The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

1MIKT IIUnON DAILY TOlES. SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 12 PORT HURON rT-fc Keep Xhom Where Services Will be Held on Sunday Sunday Schools, Christian Endeavors, Etc. The people appreciate the enormous values we are offering in our great the Je-rt sourbt to kill Jesus John -lit). bad perverted the Lord's feasts ami and by their traditions -st up those of their own. according to their own making the word of God of roue-effect (Math, xv, 3.

0, 9i. '-'Although Jesus had tJJ them more than once who He-was and whence He was, ret they insist upon saying. As fur this fellow we know not from whence He is tverse and also This uiaa is not of" God, because He keepeth not the Sabbath Jay. lo. IK' clay upon -mine" eyes, and I-washed and do see." This is the man's answer to the when they asked how he had received Ids s-ight.

He is a good witness; he always tells the same story. He-is alo a bold witness verses 30-33) and 4s privilege. to be reviled for it verse 2. He is very strong, upon one great point, "One thing I know, that whereas I as blind, tw I see' i verse 2Ti. He had received his natural sisht.

and he knew it, and no one could make him doubt that. lie soon after received his spy-it ual sight "and acknowledged Jesus as the Sou of God. Id, 17 "He is a prophet." As the Pharisees' disputed alsut Christ nud were divided fti their opinions, they asked the man who had lieen blind what he had to say of Iliin, and this was his answer. Their condition was far worse than that of the blind beggar, for his blindness was physical, and he knew he was blind and was willing to be healed Mhey were blind spiritually and did not know it, but actually thought they saw (verses 40, 41), and therefore needed no healing. It is a great thing to know our true condition and be sensible of our ral need, but a terrible thing to be like these ignorant of God's righteousness, going about to establish their own righteousness and unwilling to receive or scluuit to Christ as th righteousness of God (Rom.

r. 3, 4). j. i i i i FUN AHEAD. SUIT SALE and consequently the best of them will be sold before long.

Some of the best ones are gone now but we had a good many and it takes a whole lot of selling to break up an assortment like this was. Now is your time to save money on a Suit. Get in before all the sizes are broken. 1-4 OFF ON ALL STRAW HATS. HIQER'S STOR MEN'S OUTFITTERS, 2I0-S1S-2I4 HURON AVENUE.

IG BATHING SUITS boforo buying. iaaaxaVBjraaaavasa avavavjs I press Goods gal MONDAY MORNING, July 16, 1900. We will place on sale our entire stock of wool dress poods At One (Quarter oil our regular low rices. This aale for one week only. PORT HURON.

MlClj. It will pay you. aaavavaai a a a OR. W. O.

RANDALL. Dentist. All klndA of Crown nd at reamuable rates, ralutivut (Mfy tijiera ll.nwe LI.s Tort Hirrrni, Mich. Hell teleiiUoue 418. CITY ELECTRIC RAILWAY Train time table tniliiff effw-t Kliowlna: ears that connect vtllh partlnir train.



TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed iH 1" received at Tiie Ili fiMitro'iKY ti( tlli 'i'i'H t. in. loyal ilniH. on Siitiirtliiy.

Aus. for jn)wl jiltir.nioti Militiirv trri'i ex lutf aud adjacent iliutr. All t.i.l to tli an. I -I "Kid for aff-nMoii to li'l-larv sfn-et suing I rhlire." ami I' (HiipanltHl lv a check in Hi "'mi nt that If fiii he it-rtic bidder will nr sice niter Int'i rs.nfn"t for Mix completion of tin- Work it-1 will nlu furnish a Imiu'I to the eMiiifioa council the proper M-rforiiiaiie -Ihe work in wllii pinna mi H- itii iltiolix on hi nice III ll.Y r. in- nt? itr nrnt4 the r'itlil rcj-et snv and nil I 1 It.

I n'KK I K. Siiilnreiiilent of Ijil'il'- Work. Port llurou. Aug. 14, PROI1ATF.

ORDER Stateof Michigan, County of -St. lUur. tm-. Ala MMflitn of tbe Probate Court for said County of Si. Chdr, held at the Iroiate OfTice in the Cit or l'ort Huron, on the 131 It day of A uyu-l in the year one tbousnnd nine hundred.

Present, Honorable frank T. Woicott, Judtfe of Probate. In the matter of the estate of Mary M. Jones, deceased. O'Brk-n J.

Alklnion bavin? filed bin petition In ibis roi.rt praying that certain Instrument now litre on fli ma In) allowed ami admitted lo Probate lis ami for the Inst will and teidammt of snld ilwnil find that I lie liduiiiUal ration ol naitl estate be granted to I'Brl-u J. Atkinson the executor therein samrd, It is ordered that Monday the 10th day of Sk plenilver. 1900. at 10 o'clock la the forenoon, at Irobaie Uiace, be appointed for bear-luif thereof; And It further ordered, that a copy of this order be published three Kuecetwire weeks revious to bakl day of bearing, in the Port iuron Unity Tlm, a newspaper printed and eireuiating In sa'd count of St flnir. (A true copy.) t'KANK T.

Judife of Probate. 8 sat 41 PROHATK ORDER-Stateof Michigan, County of St. Clair, as. At a BesNion of the Probate Court for said county of St. Clalr, held at the Probate ORtee, In the city of Port Huron, on the Jnil day of Ausust, in the yearone thousand nine hundred.

Iresert, Hon. Fraulr T. Wolcott, Judfc-e of Probate. Ia the matter ot the estate of Boyd and BuHarl Black, minor. Kliili-y KlowellliiK buTlnR filed bis annual act-ount a gUBrllan of snld minors.

lh bt ordered, that Tuenday, the 41 day of September, at lt o'clock in thn forenoon at aid Irobate appointed for hearing thereof. And it is fur. here rdered That a copy of this order be published three weeks previous to said day of hear-In, in the l'ort Huron linlly Times, a news- Saper printed and circulating in said county of t. Clair. FKANK T.

WOLCtril', A true copy 1 Judge of Probate. 8 11 Bat PROBATE ORDER State of Michigan, County of St. Clalr, as. At a seion of the lrobate Court for said county of St. Clalr, held at the Probate Office, la the City of Port Huron, on the 6th day of Auuuiit, in the year one thousand ulue hundred.

Present. Honorable Frank T.Wolcott, Judge It the matter of the estate of llannnh J. Kxahnell. deceased. J.

llt-rrlck llasliiifll liavln UUvl his petition in this court praying that certnln instrument now here on file may be allowed ntid Hdnilt ted to probate as and for tho laxt will and textsninitol mid deceased and that the ndml llstrstion of kaldestnte be ((ranted to J. Merrick Budinoll, executor therein uatned. It is ordered that Tuesday, the 4th day of September, laud, at ten o'clock in the fort noon, at said Probate appointed for hearing thereof and it is furt her ordered That a copy of this order be puollshcd three miccewure eeks prerloua to said day of hearing, in the l'ort Huron leily newspaper printed and In said county of St. Clair. (A true copy) FRANK T.

WOTjCOTT, Judje of lTobate. 8 II sat tt PSOBATR OUDfair State ot Michigan, county of SU Clalr. an. At a session of the IVobate Court for aald county of SL t'lair. h-'ld at the lrolate Office tn the city of lVrt Huron, on the tkh day of A in the year one thousand nine hundred.

Preseat, lion. Frank T. Wolcott, Judge Of Probate. Ia the matter of the estate of August f-ial itot, deeeaMHl. A.

J. ('bristle bavin flUl his petition tn tUH court pmylnu I lint a certain turi rumen now hen on file inay tie allowed aud admit t-d to probate is and for the last will and testament of km id riecenM-d and that tbe adtu'itlstratlon of said estate Im granted to A. J. Christie and Arthur Belhye executors beret named. It la ordered, that Tuesday, the 4ih day of Heptember, 1400, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at said Probate Office, be appointed forbearing thereof.

And Is further ordered that a copy of this order be published three suecewdve weeks Srevtoua to said day of hearing, in the Port luroa Daily Titnea, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county of St. Clir. FRANK T. WOI-OOTT. A true copy Judge ot Probate 8 11 sat 4tk PROHATR ORDER- State of Michigan, County of St.

Clalr. sa. Atixwtoii of the Probate Court for said County of St. Clair, held at the Probate Ofttee, lit the City of l'ort Huron, on the 6t li day ot August, la the year one thousand nine hundred. Present, Honorable Frank T.

Wolcott, Judge Of Probate. In tbe matter of the estate of Simeon TlbMtti, deceased. Htmeon L.Tibbitti having filed his petition In this court prating it to adjudicate and determine who were at the time ot his death, the lawful heirs of legal represeatatlTes of sid deceased, and their respective rights in and to the real estate where-f said deceased died iteized, and also to determine who are now entitled to the same and the share or portion of each. It is ordered, that Tuesday, the 4th day of September. 1900.

at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at said Probate Offlce, be appointed tor hear-Ing thereof; And It is further ordered, that a copy of this Otder be published three successive weeks rrevkius to said day of beann in the Port luroa Ijlly limes, a newspaper printed and cireuiatmg la said county of St. Clair. A tme eopy) FRANK T. WOICOTT. Jude of I'robate.

8 11 sat 4t PROUATK ORDER State of Michigan. County of St. Clair, sat At a aesaioa of the Probate Court for said County of St. Clair, held at the Probate Offlce ia the City of Port Huron, oa the loth da of July, tn tbe year one thousand cine Present, Hon. Frank T.

Wolcott, Judge of Probate. In tbe matter of the estate of Elizabeth ub n. deceased. Gustav W. Kubn havlnir fild his petition In this court praying that a eertaia Instrument now here on file may he allowed and admitted to probate as and for the last will arad testament of ald deceased, and that the aiimlrylMrat of -iti estate Iff granted to tiuntav W.

executor therein named. tt la ordered, that the 13th day of August. Dl lsM.t ten clock in the forenoon, at.aid Probate Omoe, be appointed for hearing And it la further ordered, that a copy of this Order be published three successive weeks er Tic us to aid day of hearing. In the Port liaroo. Pally Times, a newspaper printed and circulating In said County of St.

Clir. i fkank t. wouxrrr. (Atrueoopy Judge of Probate I 7 Sat. tt a i ay i 7 CHURCHES.

HHiH 1 I ti meetings are t-xioct-d tonight and' tomorrow. The Sunday s-rvi-es at the Ross Meiiioriiil i-liiii-i-li promise to very inteivsting. The pastor will preach at llio iDuftiiiii si-rvitf from John iiiid will. sing a solo. Suinluy school and bible class meet at niw.n.

and the Y. P. S. C. K.

in-ts at p. m. A temperance nn-eting will le h-ld in the evening. In-ginning tit 7:30 to lie (-otnlni-li'il by iiieiitlwl'S of the Y. P.

S. of tiie l'irst Congregational church. The following is the program: Hymn. Script ure readingsMiss Whipple, Mr. Baker.

-Miss Triiesdale, A. Thompson. Miss Eva MclHmald, Mr. Prayer Mr, Fish. Solo Ik Mclionald.

Leader's talk Mr. McFadzan. Sul-jeet. "Tiie sirrows for which drink is responsible." Hymn. Evils sprung from drink reported in this week's newspajiers.

(Items by different endeavorers.) Hymn. Temie ranee epiofations, with comments by various memlHTS. Hymn or solo. Address" Recent Temperance Pro- Xatlonal hymn. Sentence prayers for the success of the reform.

I lymu. Brief consecration service for renewal of efforts against the great evil. Grace AVallace. prayer and hymn, to be followed by the Mizpah benediction. THE SUNDAY -SCHOOL LESSON VIII, THIRD QUARTER, INTERNATIONAL SERIES, AUG.

19. Text of the Lesson. John lr, 1-1T. Memory- Verses, 4-7 Golden Text, John ix, 23 Commentary Prepared by tbe lie v. D.

SI. Stearns. ICopyriht, 1900, by American Press Association. 1. "And as Jesus passed by Ho saw a man which was blind from his birth." Many blind people had their eyes opened by Him during His public ministry.

It would be interest insr nnd profitable to collect the incidents and seek to gather the lesson from yet each has its own setting apart from which the special lesson ot the ease cannot be fully learned. All the incidents of healing in, His ministry speak of the kingdom where the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dumb sing and the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick (Isa. xixv, xxxiii, 24). 2, 3. It Is a common thought with many, even to this day, that any and every atliietion must be the result of some sin; but oar Lord says not so; rather.

He snys that the blind, deaf, dumb and sick give opportunity to make manifest the works of God. Allowing that there would have been no sickness and no suffering had there been no sin, and that sin is the work of the. devil and that Jo-' sus came to destroy the works of the devil (I John iii, Acts 38), every work of the devil gives the Lord the opportunity to destroy it. In due time He will destroy all enemies, even death itself, as well as him who has the power of it (I Cor. xv, 26; Hab.

ii. 14). 4, 5. It was a stronger comfort to the Lord Jesus that the Father sent Him (John viL 10, IS, 28, 20, 33; viii, 1G, 18, 2G, 20, 42, He came as the light ot the world to work the-works of God. Now that He has returned to the Father and sent the Holy Spirit with a special commission, all Ills -redeemed are in the world as the light of the world that God may now work His works through them (Mather, 14, 10; Thil.

il. 13). His own words to the Father in prayer "As Thou hast sent Me into the world, even 'so have I also sent them into the world," and after His resurrection He said to His disciples, As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you" (John xvii, 18; xx, 21). Ct, 7. There are blind people everywhere, blinded by the pod of this world (II Cor.

Iv. 3, 4). Tho Lord Jesus is still opening blind eyes, and He often uses clay to do it. We are the clay, He is the potter, and we are in His hand as the clay in the hand of the potter (Isa. lxiv, Jer.

xviii, G). We are His workmanship (Eph. ii. 10) eTen as that piece of clay was, and He will apply us to some blind eyes to open them if we are as passive in His hands as that piece of flay; but we must be content to be used and washed off into Siloara that He may be glorified. He rejoices to be sent of God, as we have been, and the clay was washed 'off in Siloam, which means "sent," and is suggestive of Himself.

8-11. The contrast between the poor blind beggar ami the man walking about with his eyes open was so great that those who formerly knew him did not recognize him, and some could hardly believe him to be the same person. His own testimony was clear and convincing. "I am the man who was blind, and a man called Jesos put clay on my eyes and sent me to wash it off in Siloam, and I went and washed, and I received sight." If there was as marked a contrast between the new life and the old ia every child of God, how God would be glorified! And certainly God desires it to be according to II Cor. Iv, 11; 13, 17, and He would make it so if we were only willing.

12. "Then said they unto him. Where is He? He said, I know not." He had never seen Him and knew not whither He went after He had put the clay upon his eyes and sent him to Siloam. When Jesus found him, after the Pharisees had cast him out, and said unto him. Dost thou believe on the Son of God? he did not know who was speaking to him, but said.

Who is he. Lord, that I might believe on him? Then for the first time he saw, and knew that he saw, his Lord, his healer, and he believed on Him and worshiped Him (verse 30-3S). 13. "They brought to the Pharisees him that aforetime was blind." The Pharisees still live and have ranch to say; they are very religious, but it Is all outward to be seen of men (Math, xxiii. 5).

yet they are often rulers and loaders In religious matters. When any one has special blessings from the Lord has learned to know Him intimately for their own or others' good, the Pharisees are apt to have something to say. 14. "And it as the Sabbath day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes. The impotent man at the pool Bethesda was also healed on the Sabbath day.

and for thus breaking Uuur. Sabbath HIIH11HIIIIII1III LOCATION. CONOR F.C. ATH IN.M-Firt, corner of Wail and Serf-nth struts, H-v. II.

N. la-jiiili,; rliinu 715 Court str-t. li-v. U. U.

WiiiiaHii. i.7u.i'iaie imsior, resiJ'uio V.VJ Wail atrw-t. Cmi M.iiw.rlsl. corner of Fourteenth and i'rati' is str- lM. Ilex.

1. V. 1.. ri-, iiastor; rvsitk-nc, 412 t'it- ti-entli stn-tt. Tw-nty-lifth Street, corner of Division and Twenty-fifth atreeta.

ISer. W. H. Sur- tmsior; liivUion sir--i. Gruiiot cil-r iiion huuday School and Christian Kndeavor.

Sturgfut Mt-iiiorlal Sunday School and t'bris- tmn Kudfavor, on the Wooieu Trairk. ROMAN CATHOLIC St. Jowih's. ruruer SeTenlh and Chestnut ttr-t-t. iter.

Jos. Sfiaaib, oaslor; resMeuce, 1413 Seventh BtreeU SL Steplun'a. corner of Broad and Erie street. Rev. J.

P. Mc.Mauus, pastor; residence 417 Erie street. GERMAN St. John' Evangelical, corner of Seventh and line streets. Rev.

llaag, pastor; resldeuee Seventh street. Lutheran. Eighth tret. Iter. F.

W. pastor; resideuee tZM Eighth trtH-t. Evangullcal Lutheran Trinity, corner of Criswolrf and Tenth streets. Rev. tleo.

W. pastor, residence Tenth strwt. METHoniST EPISCOPAL First, Sit Lajieer avenue. Rev. A.

B. Leonard panLor; residence am Lapeer avenue. Gratiot l'ark, comer of tAnrch and Cherry stn-i'ts. Itt'V. J.

A. Lowry, pastor; reskieTUf, AriiKtur am't. Washington aveuue, corner of Poplar street and Washington avenue. Rev. W.

K. Marvtu, pnstor; residence 1214 Richardson street. corner of Bancroft and Twenty-third streets. Rev. II.

N. Aldrtch. resldencw j-orner of Bancroft aud Twenty-Becomi atreeta. Martin Mission, Butler street, Joseih Jenk-in, siiperlnteinlent of Sauday school. CtDipaa llayues street.

BAPTIST First, corner of Butler and Ontario streets. Rer. R. N. VanUoreo, pastor; renldeaoe 310 Ontario street.

Nancy Ifoward Mission, corner of Bancroft and Eleventh streets. Calvary, comer of Harker street and Tenth avenue. K. Kldreilge, pajttor; resilience. 2UVi Tenth street.

South l'ort Huron. In Port Hurim township, near the tunnel. Rev. C. I.

Eldredge, pastor; residence, 2058 Tenth street. EPISCOPAL Grace, comer of Cottrt and Sixth streets. Rer. John Mumlay, rector; residence 1113 Sixth street. St.

Paul's, tirattot avenue. Rer. R. S. Chttpiu, rector; residence, 2523 Forest street.

Ora-e Mission, 1720 Stone street. T. A. tioulileu, suprlnteudiit of Sunday school. i PRESBYTERIAN First, corner of Eighth and Wall streets.

Rer. T. W. Moutieth, pastor; residence 131 Fort street. Westminster, corner of Church nnd Stone streets, Rer.

O. H. Goodwlllle, paator; resiiliMice, 2201 Willow street. United Iresbyterlan, Broad street, corner of Michigan and Broad streets, Rer. E.

F. Kininietshue, pastor; residence 212 Broad street. Tenth street chapel. Tenth street. gospel mission Corner of Eleventh and Ward streets.

Rer. A. II. KautTinan, pastor; i residence Eleventh Btreet. SUNDAY SERVICES.

MORNING. 10 30. EVENING, T0. No Services be hekl In tbe First Congregational church on Sunday. Tier.

Harvey will nreach at the Stursis ileniorlal church ou Sun-day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Xo services will be held In Westminster Presbyterian church on Sun day. Sunday school as usual. Regular preaching service will be held at the Howard chapel at 4 p. za.

on Sunday. Sunday school at it p. in. Mrs. Harry Lyniburner will lead the Epworth league service in the First M.

E. church on Sunday evening. The topic will be "The Woes ot the Drunkard." Freaching services will be held at the South Baptist church at 10UJ0 ft. ni. on Sunday.

Subject. "The rich provisions of God's grace." Sunday school at 10:00. Young People's service at 7:30 p. m. Services will be held at the Calvary Baptist church ou Sunday at 10:30 a.

Sunday school at 3 Young People's Society at 0 p. ni, preaching service at 7:30 p. subject, "The Water of At the United Presbyterian church the regular services will be observed1 on Sunday, the pastor preaching morning and evening. Morning subject, "The Infallible Balances." Sunday school. Jnnior and Y.

P. C. TJ. at the regular hours. At the First M.

E. church on Sunday there will be preaching both morning and evening by the pastor, Bev. A. B. Anthems by the choir: "llefore the Cross." and "Christ's Invitation." A gospel solo by Judge Wagner, "Can a boy forget his mother's prayers," will be given in the morning, and in the evening Mrs.

Kelb will sing, '-The Aspiring Soul." The services at Grace church on Sunday will lie as follows: Holy communion at 8 a. Sunday school workers please take notice; service ami sermon at 10:30: Sunday school at 12:10. There will be no evening service, the rector officiating at St. Paul's church. Fort Gratiot, at Miss Estclle Harrington, of Chicago, will sing Mascagni's "Prayer," as offertory solo at morning service.

Subject of sermon, "The law 'was our schoolmaster to lead us to Christ." At the First Baptist church on Sunday regular sefvices will be held with sermons by the pastor. Rev. R. N. Van Poren.

Subject for 10:30 a. "Our Better Selves." At 7:30 p. nu "The Sphere of the Conscience." Special music for the day by male quartette. In the morning Master Arthur Martjn will sing. In the evening C.

K. Martin, will sing a gospel song for offertory. John Hodgson will conduct the young people's service at u'W. Strangers and visitors are especially invited to all services. The Tabernacle meetings held in Vincent's grove, west of Gardendale, will close on Sunday night as the tent is needed for tie? Mennonite camp meeting in this city which begins on Wednesday night.

Aug. 22. The services for Sunday will be at 10 a. 2 and 7:30 p. m.

This meeting' has been a grand success, over 20 persons having been either converted, reclaimed or sanctified, the community well stirred and much good Is ex pected in the future as a result. Good LAKE ERIE NAVIGATION CO. LTD. The short route to CLEVELAND, Okie, via Read Esu. Throuith fare from l'ort Huron, single 2.0rt.

return 13.00. lluturn tickets good for one moii th. ljiike I'ri'iA Detroit River llr trwln leaves at 7 in. KaKtem 1 tints coiinectlnK witn iKHits I'vin; Ivoiul on Mondtivs. Weilsrt'sUuj- and Prtdnys ut 4 p.

tin, arrives iu leveiaiia in p. in. For tickets and oilier Information apply to A. S. MACKAT, Military Street.

T. MARSHALL, WM. WOOLLATT, Ut-ii. Pass. Aiit.

Alanuuer, O.NT. Take the BEATTY LINE For SAULT STE MARIE, PORT ARTHUR, FORT WILLIAM, DULUTH. and all points west and northwest. Leaving on Tuesdays and Fridays according to ssllinf dates. Secure your tickets and reserve your berths at city office.

ANGUS G. MACKAY, Agent, 933 Military St. JNO. D. BEATTY, G.

Sarnia. Ont TDKHSI. BTsTlOII. i i Uarf i. 8rIPA0 TIMS.

Ht. Offloa. A'l. T. I west D.

4 23 a tn a fA 9 i7 X. 6 bd A A lt tt IX 00 IB SS 4t II 41 x. mi a si U. is! 7 05 7 4 a. T.

It. (east. 0 14 45 A S3 J.J OH j) )n IT 7 A a A 4' 4T X. 10 4S A to 3 yt 4 It. 14 in 2 OC 17 IS is IX 1 4ft IS I Jy I 31 X.

4 in 4 4 17 4 Ietroit Division. n. am 4 S4 4 40 4 7 a a 7 is t. Itrftpni "i 11 49 12 in it iff x. 4 00 a 41 43 x.

7 40 in 7 0 7 IT 7 PKKF. MAUii'TK tVUMO 5 1 4.s I 1 s. 47 tn Jn a 3l XA.TaV'"i00' 6 3. pin North bosa. Band Deaeb tfvtsioa Una- 4t From Ttoasa HI wold t.iflBira 10 10 X.

4 111 3 3 l7 i'. Fjiccitt buuday 1. Dally. Aldermen Will Have an Interesting Tin. on Monday.

A nteeting of the common council will lie held on Moinlay evening next, at which time the allowing of refreshment privileges' In the" park will come up fur consideration. The council is Is tut evenly divided on the projsifiUiou and a lively time may le exinited. AUXILIARY B. OF L. E.

Mrs. Mardock, Grand President, Visits the I'ort Huron Lodge. Mns. Mnnlock." grand president of G. I.

A. to the li. of I K. met with Division No. Friday afternoon.

She was eiiterialneil informally, ice cream and cake Wing served at the Imlge room Mrs. MtudiM is making her annual tour of the eouutry visiting divisions of tiie society and has just the lvr-der after an extended trip in Canada. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Alliert Kaiser to Joseph Kaiser, land in Clay: consideration, $.10. Rosaline; IL ScrlplmJiu to Royal W.

Winn, land in Columbus; consideration, Take Something along which will not disturb your head, alieniate your friends, or deplete your pocket book. Our list of Wines and Liquors contains the names of many excellent goods which will prove just the; thing for fishing, tramping, or picnic trips. Good for health and hospitality. Worth more than these prices would Indicate. BEN J.

KARRER, 810 Huron Fort Huron. Mich. HA IS ALWAYS CURED BY S.P.CO'5 ALKALINE SOLUTION OF SULPHUR WITH IRON AND QUININE PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cltanaes and brsatifxs thm Juix. Promote a lrcTuri.nt I rusSu MTfr Trnil to etcre Onj to its youthful Color. Cun csip a hatr taA zd 1 1 St Oraffiutt CUT CCSILIH i CO.

AKSOUSCEMENT. Having purchased the undertaking business ofY. J. Mulford, w-e shall confine the tame, at his old stand. Having had a railed and extended experience we consider ourselves fully competent to conduct all branches of the business In an up-to-dite manner.

We keep at nil times a weU selected stock of caskets, robes, linings, at reasonable prices. I am a prsctieal emhainier and give ail calls my personal attention promptly, day or night. Office rever closed, t37 Military St Port Huron, Mich. Bell 'phone, office 407, residence 70S. Telegraph of telephone at our expense.

GUY CONKLIN Marjagcr. BOYSTCH, TEOSFSOH BAXES. CEMENT WALKS BUILT under tbe personal supervision of Jas. Baker, who has bad years of experience. No city work to Inter- fere with the quiek carrying out of contract.

Give us i ealU Satisfaction guaranteed. 11ELL TELEPHONE 83. IIS, -o- our lino of 1 Farthest North The Steamer J. C. FORD leaves Port Huron weekly for SAULT STE MARIE NIPIGON.

For accommodations aud partlculitrtt jtt-Urs Nipigon Transit "Telephone 33. Port Huron, Mich LACKAWANNA GREEN BAY LINE. GREEN BAY a Intermediate points. Kound trip 8 days, meals nud cfe Si lerth im-Uuied Every Friday at 9 p. in.

BUFFALO turn $13.00 Kvery Hat urday at 2 p. nt. via, Lackawanna Green Bay Lin Steamers. J. TUOMHON, 1K Agent.


local time Sundays li.m. 14 p.m. lecal time Ship your freight via the Star Line. Free delivery. Down by boat and tmrk by rail every day, fl.50 round trip.

Single trip, 75c Hound trip, back same day, IL Unlimited $1,25. Sunday excurslou, round trip, MJo. Through UckeU to Cleveiaad aud the South. If you have any freight to ship notify us aud we will eall for it. UNION DOCK 4 STORAGE THE STEAMER Mary! (STASDAftD TIME.) Arrives from Algonac.

Marine City and i St. Clair At 9:00 Aw m. Leaves for Algonao and way ports at 2:30 p. m. S.


'Phone K. Tunnel StAttoo Ticket tunn, 8SI-SK Hally. Excpt Bnaday, Rtanda-rd Time. Leave Pt. Huron Arrive jPU Huron i 8 a.

ni as p. 3 2S p. tn 20 p.m IS a. tn 5 i 7 ra 13 23 p. 4 00 p. .1 4 30 Kiprns. a 5) Chicago L-1 12 3 50 p. mBtU Creek. Local. 8 (W p.m'...Ctil-so 3U p.

'12 30 a. X. Favlls, BufTiMO, vewl York Limited X. Falls. Buffalo, Sewi York Kxprs X.

Kalls.London Ixical N. Falls. BuiTalo, Netri York Erre I IjOtidon Local II 43 a. tn 30 p. nt 8 SO a.

di 4 3 5J p. Dl 3 fTin r. os tlO 4a 1 45 4 3A a. a. in p.

p. a. iu p. Stratford, Toronto, i i and Montr's! I This company has tbe lowest rate to all points Kast sod West selUng thronch tickets over si! connectinjr lines la the country; ocean steamship tickets to sad from Eorope connection. Call or write for partieaiars, ticket, time tables, maps.

etc. C. B. CI.AKKE. Passes-Ker and Ticket Afeat, Port Horoa.

Mich. Pere Marquette SAGINAW DISTRICT. Bund Down. In Kffect a so It 40 13 10 A ns a ns 1 35 4 SO 5 06 0 35 ml 0 35 m. Lv.

Ar. Huron Bay Urn mi i to 10 44 pm ic 11 rs a (Court bams cur I.V ml Jit Pleawnnt. fieed Clly Wsmiowoe lly Steamer TIME TABLE. Bead 1 p. May 13th, 1MJ0, 10 10 A 7 jo a 6 a rOp 13 UO 1 'll i 10 00 at lUpa ISS 7 e'a il nip 1 00 SB ts pm 13 40 pat III ID.

Win f5 A Bi a bi Ham os BJi uo au (Court bl). in I', a n. 7 21am 1 ml A a in 6 -1 in) i in 37 tn S3 in 9 Austin Iv 7 0S 8 IS 6 30 A tnj 6 i Ar. Ar Ar. Ar Ar, 3 3d ft 0 D-p IS 9 57 a 111 12 10 10 00 no 10 IS A rc 4 10 7 05 7 43 7 50 ru Ar 1 Ja pui lipro 1 bo 10 A Ol 6 25 8 46 Lv Port Huron Ar Aim 45 in Aux (Court bt).

Ar 7ini SO 4 0 I li Trala leaving Court street dept at tJ a. m. runs to and Arrives at Jas to woe by ear ferry "Pere Marquette" at WO p. tn. Trtiln leaving Court wtre'l dfio at p.

in. runs solid to LuliiiKl'n, anlvlni at Miisraubee lv p-re Marquette otcantri at A-3 a. tn. Lowest rates arid quickest time to Sarinaw, lty City, rami Paiid. t-tilcage, Ludingloa.

Ht. Paul. rj llit and all eoaAt pointa. Any Inlorisatloo iclv-a vrltft pleaaurc A. KTKW4T.

PUioer Asreak Hii 'Mon No. 4. Jrgs. H. F.

A. Summer Time Table--Seasbn f900. BETWEEN PORT HURON AND.STAG ISLAND. BTASDA KU TI MK Thirty Sfiaate Slower Ihu Port Hare (City flail) Tlsa. Ix-ve tate Arrive l-ne Arrive at Arrnat Port Huron Karnla Hlatf ls'and Hta; Ilnnd hnrula PortlluroB 5 45 a.

m. 25 in. a. m. 7 5u a.

m-0W 9 9 50 IO10 11 00 a.m. Vi 1 O) p. m. 1 10 p. m.

2 0 p. m. 3 10 p. m. 3 24 p.

4 00 4 10 4M dW 6 43 6 55 7 00 710 750 900 9MI 10 bO Sundaya. 120O 12 10 12 4'J 12 5i flo 2 00 2 10 2 40 2 f-0 3 40 3 400 4 10 4 40 IM 5 40 6 00 10 i 6 40 SCO 5C 1 Tuesdays and Fridays Last boat leaves the Boat leaving Port Huron at 4 p. m. lies at Is Bound Trip fare, week days, 20 Sund.t. pjpper.

I 4ltS 1 i fn I I.

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.