View-specific anchors coupled tensorial bipartite graph learning for incomplete multi-view clustering (2024)


Authors: Xuemei Han, Fei Zhou, Zhenwen Ren, Xueyuan Wang, and Xiaojian You

Published: 25 June 2024 Publication History

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    The incomplete multi-view clustering (IMVC) aims to explore the consensus and complementary information embedded in incomplete multi-view data, so as to accurately aggregate all samples into different clusters. Existing IMVC methods still have the following issues that need to be further solved: how to efficiently (1) alleviate the computational complexity; (2) capture the complementary information from views; (3) uncover the high-order correlations underlying incomplete multi-view data. To address these problems, a new method, called view-specific anchors coupled tensorial bipartite graph learning for incomplete multi-view clustering (VA-TBGIMC), is proposed in this paper. Specifically, view-specific anchors are learned from non-missing samples to represent the distribution of all samples including missing ones. With the help of high-quality anchors, the bipartite graph between all samples and anchors is constructed, which can preserve the complementary information. Meanwhile, these bipartite graphs are stacked into a tensor which is imposed with a low-rank constraint to adequately capture the inter-view and inter-sample correlations from incomplete multi-view data. Further, the augmented graph of bipartite graph is constrained by Laplacian rank to learn a consensus cluster indicator. A large number of experiments validate the superiority and efficiency of the proposed method in terms of clustering performance and time consumption.


    A novel method is proposed to handle large-scale incomplete multi-view clustering.

    View-specific anchors are learned to represent the original incomplete view data.

    Bipartite graph between all samples and anchors is constructed for each view.

    Bipartite graphs are stacked into a tensor to capture the high-order correlations.

    Augmented graph is constrained to learn a consensus cluster indicator.



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    View-specific anchors coupled tensorial bipartite graph learning for incomplete multi-view clustering (6)

    Information Sciences: an International Journal Volume 664, Issue C

    Apr 2024

    476 pages


    Issue’s Table of Contents

    Elsevier Inc.


    Elsevier Science Inc.

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 25 June 2024

    Author Tags

    1. Incomplete multi-view clustering
    2. Bipartite graph learning
    3. High-order correlations
    4. Low-rank tensor constraint


    • Research-article


    View-specific anchors coupled tensorial bipartite graph learning for incomplete multi-view clustering (7)

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    View-specific anchors coupled tensorial bipartite graph learning for incomplete multi-view clustering (2024)
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