, I didn't mean to phrase it like that!''

''I know, it's fine,'' Ladybug replied, no hint of anger in her voice. Chat Noir stared at her in surprise as she turned around and leapt away. ''Let's go!''

Chat Noir stood there for a moment, still puzzled by the lack of the usual annoyance Ladybug would show, wondering what was going on with Ladybug. Admittedly, he didn't want to try his luck with her, deciding to stay back and observe first until he figured out how she felt about him. He then leapt off the building, following Ladybug.


Belladonna gazed at the Louvre, now dark and empty. She knew that there was still a security guard or two patrolling the museum to make sure everything was in order, so entering it while no one was there would be much easier for her to perform the heist. But where was the fun in that? She wanted a challenge.

Let's see whether the Louvre is prepared to handle an experienced Phantom Thief.

Chapter 22: Clash At The Museum


Here is the third part of my mini-arc!

I hope you'll enjoy it. What happens here is quite a huge deal. Also, part of this chapter was in an older script (the battle against Belladonna, and I had to cut out a bit, although I do plan for it to make a return.) X3

Chapter Text

Entry 21

Clash At The Museum

''Now's the time, get in line, don't be afraid tonight. We're gonna take you high, before you realize. 'Round and 'round you'll go, up and down, never slow. Feel the excitement grow, oh – This is where you let go!''

Welcome To The Show by Britt Nicole (Nightcore)


Ladybug and Chat Noir made their way through Paris, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, searching for any signs of trouble. Fortunately, it seemed that this night would be uneventful.

''It seems that the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon had decided to back off,'' Chat Noir commented as they took a short break at Place de la Concorde. ''Not to mention, there is no sign of Papillon.''

''Even if Papillon and his minions aren't active tonight, we still have someone we should worry about,'' Ladybug replied, taking off towards Rue de Rivoli. Chat Noir's ears twitched as he followed her.

''You mean Belladonna,'' he said. Ladybug just nodded in response.

''She hadn't appeared at all during the past few days and I'm afraid that she may be up to something,'' Ladybug explained. She didn't really want to tell Chat Noir that the reason why she was thinking about Belladonna was because Carmilla had brought her up during their conversation at the Louvre.

''Is this why we're going towards the Louvre?'' Chat Noir asked, with Ladybug giving him a look of surprise. He quickly added, ''I mean, there is a new exhibition, so she might try to steal any of the items.''

''Uh, yeah!'' Ladybug replied, not noticing Chat Noir's look of relief. He couldn't really tell her that the reason why he suspected she was thinking about Belladonna was because Carmilla had mentioned her during the conversation at the museum.

Both of them had to admit that Carmilla was right about her assumption. They knew Belladonna well enough to know that she would seek a place that would prove to be a challenge for her, and the Louvre was a building with high security and valuable items. Therefore, they made it their priority to go there first before they explore the rest of the Paris.

As they arrived at the Louvre Museum, they immediately headed for the entrance. Chat Noir gave Ladybug a curious look as she extended her arm, probably to push the doors open.

''What if this one is locked? Maybe we should split up and also check the other entrances,'' he suggested, only for his cat ears to lower when Ladybug pushed against the doors, revealing them to be unlocked. ''That's not good.''

''I agree. I have a bad feeling about this,'' Ladybug replied. She and Chat Noir then walked inside, carefully observing their surroundings. It was quite dark, with Ladybug barely able to see anything. ''I thought there would be some light inside. I can't see much.''

''If you're okay with it, I could lead you through this place,'' Chat Noir replied, extending his hand. Unlike Ladybug, he saw just fine thanks to his night vision. Ladybug glanced down at his hand, with Chat Noir feeling a little nervous, his tail flicking as he waited for a response. To his surprise, Ladybug took his hand.

''Let's go,'' she said. Chat Noir nodded and led her through the dark building, keeping an eye on his surroundings and trying not to think just how warm Ladybug's hand was. They were on a mission here. After a minute or two of walking, Chat Noir's ears perked and he could see a dark figure lying on the ground. ''Someone's here.''

Both quickly approached the figure, realizing that it was a human body lying on the floor, motionless. Ladybug shivered as she and Chat Noir kneeled next to the man, whom she figured was the security guard, and pressed her fingers against his neck. She sighed in relief.

''He's still breathing,'' she said. Chat Noir nodded, just as relieved as she was.

''That's good to know,'' he said, observing the unconscious man. ''It still doesn't explain what had happened here.''

''He seems to be asleep,'' Ladybug said, while Chat Noir started pawing at the security guard, poking and scratching him, trying to get some kind of reaction. Meanwhile, Ladybug had found a dark blue powder on one of the security guard's uniform, wiping it up with her finger. ''Chat Noir, look at this.''

''Do you think this is some kind of sleep powder?'' Chat Noir asked, observing the blue powder on Ladybug's fingers. ''It may have knocked him out.''

''Probably,'' Ladybug replied, her and Chat Noir getting up as she dusted her hands off and looking down the dark hallway. ''Why do I have the feeling that this is Belladonna's doing?''

''She might still be inside,'' Chat Noir said, frowning.

''Then let's get her,'' Ladybug replied, grabbing Chat Noir's hand and going deeper into the building.


''Buona sera, mio piccolo tesoro,'' Belladonna whispered as she observed the scarab beetle amulet through the glass, her lavender eyes glinting. It was incredible just how easy it was to get past the security guard, using her special blue powder to put him to sleep, and then using her magic to turn off all the cameras and security alarms. By the time anyone notices, she would be long gone. ''Honestly, you'd think there would be way better security here. This place is a joke.''

She reached for her wand and tapped on the glass with the tip, then held it against it. The tip of her wand started to glow and slowly melt away the glass. While she knew that the glass panels in the Louvre were heatproof for the most part, she doubted it would resist against magical fire. To her satisfaction, the glass cracked, slowly melting away. She then slammed her wand against it, creating an opening big enough for her to reach her desired treasure. She held up the scarab beetle amulet in the pale moonlight, observing it with fascination.

''No one can stop il grande Ladro Fantasma Belladonna,'' she said proudly, her words graced with a slight Italian accent. She then put the scarab beetle amulet into a small blue satin bag, tying it up with a yellow ribbon.

''Oh really? Think twice, Belladonna!''

Belladonna looked up as she heard a familiar voice, both surprised and quite pleased to see Ladybug and Chat Noir standing at the entrance, blocking her exit.

''Coccinella, Gattino, how nice of you to join me,'' Belladonna said, twirling her wand and resting it on her shoulder. ''I had already given up hope that I would see you again. It's quite hard to send out an invitation to your rivale when you don't know who they are.''

''You won't escape this time, Belladonna,'' Ladybug said, tightening her grip around her compact.

''We'll see,'' Belladonna replied, throwing and catching the blue satin bag and smiling smugly. She then held it up for Ladybug to see. ''I would love to keep this scarab beetle amulet, but I guess I will have to fight you for it.''

Belladonna then clipped the satin bag to her belt, quite amused to see Ladybug glaring daggers at her. Her eyes flicked towards Chat Noir, who wasn't as furious as Ladybug was, but still appeared not to be pleased to see her and was determined to take her down.

''It seems like this little gioiello won't be the only thing I'll be fighting for tonight,'' she said, winking and blowing a kiss at Chat Noir, who shuddered, both his tail and ears standing up in alert. Ladybug just groaned, with Chat Noir giving her an anxious glance.

Yeah, there is also this issue… Chat Noir's ears flattened against his head as he was reminded of his last encounter with Belladonna. Considering everything that had been going on in the past days, he completely forgot about it.

''Would you just stop talking?!'' Ladybug replied angrily, then charged at Belladonna, who managed to avoid her punches while twirling her wand elegantly like a baton.

''Why should I? I'm here to entertain,'' Belladonna replied casually, blocking Ladybug's kick with her wand and jumped back. She twirled it once again and aimed at Ladybug, the tip of the wand turning red, causing flames to suddenly erupt from it. Ladybug was swift enough to turn her compact into a shield, protecting herself. As the flames dissipated, Belladonna charged at her.

However, before she could do anything, Chat Noir lunged at her, forcing Belladonna to defend herself, with Chat Noir's claws clashing against her wand. The wand suddenly let out several blue sparks, causing Chat Noir to withdraw as he sensed the static electricity building up inside it. He did not want to get electrocuted.

''Black Hole!'' He rammed his hand against the floor, but Belladonna jumped, avoiding being trapped inside it. While still in mid-air, a bunch of playing cards appeared in her hands and she threw them at Ladybug and Chat Noir like shuriken, forcing the two to dodge the attack and leave the entrance unguarded. She then ran out of the room, with Ladybug and Chat Noir hot on her heels.

''Now, questo è molto meglio!'' Belladonna exclaimed gleefully, already forming a plan on how to best mess around with the Paris' self-proclaimed superheroes. She got her chance when she entered a dark room containing an exhibition that had a Medieval Era theme and was put up earlier that week. She twirled her wand again as she passed several suits of armor and hid behind a pillar, glancing back at where she came from. A second later, Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared at the entrance, with Chat Noir grabbing Ladybug's hand before she could enter the room.

''Wait,'' he hissed, his ears twitching. He couldn't hear any steps and, thanks to his night vision, he could see that the door on the other side of the room was still closed. ''She is still inside.''

Ladybug nodded, deciding to trust her partner and followed him into the room, looking around for the elusive Phantom Thief. As established earlier, unlike Chat Noir, she couldn't see well in the dark and had to rely on the bit of moonlight that was coming through the windows, her own senses and her partner's abilities. Both froze as they suddenly heard heavy steps behind them.

''Watch out!'' Chat Noir pushed her away, the two dodging a mace that was swung into their direction. Both looked up, seeing an animated suit of armor lifting the mace and swinging it at Ladybug. She dodged the attack, but almost got her arm sliced off by another suit of armor which was carrying a sword. Chat Noir lunged at the other attacker, kicking it away. There was a nasty clanking sound as the suit of armor fell over.

''Tsk, tsk, is that how you treat valuable historical artifacts?'' Belladonna said, emerging from behind the pillar. The tip of her wand was glowing in a lavender light. Ladybug growled furiously and was about to go after her, but was once again stopped by the suit of armor which was holding the mace. She held up her compact, turning it back into a shield and protecting herself from the spiked weapon. ''I could watch this all night. Questo è abbastanza divertente.''

''Black Storm!''

Belladonna was suddenly forced into the defensive as Chat Noir threw a disc of dark energy at her. She twirled her wand, creating a protective shield, only to be blown back by the impact of the explosion the collision had created.

''You were saying?'' Chat Noir smirked as he observed Belladonna glaring at him. Her glare then quickly turned into a smile.

''Don't think I forgot about you, Gattino!'' She pointed her wand at the suit of armor that was on the ground, animating it once again. The suit of armor reached for the sword, and swung at Chat Noir. However, before it could slice through him, Ladybug had managed to kick away the other suit of armor, turn her shield into a staff and block the sword.

''Bug!'' Chat Noir stared at Ladybug, with another disc of energy forming in his palm, intending to help her.

''Go after Belladonna! I'll take care of these guys!'' she replied. Chat Noir stepped back, stunned for a moment then turned to Belladonna, who appeared to be quite excited about this turnabout.

''You can count on me!'' he said confidently, glad to see that Ladybug trusted him. Belladonna just smirked, holding her wand up and causing the door behind her to swing open.

''Unfortunately for you, I'm the one who dictates the rules of this chase. Questo è il mio spettacolo!'' Belladonna told him and with a swish of her cape, ran out. Chat Noir followed her, determined to stop her. He threw another disc of energy at Belladonna, but she managed to dodge it. Chat Noir frowned, another plan already forming in his head and he crouched down for a moment, both of his hands crackling with dark energy, before running after he again. Meanwhile, Belladonna glanced at the roof, apparently looking for something, only to grin in delight as she entered a room with a skylight. ''Bingo!''

''You aren't getting anywhere!'' Chat Noir hissed, throwing another disc of dark energy at Belladonna.

She blocked it with her wand, only to accidentally step into the black hole Chat Noir had created. She found herself sinking into it, with Chat Noir charging at her. Gritting her teeth, she formed lavender energy rings on both of the tips of her wand and swung it, shooting one energy ring towards Chat Noir. It restrained his hand like a handcuff, pinning him to the wall behind him. He reached with his other hand towards it in order to break it, but Belladonna already sent the other energy ring flying at him, pinning his other hand on the wall. Chat Noir tried to break free, but the energy rings kept him in the spot.

Meanwhile, Belladonna used her wand to levitate herself out of the black hole and land in front of Chat Noir. She then approached him, crossing her arms on her back and gave him a rather intriguing smile.

''It appears that it's true what they say about black cats – they're portatori di sfortuna,'' she said mischievously. ''Fortunately for me, I'm not the one who is trapped here.''

''I agree, it's quite unfortunate that I'm stuck here with a wannabe magical girl,'' Chat Noir replied, with Belladonna giving him an annoyed look. She then sighed, tilting her head, a smile spreading across her lips once again. Chat Noir's eyes narrowed as he saw her stepping closer to him. He did not like where this was going.

''You know, it's quite sad that your Signora does not care about you, il mio amato Chat Noir, since she would've helped out by now. However, I do and I could give you anything you want,'' Belladonna told Chat Noir seductively, who attempted to free himself.

''I'm sorry, but this cat is only interested in ladybugs, not stage magicians,'' Chat Noir replied in a dry tone. Belladonna ignored him, trailing his cheekbone with her finger, causing Chat Noir to shiver, the hair on the back of his neck standing up. He realized what she was about to do. ''Black Storm!''

Much to Belladonna's shock, small beams of dark energy crackled and suddenly shoot from behind her. She got hit by several, but managed to dodge the rest by jumping to the side.

''Che-?!'' Belladonna was stunned, glaring at Chat Noir. ''What the Hell was that?!''

''Let's just say that, while you've been planning more thefts, Ladybug and I had been improving our skills,'' Chat Noir replied, giving her a smug grin. It wasn't a bad idea to leave some Black Storm orbs planted in case he got restrained.

''Chat Noir!''

Both Chat Noir and Belladonna were startled when they heard Ladybug's voice. Chat Noir was relieved once he realized that she'd be joining the fight, but Belladonna still had one more trick in her sleeve. With a sudden move, she formed another lavender energy ring and sent it flying towards Ladybug. She swiftly dodged it and turned her compact into a staff, charging at the Phantom Thief, who dodged her attack, causing Ladybug to stop mid-charge and turn direction, this time hitting Belladonna across the face.

The Phantom Thief flew backwards, landing hard on the floor. However, Ladybug wasn't done with her yet, swinging her staff once again at Belladonna. The Phantom Thief twirled her wand, creating a gust of wind that blew Ladybug back. She then got up on her feet and charged at Ladybug, revealing a lavender rose in her hand, which was crackling with sparks. She threw the rose at her rival, but Ladybug swatted it away with her staff and lunged at Belladonna.

''I guess you're in luck, Kid, having two girls fight over you.''

''What do you mean 'I'm in luck'? I'd rather not get between them,'' Chat Noir told Plagg, glaring at the Ring of the Black Cat. He then glanced back nervously at the two girls, who were still trading blows. ''Ladybug can be quite scary when she gets furious.''

He then focused on his right hand, which got enveloped in dark light, shattering the energy ring. He then clawed at the other energy ring, destroying it. Once free, he focused at the situation in front of him, trying to find an opening to assist Ladybug, but it appeared that she was doing quite well for herself. That and, as he mentioned earlier, the last thing he wanted was to get between the two when they were in a frenzy.

''You're such a hypocrite, you know,'' Belladonna told Ladybug after blocking another of her attacks. ''Stringing the poor Gattino along… Have you no heart?''

''Shut up!'' Ladybug growled, turning the staff back to a yo-yo and wrapping it around Belladonna, restraining her movement and making her fall over. ''You have no idea what you're talking about!''

''Oh, really?'' Belladonna replied. ''I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't the first nor the last hopeless suitor you'll ever have. How many others have fallen for you only to be coldly rejected?''

''Why you-?!''

Belladonna smirked as she saw Ladybug shaking and giving her a look of pure hatred. She tightened her grip on her wand, causing smoke to be emitted from it. Ladybug had loosened her grip on the yo-yo, coughing due to the thick smoke and being unable to see what was going on. Belladonna got up, unwrapping herself from the string and using her wand to open the skylight. She then tapped her boots with her wand and clicked her heels, revealing small lavender wings on each boot and flew out of the room through the skylight.

''I guess we'll see each other next time,'' Belladonna said, waving at Ladybug and then winking at Chat Noir. ''Arrivederci!''

Ladybug just glared at her, clenching her fist, while Chat Noir felt sick to his stomach. Unfortunately for them, they had to accept defeat once again. Chat Noir then glanced at Ladybug, who had stopped shaking and was staring at the floor, her head lowered and her ahoge drooped. She looked quite crestfallen and disappointed with herself.


''Belladonna… She managed to get away with that amulet…'' Ladybug muttered, hugging herself, only to feel Chat Noir's hand on her shoulder. She looked up, noticing Chat Noir grinning, a fang popping out of his mouth.

''Actually, Mademoiselle Sticky-Fingers didn't get away with anything,'' he said, his tail rising and revealing to be wrapped around the blue satin bag. Ladybug gasped, staring at him in shock.

''But, how?'' she asked.

''Let's just say that Belladonna can be incredibly unobservant at times,'' Chat Noir said, unwrapping his tail around the satin bag and letting it drop in his clawed hands. ''She shouldn't have underestimated me.''

''You're right about that,'' Ladybug said as Chat Noir gave her the bag and looked into it, find the amulet inside it. She paused for a moment, seemingly wanting to add something, but then shook her head and quickly turned around. ''I think we should go wake up that security guard and make sure this is returned to their proper owners.''

''Sure…'' Chat Noir muttered. He knew that there was still something he and Ladybug needed to discuss, but he had to wonder whether Ladybug would bring it up. Despite the battle being over, they still weren't done with their own issues.


''That was eventful,'' Ladybug sighed as she and Chat Noir were finally outside the Louvre. They had woken up the security guard and explained what had happened. He called the police, but they didn't want to wait for them, so they left. ''Are you okay?''

''Yeah… What about you?'' Chat Noir asked back, with Ladybug shrugging.

''I don't know. I thought I had Belladonna cornered, but she just riled me up again and… well…'' she trailed off, sighing.

''Is it because of me?'' Chat Noir asked, with Ladybug giving him a stunned look. ''You know that what Belladonna said is not true. Our relationship is nothing like that.''

''Yeah, you're right… Belladonna's wrong,'' Ladybug said, sounding a bit hesitant. Chat Noir gave her a worried look, but Ladybug then just smiled back. ''You are my partner, but you're also my friend.''

''Ladybug…'' Chat Noir murmured, surprised to hear that. Frankly, he knew that Ladybug did care about him, but he still was unsure about how to call their relationship.

''I know that I had promised to hang out with you today, but… I just feel a little overwhelmed by everything that had happened,'' she said in a sheepish tone.

''It's fine,'' Chat Noir told her in a warm tone. ''I think that we both have some thinking to do before we decide how to tackle this situation.''

''Thanks…'' Ladybug replied, holding her breath as she considered whether she should add more to the conversation, but she then shook her head, leaving.

Chat Noir observed her as she left. He had to admit that he too was just as exhausted as he was and, unfortunately for him, he still wasn't done with his personal plan. There was still another thing he needed to do.


Félix took a deep breath as he walked towards school, clutching Bridgette's card in his hand tightly as he read it once more.

I understand that there is something troubling you and that you need your space. Still, I will be there for you if you need someone who'd listen to you. Love, Bri.

He felt rather anxious about what he was going to do, but he knew he had to go through it. He made a promise to himself and he wasn't going to back down now.

''I can't believe you're really going for it Kid,'' Plagg said, popping his head out of the backpack. Félix remained silent, with Plagg adding in a softer tone, ''Nervous, huh?''

''What if her reaction is completely different from the expected? What if she rejects me? What if she does accept, but we turn out to be incompatible?'' Félix said in a hushed tone, feeling butterflies in his stomach. Not even talking to his own uncle made him this nervous.

''Félix, you're just going to ask her whether she's going to be her friend,'' Plagg said in a calm tone, aware that Félix didn't need any of his wisecracking. This was a huge moment for his holder, as he preferred solitude over company, and now he had the one opportunity to make a real friend in civilian life. ''You two interacted several times and Bridgette obviously likes you and cares about you. She has a crush on you, for Camembert's sake! You just go there and ask her about it. I'm sure everything will be fine.''

Félix remained quiet for a moment, exhaling and lifting his head. Something in Plagg's voice gave him the confidence he needed to talk to Bridgette. Just stick to the plan and everything should be fine. You can do this. Félix looked up, seeing Bridgette talk to one of her friends, Allan. He could feel the adrenaline rushing through his body, his heart beat quickening. Why was she making him feel so anxious? Maybe because this is Félix talking to her, and not Chat Noir.

Still, he resolved to talk to her and he would deal with the consequences of his decision. He approached Bridgette and Allan, who appeared to be talking about some kind of video game, with a determined look on his expression and waited a moment for the two to notice him. Bridgette did, giving him a huge smile that made his heart skip a beat. Allan, on the other hand, gave him a curious look, but then nodded and smiled.

''Hi, Félix!'' Bridgette greeted him cheerfully.

''Good morning, Bridgette, Durand,'' Félix replied, keeping his composture as calm and collected as possible. He held the card up Bridgette made, much to the girl's confusion, and gave it to her. ''Bridgette, if you don't mind, could you meet up with me at the library during lunch? There is something I need to ask you and I promise it won't take too long. Besides, you told me that I could talk to you if there's any need for it, didn't you?''

''Uh, sure?'' Bridgette said, looking down at the card she had made for Félix and then back at him, her ahoge taking the shape of a question mark. Félix nodded and then walked away, leaving. Bridgette and Allan exchanged looks, both a bit puzzled over the interaction they just had.

Félix, on the other hand, sighed in relief.


''Félix?'' Bridgette called out as quietly as possible, as the librarian hated anyone who made a noise louder than a whisper. She eventually found him at the far back of the library, sitting at a table, with an open book in front of him. When he looked up, Bridgette could've sworn she saw genuine happiness on his expression, before he went back to his usual Ice Prince poise. ''What do you want to talk about? Why have you returned my card? I mean, it's not a coupon you can use to talk to me.''

Félix's expression changed to that of discomfort and surprise, confusing Bridgette further. Unknown to her, Félix was panicking over whether he made a mistake by giving her the coupon.

''Oh, I… I thought…'' Félix had no idea how to explain this blunder. Bridgette, who sat across him, just smiled and shook her head.

''It's fine,'' she replied in a warm tone, pushing the card over to him. ''I really wanted you to have it, okay?''

''Okay…'' Félix muttered, taking the card and placing it in his book. He completely avoided any eye-contact with Bridgette, feeling embarrassed. Why am I like this?! This shouldn't be happening!

''So, what do you want to talk about?'' Bridgette asked curiously, her ahoge taking the shape of a question mark. Frankly, she never saw Félix this nervous around her. Usually, she was the one who was a complete mess around him. Félix took a deep breath, composing himself.

''I… I wanted to ask you whether you could do a commission for me, that is, for a story I'm working on,'' Félix said. He had figured that this would be the best way to ask her to be his friend – by bringing up something he knew she loved to do. If he asked the right questions, he would get the result he wanted, right? There was silence. When Bridgette didn't respond, Félix looked up, seeing her looking completely baffled. He quickly added, ''Remember the time Bourgeois threw your sketchbook into the trash? I picked it up and I went through it and I have to say, you are really talented.''

''I…'' Bridgette's jaw dropped slightly and she felt her heart skip a beat. Her cheeks flushed and her ahoge curved into a heart as she tried to gather her thoughts. Félix was actually complimenting her?! He really liked her work?! ''T-Thank you! I would really like to do a commission for you.'' She quickly grabbed her backpack, getting her sketchbook out. ''H-Here you go! You can take another look at them to… to give you an idea what you're looking for.''

She observed nervously as Félix took her sketchbook, feeling another wave of heat as his fingers brushed across her hand. No, no, no! Stay calm! You're not crushing on him this time! He just wants a commission, that's all! Leave him be! She then quickly pulled her hand back, placing it under the table and clenching both of her palms into fists. Her heart was beating rapdily as she watched Félix go through her newest sketches, searching for the type he felt would best suit his story.

Unknown to her, Félix was just as a mess as she was. He didn't dare to look at her, fearing that she would see just how anxious and afraid he was. He knew that he could play it off cool and pretend that the commissions were really the reason he met up with her, but at the same time, he wanted to tell her the truth. Make a move, you idiot! If you can flirt with and confess to Ladybug, then you can certainly tell Bridgette the truth!

To Bridgette's surprise, Félix suddenly stopped flipping through the pages. He clenched his fist, looking quite tense, then glanced up at her. Bridgette gulped, fearing that she did something wrong or that perhaps he didn't like her drawings. Her mouth was dry and she couldn't find the words to ask him what was wrong. All she could do was to stare at his eyes, his gaze giving the impression of a tormented kitten.

''Bridgette, I… I think I will decide on the type of commission later…'' Félix finally said after a long moment of silence. A wave of disappointment washed over Bridgette and she lowered her gaze.

''Oh, I see…'' she muttered. Félix's eyes flicked to the side as he cursed himself for making her sad. He realized that he just couldn't stand seeing her unhappy.

''Listen, I really like all of your drawings, so it's hard to decide on one…'' Félix started, closing his eyes and turning his head towards her, still unable to look at her directly. ''However, I did manage to come to one conclusion – you are my closest friend, Bridgette, and I am genuinely happy about that.''

Silence. There was nothing but silence. Félix carefully opened his eyes, glancing at Bridgette, worried about her lack of response. His eyes widened in surprise at what he saw. Bridgette was staring back at him in shock, her ahoge frazzled and her mouth gaping. Félix was a bit worried that he broke her mind somehow.

''Uh, Bridgette?'' he called out softly for her, then decided to make his final move. ''Bri, are you okay? If you don't want me around, it's fine…''

''N-No, absolutely not!'' Bridgette placed her hand over his, as if fearing that he might leave. ''I-I'm actually happy that you're happy… I-I thought that you were uncomfortable around me and wanted to leave. I mean, I wasn't sure just how good of a friend I was and I was worried that you wanted me to give you more space, but I'm really glad that it's not like that and that you consider me your friend and…'' Bridgette trailed off as she realized that she was holding Félix's hand. She quickly pulled her hand away. ''Ah, I'm sorry about this!''

''It's fine,'' Félix replied. Surprisingly, he didn't mind the physical contact. Instead, he was just glad that this huge burden had fallen off his shoulders. He felt incredibly relieved that he had finally told Bridgette the truth, although he did feel that this could've gone over better, without all of this awkwardness between them. He leaned back, crossing his arms. ''Honestly, I don't mind your presence… at least not anymore,'' he added, giving her a bitter smile. ''I know I apologized for my behavior already, but I wanted you to know that I am sorry for how I acted towards you.'' He sighed, feeling the tension slowly disappear. ''I never really had a friend… or someone to whom I could talk to like this, so this is a new experience for me.'' His lips curved into a tiny warm smile. ''I mean, having someone being suddenly attached to you after years of solitude can really throw you off track, but I guess this was for the best.'' He then looked up at Bridgette, being surprised just how easy it was to now hold eye-contact with her. ''I can't believe that it took me so long to learn to appreciate your companionship. I was so stupid…''

''Félix,'' Bridgette started, with Félix pausing when he saw her smiling gently at him. ''You weren't stupid for avoiding me. I understand that I had caused you a lot of discomfort and I regret that. Nevertheless, I'm genuinely happy that you're comfortable and that you consider me your close friend.'' She placed her hands on her cheeks, shaking her head in excitement, adding, ''This is the best day ever! I feel like I'm dreaming!''

''I didn't expect you would be this happy over me telling you that I see you as my friend,'' Félix said, rising an eyebrow. He lowered his head, adding, ''This really means a lot to you, doesn't it?''

''You mean a lot to me, Félix,'' Bridgette said, having calmed down from her initial adrenaline rush. Her cheeks turned a reddish hue and her ahoge took the shape of a heart. Félix looked up, staring at her in surprise. He knew that Bridgette was someone who was honest with her feelings, but even then, he didn't feel ready for such a confession.

There was a moment of silence as they processed the whole conversation. Both Bridgette and Félix knew that there was still one more thing left unsaid between them. It was a topic neither of them really wanted to talk about, especially after what they had just gone through.



Both started in unison, surprised when they realized what the other was probably going to say. Both then smiled, feeling flustered.

''I am allowed to call you Bri, right?'' Félix asked.

''Only if I'm allowed to call you Fé,'' Bridgette replied. Félix looked hesitant for a moment, but then nodded in approval.

''There is one more thing we should talk about, concerning…''

''…my crush on you, I know.''

Félix looked at her, feeling a sting of guilt when he saw her lowering her gaze, looking disheartened. He knew that he didn't have to respond to her feelings, but he wanted to make her happy, especially after all the things she had done for him, whether she knew or not.


''You know, I'm over it,'' Bridgette suddenly said, rising her head and smiling.

''Oh…'' Félix had no idea why he felt hollow.

''So, let's just focus on us being friends,'' Bridgette then continued in a chipper tone. ''After all, you still have a lot to learn when it comes to that stuff.''

''Yeah, I guess do,'' Félix replied, rubbing the back of his head. ''Do you want to meet up after school? I still have karate lessons afterwards, but I have your number, so I could call you.''

''Sure! We could go over the commission at my place,'' Bridgette beamed, getting up. ''I can't wait for it!''

She grabbed her backpack, turning her head once more towards Félix, still smiling, and then left. Félix observed her, then sighed once she was out of his sight, placing his hand on his forehead.

''I can't believe I've done this,'' he muttered, shaking a little now that the adrenaline rush and anxiety was gone.

''Honestly, I'm proud of you, Kid,'' Plagg said as he flied out of Félix's backpack. ''This was a powerful move on your part.''

''Unfortunately, I feel exhausted now,'' Félix replied, with Plagg patting him on the shoulder.

''Don't worry, it'll pass,'' he said.

''Thanks, Plagg,'' Félix replied, his eyes flicking to the side. He knew that he wasn't done yet, as there was one more thing that he needed to confess. ''Next to Bridgette and Ladybug, you're my best friend, Plagg.''

Plagg stared at Félix in shock, his ears twitching as he processed what Félix just said. His eyes watered and he flew right into Félix's chest, hugging him.

''Awww, you're my best friend too, Félix!'' he said, looking up. Félix was a bit stunned by Plagg's emotional response, but then patted the kwami on the head.

''Well, you have been with me for far longer than anyone else, so it's only fair to call you my friend as well,'' he replied. Plagg just grinned in response.

Unfortunately for both of them, their moment was ruined when a bunch of books suddenly fell over from the shelf behind him, one hitting Félix on the back. While Plagg hid back into the backpack, Félix got up and picked the books up, glancing at his ring.

It is surprising that my bad luck curse had activated only now, and not earlier.

Chapter 23: Under The Moonlight


Finally done!

Honestly, I absolutely loved writing the ending bit and I sincerely hope you're going to enjoy it as well. X3

Chapter Text

Entry 22

Under The Moonlight

''I'm sorry I'm not candid. I can say it if in my dreams. My thoughts are about to short circuit. I want to see you right now! I'm just about to cry – moonlight! I can't call you, either – midnight! But I have a simple heart, so what can I do? My heart is a kaleidoscope.''

– Moonlight Densetsu by Sailor Moon


''Agreste did what?!''

It was after school and Bridgette, Claude, Allan, Sophie and Allegra had gathered at the nearby park to discuss the newest development concerning Félix. They were all genuinely stunned when Bridgette shared the news that Félix considered her his close friend and that they had plans for later, while Bridgette was beaming.

''Honestly, I think I'm dreaming! Someone pinch me!'' she squealed in glee, her ahoge having curved into the already familiar heart shape. ''Ow! Allegra!''

Bridgette flinched as Allegra pinched her, rubbing her arm and glaring at the latter. Allegra just smirked in response. ''Well, at least we have confirmed that you're not dreaming.''

''In any case, I'm really excited about us meeting up later on,'' Bridgette added, smiling again. Her eyes were sparkling with joy and her cheeks took a shade of red.

''Hey, hey, Bri, chill,'' Sophie interrupted her. ''What makes you think that Félix doesn't have something else on mind?''

''What do you mean, Soph?'' Bridgette asked, puzzled.

''No offense, but you still don't know him that well. He might just meet up with you and then decide to ditch you,'' Sophie told her.

''I…'' Bridgette wanted to reply, but Allan rose his voice, turning to Sophie.

''I don't know, Soph,'' he said. ''Maybe he's being genuine here. After all, he did join us back at the museum even though he could've just left.''

''True, and he knows that we don't really like him,'' Allegra noted. Bridgette tilted her head, then turned to Claude.

''Claude, what do you think?'' she asked. While she and Claude had their discussion concerning Félix, she was still curious what her childhood friend had to say. Claude had a rather thoughtful look on his expression, being silent for a moment as he stared ahead. He then closed his eyes, sighing and opened his eyes again as he turned to Bridgette.

''Well, I guess there is only one way to find out whether Agreste is being genuine or not,'' Claude said, grinning. ''I think that you should go ahead with what you believe is right. However, if Agreste hurts you, he'll have to deal with us.''

''Thanks,'' Bridgette replied happily, then added in a more serious tone, ''Although, I would appreciate if you guys don't mess with him about this. He was really flustered when he told me that.''

''Hmph, the Ice Prince was flustered over asking you to be your friend? That's a surprise,'' Sophie said nonchalantly, crossing her arms.

''I guess that shows that there's more to him than you guys believe,'' Bridgette replied. Claude stepped behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

''Just take care of yourself,'' he told her. Bridgette nodded, winking.

''Of course I will.''


''Ah, this day is only getting better and better,'' Bridgette said as she fell over on her bed, a wide smile on her expression. She had returned home after her conversation with her friends, eagerly awaiting Félix's call.

''I'm so glad that your greatest desire had been fulfilled,'' Tikki, who was hovering above Bridgette, said. ''Your effort has payed off.''

''Yeah, I did. Or, at least I got really lucky…'' Bridgette suddenly trailed off and sat up, crossing her legs and placing her hands on them as he leaned. She then brushed across one of the Ladybug Earrings with her fingers. ''Although… What if that was the work of my good luck charm? I don't want this to be something that my own power had caused, but a genuine moment.''

''Don't worry about that,'' Tikki assured her. ''Your good luck charm only puts you in a situation that works to your advantage or gives you a sense of what to do at any given moment. It is not a power that can force people to do what you want them to do.''

''That's good to hear,'' Bridgette replied, her ahoge then drooping. ''Although, Félix isn't the only person I've been thinking about. There is also Chat Noir.''

''Oh…'' Tikki didn't look particularly happy that Bridgette brought up Chat Noir. ''What about him?''

''Honestly, I've been thinking about what happened the last night this whole day,'' Bridgette said, sighing. ''I really wanted to talk to him about our relationship, but after all that stuff Belladonna said, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.''

''I guess you're still not over his love confession,'' Tikki said. Bridgette shook her head.

''It's not the confession, it's just…'' She closed her mouth, a brow furrowing as she pouted. ''I mean, I do consider Chat Noir my partner and my friend...''

''He already knows that, so what's the issue?'' Tikki asked curiously. Bridgette crossed her arms, staring ahead, her ahoge frazzled.

''I don't know… I just wanted to express myself in a different way,'' Bridgette replied. ''Basically, I wanted to tell him that I obviously trust him and that I care about him, and that only because I had rejected him doesn't mean that we cannot be friends…'' Bridgette groaned, falling on her back and placing a pillow over her head, wanting to scream into it. Tikki floated up to her, looking worried.

''Bri, are you okay?''

''No… I'm not…'' Bridgette pulled the pillow down, giving Tikki a tired look. ''Frankly, I can relate to Chat Noir in some way. While he has kept distance for a while now, I'm sure that he still isn't over that love confession, just like I'm not over my crush on Félix. What Belladonna had said the previous night must've affected him just as much as it did me.''

''I think you were the one who got more affected by it,'' Tikki noted in a deadpan tone, then added in a curious tone. ''Why did you even tell Félix that you don't have a crush on him anymore?''

''Because I didn't want to make him even more uncomfortable than he already was,'' Bridgette explained.

''But, that still means that you're not completely happy. Don't you want more than friendship?'' Tikki asked, feeling pity for her holder. Bridgette sighed.

''Maybe I do, but if there's one thing I know about romance, it's that if you love someone, you will let that person go if it's for their own good,'' she replied, then gave Tikki a half-hearted smile. ''Besides, what's wrong with us just being friends?''

''Nothing, but still, I want you too to be happy, Bri,'' Tikki noted. Bridgette fell silent, staring ahead for a moment, then looked up at Tikki.

''I think I'll just focus on me and Félix being friends for now and keep my distance. He is not obligated to respond to my feelings,'' Bridgette told her. ''As for Chat Noir, we'll have a long conversation concerning our relationship.''


''Finally, I'm done…'' Félix sighed in relief as he exited the dojo, having just finished his karate lessons. He frowned when he saw a black car waiting for him outside the building, aware that his uncle was still trying to control his movements. Still, it wasn't as big of an issue as Félix could easily use this to his advantage. He sat in the car, turning to Simon. ''I want you to drive me to the Dynastie du Lóng tea shop. I still have something to do.''

Simon frowned at first, as he was told to drive Félix back to the Agreste mansion, but realizing that he might get in trouble if there was indeed some urgent business Félix needed to attend to, he decided to do as the teenager told him. Félix just leaned back against the seat, looking through the window as Simon drove him towards Bridgette's place.

He had to admit that he felt a little nervous about this, but his earlier conversation with Bridgette gave him hope that it wouldn't be as awkward as he feared it would be. His plan for today was just to ask her about the commission and learn whether she had any other interests they could talk about. He already knew what her favorite book was, which was a bonus in case he needed to break the ice.

It should be fine. Félix took a deep breath as they arrived at the tea shop. He exited the car, telling Simon to pick him up in a couple of hours and entered the building.

Mei was working at the front, but Bridgette was nowhere in sight. Félix approached the counter, with Mei recognizing him. ''Let me guess, you're here because of Bridgette.''

''Is she at home?'' Félix asked, feeling a bit awkward due to being called out like this.

''She's upstairs,'' Mei said as she pointed at the back of the tea shop. ''Should I call her?''

Before Félix could answer, both he and Mei were startled when they heard thumping sounds coming from upstairs, with Bridgette running into the shop and almost colliding with the counter.

''Hey, watch out!'' Mei warned her, adding something in Mandarin under her breath, which Félix didn't understand. Bridgette, however, gave her grandmother a sheepish look, responding back in Mandarin, before turning to Félix. ''Hi, Félix! We should go upstairs to talk about that commission. Follow me!''

Félix just nodded, walking around the counter and followed Bridgette upstairs. ''I hope I'm not interrupting anything.''

''No, you're not,'' Bridgette replied as she stopped at a cupboard at the bottom of the stairs and took two pairs of slippers out, giving a black pair to Félix. ''Unfortunately, you cannot go inside in your outdoor shoes, so you'll have to put these on. You can stay in your shoes in the hallway, though and you can bring them in my room, since I do wear my shoes in my room in case I go to the balcony.'' She saw Félix's questioning look and smiled back. ''It's kind of an agreement between me and my grandmother, but she prefers to keep the shoes out. She says it brings bad luck to the household, although it's mostly about keeping the house clean.''

''I see,'' Félix muttered as they walked to the top floor. ''So, what did your grandmother tell you?'' he asked curiously. ''That is, if it's okay for me to know.''

''Oh, that? Gran Mei was just being exasperated that I almost ran into the counter again. I just apologized for the trouble,'' Bridgette replied, turning her head to Félix.

''Again?'' Félix rose an eyebrow.

''Yeah, the last time I did that I almost knocked over a cup,'' Bridgette admitted, rubbing the back of her head. As they reached the door to the upstairs rooms, Bridgette kicked off her brown shoes and put on red slippers, then grabbed her shoes, with Félix doing the same. Both then entered the room, with Félix following Bridgette to a staircase that led to a hatch and her room.

He feigned interest as he entered her room, having already been there before as Chat Noir. He looked around, while Bridgette stared nervously at him, as if awaiting his judgement. Félix turned back to her, still silent, and realized just how important it was for Bridgette to make a good first impression on him in her own home.

''You know, your room is a lot smaller than mine,'' he started, adding in an assuring tone, ''…but it's really colourful and cozy. You have a good taste when it comes to decoration.''

''Thanks,'' Bridgette replied happily. ''Say, do you want tea or a soda?''

''A soda would be fine,'' Félix replied, placing down his briefcase backpack. Bridgette already went downstairs to get their drinks, leaving him alone. Félix sighed, brushing with his finger through his hair. ''I still can't believe that I'm doing this… huh?''

For a moment, something red caught his attention in the corner of his eye. He turned his head towards it, but only saw the pinboard in the corner of the room. Unknown to him, Tikki had changed spots, having flown into the backpack that was lying below the pinboard. Félix walked up to it, figuring that he must've been distracted by the pictures on it. The one that caught his eye was a photo of Bridgette and her friends.

''Here you go!''

Félix was startled by Bridgette carrying a tray with their drinks and appearing behind him. He quickly composed himself, taking a glass from the tray, while Bridgette placed it on the nearby desk, then turned to Félix. ''So, we wanted to discuss the commission. I have a bunch of sketches you can look through.''

''I was actually thinking about you reading the story I've been working on, so you could get an idea of my vision for the commission,'' Félix replied, taking an USB stick from his backpack. Admittedly, he was a little anxious about the idea of Bridgette reading the story he wrote, fearing that she might tease him about it. However, he had faith that, as a fellow artist, she would understand just how important this was to him.

''Sure,'' Bridgette replied, her ahoge curving up in a heart-shape and grabbing her laptop and placing it at the coffee table next to her bed, with Félix sitting next to her as they waited for the file to open. Bridgette felt a wave of heat rushing through her body due to just how close Félix was to her, but tried to keep herself calm. ''Is this it?''

''Yeah,'' Félix muttered as Bridgette opened the file. ''It is just the scene from the first few paragraphs, though.''

''I see…'' Bridgette muttered as she read through it, concentrating on forming the image in her head and even forgetting for a moment that Félix was sitting next to her. ''It is kind of bleak…''

''What do you mean?'' Félix asked. Frankly, he didn't expect this kind of comment.

''Well, you described a forest with barren trees in a wasteland, and that's kind of bleak, isn't it?'' Bridgette replied, turning towards Félix and smiling. ''It does sound like an interesting setting, though.''

''Really?'' Félix was surprised, but then quickly composed himself. ''Well, it is supposed to be like that. After all, the main heroes are at their lowest point, so their surroundings fit the atmosphere. So, do you think you could draw the scene?''

''Of course,'' Bridgette got up, grabbing her tablet and opening an empty file. It took her about 10-15 minutes, but she did make a very rough sketch of the scene, mostly trees and debris, and then showed it to Félix. ''It would take me much longer to do the whole scene, but I believe that this is what you're thinking of.''

''It looks close to it,'' Félix replied, feeling quite impressed that Bridgette had figured out what he wanted. He then nodded, smiling. ''Yeah, I think that if you keep working on it, it is going to look exactly how I imagined it.''

''Great,'' Bridgette replied, feeling quite happy to see the genuine smile on Félix's expression. Wanting to keep the conversation going, she remembered just how happy Félix was when talking about the stories he wrote and asked, ''So, what exactly is this story about? You said that the heroes are at their lowest point.''

''Well, it…'' Félix was about to explain her what happened in the story, when his smartphone suddenly rung. Sighing, he took it out and saw that it was Adeline calling him. He frowned, answering, ''Yes, Mme. Arsenault.''

''Félix, where are you? You were supposed to be at home at this point.''

''I still had something to do.''

''May I remind you that the dinner was scheduled today? Monsieur Agreste would be disappointment by your lack of respect for his plans.''

''But, he just told me it would be this week, not specifically today,'' Félix replied, feeling annoyed. How was not knowing when the dinner would be his fault?

''No excuses. You need to come back home this instant,'' Adeline replied, cancelling the call. Félix sighed, lowering his smartphone and looking at Bridgette.

''I'm sorry, but I'll have to leave. I wish I didn't have to,'' Félix told her. Bridgette's ahoge drooped, but she nodded. She then perked up, giving Félix a curious look.

''Would it be okay if I copied your story to my computer and read it? I'm really curious about what you wrote,'' Bridgette asked.

''I wouldn't mind it. I always appreciate some constructive criticism,'' Félix replied. Admittedly, he was glad that Bridgette was interested in the story he wrote. As a matter of fact, he was looking forward to that conversation. Bridgette accompanied him downstairs, with Félix realizing that, considering how it was a commission, he'd also have to pay for it. They were already on the street when he turned to her, asking, ''So, how much do you charge for the commission?''

''Uh… Well, I do have my prices on the blog I'm managing…'' Bridgette started, but then continued with a smile on her lips, ''However, I will give you a special discount since this is the first time you commissioned anything from me – it is going to be for free.''

''I don't think that that is a good business deal,'' Félix replied, surprising Bridgette. He crossed his arms. ''I do want to compensate you for your work.''

''Then how about I commission a story from you?'' Bridgette suggested. Félix tilted his head, then nodded.

''That actually sounds like good idea,'' he said just as car drove up to the tea shop. ''You can text me what kind of story you want.''

''I'll do that.'' Bridgette nodded, waving goodbye to Félix as he entered the car. He waved back, closing the door, with the car leaving. Bridgette then took a deep breath, feeling her head spin. She was incredibly happy about their meeting, even though it was short. This is just the first step in our relationship, though. I'm sure that there is more to come.


''Mademoiselle Bourgeois, a package has arrived for you.''


Amber grabbed the package out of her butler's hands, grinning widely. The butler, Thomas Becheur, frowned upon seeing the teenager's joy at the package. He had figured that Amber had probably ordered some expensive clothes or jewelry, as usual. Having been employed by the Bourgeois family, he seen enough of Amber's spoiled behavior to consider her a complete brat, someone he doubted would ever change, even if she reached adulthood.

''You may leave now, Thomas,'' Amber told him in a haughty tone, carrying the package into her room. She completely ignored the eye-roll from her butler, closing the door right into his face and placing the package on her bed. She unwrapped it, with black and yellow clothing material spilling out of the package. Amber rubbed her hands in satisfaction.

She had been working on a costume during the past few days and had ordered the kind of material that would be used for a catsuit. She already had the sketch for how the catsuit was supposed to look like and now all she had to do was to sew it. Amber paused for a moment, staring at the material. Frankly, she didn't want to even bother sewing her own costume. Sure, being the daughter of a fashion designer, she did pick up some sewing skills, but she knew that making the costume would be a lot of work and she just didn't want to do it.

I could just pay someone else to do it for me, but… Amber glanced at the comics scattered on her bed. She had been searching for superheroes who were just normal humans in an attempt to find the kind of superhero she could relate to, and ended somehow up with Batman and Iron Man. She opened the Iron Man comic, landing on a page depicting Tony Stark working on his suit and sighed. I know I need to keep this a secret. If I want to be a superhero, I need to work for it… But, this is going to take me so long! Amber groaned in annoyance and grabbed her smartphone. ''Fine, where is that stupid sewing machine?''


Félix tried to stop himself from constantly glancing at the old grandfather's clock in the dining room as he ate dinner alongside Gabriel, Charles Guillebeau and his wife Rosalie. They had been already talking for an hour about Gabriel's upcoming fashion show, Charles' business and Rosalie gushing over her decorating the house. Frankly, Félix was completely bored by their conversation and never contributed anything to it. He was just waiting until he was allowed to leave so he could join Ladybug for the patrol.

''So, Félix, I have heard that you started attending public school.'' Félix lifted his head, looking at Rosalie. Gabriel and Charles were having their own discussion, which is why she turned to him. ''How is it?''

''It is… interesting,'' Félix replied.

''Oh, really?'' Rosalie replied, giving him a curious look. ''Have you managed to adapt to it? Do you have any friends?''

''I did, and I do,'' Félix answered. He didn't like the idea of sharing information about his private life, even if it were just topics concerning school, but he had no other choice. Despite still talking to Charles, Gabriel's eyes shifted towards Félix, glaring at him. If he didn't play his part here, he would get punished.

''I'm so glad about that,'' Rosalie replied innocently, not even noticing the wordless exchange Félix and Gabriel had. ''It must've been very difficult for you to move on with your life after the tragedy that has befallen you.''

Félix felt his heart skip a beat and lowered his gaze, pretending to be interested in the cake that had been served. His hands were in his lap, shaking. He did NOT want to talk about this, especially not with a person who was pretty much a stranger to him.

''It was,'' Félix muttered. Rosalie paused for a moment, now feeling awkward.

''I mean, it is so sad that your mother had been claimed by a terminal illness, but I'm sure she'd be happy to see you thrive,'' Rosalie continued, attempting to save the conversation. She then turned to Gabriel, who had just finished his discussion with Charles. ''It was really generous of you to take your nephew in.''

Félix clenched his fist, his gaze being just as cold as Gabriel's. He was already uncomfortable due to Rosalie bringing up his deceased mother, but calling Gabriel generous for taking him in just enraged Félix. They had absolutely no idea that Félix completely despised Gabriel.

''I was merely fulfilling my duty as Félix's remaining family member,'' Gabriel responded, glancing at Félix. Félix just stared at the table, avoiding Gabriel's gaze and stayed silent.

''Well, that's why I'm glad that we're doing that charity gala,'' Charles said, lifting his glass and drinking the wine. ''You will attend it too, right Félix?''

Félix looked up, eyes wide in surprise. No one had told him that he would have to participate at a charity gala. Félix looked at Gabriel, trying to read the latter's expression, but Gabriel remained as unreadable as ever. Despite that, Félix had a feeling that Gabriel was enjoying himself seeing Félix being this confused. Félix composed himself, looking at Charles.

''No one informed me about this,'' he explained.

''Don't worry, young man. It is supposed to take place this Friday, so there would've been plenty of time to inform you about it,'' Charles told him, then turned to Gabriel. ''Gabriel, Rosalie and I still have a lot of preparations to do, but most of the work had already been done during the past weeks.''

''Indeed, it had,'' Gabriel replied, sounding a bit too nonchalant for Félix's taste. He had to wonder what the old man was planning.

''So, what kind of charity gala is it going to be?'' Félix asked politely, turning to Rosalie.

''It'll be a ball-like event, with an auction once all the guests have gathered,'' Rosalie explained. ''Charles had agreed to finally sell all of his rare finds and the money would be donated to the less fortunate.''

''I see,'' Félix muttered, realizing that, aside from seeing whatever items would be sold during the auction, he'd be bored out of his mind during the event. He lifted his head, seeing Rosalie smiling innocently at him.

''Of course, you'd be allowed to bring your own guest,'' she added. ''After all, you said you did make friends at school and it would be lovely to meet at least one of them.''

Félix froze, having not expected this kind of response. A memory of Bridgette immediately flashed in his mind, but he wasn't sure how to feel about it. He turned to Gabriel to see his reaction, but Gabriel remained completely calm. Félix figured that they would have a talk about this later, but it was clear that Gabriel approved of the idea. Félix brushed with his finger over his ring, hoping for something to happen to get out of this situation, but surprisingly, the Ring of the Black Cat didn't activate the curse at all. Maybe it felt that Félix was already miserable enough and didn't want to rub more salt into the wound? Therefore, Félix decided to take matters in his own hands.

''May I leave?'' he asked, looking at Gabriel. ''I still have school tomorrow and I don't want to bother you further with my presence.''

Gabriel glanced at Félix, then at Charles and Rosalie, as if calculating whether he should tell Félix to stay or not. Félix knew that, if Gabriel wanted to keep up the image of having a perfect nephew who would do anything for him, he would tell Félix to stay, otherwise he'll come off as rude. On the other hand, Félix's request was quite reasonable and Gabriel would come off as the rude one by denying it.

''Fine, you may leave,'' Gabriel told Félix. Félix remained calm as he left, but the moment he was in the hallway, he sighed in relief.

Finally! Now I can leave for the patrol.


Ladybug was sitting on a steel beam on the Eiffel Tower, swinging her legs as she waited for Chat Noir to arrive. More than half and hour had already passed, making her wonder whether he would even arrive. She had tried the communication device, but there was no answer, meaning that Chat Noir hasn't transformed yet. She hadn't been in a hurry though, so she decided to just wait for him.

''What if he doesn't show up at all?'' Tikki asked her.

''Then I'll have this conversation with him some other day,'' Ladybug replied. Tikki hummed.

''Still, isn't it quite irresponsible from your partner to not tell you that he would be late to this patrol?'' Tikki asked.

''Maybe he has an emergency. I mean, there is a lot of stuff that can happen to cause him to be late or not show up,'' Ladybug replied. ''I'm sure that there is a logical explanation for this.''


Ladybug was startled by the crackling in her ear, followed by Chat Noir's voice.

''Chat? What happened? Where are you?''

''I'll explain it to you in a bit, just wait where you are.''

Ladybug smiled, then brushed with her fingers across one of the Ladybug Earrings. ''I told you, Tikki. Chat Noir wouldn't just leave me hanging without an explanation.''

Tikki didn't respond, leaving Ladybug to wait a few more minutes in silence. Eventually, Chat Noir landed on the Eiffel Tower and approached her, albeit breathing heavily.

''I'm sorry for being so late…'' he said, trying to catch his breath. ''I couldn't get out of the house because of family matters.''

''Don't worry, it's fine,'' Ladybug assured him, holding up her hands and waving. She then crossed them on her back. ''I'm just glad that you're here.''

Chat Noir's ears twitched as he looked up at her her, surprised by the gentle smile Ladybug gave him. Frankly, he thought that she would be annoyed at him for being late, especially since this wasn't the same kind of situation like when she went out to patrol during a storm.

''Honestly, I wanted to leave, but it was just impossible,'' Chat Noir told her, giving her a sheepish look. ''You're really not mad at me?''

''Do I look mad?'' Ladybug asked. Chat Noir wondered for a moment if that was a rhetorical question, but then realized that she was being genuine.

''No, not at all,'' he quickly replied. Ladybug then crossed her arms on her chest.

''There is something we need to talk about, though,'' she said. Chat Noir's tail flicked and his ears stood up.

''What is it?'' he asked nervously, his brain completely fried as he tried to figure out whether he was in trouble. So many things had happened through the day that he had completely forgotten if there was anything he had done to displease Ladybug.

''I had been thinking about what Belladonna had said, as well as what happened before,'' Ladybug said, her words causing Chat Noir's heart to skip a beat. He did remember what happened during the battle against Belladonna and how she had riled Ladybug up, as well as their conversation afterwards. He knew that Ladybug told him that she considered him her friend, but he had to wonder whether she was really comfortable talking about it, especially since both of them were aware that their relationship was quite complicated.

''You know, if you're not completely comfortable with talking about our relationship, you don't have to force yourself,'' Chat Noir told her in a gentle tone. Ladybug shook her head, taking a deep breath.

''No, I really need to tell you this, else I think I'm gonna go crazy,'' she replied. ''It's been bothering me the whole day and I just want to get it out of my system.''

''Okay, then I'm listening,'' Chat Noir said. Ladybug exhaled sharply, clasping her hands as she tried to figure out how to convey her thoughts and emotions.

''I've been thinking long about this, and I know that in the beginning, I never really thought about having a partner, especially not you,'' Ladybug said, then quickly added, ''No offense.''

''Don't worry, I agree with you. The way we had started out was a complete mess and I didn't really make things easy for you,'' Chat Noir replied, remembering the times Ladybug would yell at him for causing unnecessary trouble. Still, he was curious where this conversation was going.

''Right, so, even thought things weren't always peachy, we still somehow ended up as partners,'' Ladybug continued, pressing her fist into the palm of her other hand. ''Honestly, I'm really happy that things have turned out like that. At this point, I couldn't even imagine having anyone else as my partner.''

''I'm pleased that you think so highly of me, Ladybug,'' Chat Noir said, placing one hand on his chest and the other on his back, bowing. He then looked up, grinning. ''I couldn't imagine having anyone else as my partner but you either.''

Ladybug nodded, taking another breath as she carefully thought of her next words. ''However, recently, I had realized that you're not only my partner, but that you also became my close friend. I know that I did say this before, but I don't think I expressed myself properly just how much I appreciate you.''

''Thank you, Bug, but…'' Chat Noir trailed off, wondering whether he should bring up the reason why things had been awkward between them. He then decided to go for it. ''I haven't really expected you to consider me your friend, not after that confession I made.''

Ladybug's mind flashed back to the memory of Chat Noir confessing his love to her, offering a rose to her, and her rejection of him. She had realized that they were standing in the same exact spot and positions when that had happened, the moonlight illuminating them once again.

''I will admit, it took me a while to process everything. I didn't want to talk about it at all, but…'' Ladybug shook her head, placing her clenched fist on her chest. ''I think that we both finally need to confront that part of our lives in order to move on. So, I really hope that we can from now on work not only as trusted partners, but also as close friends.''

She extended her hand, waiting for Chat Noir's response. Chat Noir's ears twitched as he stared at it, looking stunned for a moment. Surprisingly, he appeared to be reluctant about shaking her hand, making Ladybug wonder what was going through his head. Chat Noir then took her hand, but instead of a handshake, he leaned over, holding Ladybug's hand. A soft smile formed on his lips.

''I agree with you. We shouldn't work only as trusted partners, but as close friends as well,'' he said, pressing his lips against the top of Ladybug's hand, his gesture sending a wave of heat through Ladybug's body. He looked up, noticing Ladybug's cheeks taking a shade of red that matched her mask. ''However, I would be lying if I said that I only ever saw you as a friend. I still have feelings for you, Ladybug, and that is something I will never get over. Nevertheless, for your sake, I will keep my distance. If this relationship develops into something more, than so be it, but let me assure you, you aren't obligated to respond to my confession.''

Ladybug's eyes were still wide, her lips parted as she stared at Chat Noir in stunned silence, unable to respond. Chat Noir just stepped back and nodded.

''I believe that we should go now,'' he said, with Ladybug nodding, still speechless. Chat Noir leapt off, leaving Ladybug behind as she still tried to gather her thoughts, with one standing out in particular.

Why do I feel like this?!

Chapter 24: All The Right Moves


This may be the longest chapter I have ever written. Honestly, when I started writing it, I just couldn't stop and there was still cut content (don't worry, it'll be featured in the next chapter). Usually, my chapters are 5000 words, give or take a couple 100 words. This chapter is about 11,100 words long.


It has also some light and some really dark moments, mostly focused on the bond between Bridgette and Félix.

Anyways, I'll be taking a short break from Up Ladybug, focusing on my other fics. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and, until then, see ya!

Chapter Text

Entry 23

All The Right Moves

''Do you think I'm special? Do you think I'm nice, am I bright enough to shine in your spaces? Between the noise you hear, and the sound you like, are we just sinking in an ocean of faces? It can't be possible that rain could fall only when it's over our heads. The sun is shining everyday, but it's far away over their world instead, they got; They got all the right friends in all the right places! So yeah, we're goin' down. They got all the right moves in all the right faces! So yeah, we're goin' down. They say everybody knows, everybody knows where we're goin'. Yeah, we're goin' down. They say everybody knows, everybody knows where we're goin'. Yeah, we're goin' down.''

– All The Right Moves by OneRepublic


Félix sighed as he sat down at his desk in the classroom. He arrived a bit earlier and hadn't seen a trace of Bridgette or her friends, giving him some time to think through the conversation he had with Gabriel during breakfast.

''You have asked me to let you go to school in order to make social connections,'' Gabriel had told him when he saw Félix's anxious expression, having already figured out what was going through the teenager's head. ''Don't tell me that you haven't made any.''

''I did,'' Félix replied, not liking the cold gaze Gabriel was giving him, nor the accusatory tone his uncle used. Gabriel then got up, seemingly done with his breakfast, with Félix feeling a moment of relief as he hoped that his uncle would finally leave him alone. However, Gabriel stopped just next to his seat, facing forward, his hands crossed on his back.

''Then, I hope you'll keep in mind what I had told you about creation connections,'' Gabriel said, glancing at his nephew. Félix felt chills flowing down his spine.

''Creating connections with someone else on an emotional level will only hinder me,'' Félix muttered, repeating what Gabriel had told him a while ago. He waited for Gabriel's response, but the latter just walked away. Félix felt a knot in his stomach, awaiting a sense of relief that never came. Instead, all he felt was anxiety. He knew that all Gabriel cared about was his public image and if the guest he brought along didn't fit what he had in mind, he would get in trouble for his ''mistake''.

The issue is, the person I want to bring along is Bridgette. Félix sighed as he took out his book and opened it, trying to focus. He knew that Gabriel wouldn't approve of someone like Bridgette, but frankly, Félix didn't care. Aside from Plagg and Ladybug, she is the only friend I have, so it would be only natural that I'd invite her to the charity event. Félix then paused for a moment, looking up and seeing Bridgette, Allegra, Sophie, Claude and Allan entering the classroom, all talking about something and laughing. Félix at first thought of focusing on his book, but then he made eye-contact with Bridgette, who smiled at him. Without even realizing it, Félix smiled back and turned back to his book, only for a moment later to hit him, his eyes widening. That was not planned.


''So basically, the theatre group wanted...'' Claude trailed off as he saw Félix approaching the group. It was been around noon and they decided to have lunch outside in the school yard. Allan, Allegra, Sophie, Carmilla and Bridgette looked up, following Claude's gaze. Félix ignored their curious looks, with Carmilla being the only one who looked more smug than curious, and turned to Bridgette, who got up.

''Bridgette, may I talk to you for a moment?'' he asked.

''Sure,'' Bridgette replied, following Félix to a part of the backyard where her friends couldn't hear them. ''Is this about the commission? I'm still working on it. Also, I'm almost done reading through your story.''

''No, not really,'' Félix replied, with feeling a strange sensation of fluttering in his stomach. He turned towards her, feeling a bit anxious about his request. After all, he just told Bridgette the day before that he considered her his friend and now he was supposed to invite her to this event despite the two not having spent a lot of time getting to know each other. He took a deep breath, then said, ''I actually wanted to invite you to a charity gala that will be hosted by my uncle this Friday.''

Bridgette's eyes widened and her lips parted slightly, her ahoge frazzled as she stared at Félix, completely stunned. Félix had to wonder if he said something wrong or messed up, only to be surprised himself when he heard Bridgette's response, ''Y-You mean like a date?''

''Wh-What? No!'' Félix quickly replied, only to regret his harsh tone immediately when he saw Bridgette wincing. He knew that he should've expected her to interpret the invitation like this and gave her an apologetic look. ''Look, I'm really sorry for my harsh response. I should've explained it to you in more detail.'' He placed his hands in his pockets, noticing Bridgette tilting her head, now looking confused. ''My uncle kind of dropped this on me the previous night. While this charity gala is more of an exclusive event, I was told that I'm allowed to bring a guest of my own.''

''So, you thought of me?'' Bridgette asked. Félix shrugged.

''Well, it's not like I have much of a choice. You are my only friend, after all,'' he told her. Bridgette smiled.

''I understand,'' she replied. ''I'm actually really excited about this. What time should I arrive and where? What is the dress code?''

''I will pick you up around 07:30 PM, since the charity event starts at 08:00 PM and we need to be there a bit earlier, since Uncle Gabriel is the host. The dress code is strictly formal,'' Félix explained, then added in a more serious tone, ''Honestly, there is something else you need to know.''

''Okay…?'' Bridgette nodded, listening intently.

''Uncle Gabriel puts a lot of emphasis on his public image and that includes me as well,'' Félix replied in matter-of-fact tone. ''He has many expectations and he will get angry, if not even furious, if those expectations aren't met. One of those expectations was for me to form some kind of social connection while attending public school, and I did – I became friends with you.'' Félix then frowned. ''However, I sincerely doubt that he would've agreed to this until he first approved of you. The fact that I was even allowed to bring along a guest was because someone else suggested it.'' He glanced at Bridgette. ''I know my uncle well enough that this is some kind of test I need to pass to keep him pacified. This is all just a sick mind game to him.'' He lowered his head, a look of guilt on his expression. ''I'm sorry that I have to pull you into this.''

''Don't worry, it's fine,'' Bridgette replied. Félix rose an eyebrow, a bit surprised to just how easily Bridgette accepted all of this information. ''I have heard that Gabriel Agreste can be really demanding and difficult.''

''Really?'' Félix was surprised.

''Yeah, Amber had told me and Sophie,'' Bridgette replied. ''She said that her mother did collaboration with him, but it was a real disaster and that he was someone who was hard to work with.''

''That sounds like him,'' Félix replied, crossing his arms.

''In any case, I will make sure to be on my best behavior to make a good impression,'' Bridgette replied. ''Perhaps you could even give me some advice on what to do and what not to do around him. I could easily adapt to whatever behavior that would make things easier for you.''

''You don't have to…'' Félix muttered, only to get interrupted by Bridgette, who clenched her fists, giving him a determined look.

''Nonsense! If your uncle is putting so much pressure on you, then you should also get the best support you can. After all, that is what friends are for. They are your support system when you get no support from your family,'' she told him.

''I… Thanks for the support,'' he replied, feeling a bit flustered by just how eager Bridgette was to help him out, even if she didn't have to go this far. Still, he was thankful that she agreed to it. ''I will coach you on what to do and what not to do, although most of it will probably consist of you following my lead. I've been to enough of those events to know that, once the initial greetings are over, we won't have to interact much with anyone since the guests will be focused on talking to their friends and colleagues rather than random teenagers.''

''I guess it must've been really boring for you during those events,'' Bridgette said.

''It was, but frankly, I was just glad that people would leave me alone for the rest of the event,'' Félix replied. ''The only thing that annoyed me was that I wasn't allowed to bring a book to have something to do until the event was over or leave early. One time, he took away my smartphone because he thought that I would come of as disrespectful towards the guests if decided to read books online. Guess who had been ignored by all of the guests the whole evening because they were scrolling through their social media on their smartphones?''

''Wow…'' Bridgette said, stunned. She then smirked. ''Well, you don't have to worry about getting bored during this event.''

''Should I be afraid?'' Félix asked in a deadpan tone. Bridgette didn't respond, but just gave him an innocent look. Félix sighed, but he couldn't help smiling a little. As much as a part of him as dreading this charity event, another part was actually curious how this would turn out.


''I still can't believe that Agreste had asked you on a date,'' Allegra said in a deadpan tone. She and Sophie had accompanied Bridgette to window shopping for a dress for the charity event, but not after recovering from the shock they felt after Bridgette dropped the bomb that was the reveal that Félix had asked her to accompany him to the event.

''It's not a date. Félix made that very clear,'' Bridgette replied, turning towards Allegra. ''I'm just his guest, that's all.''

''Date or no date, it was still a big move on his part,'' Sophie noted, crossing her arms. ''Even if he was forced by his uncle to go along with it.''

''That I agree with,'' Bridgette replied, turning back to the black evening gown on the display. It looked quite gorgeous, but Bridgette faltered and her ahoge drooped when she saw the price tag. Admittedly, she had the money for the cheaper dresses, but considering how this charity gala was for the rich folk, she knew that she needed to look her best to make an impression and, unfortunately, that meant that she'd have to go for the more expensive evening gowns. Sure, she could always ask her grandmother for some extra money, but she felt that would be inappropriate, as she had already gotten her allowance for this month.

Allegra and Sophie exchanged glances, well aware what was bothering Bridgette. Allegra stepped forwards, looking at the dresses on display. ''Sheesh, maybe we went to the wrong part of the city to shop. I mean, who would drop €500 for something they are going to wear only once.''

''Yeah, let's see whether they have something cheaper,'' Sophie added, turning to Bridgette. ''I'm sure you'll look amazing no matter what you wear.''

''Thanks,'' Bridgette replied, having cheered up. ''Maybe will be able to find something on a discount.''

''I think there is a store where we can find formal evening wear for a good price,'' Allegra said. Bridgette nodded and she and Allegra were about to walk away, while Sophie remained standing for a moment, only to snap her fingers as she realized something.

''I know! How about instead of spending all of your money on a gown you try the dress I made?'' Sophie suggested, with Bridgette and Allegra turning towards her, surprised. Bridgette's eyes sparked up in excitement.

''Really?'' she asked.

''Yeah, of course!'' Sophie took out her smartphone to show Bridgette and Allegra the photos of the dress. ''It isn't finished, though, and you still need to try it on so I can make sure it fits you, but this should be about your size.''

''It looks amazing!'' Allegra and Bridgette were stunned, with Bridgette hugging Sophie.

''Soph, you're a real savior! Thank you so much!'' Bridgette said, stepping back. ''How do I repay you?''

''You'll pay me half the cost of the dress, with the other half being made out of free commissions for my blog,'' Sophie replied, then smirked, adding in a mischievous tone as she took out a reddish card, ''Oh, and if anyone asks you who made it, you'll give them this.''

''Since when do you make business cards?'' Allegra asked, her and Bridgette giving Sophie a confused look.

''Well, as an aspiring fashion designer, I need to get noticed somehow, and giving out these while you're wearing my dress among rich folk should be enough,'' Sophie replied. ''It's a win-win for both of us.''

Bridgette just smiled in response, while Allegra sighed, realizing that Sophie was just being opportunistic. Still, she couldn't deny that Sophie was right and that this was a better option than the alternative.


''Hey, Bug,'' Chat Noir said, with Ladybug glancing at him. They were at the end of their patrol, having decided to take a rest on a rooftop. It was the evening before the charity gala and Chat Noir knew that he needed to tell Ladybug that he wouldn't be able to make it to the patrol since it would probably last until late into the night. He knew that he probably should've told her this earlier, but he wasn't really sure how to explain this to her.

''What is it Chat?'' Ladybug asked, giving him a curious look.

''I'm sorry I didn't bring this up before, but I won't be able to come to the patrol tomorrow,'' Chat Noir told her, waiting anxiously for her reaction. To his surprise, Ladybug gave him a sheepish smile and then sighed.

''You're not the only one who won't be available for the patrol,'' she replied. Chat Noir gave her a surprised look.

''Really? You too will be absent?'' he asked.

''Yeah. Unfortunately, a close friend of mine had asked me to help them out with something very important and I agreed, so we'll be busy with it probably the whole evening, if not the whole night. I doubt there will be a way for me to escape,'' Ladybug told him. ''What about you?''

''My family wants to attend me this important event and I'm pretty sure they're gonna keep a close eye on me since they know that I don't really like to go to these kinds of events,'' Chat Noir replied, sighing. ''Honestly, I wish I didn't have to attend it. I'd rather spend the night patrolling than that.''

''I see…'' Ladybug muttered, a brow furrowing. ''However, now we have a bit of an problem, don't we? Neither of us is going to be patrolling.''

''That's unfortunate…'' Chat Noir muttered, only to see Ladybug perk up.

''Maybe it's not,'' Ladybug replied. ''We didn't really have any emergencies during the past days, so taking a day of shouldn't be a big deal, right? However, if something does happen and we notice it, at least we could try and get out of our situation to deal with the matter at hand.''

''Sounds good to me,'' Chat Noir replied, smiling.


''I hope that you understand the utmost importance of this mission,'' Gabriel, or rather, Papillon told the Mime. It was late in the evening and they had been in Papillon's office, discussing the charity gala that would take place the following evening. ''One mistake, and this whole plan will be ruined. One moment of lapse and your life will be fortified.''

The Mime just nodded quietly, observing Papillon. Papillon then turned to the window, his hands crossed on his back. ''You may leave now.''

Gabriel didn't even react when he heard the door close. Instead, he kept staring through the window at the city below him, the conversation he had with Charles Guillebeau. Somehow, the man had managed to acquire a rather interesting artifact – an antique ring that supposedly allowed its wearer to cause chaos and destruction wherever they went.

''Of course, that is just a rumour,'' Charles said dismissively, laughing at the idea of there being an artifact with such powers. ''It might be one of these stupid curses or something like that. Although, the person who sold it to me claimed their ancestors had seen first hand how dangerous it was. Frankly, I didn't care, as I saw more value in its age and the material it was made of.''

''I see…'' Gabriel muttered, a glint in his cold white eyes. ''Do you plan to sell it during the auction?''

''No, why I should I do that? It already cost me an arm and a leg to get it,'' Charles replied. ''It is going to be part of my collection, but I will show it off at the end of the auction. After all, people should know that I still have more valuable treasures and that if they want me to part with it, they will have to pay a hefty price for it.'' He waited for Gabriel to respond, but when the latter didn't he added, ''What about you, Gabriel? Ever since you acquired it, you refuse to part with that brooch you have. Is it that valuable? I have a friend who could take a look at it.''

''Just like you, I see a different value in the artifacts I find,'' Gabriel responded, frowning at the greedy look Charles gave him. He knew that his old partner would do anything to up him when it came to finding rare and valuable items and Charles had offered to buy Gabriel's brooch several times, but Gabriel would turn his offer down. He was becoming quite… bothersome.

Gabriel's eyes narrowed as his fingers traced across the Butterfly Brooch. If everything went according to plan, he wouldn't only acquire the item he desired, but he might as well get rid off the one person who wouldn't stop pestering him about taking away the source of his greatest power.


Félix took a deep breath as Nathan drove him towards Bridgette's place. He was wearing a black tuxedo suit, consisting of black shoes, black trousers, a black waistcoat, black jacket, black bowtie and a white shirt underneath the waistcoat. A fake rose was attached to the left side of his jacket, just above the breast pocket, and his hair was combed into his usual style. If there was one thing Gabriel hated, it was the length of Félix's hair and how untidy it could be from the back. He had several times noted how Félix should cut his hair short, but the teenager refused, offering to style it up or tie it into a low ponytail, with Gabriel telling him to leave his sight.

''Man, if he saw your hair when you're Chat Noir, he'd probably have an aneurysm,'' Plagg joked after overhearing that particular conversation. Félix agreed, aware that, while Gabriel would be furious if he knew what kind of shenanigans his nephew got himself into as Chat Noir, he would explode if he found out that Félix decided to keep that ridiculous leather outfit and hair style.

Glancing at the clock on his smartphone, he realized that he and Nathan were a few minutes late and he started to worry that Bridgette thought he'd stand her up, especially after all the talk they went through. He had to admit that he was quite surprised at just how easy it was to talk with Bridgette. He still had fears that she'd keep pestering him about the idea of this being a date, but instead, she was more interested in how to make sure that their plan to keep Gabriel pacified would work.

Once they had arrived in front of Dynastie du Lóng, Félix exited the car, walking over to the front entrance. Just as he did, the door opened, with Bridgette stepping out on the street, having obviously been waiting for him. Félix's eyes widened and his lips parted slightly as he saw Bridgette, surprised by her appearance.

Bridgette was wearing a red satin short-sleeved co*cktail dress with a circle skirt that had a black lace overlay on the top of the skirt. The red top had also a sewn-in black vine and flower embroidery going up from the lower right side to the upper left. She was wearing red ankle-strap shoes and a red rose corsage made out of a single flower on her wrist. Her long hair, usually tied in pigtails, was now loose and slightly curled, with some of her side-hair being tied on the back with a red bow barrette. She wore minimal make-up and was carrying a red rose purse attached to a single black string over her shoulder.

''Good evening, Félix,'' Bridgette greeted him in a tone that was a mix between her trying to sound chipper, while also showing to be nervous. ''So, how do I look? Is this outfit okay?''

''You look stunning…'' These words left Félix's mouth before he could even register them. It felt as if his brain had been on autopilot for a moment. Bridgette blushed, being speechless for a moment.

''I… Thank you,'' she replied, with Félix suddenly realizing just what he had said. ''You look handsome too.''

''Right, thank you,'' Félix quickly said, trying to fight back the sudden wave of heat he felt. It was just a compliment, wasn't it? He knew that he'd have to give out those the whole evening to whichever socialite decides to approach him in order to fish for them. However this one… This compliment was genuine. Félix composed himself, stepping back and gesturing at the car. ''So, shall we go?''

''Sure,'' Bridgette replied, with a red hue still gracing her cheeks. Félix helped her into the car, then sat down himself and closed the door, with Nathan driving them away. Félix leaned back, thinking through his and Bridgette's plan, and turned his head towards her, noticing her staring at her clasped hands, looking quite tense.

''Bridgette, are you okay?'' Félix asked. Despite her earlier attitude, he could understand why she felt so nervous.

''For the most part,'' Bridgette replied, giving him a half-hearted smile. ''Admittedly, this is the first time I'm participating in such an event.''

''Just stay with me and it'll be fine. If people try to talk to you, but you don't feel comfortable, I'll pull you away from the conversation and you'll do the same in my case,'' Félix told her, reminding her of their plan. ''I'm sure that we're going to survive this, one way or another.''

Bridgette snorted, with Félix rising an eyebrow as he wondered what was so amusing. Bridgette explained, ''You're talking as if we're taking part in a battle.''

''To be honest, this is how I usually feel whenever I have to interact with my classmates,'' Félix replied, noticing Bridgette smiling and relaxing. It didn't take long for them to finally arrive at the building where the charity event would take place. They exited the car, with Nathan driving away to park it, and walked up the stairs, both feeling tense. They walked inside, Félix leading Bridgette through a hallway and into a ballroom with chairs and tables on the sides, filled with food and drinks, and an elevated podium on the far side of the room. On the wall behind the podium was a huge screen. Bridgette assumed that this would be used later for the auction.

''Bri, grab my arm,'' Félix whispered, having noticed Gabriel talking to Charles and Rosalie. Bridgette did so, with the two then approaching the group. This was actually part of their plan in order to make them look like a perfect couple and Félix was willing to suffer through physical contact as long as necessary. It was also supposed to send a clear message to anyone who attempted to whisk any of them away that they wouldn't part with each other. That way, they could easily keep an eye on each other and make sure no one would get in trouble. Bridgette did note that it would make them look quite clingy, but Félix assured her that, once the initial greetings were over, they could relax. After all, this was all about presentation and appearances.

Despite her concerns, Bridgette was absolutely overjoyed over the fact that she could hold onto Félix like this.

''Good evening,'' Félix said, with Gabriel, Charles and Rosalie turning towards him and Bridgette.

''Good evening, Félix and Mademoiselle…'' Gabriel paused, observing Bridgette with a scrutinizing gaze. Bridgette knew that this was what Félix had warned her about, having told her that Gabriel would put her under a microscope in order to find any imperfections in her appearance or behavior and subtly criticize her. However, Bridgette was already ahead of him.

''Bridgette Cheng,'' Bridgette replied in a calm tone, maintaining eye-contact with Gabriel and smiling lightly. ''I'm honoured to meet you, Monsieur Agreste.''

She then waited for a response. Gabriel stared at her for a moment, his gaze cold enough to send chills down her spine. He then looked at Félix and nodded, as if approving of his guest.

''Likewise,'' Gabriel replied curtly, turning his attention to another couple of guests that had arrived. He turned to his co-host ''Excuse me, Charles?''

''Yes, yes…'' Charles replied, walking over to a businessman who had approached them. Rosalie stayed back, giving Bridgette a curious look.

''Ah, so you're the friend Félix had told us about? I hadn't really expected that he'd be talking about a girl friend,'' she said, smiling and not even noticing Félix shifting slightly. ''Honestly, your dress is so gorgeous. Where did you get it? I had been trying to find something special in Lanvin, but the dresses just weren't my taste.''

''Oh, this dress was actually made by a friend of mine. She's an aspiring fashion designer,'' Bridgette replied. Rosalie was surprised.

''My, my, you're quite lucky to have a friend like that,'' Rosalie said, a greedy look appearing on her expression. ''I wish my friend circle consisted of people who knew something about fashion.''

''If you wish, I have her business card,'' Bridgette reached for the rose purse and took out a card from it. ''Her name is Sophie Renard and she manages a blog where she puts on her newest designs. She is also willing to do commissions.''

''Aww, thank you,'' Rosalie smiled, taking the card and walking away, muttering something under her breath which Bridgette and Félix didn't hear. Both glanced at each other and sighed.

''Madame Rosalie Guillebeau can be quite… exhausting to deal with,'' Félix muttered, his voice loud enough only for Bridgette to hear. ''She is interested in interior design and fashion, usually buying only from high-end brands, but she has her quirks. If she wants to buy a white dress, but the label says ivory, she won't hesitate to just throw it away in the trash. Still, she does endorse fashion designers she believes have potential, so Renard might get lucky here.''

''I'm sure Sophie will be able to deal with her,'' Bridgette replied.

''I hope so,'' Félix said. He then saw Adeline staring at them, gesturing at them to come over to where Gabriel, Charles and Rosalie were. Sure, they weren't the hosts, but Félix had knew that he and Bridgette would have to join in on the greeting of the guests. Both exchanged another glance, hoping that this part would be over soon.


It took about half an hour for all the guests to arrive and while Bridgette recognized some of them, she was unfamiliar with most of them. What did surprise both her and Félix was the arrival of the mayor of Paris, André Bourgeois and his wife, the famous fashion designer Audrey Bourgeois. They glanced to the entrance, half-expecting Amber to waltz in, but she was nowhere in sight.

''You're Amber's classmates, aren't you?'' André asked them, with Bridgette and Félix nodding. ''This is unfortunate, then. Amber had told us that she didn't want to attend the charity gala because she was too busy with something.''

''Lucky her,'' Félix whispered to Bridgette once the Bourgeois couple continued talking to Gabriel and the Guillebeaus. Bridgette couldn't help but feel sorry for Félix, well aware that he too wished he had the freedom of choice.

Eventually, all of the guests had arrived, most talking to each other. Gabriel and Charles were busy talking with another man, while Rosalie had managed to somehow enter a discussion with Audrey. Adeline turned to Félix and Bridgette, ''You are free to go now. However, stay in the vicinity of this gala.''

Once Adeline left, Félix and Bridgette took a deep breath of relief, with Bridgette adding, ''I guess the worst is over.''

''For now,'' Félix replied. ''We still don't know if Uncle Gabriel wants us to do something. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get any answer on that matter.'' He tilted his head. ''Still, he does approve of your presence, so that's a huge win for both of us.''

''Right, and as long as this evening goes smoothly, he might stop pestering you about your social life,'' Bridgette added.

''Indeed. Do you want a drink?'' Félix gestured at a nearby table.

''Sure,'' Bridgette nodded, following him. ''So, when exactly is the auction supposed to start?''

''I believe that it'll start in about half an hour,'' Félix replied, checking the time on his smartphone. He noticed the mischievous grin on Bridgette's lips. ''Why do I have a feeling that you're up to something?''

''Do you think that your uncle might be too busy with auction to notice us slip away?'' Bridgette asked. Félix smirked.

''As long as we remain inside the building or close to it, I don't think he'd have anything to complain about,'' Félix replied nonchalantly. ''As a matter of fact, wouldn't it be rude from me to not show you around? After all, you are my guest and since we cannot participate in the auction, I would have to find another way to keep you entertained.''

''True,'' Bridgette said.

They waited around for the most part, feeling a bit impatient as the minutes dragged on. Fortunately, just as Félix had predicted, no one really payed any attention to the two, leaving them alone. However, just as they hoped that the evening would pass smoothly, they heard an icy voice from behind them, sending chills down their spines.

''Félix, Mademoiselle Cheng, I hope that you are enjoying yourselves.''

Both turned around, seeing Gabriel staring at them coldly.

''We are,'' Félix replied in a calm tone, trying to hide his anxiety. Gabriel then turned to Bridgette, who mentally prepared herself for whatever question he had for her.

''My nephew hadn't caused you any troubles?'' Gabriel asked.

''No, he didn't,'' Bridgette replied. She was confused why Gabriel Agreste would ask her this, as she and Félix had figured that he'd be more interested in learning about her family or hobbies, just to see whether she was fit to be Félix's friend. Félix then frowned, realizing what was going on, but he was unable to voice his thoughts to warn Bridgette. He couldn't even drag her away as Gabriel would know that something was up.

''I see,'' Gabriel said, crossing his hands on his back. ''Unfortunately, my nephew has a history of showing less than desirable behavior.''

''What?'' Bridgette was caught off guard, while Félix felt his heart race. Gabriel just continued in the same eerily icy tone.

''If he causes any trouble, please inform me. It is of outmost importance to keep a good relationship with people we know,'' Gabriel said, glancing at Félix. ''Emotions and behavior that ruins these kinds of relationship is unwelcome. You do agree with me, right, Félix?''

''I do,'' Félix muttered, staring back at Gabriel. Gabriel nodded and walked away. The moment he was out of earshot, Bridgette turned to Félix, seeing that he was shaking, his head lowered as he tried to bury the rage he felt.

''Fé…'' Bridgette muttered, feeling worried for Félix.

''I'm fine,'' Félix replied, his tone tense and icy. Bridgette decided not to ask him any further questions and give him some time to cool off.

Eventually Charles went up to the podium, calling everyone's attention. Félix and Bridgette kept an eye on Gabriel, who was standing on the side of the podium, his attention directed towards Charles. Félix suddenly felt Bridgette tugging his arm and nodding towards the door, with Félix acknowledging it. As Charles continued with the description of the auction, Bridgette and Félix sneaked out of the ballroom and into the hallway.

Félix took a deep breath, pushing his rage back, only to suddenly sense the weight around his arm being lifted. He glanced at Bridgette, who stepped away, giving him some space. He felt sorry for her, for the fact that she too had to deal with his uncle. He wanted to prepare her for the encounter, but somehow, Gabriel still managed to mess with their minds.


''Bridgette, I'm sorry about this.''

''Félix, are you okay?''

Félix snapped out of the turmoil he felt, turning to Bridgette, who looked quite worried. It took him a moment to realize that she wasn't upset about her encounter with Gabriel, but that she was concerned about him.

''I…'' Félix bit her lip, placing his hand on his arm as he felt his heart still beating rapidly. As much as he wanted to assure he that he was fine, it was clear that Bridgette was well aware just how much this conversation had affected him. ''I need a moment. I will be fine.''

''Okay.'' Bridgette nodded, waiting for him to calm down.

''This shouldn't have happened; I shouldn't have gotten upset,'' Félix said, shaking his head.

''Félix, it is clear that you feel hurt and I don't that you should push those feelings back,'' Bridgette told him in a soft tone. Félix stared at her for a moment, then nodded. Bridgette tilted her head. ''Do you want to talk? How about going outside to get some fresh air?''

''I think that would be a good idea,'' Félix agreed. They started walking down the hallway. ''I'm sure you have a lot of questions.''

''Honestly, I'm curious about what your uncle meant by 'less than desirable behavior','' Bridgette admitted. Félix lowered his head.

''It has to do with the fact that my uncle expects nothing but perfection from me,'' he replied. ''If I don't fit the mold he made, he would criticize me for it.''

''That's awful,'' Bridgette said, feeling genuinely sorry for him. While she had an idea what Félix was dealing with, it took her until this interaction to figure out just how bad things were. ''You must've been under a lot of pressure.''

''I try to not think about it and move on with my life, but my uncle has a tendency to bring that up whenever he feels that I'm stepping out of line,'' Félix replied.

''So, do you have an idea what your uncle tried to achieve by approaching me like that?'' Bridgette asked.

''Honestly, it's hard to tell,'' Félix admitted. ''Usually, he does this stuff to keep me miserable, so maybe he tried to make you wary of me.''

''I see,'' Bridgette said, taking a deep breath and smirked. ''Still, he failed. I still like you just as much as I did before.''

''You mean, you still have a crush on me,'' Félix said bluntly.

''Eh? N-No, that's not what I meant!'' Bridgette protested, her ahoge frazzled. Félix just stopped walking and crossed his arms, rising an eyebrow as he looked at her.

''Bridgette, I'm not that dense,'' he told her. ''Even though you had told me that you were over me, I couldn't help but notice that 'I'm with the boy of my dreams'-grin.''

''I did?'' Bridgette blushed in embarrassment. ''I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.''

''I know,'' Félix replied. Bridgette looked at him, both silent for a moment. Félix then sighed as a memory of his conversation with Ladybug had resurfaced, aware that this situation was quite similar to his act. Except, Bridgette's feelings were genuine and she lied about her crush for his sake. While he knew that he didn't have to respond to her feelings, he still felt that he owed her a conversation. ''You don't have to apologize for that.''

''Huh?'' Bridgette gave him a confused look.

''Honestly, I think I should've too been a bit more clear with my own feelings about this whole thing,'' Félix told her. ''You don't have to lie to me to make me feel better. After all, I did agree to be your friend and this is something I had anticipated I'd be dealing with.''

''Still, if you ever feel uncomfortable, just tell me,'' Bridgette told him. ''I don't want to overstep your boundaries.''

''The same goes for you,'' Félix told her, with the two continuing their walk and exiting the building and standing on the staircase that led to the entrance. Bridgette crossed her hands on her back, glancing at Félix and then looking back at the night sky, smiling, then lowering her head, feeling awkward.

''So, about my crush…''

''Would you be comfortable with just being my friend?''

Bridgette turned to Félix, giving him a questioning look. ''Well, if you're okay with it…''

''No, what I meant to ask was whether you will be comfortable with it?'' Félix repeated his question. Bridgette was surprised by just how adamant he sounded. Félix then added, ''I'm serious about this. I may not know much about how friendships work, but I am aware they are based on mutual support, as well as have both parties put effort into it, rather than have one party be all take and no give. Therefore, I'll be doing my part as well.''

Bridgette stared at him for a moment, then snorted, giggling. ''You know, you make this sound so formal, like some kind of business contract.''

Félix faltered for a moment, giving her a worried look. ''Is that a bad thing?''

''Not in this case,'' Bridgette replied, shaking her head. ''As a matter of fact, I kind of expected this response from you. Also, I am comfortable with being just your friend, but you, on the other hand, will have to live with the knowledge that your only friend is also the girl with a crush on you.''

''I think I'll be able to handle that,'' Félix replied. ''No offense, but I actually thought that being friends with you would actually be, well… I don't know. Awkward? Draining? That I would be constantly pulled out of my comfort zone?'' He rubbed the back of his head, then glanced at Bridgette, who had her arms wrapped around her. ''So far, I hadn't experienced any of that… Well, except maybe for the awkwardness, but we did talk through that.''

''Admittedly, you still haven't seen me at my worst, so don't be so sure about that,'' Bridgette told him, rubbing her shoulder and shivering. The night air was quite chilly and she wished that she thought of bringing a jacket along. ''You might change your mind.''

''You haven't seen me at my worst either,'' Félix told her casually, taking off his black jacket and offering it to her. Bridgette gave him a look of surprise, her ahoge standing up. ''I know that you're feeling cold, so just take it. I'm okay.''

''Thanks,'' Bridgette replied, placing the jacket over her shoulders, her ahoge curving into a heart shape. ''Also, I kind of have a hard time imagining you at your worst.''

''You mean, beyond my Ice Prince attitude?'' Félix asked, placing his hands into his pockets. Bridgette's ahoge was frazzled as she got caught off guard by the question.

''Honestly, I understand if you're upset with people calling you that. I mean, I told my friends not to call you Ice Prince and…'' Bridgette started, only to be surprised when Félix shook his head.

''So, that's why I never heard you calling me Ice Prince,'' he said with a look of interest on his expression. ''Frankly, I don't mind being called that. As a matter of fact, it's an achievement I'm proud of.''

''Really?'' Bridgette was baffled, but then smirked. ''You don't consider it an insult?''

''Not at all,'' Félix replied. ''Trust me, I heard worse from my uncle, and besides, Ice Prince describes me well. I would've been more insulted if someone calls me… I don't know, Sunshine Boy, perhaps?''

Bridgette giggled. ''Yeah, I can see why that would be insulting. It just doesn't fit you.''

''That is also why you won't tell a living soul about the Sunshine Boy bit,'' Félix told her, his tone serious. ''The last thing I need is for some idiot to decide to provoke me.''

''It's a promise,'' Bridgette replied, still grinning. Félix too smiled, not even realizing what was going on until he saw the fond look Bridgette was giving him. His smile faded and he knew that there was at least one more topic he wanted to discuss with Bridgette.

''So, how come that I had caught your attention?'' he asked. Bridgette blinked, her cheeks taking a shade of red as she realized what Félix was talking about.

''Well, I did kind of run into you, didn't I?'' Bridgette replied, smiling nervously as she scratched her cheek. Félix nodded, remembering the day he met Bridgette. She wasn't really looking where she was going and bumped into him. Admittedly, he had thought that she was a bit weird that day, but he didn't expect that she would develop a crush on him. Bridgette then continued talking, ''Honestly, I wasn't completely sure what I felt at that time. All I knew was that I wanted to get to know you better.''

''I see. It wasn't completely a crush, but more you just being interested in me,'' Félix noted, placing his hand under his chin and his other hand in his pocket. ''I do understand that sentiment.''

''Then, there were the times you helped me out, even if you didn't have to,'' Bridgette added. ''I guess I was just really intrigued and that turned into a crush.'' She then gave him a sheepish grin. ''I also may just have a type, preferring the mysterious and mature kind of guys.''

''Somehow, I just fit your preferred type,'' Félix said, sighing as he rubbed the back of his head. ''I don't know whether to call myself lucky or unlucky.''

''There is one more thing you should know,'' Bridgette added.

''What is it?'' Félix asked, now curious.

''Another reason I want to be around you is because I like to see you smile,'' Bridgette told him, tilting her head and closing her eyes as she smiled. ''It's such a rare opportunity to see you smiling because you're genuinely happy and I hope that I'll be the reason for that smile.'' Bridgette then opened her eyes, giving him a sheepish look. ''It does sound selfish, though, doesn't it?''

Félix stared at her for a moment in surprise, but then his lips curved into a gentle smile.

''No, that's not selfish at all.''


Gabriel observed as Charles sold an antique vase to a woman for quite a hefty sum, patiently waiting for the right moment. He knew that the ring he desired was stored inside a box in a room smaller than this one, on the other side of the building, along with the other valuables to make sure no one would attempt to take any items without permission. Gabriel considered himself fortunate that Charles didn't want to carry the ring on his person.

He looked around again, his brow furrowing when he realized that his nephew and his companion were missing. However, he didn't mind it much as he didn't need them for this plan. He did notice Adeline returning and her just nodding before going to the far corner of the room. He had sent her out to see whether there was anyone roaming close to the rooms the valuables were at, but considering her lack of report, it seemed that there was no one there.


Once Charles busied himself with the next item, Gabriel retreated to the corner of the room. The reason he had convinced Charles to use this building for the auction was because there had been a smaller door leading out of the room. It could be easily used for an unnoticed exit. Once he was outside of the room, Gabriel brushed with his finger across the Butterfly Brooch, with a holographic screen appearing in front of him. It showed him a dark figure waiting on a street.

''Are you ready?'' Gabriel asked, his voice barely louder than a whisper.

The Mime grunted in response, glancing at the invisible detonator. The only reason Gabriel knew it was there was because of the shadow it was casting. Gabriel stopped in his tracks, placing his arms behind his back, his eyes narrowing.

''You may proceed.''


The moment the Mime heard Gabriel giving him the go-ahead for his next move, he walked over to the detonator and grabbed the handle with both of his hands. Without hesitating, he pushed the handle down.

Suddenly, a massive explosion shook the streets of Paris.


''What was that?!'' Bridgette screamed.

Her and Félix's eyes were wide open in shock. They had decided to take a walk around the block when they suddenly heard an explosion coming from the building they had just left. This was followed by a loud rumble and another explosion, only to see the smoke coming out from the back of the building.

''Oh, God!'' Bridgette covered her mouth, completely shocked. Félix gritted her teeth, frowning as he stared at the building. He then grabbed Bridgette's hand, who looked up at him.

''We need to get out of here and call help!'' he told her, with Bridgette nodding and following him back on the street. Félix then turned to her. ''Wait here! I'll try to see whether I can find someone to help us out and call the authorities.''

''No problem,'' Bridgette told him, with Félix running down the street and turning corner. The moment he was gone, she too turned around and hid in an empty street between two buildings. She grabbed her smartphone, calling the emergency line, with Tikki flying out of her purse. Once Bridgette told the operator what was going on and cancelled the call, she turned to the kwami, a determined look on her expression. ''We need to go now! Ladybug can help the people until the firefighters and ambulance arrives.''

''Let's go!'' Tikki nodded. Bridgette brushed with her finger across the earrings.

''Tikki, transform me!''

She tilted her head slightly to the side, with Tikki getting absorbed into the Ladybug Earrings. Sparkly orbs of red light were emitted from the earrings, completely enveloping Bridgette. She stretched out her arm out, with a red suit materializing across it, and spreading over her body, the suit having black spots on the torso and a black collar. Her hair grew longer, with long red hair ribbons, that were tied to her pigtails, popping out and trailing behind her. A string covered in golden beads appeared around her waist, with a red compact that had black spots on it being attached to the string. She took a step forward, with a red mask appearing on her face, and she opened her eyes, which turned a darker shade of blue. She turned on her heel, striking a pose, her arms outstretched and bent slightly back and her hair ribbons billowing behind her.


''This is bad!'' Félix gritted his teeth as he pocketed his smartphone. He had called the authorities for help, but he knew that Chat Noir would be needed for this emergency. He looked up. ''Plagg!''

''Don't worry, I've been following you from the start,'' Plagg flew up to him from above, hovering right in front of Félix. ''The fire has already started.''

''Then we have no time to loose,'' Félix replied, brushing with his fingers across the ring. ''Plagg, transform me!''

The red gem on the top of the cat's head started to glow in a purple light, as he held up his hand, clenching into into a fist. Plagg then got absorbed into the ring, with Félix rising his hand above his head as the ring released dark energy in the form of black orbs. The dark light completely enveloped him, trailing down his arm, torso and legs. He crossed his arms on his chest and turned around, then uncrossed his arms as the black light dispersed and revealed a form-fitting black leather-like suit, accompanied by a belt tail that was wrapped around his waist twice, criss-crossing in an ''x'' in the front and had a large silver belt buckle in the shape of a cat's head, and mid-thigh high boots. There was another burst of black light, with the dark orbs dispersing around him as his hair grew longer and messier, with black cat ears popping up on his head. He turned on his heel, revealing the black mask on his face and the large golden bell tied to his unzipped collar, and opened his eyes, which were now green, including the sclerae, and grinned, a fang popping out the corner of his mouth. He then slashed across the air with his claws and struck a pose.

Once transformed, Chat Noir ran out of the street and towards the building. To his surprise, he saw a red figure also going towards it. ''Ladybug?''

''Chat!'' Ladybug turned towards him, relieved. ''Thank God you're here! We need to evacuate everyone!''

''Right on it!'' Chat Noir nodded and both ran up the stairs.

They heard screaming coming from the inside, smoke and fire coming from the back of the building. There was also a sound of glass shattering and debris falling. Ladybug attempted to open the door, but it wouldn't budge, so Chat Noir kicked it open. They ran inside, being hit by the smoke and heat. Fortunately, their suits shielded them from the heat, but they could still feel it on the parts that left the skin uncovered.

''This way!'' Ladybug yelled, her earrings glowing.

She knew that she'd need her good luck charm for this one more than anything. Chat Noir followed her towards the ballroom, both of them hearing screaming from the inside. Unfortunately, part of the ceiling had fallen down, blocking the door and forcing Ladybug and Chat Noir to remove it in order to open it. Both were thankful for their super strength as they threw a huge piece of debris down the hallway and opened the door. Several men fell down as the double doors opened, having tried to kick it down from the inside. All of the guests were hunched over, trying to avoid inhaling the smoke. They were shocked to see the two superheroes.

''Everyone needs to get out! Now!'' Ladybug screamed at them.

''Com'n, let's go!'' Chat Noir added, with the guests running out. ''Hey, don't push!''

The ground shook again, surprising both superheroes and causing the guests to scream in fear. A woman then scrambled out, grabbing Ladybug's arm frantically. ''My husband! I can't find my husband!''

''Do you know where he went? What's his name?'' Ladybug asked.

''Salvador; I think he went to the washroom,'' the woman replied. Ladybug took a second to think. She knew that she needed to make sure her husband was safe, but she had no idea where the washrooms were.

''I'll go and find him!'' Chat Noir said, turning to Ladybug. ''You get everyone out!''

''Okay!'' Ladybug nodded and held up the woman, helping her down the hallway. Chat Noir ran the towards the washrooms, having already been at this building before and knowing the layout. He came to a split, seeing fire down a different hallway and ran in the opposite direction.

He could hear cries for help growing louder and louder, eventually finding three men, one of them stuck under debris that had fallen down. The other two men were trying to help the one guy that was stuck, but both were coughing, unable to lift the piece of debris.

Chat Noir ran up to them and lifted the debris, with the man being pulled out by the other two. As he let the piece of debris fall, he turned to them. ''Is anyone of you called Salvador?''

''Yeah, me,'' the man that had been stuck on the debris replied. The other two helped him up, placing his arms around their shoulders.

''Okay, we need to go,'' Chat Noir told them. ''This way!''

He pointed down the hallway, Salvador limping as the other men carried him. Chat Noir, meanwhile, cleared their path. His ears twitched when he heard a sound similar to a powerful gust of wind blowing and turned down the hallway. A wave of flames was coming towards them.

''Black Hole!'' Chat Noir used a huge black hole to cover the hallway behind them, causing the flames to get absorbed into it. He turned to the men, who stared at him in shock. ''Get out! Now!''

The men listened to him and walked away, while Chat Noir kept the flames at bay. Once they were out of his sight, he pushed back against the flames, the black hole absorbing them all. He then quickly followed the men outside, finding Ladybug at the entrance. She was relieved to see him.

''Did everyone get out?'' Chat Noir asked her as they walked down the stairs and into the front yard.

''Everyone who was in the ballroom got out safe,'' Ladybug replied, nodding towards the crowd that away gathering at the yard. Several ambulance vehicles, the firefighters and even two police cars were there, tending to the injured. Ladybug's ahoge drooped as she added in a grave tone, ''However, I'm not sure whether everyone who was in the building got out.''

''I see,'' Chat Noir muttered, with them being approached by Adeline. She wasn't injured, but there were smudges on her white dress. Surprisingly, she wasn't as frantic as everyone else, but Chat Noir knew that there was hardly anything that could make this woman show any emotion other than cold indifference. Ladybug turned towards her.

''Do you know if everyone's outside?'' she asked.

''Unfortunately, I don't see Monsieur Gabriel Agreste in the crowd. He did leave to get something, but hadn't returned,'' Adeline told them, her tone as professional as always. ''He may be still inside.''

Just as she said that, there was another explosion, with the windows on the top floor shattering. Both Ladybug and Chat Noir knew that the situation was dire. The building was slowly collapsing on the inside and if Gabriel Agreste was still inside… Chat Noir gritted his teeth, showing his fangs.

''Damn it!'' he hissed, running towards the front entrance.

''Chat, wait!'' Ladybug followed him, but unfortunately for her, Chat Noir's ring activated. Just as Chat Noir vanished into the burning building, the ceiling collapsed in front of Ladybug, separating them. She stepped away, coughing due to the smoke, only for more debris to fall. Ladybug's eyes watered as she realized that there was no way for her to get through, that Chat Noir was on his own, and she screamed in despair, ''Chat!''


Chat Noir was running through the hallway, searching for Gabriel. He had noticed the debris falling behind him, blocking his way out, but he figured that he would find a different exit once he made sure his uncle was safe. Unfortunately, he had no idea where the he was, leaving him to wander aimlessly in the building.

''Kid, I know that the suit protects you, but if you stay exposed to the smoke, you might faint,'' Plagg told him worriedly as he leaned against the wall, coughing.

''I know…'' Chat Noir crouched down, trying to focus. He knew that he was in trouble and that there was no way for him to confirm where Gabriel was or whether he left the building. Still, he had to make sure that no one was left behind.

As he entered another hallway, his eyes widened in shock. At the end of the hallway was Gabriel Agreste, standing amidst the flames and smoke, seemingly not even bothered by them. His arms were crossed on his back and he was staring at something down the other hallway idly. Chat Noir was baffled at first, wanting to call out for the man, when a cold voice echoed in his head.

''You allow your emotions to dictate your decisions. Pathetic.''

Chat Noir's lips parted as he tried to breathe, his hands shaking as a memory resurfaced. He saw Gabriel looking up, turning towards him as he realized that he wasn't alone.

''You may be related to me by blood, but make no mistake – I will not forgive you if you don't follow the rules I have set. I acknowledge that you are still young and will make mistakes, but I expect nothing but perfection from you, Félix.''

This man… Even though he wanted to save him, he still hated him for what he had done…

''I will only allow you to grieve for a certain period. Afterwards, you have to forget about those feelings. If you behave in any undesirable way, punishment will await you.''

Chat Noir was shaking as another memory resurfaced. He could still remember Gabriel's cold gaze and what he was told at that time. That memory had been burned into his mind for so long…

''Your mother has died, Félix...''

Chat Noir gritted his teeth, trying to push the memory back. He stared at Gabriel, rage fueling him once again. The man didn't even respond to seeing the superhero, opting to stare at him instead, waiting as the flames engulfed the building. Only seconds had passed, but it felt like years have gone by. Then, only for a moment, another voice spoke in Chat Noir's mind, making him hesitate. That voice was filled with rage and cold hatred towards the man for all the suffering he had caused him.

What if… What if he just left Gabriel here to his fate?

Chat Noir's eyes widened in shock and he shook his head, the voice in his head gone. What am I thinking?! He then ran over to the man. ''Sir, you need to get out! The entire building might collapse!''

Gabriel stared at him, completely emotionless, but then nodded, following Chat Noir. The superhero led him towards another hallway, entering a room closest to the outside. Dakr energy crackled in the palm of his hand as a huge orb of energy formed in it. ''Black Storm!''

He fired at the wall, blowing it up. Debris, dust and smoke flew around as a hole appeared, big enough for them to get out. As he let Gabriel escape, Chat Noir's mind went back to that voice. Despite the heat, he shuddered, feeling horrified and disgusted with himself.


Ladybug stared at the burning building, her hands clasped as she silently prayed for Chat Noir to get out. The authorities were doing their work to contain this fire and help the injured, and she knew that all she could do now was to wait. Suddenly, there was another explosion at the side of the building, with smoke and dust rising.

To her shock and relief, she saw Chat Noir emerging from the smoke, accompanied by Gabriel. Two firefighters ran up to them, directing them to the ambulance vehicles, but while Gabriel agreed, Chat Noir refused, running towards Ladybug instead.

''Bug, I…''

Chat Noir gasped in surprise as Ladybug suddenly hugged him tightly.

''Chat, you idiot! You could've died!'' she cried out, burying her head into his chest, then lifting it up, tears streaming down her cheeks. Despite the anger in her tone, she was relieved to see him. ''I was so afraid, I thought I lost you! Don't ever do this to me again!''

''Bug, I'm sorry, I didn't think…'' Chat Noir muttered, pulling Ladybug into a tight embrace.

''It doesn't matter anymore, I'm just glad that you're here,'' Ladybug replied, hugging him once more before she let go. The two looked at each other and even though none of them voiced their thoughts, they both wished that this embrace lasted just a bit longer. However, they needed to leave. The police was interviewing the survivors and they also saw a news van parking close to the building.

Not to mention, there was also the fact that Ladybug and Chat Noir had to explain to Félix and Bridgette where they had gone during this mess.

''We'll talk tomorrow, okay?'' Ladybug asked.

''Deal,'' Chat Noir nodded and they both turned, leaving in opposite directions and de-transforming in an empty street. Fortunately for both, no one in the crowd that had gathered payed any attention to the two civilians that entered the yard. Bridgette was glad to see Félix, with Félix giving her a look of relief when he realized that she wasn't injured.

''Are you okay?'' Félix asked her.

''Yeah, I am,'' Bridgette nodded. ''Is everyone safe? I saw Ladybug and Chat Noir, but I don't know whether everyone made it out…''

''Félix!'' Félix and Bridgette saw Adeline approaching them. She frowned as she saw them. ''Where have you been? I've been searching for you everywhere!''

''Bridgette and I were outside when the explosion had happened. We're both fine,'' Félix explained. ''Where's uncle Gabriel?''

''He's over there, however, you are going to leave,'' Adeline told him. ''I had called Nathan and he told me that he parked the car just down the street. Monsieur Agreste and Monsieur Guillebeau will take care of this.''

''Okay,'' Félix replied, turning to Bridgette. ''Let's go.''

Bridgette nodded and followed him, both briefly turning back at the building. As the adrenaline waned, both felt horrified and exhausted by the whole ordeal. All they wanted was to go home and sleep.


The ride to Bridgette's home was quiet, with Félix accompanying Bridgette to the building. Both were still affected by what had happened and Félix felt that he needed to say something to comfort her, even if was just wishing her a good night. They stood at the entrance to the building, with Bridgette turning towards Félix. Both stared at each other in silence, wanting to speak, but unable to get a word out.

''Félix, I…'' Bridgette started, but she was unsure how to finish her sentence. Fortunately, Félix hadn't asked her where she had been during the fire, but she still wanted to get a word out before they parted ways. She was sure that he was worried sick because she went to help Chat Noir evacuate the guests.

''Bridgette…'' Félix whispered, aware that Bridgette had probably been searching for him frantically while he was trying to help Ladybug. He could only imagine just how scared she was when she couldn't find him. He observed her, wondering how he would feel if she had been lost in the fire. He felt his stomach churning at that thought.

''I…'' Before Bridgette could even get a word out, she felt Félix pulling her into an embrace. Her ahoge was frazzled and she looked up, shocked at his sudden action. Félix gazed back at her, a look of guilt on his expression. ''Félix…''

''I apologize for everything that you had to go through. If I hadn't invited you, you wouldn't have been put into danger,'' he told her. ''I should've been there for you.''

''Félix, it's fine,'' Bridgette replied, hugging him back. Her eyes started to water and she wiped her tears away. ''I'm just glad that you didn't get hurt.'' She forced a smile. ''Would it be okay for you if we talked tomorrow?''

''I have no problem with that whatsoever,'' Félix replied, stepping away. ''Good night, Bridgette!''

''Good night, Félix!'' Bridgette replied as he entered the car. She waited until he was out of sight, only too take a deep breath and fall on her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks. Tikki flew out of the purse, nuzzling Bridgette, not saying anything. Bridgette was still shaking, not sure anymore why she was even crying. Was it stress? Was it relief? She had no idea.

All she knew was that she wanted to sleep forever.

Chapter 25: Icebreaker


Finally done!

Also, this is the end of the second Arc, with the next Arc focusing a bit more on Bridgette and Félix bonding, as well as introducing a new ''superhero''.

I hope you'll enjoy it! You can always check my Profile for the information on the updates. You can also check my crossover with the canon MLB show, titled Up Ladybug: Crisis Across Dimensions.

See ya!

Chapter Text

Entry 24


''You can go the distance, you can run the mile. You can walk straight through Hell with a smile. You can be a hero, you can get the gold. Breakin' all the records they thought never could be broke (Yeah). Do it for your people, do it for your pride. How you ever gonna know if you never even try? Do it for your country, do it for your name. 'Cause there's gon' be a day, when you're standin' in the Hall of Fame (Yeah)! And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)! 'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (Yeah)! And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)! And you'll be on the walls of the Hall of Fame!''

– Hall of Fame by The Script ft. will.i.am


Félix was in the state between deep sleep and waking up, feeling something scratching his cheek, as well as light hitting his eyes. His body felt as heavy as lead and he didn't want to open his eyes, despite being aware that it was time to wake up. There was once again scratching on his cheek and he grabbed a pillow, eyes still closed, and placed it on whatever was scratching him.

''Plagg, stop it…'' he groaned. There was some muffled yelling coming from below the pillow, with Plagg escaping it and sitting on Félix's forehead.

''Com'n, Kid, wake up!'' he told his holder. Félix sighed, slowly rubbing his eyes and opening them. He felt dizzy, but eventually, his head cleared.

''What time is it?'' he asked, rubbing his head.

''Oh, I think it's about 11:30 AM,'' Plagg told him nonchalantly.

''That late?!'' Félix was now fully awake, scrambling out of his bed. Plagg grabbed Félix's smartphone, watching his holder run into the bathroom in his PJs.

''Oh, and before I forget. Bridgette had sent you a message, asking you whether you'd come by her place around 13:00 PM,'' Plagg added. Félix's popped his head out of the bathroom, his hair a complete mess.

''Why didn't you tell me that before?'' he asked in an annoyed tone.

''Because I had figured you'd wake up by now,'' Plagg replied. Félix just frowned and vanished into the bathroom. Plagg smirked, still holding up his smartphone.

Eventually, Félix emerged out of the bathroom, having changed into his usual outfit and grabbing the comb as he turned towards the mirror. His hair was still dishelved. Plagg flew up to him, aware that Félix would spend at least 15 minutes of his mornings fixing his bed hair.

''I'm surprised that Mme. Arsenault didn't wake me up. It's really late,'' Félix noted, combing the back of his hair, before switching to the front.

''I saw her in the house, but she and your uncle had left hours ago,'' Plagg informed him. ''Maybe they didn't want to wake you up because of what had happened last night. You know, give you time to recover and whatnot.''

''Honestly, it is more likely that Hell would freeze over before they decide to do something nice for me,'' Félix replied, frowning as he saw bits of his hair still messed up. ''I assume they just forgot about me. After all, they would still have to deal with the outcome of that fire.''

''So, are you going to visit Bridgette?'' Plagg asked curiously. Félix, who leaned over towards the mirror to fix his bangs and comb them sideways, flicked his eyes sideways towards the kwami.

''Of course I'm going to visit her,'' he said in a matter-of-fact tone. Plagg perked up.

''Hah, I wouldn't have expected you to be so eager to visit Bridgette,'' he noted, grinning. ''You look really forward to seeing her.''

''Don't get any weird thoughts,'' Félix replied in a slightly annoyed tone when he saw Plagg's grin. ''The only reason I want to visit her is because she'd probably want to talk about the events that happened last night.''

He felt a shiver when Plagg suddenly flew up a bit too close for Félix's comfort. ''Of course, but you wouldn't mind spending time with her either.''

''Plagg, you're really getting on my nerves with your implications,'' Félix replied, placing the comb down. ''Besides, Bridgette and I are just friends. You know that, as we both agreed to it.''

''Sure, you did, but you can always change your mind,'' Plagg noted. Félix sighed, taking the smartphone from the kwami and walked over to the desk where his briefcase backpack was, checking the time.

''I doubt that,'' Félix responded, frowning as he saw that he'd have to leave now if he wanted to get to Bridgette's place in time. ''Let's go!''


After arriving at Dynastie du Lóng, Félix was greeted by a curious Mei, who just told him to go upstairs and that Bridgette was already waiting for him. As he went upstairs, Félix checked the time on his smartphone. He was early for the meeting, but he still felt a knot in his stomach. This was the third time he had visited her, albeit the second time he did it as her friend. He felt a little weird, but noted that he was still new to this experience. He kicked off his shoes and put on slippers at the front door, only to be surprised when he saw that there were other shoes there.

Does Bridgette have more guests? I guess I really arrived too early. He wondered whether he should wait, but then decided to enter the apartment, figuring whoever was there would leave soon. To his surprise, he found Bridgette in the kitchen, placing sandwiches and tea cups on a pair of trays.

''Félix? I'm glad that you got here,'' Bridgette said, smiling at him.

''I see that you have guests. I hope I'm not too early,'' Félix replied, glancing at the tea cups. He furrowed a brow when he saw six of them. ''I assume that your guests aren't leaving any time soon.''

''After I had messaged you, I called Claude and told him what had happened. He and the others saw what happened on the news and insisted on coming over to check on me,'' Bridgette explained. ''I hope you don't mind.''

''Why should I? They're your guests just as much as I am,'' Félix replied. ''Do you need help?''

''Thanks,'' Bridgette replied, placing the tray with the sandwiches in his hands, then grabbed the tray with the tea cups and steaming glass teapot. ''Just bring it up to my room and make sure you don't spill anything.''

''You too,'' Félix commented. He already knew that Bridgette had no issues holding the plate thanks to her experience as a waitress. It was more likely for him to drop something due to his bad luck. Bridgette went first, opening the trapdoor, with Félix following her. He looked up, seeing the surprised looks of Claude, Allegra, Sophie and Allan. Félix glanced at Bridgette. ''I assume you forgot to tell them that I was coming.''

''Yeah, I did,'' Bridgette admitted sheepishly.

''I don't think it should be that surprising,'' Claude said as he helped Bridgette with the tea cups, placing them on the coffee table around which Allegra, Allan and Sophie were sitting. Not counting Claude's, there were two more pillows placed below the coffee table. ''You were also affected by it, weren't you, Agreste?''

''You're right,'' Félix replied, placing the tray on the coffee table and leaning his briefcase backpack against the wall.

''I had just told everyone what had happened,'' Bridgette explained.

''To keep it short, you two had a quiet evening, when there was a sudden explosion that caused a fire,'' Claude added.

''Afterwards, Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared and helped everyone,'' Allan added.

''They did mention the two in the news,'' Sophie noted as Bridgette and Félix sat down.

''They did?'' Félix asked.

''Haven't you watched the news?'' Allegra asked.

''No, I didn't want to be reminded of coming close to death,'' Félix replied in a dry tone. He then glanced at Bridgette, giving her a curious look.

''Honestly, I'm fine now, but it was quite scary last night,'' Bridgette said. ''If Félix and I hadn't decided to go outside, who knows what would've happened. I guess we got really lucky.''

''You're right, but… What I'm curious about is what caused that explosion,'' Félix said.

''Well, then you should've watched the news,'' Allegra said. ''The police investigated the place, but they couldn't find any trace of explosives.''

''Really? I didn't know that,'' Bridgette said as she and Félix exchanged looks of surprise.

''Yeah, that's what they said,'' Claude added.

''Maybe they used explosives that couldn't be traced,'' Allan suggested.

''Honestly, I don't know if that kind of explosive exists,'' Félix said. ''I have read that even homemade explosives can be traced by experts. It is a bit more difficult than with stuff like dynamite, but it is doable.''

''Not to mention, since there wasn't only one explosion, but another as well, it would mean that there should be a lot of evidence,'' Bridgette said.

''Still, nothing had been found,'' Allegra noted. Everyone fell silent, feeling that the whole situation was quite strange. At least until they heard a strange growling noise. Everyone turned towards Félix, whose eyes widened and his cheeks turned a slight shade of red. He lowered his head, feeling flustered as he completely forgot to eat something before he left. He then heard someone snorting.

''I guess someone didn't have lunch yet,'' Claude noted in a teasing tone, reaching for one of the sandwiches. ''You should try them.''

''You didn't have to point it out,'' Félix grumbled as he reached for a sandwich and took a bite out of it. It was surprisingly good and, combined with the sweet scent of the tea, it made him realize that he was starving.

''Anyways, had the police found anything else that would point to the culprit?'' Bridgette asked.

''No one saw anything,'' Allan said, crossing his arms. ''Maybe the explosion had been detonated at a different place.''

''Wait a sec…'' Sophie interrupted him, having taken her smartphone out. Her eyes narrowed. ''I found an interview with a woman who was on a walk with her dog close to where the explosion took place. She said that she saw a man in a bowler hat and blueish skin leaving the scene of crime.''

Bridgette and Félix's eyes widened in shock as it dawned on them.

''The Mime!'' both exclaimed in unison, drawing everyone's attention. They all gave the two weird looks, with Bridgette and Félix exchanging anxious glances.

''Jinx!'' Allan said, grinning. ''You two were really in sync.''

''Wait, how come you two think that the Mime is the one who caused the explosion?'' Sophie asked.

''Well, he is the only one who fits the descriptions,'' Félix pointed out. ''He has a bowler hat and blueish skin. He has special powers that allow them to create whatever he wants, meaning he could create explosives that would leave no traces at the crime scene.''

''Fine, but why would he attack the charity event?'' Allegra asked.

''We had heard from Amber that she got attacked by the Mime and we know that he used to rob banks. It is possible that the Mime has a tendency to attack rich folk for money,'' Bridgette explained.

''That would make sense, but still, isn't that too much?'' Claude asked, rising an eyebrow and crossing his arms. ''From the reports and what you told us, it felt more like he was trying to kill someone.''

''Maybe he was,'' Allegra suddenly said. ''He probably had a grudge against someone and causing an explosion that set the building on fire was his way of revenge.''

''Still, he endangered a lot of other people to get revenge on one person,'' Sophie noted. ''His actions don't make that much sense, does it?''

''You're right. They don't make sense in that case,'' Félix said thoughtfully. Admittedly, he already had an idea why the Mime would attack the charity event, but he couldn't discuss it with anyone but Ladybug. Bridgette felt the same, noting that she would have to talk with Chat Noir about this.

''So, what should we do about this?'' Claude said, drawing everyone's attention. He leaned back slightly, placing his hands behind his back. ''We're not superheroes, but I think it would be a good idea to tell Ladybug and Chat Noir. We don't know whether they are aware of this.''

''I could tell Ladybug about it,'' Bridgette said. ''After all, she tends to pass by my home when on patrol.''

''That sounds like a good idea,'' Allegra said.

''I'll take care of Chat Noir, then,'' Félix said, ignoring the curious looks the group gave him. ''He appeared a few times in my neighborhood, so if I see him, I'll tell him what we think is going on.''

''Then we got everything covered,'' Allan noted, adding, ''Anyways, how are you doing?''

Félix was a little surprised that Allan directed this question towards him, and not towards Bridgette.

''I'm fine,'' Félix replied, glancing at Bridgette, who gave him an encouraging smile.

Both waited a moment, wondering if the other would bring up the fact that the other was missing during the time Ladybug and Chat Noir were saving people, with Bridgette suddenly asking, ''What about your uncle?''

''I haven't really seen him since last night, but that isn't surprising,'' Félix replied. ''He was also gone this morning, including Mme. Arsenault.''

''I'm sure that this is because of what happened. He and Guillebeau were the hosts after all,'' Sophie said, holding up her smartphone. ''Guillebeau's wife also gave an interview about finding out who did this and why. Interestingly, she also mentioned that there might be people who disagreed with the charity event happening.''

''What do you mean?'' Allan asked.

''Well, I did some research, and some of the stuff that was supposed to be auctioned was bought by Guillebeau under rather suspicious circ*mstances,'' Sophie told him, then glanced at Félix. ''Do you know whether he or your uncle made someone angry?''

''Let me guess; you think that someone hired the Mime to attack Guillebeau or my uncle,'' Félix said calmly.

''Well, I wouldn't put it like that,'' Sophie said, surprised by Félix's blunt answer.

''It does sound like it, though,'' Allegra noted, reaching for the tea cup. ''However, that would mean that Guillebeau or Gabriel Agreste or someone else at the charity event has an enemy who really hates them and who wouldn't care whether anyone else dies.'' She took a sip. ''Also, if he was hired by someone to murder a person, then he did a bad job. While there were injured people, everyone got out alive.''

''You're right, Allegra,'' Claude said, lowering his gaze in thought. ''Maybe there was another reason why the Mime attacked everyone at the charity event.''

''To answer Renard's question, Guillebeau has never really told me how he got those antiques, but I wouldn't be surprised if he made some questionable business practices. As for my uncle, he is an unpleasant person to work with in general,'' Félix said, glancing at Bridgette, who nodded in acknowledgement. ''It wouldn't be surprising if they made themselves someone's targets.''

''I'm sure that Ladybug and Chat Noir will be able to solve this mystery,'' Bridgette said.

''Right,'' Claude said, glancing at both Bridgette and Félix. ''I hope you two at least got to enjoy yourselves.''

Félix cast a suspicious look at him, wondering if Claude would start to criticize him again about how he was treating Bridgette. Surprisingly, he didn't, waiting instead from a response from the two. He also had to wonder how much Bridgette told her friends about the conversation they had.

''We did,'' Bridgette replied simply, not elaborating on anything. Félix glanced at her, then looked at the rest of the group, realizing everyone was giving them curious looks. Did this mean that Bridgette kept quiet about what went on between them? Frankly, Félix has several questions for her.

While it seemed at first that Bridgette's friends wanted to continue question her about her night, they dropped the subject. Instead, they focused on random topics, with Félix dropping an occasional comment. However, he kept quiet for the most part, noting that Claude, Sophie, Allegra and Allan were far less antagonistic towards him and that this conversation was far less awkward than the ones he had before. He wondered if Bridgette had convinced them to be nice towards him.


''So, what exactly happened before I arrived?'' Félix asked once Bridgette entered her room. Her friends had just left, with Bridgette seeing them off before returning back to her room, Félix being the only one remaining.

''I didn't tell them much, just that we had a great time. I didn't go into any details, since that conversation was something that should remain between you and me,'' Bridgette replied.

''What about Savard and the rest of your friends? I'm surprised they haven't been taking jabs at me today,'' Félix asked as he and Bridgette sat down at the coffee table. Bridgette smiled.

''That's because I had told Claude to at least give you a chance, and I guess he just spread the message among the rest of the group,'' she explained. Félix rose an eyebrow, his arms crossed on his chest.

''I'm surprised that they went along with it,'' he said.

''I guess they decided to trust my judgement,'' Bridgette replied, placing the empty tea cups on the tray. She looked up at him. ''As for me, I told you that I trust you.''

''It amazes me how much faith you've put into me,'' Félix said, giving her a bitter smile. ''Despite the fact that I hadn't been around to help you after the fire had started.''

''It doesn't matter. You and I went both to seek help and we simply lost each other when the crowd appeared. Stuff like that happens,'' Bridgette replied. She felt bad about lying to Félix, especially since she put herself into danger to save people and left him alone. However, she couldn't tell him that she was Ladybug.

''Despite the chaos, I still feel responsible. After all, you were my guest,'' Félix pointed out. He felt bad for lying to Bridgette, but he couldn't just tell her that he was Chat Noir and that he was gone because he needed to help people.

''Is that why you had hugged me?'' Bridgette asked suddenly. Félix gave her a flustered gaze, noticing the sly smile on Bridgette's lips.

''Honestly, I don't really know why I did that…'' Félix started, wondering if him embracing Bridgette was a mistake. ''It just…''

''You were really worried about me, weren't you?'' Bridgette said, with Félix nodding, unsure how to even express how he felt that night. After what they went through, the idea of losing Bridgette terrified him.

''I… I don't really know how explain what was going through my head at that moment,'' he admitted.

''Don't worry, it's fine,'' Bridgette told him in a comforting tone. ''It's just… I didn't expect you to express yourself that way. I mean, I've read your story, and you're really good with words.''

''I am, but still, that's a written story with fictional characters, and I can rewrite the dialogue and descriptions as many times as I want,'' Félix replied. ''Trying to talk with a person in real life requires different skills.''

''Still, you're doing great for someone who avoids social interactions,'' Bridgette told him. Félix smiled lightly at the compliment.

''Thanks, and you're doing great for someone who has a crush on me,'' he told her. ''So far, I feel quite comfortable.''

Bridgette beamed at the compliment. ''Speaking of your story, could you tell me more what you had planned with Evan and Kaori? The last chapter had them being trapped in an abandoned asylum with an insane inmate roaming around and trying to fin them. There was some foreshadowing about there being an occult organisation making the asylum its headquarters.''

''Unfortunately, I cannot tell you more than you have read,'' Félix replied, smirking. He really enjoyed the fact that he could talk to Bridgette about something he was passionate about. ''However, I did leave a few more clues about what might happen in the finale.''

''Really? Could you give me a hint?'' Bridgette asked. ''What should I keep an eye on?''

Félix, at first, didn't want to reveal too much about the story. However, considering how there weren't many people who would discuss what he wrote, he decided to give into the temptation.

''There is one specific OC whom you'll have to pay attention to. I won't say which one though, but their interactions with the other characters should lead to a twist in the story that will cast a completely different light on what had happened,'' he explained.

''Okay, I see,'' Bridgette said in an excited tone, adding, ''You won't mind if I try to draw an image of Evan and Kaori being stalked in the facility?''

''No, of course not,'' Félix replied, a bit surprised.

''Don't worry, it's not a commission. It's just a thanks for introducing me to the book series,'' Bridgette replied. Admittedly, she had a general knowledge about the series only because she, as Ladybug, was introduced by Félix to it.

''Speaking of favorite books, what exactly was up with that Child and Mother Stream next to the Western Kingdom of Women in Journey to the West? Who thought that part was a good idea?'' Félix asked, with Bridgette bursting out laughing.

''So, you reached that part, huh?'' she said. ''Don't worry, they get that little problem sorted out.''

''I hope they do. This was not what I had in mind while reading a story that was hundreds of years old,'' Félix noted.

''Well, Journey to the West was an anime before anime was even a thing,'' Bridgette replied, shrugging nonchalantly. ''The weirdest things happen in that story.''

''Thanks for the warning,'' Félix sighed.


Gabriel gazed coldly at the ring in his hand. He had put it through a rigorous analysis, but the results had disappointed him. He had put so much careful planning into gaining the ring, and it turned out to be not what he was searching for. This ring was just a plain piece of metal; valuable metal, but it had no significance to him. It was nothing more but a piece of complete trash to him.

He walked up to the window, looking through it. His plan had been impeccable, and he certainly achieved his goal. Admittedly, he would've been glad if his business partner, Charles Guillebeau, had perished in the fire, but unfortunately, it was something that couldn't be controlled. Still, Guillebeau had been injured in the accident, so he didn't have to deal with his obnoxious attitude that much. He also let Adeline deal with the reporters, telling them how what had happened was an unfortunate accident and that the police would investigate it, as he didn't want to associate himself with this disaster. The social media, however, decided to go wild with all kinds of theories about what had happened, including terrorist attacks and assassination. Gabriel decided not to fuel any of it, leaving them to speculate.

He did warn the Mime about the one witness report of a woman seeing him leaving the scene of crime, noting how such mistake cannot be repeated in future missions. He refused to let anyone trace what had happened back to him or his alter ego, Papillon. The less people knew about Papillon, the better. That's why he was also furious at Monsieur Pigeon for revealing his codename to Ladybug and Chat Noir. Still, those superheroes, or rather, pests, were nothing that he couldn't handle.

Frankly, he had expected them to show up after the explosion. As superheroes, they were quite predictable. Still, Gabriel hoped that they too would perish in the fire, feeling disappointed when they didn't end up trapped in the burning building or crushed by the rubble. Even after he acted like a bait for the two, he was still saved by Chat Noir. Nevertheless, he did notice something interesting about the superhero. There had been a moment of hesitation in Chat Noir's posture, as if he was unnerved by Gabriel. While he was intrigued by this observation, it didn't appear to be something that would help him in the long run.

It appears that we will have to continue this game of cat and mouse. Gabriel clenched the ring in his fist, frowning. I hate games.


''So, Ladybug and Chat Noir had saved the day once again,'' Carmilla muttered, lying on her stomach on her bed as she looked at the news report on her laptop. She frowned. ''Tch, of course they would report about these two, but Phantom Thief Belladonna? No one cares about her!''

Admittedly, Carmilla already knew that the reason why Phantom Thief Belladonna was relatively unknown was because she avoided the spotlight. On the other hand, no one aside from Ladybug and Chat Noir had managed to catch her, so it was no surprise the public barely knew anything about her. She sighed.

''Maybe I should start leaving calling cards or something,'' Carmilla muttered to herself. ''If someone knew that I would be there, not only would the security increase, but Ladybug and Chat Noir would also be there.'' She smiled. ''It's not a bad idea. I would really like a challenge.''

Frankly, she was really looking forward to battle them again, mostly Ladybug, and maybe flirt with Chat Noir. While she was furious about loss at the Louvre Museum, she decided to acknowledge it as their victory and work on her own skills. It was obvious that Ladybug and Chat Noir had improved and Carmilla needed to take them seriously, else she would suffer from more loses.

''I simply cannot allow myself to lose anymore,'' Carmilla noted, a determined look on her expression.


''Hey, Bug!'' Chat Noir greeted Ladybug as he met up with her at the Eiffel Tower. ''How are you doing?''

''I'm a bit shaken from the last night, but otherwise fine. What about you?'' Ladybug told him. Chat Noir's ears drooped and her rubbed the back of his head anxiously.

''I'm okay, and again, I'm sorry for recklessly charging into that building and scaring you,'' Chat Noir replied.

''It's fine. After all, you're save now,'' Ladybug noted. ''It's a good thing we even showed up to help everyone.''

''So, do you have any idea what had happened? I mean, who might've caused those explosions,'' Chat Noir asked, trying to act nonchalant. However, his tail was flicking and his expression was serious.

''Yeah,'' Ladybug said. ''I actually did some investigation and there is a possibility that the explosion was caused by the Mime.''

''I kind of came to the same conclusion,'' Chat Noir replied. He and Ladybug didn't really question that, as they assumed that Bridgette and Félix had told the respective party what they knew. ''However, what had been on my mind was that the Mime might've been sent by Papillon.''

''That's what I also thought,'' Ladybug replied. ''As a matter of fact, I'm certain that this was Papillon's doing.''

''No offense, but why would you think that?'' Chat Noir asked. ''I mean, we don't really know whether he was sent by Papillon or not.''

''We know that the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon work for Papillon and, honestly, I doubt that they would follow anyone else's orders,'' Ladybug said.

''I wonder why they're even following Papillon's orders. Like, what do they get from this deal? They're just terrorizing Paris for no reason,'' Chat Noir noted, placing his hands on his hips.

''I have no idea,'' Ladybug replied, shaking her head. ''In any case, if this was indeed the Mime who blew up the building and he did it on Papillon's orders, we should try to find out why this had happened.''

''Maybe there was someone at the charity event who had angered Papillon, so he sent his minion after them,'' Chat Noir noted.

''It is possible, but the explosion nearly killed all the other people at that charity event,'' Ladybug replied, placing her hand under her chin. ''It's a bit too much for getting revenge on just one person.''

''I do agree with that,'' Chat Noir replied, his tail flicking. ''I mean, the only other thing I can think of is that the explosion was meant to kill off all the people that were at that building. From what I've learned, there were a lot of rich people, some belonging to the elite. Maybe Papillon just wanted to get rid of them, not caring who'd die.''

''Or, maybe it was a distraction,'' Ladybug suggested. ''Remember how the Mime kidnapped that girl, Amber Bourgeois, just to get our attention.''

''Wait, so do you want to say that it might've been a trap for the two of us?'' Chat Noir asked, rising an eyebrow. Ladybug shrugged.

''It is possible, but I'm not sure,'' she replied. ''There are still too many open questions.''

''Well, whatever it was, I'm sure that Papillon would've been happy if we had perished in the fire,'' Chat Noir said in a deadpan tone.

''Right,'' Ladybug sighed. ''So, should we go?''

''Sure,'' Chat Noir replied, nodding. ''Maybe we'll get an idea what is going on during the patrol.''


''Okay, let's try this one more time,'' Amber muttered under her breath as she wrapped the black string around the yellow and black trompo.

She was currently practicing with her weapon of choice, a spinning top. Admittedly, she knew that this wasn't an effective weapon, but she felt that, if someone annoyed her, she could use it to get them to stop. So far, she had some trouble with making it spin properly. She was looking up several videos concerning that and she wanted to try out some tricks, but she was slowly getting impatient. She had placed a tray on her bed and attempted to hit it with the trompo, but she failed over and over again. It didn't help either that she had been informed the day before that her parents were at the hospital due to smoke inhalation, messing with her mind. While she knew that her parents were completely fine, having already returned home, it was still in the back of her mind, driving her to improve her skills with the trompo. She just wanted to get this right.

''Com'n!'' She threw her trompo once again, holding her breath as it flew over, finally landing in the tray and spinning. She fist-pumped. ''Yes!''

Taking a deep breath she observed the trompo as it spun, then glanced at the open closet, where a yellow and black costume hung. She grinned.

''Now, I'm ready.''

Chapter 26: Queen Bee

Chapter Text

Entry 25

Queen Bee

''Well, there you go again telling me where I belong. You put me on the bench, don't think that I can play strong. So quick to condescend well, you think I'm empty, I'm not. You won't be so confident when I'm crushing you from the top.''

– Dumb Blonde by Avril Lavinge ft. Nicki Minaj


Bridgette stretched her arms, being in a great mood as she walked to her school. It was a chilly morning, but the fresh air was just what she needed to wake up properly. Tikki was inside her backpack, still asleep after last night's patrol. The patrol itself had been surprisingly quiet, with no Papillon or Phantom Thief Belladonna causing trouble. While Bridgette wasn't sure what excuse Belladonna had, she had figured that Papillon, or at least the Mime, wouldn't show himself after that fiasco with that charity event fire.

Hopefully we can avoid any kind of trouble in the near future, Bridgette thought as she stopped at a traffic light, not paying attention to the car next to her until the car door suddenly opened and, to her surprise and amazement, Félix got out of it. Bridgette could hear the driver yelling at Félix, but the teenager ignored it, approaching her instead.

''Good morning, Bridgette,'' Félix greeted her with a genuine smile on his lips.

''Good morning, Félix,'' Bridgette responded, still a bit stunned by Félix's sudden appearance. ''Uh, what are you doing here? I-I mean I'm sure you're also on your way to school, but why did you-?''

''I saw you walking past and I thought that we could walk together to school,'' Félix replied in a casual tone, not wanting to admit that he specifically asked Nathan to drive past Bridgette's house in hopes of finding her before school starts. Of course, his designed driver wasn't too happy about it, but Félix didn't care about how he's going to explain this to his uncle.

''R-Really?'' Despite them being officially friends and having started to hang out more and more, Bridgette had to admit that she was still a little surprised with how social Félix has become. At least he was clearly more relaxed in her presence and she was really happy about it. When Félix gave her a slight look of concern, Bridgette quickly added, ''I don't mind that. I'm just surprised that you decided to be so forward about hanging out with me. I thought that was my schtick.''

Félix cracked a rather playful smile. ''You'd be surprised just how persistent I can be when I put my mind into it.''

''So, does this mean that you'd also invite me to have lunch with you?'' Bridgette asked sneakily, her eye-lids lowered as she gave him a knowing smirk.

''Of course. After all, don't I owe you for the times you gave me lunch when I forgot to bring my wallet?'' Félix replied, his tone and expression matching Bridgette's. Despite what they just said, they knew perfectly well that they were just making up excuses for spending more time together and Félix had to admit, he was actually having a lot of fun with it. After realizing, and also kicking himself for not giving her a chance earlier, that Bridgette genuinely cared about him, he wanted to make up for his rudeness and be as transparent with her as possible. At the same time, he found himself enjoying her presence and wanted to interact with her more. Of course, he was also aware that Bridgette still had feelings for him and he knew that getting closer to her might send a wrong message, but he figured that they could have a conversation when the time comes. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the little moments.

''Hey, Bridgette!''

Félix tensed when he heard Claude calling out for Bridgette, the teenager turning around and greeting him. He understood that they were Bridgette's friends and that she'd want to spend time with them, but he had hoped that their time alone would last just a bit longer before classes started. I don't think I can even attribute this to my bad luck.

''I'm surprised to see you here, Agreste,'' Claude said.

''You're surprised to see me at school?'' Félix asked in a deadpan tone, his question causing Bridgette to giggle. Claude exhaled, placing his hands on his hips.

''You know well what I mean,'' he said. The two were silent, with Bridgette observing them as they glared at each other and realizing that this is going to be a long day.

''Hey, hey… How about we get to school? I don't want to be late,'' she said, interlocking arms with both and pulling them forwards.

''Okay, okay, you can go ahead and we'll catch up,'' Claude said, with Bridgette nodding, a bright smile on her expression, and running off when she spotted Sophie. Claude smiled as he observed Bridgette just being her happy and cheerful self, only for the smile to disappear as he felt something cold washing over him when the person next to him spoke.

''I'm not your enemy, Savard,'' Félix said in a matter-of-fact tone, walking away, only to stop when he felt a strange cold sensation washing over him.

''…'' He turned around, seeing Claude just glare at him. ''I don't care whether you are my enemy or not, I will treat you as I see fit.''

''Tch,'' Félix scoffed, only to smirk mischievously. ''You really act like you're Bridgette's older brother. Do you really have to be so protective of her?''

''With guys like you around, I need to do my best to make sure she won't get hurt,'' Claude replied in a cold and aloof tone, with Félix frowning.

''What do you mean 'guys like you'? What are you taking me for?'' he asked, feeling quite irked.

''You're not the social type and you were quite rude towards Bridgette before, but now you want to hang out with her. I think that's really suspicious,'' Claude responded, walking away. Félix fumed, but then quickly joined Claude, walking at the same pace as him.

''So, I'm not allowed to change my opinion in regards to someone?'' Félix said. While he actually wanted to ignore Claude's comments, this one really struck a nerve. He saw Claude frowning, taking this change of mood as a small victory. Two can play this game. However, a moment later, he regretted the whole conversation by simply blurting out very confidently, ''Don't tell me that you're jealous of me becoming close to Bridgette.''

Claude suddenly stopped walking, tilting his head as he gave Félix a questioning look, much to the latter's confusion. ''Agreste, are you planning on pursuing Bridgette romantically?''

''Eh…?'' Félix was shocked by the question, his jaw dropping while a voice in his head screamed at him, What have you done, Neko Boy?! Stop acting like you're Chat Noir, you're not even transformed, you idiot! Okay, okay, act cool! You can do this, just don't show how nervous you are! Félix coughed, clearing his throat while still feeling his anxiety skyrocketing. ''What are you talking about? We're just close friends, that's all.''

Going by Claude's expression, he clearly didn't believe Félix, and Félix knew that. ''If I find out that you've been stringing her along all this time…''

''Calm down, I'm not going to do anything like that,'' Félix responded in a cool and aloof tone, but was still feeling anxious. After all, Claude just confronted him with the real idea of him actually being romantically interested in Bridgette. Sure, he saw her as a close friend, but he wasn't completely sure whether he had any romantic feelings for her. He knew that Bridgette had feelings for him and he was certain that, if he asked her out on a date, she would agree gleefully to it. So, where was the obstacle? It is myself.

Félix just sighed, spotting Bridgette and her friends at the school entrance, but instead of joining them, he stood at the side, observing Bridgette as she happily chatted with Allegra, seemingly oblivious to the curious looks her friends gave to Félix, with Claude being the one outright glaring at him. However, Bridgette wasn't as oblivious as she appeared to be, being slightly worried by the tense silence between her friends and Félix, the latter then stepping up.

''Good morning, everyone,'' Félix greeted them politely, if a bit formally, getting murmurs of 'good morning' in response, with Claude, Sophie, Allegra and Allan casting a questioning look at Bridgette. Sure, Félix did interact with them several times, albeit usually while he was just passing by, and Bridgette even invited him to her home the day before, clearly having a good relationship with him, but none of them were really sure whether he was going to be a permanent member of their friend group. They knew by this point that he was a nice person, even if that niceness was hidden under a wall of ice, but he wasn't exactly the most social person to be around, so things were rather awkward between them.

''Hey, Fé, I'm looking forward to our lunch!'' Bridgette suddenly blurted out, breaking the tense silence and drawing her friends' attention. ''I hope you guys won't mind if me and Fé have some private time.''

''Fé?'' Allegra rose an eyebrow.

''I had told Bri that I'm fine with that nickname. However, only if she's the one who calls me that,'' Félix said, shooting a glare at Allegra. ''After all, everyone else prefers to call me Ice Prince. Am I correct in that regard, Baudelaire?''

''Uh, well…'' Allegra was a little embarrassed to be called out like that. In fact, everyone was shifting anxiously, since they had been using that nickname behind Félix's back since he had arrived here. ''I'm sorry…''

''You can use the Ice Prince if you want to. I don't care about it,'' Félix replied. ''You can also refer to me by my name or surname in a conversation, but I won't tolerate any stupid nicknames.''

''So, Ice Prince isn't a stupid nickname?'' Sophie asked, rising an eyebrow and smirking.

''It is a title,'' Félix responded in a resolute tone.

''How is that a title?'' Sophie gave him a confused look, but before the conversation could continue, they heard the bell ringing.

''I guess you'll have to continue your debate after class is over. Com'n!'' Allan said, with him and the rest of the group walking towards their classroom, while Bridgette and Félix were a bit behind them.

''Are you okay?'' Bridgette asked.

''I might not be popular among your friends, but I can handle myself,'' Félix responded, giving Bridgette a confident smile. In response, Bridgette grinned cheekily and gave him a thumbs up.


Amber smirked as she stalked the school hallways during break time, observing her fellow students. Interestingly, instead of wearing her usual dress, she was wearing a yellow and black stripped T-shirt, her usual black jacket and white pants. Underneath, however, was her superhero outfit and she tried to find a good moment to reveal herself as Queen Bee. Of course, for that, she needed to first find someone who was performing some kind of crime… which was actually more difficult than she thought. You'd expect that a school filled with a bunch of teenagers would at least have someone who is not following the rules, but to her surprise, she couldn't find anyone doing anything wrong.

Oh, com'n, someone has to have some kind of secret agenda on their mind!

She walked through the hallways, frowning as she gave the other students scrutinizing looks as she searched for the wrongdoers, two of them being Bridgette and Félix who were about to go to lunch together.

''Huh?'' Bridgette blinked in confusion as she spotted Amber hiding around the corner, startling the latter. Instead of a response, Amber just huffed and walked away, while Bridgette and Félix rose an eyebrow. ''Why do I have a bad feelling about this?''

''Let's see – Bourgeois is hiding and stalking other students instead of trying to put herself in the spotlight. She's also being silent about it instead of telling everyone how much better she is. Not to mention, she also looks like she's up to something,'' Félix said, having placed his hand on his chin as he mused, then glanced at Bridgette. ''I think your sixth sense in regards to this is valid.''

''Honestly, I'd love to go to lunch with you but… I just want to see what Amber is up to now,'' Bridgette said, her tone slightly apologetic. Félix shook his head.

''I'll admit, I'm also curious in regards to what Bourgeois is planning to do,'' he replied. Bridgette smirked, nodding.

''Let's go.''

While Bridgette and Félix went searching for her, Amber made her way to the locker room, still annoyed that she couldn't find any wrongdoers, only to spot some guy hitting a locker in frustration.

''Com'n, open up already!'' The guy slammed his palm against the locker, only for it not to budge. Amber's eyes widened in glee as she realized that she may have found a criminal.

He's trying to break into someone else's locker! Now it is my moment to shine!

She quickly ran out of the locker room and into the nearby girl's restroom, quickly taking off her T-shirt, jacket and pants and placing her clothes into her school bag and placed a yellow and black domino mask over her face to fit her hand-made black and yellow jumpsuit. She then returned to the locker room, striking a heroic pose as she approached the guy, who apparently gave up on opening the locker.

''Hold it right there, thief! What do you think you're doing?'' Amber exclaimed, glaring at the would-be culprit who got startled by her sudden appearance.

''Who are you and what's up with the costume? Are you from the theatre club?'' he asked.

''Ha, as if! I'm the new superhero of Paris, Queen Bee!'' Queen Bee responded, striking a few dramatic poses before pointing at the student. ''I have caught you completely red-handed!''

''Red-handed- What are you talking about?'' the guy asked, completely confused. Queen Bee stepped forward, pointing her finger at him.

''You've been trying to break into another student's locker to steal their stuff, but I'll be the one to apprehend you!'' she said in an accusatory tone. The student just gave her an annoyed look.

''I don't know what you're talk about. That's my locker,'' he replied.

''Then why are you trying to break into it if it is your locker? Unless, you don't know the combination because it isn't!'' Queen Bee responded, grinning. The student rolled his eyes.

''Look, these lockers are older than dinosaurs and will get stuck,'' he said, shaking his head as he was about to walk away. ''I'm getting the janitor to sort this out.''

''Oh, no you won't until you admit that you were trying to break into the locker!'' Queen Bee stepped in front of him.

''Leave me alone, weirdo!'' the student yelled at her, neither him nor Queen Bee noticing that Bridgette and Félix were hiding at the entrance to the locker room, not looking impressed by what Amber was up to as Queen Bee.

''It looks like your gut feeling was correct,'' Félix said, with Bridgette smiling.

''I had been dealing with Amber for a while. I know that when she gets up to something, she will cause trouble for everyone else,'' she replied.

''So, what's your plan?'' Félix asked curiously.

''Let's get her before she angers the wrong person and question her about what is going on,'' Bridgette said. Félix nodded, with both of them getting out of their hiding spot, interlocking arms with a startled Queen Bee and dragging her into another corner of the locker room, while the other student just shook his head in disbelief and walked away.

''Ugh, let me go! Don't you know who I am?'' Queen Bee glared at Bridgette and Félix as they cornered her. Bridgette sighed in exasperation.

''Amber, what are you doing and what is up with that costume?'' she asked.

''First of all, I'm not Amber, I'm Queen Bee! I have no idea who this Amber person is, but I assume that she is great!'' Queen Bee said proudly, only to realize that Bridgette and Félix weren't buying any of it. ''In any case, I will be the one joining the ranks of superheroes as Ladybug and Chat Noir's new ally.''

''What?'' Bridgette and Félix blurted out simultaneously, both stunned by Queen Bee's declaration. Queen Bee just rolled her eyes as she realized she wouldn't be getting any recognition from these two. She then sighed.

''Listen up, I really admire both Ladybug and Chat Noir and I'm sure that they would appreciate more help on their fights against weirdos in costumes. I don't need your criticism regarding that,'' Queen Bee told the two.

''Bourgeois, do you even have any superpowers to help you fight effectively against those super villains?'' Félix asked, with Queen Bee freezing on the spot, feeling anxious. ''I thought so.''

''Amber, I understand that you want to be like your favorite heroes, but think about it for a moment. As Félix said, you don't have any superpowers, meaning you'll put yourself in danger for no reason and be a liability to Ladybug and Chat Noir,'' Bridgette said. Queen Bee fumed.

''Ha, what do you know?! It's not like you two are Ladybug and Chat Noir!'' she ranted, not noticing that Bridgette and Félix tensed for a moment. ''I'm sure they'll accept me the way I am, no matter if I have any superpowers. I am Queen Bee and I'll be the best superhero ever!''

With that said, she stomped out of the locker room, with Bridgette and Félix feeling second-hand embarrassment from this interaction, with Félix quipping, ''She's delusional.''

''She'll put herself unnecessarily in danger,'' Bridgette added. ''We know what kind of villains Ladybug and Chat Noir are dealing with and the Mime basically blew up a building a couple of nights ago. She'll be brought back in a body bag if she tries to do actual superhero stuff.''

''While true, it's not like we can change her mind. She is convinced that she's a superhero now,'' Félix pointed out. Bridgette fell silent, musing.

''Yeah, you're right. If only Ladybug and/or Chat Noir were here, I'm sure they would convince her to drop the hero act and maybe knock some sense into her. I doubt that either of the would want a civilian to fight super villains,'' Bridgette said, a plan already forming in her head.

''That makes sense, since she admires those two so much. If either of us spots any of them, we'll let them know,'' Félix said in agreement, a plan already forming in his head.

Both actually thought of transforming and confronting Amber/Queen Bee about her ideas and convince her to stop putting herself into danger before anything serious happens. They didn't want her to become Papillon's target, especially since they believed that he was capable of much worse things and the last thing they needed was blood on their hands. However, they realized that there was one issue with this.

''Uh… about lunch…'' Bridgette started slowly, with Félix realizing that he actually forgot that they had plans to spend time together. However, with the current situation, he felt that it would be smarter to deal with Amber/Queen Bee first.

''Right, lunch…'' Félix trailed off, with both of them being silent for a moment, feeling rather awkward. Bridgette scratched her cheek, laughing nervously.

''I-I just remembered that there was something I still needed to do…'' she started, with Félix raising an eyebrow, not really sure how what to make of it, but then he realized that this was the perfect opportunity to complete his plan.

''Now that you mention it, I forgot that I also have something to do, so maybe we can postpone it, if that's okay with you?'' Félix asked. Bridgette nodded, hardly believing that she managed to get away with her awful excuse as she wanted to deal with Amber as soon as possible.

''I have no problem with that,'' Bridgette replied, running off. ''See you later!''

Félix watched her leave, then sighed, with Plagg popping his head out, seemingly knowing what was going through Félix's head. ''This was easy. Too easy, if you ask me.''

''Whether Bridgette really has something to do or she has a way to contact Ladybug, I don't think it matters now. I need to make sure that Bourgeois doesn't kill herself by confronting the wrong person,'' Félix replied.

''I didn't expect that you'd care that much about Amber,'' Plagg said, giving him an intrigued look.

''I don't, but her antics won't help us in our fight against Papillon. I'm nipping this in the bud,'' Félix told him, rushing off to find a secluded spot to transform.


''Okay, I think we're safe here,'' Bridgette said, having managed to climb onto the flat rooftop of the school building through a window and crouching down without being seen. Clearly, she couldn't transform in the girl's restroom as someone would obviously notice her or the school cameras would take footage of her going inside as Bridgette and coming out as Ladybug. However, she had learned from other students that some would take advantage of the flat rooftop to sneak from one classroom to another without being detected. Tikki flew out of her backpack, giving her a look of concern.

''Are you sure that Félix didn't suspect anything? He accepted your excuse a bit too readily,'' she said.

''I know, but I have other things on mind. If he brings it up, I'll come up with some explanation, but for now, I need to deal with Amber before she gets herself into danger. It is one thing for her to play superhero at school, but imagine if she tried this stunt while dealing with an actual criminal. I may not like Amber and she always bullied me, but I'm not going to let her hurt herself. Tikki, transform me!''

There was a flash of red, with Ladybug getting up and, after making sure that her backpack was securely tucked into the corner of the school rooftop, quickly made her way to the school yard where she spotted Queen Bee grilling another student over stolen lunch or something like that. Ladybug groaned in exasperation, only to be alerted by Chat Noir who appeared right next to her.

''Hey, Bug, what are you doing here?'' he asked, giving her a curious look.

''Let's just say that I caught wind of Amber Bourgeois causing trouble. What about you?'' Ladybug asked, with Chat Noir giving her a nervous look.

''Ehh, same?'' he said, shrugging and trying to act nonchalant. Both stared at each other for a moment, as if expecting for this conversation to continue, but decided against it and focused back on Queen Bee.

''Dude, could you just leave us alone?'' the student she was harassing said.

''Not until I get some evidence that you were up to- agh!'' Before Queen Bee could finish her sentence, a yo-yo wrapped around her body and she was whisked away. She screamed as she flew through the air, only to be caught in someone's arms, who leapt from building to building, her eyes closed as she struggled. ''H-Hey, what's the big idea?! Let me go! Do you know who I am?! I will sue you for kidnapping me!''

''Amber, we have to talk.''

Queen Bee suddenly opened her eyes, staring in shock at Ladybug, who was carrying her bridal-style, and Chat Noir, who was standing next to them, his arms folded across his chest. They were standing on a building further away from their school, where they had more privacy. Both superheroes were startled when Queen Bee suddenly let out a high-pitched cry, her eyes turning into stars.

''Ladybug! I'm so happy to see you!'' she said gleefully, leaping out of Ladybug's arms on to grab her hands and hold them. ''I was hoping for you to show up so I could talk to you about being a superhero! Look, I even got the costume and weapon!'' Queen Bee showed off her trompo joyfully and completely oblivious to the looks of disapproval Ladybug and Chat Noir were giving her. ''You won't mind if a duo becomes a trio, right?''

''Amber, listen…'' Ladybug started but got interrupted by Queen Bee, who placed her palm in front of Ladybug's face to stop her.

''My superhero name is Queen Bee and I'd rather that you call me that from now on since we superheros need to keep our identities a secret, right?'' Queen Bee said, smiling. ''Now, what's the issue? Is there any super villain running around and causing chaos? Is that why you brought me here?''

''No, we brought you here for a different reason.'' Ladybug shook her head, her eyes narrowing. ''Amber, whatever you're doing as Queen Bee, you need to stop with it. You're putting yourself and others in danger.''

''Wh-What?!'' Queen Bee was shocked to hear that from a person she genuinely admired. ''B-But…''

''You don't have any special powers and you're just a civilian in a costume who is drawing too much attention to herself. You had already been targeted by the Mime once because you're the mayor's daughter. Don't you think that he might do the same again?'' Chat Noir added.

''Maybe, but you're here and you can defeat him again!'' Queen Bee protested.

''Yeah, we can, but that doesn't mean that we're available 24/7. We have our own lives to lead and we don't want the spotlight on us. We have chosen to fight people like the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon with the powers we have because we want to do what is right,'' Ladybug said, not noticing Chat Noir wincing at the 'we have chosen to fight' bit. He didn't choose anything.

''Right. Have you seen either of us just strolling around in broad daylight and accusing innocent people of comitting crime?'' Chat Noir asked, sounding slightly bitter. Queen Bee's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment and it dawned her that her plan wasn't exactly the best or the smartest.

''I-I was just trying my hardest to p-prove myself as a superhero,'' she pleaded, utterly mortified by the look of disappointment Ladybug and Chat Noir were giving her. ''I-I hoped that you'd notice me…''

''I did notice you, and I'm not happy. If you thought that being a hero is about glitz and glamour, then I have to disappoint-''

''I don't care about that!'' Queen Bee suddenly screamed at Ladybug, startling both her and Chat Noir. ''I-I just thought-'' She shook her head, feeling chills flowing down her spine as she recalled all the times her own mother called her unremarkable and unexceptional, not caring about how Amber felt being treated like trash by the person who was supposed to love and care about her unconditionally. Tears started forming in the corners of her eyes as she took her domino mask off. ''I-I don't want to talk to you anymore- I hate you! You're the worst! You- You're ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!''

Ladybug and Chat Noir had to admit that, while neither of them was personally fond off Amber, they still felt pity for her. It was obvious that she had some deep issues and insecurities, but neither of them could really help her unless she was willing to open up about them.

''I want to get off this building. Right now!'' Amber growled, tears still streaming down her face as she turned to Chat Noir. Her vision of Ladybug was already shattered and the pedestal she put her favorite superhero was completely broken. She was done with her.

Chat Noir glanced at Ladybug, who nodded in silence, then picked Amber up and carried her towards the school, leaving her at the back entrance before rejoining Ladybug at the school rooftop. Ladybug sighed as he sat down next to her, looking somber.

''Are you okay?'' Chat Noir asked, with Ladybug just lowering her gaze. ''You know that we did the right thing.''

''Yeah, I do. It's just… I feel mentally exhausted after having to deal with Amber,'' Ladybug replied. ''I don't think she's just angry that she couldn't be a superhero. I'm sure she had another motive there.''

''Maybe she's looking for some kind of approval,'' Chat Noir suggested, with Ladybug giving her a curious look. ''She certainly sounded as if she wasn't getting the attention she wanted.''

''Yeah…'' Ladybug trailed off. She really had mixed feelings in regards to Amber, remembering all the times she had been bullied, with Amber either stealing her stuff or destroying her sketchbooks or calling her names, but lately? She sort of… let go off that. Perhaps it was that she was too busy balancing her life as Ladybug and Bridgette, dealing with her feelings for Félix and having to fight Papillon's henchmen, to even notice whether Amber was bullying her or not. Hell, when was the last time she did anything? Oh, sure, Amber stole her sketchbook and dumped it into a trash can, but beside that, what else did happen? She honestly couldn't remember.

''In the end, I don't think it really matters,'' Chat Noir suddenly said, drawing Ladybug's attention. ''We needed to have this talk with her for her own sake. We don't know what is going on in her civilian life, but we can make sure that nothing happens to her while we're superheroes.''

''You're right,'' Ladybug responded, only for her and Chat Noir to hear the school bell ring for the afternoon classes. Both looked suddenly nervous, exchanging glances with each other.

''Eh, I-I should…''

''Go? Y-Yeah, me too… Uh, see you-''

''At patrol? Yes!''

Ladybug and Chat Noir quickly rushed away to de-transform, their lunch plans with Félix and Bridgette falling through respectively. They really had no luck today.


Amber puffed up her cheeks, opting to just walk around aimlessly through Paris, still dressed in her Queen Bee costume under her regular outfit. She payed absolutely no attention at school and was just waiting for the classes to end, opting to just roam through the city instead of going straight home. She was completely dispirited, if not even depressed and felt like she couldn't do anything. The person she admired the most had just rejected her and she had no clue how to move on from this. She couldn't understand why Ladybug had to shatter her dreams so cruelly, but at the same time, she was well aware that she had no powers that could help her fight any villains. Unfortunately for her, Ladybug and Chat Noir were correct, but she refused to acknowledge that. She wanted to be a superhero, just like they were, and she wanted their recognition, that she was capable of more than any of them would assume. However, it was obvious that none of her desires would be fulfilled.

I should've known… I cannot expect anything…

Amber suddenly heard a crash from further down the street, being startled at first, but then ran towards it. To her surprise, she spotted the Mime robbing a closed jewelry store. She hid behind a car, feeling her heart beating rapidly as she realized just how real this situation was.

I managed to find a super villain! And it's that Mime guy! Uhhh, what do I do?! Amber felt herself panicking, only to slap herself lightly with both hands on the cheeks to focus more properly. Ladybug and Chat Noir usually patrol through Paris, right? If I keep stalling him, they will eventually come across us and kick this guy's ass. She fist-pumped, now determined to follow through with her plan. Right, you can do this! You are Queen Bee! You can also be a hero if you put your mind into it!

Quickly taking off her regular outfit and putting her domino mask on, Queen Bee climbed up on the car she was hiding behind and struck a heroic pose.

''Hey, you! Stop!'' The Mime looked up, rising an eyebrow at the teenager in a yellow and black jumpsuit and domino mask standing on top of a car that was parked on the street. ''I, Queen Bee, order you to stop with your criminal activity and surrender!''

The Mime just smirked as he looked at her, dropping the bag he was holding and curling his fingers around an invisible handle. Queen Bee gulped when she realized that the handle belonged to an invisible hammer, with the Mime suddenly running towards her. She managed to jump off the car and land safely on the ground, but to her shock, the Mime left quite a deep dent in the car roof. She realized that, had he hit her, her skull would've been nothing but flesh, blood and broken bones.

The Mime turned around towards her and kept swinging the huge hammer, leaving cracks in the walls of the street and Queen Bee quickly dodged them, using her gymnastics skills. However, she knew that she was in trouble, as she had no way to fight back. Even without his superpowers, the Mime was still an adult man, much bigger and heavier than her. The only thing she could do was to pray that someone would notice them and call the authorities, or even better, Ladybug and Chat Noir.

But, I told her that I hated her. Would she even want to save me?

Queen Bee froze as that thought crossed her mind, giving the Mime and opportunity to swing once again at her, leaving her unable to dodge the attack. However, before the hammer fell, a yo-yo wrapped around his arm, pulling him back. The Mime turned around, only to get punched square in the face by Chat Noir, knocking him down.

''Ladybug! Chat Noir!'' Queen Bee never felt so grateful to see these two. Despite all the mean stuff she had told them, they still would appear to help her and she felt safe around them. Ladybug leapt down, grabbing her hand and dragging her around a corner.

''What are you doing here? It's dangerous!'' Ladybug scolded her, with Queen Bee feeling a sting in her chest.

''I just happened to ran across that Mime guy! I didn't do it on purpose!'' Queen Bee snapped back, with Ladybug sighing in response.

''Okay, just stay here and stay safe. I don't want the Mime to hurt you,'' Ladybug told her.

Queen Bee noded, with Ladybug then rejoining Chat Noir in the battle against the Mime. She then kept observing the two as they fought the Mime, with Chat Noir using Black Hole to trap him, only for the Mime to mime a rocket launcher and fire it point-blank at the black cat superhero. Ladybug used her yo-yo to wrap it around the invisible rocket launcher, forcing Mime to fire it somewhere else, only for him to direct it towards her. Chat Noir managed to rush towards Ladybug in time, using his Black Hole to shield her from the explosion, but it was a little too late and both were knocked back, hitting the building behind them.

Queen Bee gasped as the Mime made his way over to them, forming what appeared to be a gun in his hands and pointing it straight towards Ladybug. Fortunately, she was still awake, but struggling to get up and the fact that an invisible gun was being held in front of her face didn't help. Queen Bee's expression changed from shock to a determined look, as she knew that she was the only one who could do something.

''Hey!'' Grabbing the trompo that was on a string around her waist, Queen Bee spun it, throwing it straight at Mime and nailed him right in the head. This was enough of a distraction for Ladybug to kick the gun out of Mime's hands and transform her yo-yo into a staff to hit him directly in the gut. Chat Noir also managed to get up, firing a point-blank Black Storm at the Mime, who was knocked back, hitting a car.

''Thanks Queen Bee!'' Ladybug said, briefly turning to her before she and Chat Noir faced the Mime. Queen Bee swelled with pride, observing the two as they landed hit after hit on the super villain, only for the Mime to realize that this was a losing fight and quickly left after throwing a smoke bomb at them. Once the smoke settled, he was nowhere to be found.

''Not again…'' Ladybug muttered. ''I thought we had him this time.''

''Better luck next time, I guess,'' Chat Noir responded, shrugging. Both then turned around towards Queen Bee, who felt a little awkward as they stared at each other in silence.


''I'm sorry for getting myself into danger,'' Queen Bee apologized sincerely, much to Ladybug's surprise. She honestly never heard Amber talk to her like this, being so vulnerable instead of condescending. ''You were right, I'm not cut for this superhero thing. I don't have any powers or abilities to protect myself and I would've died if it weren't for you two.''

''Why do you want so desperately to be a superhero?'' Ladybug asked. Queen Bee was silent, filddling with her trompo she had picked up nervously, before giving Ladybug a serious look.

''Can I trust you two with something very personal?'' she asked, with Ladybug giving her a curious look.

''Sure you can. I promise you I won't tell anyone,'' Ladybug said in an assuring tone, then glanced at Chat Noir.

''I don't really see any reason to share any personal secrets with anyone,'' he replied. Queen Bee took a deep breath.

''I… I wanted to be a superhero to feel special, because everyone else tell me that I'm not,'' she admitted. Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged glances of surprise, not expecting the conversation to steer in this way.

''Who is telling you that?'' Ladybug asked.

''Mainly, my own mother!'' Queen Bee responded, before going into a rant as she walked up-down in front of the two, throwing her hands up animatedly. ''I tried everything to please her and make her proud of me, but he's always telling me how unexceptional I am! Can you believe that? Me, unexceptional? She is so condescending! It's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!'' Queen Bee didn't notice the side-glances Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged as she continued, ''That's why I went to you two, because I had been hoping that, if anyone is going to give me the recognition I deserve, it'll be you two… especially you Ladybug.''

''I understand now that you've been craving for some kind of recognition, but I don't think that throwing yourself into danger is the answer,'' Ladybug said. Queen Bee lowered her gaze, feeling guilty.

''Yeah, you're right,'' she said.

''What about your classmates? From what we've heard, they don't like you particularly,'' Chat Noir said, his arms folded across his chest, his tail flicking as he gave Queen Bee a knowing look.

''Well, they just don't get it how amazing I am!'' Queen Bee responded in a haughty tone.

''Or they know that you're just a bully and don't want do have anything to do with you,'' Ladybug said, with Queen Bee, despite trying to keep her calm, looking quite mortified that her favorite superhero was calling her a bully. Chat Noir gave Ladybug a curious look, wondering if she was talking from experience, but he didn't follow up on it.

''Uh, well, I… Well, they deserved it, especially Cheng,'' Queen Bee replied spitefully. ''The other day she bragged about how her mother is such a great parent because she was going to visit her and spend time with her. It's not fair!''

Chat Noir frowned, glaring daggers at Queen Bee for daring to insult Bridgette like this, but to his surprise, Ladybug smirked knowingly, ''Was she rubbing it in your face? Does she even know what your family situation is?''

''N-No…'' Queen Bee admitted, feeling a wave of embarrassment, amazed that Ladybug was reading her like an open book. To her surprise, Ladybug placed a hand on her shoulder, with Queen Bee giving her a nervous look.

''Okay, I'd like to give you some important advice, as one superhero to another,'' Ladybug started, winking at Queen Bee, who was actually ecstatic that Ladybug addressed her as a fellow superhero. ''Instead of seeking other people's approval of whether you're exceptional or not, you should ask yourself if you see yourself like that. Because you actually did show quite some courage tonight by hitting the Mime with that spinning top and you also saved my life in the process.''

''It is a trompo and I did practice for days with it, so I have learned how to use it as a weapon,'' Queen Bee said proudly, noting Ladybug's questioning look. She lowered her gaze, fiddling with the trompo. ''I suppose I have a lot to think about. However, I think that Queen Bee should retire.''

''Maybe she doesn't have to,'' Ladybug said, much to Queen Bee and Chat Noir's surprise. ''Look, you aren't going to fight any super villains, but you could still act as our support system.''

''Are you sure about that, Bug?'' Chat Noir asked in a skeptical tone.

''Yeah, I have to agree with Cat Boy here, because I'm not sure how to do that,'' Queen Bee said in a deadpan tone. Ladybug stuck her tongue out playfully, winking at them.

''Well, the public seems to be split on whether we're the good guys or the bad guys, and having someone who would be able to influence the public opinion so we could do our job without any interference would be nice,'' she said, shrugging with her arms up. ''Neither I nor Chat Noir are that fond of cameras, but someone who'd love the attention would certainly thrive in the spotlight.''

''Ladybug, I don't think-'' Chat Noir started, only to get interrupted by Queen Bee.

''I like the way you're thinking,'' she said, grinning, only to fist-pump. ''As a matter of fact, I already have an idea what I could do to help you.''

''What is it?'' Ladybug asked.

''Don't worry, I'm sure you'll see it once I'm done with it,'' Queen Bee told her confidently, snapping her fingers.


''Welcome to the Queen Bee's Hive! Hosted by yours truly, Amber Bourgeois! In this blog, you will learn about Paris' treasured superheroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir, and how they're doing their best to defend the city from super villains!''

''Honestly, I didn't expect that this would be Amber's idea of support,'' Bridgette told Tikki as they watched Amber's livestream on her new blog in Bridgette's room. The livestream itself was filmed by Amber on the roof of the hotel she lived at. ''But, I guess this might give her the recognition she desperately seeks. I just hope she won't get a swollen head.''

''Do you really think it's a good idea for Amber to host a blog about you and Chat Noir? What if she reveals any important secrets about you two?'' Tikki asked. The two went silent for a moment when Amber started reading some of the questions sent by the chat box.

'''Do you know Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities?' What? Of course not! The heroes' identities are a secret for a reason. Has none of you read any comic books about superheroes? How else would they lead a normal life if everyone knows who they are?'' Amber responded, scoffing. ''Tch, what kind of stupid question is that?''

''Yeah, I think we can trust her,'' Bridgette said, smiling, with Tikki giggling as they continued to watch the livestream.


''…will talk about how amazing Ladybug is!... and Chat Noir as well.''

''…I feel as if she has just tacked me on,'' Félix grumbled as he watched the livestream on his computer in his bedroom.

''Face it Neko Boy, she did tack you on. Amber favours Ladybug over you,'' Plagg replied, taking a bite off his cheese.

''You really are merciless,'' Félix said, cracking a smile and turning back to the screen, only for Plagg to fly up to him.

''So, when are you going to ask Ladybug about somehow learning what Amber was up to? Don't you think that this must mean that you're both going to the same school? Maybe even the same class?'' he asked.

''I'm not going to ask these kinds of questions,'' Félix replied in a cold tone. Plagg gave him a look of surprise, his eyes narrowing.

''What do you mean? Haven't you tried to figure out who is Ladybug in order to get her to free you from your curse?'' he asked. ''What has changed?''

''Nothing has changed,'' Félix grumbled, leaning his head against his hand, his eyes closed. Plagg tilted his head, a little confused and suspicious. Félix sighed, glancing at the cat kwami. ''I do have a plan, but I need think through this.''

Chapter 27: If You're Here (Part 1)


Thanks for the reviews folks! The way I had written Amber was how I wished Chloé was written in Miraculous, and yeah, she'll play a bigger role later on, but for now, she acts as support.

Also, take note of the song Félix plays in this chapter. You can easily find it on YouTube and I recommend listening to it.

Enjoy the story folks! We're getting close to the identity reveal!

Chapter Text

Entry 26

If You're Here (Part 1)

''Through that slumped back rain pierces painfully, I remembered having prayed. Even if in this world there is only one umbrella, I will find you and give it to you. Even though I'm unable to do anything I'll at least get drenched in your place, for some reason. Please, tell me, what is bothering you?''

– Kimi ga Ireba by Detective Conan


''Hey, hey, do you think Amber is really telling the truth in regards to her encounter with Ladybug and Chat Noir?'' Sophie asked, with her, Claude, Allegra, Allan and Bridgette being gathered around her and Bridgette's desk. They all glanced towards Amber, who was surrounded by several of their other classmates who wanted to know the full details and clearly enjoying the attention she got.

''I have no doubts about that,'' Bridgette said, leaning against her seat, arms folded across her chest and a slight smirk on her lips.

''She was walking around pretending to be a superhero,'' Félix said, not even lifting his gaze from the book he was reading while listening to the conversation happening one row behind him. ''Would it be surprising for her to draw Ladybug and Chat Noir's attention this way?''

''I suppose it wouldn't,'' Allegra said, leaning against the wall behind them. ''Not to sound cynical, but I doubt you can be a superhero without some kind of superpower.''

''What about Batman? He's a superhero and he doesn't have any superpowers,'' Allan said.

''Actually, he does. His superpower is being a billionaire,'' Sophie said, with her friends bursting out laughing. Even Félix snorted, hiding his smile under the book. She then glanced at Bridgette and Félix, a slight smirk on her expression. ''So, are you two planning to have another lunch together, or…?''

Both Bridgette and Félix froze at the question. It wasn't really about the implications of them being alone together, but a reminder of what happened a day ago and both of them just disappearing and Ladybug and Chat Noir appearing and somehow knowing about what had happened. Neither of them had talked about it since that.

''Uh, um,… How about going to lunch as a whole group?'' Bridgette suddenly suggested, laughing nervously and a sweatdrop forming as she saw her friends giving her a weird look. She knew that they were all wondering why she didn't want to spend more time with Félix. After all, he was her crush, even if they still had their doubts about him. Sophie rose an eyebrow, then smiled innocently.

''Oh, I just remembered that me and Allan wanted to check out that café down the street,'' she suddenly said, looking at a confused Allan. However, he quickly picked up on her intentions and agreed, nodding.

''I was actually planning on going to lunch with Carmilla,'' Allegra said.

Claude shoot Félix a scrutinizing look, then said, ''I wanted to meet up with a few people from the theatre group. They're working on a mime and pantomime-type of performance and I wanted to ask them a few questions.''

''O-Oh…'' Bridgette was panicking internally. The school bell rung for the end of the recess and everyone went back to their seat, with Sophie sitting next to Bridgette.

Sophie then leaned over, placing her hand on her mouth and whispering to Bridgette, ''I know how hard you have worked to get Félix's attention. It is nice that you're worried about spending time with us, but trust me, it's okay. You can go to lunch with him, none of us will be mad about this.''

To seal the deal, she winked at her in confidence. Bridgette just smiled back, but at the same time, she had to wonder whether Félix would bring up what happened a day ago. She was worried that he might figure out that she was Ladybug, since it was too much of a coincidence for her to just appear at the same time she made that flimsy excuse.

Félix, who tried to ignore the sense of anxiety, had the same thoughts. He knew that his excuse to deal with Amber/Queen Bee was absolutely laughable and that anyone would be quite suspicious of him disappearing, only for Chat Noir to suddenly appear with all the knowledge about what had happened.

However, even though they were concerned in regards to their own secret identities, they were even more worried about something else – for Bridgette, it was the possibility that Félix was Chat Noir, while for Félix, it was the possibility that Bridgette was Ladybug. Neither of them was ready to face this situation.


Lunch was… rather awkward. Both were sitting outside under a tree, eating their bought lunch together in silence. Both already had the feeling that they should bring up what had happened the day before, but neither of them was willing to make the first move. They both knew that if they started even implying that they were assuming that the other might be a superhero, they probably wouldn't know how to handle the truth.

For Bridgette, she simply couldn't believe that the distant and aloof Félix could be flirty and playful Chat Noir. Or perhaps, she didn't want to believe it. After all, her feelings towards both were rather complicated and she wanted nothing more but to keep things as they were. She didn't want to even think that this all might just be an illusion.

For Félix, he knew that he was risking everything with his actions. Despite having grown quite fond of Ladybug, he was still focused on removing his cursed ring, remembering the day before when he attempted to place another book on a bookshelf, only for the wooden panel to break and all of the books to fall off the shelf. He knew that this was just another instance of his bad luck acting up, another reminder that, even if he was happy in life, misery would always follow. Therefore, he needed to steal that kiss from Ladybug, but if she was also Bridgette and if she learned that he was Chat Noir, he knew he would lose her. She had put so much faith into him and if she knew what he was up to, she would never trust him again. He even entertained the idea of telling her the truth, but he felt that he was in too deep to dig himself out of this charade.

But, am I really putting on a charade at this point? Félix gazed ahead, his eyes distant and thoughtful. Bridgette noticed that distant look on his expression, wondering if she should say something.

''Hey, Fé…''


Both immediately shut up after they spoke in unison, looking at each other in confusion. Both were silent for a moment, before speaking again at the same time.

''What did you want to ask me?''

''Please, you go first.''

Silence again as they realized that there was indeed something on each other's mind, followed my a sense of frustration because neither of them wanted to talk, even though they knew they needed to do some proper communication. Félix then cleared his throat, deciding to be the one to break the ice, noting how Bridgette was staring at him in anticipation.

''I was just wondering… what do you think of Chat Noir?'' he asked.

''Eh?'' Bridgette gave him a blank stare, not expecting this question. Still, despite being stunned by it, she was also glad that he wasn't bringing up what had happened the previous day. Instead, she leaned against the tree, placing a finger on her lips. ''Well, let's see… I have met him a couple of times, and I think he's actually a really sweet person.''

''Really?'' Félix gave her a look of surprise. Sure, he remembered that he as Chat Noir and Bridgette did have a good relationship, even when dealing with their own emotional turmoil, but the last thing he expected was for Bridgette to describe his alter ego as ''sweet''.

''Well, it is more in the sense that he want to be seen as someone who cares a lot, even though he does,'' Bridgette replied, with Félix figuring that she had indeed nailed his personality. He then noticed her giving him a curious look. ''What do you think about Ladybug? You have met her, right?''

''Ladybug…'' Félix trailed off as he thought about her. ''I think that she's very passionate about her goals and determined to keep those she cares about safe. She also has that…'' Félix stopped himself from completing the sentence as he saw Bridgette's warm and kind smile. Why does she resemble Ladybug so much? He lowered his head, feeling something constraining his chest.

''Félix, are you okay?'' Bridgette asked.

''I'm… not sure,'' Félix replied. ''But, I hope I'll figure it out eventually.''


''What are you searching for, Kid?'' Plagg asked, observing Félix as he rummaged through his closet, eventually taking out a black leather violin case. He stared at it hesitantly as Plagg flew closer, giving him a confused look. ''What's that?''

''It's the violin my mother had gifted to me,'' Félix replied, opening the case and showing Plagg the stringed instrument that was inside. ''It feels like ages since the last time I took it out.'' He walked over to the closet and then took out what appeared to be a box with items necessary for maintaining a violin. ''I did keep it properly stored, but…'' Félix reached for a handkerchief and used it to clean the instrument carefully. ''I'll need to change some of the strings.''

''How come you had never told me that you can play a violin?'' Plagg asked.

''That's because I gave up on it a while ago. I used to love playing the violin, but after what happened… I couldn't do it anymore,'' Félix replied, staring at his violin somberly. Plagg gave him a sympathetic look, with Félix narrowing his eyes. ''However, this is an emergency.''

Plagg rose an eyebrow, being quiet for a moment as he wondered what Félix meant, only for it to dawn on him. ''Wait, is this your plan? You're going to serenade Ladybug with music?''

''I admit, I am running out of ideas…'' Félix said dryly, looking down at the violin.

''What about trying to figure out Ladybug's civilian identity?'' Plagg sat on Félix's shoulder. Félix's eyes narrowed.

''That… I consider that my last resort,'' he said in response. He didn't want to say it, but he wished that it wouldn't come to that.


Chat Noir spotted Ladybug at their usual meeting spot on the Eiffel Tower, carrying his violin case carefully as he feared that, with his bad luck, something might happen to his precious instrument. Even though he hadn't played the violin in a long time, his skills were all but rusty. Aside from being able to play many classical and modern pieces from memory, he had also practiced playing by ear, that is refining his ability to pick up music notes and play along almost instantly. Of course, he also made sure to actually practice the piece he was going to play to complete perfection. He was certain that he would succeed in his plan.

It is not as if I'm playing for my uncle and… Chat Noir felt a sudden piercing in his chest, shaking his head to get those thoughts out of his mind. No, I can't think about what happened! You're playing this for Ladybug, no one else!

He took out a small loudspeaker and his smartphone out of his pocket, turning the loudspeaker on and selecting the accompaniment. While he had trouble picking what he would play, as he wasn't completely sure what approach he would take, he decided that he would at first try to impress Ladybug and go from there, settling on one by his favorite violinist, Lindsey Stirling, called Master of Tides. He put the bow in proper position and started the music, grinning and showing his fangs.

Let's get this show on the road!


Ladybug was sitting on the metallic structure of the Eiffel Tower, legs swinging as she observed the city in the nighttime. Despite her intial fear of heights during the very beginning of her adventure, she now felt more confident than ever and was excitedly waiting for Chat Noir to show up so they could start with their nightly patrol.

To her surprise, she heard a sudden whining sound, like a siren, followed by a steady beat. The siren sound continued as Ladybug got up, looking around frantically as she tried to figure out where it was coming from, only for the beat to suddenly drop and Chat Noir to leap right in front of her, playing a violin. Ladybug's jaw dropped as the music picked up with Chat Noir tapping lightly in the rhythm of the instrument, taking steps back and forth as he moved along the beat, as if dancing, but not quite.

Ladybug stared him, completely mesmerized by his masterful playing and elegant yet lively dance, to the point that it took her until half-way of the song to realize that he was playing this for her, if his mischievous cat-like grin and glinting green eyes were any sign of confirmation. He clasped her hands in amazement, her heart-beat picking up as she observed him, enjoying the sound of music and even nodding along with the beat, which switched tempo seamlessly from lively to much slower, almost dreamlike, like a ship on calm waters, only for the tempo to pick up, the ship crashing through waves as it braved the tides. She genuinely wanted to dance to it, to lose herself in the music, but alas, the song eventually came to a sudden end. Nevertheless, Ladybug started clapping, completely delighted by the show.

''Chat, that was amazing! I had no idea you could play the violin!'' she said, absolutely starstruck. Chat Noir smiled, taking a deep bow.

''Thank you. I had figured that I could surprise you with one of my special talents,'' he replied, being a little out of breath. Usually, one would play the violin while standing still, but he decided to put on a show and, given Ladybug's reaction, it was worth it. ''I'm quite happy that you enjoyed my performance, Bug. I played it with you in mind.''

To his joy, his words actually made Ladybug blush, but instead of lightly joking back and trying to downplay the situation or even just put up a clear wall between them, Ladybug smiled back. ''That's really sweet of you.''

Chat Noir's expression showed surprise at first, only to smooth into joy. His tail flicked as he realized that this may have been the breakthrough he needed. If he could keep up the momentum, he would be able to get rid off the curse in no time. He would be finally free from his bad luck, no more tormented by every little thing going wrong in his life. Maybe it could happen tonight, as long as he manages to charm Ladybug into kissing him, be it by using music or words or actions.

Then, Chat Noir would finally be no more.

Chat Noir's green eyes, previously glowing with life and triumph, suddenly turned dull and lost their luster. All the sounds and light around him dimmed, as if being drowned out by the darkness that crept around him and Ladybug, who was still smiling at him, not even aware what was going through Chat Noir's mind. It was just them here, and he could see a huge shadow looming over her, her own future taunting her, one filled with suffering and pain. They were the only beacons of light standing amidst the darkness, but soon, it would only be her standing there, all alone.

Wh- What am I doing?

Chat Noir stepped back, his move being rather sudden. Ladybug stepped forward, reaching for Chat Noir's hands and holding them in an assuring manner, her expression showing concern.

''Chat Noir, what's wrong? You look so pale.''

''I-I…'' Chat Noir had no idea how to vocalize his thoughts. He genuinely wanted to move on with his plan and finally earn Ladybug's kiss. However, it felt like he hit an invisible barrier, with Ladybug standing on the other side, confused and perhaps even scared for him, not understanding the inner struggle he was going through.

To kiss Ladybug, it meant to lie to her. It meant to betray her – the one person who put her trust into him despite their rocky start. She had shown him kidness and support, love and friendship. They were partners and Chat Noir knew that Ladybug trusted him with her life, opening up to him and only to him, when things were the hardest. It was natural that she would turn to him for support, as a fellow superhero, but lately, it felt like their relationship meant much more to Ladybug than being a simple partnership… and Chat Noir was on his way to destroy that.

Not even understanding himself why he did this, Chat Noir suddenly moved, wrapping his hands around Ladybug, his actions startling her. His expression was blank as he pulled her into an embrace, whispering, ''You mean the world to me, Ladybug.''

''Chat…'' Ladybug had no idea how to respond. She could hear a hint of sadness in his voice, completely puzzling her. He was so happy a moment ago, and now, it felt like a switch had been flipped, and she wanted to know why. Chat Noir then let go of her, giving her a faint hint of a smile, but Ladybug could see the sorrow in his eyes. However, before she could even ask him anything, they heard the sound of wings flapping. Both turned their heads towards the sound, only to realize that there was a flock of pigeons gathered and flying across the Seine towards a particular direction. Both rose an eyebrow, exchanging glances.

''Are they flying towards Jardins du Trocadéro?'' Ladybug asked. Chat Noir tilted his head as he observed the flock of pigeons abruptly swerving to the side.

''I think they're actually flying towards the Aquarium,'' he said, completely confused.

''Why would Monsieur Pigeon attack the Aquarium?'' Ladybug asked, still baffled.

''Honestly, I don't know. Maybe he hates fish now?'' Chat Noir shrugged. Ladybug took a deep sigh, reaching for her yo-yo.

''Okay, let's chase him off,'' she said in a tone that clearly indicated that she was completely done with the Pigeon Man. Chat Noir couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction.


''Aaghhrr! You two will pay for this!'' Monsieur Pigeon, dangling upside-down due to being tied up via Ladybug's yo-yo. Ladybug and Chat Noir were standing on top of the Aquarium building, both rolling their eyes. They had to admit that this was probably their easiest fight to date, as while Monsieur Pigeon was terrorizing whoever was close to the Aquarium, they snuck up to him, with Chat Noir blasting the pigeon villain with a Black Storm, knocking him off his pigeons, and Ladybug catching him with her yo-yo.

''I'd say this is a new record for us,'' Chat Noir said, with Ladybug smirking in response.

''Not fair! I haven't even done any gloating!'' Monsieur Pigeon protested.

''Why have you even attacked the Aquarium?'' Ladybug asked, drawing the villain's attention.

''To draw your attention, obviously! Rooo- Roooo!'' Monsieur Pigeon replied.

''Is this another of Papillon's schemes?'' Ladybug asked, noting the look of panic on Monsieur Pigeon's expression.

''I'm not telling!!''

''It totally is,'' both Ladybug and Chat Noir responded in a deadpan tone.


''Hey, how about you tell us what Papillon's plans are?'' Ladybug called out for the pigeon villain, who sneered at her.

''I won't tell you anything! Roooo- Rooooooo!'' he replied.

''Okay, then why are you attacking us?'' Chat Noir asked.

''Because Papillon wants you off the streets so you won't bother while he is-'' Monsieur Pigeon suddenly cut himself off, his bulging eyes widening in horror as he just realized he was about to tell them everything.

Chat Noir smirked mischievously, giving Ladybug a knowing look, ''Too bad he didn't give away everything. But, it was worth a try.'' He glanced over at the villain. ''In any case, we're handing you over to the police.''

''No you won't!'' Monsieur Pigeon made a cooing sound, with Ladybug and Chat Noir being suddenly attacked by a flock of pigeons. Forced to defend herself, Ladybug let go of Monsieur Pigeon, turning her yo-yo into a shield. Once the flock dispersed, they realized that Monsieur Pigeon was also gone.

''Should we go search for him?'' Chat Noir asked.

''We could, but I'm more curious whether there will be another attack,'' Ladybug said.

''I somehow doubt it. When did this guy ever return after being defeated once?'' Chat Noir said.

''You're right, but we still should go on a quick patrol. Afterwards, we could spend some time together,'' Ladybug suggested. Chat Noir was a bit surprised by her suggesting them hanging out so casually. His heart-beat picked up as he realized that this was his chance, but then a chilling feeling pierced his chest.

''I… I can't,'' Chat Noir admitted, his gaze pointed to the side as he avoided eye-contact with Ladybug. ''I think we should split up for the patrol. If you see anything, give me a call.''

To Ladybug's surprise, he turned on his heel and quickly leapt into the night, heading towards the Eiffel Tower. She wondered what was going through his head, as Chat Noir seemed to be a lot less playful lately, even refusing to spend time with her, while before, he'd look forwards to interacting and flirt with her whenever he could.

Did he really lose hope because of my rejection? Ladybug wondered as she leapt towards another building, parkouring across the city. I didn't think things would turn out like this.

She had been thinking a lot about her relationship with Chat Noir. At the very start, she didn't have a high opinion of him, much less when she found out he was lying to her and made her feel like a fool. However, after giving him a chance, she had learned that there was indeed more than he was willing to show. He had a hidden vulnerable and troubled side, and Ladybug could only speculate what kind of life he had. She wished to know him better, having warmed up to him. She was being honest when she described him as sweet, as well as mischievous, sort of like an aloof cat who had a favorite person. I'm Chat's favorite person. Ladybug stopped, feeling a strange sensation piercing her chest, trying to understand it. It was a rather familiar warmth, but this time, she was hesistant to think about it, let alone explore it. Some part of her was aware what it may be, but she didn't want to acknowledge it.


''Plagg, de-transform me!''

Chat Noir had de-transformed, with Félix walking over to his bed, placing his violin case on it and lying down. He sighed, feeling quite downcast. Plagg hovered above him, noting how they had returned home much earlier than usual, but Félix already looked completely exhausted.

''Something I don't understand…'' Plagg started, hovering next to Félix in a cross-legged position. ''Why didn't you stay longer with Ladybug? She had suggested that you two hang out together. You had the perfect opportunity to convince her to kiss you.''

''I… I don't know,'' Félix responded, frowning and then turned his back to Plagg. ''I don't want to talk about it.''

Plagg tilted his head, aware that, while he wasn't the most compassionate entity in existence, he knew that something was clearly wrong with his friend and flew over to hover in front of Félix's face. ''Kid, do you even want to get rid off your curse?''

''Of course I do!'' Félix grumbled, suddenly getting up and frowning at Plagg. The cat kwami grinned mischievously, happy to get a more emotional reaction from Félix, and then promptly sat on the top of his head, still in a cross-legged position while folding his tiny arms across his chest, putting on a thoughtful look.

''I have noticed that you're not putting as much effort into your goal as you did before. That is why I had been wondering whether you had second thoughts about everything,'' Plagg said.

''Plagg, have you forgotten what had happened yesterday?'' Félix asked, looking up at the upper level of the room, where his private library was. A bunch of books had been stacked up on each other on the floor, with a broken shelf leaned against the wall. Plagg felt a chill as he remembered the shelf suddenly breaking and some of the heaviest books falling on top of Félix. Félix then added, as if reading his mind, ''If I hadn't been self-taught to always be alert to my surroundings, I would've ended up in the hospital, either to get stitches, or dead because of blood loss and a broken skull. I'm not giving up on my goal.''

''Then what is going on?'' Plagg asked, now in a more aggressive tone as he flew up to him. The two stared at each other, Félix still being silent as he locked eyes with his kwami. To Plagg's surprise, he then faltered.

''Do you know what exactly will happen when I remove the ring?'' Félix asked, gazing at the cat's head on the ring glinting in the dim light.

''Well, if I remember correctly, both the bad luck will be once more contained within the ring until someone else puts it on,'' Plagg explained.

''What about Ladybug?'' Félix asked.

''Obviously, she would also be able to remove her earrings, if she wishes to do so. If she keeps them, she keep access to all of her powers, aside from her good luck,'' Plagg continued.

''So, she will really lose her good luck power?'' Félix asked, feeling a sudden chill spreading through his chest.

''Exactly! It is a quid pro quo deal – you lose your bad luck, she loses her good luck. Of course, the powers could be restored if you, or someone else, put the ring back on,'' Plagg added.

''I see,'' Félix muttered, then looked at Plagg, who appeared to be a little surprised by his next question. ''What about you?''

''I'll be absorbed back into the ring until I get a new holder. It has always been like that,'' Plagg replied. Aside from the chilling sensation, Félix could also feel a sense of guilt washing over him. It appeared that his emotions were reflected on his expression, because Plagg quickly tried to cheer him up, ''Hey, it's okay! I'm used to this. After all, this has been going on for centuries. The most important thing now is that you don't get killed by your own bad luck.''

''Thank you, but… is there anything you'd want to do while you're still here?'' Félix asked, catching Plagg off guard with his question. Plagg wondered what was going through Félix's head at the moment, but decided to take the opportunity.

''Well, aside from eating every kind of cheese that exists in the world, sleeping all day and having fun, as well as seeing you succeed in your plans… I would also like to hear you play again,'' Plagg said, pointing at the violin case. Félix was a bit surprised by his request, but nodded, grabbing the instrument and getting up.

''Do you have any requests?'' he asked, with Plagg humming.

''I don't know. I'm fine with whatever you want to play,'' Plagg suggested. ''Maybe you could play something for both yourself and myself, something that makes you happy because currently, you look like a cat caught in a storm.''

Félix snorted at Plagg's remark, only for his expression to change, looking more solemn. ''It had been a long time since someone had told me to play something that makes me happy.''

''Félix…'' Plagg could see the sadness and grief in Félix's eyes. His gaze was distant, if only for a moment, with the teenager then looking at the kwami.

''I haven't told you why I even stopped playing, right?'' he asked, with Plagg nodding.

''Hey, if you don't feel comfortable sharing something personal, I'm fine with it,'' Plagg responded. Félix shook his head.

''No, I want to share this with you because I you're my friend and I trust you,'' he said. Plagg felt something in his throat, as if choking on a large piece of cheese, and nodded in agreement. Félix then looked down at his beloved violin, taking a deep breath. He could feel a sense of pain and longing constricting his chest, but regardless of his feelings, he wanted to be honest. ''My mother had gifted this violin to me when I was still a young child. I had a phase where I was listening to nothing but classical music and I wanted to learn to play an instrument, and while Uncle Gabriel pushed for me to learn how to play the piano, I insisted on the violin, so that's what Mother got me.''

''Why would your uncle insist on you learning how to play the piano? Both are instruments, so isn't it the same thing?'' Plagg asked.

''Not really, although you need to practice hard for both things. I think it was more an attempt at trying to control my hobbies. He did later on claim that me practicing sounded more like we had a dying animal in the house,'' Félix added the latter part in a deadpan tone, with Plagg laughing. ''Well, what did he expect? I just started playing.''

''You should've told him that he should be happy you didn't try to learn how to play bagpipes,'' Plagg said, with Félix chuckling as he imagined Gabriel's look of horror had he chosen that instrument.

''I think he'd disown me if I suggested that,'' he said, taking a deep breath and continuing the story, ''Nevertheless, Mother wanted to nurture my interest in music, regardless of how bad I was. She would always smile at me and tell me how much she loved my performances, even though I knew that they were awful.'' Félix smiled as he remembered his mother's gentle smile, encouraging him to play to his heart's content. It was her smile that drove him to practice every day, getting better and better at it. ''I made it my goal to master every musical piece successfully, even taking requests and playing my mother's favorite songs. However…'' Félix lowered his gaze, a shadow falling over his expression. ''Mother eventually was diagnosed with her illness and spent a lot of time in the hospital. I would visit her at every chance I got, and I would bring my violin with her to play for her, because I believed that this would somehow help her.'' Félix trembled, not even noticing how blurry his vision was. ''I was so naive, but I insisted. She was always so pale and weak, but she still managed to smile… and then, she was gone…'' Félix was shaking, a tear falling down his cheek, and he quickly wiped it away with the palm of his hand as he tried to continue talking, despite the agony he felt. ''After… after she died… It became too painful for me to even touch the violin again… I just put it in my closet and tried to forget about it… I couldn't relieve those memories again…''

Plagg suddenly flew up to him, hugging him tightly and nuzzling his cheek. Neither said anything, as Plagg knew just how much Félix was suffering. He was still grieving his mother's death, all alone.

''It was sure a big deal for you to play the violin again,'' Plagg said as he then sat on Félix's shoulder.

''It was… but, it wasn't as emotionally painful as I feared it would be,'' Félix said. ''Seeing Ladybug smile and enjoy the music, it made me happy again. It made me feel just like when I play for my mother. I loved seeing her smile and I loved seeing Ladybug smile… and, I guess that's when I realized that I couldn't go through with it.'' Félix said, a wave of guilt crashing into him. ''When I was performing for Mother, I put all of my feelings into it. However, when I was performing for Ladybug, I was lying to her. It was wrong of me to do that.''

''So, you're not going through with your plan to just serenade Ladybug?'' Plagg asked. Félix shook his head.

''No. If I'm going to play again, it'll be just for you and for myself,'' Félix replied, looking around the room. ''Although, I don't feel like playing here. This place just feels… empty.''

''Hollow even,'' Plagg chimed in.

''Desolate,'' Félix added, now with a smirk.

''Dull,'' Plagg added, his smirk matching Félix's.

''Suffocating,'' Félix and Plagg said in unison. Both chuckled, with Plagg hovering next to Félix, a mischievous look on his expression.

''Well, you know the magic words,'' he said, looking excited. Félix nodded, smiling as he brushed with his fingers across the ring.

''Plagg, transform me!''

After being briefly enveloped in a flash of black light, Chat Noir appeared, storing the violin back into its case and going towards the balcony, opening the door and leaping into the night.

Up Ladybug - Tenebrae_Vesper - Miraculous Ladybug [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.