The Vernon Daily Record from Vernon, Texas (2024)

PAGE TWO I Hi I THE VERNON DAILY RECORD. SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1930 TOWNS PROTEST A Fallen Hero i Cleburne and Grapevine Wire Disapproval of Recommendation Cities Feady for Further Hearing on Location Washington, June (JPt 7 grams from i.xah.'.ch;*. Grapevine protesting: location cr the Texny Neur Hospital at Wa: were 'resented today to the Federal hoard. Mabel Walker piebrand; Assistant United States om reprr-it. t- Awnr C.

Carter and others of Fort Worth, if the matter of location were to opened, her 1 fo p'v- additional evidenc- i nation on matter? o' i at convenience not ivailnblr when rarer hearings wo-' held. The board recommended that loapital be a ted at. Waco and President Hoover the recommendation. but later islied that further he hr protests which had been attention. Appropriation of MANIAC KILLER SENDS REGRETS CRAZED NEW YORKER SAYS HIS MISSION NOW ACCOMPLISHED Daily Markets (B; ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE) COTTON New York, June letter writing maniac who has assumed blame for two recent killing' and who had threatened 13 more, wrote what he said was his last letter today, asserting that hi mission was accomplished and expressing regret that he had the country with blood." The letter, filled with strange symbols composed of combined numeral? and letters and apparently the work of a person totally deranged, the writer a member of a world-wide secret order known as the IVd Diamond of Russia which had connection with the Soviets.

breaking its it continued, is marked for death. The writer added that the which have been mentioned in all his letters, had been returned and therefore mission is ended; there ii- not further cause for i I ni hope you take up horseback an accident appears to hr. The fiere of a statue of General After weathering gales and blbzard? from its pedestal by a June breeze and the round. New York. Kew ork New York.

June -The cotton market barely steady decline of 15 to 24 points in response to Liverpool cables and favorable weather reports. Prices rallied a few posnts right after the call on trade buyincr and covering, hut the latter was i active after the rallies of rhu and Friday and the demand was quite readily supplied; Prices then weakened agaiin owing to early weakness of grain and stocks with July selling off to 13,58, or 26 points net lower, while the new October declined to 12.91, makiing a net loss of 0 i points. Trading was fairly active with the market more or less nervous and unsettled at the end of the first half hour, as some top orders were covered2 on2 the break. Futures closed steady, to 34 points lower. Spot uiet.

Middling 13,70, cline in bar silver at London, the white metal having dropped -16 of a penny. July traded down to 13.25, October to 12.95, and December to 13.15, or 27 to 32 points below yesterday's close. At the end of the first hour the market was quiet but near the lows. High Low Close ,13.27 13.10 13.15 ..13.40 13.39 13.39 ..13.05 13.52 13.52 an. Mar, May 1 Oct.

Dec. .13.45 13.10 13.21 13.12 13,26 12.90 13.00 $59,000 May Go to Vernon Group Jo Bumper Wheat Enforcement Work Attend Legion Crop Harvested eeiim Sunday in Foard County Washington. June (A dent Law Enforce nt Corn Hussion would be given a $80,000 appropriation with a specific it a tion of its investigation to the subject of prohibition under an d- ment written into the Hou.c Deficiency Bill today by a sub-commit tee of the Senate Ajftpropriat Committee. VERNON SCOUT TROOP HOLDS OVERNIGHT CAMP Troop No. 1 of the Verno Seouts under the aupervisi Scoutmaster Yolus an encampment last night City Park.

Arvil Alexander, assistant ar.d Anthony, senior patrol leader, fcd Mr. Norsworthy in direciii activities of the 24 boys wh. part in the encampment. in ton qua tior Dis full bus T1 bre.i Jo hi of ted pro tv Legion members Wichita Falls lay to attend the on the oriraniza- ent-h Congressional this A entertainment and apnoum-ed for the members of the attend. gram with a Holt Hotel.

Read manager of the U. au of Dallas, and department Crowell, June approximately 45,000 bushels of 1930 wheat in grain elevators of this city and Foard County grain men estimate that crop is about, one-fourth over. The 1930 crop already equalled the 1929 crop, it is said. A. W.

Barker of the Foard Cty community has averaged around twenj bushels to the acre on 200 daring the harvest. C. Joy has averaged about 19 bushels to the acre on 100 Roy Steele of southeast of Crowell averaged 16 bushels to the acre 'with a harvest of 3,31.) bushels on 209 acres. T. ates has also reported an excellent crop FREDERICKSBURG PLANS ail ait orium.

the auditor- NEW RAIL CONNECTIONS MAN DROWNS SON AND THEN KILLS HIMSELF if Gr ill Worn n. district charste of Jacksonville, Louis a retired Srowned 16-year-old ion. Francis, in a bath and then committed suicide teg himself, Weiss had suffered fit i ferses lately, members of Said, and despondency over dition of his son preyed on dei ub the left Record want arts get I Han Fredericksburg, Texas, June 21. to auditor- A through railroad, such as the A pr-'po' od Gulf and West Texas Rail- i way. connecting Fredericksburg di- Irectiy with seaport and the -ting to handle of Texas, was the major re lude, I ject before the local Chamber of How- today, after the annual Georce i meeting.

Storey and I Mrs. J. is morning i with her si spend the left Tbursdi Mrs. 1 travel i by there Pr Cor'ey of Long Beach, has been visiting here Mrs. J.

O. Rouse, for her home. She rom Dallas to At the Theaters Holy Family hurch 11 Sunday after Pen tee-' -st. Mass at 9 o'clock. Benediction and Sundry Schoo after Mass.

First Baptist Church. K. F. LYON. Pas J.

H. Garrett, Educational Director into his gates with thanks- giving, and into his courts with This church open to seek- I ing souls who feel the need of God. I You will be refreshed in worship. I Meet with us; Sunday and us wait upon the Lord in reverence and ador- ation. 10:00 a.

tn. Teaching service begins, Classes for all, regard less of ajro. Trained teachers who 11 try to I help you. A fellowship that will do- light you. If not enlisted elsewhere we solicit you to enroll with us.

11:00 a. m. Public worship. The; past will bring an earnest message designed to help you in your sou! needs. If lonely or sad.

if a -tranger i or not. you will be refreshed in our worship together. 7:00 p. m. Young People's meet Twelve unions with a large com- pany of enthusiastic boys and rendering religious programs.

Visit with them Sunday. 8:15 p. m. Fvening worshi sermon by the pastor. Music for the Day Morning: Violin.

Duet, PapinO Miss Catherine Pierce and Miss Helen Lyon, Fvening: Congregational Singing -Id hymns. Ladies Quartet. Solo, Mrs. Carr Hudgens, of San Angelo, To all the worship here during the day, church and pastor extend to you and your friends a most cordial con thou with us and we I will do thee ----------------------------( hristian Science. 830 Wilbarger Street Service Sunday 11 the universe including evolved by at I Golden Text: Psalms 101: 21:31.

Lord how manifold are thy wisdom hast thou mado them ail: the earth full of thy riches The 1 glory of the Lord shall endure for ever; the Lord shall rejoice in his Su-ndavi School, 9:30 a. tn. ednesday evening meeting at 5 i HighLow Close P.C. Jan. old 13.55 13.38 13.5013.76 Jan, new 13,06 13.17-18 13.46 Mar.

13.46 OC CJ 13.69 .13.61 13. 13.52 13.82 July 13.76 i3.r»i 13.60 13.94 Oct. old .13.40 13.16 13.54 Oct. new.13.0? 12.85 12.97-98 13.25 Dec. old 13,56 4 1 .13.25 13.04 13.14-1713.42 GRAIN New Orleans.

New Orleans, June 21. cotton market opened easy owing bo lower than due Liverpool cables. First trades showed losses of 12 to 17 Prices then continued to ease off due. it vas raid, to a furth th Ten Serious Condition After Inhaling Fumes Vtlanta, June 21. persons, inciti' ing newspapermen, firemen and attache who inhaled fumes from burning "X-ray films at Grady Hospital were under observation of phy- sjciaa, today while authorities super- the return of 250 negro pati- removed during POULTRY Chicago.

Chicago, June 21. easy; 19; springs 30; broilers 22; roosters 14; turkeys IS; spring ducks 16-19; spring geese 20. LIVESTOCK vise ent: fire wa those suffer W. Fr At laut tu old dead tal in Dr. overco James was with pa tien dt ri ex ,1, Clark expressed the opin- i'.

on a type of film posed to the fire and that vho inhaled its fumes would serious consequences, but nk Luckirsh, manager of the 'tice said he thought some capable of giving off a was stored in the hospi- -uop'oodly fireproof cabinets, 'rank L-avteri of Chicago was te by smoke and last night a negtv orderly, who by hospital authorities in the removal of 20 coHaps d. His condition was serious. li.aies, punctuated by ex- e.mfined to a -dngie ed for X-ray work, Fort Worth I Fort Worth, June S. D. 350; no rail hogs of- jfered; truck hogs steady to weak; top bulk 170-240 lbs.

8.90-9.00; packing sows 7.75-8.00. Cattle: 150, including 25 calves; Today's trade nominal; for week: Slaughter steers around 75 lower; slaughter yearlings barely steady; butoher cows and lowr cutters steady to 25 lower; heavy slaughter calves i around 50 lower; desirable Iijrbt weight vealers fully steady; week's tops: Heavy fed steers fat yearlings 11.00; fat cows 7.25; heavy slaughter calves 9.00; choice lightweight vealers 11.25. Sheep: 25: trade nominal; for week: Fat iambs and yearlings higher; other classes scarce; bulk medium to good fat lambs 7.00-8.*0; few fat yearlings 5.00-7,00; feeder 1.15. LOCAL BRIEFS AND th HOW THE HOUSE CHANGED HANDS tvrdial invitation extended th. die to attend these rv ferian hurch.

1 L. MOO D. Pastor. West Wilbarger Street at Houston, blocks from Square, Sunday school at 15 a. m.

Classes all. A sincere study of the Ri'-'e. join in it. Worship at. 11 a.

m. and p. Subject for morning worship: the Ho Spirit, For the ruing worship: the of Life Dr. Moore wp I at h. th hours.

Junior church at 11 a. tn. in the room of the church. Women's meet mgs on Mondar -aft noon, Midweek services Wednesday at o'clock. We are planning a Daily Va- HIGHWAY revenue plenty id in July.

Gymnasium eli Thursdays, hornpson. We most eor pee-aliy See Miss i ovile tests and tourists to The church is comfort' rviees but one hour st Me BUYER and seller have found the Real Estate Sect ion of our Want Ads of Inestimable value. Many a deal, involving thousands of dollars, has been the result of a Classified ad which cost a matter ot but a few eents. If you want to buy a home or oil a home there is no better medium. iunday 1 revenues of th win not only the tha Fat tie.

provide 1 ir nu, money hotel I the funds with state highw-fiy ad the here today. He Raid hi 7 upen an June 21. Present Hnrhway Department build and maintain all can be cconomically one year, but from ately may come suf- to return to the eoun- they have expended on i Lieut. Gov. Barry I hp for Governor, USE VERNON DAILY RECORD ADS entral hurch.

JAMFS M. PFRRY. Pusu.r. Bible School at 10 a. m.

J. C. ''Upt. Morning worship at n. horust King 1 nmanueP' He: i by the choir.

Sermon Re? urrect-on by the pasto C. at. 5 0 p. m. Senior I 7 15 Evening serv-ce at I lock.

Special music ard a specif c-sage on the of Du this day when tn i eh ing and at Vcond Coming of Christ, it 1 and enjoyable t- hear that deals with the scrip tires in a pla way you can readily on important ub- ect. Invite your friends, et us have Day like ti two, great things are happening, end you may not know about it un- i "icv- you come to church. Invite you friends out. the i I die i the of 100 feet. He William Alderman has returned an hour after home from an extended visit to Marshall.

Palestine and other East 1 Texas points. FIRST BALE OF THIS YEAR'S COTTON SHIPPED Sunday for a two visit with her sister, Mrs. F. J. Herlachcr, in Shawnee, Okla.

St. Lutheran Church. Fast Wilbarger Street BIRNBAFM. Pc-tor New first bale to Exchange Harlingen, wa. fi- balo it jour.g and Morning serv at 10:15, sermon by the pastor (German1.

Fvening services at 8:15, sermon 1 PHONE 171 U. the pastor. Subject: Ye Not The ommunion sen.ces at 9: o'clock 1 Bible class Wednesday evening at I 1 rie; June 21. cotton Mr. and Mrs.

E. Pigg returned Orleans Cotton from Dallas where they ac- i ca today from companied their children, Kelly, 1 -rpus Keith. Kat-haryn and Corinne. who rte0 than the jeft this week on a trip to Europe. Mr.

and Mrs. J. F. Parke' and children, Lucy Mae and Wilson, and Mrs. C.

D. Smyser of Fellows, Calif- arrived here Friday for a visit with i So, 7, Odell Mr. and Mrs. A. C.

Floyd and family. ipport that Mrs. K. R. Moore and children.

Billy Gene and Robert, and Mrs. T. M. visited in Seymour Thursday as guests of Mr. and Mrs.

O'Steen. Nutice To Voters precinct No. Financial do not permit to "ae the race for lier of Pr elate the ha given to date, Yours truly. R. STEPHENSON.

Vse Vernon Kee rd WOMAN FOUND DYiNG IN STREET, HUSBAND HELD Eldorado, June 21. her skull crushed and neck dislocated, Mrs. Nora Arnold, 30, wife of a farmer of Grannis, o- found lying in a residential street bore to- i day. She died on the way to a hospj. 1 i Her husband, Frank Arnold, arrested when he appeared at the scene after a crowd had gathered, i officers expressed belief the woman either jumped or was throAn froai an automobile.

Record want ads get rjuiclc results. P.C. 13.4*1 13.6« 13.86 13.57 13.27 13.05 13.13-15 13.42 Liverpool. Liverpool. June 21.

spot quiet; prices lower; American i strict good middling 8.66; good mid- jdling 8.31; strict middling 8.01; middling 7.76; strict low middling 7.51: low middling 6.96; strict ordinary 6.26; good ordinary 5.S6. Sales 2,000 bales, includin 1,000 American. Receipts 1,000, American nil. Futures closed barely steady: July OcVher 7.03; December 7.05; January 7.08; March 7.16; May 7.22; July 7.26. Chicago, Chicago, June 21.

(fp grains fell down to fresh low price records today under a bu-den of stop loss selling. More rainfalls beneficial to wheat crops in Canada had a bearish effect, together with weakn-ess of New York Stock Exchange values and of Liverpool quotations rf wheat. Opening 1-4 to 1 3-8c off, Chicago wheat prices afterward underwent some further setbacks. Corn, oats and provisions were likewise weak, with corn starting 1-4 to 1 3-8c down, and subsequently dropping still more. LEGALIZED RACE TRACK i Miss Rebecca row left Friday for BETTING HIT BY LOVE a week's visit in Mineral Wells.

Frank Moore was released from a LFi.ALF/FO RACE TRACK NOll here, yesterday. PI I June 21 -------O------the 1 ex a want legalized I VV. Anderson and son, Whitney, a. tt i betting brought back to are visiting in Colorado Springs, the S- 'te ey had better wake Colo. Srnat Thomas Love of Dallas, ennd iP" i i.overnor, said in an C.

M. Meek of KinV'ville Is ad i -'ia pared for del very here visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E.

tod I M. Leutwyler, liur Pie regular session of the I. lture bill was pp W. Hoeldtke returned home pidu ed the Hon so to legalise day after being dismissed from a race rn- bling he hospital. said.

-eon as 1 heard of this; -O -----measure 1 sed the Senate and: Carr Hudgens of San Angelo oPta i'Uherii'ation of 21 Sena- ani! daughter, Patrica Ann, are visii- tor i i rp ounce the opposition her father. Rev. E. Lyon. nn ned fict in the news-1 papcis MI--.

John in Mineral Wells receiving treatment at a hos- M1LLER SAYS PRESENT I in Frank Dickey of Little Rock. Ark. visiting here a guest fef Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. Still. Mrs. Walter B. Sisk and daughter, Beverly, of Wichita Falls, are visiting in Vernon with Mrs, Frazier Bell.

Frarier Beil of Vernon underwent an operation at. the Wichita Falls Clinic Hospital this morning. C. M. Ladd, who has been ill in a Vernon hospital for about a month, i as released today.

noutd be built ute cash basis," de- I iion to state bonds I of EIcctra ur" derwent an operation at a ernor, I hospital last night. Y0UTHFU! AVIATOR KILLED 0. Vt, WHEN PLANE NOSE DIVES for ment for a bone injury. iPe. Miss Eva Bagley is expected to re- 1 DavU, Bend aviator, turn home soon after a two was jure tip last night when I visit in Emporia.

Ivan, to nose dive 1 A Tribute To Wisdom Is the fact that 85 rl of all Savings Accounts in this country today are der omen names. I hose women understand the importance of having a reserve fund of ready cash. lhoy understand. too, the one sure way to accumulate ueh a fund. They simply spend a little less than they receive and save the difference regularly.

If you have no Savings Account, you can build one up through.the same logical method. In fact, why not come in and your first, deposit today? The First; Slate Bank and Plus the Willingness to i on records are important in progressive age. Quantities, amounts, costs, prices, dates, totals, are "vital or the sake of safety and efti- ciency, these record's should be aecurn ciy numbered. In any business, NUMBERED manifold printing will meet the record requirements most satisfactorily. Ask Vs About OFFICE.

CAFE CHECKS AND Manifolding Bocks RtMlTTANCt fi 0 0 Vo4 tssssete VERNON DAILY RECORD Phone 171.

The Vernon Daily Record from Vernon, Texas (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.