Greg Locke timeline: From independent Baptist pastor to right-wing firebrand (2025)

Liam Adams,Andy Humbles|Nashville Tennessean

Global Vision Bible Church Pastor Greg Locke has long been ashowman andwilling to be unconventional.

But the Mt. Juliet pastor is also calculated, even before hisexplosion onsocial media and dive into political issues.

Locke acknowledges "some very boldness, some very forthrightness in things that I do and it's on purpose," the pastor said.

His critics point to his dangerous rhetoric and unfounded positions and some even see him as a heretic.

Special report: The evolution of Greg Locke: How a controversial Tennessee pastor wants to save America from its demons

A look at some of Locke's evolution.

2006: Greg Locke starts Global Vision Baptist Church in Mt. Juliet

2010:Started a yearly weekend retreat in January named the Homeless Experience with other men from Global Vision who liveon the streets as if they experiencehomelessness in Nashville for a weekend using only money given to them.

2011: Locke and his church formally splitwith the independent fundamental Baptists. Church name changes to Global Vision Bible Church.

2012: Locke spends four days and three nights in a scissors lift 30 feet in the air to solicit donations for people experiencing homelessness in downtown Nashville.

2014: Locke embarks on a3,020-mile cross-country bicycling tripto California and back to raise money for church expansion. Locke had done other bicycle trips and extended walks for other causes.

2015: Locke demonstratesin front of a local middle school to condemn a school district curriculumon Islam, posting a video of himself on Facebook.

2016: Locke criticizes Target for the retailer'sgender-neutral bathroom policy with avideo on Facebook that goes viral. “Have you lost your ever-loving mind?” Locke asks Target, generating reactions on both sides.

2016: Locke calls former Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam a “major disappointment” for vetoing a bill that would have made the Bible the official state book.

2017: Locke travels to Washington, D.C. to return thousands of letters from Planned Parenthood after a video he made speaking out against the organization. His actionsspawned donations to the group in his name.

2019: Locke protests Carafem, an abortion clinic that opened in Mt. Juliet. "God didn't give me a huge social media platform so I can sit around and be quiet," he said.

2020: Locke draws attention forcontinuing to hold in-person services at the beginning and throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Locke became very critical of churches that closed. Many times Locke has denounced COVID-19 as a pandemic.

2020: Locke, on the advisory committee for Evangelicals for Trump, receives an invitation to White House for former U.S. President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech for the GOP presidential nomination.

2020: Political operative Roger Stone and Republican activist Charlie Kirk visit Global Vision on separate Sundays before the presidential election. Global Vision was vandalized with spray paintjust before Stone's first visit.

2020: Viral Facebook video about a confrontation with a Dunkin’ Donuts manager who requested the pastor wear a face mask the next time he came in. Locke sharply criticized the employee and still stands by his beliefs in the video, but did another post and acknowledged “maybe I came across as a jerk for Jesus.”

January 2021: Locke attends rallies in Washington D.C. protesting the certification of votes for President Joe Biden; Locke makes it as far as the steps of the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection.Locke would later denouncethe mob for Donald Trump that stormed the capitol.

July 2021: During a Sunday service at Global Vision, Locke warns people who are wearing masks: “I will ask you to leave. I am not playing these Democrat games up in this church.” Locke would say later said he was speaking to a specific group trying to be disruptive.

September 2021: Twitter bans Locke for spreading misinformation about COVID-19. Also says "Hillary Clinton is a high priestess in the Satanic church."

December 2021: Global Vision gave away $66,000 in a "reverse offering" held at a service just before Christmas with $500 checks offered toanyone who came forward.Global Vision also has a team that helps those experiencing homelessness.

January 2022:Locke says during a sermon that some children who have medical conditions “may be demonized and attacked, but your doctor calls it autism.” Locke faced considerable backlash. The pastor maintains comments were taken out of context and that his point wasthat not all diagnosis have a medical answer.

February2022: Locke and Global Vision holdan event where items occult-related items and books were burned. Locke has held burnings before. Locke also encouraged“anything tied to the Masonic Lodge,” to be part of the burning.

Locke referred to the Masonic Lodge as a "satanic cult no matter what your Master Mason, fish frying grandfather told you,” in a Facebook post to promotethe burning.The Masonic Network asked that the Facebook post be removed and stated: “This kind of rhetoric is unacceptable coming from a Christian leader, considering that a large number of Freemasons are fervent Christians.”Locke responded that he "struck a nerve," and wouldn't back down.

February2022: Controversy over Locke’s comment in sermon that there are six witches within Global Vision’s membership, threatening to expose them.

April 2022:Global Vision holds panel discussion that includes Locke, Stone and others interviewed on their feelings about COVID-19 following a review of a docu-series by Ty andCharleneBollinger named "Propaganda Exposed."

Reach Andy Humbles at or615-726-5939 and on Twitter @AndyHumbles. Liam Adams covers religion for The Tennessean. Reach him at or on Twitter @liamsadams.

Greg Locke timeline: From independent Baptist pastor to right-wing firebrand (2025)


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Gregory Duane Locke (born May 18, 1976) is an American non-denominational evangelical Protestant preacher and pastor.

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Published author and prolific speaker, Pastor Greg Locke is the leader of Global Vision Bible Church. He believes in radical giving and lives with a net worth of under $150,000, pouring the Church's resources into the community.

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Global Vision Bible Church now meets in a large white tent at 2060 Old Lebanon Dirt Road. The tent was put up in May 2020 as church attendance grew. Global Vision sits just outside the Mt. Juliet city limits.

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In a service on Sunday, Pastor Greg Locke said the church will be moving 15 miles away to a building in Lebanon. He said the move comes after years of neighbor complaints, six lawsuits and people wanting to buy their property.

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John Calvin was a Christian theologian, scholar, pastor, and Bible commentator who was active during the early years of the Protestant reformation. He is one of the most influential voices in Protestant thought, second only perhaps to Martin Luther.

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The Reformed churches are a group of Protestant denominations connected by a common Calvinist system of doctrine.

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Kenneth Max Copeland (born December 6, 1936) is an American televangelist associated with the charismatic movement. He is the founder of Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. (EMIC), which is based in Tarrant County, Texas.

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Pastor Greg Locke graduated from Ambassador Baptist College in 1998 and then attended Theology School of New England.

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Hillsong Church, commonly known as Hillsong, is a charismatic Christian megachurch and a Christian association of churches based in Australia. The original church was established in Baulkham Hills, New South Wales, as Hills Christian Life Centre by Brian Houston and his wife, Bobbie Houston, in 1983.

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Megachurches are extraordinarily or abnormally large congregations, mainly belonging to the conservative evangelical or Pentecostal/charismatic streams of Christianity. Historically associated with North America, there are now megachurches in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

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They reflect the basic tenets of historical, evangelical Christianity. About God – There is one God the Creator, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14).

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Problems plagued the church during the 1970s. Garner Ted Armstrong left the church after being accused of sexual immorality. Church ministers advocated an easing of strict dietary rules and fiercely debated the question of marriage after divorce.

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The Global Methodist Church (GM Church, or GMC) is a Methodist denomination within Protestant Christianity subscribing to views that were propounded by the conservative Confessing Movement.

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World Vision's staff comes from a range of Christian denominations. Its staff includes followers of Protestantism, Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Around the world its staff includes followers of different religions or none.

Was John Locke a Calvinist? ›

Some scholars have seen Locke's political convictions as being based from his religious beliefs. Locke's religious trajectory began in Calvinist trinitarianism, but by the time of the Reflections (1695) Locke was advocating not just Socinian views on tolerance but also Socinian Christology.

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Doctrine. The church adheres to Calvinist doctrines. It also self-describes as fundamentalist which it sees as an appropriate term to describe its stance of being anti-liberal.

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As a Calvinist church, the Presbyterian Church in the USA shared a common theological heritage with other Presbyterian and Reformed churches. The Bible was considered the only infallible source of doctrine and practice.

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Over the following several decades, the REC made the transition to more Reformed theology in the Calvinistic sense. It was not until the 1970s that the Presiding Bishop, Leonard Riches, pushed for the revitalization of Anglican theology and identity in the REC.

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